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Tryparedoxin peroxidase (TXNPx) of Trypanosomatidae is the terminal peroxidase of a complex redox cascade that detoxifies hydroperoxides by NADPH (Nogoceke et al., Biol. Chem. 378, 827-836, 1997). A gene putatively coding for a peroxiredoxin-type TXNPx was identified in L. donovani and expressed in Escherichia coli to yield an N-terminally His-tagged protein (LdH6TXNPx). LdH6TXNPx proved to be an active peroxidase with tryparedoxin (TXN) 1 and 2 of Crithidia fasciculata as cosubstrates. LdH6TXNPx efficiently reduces H2O2, is moderately active with t-butyl and cumene hydroperoxide, but only marginally with linoleic acid hydroperoxide and phosphatidyl choline hydroperoxide. The enzyme displays ping-pong kinetics with a kcat of 11.2 s−1 and limiting Km values for t-butyl hydroperoxide and CfTXN1 of 50 and 3.6 μM, respectively. Site-directed mutagenesis confirmed that C52 and C173, as in related peroxiredoxins, are involved in catalysis. Exchanges of R128 against D and T49 against S and V, supported by molecular modelling, further disclose that the SH group of C52 builds the center of a novel catalytic triad. By hydrogen bonding with the OH of T49 and by the positive charge of R128 the solvent-exposed thiol of C52 becomes deprotonated to react with ROOH. Molecular models of oxidized TXNPx show C52 disulfide-bridged with C173′ that can be attacked by C41 of TXN2. By homology, the deduced mechanism may apply to most peroxiredoxins and complements current views of peroxiredoxin catalysis.  相似文献   

Due to the apparent lack of sexual recombination in Leishmania spp., gene replacement strategies in this diploid organism necessitate the subsequent targeting of two gene alleles by using two constructs, bearing different antibiotic resistance markers. This approach is time consuming and often gives rise to spontaneous amplification of the targeted gene, nullifying efforts to create functional null mutants. Here, we show that by using two homologous recombination constructs in a co-transfection of Leishmania donovani promastigotes, we can obtain double-allele gene replacement mutants. This approach reduces the time required for the generation of functional null mutants and the number of in vitro passage cycles, potentially limiting culture-associated artefacts.  相似文献   

Leishmania donovani, causative organism for visceral leishmaniasis, is responsible for considerable mortality and morbidity worldwide. Generation of drug-resistant variants continue to challenge the chemotherapy, the mainstay to fight the disease. The aim of current study was proteomic profiling of wild type (Ld-Wt) and arsenite-resistant (Ld-As20) L. donovani. Significant differences in protein profiles were observed between Ld-As20 and its parent Ld-Wt strain. Proteomic analysis of 158 spots from Ld-Wt and 144 spots from, Ld-As20 identified 77 and 74 protein entries, respectively, through MALDI-TOF/TOF based mass spectrometry and database search. A shift in the isoelectric point of few proteins was observed both in Ld-Wt and Ld-As20, which raises the possibility of continuous arsenite stress, resulting in the differences in the protein profiles of drug-resistant strain from its parent wild type strain. The comparative proteomic data holds the key for elucidation of the multifactorial and complex drug resistance mechanism, like arsenite resistance, in the parasite.  相似文献   

Pentavalent antimonial compounds have been the first line therapy for leishmaniasis; unfortunately the rate of treatment failure of anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) is increasing due to emerging of drug resistance. Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms operating in antimony resistance is critical for development of new strategies for treatment. Here, we used a cDNA-AFLP approach to identify gene(s) which are differentially expressed in resistant and sensitive Leishmania tropica field isolates. We identified five genes, aquaglyceroporin (AQP1) acts in drug uptake, ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter (MRPA) involved in sequestration of drug, phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) implicated in glycolysis metabolism, mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) and protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) responsible for phosphorylation pathway. The results were confirmed using real time RT-PCR which revealed an upregulation of MRPA, PTP and PGK genes and downregulation of AQP1 and MAPK genes in resistant isolate. To our knowledge, this is the first report of identification of PTP and PGK genes potentially implicated in resistance to antimonials. Our findings support the idea that distinct biomolecules might be involved in antimony resistance in L. tropica field isolates.  相似文献   

