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Due to the apparent lack of sexual recombination in Leishmania spp., gene replacement strategies in this diploid organism necessitate the subsequent targeting of two gene alleles by using two constructs, bearing different antibiotic resistance markers. This approach is time consuming and often gives rise to spontaneous amplification of the targeted gene, nullifying efforts to create functional null mutants. Here, we show that by using two homologous recombination constructs in a co-transfection of Leishmania donovani promastigotes, we can obtain double-allele gene replacement mutants. This approach reduces the time required for the generation of functional null mutants and the number of in vitro passage cycles, potentially limiting culture-associated artefacts.  相似文献   

Type I signal peptidase is the enzyme responsible for cleaving off the amino-terminal signal peptide from proteins that are secreted across the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane. It is an essential membrane bound enzyme whose serine/lysine catalytic dyad resides on the exo-cytoplasmic surface of the bacterial membrane. This review discusses the progress that has been made in the structural and mechanistic characterization of Escherichia coli type I signal peptidase (SPase I) as well as efforts to develop a novel class of antibiotics based on SPase I inhibition. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Protein trafficking and secretion in bacteria. Guest Editors: Anastassios Economou and Ross Dalbey.  相似文献   

Effect of modulators on protein kinase A (PKA) activity, promastigote growth and their ability to infect peritoneal macrophages was monitored. PKA inhibitors reduced [Protein Kinase Inhibitor (PKI) - 56%; H89 - 54.5%] kemptide phosphorylation by Leishmania major promastigote lysates, while activators increased phosphorylation (8-CPT-cAMP - 88%; Sp-cAMPS-AM - 152%). Activation was specifically inhibited by PKI. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors also increased kemptide phosphorylation (dipyridamole - 171%; rolipram - 106%; and 3-isobutyl-1-methyl-xanthine - 154%). Parasite proliferation was significantly retarded (200 nM H89; 100 μM myristoylated-PKI) or completely inhibited (500 nM H89) by culturing with PKA inhibitors. Incubation with dipyridamole or Sp-cAMPS-AM also inhibited proliferation. Brief treatment (2 h) with either H89, myristoylated-PKI, dipyridamole or Sp-cAMPS-AM reduced initial macrophage infection at days 1 and 2 (>40%) and on day 3 (>78% only for 100 μM myr-PKI). Characterization of leishmanial cAMP mediated signal transduction pathways will serve as the basis for the new drug design.  相似文献   

Leishmania major, an intracellular parasitic protozoon that infects, differentiates and replicates within macrophages, expresses two closely related MIF-like proteins. To ascertain the roles and potential differences of these two Leishmania proteins, recombinant L. major MIF1 and MIF2 have been produced and the structures resolved by X-ray crystallography. Each has a trimeric ring architecture similar to mammalian MIF, but with some structurally distinct features. LmjMIF1, but not LmjMIF2, has tautomerase activity. LmjMIF2 is found in all life cycle stages whereas LmjMIF1 is found exclusively in amastigotes, the intracellular stage responsible for mammalian disease. The findings are consistent with parasite MIFs modulating or circumventing the host macrophage response, thereby promoting parasite survival, but suggest the LmjMIFs have potentially different biological roles. Analysis of the Leishmania braziliensis genome showed that this species lacks both MIF genes. Thus MIF is not a virulence factor in all species of Leishmania.  相似文献   

Computer models of disease take a systems biology approach toward understanding host-pathogen interactions. In particular, data driven computer model calibration is the basis for inference of immunological and pathogen parameters, assessment of model validity, and comparison between alternative models of immune or pathogen behavior. In this paper we describe the calibration and analysis of an agent-based model of Leishmania major infection. A model of macrophage loss following uptake of necrotic tissue is proposed to explain macrophage depletion following peak infection. Using Gaussian processes to approximate the computer code, we perform a sensitivity analysis to identify important parameters and to characterize their influence on the simulated infection. The analysis indicates that increasing growth rate can favor or suppress pathogen loads, depending on the infection stage and the pathogen's ability to avoid detection. Subsequent calibration of the model against previously published biological observations suggests that L. major has a relatively slow growth rate and can replicate for an extended period of time before damaging the host cell.  相似文献   

