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Many examples of reciprocal endocrine interactions between parasites and hosts have been found in insects, arthropods and mammals. Cysticercosis produced by Taenia solium metacestodes is a widely distributed parasite infection that affects the human and the pig. Taenia crassiceps experimental murine cysticercosis has been used to explore the role of biological factors involved in host–parasite interactions. We had shown that T. crassiceps cysticercosis affects the serum concentration of steroid hormones and the reproduction behavior of the male mice host. In an effort to understand the biology of the parasite, we had investigated the parasite capacity to produce sex steroids. For this purpose, T. crassiceps cysticerci were incubated in the presence of different steroid precursors. TLC and recrystallization procedures showed that testosterone is produced from 3H-androstenedione in cysticerci. The conversion of 3H-testosterone to androstenedione, although present is much less significant. In addition, we had studied the production of testosterone by T. solium cysticerci. For this purpose, cysticerci were dissected from pork meat and incubated as above described. The results showed that T. solium cysticerci also produce testosterone. We have speculated about the importance of androgens in the growth of T. crassiceps cysticerci and found that the addition of the antiandrogen flutamide to the culture media of the parasites significantly decreased 3H-thymidine incorporation. We therefore hypothesized, that the ability of cysticerci to produce testosterone from steroid precursors might be important for the parasite growth and development.  相似文献   

A pilot field trial of the TSOL18 vaccine was undertaken in Cameroon. Two hundred and forty, 2-3 month-old piglets were distributed to 114 individual households in pairs. Vaccinated animals received three immunisations with 200 μg TSOL18 plus 5 mg Quil A and 30 mg/kg oxfendazole at the time of the second immunisation. Necropsies were undertaken when the pigs were approximately 12 months of age. Viable Taenia solium cysticerci were identified in 20 control pigs (prevalence 19.6%); no cysticerci were found in any of the vaccinated animals (< 0.0001). Combined application of TSOL18 vaccination and a single oxfendazole treatment in pigs may be a relatively simple and sustainable procedure that has the potential to control T. solium transmission in endemic areas and, indirectly, reduce the number of new cases of neurocysticercosis in humans.  相似文献   

This study describes the first days of Taenia crassiceps infection in BALB/c substrains, BALB/cAnN and BALB/cJ, using two stocks of the same strains which were kept in different animal facilities, conventional and pathogen-free conditions, respectively. This study shows that parasite growth restriction shown by conventional BALB/cJ mice changed to parasite growth permissiveness when pathogen-free BALB/cJ mice were used. In addition, the higher number of macrophages, NK cells and intraperitoneal level of IFN-γ found in the conventional restrictive BALB/cJ substrain vanished when the permissiveness to the parasite growth increased. No differences were found in DNA sequences of parasites collected before and after the change in the permissiveness to parasite growth which favors the possibility that the observed modifications could be due to changes in the murine strains and/or their maintenance conditions.  相似文献   

Neurocysticercosis is caused by penetration of the tapeworm Taenia solium larvae into the central nervous system resulting in a diverse range of neurologic complications including epilepsy in endemic areas that globalization spreads worldwide. Sensitive and specific immunodiagnosis is needed for the early detection and elimination of the parasite, but the lack of standardized, readily obtainable antigens is a challenge. Here, we used the phage display for resolving the problem. The rationale of the strategy rests on the concept that the screening of combinatorial libraries with polyclonal serum to pathogens reveals families of peptides mimicking the pathogen most immunodominant epitopes indispensable for the successful diagnosis. The screening of a 7mer library with serum IgG of four pigs experimentally infected with parasite followed by computer aided segregation of the selected sequences resulted in the discovery of four clusters of homologous sequences of which one presented a family of ten mimotopes selected by three infected pig serum IgGs; the common motif sequence LSPF carried by the family was considered to be the core of an immunodominant epitope of the parasite critical for the binding with the antibody that selected the mimotopes. The immunoassay testing permitted to select a mimotope whose synthetic peptide free of the phage with the amino acid sequence Leu-Ser-Fen-Pro-Ser-Val-Val that distinguished well a panel of 21 cerebrospinal fluids of neurocysticercosis patients from the fluids of individuals with neurological complications of other etiology. This peptide is proposed as a lead for developing a novel molecularly defined diagnostic antigen(s) for the neurocysticercosis.  相似文献   