Two novel intracellular proteases having identical molecular mass (58 kDa) were purified from virulent Indian strain of Leishmania donovani by a combination of aprotinin-agarose affinity chromatography, ion exchange chromatography and finally continuous elution electrophoresis. Both of these proteases migrate in SDS-PAGE as a single homogeneous bands suggesting monomeric nature of these proteases. The enzyme activity of one of the proteases was inhibited by serine protease inhibitor aprotinin and another one was inhibited by metalloprotease inhibitor 1, 10 phenanthroline. The purified enzymes were thus of serine protease (SP-Ld) and metalloprotease (MP-Ld) type. The optimal pH for protease activity is 8.0 and 7.5 for SP-Ld and MP-Ld respectively. The temperature optimum for SP-Ld is 28 °C and for MP-Ld is 37 °C showing their thermostability upto 60 °C. Broad substrate (both natural and synthetic) specificity and the effect of Ca2+ upon these enzymes suggested novelty of these proteases. Kinetic data indicate that SP-Ld is of trypsin like as BAPNA appears to be the best substrate and MP-Ld seems to be collagenase type as it degrades azocoll with maximum efficiency. Both immunofluorescence and immune-gold electron microscopy studies revealed that the SP-Ld is localized in the flagellar pocket as well as at the surface of the parasite, whereas MP-Ld is located extensively near the flagellar pocket region. This work also suggests that the uses of anti SP-Ld and anti MP-Ld antibodies are quite significant in interfering with the process of parasite invasion and multiplication respectively. Thus the major role of SP-Ld could be predicted in invasion process as it down regulates the phagocytic activity of macrophages, and MP-Ld appears to play important roles in parasitic development.  相似文献   

Primary screens for antileishmanial compounds use Leishmania species pathogenic to humans that must be handled under biosafety conditions that cannot be adopted or guaranteed everywhere. Leishmania tarentolae, a parasite isolated from the gecko Tarentolae annularis, has not been considered pathogenic to humans. Promastigotes of L. tarentolae have been previously used as a eukaryotic expression system for the production of recombinant proteins and in the amplification of genes involved in resistance to antileishmanial drugs. To validate the use of this Leishmania species in the screening of antileishmanial drugs, the sensitivity of axenic and intracellular amastigotes of L. tarentolae was compared to the sensitivity showed by Leishmania species causative of human leishmaniasis. The ability of L. tarentolae to grow as axenic amastigotes is first described while its ability to infect several mammalian cells has been confirmed. L. tarentolae amastigotes offer a suitable model for the in vitro screening of compounds for antileishmanial activity.  相似文献   

Leishmania infantum cytosolic tryparedoxin (LiTXN1) can be regarded as a potential candidate for drug targeting. This redox active molecule, which belongs to the thioredoxin superfamily, is one constituent of the hydroperoxide elimination cascade in L. infantum and may also be involved in other cellular processes such as DNA synthesis or host-parasite interaction. In order to validate LiTXN1 as a drug target we have employed a gene replacement strategy. We observed that substitution of both chromosomal LiTXN1 alleles was only possible upon parasite complementation with an episomal copy of the gene. Furthermore, contrary to control parasites carrying the empty vector, both the insect and the mammalian stages of L. infantum retained the episomal copy of LiTXN1 in the absence of drug pressure. These results confirm the essentiality of LiTXN1 throughout the life cycle of the parasite, namely in the disease-causing amastigote stage. In addition, the data obtained showed that disruption of one allele of this gene leads only to a 25% reduction in the expression of LiTXN1. Even though this does not affect promastigote growth and susceptibility to hydrogen peroxide, ex vivo infection assays suggest that wild-type levels of LiTXN1 are required for optimal L. infantum virulence.  相似文献   