Shiraz district in south of Iran is a classical focus of Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) and previous research has consistently documented the etiologic agent to be Leishmania tropica and Leishmania major in urban and rural areas, respectively. However, none of the Phlebotomus sergenti, a known vector for L. tropica, of the region has been found infected. We report the first isolation of L. tropica from sandflies in urban community of southern part of Shiraz city. Parasite polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and gene sequencing analyses indicate CL cases in this community were caused by either L. major or L. tropica. Sandflies of P. sergenti were infrequent, however, three out of 10 (30.0%) females captured in urban area were found infected with L. tropica. But, no human cases were found to be infected with L. tropica. Phlebotomus papatasi were found the most dominant and infected species where 41 out of 207 (20%) tested individuals harboring L. major in suburb area of the city. Patients have been lived in the suburb area of the city where people keep normally domestic animals in their houses which provide appropriate environment for completion of sandfly life cycle and expansion of CL disease in the region.  相似文献   

The human protozoan parasite Leishmania major has been shown to exhibit several morphological and biochemical features characteristic of a cell death program when differentiating into infectious stages and under a variety of stress conditions. Although some caspase-like peptidase activity has been reported in dying parasites, no caspase gene is present in the genome. However, a single metacaspase gene is present in L. major whose encoded protein harbors the predicted secondary structure and the catalytic dyad histidine/cysteine described for caspases and other metacaspases identified in plants and yeast. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae metacaspase YCA1 has been implicated in the death of aging cells, cells defective in some biological functions, and cells exposed to different environmental stresses. In this study, we describe the functional heterologous complementation of a S. cerevisiae yca1 null mutant with the L. major metacaspase (LmjMCA) in cell death induced by oxidative stress. We show that LmjMCA is involved in yeast cell death, similar to YCA1, and that this function depends on its catalytic activity. LmjMCA was found to be auto-processed as occurs for caspases, however LmjMCA did not exhibit any activity with caspase substrates. In contrast and similarly to Arabidopsis thaliana metacaspases, LmjMCA was active towards substrates with arginine in the P1 position, with the activity being abolished following H147A and C202A catalytic site mutations. These results suggest that metacaspases are members of a family of peptidases with a role in cell death conserved in evolution notwithstanding possible differences in their catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Leishmania major is the causative agent and Phlebotomus papatasi is the main vector of rural zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL) in Iran and elsewhere. Nested PCR protocols were used to amplify a region of the ribosomal RNA amplicon of Leishmania (ITS1-5.8S rRNA gene) in female P. papatasi. In the current investigation, L. major was found in Natanz, Isfahan province in centre of Iran, in a focus of rural ZCL. Ten (1.8%) out of 549 female P. papatasi was found to be infected with L. major based on the PCR detection and sequencing of parasite ITS-rDNA.Nine (1.8%) out of 498 female P. papatasi infected with L. major came from animal shelters, inside houses and yards. And one (1.9%) out of 51 female P. papatasi infected with L. major came from gerbil borrows. Infection rates were higher for females containing red blood meals, large eggs (semi-mature and mature) than for those without either blood meals or eggs. From the 10 infections detected three different haplotypes of L. major were identified. Two haplotypes were found to be novel. The other haplotypes of L. major was found to be identical to that of isolates of L. major from Iran and in elsewhere using GenBank data. Comparisons of infection rates between habitats will be inaccurate when the proportions of blood-fed and gravid flies differ among sandfly samples.  相似文献   

Leishmaniasis’ treatment is based mostly on pentavalent antimonials or amphotericin B long-term administration, expensive drugs associated with severe side effects. Considering these aforementioned, the search for alternative effective and safe leishmaniasis treatments is a necessity. This work evaluated a neolignan, licarin A anti-leishmanial activity chemically synthesized by our study group. It was observed that licarin A effectively inhibited Leishmania (Leishmania) major promastigotes (IC50 of 9.59 ± 0.94 μg/mL) growth, by inducing in these parasites genomic DNA fragmentation in a typical death pattern by apoptosis. Additionally, the neolignan proved to be even more active against intracellular amastigotes of the parasite (EC50 of 4.71 ± 0.29 μg/mL), and significantly more effective than meglumine antimoniate (EC50 of 216.2 ± 76.7 μg/mL) used as reference drug. The antiamastigote activity is associated with an immunomodulatory activity, since treatment with licarin A of the infected macrophages induced a decrease in the interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-10 production. This study demonstrates for the first time the antileishmanial activity of licarin A and suggests that the compound may be a promising in the development of a new leishmanicidal agent.  相似文献   

