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Trypanosoma cruzi was discovered in 2–3rd instar nymphs of Triatoma protracta protracta from Paicines, 57 of 257 adults from Mulholland Overcrossing, and 2 males of 27 bugs from Juniper Hills, California. Thirty experimentally infected albino Mus musculus revealed low grade parasitaemias. Of 785 laboratory-raised Triatoma fed on 11 mice with Paicines isolate, 675 T. p. navajoensis and 1 T. p. protracta became infected; of 856 T. p. navajoensis fed on 13 mice with Mulholland isolate, 792 were positive; and of 137 T. p. navajoensis fed on 6 mice with the Juniper Hills isolate, 32 were infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. Examination of 7599 mm2 area of tissue films for Paicines isolate revealed 31 type b and 15 type c sphaeromastigotes; 5650 mm2 for the Mulholland isolate revealed 9 a-, 149 sphaero-, 8 epi-, and 7 trypo-mastigotes; and 15,209 mm2 for the Juniper Hills isolate revealed 245 a-, 2865 sphaero-, 42 epi-, and 21 trypo-mastigotes. Field xenodiagnosis of 228 rodents in Juniper Hills revealed 11 Peromyscus truei montipinoris and 1 Neotoma fuscipes macrotis with Chagas' trypanosome.  相似文献   

The protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas disease, is an obligate intracellular protozoan pathogen. Overlapping mechanisms ensure successful infection, yet the relationship between these cellular events and clinical disease remains obscure. This review explores the process of cell invasion from the perspective of cell surface interactions, intracellular signaling, modulation of the host cytoskeleton and endosomal compartment, and the intracellular innate immune response to infection.  相似文献   

Two Trypanosoma cruzi Z3 strains, designated as 3663 and 4167, were previously isolated from insect vectors captured in the Brazilian Amazon region. These strains exhibited different infection patterns in Vero, C6/36, RAW 264.7 and HEp-2 cell lineages, in which 3663 trypomastigote form was much less infective than 4167 ones. A proteomic approach was applied to investigate the differences in the global patterns of protein expression in these two Z3 strains. Two-dimensional (2D) protein maps were generated and certain spots were identified by mass spectrometry (MS). Our analyses revealed a significant difference in the expression profile of different proteins between strains 3663 and 4167. Among them, cruzipain, an important regulator of infectivity. This data was corroborated by flow cytometry analysis using anti-cruzipain antibody. This difference could contribute to the infectivity profiles observed for each strain by in vitro assay using different cell lines.  相似文献   

Oral infection has become the most important transmission mechanism of Chagas disease in Brazil. For this study, the development of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in mice, induced by the oral and intraperitoneal (IP) routes, was compared. Four groups of Swiss mice were used to evaluate the influence of parasite genetics, number of parasites, inoculation volume and developmental stages on the development of the orally induced infection: 1 – blood trypomastigotes (BT) via oral; 2 – BT via IP; 3 – culture metacyclic trypomastigotes (MT) via oral; and 4 – culture MT via IP. Animals inoculated orally showed levels of parasitemia, as well as infectivity and mortality rates, lower than animals inoculated via IP, regardless of DTU (discrete typing unit) and inoculum. Animals infected with TcII showed higher levels of these parameters than did animals infected with TcI. The larger volume of inoculum showed a greater capacity to cause an infection when administered via the oral route. BT infection was more virulent than culture MT infection for both routes (oral and IP). However, mice inoculated orally with BT showed lower levels than via IP, while mice inoculated orally with culture MT showed similar levels of infection to those inoculated via IP. Mice inoculated with culture MT showed more histopathological changes than those inoculated with BT, regardless of the inoculation route. These results indicate that this alternative experimental model is useful for evaluating infection by T. cruzi isolates with subpatent parasitemia and low virulence, such as those belonging to the TcI and TcIV DTUs, which are prevalent in outbreaks of orally transmitted Chagas disease.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi is a parasite responsible for Chagas disease. The identification of new targets for chemotherapy is a major challenge for the control of this disease. Several lines of evidences suggest that the translational system in trypanosomatids show important differences compared to other eukaryotes. However, there little is known information about this. We have performed a detailed data mining search for ribosomal protein genes in T. cruzi genome data base combined with mass spectrometry analysis of purified T. cruzi ribosomes. Our results show that T. cruzi ribosomal proteins have ∼50% sequence identity to yeast ones. Nevertheless, some parasite proteins are longer due to the presence of several N- or C-terminal extensions, which are exclusive of trypanosomatids. In particular, L19 and S21 show C-terminal extensions of 168 and 164 amino acids, respectively. In addition, we detected two 60S subunit proteins that had not been previously detected in the T. cruzi total proteome; namely, L22 and L42.  相似文献   