Phlebotomine sand flies are the only proven biological vectors of Leishmania parasites. However, Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks have long been suspected to transmit Leishmania infantum in studies carried out in laboratory and natural conditions. In the present study, 5 μl of L. infantum promastigotes (1 × 106 cells per ml) was injected into the hemocel through the coxa I of four engorged females (F1, F2, F3 and F4). Control ticks (F5 and F6) were injected with sterile phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) using the same procedure. Then, these females, their eggs, and the originated larvae were tested by real time polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR) for the presence of L. infantum kinetoplast DNA (kDNA). Females and eggs were tested after the end of the oviposition period (about 5 weeks post-inoculation) whereas larvae were tested about 4 months after the inoculation of females. All artificially infected females were positive for L. infantum kDNA. In addition, two pools of eggs (one from F2 and other from F4) and four pools of larvae (one from each F1 and F4 and two from F2) were positive for L. infantum kDNA. These results showed, for the first time, the transovarial passage of L. infantum kDNA in R. sanguineus ticks, thus suggesting that the transovarial transmission of L. infantum protozoa in ticks is worth to be investigated.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been growing interest in analyzing the geographical variations between populations of different Phlebotomus spp. by comparing the sequences of various genes. However, little is known about the genetic structure of Phlebotomus ariasi. In this study, we were able to sequence a fragment of the mitochondrial Cyt b gene in 133 sandflies morphologically identified as P. ariasi and proceeding from a wide geographical range covering 35 locations in 11 different regions from five countries. The intra-specific diversity of P. ariasi is high, with 45 haplotypes differing from each other by one to 26 bases and they are distributed in two mitochondrial lineages, one limited geographically to Algeria and the other widely dispersed across Mediterranean countries. The Algerian lineage is characterized by having 13 fixed polymorphisms and is made up of one sole haplotype. The European/Moroccan P. ariasi lineage is characterized by being made up of a great diversity of haplotypes (44) which display some geographical structuring. This could be one of the multiple factors involved in the epidemiological heterogeneity of the foci of leishmaniasis. Phlebotomus chadlii is the sister group of European/Moroccan P. ariasi. The separation of the Algerian haplotype, H45, from the rest of the specimens, European/Moroccan P. ariasi and P. chadlii, is well supported by the bootstrap analysis.  相似文献   

In Ethiopia, visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is an increasing public health concern. Recently, a new outbreak of VL claimed the lives of hundreds of Ethiopians. Mapping its distribution and the identification of the causative Leishmania species is important for proper use of resources and for control planning. The choice of appropriate typing technique is the key for determining the infecting species. Here we compared three deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) based markers. We used, for the first time, cpbE and cpbF (cpbE/F) PCR-RFLP and demonstrated that it clearly differentiates Leishmania donovani from Leishmania infantum. The cpbE/F PCR-RFLP gave identical banding pattern for all L. donovani strains irrespective of their geographic origin. With the K26 (primers) PCR-RFLP, the L. donovani strains gave a banding pattern different from L. infantum and showed variation with geographic origin. The Ethiopian isolates typed as L. donovani by the PCR-RFLP of the cpbE/F (gene) and K26 (primers) showed two types of patterns with the T2/B4 (primers) PCR-RFLP; one group with L. infantum-like and the other L. donovani-like pattern. Phylogenetic analysis using cpbE/F sequences showed variation with geographic origin of strains and the African strains of L. donovani are more distantly related to L. infantum. Moreover, the Ethiopian isolates were seen to be closely related to the Sudanese, Kenyan and Indian strains. Thus, we recommend the use of more than one marker to study the population genetics of L. donovani complex.  相似文献   

Glycosyl 1,4-dihydropyridine analogue (2,6-dimethyl-4-(3-O-benzyl-1,2-O-isopropylidene-β-l-threo pentofuranos-4-yl)-1-phenyl-1,4-dihydro-pyridine-3,5-dicarboxylic acid diethyl ester) synthesized in our laboratory, inhibited Leishmania donovani infection in vitro and in hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) when administered orally. This analogue is nontoxic, cell-permeable and orally effective. This glycosyl dihydropyridine analogue functioned through arrest of cells in sub-G0/G1-phase, triggering mitochondrial membrane depolarization-mediated programmed cell death of the intracellular amastigotes.  相似文献   