A source of chemotherapeutic failure in anti-infective therapies is the active movement of drugs across membranes, through ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters. In fact, simultaneous administration of therapeutic drugs with ABC transporter blockers has been invoked to be the way to actively prevent the emergence of drug resistance. Herein, we demonstrate that glucantime’s efficacy in decreasing the infection rate of Leishmania-infected macrophages is strongly enhanced when used in combination with glibenclamide, a specific blocker of ABC transporters. Intracellular ABC transporters mediate glucantime sequestration in intracellular organelles. Their selective inhibition may effectively increase the cytoplasmic concentration of glucantime and its leishmanicidal activity. Our results reveal for the first time that glibenclamide targets in Leishmania major a compartment associated with a multivesicular system that is simultaneously labeled by the acidic marker LysoTracker-red and may represent the organelle where antimonials are sequestered. These results constitute a proof of concept that conclusively demonstrates the potential value that combination therapy with an ABC transporter blocker may have for leishmaniasis therapy.  相似文献   

Leishmania infantum cytosolic tryparedoxin (LiTXN1) can be regarded as a potential candidate for drug targeting. This redox active molecule, which belongs to the thioredoxin superfamily, is one constituent of the hydroperoxide elimination cascade in L. infantum and may also be involved in other cellular processes such as DNA synthesis or host-parasite interaction. In order to validate LiTXN1 as a drug target we have employed a gene replacement strategy. We observed that substitution of both chromosomal LiTXN1 alleles was only possible upon parasite complementation with an episomal copy of the gene. Furthermore, contrary to control parasites carrying the empty vector, both the insect and the mammalian stages of L. infantum retained the episomal copy of LiTXN1 in the absence of drug pressure. These results confirm the essentiality of LiTXN1 throughout the life cycle of the parasite, namely in the disease-causing amastigote stage. In addition, the data obtained showed that disruption of one allele of this gene leads only to a 25% reduction in the expression of LiTXN1. Even though this does not affect promastigote growth and susceptibility to hydrogen peroxide, ex vivo infection assays suggest that wild-type levels of LiTXN1 are required for optimal L. infantum virulence.  相似文献   

Interleukin-13 (IL-13) is a powerful anti-inflammatory cytokine that was previously shown to be a susceptibility factor for Leishmania major (L. major) infection. In this study we report a different role for IL-13 in rats infected with L. major; rIL-13 stimulates expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and IL-12 which is a key cytokine in protective immunity against Leishmania. Infected rats received daily injections of rIL-13 for eight consecutive days which resulted in increased pain perception for the first week post-infection assessed by thermal pain tests. This hyperalgesia was accompanied by a sustained early up-regulation of interleukin-1β followed by an up-regulation of IL-12p70. Real-time PCR showed no negative impact for rIL-13 upon the clearance of the parasites from the infection sites and blood.  相似文献   

Drug unresponsiveness in patients with visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a problem in many endemic areas. This study aimed to determine genetic diversity of Leishmania donovani isolates from a VL endemic area in Sudan as a possible explanation for drug unresponsiveness in some patients. Thirty clinically stibogluconate (SSG)-sensitive isolates were made SSG-unresponsive in vitro by gradually increasing SSG concentrations. The sensitive isolates and their SSG-unresponsive counterparts were typed using mini-circle kDNA and categorized using PCR-RAPD. All the isolates were typed as L. donovani, the resulting PCR-RAPD characterization of the SSG-sensitive isolates gave three distinct primary genotypes while, the SSG-unresponsive isolates showed only a single band. L. donovani isolates from eastern Sudan are diverse; this probably resulted from emergence of new L. donovani strains during epidemics due to the pressure of widespread use of antimonials.In this communication the possible role of isolates diversity in antimonial unresponsiveness and the in vitro changing PCR-RAPD band pattern in SSG-unresponsive strains were discussed.  相似文献   

