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We studied the effects on total thiols glutathione (GSH) and cysteine contents in Plasmodium falciparum in vitro when treated with four steroid derivatives and a sapogenin (Diosgenone) extracted from Solanum nudum. We also determined their capacity to inhibit β-hematin formation. We showed that SN-1 (16α-acetoxy-26-hydroxycholest-4-ene-3,22-dione) increased total glutathione and cysteine concentrations while SN-4 (26-O-β-d-glucopyranosyloxy-16α-acetoxycholest-4-ene-3,22-dione) decreased the concentration of both thiols. Acetylation in C16 was crucial for the effect of SN-1 while type furostanol and terminal glucosidation were necessary for the inhibitory properties of SN-4. The combination of steroids and buthionine sulfoximine, a specific inhibitor of a step-limiting enzyme in GSH synthesis, did not modify the glutathione contents. Finally, we found that SN-1 inhibited more than 80% of β-hematin formation at 5.0 mM, while the other steroids did not show any effect.  相似文献   

The mechanism of antimalarial action of [Au(CQ)(PPh3)]PF6 (1), which is active in vitro against CQ-resistant P. falciparum and in vivo against P. berghei, has been investigated in relation to hemozoin formation and DNA as possible important targets. Complex 1 interacts with heme and inhibits β-hematin formation both in aqueous medium and near water/n-octanol interfaces at pH ~ 5 to a greater extent than chloroquine diphosphate (CQDP) or other known metal-based antimalarial agents; the higher inhibition activity is probably related to the higher lipophilicity observed for 1 through partition coefficient measurements at low pH, with respect to CQDP. The interactions of complex 1 with DNA were explored using spectrophotometric and fluorimetric titrations, circular dichroism spectroscopy, viscosity and melting point studies, as well as electrophoresis and covalent binding assays. The experimental data indicate that complex 1 interacts with DNA predominantly by intercalation and electrostatic association of the CQ moiety, similarly to free CQDP, while no covalent metal-DNA binding seems to take place. The most likely antimalarial mechanism for complex 1 is thus heme aggregation inhibition; the high activities observed against resistant parasites are probably due to the structural modification of CQ introduced by the presence of the gold-triphenylphosphine fragment, together with the enhanced lipophilic character.  相似文献   

Formation of hemozoin in the malaria parasite, due to its unique nature, is an attractive molecular target. Several laboratories have been trying to unravel the molecular mechanism of hemozoin biosynthesis within the parasite digestive vacuoles. Use of different assay protocols for in vitro beta-hematin (synthetic identical to hemozoin) formation by these laboratories has led to inconsistent and often contradictory findings. Much of the difficulty may be attributed to oligomeric heme aggregates, which may be indistinguishable in some detection approaches if adequate separation of beta-hemtin is not achieved. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a widely accepted protocol for in vitro beta-hematin formation. We describe here a spectrophotometric assay for in vitro beta-hematin formation. The assay has been validated with the Plasmodium falciparum lysate, the parasite lipid extracts, and some commercially available fatty acids, which are known to initiate/catalyze beta-hematin formation in vitro. The necessity for multiple wash steps for accurate quantification of de novo hemozoin/beta-hematin formation was verified experimentally. It was necessary to wash the pellet, which contains beta-hematin and heme aggregates, sequentially with Tris/SDS buffer and alkaline bicarbonate solution for complete removal of monomeric heme and heme aggregates and accurate quantification of beta-hematin formed during the assay. The pellets and side products in the supernatant were characterized by infrared spectroscopy. No beta-hematin formation occurred in the absence of a catalytic/initiating factor. Based on these findings, a filtration-based assay that uses 96-well microplates, and which has important application in in vitro screening and identification of novel inhibitors of hemozoin formation as potential blood schizontocidal antimalarials, has been developed.  相似文献   

