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The highly polymorphic 60 kDa glycoprotein (GP60) of Cryptosporidium is an important tool for investigating the epidemiology of this parasite. Characterization of the GP60 gene has only been performed for 3 of the 20 known Cryptosporidium species, and has already enabled sub-typing and source tracking of species with human significance. We have characterised a fourth species, Cryptosporidium fayeri, at the GP60 locus using isolates (n = 26) from different marsupial hosts to assess the diversity of GP60 within this species. The analysis demonstrated that C. fayeri isolates could be assigned to 6 subtypes which were associated with host species and locality. The intra-species diversity for the host-adapted C. fayeri was less than the diversity for human pathogenic species suggesting that the GP60 locus is under less selective pressure in these than host-adapted species.  相似文献   

Recent progress in understanding the unique biochemistry of the two closely related human enteric pathogens Cryptosporidium parvum and Cryptosporidium hominis has been stimulated by the elucidation of the complete genome sequences for both pathogens. Much of the work that has occurred since that time has been focused on understanding the metabolic pathways encoded by the genome in hopes of providing increased understanding of the parasite biology, and in the identification of novel targets for pharmacological interventions. However, despite identifying the genes encoding enzymes that participate in many of the major metabolic pathways, only a hand full of proteins have actually been the subjects of detailed scrutiny. Thus, much of the biochemistry of these parasites remains a true mystery.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium species and Giardia intestinalis are the most common enteric protozoan pathogens affecting humans worldwide. In recent years, nitazoxanide has been licensed in the United States for the treatment of cryptosporidiosis in non-immunodeficient children and adults, becoming the first drug approved for treating this disease. There is a need for a highly effective treatment for cryptosporidiosis in immunodeficient patients, but the quest for such a drug has proven to be elusive. While not effective against Cryptosporidium, nitroimidazoles such as metronidazole or tinidazole are effective treatments for giardiasis and can be administered as a single dose. Albendazole and nitazoxanide are effective against giardiasis but require multiple doses. Nitazoxanide is the first new drug developed for treating giardiasis in more than 20 years. New potentially promising drug targets in Cryptosporidium and Giardia have been identified, but there appears to be little activity toward clinical development of new drugs.  相似文献   

Non-human primates (NHPs) are commonly infected with Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia duodenalis. However, molecular characterisation of these pathogens from NHPs remains scarce. In this study, 2,660 specimens from 26 NHP species in China were examined and characterised by PCR amplification of 18S rRNA, 70 kDa heat shock protein (hsp70) and 60 kDa glycoprotein (gp60) gene loci for Cryptosporidium; and 1,386 of the specimens by ssrRNA, triosephosphate isomerase (tpi) and glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh) gene loci for Giardia. Cryptosporidium was detected in 0.7% (19/2660) specimens of four NHP species including rhesus macaques (0.7%), cynomolgus monkeys (1.0%), slow lorises (10.0%) and Francois’ leaf monkeys (6.7%), belonging to Cryptosporidium hominis (14/19) and Cryptosporidium muris (5/19). Two C. hominis gp60 subtypes, IbA12G3 and IiA17 were observed. Based on the tpi locus, G. duodenalis was identified in 2.2% (30/1,386) of specimens including 2.1% in rhesus macaques, 33.3% in Japanese macaques, 16.7% in Assam macaques, 0.7% in white-headed langurs, 1.6% in cynomolgus monkeys and 16.7% in olive baboons. Sequence analysis of the three targets indicated that all of the Giardia-positive specimens belonged to the zoonotic assemblage B. Highest sequence polymorphism was observed at the tpi locus, including 11 subtypes: three known and eight new ones. Phylogenetic analysis of the subtypes showed that most of them were close to the so-called subtype BIV. Intragenotypic variations at the gdh locus revealed six types of sequences (three known and three new), all of which belonged to so-called subtype BIV. Three specimens had co-infection with C. hominis (IbA12G3) and G. duodenalis (BIV). The presence of zoonotic genotypes and subtypes of Cryptosporidium spp. and G. duodenalis in NHPs suggests that these animals can potentially contribute to the transmission of human cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium species are common parasites of wild placental mammals. Recent parasitological studies combined with molecular genotyping techniques have been providing valuable new insight into the host specificity and potential transmission of various Cryptosporidium species/genotypes among animals and between these animals and humans. Although Cryptosporidium in wild animals may possess a potential public health problem due to oocyst contamination in the environment, studies at various regions of the world have indicated a strong host-adaptation by these parasites and a limited potential of cross-species transmission of cryptosporidiosis among placental mammals, suggesting that these animals are probably not a major reservoir for human infection. However, Cryptosporidium species/genotypes in placental animals have been reported occasionally in humans. Therefore, public health significance of some Cryptosporidium species in wild placental mammals, such as the cervine genotype, should not be overlooked and should be further studied.  相似文献   