Phlebotomine sand flies are the only proven biological vectors of Leishmania parasites. However, Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks have long been suspected to transmit Leishmania infantum in studies carried out in laboratory and natural conditions. In the present study, 5 μl of L. infantum promastigotes (1 × 106 cells per ml) was injected into the hemocel through the coxa I of four engorged females (F1, F2, F3 and F4). Control ticks (F5 and F6) were injected with sterile phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) using the same procedure. Then, these females, their eggs, and the originated larvae were tested by real time polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR) for the presence of L. infantum kinetoplast DNA (kDNA). Females and eggs were tested after the end of the oviposition period (about 5 weeks post-inoculation) whereas larvae were tested about 4 months after the inoculation of females. All artificially infected females were positive for L. infantum kDNA. In addition, two pools of eggs (one from F2 and other from F4) and four pools of larvae (one from each F1 and F4 and two from F2) were positive for L. infantum kDNA. These results showed, for the first time, the transovarial passage of L. infantum kDNA in R. sanguineus ticks, thus suggesting that the transovarial transmission of L. infantum protozoa in ticks is worth to be investigated.  相似文献   

Leishmania donovani, causative organism for visceral leishmaniasis, is responsible for considerable mortality and morbidity worldwide. Generation of drug-resistant variants continue to challenge the chemotherapy, the mainstay to fight the disease. The aim of current study was proteomic profiling of wild type (Ld-Wt) and arsenite-resistant (Ld-As20) L. donovani. Significant differences in protein profiles were observed between Ld-As20 and its parent Ld-Wt strain. Proteomic analysis of 158 spots from Ld-Wt and 144 spots from, Ld-As20 identified 77 and 74 protein entries, respectively, through MALDI-TOF/TOF based mass spectrometry and database search. A shift in the isoelectric point of few proteins was observed both in Ld-Wt and Ld-As20, which raises the possibility of continuous arsenite stress, resulting in the differences in the protein profiles of drug-resistant strain from its parent wild type strain. The comparative proteomic data holds the key for elucidation of the multifactorial and complex drug resistance mechanism, like arsenite resistance, in the parasite.  相似文献   

Establishment of infection by Leishmania depends on the transformation of the invading metacyclic promastigotes into the obligatory intracellular amastigotes, and their subsequent survival in the macrophage phagolysosome, which is low in magnesium. We show that two Leishmania major proteins designated MGT1 and MGT2, which play a critical role in these processes, belong to the two-transmembrane domain (2-TM-GxN) cation transporter family and share homology with the major bacterial magnesium transporter CorA. Although both are present in the endoplasmic reticulum throughout the life cycle of the parasite, MGT1 is more highly expressed in the infectious metacyclic parasites, while MGT2 is enriched in the immature procyclic stages. The two proteins, although predicted to be structurally similar, have features that suggest different regulatory or gating mechanisms. The two proteins may also be functionally distinct, since only MGT1 complements an Escherichia coliΔCorA mutant. In addition, deletion of one mgt1 allele from L. major led to increased virulence, while deletion of one allele of mgt2 resulted in slower growth and total loss of virulence in vitro and in vivo. This loss of virulence may be due to an impaired transformation of the parasites into amastigotes. Deletion of both mgt1 alleles in the hemizygous MGT2 knockdown parasites reversed the growth defect and partially restored virulence. Our data indicate that the MGTs play a critical role in parasite growth, development and virulence.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to try to determine the possible anti-leishmanial activity of S2-Complex, an organic complex of copper chloride, ascorbic acid, and nicotinamide. The promastigotes, axenic amastigotes, and intracellular amastigotes of both Leishmania major and Leishmania tropica were incubated with different concentrations of S2-Complex. The EC50 for each form was calculated. Results show that all forms of the parasites were dose dependently inhibited by S2-Complex. The promastigotes of both parasites were the most resistant with highest EC50 followed by axenic amastigotes. While intracellular amastigotes were the most sensitive with the lowest EC50.These results indicate that S2-Complex has a direct anti-leishmanial effect. When mice were treated with S2-Complex or BCG for four days before harvesting the macrophages, and the macrophages infected with both L. major and L. tropica, they showed increased phagocytosis and increased parasite killing. The results of S2-Complex were not statistically different from the immunomodulating agent BCG. These results indicate that S2-Complex has an immunomodulating effect in addition to the direct anti-leishmanial effect.  相似文献   