Praziquantel prevents glucose uptake, influencing energy metabolism, while albendazole selectively inhibits the uptake of glucose, leading to glycogen storage depletion in the parasite. The objective of this study was to determine the concentrations of glucose and organic acids related to energy and respiratory metabolisms in in vitroTaenia crassiceps cysticerci in the initial, larval and final stages exposed to sub lethal dosages of anti-helminthic drugs. Spectrophotometric and chromatographic analysis were performed to detect glucose, lactate, oxaloacetate, citrate, malate, fumarate and succinate secreted/excreted by in vitro cysticerci with 0.03 and 0.06 μg/mL of praziquantel and 0.05 and 0.075 μg/mL of albendazole. The anti-helminthic drugs decreased the excretion of lactate and induced aerobic energy pathways. Concentrations of glucose remained unaltered confirming blockage of its uptake.  相似文献   

Babesia gibsoni causes canine babesiosis. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of a novel gene, BgP22, containing an open reading frame of 621 bp and encoding a 22-kDa protein from B. gibsoni, as a serodiagnostic candidate. The recombinant BgP22 (rBgP22) was expressed and used as an antigen to produce anti-rBgP22 sera in mice. Using these anti-rBgP22 sera, a native 22-kDa protein was recognized by Western blot analysis and observed in the membrane of the parasites by immunofluorescent antibody tests (IFAT). The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using the rBgP22 detected specific antibodies to this protein in the sera of dogs experimentally and naturally infected with B. gibsoni in chronic stage. Furthermore, it did not show a cross reaction with the closely related apicomplexan parasites, indicating that the rBgP22 could be used as a diagnostic antigen for a detection of the chronic carrier stages of B. gibsoni infection.  相似文献   

Recombinant mouse UDP-glucose pyrophosphatase (UGPPase), encoded by the Nudt14 gene, was produced in Escherichia coli and purified close to homogeneity. The enzyme catalyzed the conversion of [β-32P]UDP-glucose to [32P]glucose-1-P and UMP, confirming that it hydrolyzed the pyrophosphate of the nucleoside diphosphate sugar to generate glucose-1-P and UMP. The enzyme was also active toward ADP-ribose. Activity is dependent on the presence of Mg2+ and was greatest at alkaline pH above 8. Kinetic analysis indicated a Km of ∼4 mM for UDP-glucose and ∼0.3 mM for ADP-ribose. Based on Vmax/Km values, the enzyme was ∼20-fold more active toward ADP-ribose. UGPPase behaves as a dimer in solution and can be cross-linked to generate a species of Mr 54,000 from a monomer of 30,000 as judged by SDS-PAGE. The dimerization was not affected by the presence of glucose-1-P or UDP-glucose. Using antibodies raised against the recombinant protein, Western analysis indicated that UGPPase was widely expressed in mouse tissues, including skeletal muscle, liver, kidney, heart, lung, fat, heart and pancreas with a lower level in brain. It was generally present as a doublet when analyzed by SDS-PAGE, suggesting the occurrence of some form of post-translational modification. Efforts to interconvert the species by adding or inhibiting phosphatase activity were unsuccessful, leaving the nature of the modification unknown. Sequence alignments and database searches revealed related proteins in species as distant as Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans.  相似文献   

Here we present the crystal structure of the Methanococcus jannaschii RelE-RelB (RelBE) toxin-antitoxin (TA) protein complex determined by the MIRAS (multiple isomorphous replacement with anomalous signal) method. The genes encoding this TA system are located in the chromosome of this archaeon and involved in stress response. RelE acts as an endoribonuclease that cleaves mRNA on the ribosome, and we compare the RelBE complex to the known structures of other TA systems belonging to this group and to endoribonucleases. M. jannaschii RelBE forms a heterotetramer with the antitoxin in the centre of the complex, a configuration that differs vastly from the heterotetramer structure of the previously published RelBE from another archaeon, Pyrococcus horikoshii. The long N-terminal α-helix of the tightly bound M. jannaschii antitoxin RelB covers the presumed active site of the toxin RelE that is formed by a central β-sheet, a loop on one side and a C-terminal α-helix on the other side. The active site of the M. jannaschii toxin RelE harbours positive charges that are thought to neutralize the negative charges of the substrate mRNA, including Arg62 that was changed to Ser62 by the Escherichia coli expression system, thereby leading to inactive toxin RelE. Comparative studies suggest that Asp43 and His79 are also involved in the activity of the toxin.  相似文献   