Discrimination of Leishmaniainfantum and L. donovani, the members of the L. (L.) donovani complex, is important for diagnosis and epidemiological studies of visceral leishmaniasis (VL). We have developed two molecular tools including a restriction fragment length polymorphisms of amplified DNA (PCR-RFLP) and a PCR that are capable to discriminate L. donovani from L. infantum. Typing of the complex was performed by a simple PCR of cysteineproteaseB (cpb) gene followed by digestion with DraIII. The enzyme cuts the 741-bp amplicon of L. donovani into 400 and 341 bp fragments whereas the 702 bp of L. infantum remains intact. The designed PCR species-specific primer pair is specific for L. donovani and is capable of amplifying a 317 bp of 3’ end of cpb gene of L. donovani whereas it does not generate an amplicon for L. infantum. The species-specific primers and the restriction enzyme were designed based on a 39 bp insertion/deletion (indel) in the middle of the cpb gene. Both assays could differentiate correctly the two species and are reliable and high-throughput alternatives for molecular diagnosis and epidemiological studies of VL in various foci.  相似文献   

The therapeutic mainstay against the protozoan parasite Leishmania is still based on the antiquated pentavalent antimonials, but resistance is increasing in several parts of the world. Resistance is now partly understood in laboratory promastigote isolates, but the mechanism leading to drug resistance in amastigote isolates is lagging behind. Here we describe a comparative proteomic analysis of a genetically related pair of antimonial-sensitive and -resistant Leishmania infantum axenic amastigote strains. The proteomics screen has highlighted a number of proteins differentially expressed in the resistant parasite. The expression of the protein argininosuccinate synthetase (ARGG) was increased in the drug resistant mutant while a decrease in the expression of the kinetoplastid membrane protein (KMP-11) correlated with the drug resistance phenotype. This proteomic screen highlighted several novel proteins that are putatively involved in resistance to antimonials.  相似文献   

To differentiate strains of Leishmania donovani, allelic markers at the DNA level were developed by sequence-confirmed amplified region analysis (SCAR). Homologous fragments from different strains of L. donovani were amplified by PCR using random primers and subsequently screened for single-strand conformation polymorphisms. Direct sequencing revealed 55 sequence polymorphisms in eight co-dominant DNA markers; 38 of them were single point mutations. Heterozygosity was evident for 69% and fixed heterozygosity for 25% of all polymorphisms. At most polymorphic sites one of the segregation genotypes was missing. Nineteen unique multilocus genotypes were identified among 29 strains of L. donovani. One genotype was represented by eight Sudanese strains; also two strains from Sudan as well as two strains from Kenya, respectively, shared identical genotypes. All other strains had individual multilocus genotypes. Calculation of genetic distances showed a correlation between multilocus genotypes and the geographical origin of these strains. African strains were found in one well-supported cluster with Kenyan and Sudanese strains clearly separated. SCAR markers seem to represent a random sample of neutral genetic variation present in natural populations. They are co-dominant because they can detect all possible allele combinations in a diploid organism and may, therefore, be very useful for population genetic analysis in Leishmania.  相似文献   

World health organization has called for academic research and development of new chemotherapeutic strategies to overcome the emerging resistance and side effects exhibited by the drugs currently used against leishmaniasis. Diospyrin, a bis-naphthoquinone isolated from Diospyros montana Roxb., and its semi-synthetic derivatives, were reported for inhibitory activity against protozoan parasites including Leishmania. Presently, we have investigated the antileishmanial effect of a di-epoxide derivative of diospyrin (D17), both in vitro and in vivo. Further, the safety profile of D17 was established by testing its toxicity against normal macrophage cells (IC50 ∼ 20.7 μM), and also against normal BALB/c mice in vivo. The compound showed enhanced activity (IC50 ∼ 7.2 μM) as compared to diospyrin (IC50 ∼ 12.6 μM) against Leishmania donovani promastigotes. Again, D17 was tested on L. donovani BHU1216 isolated from a sodium stibogluconate-unresponsive patient, and exhibited selective inhibition of the intracellular amastigotes (IC50 ∼ 0.18 μM). Also, treatment of infected BALB/c mice with D17 at 2 mg/kg/day reduced the hepatic parasite load by about 38%. Subsequently, computational docking studies were undertaken on selected enzymes of trypanothione metabolism, viz. trypanothione reductase (TryR) and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), followed by the enzyme kinetics, where D17 demonstrated non-competitive inhibition of the L. donovani ODC, but could not inhibit TryR.  相似文献   

