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The use of combinatorial protein engineering to design proteins with novel binding specificities and desired properties has evolved into a powerful technology, resulting in the recent advances in protein library selection strategies and the emerge of a variety of new engineered affinity proteins. The need for different protein library selection methods is due to that each target protein pose different challenges in terms of its availability and inherent properties. At present, alternative engineered affinity proteins are starting to complement and even challenge the classical immunoglobulins in different applications in biotechnology and potentially also for in vivo use as imaging agents or as biotherapeutics. This review article covers the generation and use of affinity proteins generated through combinatorial protein engineering. The most commonly used selection techniques for isolation of desired variants from large protein libraries are described. Different antibody derivatives, as well as a variety of the most validated engineered protein scaffolds, are discussed. In addition, we provide an overview of some of the major present and future applications for these engineered affinity proteins in biotechnology and medicine.  相似文献   

The amyloid hypothesis suggests that accumulation of amyloid β (Aβ) peptides in the brain is involved in development of Alzheimer's disease. We previously generated a small dimeric affinity protein that inhibited Aβ aggregation by sequestering the aggregation prone parts of the peptide. The affinity protein is originally based on the Affibody scaffold, but is evolved to a distinct interaction mechanism involving complex structural rearrangement in both the Aβ peptide and the affinity proteins upon binding. The aim of this study was to decrease the size of the dimeric affinity protein and significantly improve its affinity for the Aβ peptide to increase its potential as a future therapeutic agent. We combined a rational design approach with combinatorial protein engineering to generate two different affinity maturation libraries. The libraries were displayed on staphylococcal cells and high‐affinity Aβ‐binding molecules were isolated using flow‐cytometric sorting. The best performing candidate binds Aβ with a KD value of around 300 pM, corresponding to a 50‐fold improvement in affinity relative to the first‐generation binder. The new dimeric Affibody molecule was shown to capture Aβ1‐42 peptides from spiked E. coli lysate. Altogether, our results demonstrate successful engineering of this complex binder for increased affinity to the Aβ peptide.  相似文献   

We have previously generated an affibody molecule for the disease-associated amyloid beta (Aβ) peptide, which has been shown to inhibit the formation of various Aβ aggregates and revert the neurotoxicity of Aβ in a fruit fly model of Alzheimer's disease. In this study, we have investigated a new bacterial display system for combinatorial protein engineering of the Aβ-binder as a head-to-tail dimeric construct for future optimization efforts, e.g. affinity maturation. Using the bacterial display platform, we have: (i) demonstrated functional expression of the dimeric binder on the cell surface, (ii) determined the affinity and investigated the pH sensitivity of the interaction, (iii) demonstrated the importance of an intramolecular disulfide bond through selections from a cell-displayed combinatorial library, as well as (iv) investigated the effects from rational truncation of the N-terminal part of the affibody molecule on surface expression level and Aβ binding. Overall, the detailed engineering and characterization of this promising Aβ-specific affibody molecule have yielded valuable insights concerning its unusual binding mechanism. The results also demonstrated that our bacterial display system is a suitable technology for future protein engineering and characterization efforts of homo- or heterodimeric affinity proteins.  相似文献   

Phytases are a group of enzymes capable of releasing phosphates from phytates, one of the major forms of phosphorus (P) in animal feeds of plant origin. These enzymes have been widely used in animal feed to improve phosphorus nutrition and to reduce phosphorus pollution in animal waste. This review covers the basic nomenclature and crystal structures of phytases and emphasizes both the protein engineering strategies used for the development of new, effective phytases with improved properties and the potential biotechnological applications of phytases.  相似文献   