The expression and biological role of actin during the Trypanosoma cruzi life cycle remains largely unknown. Polyclonal antibodies against a recombinant T. cruzi actin protein were used to confirm its expression in epimastigotes, trypomastigotes, and amastigotes. Although the overall levels of expression were similar, clear differences in the subcellular distribution of actin among the developmental stages were identified. The existence of five actin variants in each developmental stage with distinct patterns of expression were uncovered by immunoblotting of protein extracts separated 2D-SDS gels. The isoelectric points of the actin variants in epimastigotes ranged from 4.45 to 4.9, whereas they ranged from 4.9 to 5.24 in trypomastigotes and amastigotes. To determine if the actin variants found could represent previously unidentified actins, we performed a genomic survey of the T. cruzi GeneDB database and found 12 independent loci encoding for a diverse group of actins and actin-like proteins that are conserved among trypanosomatids.  相似文献   

We have developed a cell disruption method to produce a protein extract using Trypanosoma cruzi cells based on a straightforward hypoosmotic lysis protocol. The procedure consists of three steps: incubation of the cells in a hypoosmotic lysis buffer, sonication in a water bath, and centrifugation. The final protein extract was designated TcS12. The stages of cell disruption at different incubation times were monitored by differential interference contrast microscopy. After 30 min of incubation in lysis buffer at 4 °C, the T. cruzi epimastigote forms changed from slender to round-shaped parasites. Nevertheless, cell disruption took place following sonication of the sample for 30 min. The efficiency of the methodology was also validated by flow cytometry, which resulted in 72% of propidium iodide (PI)-labeled cells. To estimate the protein extraction yield and the differential protein expression, the proteomics profile of four T. cruzi strains (CL-Brener, Dm28c, Y, and 4167) were analyzed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS) on a SYNAPT HDMS system using the label-free MSE approach. ProteinLynx Global Server (version 2.5) with ExpressionE analysis identified a total of 1153 proteins and revealed 428 differentially expressed proteins among the strains. Gene ontology analysis showed that not only cytosolic proteins but also nuclear and organellar ones were present in the extract.  相似文献   

旨在用Xfect试剂介导重组质粒pEGFP-C2/LAT-ORF3转染Vero细胞,以期获得转染效率较高的方法,并检测目标片段的表达,从而为进一步研究HSV-2 LAT基因及其ORF3片段的生物学功能奠定基础。用Xfect试剂介导重组质粒pEGFP-C2/LAT-ORF3转染Vero细胞,48 h后观察荧光表达情况,并计算不同转染方法分别在有无血清及质粒与Xfect Polymer比例不同时的转染效率。用RT-PCR检测ORF3片段在Vero细胞中的表达。结果显示,采用贴壁转染法,在有血清及质粒与Xfect Polymer比例为5μg/2μL时转染效率较高;RT-PCR可以获得目的条带,证明ORF3片段在Vero细胞中得到表达。本试验获得的优化条件可以显著提高Xfect Polymer对Vero细胞的转染效率;以绿色荧光蛋白作为标签鉴定目的基因在细胞中表达的方法切实可行。  相似文献   

Isolated proteins from fetal calf serum needed for trypanosomal growth were labelled with I125, colloidal gold and fluorochrome tagged specific antibodies. The proteins were localized in the membranes and cytoplasm of parasites cutured in vitro in a defined liquid medium.  相似文献   

The correlation of genetic and biological diversity in Trypanosoma cruzi was studied. Strains of T. cruzi II, isolated from humans; and of T. cruzi I, isolated from wild-animal reservoirs and from triatomines in the state of Paraná, Brazil, were used. Thirty-six biological parameters measured in vitro and six in vivo, related to growth kinetics and metacyclogenesis, susceptibility to benznidazole, macrophage infection, and experimental infection in mice were evaluated. Data from RAPD and SSR-PCR were used as genetic parameters. Mantel’s test, group analysis, principal components analysis (PCA), and cladistical analyses were applied. With the Mantel’s test, a low correlation was observed when parameters related to growth kinetics and metacyclogenesis in vitro and development of the experimental infection in vivo were included. The group analysis defined two groups that were separated as to whether they produced patent parasitemia in BALB/c mice. In the larger group, strains derived from wild reservoirs were separated from strains derived from triatomines and humans. The PCA identified two groups that differed as to whether they produced a parasitemia curve in mice. The cladistical analysis supported the previous results. This study shows the importance of the parasite-host relationship for the behavior of the strains, and that the combination of methods supports, extends, and clarifies the available information.  相似文献   