Iron chelators such as deferiprone, deferoxamine (DFO) and ICL670 (deferasirox) have previously been shown to display in vitro and/or in vivo antimalarial activities. To gain further insight in their antimalarial mechanism of action, their activities on inhibition of β-hematin formation and on both peroxidative and glutathione (GSH)-mediated degradation of hemin were investigated. Neither deferiprone nor DFO were able to inhibit β-hematin formation while ICL670 activity nearly matched that of chloroquine (CQ). Peroxidative degradation of hemin was also only strongly inhibited by both CQ and ICL670, the latter being significantly more efficient at pH 5.2. All iron chelators displayed minor, if any, inhibitory activity on GSH-mediated degradation of hemin. Discrepancies in the results obtained for the three iron chelators show that iron chelation is not the main driving force behind interference with heme degradation. Deferiprone, DFO and ICL670 share little structural community but both ICL670 and antimalarial ursolic acid derivatives (previously shown to block β-hematin formation and the peroxidative degradation of hemin) have hydrophobic groups and hydroxyphenyl moieties. These similarities in structures and activities further back up a possible two-step mechanism of action previously proposed for ursolic acid derivatives (Mullié et al., 2010) implying (1) stacking of an hydrophobic structure to hemin and (2) additive protection of hemin ferric iron from H2O2 by hydroxyphenyl groups through steric hindrance and/or trapping of oxygen reactive species in the direct neighborhood of ferric iron. These peculiar antimalarial mechanisms of action for ICL670 warrant further investigations and development.  相似文献   

Theories on malarial pigment formation and quinoline action   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Haeme metabolism remains a vulnerable problem for the intraerythrocytic Plasmodium which catabolises haemoglobin as a source of amino acids in an acidic, oxygen-rich lysosome-like digestive vacuole. Haeme monomer, capable of generating oxygen radicals, transforms into an inert crystal named malarial pigment or haemozoin by forming unique dimers that then crystalise. Laveran first described pigmented bodies in humans to define a protozoan as the aetiologic agent of malaria. The trail of malaria pigment enabled Ross to implicate the mosquito in the life cycle of Plasmodium. In 1991, Slater and Cerami postulated a unique iron-carboxylate bond between two haemes in haemozoin crystals based on infrared and X-ray spectroscopy data. Additionally, parasite extracts were shown to possess a 'haeme polymerase' enzymatic activity as the process of crystal formation was then termed. Importantly, the quinolines, such as choloroquine, inhibit haemozoin formation. A Plasmodium falciparum derived histidine-rich protein II, which binds haeme and initiates haemozoin formation, is present in the digestive vacuole. Pfhistidine-rich protein II and Pfhistidine-rich protein III are sufficient, but not necessary for haemozoin formation as a laboratory clone lacking both still makes the haeme crystals. The reduvid bug, and the Schistosoma and Haemoproteus genera also make haemozoin. Recently, Bohle and coworkers used X-ray diffraction to document the iron-carboxylate bond in intact desiccated parasites and to show that a Fe1-O41 head to tail haeme dimer is the unit building block of haemozoin. The role of the Plasmodium histidine-rich protein family members, lipids or potential novel proteins in the exact molecular assembly of the large molecular weight haeme crystals in the protein rich digestive vacuole needs to be solved. Accurate experimental determination of the role of haemozoin formation and inhibition as the target of chloroquine is fundamental to determination of the mechanism of quinoline drug action and resistance. The enhanced understanding of the biosynthetic pathway leading to haemozoin formation using functional proteomic tools and the mechanisms through which existing antimalarial drugs affect Plasmodium haeme chemistry will help design improved chaemotherapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Plasma samples from patients undergoing treatment in malaria endemic countries often contain anti-malaria drugs, that may overstate effects of specific antibodies in growth inhibition assays (GIA). We describe a modified assay that uses drug resistant P. falciparum parasites (W2) that circumvents the requirement for dialyzing samples that may likely contain drugs such as chloroquine and sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine (SP).  相似文献   