Co-crystallization of membrane proteins with antibody fragments may emerge as a general tool to facilitate crystal growth and improve crystal quality. The bound antibody fragment enlarges the hydrophilic part of the mostly hydrophobic membrane protein, thereby increasing the interaction area for possible protein-protein contacts in the crystal. Additionally, it may restrain flexible parts or lock the membrane protein in a defined conformational state. For successful co-crystallization trials, the antibody fragments must be stable in detergents during the extended period of crystal growth and must be easily produced in amounts necessary for crystallography. Therefore, we constructed a library of antibody Fab fragments from a framework subset of the HuCAL GOLD library (Morphosys, Munich, Germany). By combining the most stable and well expressed frameworks, V(H)3 and V(kappa)3, with the further stabilizing constant domains, a Fab library with the desired properties was obtained in a standard phage display format. As a proof of principle, we selected binders with phage display against the detergent-solubilized citrate transporter CitS of Klebsiella pneumoniae. We describe efficient methods for the immobilization of the membrane protein during selection, for ELISA screening, and for BIAcore evaluation. We demonstrate that the selected Fab fragments form stable complexes with native CitS and recognize conformational epitopes with affinities in the low nanomolar range.  相似文献   

Bacterial small proteins (below 50 amino acids) encoded by small open reading frames (sORFs) are recognized as an emerging class of functional molecules that have been largely overlooked in the past. While some were uncovered serendipitously, global approaches have recently been developed to detect these sORFs. A large portion of small proteins appears to be hydrophobic and located in the bacterial membrane. In the present review, we describe functional small hydrophobic proteins discovered in pathogenic bacteria and report recent advances in the discovery of additional ones. Small membrane proteins contribute to bacterial adaptation to changing environments and often appear to be implicated in negative feedback regulation loops by modulating the function or stability of larger membrane proteins. A subset of these proteins belongs to toxin-antitoxin modules. We highlight the features of characterized hydrophobic small proteins that may pave the way for identification of the functional small proteins among novel sORFs discovered. Besides providing new insights into bacterial pathogenesis, identification of naturally occurring small hydrophobic proteins of pathogenic bacteria can lead to new therapeutic interventions, as recently shown with the development of synthetic peptides derived from natural small proteins that display antibacterial or antivirulence properties.  相似文献   

Transport processes play a pivotal role in cellular metabolism, e.g. for the uptake of nutrients or the excretion of metabolic waste products. Moreover, they are also important in biotechnological processes such as the production of various amino acids by the use of microorganisms. The focus of this review is on bacterial amino acid transport systems, in particular those of Corynebacterium glutamicum and Escherichia coli, with respect to their function and biotechnological significance.  相似文献   

Abstract: The mechanisms by which Gram-negative bacteria like Escherichia coli secrete bacteriocins into the culture medium is unique and quite different from the mechanism by which other proteins are translocated across the two bacterial membranes, namely through the known branches of the general secretory pathway. The release of bacteriocins requires the expression and activity of a so-called bacteriocin release protein and the presence of the detergent-resistant phospholipase A in the outer membrane. The bacteriocin release proteins are highly expressed small lipoproteins which are synthesized with a signal peptide that remains stable and which accumulates in the cytoplasmic membrane after cleavage. The combined action of these stable, accumulated signal peptides, the lipid-modified mature bacteriocin release proteins (BRPs) and phospholipase A cause the release of bacteriocins. The structure and mode of action of these BRPs as well as their application in the release of heterologous proteins by E. coli is described in this review.  相似文献   

Osteochondral tissue engineering has shown an increasing development to provide suitable strategies for the regeneration of damaged cartilage and underlying subchondral bone tissue. For reasons of the limitation in the capacity of articular cartilage to self-repair, it is essential to develop approaches based on suitable scaffolds made of appropriate engineered biomaterials. The combination of biodegradable polymers and bioactive ceramics in a variety of composite structures is promising in this area, whereby the fabrication methods, associated cells and signalling factors determine the success of the strategies. The objective of this review is to present and discuss approaches being proposed in osteochondral tissue engineering, which are focused on the application of various materials forming bilayered composite scaffolds, including polymers and ceramics, discussing the variety of scaffold designs and fabrication methods being developed. Additionally, cell sources and biological protein incorporation methods are discussed, addressing their interaction with scaffolds and highlighting the potential for creating a new generation of bilayered composite scaffolds that can mimic the native interfacial tissue properties, and are able to adapt to the biological environment.  相似文献   