The parasite Trypanasoma cruzi is responsible for Chagas disease and its triatomine vector, Rhodnius prolixus, has a symbiotic relationship with the soil bacterium, Rhodococcus rhodnii.R. rhodnii that was previously genetically engineered to produce the anti-microbial peptide, cecropin A was co-infected with T. cruzi into R. prolixus resulting in clearance of the infectious T. cruzi in 65% of the vectors. Similar anti-microbial peptides have been isolated elsewhere and were studied for differential toxicity against T. cruzi and R. rhodnii. Of the six anti-microbial peptides tested, apidaecin, magainin II, melittin, and cecropin A were deemed potential candidates for the Chagas paratransgenic system as they were capable of killing T.cruzi at concentrations that exhibit little or no toxic effects on R. rhodnii. Subsequent treatments of T. cruzi with these peptides in pair-wise combinations resulted in synergistic killing, indicating that improvement of the 65% parasite clearance seen in previous experiments may be possible utilizing combinations of different anti-microbial peptides.  相似文献   

Striated muscle tropomyosin is classically described as consisting of 10 exons, 1a, 2b, 3, 4, 5, 6b, 7, 8, and 9a/b, in both skeletal and cardiac muscle. A novel isoform found in embryonic axolotl heart maintains exon 9a/b of striated muscle but also has a smooth muscle exon 2a instead of exon 2b. Translation and subsequent incorporation into organized myofibrils, with both isoforms, was demonstrated with green fluorescent protein fusion protein construct. Mutant axolotl hearts lack sufficient tropomyosin in the ventricle and this smooth/straited chimeric tropomyosin was sufficient to replace the missing tropomyosin and form organized myofibrils.  相似文献   

We studied some aspects of the quantitative and qualitative features of heterologous recombinant (re) virus-vector-induced, antigen-specific CD8+ T cells against Trypanosoma cruzi. We used three different, highly attenuated re-viruses, i.e., influenza virus, adenovirus and vaccinia virus, which all expressed a single, T. cruzi antigen-derived CD8+ T-cell epitope. The use of two out of three vectors or the triple virus-vector vaccination regimen not only confirmed that the re-vaccinia virus, which was placed last in order for sequential immunisation, was an effective booster for the CD8+ T-cell immunity in terms of the number of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells, but also demonstrated that (i) the majority of cells exhibit the effector memory (TEM) phenotype, (ii) robustly secrete IFN-γ, (iii) express higher intensity of the CD122 molecule and (iv) present protective activity against T. cruzi infection. In contrast, placing the re-influenza virus last in sequential immunisation had a detrimental effect on the quantitative and qualitative features of CD8+ T cells. The triple virus-vector vaccination was more effective at inducing a stronger CD8+ T-cell immunity than using two re-viruses. The different quantitative and qualitative features of CD8+ T cells induced by different immunisation regimens support the notion that the refinement of the best choice of multiple virus-vector combinations is indispensable for the induction of a maximum number of CD8+ T cells of high quality.  相似文献   

【目的】为能实时直观了解嗜肺军团菌感染细胞的过程,研究细菌在细胞内的变化及其与宿主细胞间的相互作用关系。【方法】通过基因敲除、克隆回补等重组构建绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)稳定高表达的嗜肺军团菌株,利用该菌株建立小鼠巨噬细胞Raw264.7的感染模型。【结果】通过荧光显微镜可实时观察细菌感染细胞的全过程,包括细菌在细胞内的形态变化、增殖和裂解宿主细胞等。【结论】重组菌可替代野生菌株在细胞感染中应用,为直观研究嗜肺军团菌与被感染细胞之间的相互作用关系,以及进行相关药物模型的制备、药物筛选、耐药机制研究等提供了新的手段。  相似文献   