Whilst considerable information is available for avian cryptosporidiosis, scant information is available for Cryptosporidium infections in fish and amphibians. The present review details recent studies in avian cryptosporidiosis and our current knowledge of piscine and amphibian infections.  相似文献   

Surveillance for Cryptosporidium in the United States indicates that the reported incidence of infection has increased dramatically since 2004. The reasons for this increase are unclear but might be caused by an actual increase in incidence, improved surveillance, improved awareness about cryptosporidiosis, and/or increases in testing practices resulting from the licensing of the first-ever treatment for cryptosporidiosis. While regional differences remain, the incidence of cryptosporidiosis appears to be increasing across the United States. Onset of illness is most common during the summer, particularly among younger children.Cryptosporidiosis case reporting also influences outbreak detection and reporting; the recent rise in cases coincides with an increase in the number of reported cryptosporidiosis outbreaks, particularly in treated recreational water venues. Risk factors include ingesting contaminated recreational or drinking water, exposure to infected animals, having close contacts with cryptosporidiosis, travel to disease-endemic areas, and ingestion of contaminated food. Advances in molecular characterization of clinical specimens have improved our understanding of the changing epidemiology and risk factors.Prevention and control of cryptosporidiosis requires continued efforts to interrupt the transmission of Cryptosporidium through water, food, and contact with infected persons or animals. Of particular importance is continued improvement and monitoring of drinking water treatment and advances in the design, operation, and management of recreational water venues coupled with behavioral changes among the swimming public.  相似文献   

Molecular typing at the 18S rRNA and Gp60 loci was conducted on Cryptosporidium-positive stool samples from cases collected during 2007 Western Australian and South Australian outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis. Analysis of 48 Western Australian samples identified that all isolates were C. hominis and were from five different Gp60C. hominis subtype families. The IbA10G2 subtype was most common across all age groups (37/48). In South Australia, analysis of 24 outbreak samples, identified 21 C. hominis isolates, two C. parvum isolates and one sample with both C. hominis and C. parvum. All C. hominis isolates were identified as the IbA10G2 subtype.  相似文献   

Studies on Cryptosporidium species have been hampered by the limited amount of parasitic stages available for research. One of the major objectives of many laboratories is to develop a reproducible culture model for this important parasite. Recent research has resulted in long-term culturing of Cryptosporidium in cell culture using pH modification, sub-culturing and gamma irradiation. Further advances in the in vitro culturing of Cryptosporidium revealed that this parasite can complete its life cycle in culture medium overcoming the problem of using the host cells, as host cell overgrowth and aging resulted in the termination of the Cryptosporidium life cycle prior to its completion. Improved methods for visualizing life cycle stages in cell-free culture have also been developed. This review will discuss factors that can influence the success of Cryptosporidium culture in vitro and propose new ideas for the future optimization of the cell-free culture system.  相似文献   