Fitch CD 《Life sciences》2004,74(16):1957-1972
Two subclasses of quinoline antimalarial drugs are used clinically. Both act on the endolysosomal system of malaria parasites, but in different ways. Treatment with 4-aminoquinoline drugs, such as chloroquine, causes morphologic changes and hemoglobin accumulation in endocytic vesicles. Treatment with quinoline-4-methanol drugs, such as quinine and mefloquine, also causes morphologic changes, but does not cause hemoglobin accumulation. In addition, chloroquine causes undimerized ferriprotoporphyrin IX (ferric heme) to accumulate whereas quinine and mefloquine do not. On the contrary, treatment with quinine or mefloquine prevents and reverses chloroquine-induced accumulation of hemoglobin and undimerized ferriprotoporphyrin IX. This difference is of particular interest since there is convincing evidence that undimerized ferriprotoporphyrin IX in malaria parasites would interact with and serve as a target for chloroquine. According to the ferriprotoporphyrin IX interaction hypothesis, chloroquine would bind to undimerized ferriprotoporphyrin IX, delay its detoxification, cause it to accumulate, and allow it to exert its intrinsic biological toxicities. The ferriprotoporphyrin IX interaction hypothesis appears to explain the antimalarial action of chloroquine, but a drug target in addition to ferriprotoporphyrin IX is suggested by the antimalarial actions of quinine and mefloquine. This article summarizes current knowledge of the role of ferriprotoporphyrin IX in the antimalarial actions of quinoline drugs and evaluates the currently available evidence in support of phospholipids as a second target for quinine, mefloquine and, possibly, the chloroquine-ferriprotoporphyrin IX complex.  相似文献   

The shikimate pathway for aromatic biosynthesis presents a target for antimalarial drug development as this pathway is absent from animals. This study extends previous work on inhibitors of the shikimate pathway, by examining their interaction with the antimalarial drugs pyrimethamine and atovaquone. Combinations of atovaquone with several shikimate analogues exhibited synergistic effects. These findings highlight potential use of shikimate pathway inhibitors in combination therapy.  相似文献   

Erythrocytes infected with malaria parasites have increased permeability to various solutes. These changes may be mediated by an unusual small conductance ion channel known as the plasmodial surface anion channel (PSAC). While channel activity benefits the parasite by permitting nutrient acquisition, it can also be detrimental because water-soluble antimalarials may more readily access their parasite targets via this channel. Recently, two such toxins, blasticidin S and leupeptin, were used to select mutant parasites with altered PSAC activities, suggesting acquired resistance via reduced channel-mediated toxin uptake. Surprisingly, although these toxins have similar structures and charge, we now show that reduced permeability of one does not protect the intracellular parasite from the other. Leupeptin accumulation in the blasticidin S-resistant mutant was relatively preserved, consistent with retained in vitro susceptibility to leupeptin. Subsequent in vitro selection with both toxins generated a double mutant parasite having additional changes in PSAC, implicating an antimalarial resistance mechanism for water-soluble drugs requiring channel-mediated uptake at the erythrocyte membrane. Characterization of these mutants revealed a single conserved channel on each mutant, albeit with distinct gating properties. These findings are consistent with a shared channel that mediates uptake of ions, nutrients and toxins. This channel's gating and selectivity properties can be modified in response to in vitro selective pressure.  相似文献   

Extracts of Prunella vulgaris have been shown to exert antiestrogenic effects. To identify the compounds responsible for these actions, we isolated the constituents of P. vulgaris and tested their individual antiestrogenic effects. Rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid, ursolic acid (UA), oleanolic acid, hyperoside, rutin and betulinic acid (BA) were isolated from the flower stalks of P. vulgaris var. lilacina Nakai (Labiatae). Among these constituents, UA and BA showed significant antiestrogenic effects, measured as a decrease in the mRNA level of GREB1, an estrogen-responsive protein; the effects of BA were stronger than those of UA. UA and BA were capable of suppressing estrogen response element (ERE)-dependent luciferase activity and expression of estrogen-responsive genes in response to exposure to estradiol, further supporting the suppressive role of these compounds in estrogen-induced signaling. However, neither UA nor BA was capable of suppressing estrogen signaling in cells ectopically overexpressing estrogen receptor α (ERα). Furthermore, both mRNA and protein levels of ERα were reduced by treatment with UA or BA, suggesting that UA and BA inhibit estrogen signaling by suppressing the expression of ERα. Interestingly, both compounds enhanced prostate-specific antigen promoter activity. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that UA and BA are responsible for the antiestrogenic effects of P. vulgaris and suggest their potential use as therapeutic agents against estrogen-dependent tumors.  相似文献   