Regulated cytosolic proteolysis is one of the key cellular processes ensuring proper functioning of a cell. M42 family proteases show a broad spectrum of substrate specificities, but the structural basis for such diversity of the substrate specificities is lagging behind biochemical data. Here we report the crystal structure of PepA from Streptococcus pneumoniae, a glutamyl aminopeptidase belonging to M42 family (SpPepA). We found that Arg-257 in the substrate binding pocket is strategically positioned so that Arg-257 can make electrostatic interactions with the acidic residue of a substrate at its N-terminus. Structural comparison of the substrate binding pocket of the M42 family proteases, along with the structure-based multiple sequence alignment, argues that the appropriate electrostatic interactions contribute to the selective substrate specificity of SpPepA.  相似文献   

The Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase from Haemophilus ducreyi is characterized by the unique ability to bind heme at its dimer interface. Here we report the high-resolution crystal structures of this protein in the heme-loaded (holo) and heme-free (apo) forms. Heme is asymmetrically bound between the two enzyme subunits, where heme iron is coordinated by two histidine residues, His64 and His 124, provided by the two subunits. Moreover, the binding of heme to the protein is ensured by stabilizing contacts between the prosthetic group and a limited number of other residues, most of which are not present in other bacterial enzyme variants. We show that the introduction of only three mutations at the dimer interface of the enzyme from Haemophilus parainfluenzae, a closely related bacterial species, is sufficient to induce heme-binding ability by this enzyme variant. Heme binding does not alter protein activity. Moreover, the binding of the prosthetic group does not induce any significant structural perturbation at the subunit level and requires only limited local structural rearrangements that widen the cleft at the dimer interface and cause a limited shift in the relative orientation between the subunits. The presence of a preformed heme-binding pocket and the significant solvent exposure of the cofactor to the solvent are compatible with the suggested protective role of the enzyme against heme toxicity or with its involvement in heme trafficking in the periplasmic space.  相似文献   

This study clarifies the membrane disruption mechanisms of two bacterial RTX toxins: αhemolysin (HlyA) from Escherichia coli and a highly homologous adenylate cyclase toxin (CyaA) from Bordetella pertussis. For this purpose, we employed a fluorescence requenching method using liposomes (extruded through filters of different pore size — 1000 nm, 400 nm or 100 nm) with encapsulated fluorescent dye/quencher pair ANTS/DPX. We showed that both toxins induced a graded leakage of liposome content with different selectivities α for DPX and ANTS. In contrast to HlyA, CyaA exhibited a higher selectivity for cationic quencher DPX, which increased with vesicle diameter. Large unilamellar vesicles (LUV1000) were found to be more suitable for distinguishing between high α values whereas smaller ones (LUV100) were more appropriate for discriminating an all-or-none leakage (α = 0) from the graded leakage with low values of α. While disrupting LUV1000, CyaA caused a highly cation-selective leakage (α ~ 15) whereas its mutated form with decreased channel K+/Cl selectivity due to two substitutions in a predicted transmembrane segment (CyaA-E509K + E516K) exhibited much lower selectivity (α ∼ 6). We concluded that the fluorescence requenching method in combination with different size of liposomes is a valuable tool for characterization of pore-forming toxins and their variants.  相似文献   

The early intrauterine embryonic development of the bothriocephalidean cestode Clestobothrium crassiceps (Rudolphi, 1819), a parasite of the teleost Merluccius merluccius (L., 1758), was studied by means of light (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Contrary to the generic diagnosis given in the CABI Keys to the cestode parasites of vertebrates, the eggs of C. crassiceps, the type of species of Clestobothrium Lühe, 1899, are operculate and embryonated. Our LM and TEM results provide direct evidence that an operculum is present and that the eggs exhibit various stages of intrauterine embryonic development, and in fact represent a good example of early ovoviviparity. The intrauterine eggs of this species are polylecithal and contain numerous vitellocytes, generally ∼ 30, which are pushed to the periphery and remain close to the eggshell, whereas the dividing zygote and later the early embryo remain in the egg centre. During early intrauterine embryonic development, several cleavage divisions take place, which result in the formation of three types of blastomeres, i.e. macro-, meso- and micromeres. These can be readily differentiated at the TEM level, not only by their size, but also by the ultrastructural characteristics of their nuclei and cytoplasmic organelles. The total number of blastomeres in these early embryos, enclosed within the electron-dense eggshells, can be up to ∼ 20 cells of various sizes and characteristics. Mitotic divisions of early blastomeres were frequently observed at both LM and TEM levels. Simultaneously with the mitotic cleavage divisions leading to blastomere multiplication and their rapid differentiation, there is also a deterioration of some blastomeres, mainly micromeres. A similar degeneration of vitellocytes begins even earlier. Both processes show a progressive degeneration of both vitellocytes and micromeres, and are good examples of apoptosis, a process that provides nutritive substances, including lipids, for the developing embryo.  相似文献   