Shiraz district in south of Iran is a classical focus of Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) and previous research has consistently documented the etiologic agent to be Leishmania tropica and Leishmania major in urban and rural areas, respectively. However, none of the Phlebotomus sergenti, a known vector for L. tropica, of the region has been found infected. We report the first isolation of L. tropica from sandflies in urban community of southern part of Shiraz city. Parasite polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and gene sequencing analyses indicate CL cases in this community were caused by either L. major or L. tropica. Sandflies of P. sergenti were infrequent, however, three out of 10 (30.0%) females captured in urban area were found infected with L. tropica. But, no human cases were found to be infected with L. tropica. Phlebotomus papatasi were found the most dominant and infected species where 41 out of 207 (20%) tested individuals harboring L. major in suburb area of the city. Patients have been lived in the suburb area of the city where people keep normally domestic animals in their houses which provide appropriate environment for completion of sandfly life cycle and expansion of CL disease in the region.  相似文献   

Glyoxalases are involved in a ubiquitous detoxification pathway. In pursuit of a better understanding of the biological function of the enzyme, the recombinant glyoxalase I (LdGLOI) protein has been characterized from Leishmania donovani, the most important pathogenic Leishmania species that is responsible for visceral leishmaniasis. A 24kDa protein was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli. LdGLOI showed a marked substrate specificity for trypanothione hemithioacetal over glutathione hemithioacetal. Antiserum against recombinant LdGLOI protein could detect a band of anticipated size approximately 16kDa in promastigote extracts. Several inhibitors of human GLOI showed that they are weak inhibitors of L. donovani growth. Overexpression of GLOI gene in L. donovani using Leishmania expression vector pspalpha hygroalpha, we detected elevated expression of GLOI RNA and protein. Comparative modelling of the 3-D structure of LDGLOI shows that substrate-binding region of the model involves important differences compared to the homologues, such as E. coli, specific to glutathione. Most notably a substrate-binding loop of LDGLOI is characterized by a deletion of five residues compared to the E. coli homologue. Further, a critical Arg in the E. coli variant at the substrate-binding site is replaced by Tyr in LDGLOI. These major differences result in entirely different shapes of the substrate-binding loop and presence of very different chemical groups in the substrate-binding site of LDGLOI compared to E. coli homologue suggesting an explanation for the difference in the substrate specificity. Difference in the substrate specificity of the human and LDGLOI enzyme could be exploited for structure-based drug designing of selective inhibitors against the parasite.  相似文献   

The acquisition of immunity following subclinical or resolved infection with the intracellular parasite Leishmania donovani suggests that vaccination could prevent visceral leishmaniasis. The characteristics and in vitro stimulating capability of the recombinant proteins expressed by previously identified clones on the basis of their capacity to stimulate an indigenously established Leishmania-specific cell line leading to high level of IFN-γ suggested these to be potential candidates for immunoprophylaxis against leishmaniasis. In this study, we investigated the protective efficacy of purified recombinant proteins from two of the identified cDNA clones along with the adjuvant MPL, in a hamster model of experimental leishmaniasis. We demonstrate here that the immunization of animals with one of the recombinant proteins (rF14) having 97% similarity to C1 clone of L. chagasi ribosomal protein gene P0 (rLiP0) along with MPL provided partial protection against the virulent challenge of L. donovani. The absence of antigen-specific lymphoproliferative responses in these immunized animals may be responsible for the lack of complete and long-lasting protection.  相似文献   

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