The identification of new targets for vaccine and drug development for the treatment of Chagas’ disease is dependent on deepening our understanding of the parasite genome. Vectors for genetic manipulation in Trypanosoma cruzi basically include those that remain as circular episomes and those that integrate into the parasite’s genome. Artificial chromosomes are alternative vectors to overcome problematic transgene expression often occurring with conventional vectors in this parasite. We have constructed a series of vectors named pTACs (Trypanosome Artificial Chromosomes), all of them carrying telomeric and subtelomeric sequences and genes conferring resistance to different selection drugs. In addition, one pTAC harbours a modified GFP gene (pTAC-gfp), and another one carries the ornithine decarboxilase gene from Crithidia fasciculata (pTAC-odc). We have encountered artificial chromosomes generated from pTACs in transformed T. cruzi epimastigotes for every version of the designed vectors. These extragenomic elements, in approximately 6–8 copies per cell, remained as linear episomes, contained telomeres and persisted after 150 and 60 generations with or without selection drugs, respectively. The linear molecules remained stable through the different T. cruzi developmental forms. Furthermore, derived artificial chromosomes from pTAC-odc could complement the auxotrophy of T. cruzi for polyamines. Our results show that pTACs constitute useful tools for reverse functional genetics in T. cruzi that will contribute to a better understanding of T. cruzi biology.  相似文献   

Quantitative direct fluorescent antibody methods were used in antigenic analysis of developmental stages of Trypanosoma brucei brucei strains, most of them having the same variant antigen B, which were derived from a cyclically transmissible stabilate. Antigen-B trypanosomes were used for initiation of cultures in modified Tobie's (Tm) medium and in Glossina morsitans morsitans organ cultures, and for the infective feed of G. m. morsitans. Antisera against antigen-B bloodstream forms and against Tm-grown culture forms were developed in rabbits by inoculations of disrupted organisms mixed (1:1) with complete Freund's adjuvant. The globulin fractions of the antisera were conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate, and processed on Sephadex G-25 and DEAE-cellulose columns. The DEAE fractions with 2.0 and 4.7 or 4.8 molar fluorescein:protein ratios were pooled and concentrated twofold.Examination of 109 flies at 30 or 31 days after the infective feed revealed about 18.3% midgut, about 10.1% proventricular, and about 3.7% salivary-gland infections. A salivary gland suspension from one of the infected flies gave rise to a parasitemia in a mouse, and trypanosomes from the first parasitemia were transferred by two 3-day syringe passages into another mouse. Smears were prepared of trypanosomes (antigens B-164, B-167) from the first parasitemias from these two mice, of intact B-antigen trypanosomes, of culture forms (CT) from Tm medium, and of procyclics (CG) from Glossina cultures as well as of midgut (GM), proventricular (GP), and salivary-gland (GS) forms from tsetse flies. All these forms were fixed by one or more of the three following methods: complete fixation (CoFix) by the formalin-NH4OH-Tween 80 procedure; fixation before affixation to slides (F+); fixation after affixation to slides (F?). The best results with regard to fluorescence intensity and specificity were obtained by using the CoFix technique.Statistical analyses of the fluorescence means of the antigens subjected to direct and inhibition staining gave the following results: (1) CT, CG, GM, and GP forms were antigenically the same. (2) GM and GP trypanosomes from different flies were antigenically indistinguishable. (3) The surface antigen of the variant-B bloodstream trypanosomes was different from these antigens of culture, midgut, and proventricular forms. It differed also from those of metacyclics from two flies and of B-164 and B-167 bloodstream forms. (4) No antigenic differences were found, in preparations fixed by the F? method, between B-164 and B-167 bloodstream trypanosomes and the metacyclics from two flies, one of which served as the source of the salivary-gland trypomastigotes (GS-98) that gave rise to these two bloodstream form antigens. (5) Closer antigenic relationships were noted between B forms and B-164 and B-167 trypanosomes than between B and CT organisms in smears fixed by the F+ technique, but no such differences were discernible in preparations fixed by the F? procedure.  相似文献   

With the aim of investigating the biodistribution of technetium-99 m pertechnetate () in rats infected with Y strain of Tripanosoma Cruzi, at the peak of parasitemia, (14th day of infection), we injected Wistar rats with 0.1 ml of (3.7 MBq). After 60 min, the percentage of radioactivity per gram was counted in several isolated organs and blood, using a gamma counter (1470 Wizard, PerkinElmer Finland). The uptake of increased significantly in blood and decreased in the colon of infected animals (p < 0.05). A significant reduction in serum iron and red blood cells and a significant increase in total proteins, leukocytes and lymphocytes in the infected rats were observed, compared with controls (p < 0.05). A reduction in muscle layer thickness of the colon and mononuclear inflammation were observed. These results conclusively demonstrate that T. cruzi infection would be associated with changes in the biodistribution of and in colon morphology, with potential clinical implications.  相似文献   

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