An enzyme from the amidohydrolase family from Deinococcus radiodurans (Dr-OPH) with homology to phosphotriesterase has been shown to exhibit activity against both organophosphate (OP) and lactone compounds. We have characterized the physical properties of Dr-OPH and have found it to be a highly thermostable enzyme, remaining active after 3 h of incubation at 60 °C and withstanding incubation at temperatures up to 70 °C. In addition, it can withstand concentrations of at least 200 mg/mL. These properties make Dr-OPH a promising candidate for development in commercial applications. However, compared to the most widely studied OP-degrading enzyme, that from Pseudomonas diminuta, Dr-OPH has low hydrolytic activity against certain OP substrates. Therefore, we sought to improve the OP-degrading activity of Dr-OPH, specifically toward the pesticides ethyl and methyl paraoxon, using structure-based and random approaches. Site-directed mutagenesis, random mutagenesis, and site-saturation mutagenesis were utilized to increase the OP-degrading activity of Dr-OPH. Out of a screen of more than 30,000 potential mutants, a total of 26 mutant enzymes were purified and characterized kinetically. Crystal structures of w.t. Dr-OPH, of Dr-OPH in complex with a product analog, and of 7 mutant enzymes were determined to resolutions between 1.7 and 2.4 Å. Information from these structures directed the design and production of 4 additional mutants for analysis. In total, our mutagenesis efforts improved the catalytic activity of Dr-OPH toward ethyl and methyl paraoxon by 126- and 322-fold and raised the specificity for these two substrates by 557- and 183-fold, respectively. Our work highlights the importance of an iterative approach to mutagenesis, proving that large rate enhancements are achieved when mutations are made in already active mutants. In addition, the relationship between the kinetic parameters and the introduced mutations has allowed us to hypothesize on those factors most important for maintaining the structure and function of the enzyme.  相似文献   

In plants, the ureide pathway is a metabolic route that converts the ring nitrogen atoms of purine into ammonia via sequential enzymatic reactions, playing an important role in nitrogen recovery. In the final step of the pathway, (S)-ureidoglycolate amidohydrolase (UAH) catalyzes the conversion of (S)-ureidoglycolate into glyoxylate and releases two molecules of ammonia as by-products. UAH is homologous in structure and sequence with allantoate amidohydrolase (AAH), an upstream enzyme in the pathway with a similar function as that of an amidase but with a different substrate. Both enzymes exhibit strict substrate specificity and catalyze reactions in a concerted manner, resulting in purine degradation. Here, we report three crystal structures of Arabidopsis thaliana UAH (bound with substrate, reaction intermediate, and product) and a structure of Escherichia coli AAH complexed with allantoate. Structural analyses of UAH revealed a distinct binding mode for each ligand in a bimetal reaction center with the active site in a closed conformation. The ligand directly participates in the coordination shell of two metal ions and is stabilized by the surrounding residues. In contrast, AAH, which exhibits a substrate-binding site similar to that of UAH, requires a larger active site due to the additional ureido group in allantoate. Structural analyses and mutagenesis revealed that both enzymes undergo an open-to-closed conformational transition in response to ligand binding and that the active-site size and the interaction environment in UAH and AAH are determinants of the substrate specificities of these two structurally homologous enzymes.  相似文献   

The composition of essential oils hydrodistilled from 19 samples of inflorescences and leaves of Achillea millefolium L. plants, which were transferred from 14 natural habitats in Lithuania to the field collection, is reported. Total content of oil was 0.15–0.55% in inflorescences and 0.06–0.19% (v/w) in leaves. In total 117 compounds were identified positively or tentatively. Data obtained clearly indicate the presence of a remarkable chemical polymorphism within the population of A. millefolium in Lithuania. The content of the major constituents in the oils from inflorescences varied in the following ranges: β-pinene, 0.33–62.29%; β-myrcene, 0.05–69.76%; α-phelandrene, 0.13–29.96%; 1,8-cineole, 2.30–21.57%; and chamazulene, 0.08–30.70%. According to the major components the essential oils' six chemotypes of A. millefolium were defined.  相似文献   