Little is known about the epidemiology of Cryptosporidium in Jordan and no genotyping studies have been conducted on Cryptosporidium isolates from humans or animals from Jordan. Genotyping of 44 Cryptosporidium isolates from Jordanian children at the 18S rRNA locus and a unique diagnostic locus identified four Cryptosporidium species; C. parvum (22), C. hominis (20), C. meleagridis (1) and C. canis (1). Sub-genotype analysis of 29 isolates at the 60-kDa glycoprotein (GP60) locus identified three C. parvum, two C. hominis subtype families and one C. meleagridis subtype. Several rare and novel subtypes were identified indicating unique endemicity and transmission of Cryptosporidium in Jordan.  相似文献   

Amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals serve as hosts for 19 species of Cryptosporidium. All 19 species have been confirmed by morphological, biological, and molecular data. Fish serve as hosts for three additional species, all of which lack supporting molecular data. In addition to the named species, gene sequence data from more than 40 isolates from various vertebrate hosts are reported in the scientific literature or are listed in GenBank. These isolates lack taxonomic status and are referred to as genotypes based on the host of origin. Undoubtedly, some will eventually be recognized as species. For them to receive taxonomic status sufficient morphological, biological, and molecular data are required and names must comply with the rules of the International Code for Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). Because the ICZN rules may be interpreted differently by persons proposing names, original names might be improperly assigned, original literature might be overlooked, or new scientific methods might be applicable to determining taxonomic status, the names of species and higher taxa are not immutable. The rapidly evolving taxonomic status of Cryptosporidium sp. reflects these considerations.  相似文献   

Water and food are major environmental transmission routes for Cryptosporidium, but our ability to identify the spectrum of oocyst contributions in current performance-based methods is limited. Determining risks in water and foodstuffs, and the importance of zoonotic transmission, requires the use of molecular methods, which add value to performance-based morphologic methods. Multi-locus approaches increase the accuracy of identification, as many signatures detected in water originate from species/genotypes that are not infectious to humans. Method optimisation is necessary for detecting small numbers of oocysts in environmental samples consistently, and further work is required to (i) optimise IMS recovery efficiency, (ii) quality assure performance-based methods, (iii) maximise DNA extraction and purification, (iv) adopt standardised and validated loci and primers, (v) determine the species and subspecies range in samples containing mixtures, and standardising storage and transport matrices for validating genetic loci, primer sets and DNA sequences.  相似文献   

The last decade has witnessed the emergence of several new viral infectious agents, most notably avian influenza H5N1, SARS and West Nile Virus. The emergence of these agents is heavily associated with zonotic animal hosts, as well as migratory pathways of infected bird vectors. The environmental survival and persistence of nucleic acid associated with these viral agents may be important for both the detection as well as the occurrence of related diseases. Our hypothesis suggests that nucleic acid from such emerging viruses may enter into a virus-parasite surrogate relationship to aid in viral persistence. We suggest that Cryptosporidium and other gastrointestinal parasites, including Giardia, could be a) a reservoir of genetic material and a environment where assortment between that genetic variation can occur and, b) a source of zoonoses through infection of the ‘target’ animal (including humans). One example which illustrates this may be the uptake dsRNA from rotavirus into cryptosporidial oocysts, as this parasite has previously been shown to contain dsRNA viral-like particles. The importance of such a surrogate relationship is discussed and its implications for human and animal health highlighted.  相似文献   