During the infectious cycle, protozoan parasites undergo various developmental transitions and switch virulence factors in response to extracellular signals in insect vectors and human hosts. Despite the importance of environmental sensing in parasite pathogenicity, little is known about the pathways that transduce extracellular signals into stage-specific gene expression. Here, we used a transgenic approach to gain insight into localisation and activity of three green fluorescence protein (GFP)-tagged Leishmania major mitogen-activated protein kinases, LmaMPK4, 7 and 10. The GFP-LmaMPKs in both L. major and Leishmania donovani transgenic lines showed predominant cytoplasmic localisation and the over-expression had no effect on promastigote morphology, growth and the ability to differentiate into stationary-phase metacyclics for L. major and axenic amastigotes for L. donovani. We isolated the GFP-tagged MPKs from parasite extracts and tested their phosphotransferase activity across various culture conditions. For all three GFP-LmaMPKs, kinase activity was low or absent in promastigote extracts but significantly increased in L. major promastigotes after exposure to pH 5.5 and 34 degrees C, and in axenic L. donovani amastigotes. Enhanced activity correlated with increased GFP-LmaMPK phosphorylation as judged by phospho-specific fluorescent staining of the immuno-precipitated kinases. We could extend these findings to the endogenous LmaMPK10, which accumulated in the phospho-protein fraction of axenic amastigotes but not promastigotes, and thus follows the stage-specific phosphorylation profile of episomally expressed GFP-LmaMPK10. These results provide evidence for the functional conservation of Leishmania MAP kinases in parasite environmental sensing and underscore the potential of transgenic approaches to gain insight into signaling events during the Leishmania life cycle.  相似文献   

Tryparedoxin peroxidase (TXNPx) of Trypanosomatidae is the terminal peroxidase of a complex redox cascade that detoxifies hydroperoxides by NADPH (Nogoceke et al., Biol. Chem. 378, 827-836, 1997). A gene putatively coding for a peroxiredoxin-type TXNPx was identified in L. donovani and expressed in Escherichia coli to yield an N-terminally His-tagged protein (LdH6TXNPx). LdH6TXNPx proved to be an active peroxidase with tryparedoxin (TXN) 1 and 2 of Crithidia fasciculata as cosubstrates. LdH6TXNPx efficiently reduces H2O2, is moderately active with t-butyl and cumene hydroperoxide, but only marginally with linoleic acid hydroperoxide and phosphatidyl choline hydroperoxide. The enzyme displays ping-pong kinetics with a kcat of 11.2 s−1 and limiting Km values for t-butyl hydroperoxide and CfTXN1 of 50 and 3.6 μM, respectively. Site-directed mutagenesis confirmed that C52 and C173, as in related peroxiredoxins, are involved in catalysis. Exchanges of R128 against D and T49 against S and V, supported by molecular modelling, further disclose that the SH group of C52 builds the center of a novel catalytic triad. By hydrogen bonding with the OH of T49 and by the positive charge of R128 the solvent-exposed thiol of C52 becomes deprotonated to react with ROOH. Molecular models of oxidized TXNPx show C52 disulfide-bridged with C173′ that can be attacked by C41 of TXN2. By homology, the deduced mechanism may apply to most peroxiredoxins and complements current views of peroxiredoxin catalysis.  相似文献   

The resistance of malaria parasites to current anti-malarial drugs is an issue of major concern globally. Recently we identified a Plasmodium falciparum cell membrane aspartyl protease, which binds to erythrocyte band 3, and is involved in merozoite invasion. Here we report the complete primary structure of P. falciparum signal peptide peptidase (PfSPP), and demonstrate that it is essential for parasite invasion and growth in human erythrocytes. Gene silencing suggests that PfSPP may be essential for parasite survival in human erythrocytes. Remarkably, mammalian signal peptide peptidase inhibitors (Z-LL)2-ketone and L-685,458 effectively inhibited malaria parasite invasion as well as growth in human erythrocytes. In contrast, DAPT, an inhibitor of a related γ-secretase/presenilin-1, was ineffective. Thus, SPP inhibitors specific for PfSPP may function as potent anti-malarial drugs against the blood stage malaria.  相似文献   

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