A new lepidopteran cell line, NTU-YB, was derived from pupal tissue of Eurema hecabe (Linnaeus) (Pieridae: Lepidoptera). The doubling time of YB cells in TNM-FH medium supplemented with 8% FBS at 28 °C was 26.87 h. The chromosome numbers of YB cells varied widely from 21 to 196 with a mean of 86. Compared to other insect cell lines, the YB cells produced distinct esterase, malate dehydrogenase, and lactate dehydrogenase isozyme patterns. Identity of the internal transcribed spacer region-I (ITS-I) of YB cells to E. hecabe larvae was 96% and to Eurema blanda larvae (tissue isolated from head) was 81%. The YB cells were permissive to Nosema sp. isolated from E. blanda and the infected YB cells showed obvious cytopathic effects after 3 weeks post inoculation. The highest level of spore production was at 4 weeks post inoculation when cells were infected with the Nosema isolate, and spore production was 1.34 ± 0.9 × 106 spore/ml. Ultrastructrual studies showed that YB cells can host in vitro propagation of the E. blanda Nosema isolate, and developing stages were observed in the host cell nuclei as observed in the natural host, E. blanda. The NTU-YB cell line is also susceptible to Nosema bombycis.  相似文献   

Combretum stylesii O.Maurin, Jordaan & A.E.van Wyk, a liana or slender tree with scrambling branches from the Tugela River Valley (KwaZulu-Natal), South Africa, is described. Molecular data supports its placement in subgenus Combretum section Ciliatipetala with its closest relative Combretum edwardsii. The new species differs from C. edwardsii in having, amongst others, a single mature leaf form, leaves softly textured, with whitish hairs, often with drooping habit, shorter leaf petioles (less than 5 mm), and less complex 8-celled leaf scales. A key to the species and infraspecific taxa of section Ciliatipetala in the Flora of southern Africa region is provided.  相似文献   

Eighteen Xenorhabdus isolates associated with Spanish entomopathogenic nematodes of the genus Steinernema were characterized using a polyphasic approach including phenotypic and molecular methods. Two isolates were classified as Xenorhabdus nematophila and were associated with Steinernema carpocapsae. Sixteen isolates were classified as Xenorhabdus bovienii, of which fifteen were associated with Steinernema feltiae and one with Steinernema kraussei. Two X. bovienii Phase II were also isolated, one instable phase isolated from S. feltiae strain Rioja and one stable phase from S. feltiae strain BZ. Four representative bacterial isolates were chosen to study their pathogenicity against Spodoptera littoralis with and without the presence of their nematode host. The four bacterial isolates were pathogenic for S. littoralis leading to septicemia 24 h post-injection and killing around 90% of the insect larvae 36 h post-injection, except for that isolated from S. kraussei. After 48 h of injection, this latter isolate showed a lower final population in the larval hemolymph (107 instead of 108 CFU per larvae) and a lower larval mortality (70% instead of 95-100%). The virulence of the nematode-bacteria complexes against S. littoralis showed similar traits with a significant insect larvae mortality (80-90%) 5 days post-infection except for S. kraussei, although this strain reached similar of larval mortality at 7 days after infection.  相似文献   

Entry to sporulation in bacilli is governed by a histidine kinase phosphorelay, a variation of the predominant signal transduction mechanism in prokaryotes. Sda directly inhibits sporulation histidine kinases in response to DNA damage and replication defects. We determined a 2.0-Å-resolution X-ray crystal structure of the intact cytoplasmic catalytic core [comprising the dimerization and histidine phosphotransfer domain (DHp domain), connected to the ATP binding catalytic domain] of the Geobacillus stearothermophilus sporulation kinase KinB complexed with Sda. Structural and biochemical analyses reveal that Sda binds to the base of the DHp domain and prevents molecular transactions with the DHp domain to which it is bound by acting as a simple molecular barricade. Sda acts to sterically block communication between the catalytic domain and the DHp domain, which is required for autophosphorylation, as well as to sterically block communication between the response regulator Spo0F and the DHp domain, which is required for phosphotransfer and phosphatase activities.  相似文献   

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