Tyrosinases are type-3 copper proteins involved in the initial step of melanin synthesis. These enzymes catalyse both the o-hydroxylation of monophenols and the subsequent oxidation of the resulting o-diphenols into reactive o-quinones, which evolve spontaneously to produce intermediates, which associate in dark brown pigments. In fungi, tyrosinases are generally associated with the formation and stability of spores, in defence and virulence mechanisms, and in browning and pigmentation. First characterized from the edible mushroom Agaricus bisporus because of undesirable enzymatic browning problems during postharvest storage, tyrosinases were found, more recently, in several other fungi with relevant insights into molecular and genetic characteristics and into reaction mechanisms, highlighting their very promising properties for biotechnological applications. The limit of these applications remains in the fact that native fungal tyrosinases are generally intracellular and produced in low quantity. This review compiles the recent data on biochemical and molecular properties of fungal tyrosinases, underlining their importance in the biotechnological use of these enzymes. Next, their most promising applications in food, pharmaceutical and environmental fields are presented and the bioengineering approaches used for the development of tyrosinase-overproducing fungal strains are discussed.  相似文献   

Genome shuffling: Progress and applications for phenotype improvement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although rational method and global technique have been successfully applied in strain improvement respectively, the demand for engineering complex phenotypes required combinatorial approach. The technology of genome shuffling has been presented as a novel whole genome engineering approach for the rapid improvement of cellular phenotypes. This approach using recursive protoplast fusion with multi-parental strains offers the advantage of recombination throughout the entire genome without the necessity for genome sequence data or network information. Genome shuffling has been demonstrated as an effective method, which is not only for producing improved strain but also for providing information on complex phenotype. In this review we attempt to present the advantage of genome shuffling, introduce the procedure of this technology, summarize the applications of this approach for phenotype improvement and then give perspective on the development of this method in the future.  相似文献   

We describe an efficient way to generate combinatorial libraries of stable, soluble and well-expressed ankyrin repeat (AR) proteins. Using a combination of sequence and structure consensus analyses, we designed a 33 amino acid residue AR module with seven randomized positions having a theoretical diversity of 7.2x10(7). Different numbers of this module were cloned between N and C-terminal capping repeats, i.e. ARs designed to shield the hydrophobic core of stacked AR modules. In this manner, combinatorial libraries of designed AR proteins consisting of four to six repeats were generated, thereby potentiating the theoretical diversity. All randomly chosen library members were expressed in soluble form in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli in amounts up to 200 mg per 1 l of shake-flask culture. Virtually pure proteins were obtained in a single purification step. The designed AR proteins are monomeric and display CD spectra identical with those of natural AR proteins. At the same time, our AR proteins are highly thermostable, with T(m) values ranging from 66 degrees C to well above 85 degrees C. Thus, our combinatorial library members possess the properties required for biotechnological applications. Moreover, the favorable biophysical properties and the modularity of the AR fold may account, partly, for the abundance of natural AR proteins.  相似文献   

Patch engineering is a technique for creating folded proteins that have new binding activities. Different protein scaffolds are used to present a patch of discontinuous residues on a folded-protein surface. By varying simultaneously the residues in these patches and displaying these mutant proteins on phage, one can select proteins that have new binding activities. Patch engineering is applicable to any protein fold. Novel proteins derived by this approach might replace antibodies in certain applications or provide lead molecules for the design of non-peptide analogues.  相似文献   

Numerous enzymes of biotechnological importance have been immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) via random multipoint attachment, resulting in a heterogeneous protein population with potential reduction in activity due to restriction of substrate access to the active site. Several chemistries are now available, where the modifier can be linked to a single specific amino acid in a protein molecule away from the active-site, thus enabling free access of the substrate. However, rarely these site-selective approaches have been applied to immobilize enzymes on nanoparticles. In this review, for the first time, we illustrate how to adapt site-directed chemical modification (SDCM) methods for immobilizing enzymes on iron-based MNP. These strategies are mainly chemical but may additionally require genetic and enzymatic methods. We critically examine each method and evaluate their scope for simple, quick, efficient, mild and economical immobilization of enzymes on MNP. The improvements in the catalytic properties of few available examples of immobilized enzymes are also discussed. We conclude the review with the applications and future prospects of site-selectively modified magnetic enzymes and potential benefits of this technology in improving enzymes, including cold-adapted homologues, modular enzymes, and CO2-sequestering, as well as non-iron based nanomaterials.  相似文献   