Glycoproteins expressed by Cryptosporidium parvum are immunogenic in infected individuals but the nature of the epitopes recognised in C. parvum glycoproteins is poorly understood. Since a known immunodominant antigen of Cryptosporidium, the 17 kDa glycoprotein, has previously been shown to bind to lectins that recognise the Tn antigen (GalNAcα1-Ser/Thr-R), a large number of glycopeptides with different Tn valency and presentation were prepared. In addition, glycopeptides were synthesised based on a 40 kDa cryptosporidial antigen, a polymorphic surface glycoprotein with varying numbers of serine residues, to determine the reactivity with sera from C. parvum-infected humans. These glycopeptides and non-glycosylated peptides were used to generate a glycopeptide microarray to allow screening of sera from C. parvum-infected individuals for the presence of IgM and IgG antibodies. IgG but not IgM in sera from C. parvum-infected individuals bound to multivalent Tn antigen epitopes presented on glycopeptides, suggesting that glycoproteins from C. parvum that contain the Tn antigen induce immune responses upon infection. In addition, molecular differences in glycosylated peptides (e.g. substituting Ser for Thr) as well as the site of glycosylation had a pronounced effect on reactivity. Lastly, pooled sera from individuals infected with either Toxoplasma or Plasmodium were also tested against the modified Cryptosporidium peptides and some sera showed specific binding to glycopeptide epitopes. These studies reveal that specific anti-glycopeptide antibodies that recognise the Tn antigen may be useful diagnostically and in defining the roles of parasite glycoconjugates in infections.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, has at least two principal intraspecific subdivisions, T. cruzi I (TCI) and T. cruzi II (TCII), the latter containing up to five subgroups (a-e). Whilst it is known that TCI predominates from the Amazon basin northwards and TCII to the South, where the disease is considered to be clinically more severe, the precise clinical and evolutionary significance of these divisions remains enigmatic. Here, we present compelling evidence of an association between TCI and opossums (Didelphis), and TCII and armadillos, on the basis of key new findings from the Paraguayan Chaco region, together with a comprehensive analysis of historical data. We suggest that the distinct arboreal and terrestrial ecologies, respectively, of these mammal hosts provide a persuasive explanation for the extant T. cruzi intraspecific diversity in South America, and for separate origins of Chagas disease in northern South America and in the southern cone countries.  相似文献   

Eucalyptus gomphocephala (tuart) is a tree native to the southwest coast of Western Australia, where, in some areas, there is a significant decline in the health of tuart. Botryosphaeriaceous taxa have been isolated as endophytes and canker pathogens from numerous hosts in many parts of the world and have been implicated in the decline of E. gomphocephala. In the present study, endophytic fungi were isolated from a wide variety of native woody plant species (Acacia cochlearis, A. rostellifera, Allocasuarina fraseriana, Agonis flexuosa, Banksia grandis, E. gomphocephala, E. marginata and Santalum acuminatum), at two locations in native E. gomphocephala woodland; a site in decline at Yalgorup National Park and a healthy site at Woodman Point Regional Park. Of the 226 isolates obtained, 154 were botryosphaeriaceous taxa, 80 % of which were found to be Neofusicoccum australe, isolated from all hosts at both collection sites. Four new species are described, Dothiorella moneti, Dothiorella santali, Neofusicoccum pennatisporum, and a species belonging to a genus only recently included in the Botryosphaeriaceae, Aplosporella yalgorensis. The other species isolated were Botryosphaeria dothidea on the new hosts A. rostellifera, A. cochlearis and E. marginata and Dichomera eucalypti, on the new host E. marginata. None of the new species formed lesions on excised stems of their host species, E. gomphocephala, or a common plantation species, E. globulus. However, Neofusicoccum australe formed lesions on excised stems of E. globulus and E. gomphocephala.  相似文献   

Four prenylated acetophenones 2,6-dihydroxy-4-geranyloxyacetophenone (1), 4-geranyloxy-2,6,β-trihydroxyacetophenone (2), 2,6-dihydroxy-4-geranyloxy-3-prenylacetophenone (3), and 4-geranyloxy-3-prenyl-2,6,β-trihydroxyacetophenone (4) have for the first time been isolated from Melicope obscura (1 and 2) and Melicope obtusifolia ssp. obtusifolia var. arborea (3 and 4). The distribution of prenylated acetophenones in Rutaceae is reviewed and the results, including the new records, indicate that prenylated acetophenones are valuable as chemotaxonomic markers for the subfamily Rutoideae, tribe Xanthoxyleae sensu Engler.  相似文献   