Animal toxins are small proteins built on the basis of a few disulfide bonded frameworks. Because of their high variability in sequence and biologic function, these proteins are now used as templates for protein engineering. Here we report the extensive characterization of the structure and dynamics of two toxin folds, the "three-finger" fold and the short alpha/beta scorpion fold found in snake and scorpion venoms, respectively. These two folds have a very different architecture; the short alpha/beta scorpion fold is highly compact, whereas the "three-finger" fold is a beta structure presenting large flexible loops. First, the crystal structure of the snake toxin alpha was solved at 1.8-A resolution. Then, long molecular dynamics simulations (10 ns) in water boxes of the snake toxin alpha and the scorpion charybdotoxin were performed, starting either from the crystal or the solution structure. For both proteins, the crystal structure is stabilized by more hydrogen bonds than the solution structure, and the trajectory starting from the X-ray structure is more stable than the trajectory started from the NMR structure. The trajectories started from the X-ray structure are in agreement with the experimental NMR and X-ray data about the protein dynamics. Both proteins exhibit fast motions with an amplitude correlated to their secondary structure. In contrast, slower motions are essentially only observed in toxin alpha. The regions submitted to rare motions during the simulations are those that exhibit millisecond time-scale motions. Lastly, the structural variations within each fold family are described. The localization and the amplitude of these variations suggest that the regions presenting large-scale motions should be those tolerant to large insertions or deletions.  相似文献   

Proline is an important amino acid in terms of its biological functions and biotechnological applications. In response to osmotic stress, proline is accumulated in many bacterial and plant cells as an osmoprotectant. However, it has been shown that proline levels are not increased under various stress conditions in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Proline is believed to serve multiple functions in vitro such as protein and membrane stabilization, lowering the T m of DNA, and scavenging of reactive oxygen species, but the mechanisms of these functions in vivo are poorly understood. Yeast cells biosynthesize proline from glutamate in the cytoplasm via the same pathway found in bacteria and plants and also convert excess proline to glutamate in the mitochondria. Based on the fact that proline has stress-protective activity, S. cerevisiae cells that accumulate proline were constructed by disrupting the PUT1 gene involved in the degradation pathway and by expressing the mutant PRO1 gene encoding the feedback inhibition-less sensitive γ-glutamate kinase to enhance the biosynthetic activity. The engineered yeast strains successfully showed enhanced tolerance to many stresses, including freezing, desiccation, oxidation, and ethanol. However, the appropriate cellular level and localization of proline play pivotal roles in the stress-protective effect. These results indicate that the increased stress protection is observed in yeast cells under the artificial condition of proline accumulation. Proline is expected to contribute to yeast-based industries by improving the production of frozen dough and alcoholic beverages or breakthroughs in bioethanol production.  相似文献   

We present an investigation on theoretically possible protein structures which have not been selected by evolution and are, therefore, not present on our Earth ('Never Born Proteins' (NBP)). In particular, we attempt to assess whether and to what extent such polypeptides might be folded, thus acquiring a globular protein status. A library (ca. 10(9) clones) of totally random polypeptides, with a length of 50 amino acids, has been produced by phage display. The only structural bias in these sequences is a tripeptide substrate for thrombin: PRG, chosen according to the criteria described in the preceding Part I of this series. The presence of this substrate in an otherwise totally random sequence forms the basis for a qualitative experimental criterion which distinguishes unfolded from folded proteins, as folded proteins are more protected from protease digestion than unfolded ones. The investigation of 79 sequences, randomly selected from the initially large library, shows that over 20% of this population is thrombin-resistant, likely due to folding. Analysis of the amino acid sequences of these clones shows no significant homology to extant proteins, which indicates that they are indeed totally de novo. A few of these sequences have been expressed, and here we describe the structural properties of two thrombin-resistant randomly selected ones. These two de novo proteins have been characterized by spectroscopic methods and, in particular, by circular dichroism. The data show a stable three-dimensional folding, which is temperature-resistant and can be reversibly denatured by urea. The consequences of this finding within a library of 'Never Born Proteins' are discussed in terms of molecular evolution.  相似文献   

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