Botryosphaeriaceae represents an important and diverse family of latent fungal pathogens of woody plants. We address the question of host range of these fungi by sampling leaves and branches of four native South African trees, including Acacia karroo (Fabaceae), Celtis africana (Cannabaceae), Searsia lancea (Anacardiaceae), and Gymnosporia buxifolia (Celastraceae). Two new species of the Botryosphaeriaceae, namely Tiarosporella africana sp. nov. and Aplosporella javeedii sp. nov. were identified, together with five known species, including Neofusicoccum parvum, Neofusicoccum kwambonambiense, Spencermartinsia viticola, Diplodia pseudoseriata, and Botryosphaeria dothidea. Most Botryosphaeriaceae occurred on more than one host. With the exception of S. lancea, which was infected by A. javeedii all the hosts were infected by more than one Botryosphaeriaceae species. Collectively, the results suggest that some intrinsic host factors, possibly combined with local environmental conditions, affect the distribution and co-infectivity of various hosts by the Botryosphaeriaceae. This would counteract the general ability of a species in the Botryosphaeriaceae to infect a broad range of plants. The combination of host and environmental factors might also explain why some Botryosphaeriaceae with apparently broad host ranges, are found on different suites of hosts in different areas of the world.  相似文献   

As part of studies of metabolites from fungi common in the built environment in Canadian homes, we investigated metabolites from strains of three Eurotium species, namely E. herbariorum, E. amstelodami, and E. rubrum as well as a number of isolates provisionally identified as Aspergillus ustus. The latter have been recently assigned as the new species A. insuetus and A. calidoustus. E. amstelodami produced neoechinulin A and neoechinulin B, epiheveadride, flavoglaucin, auroglaucin, and isotetrahydroauroglaucin as major metabolites. Minor metabolites included echinulin, preechinulin and neoechinulin E. E. rubrum produced all of these metabolites, but epiheveadride was detected as a minor metabolite. E. herbariorum produced cladosporin as a major metabolite, in addition to those found in E. amstelodami. This species also produced questin and neoechinulin E as minor metabolites. This is the first report of epiheveadride occurring as a natural product, and the first nonadride isolated from Eurotium species. Unlike strains from mainly infection-related samples, largely from Europe, neither ophiobolins G and H nor austins were detected in the Canadian strains of A. insuetus and A. calidoustus tested, all of which had been reported from the latter species. TMC-120 A, B, C and a sesquiterpene drimane are reported with certainty for the first time from indoor isolates, as well as two novel related methyl isoquinoline alkaloids.  相似文献   

An external quality assessment (EQA) panel consisting of a total of 13 samples in broncho alveolar lavage (BAL) or transport medium was prepared to assess the proficiency of laboratories in the correct detection of Chlamydophila pneumoniae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae by nucleic acid amplification techniques (NAATs) (6 samples containing various concentrations (4.9-490 inclusion forming units (IFU)/ml) of C. pneumoniae, 5 samples containing various concentrations (20-5000 color-changing units (CCU)/ml) of M. pneumoniae and 2 samples negative for both).Seventy-nine laboratories from 18 countries participated in this EQA study. Sixty-four datasets were returned for C. pneumoniae (n = 5 conventional commercial, n = 10 conventional in-house, n = 4 real-time commercial, n = 43 real-time in-house, and n = 2 SDA). Sixty-seven datasets were obtained for M. pneumoniae (n = 5 conventional commercial, n = 10 conventional in-house, n = 4 real-time commercial, n = 46 real-time in-house, and n = 2 strand displacement amplification (SDA)). For the total panels, correct results per sample varied between 95.3% and 100% for C. pneumoniae and between 53.7% and 95.5% for M. pneumoniae. In general, commercial conventional NAATs showed possible sensitivity issues when compared to conventional in-house NAATs for both organisms. On the other hand, real-time commercial NAATs scored better than real-time in-house assays in terms of sensitivity for both organisms. For C. pneumoniae and M. pneumoniae, 0.8% and 2.2% true false-positive results and 1.9% and 2.0% false positives were reported in the samples spiked with the other organism.Analysis of the data for C. pneumoniae showed that the concentrations used were easily detectable by the vast majority of participants. The percentage of correct qualitative results for M. pneumoniae demonstrated that the concentrations included in this panel proved challenging for a number of participants.  相似文献   

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