Our prior work on tricyclic acridones combined with a desire to minimize the tricyclic system led to an interest in antimalarial quinolones and a reexamination of endochin, an experimental antimalarial from the 1940’s. In the present article, we show that endochin is unstable in the presence of murine, rat, and human microsomes which may explain its relatively poor antimalarial activity in mammalian systems. We also profile the structure–activity relationships of ≈30 endochin-like quinolone (ELQ) analogs and highlight features that are associated with enhanced metabolic stability, potent antiplasmodial activity against multidrug resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum, and equal activity against an atovaquone-resistant clinical isolate. Our work also features an ELQ construct containing a polyethylene glycol carbonate pro-moiety that is highly efficacious by oral administration in a murine malaria model. These findings provide compelling evidence that development of ELQ therapeutics is feasible.  相似文献   

Recombinant Plasmodium falciparum glyoxalase I (PfGlx I) was characterized as monomeric Zn(2+)-containing enzyme of 44 kDa. The K(M) value of the methylglyoxal-glutathione adduct is 77+/-15 microM, the k(cat) value being 4000 min(-1) at 25 degrees C and pH 7.0. PfGlx I consists of two halves, each of which is homologous to the small 2-domain glyoxalase I of man. Both parts of the pfglx I gene were overexpressed; the C-terminal half of PfGlx I was found to be a stable protein and formed an enzymatically active dimer. These results support the hypothesis of domain-swapping and subunit fusion as mechanisms in glyoxalase I evolution.  相似文献   

Tachia sp. are used as antimalarials in the Amazon Region and in vivo antimalarial activity of a Tachia sp. has been previously reported. Tachia grandiflora Maguire and Weaver is an Amazonian antimalarial plant and herein its cytotoxicity and antimalarial activity were investigated. Spectral analysis of the tetraoxygenated xanthone decussatin and the iridoid aglyone amplexine isolated, respectively, from the chloroform fractions of root methanol and leaf ethanol extracts was performed. In vitro inhibition of the growth of Plasmodium falciparum Welch was evaluated using optical microscopy on blood smears. Crude extracts of leaves and roots were inactive in vitro. However, chloroform fractions of the root and leaf extracts [half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) = 10.5 and 35.8 µg/mL, respectively] and amplexine (IC50= 7.1 µg/mL) were active in vitro. Extracts and fractions were not toxic to type MRC-5 human fibroblasts (IC50> 50 µg/mL). Water extracts of the roots of T. grandiflora administered by mouth were the most active extracts in the Peters 4-day suppression test in Plasmodium berghei-infected mice. At 500 mg/kg/day, these extracts exhibited 45-59% inhibition five to seven days after infection. T. grandiflora infusions, fractions and isolated substance have potential as antimalarials.  相似文献   

The reaction of thiosemicarbazones (TSCs) with [AuI(THT)Cl], THT = tetrahydrothiophene, has been investigated. The resulting gold(I) complexes have been characterized by a range of spectroscopic techniques: NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, microanalysis and infrared spectroscopy. The in vitro antimalarial data for gold(I) TSC complexes suggests that coordination of gold(I) to TSCs enhanced their efficacy against the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and their inhibition of the parasite cysteine protease falcipain-2.  相似文献   

Humans immunized by the bites of irradiated Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) sporozoite-infected mosquitoes are protected against malaria. Radiation attenuates the sporozoites preventing them from fully developing and replicating in hepatocytes, but the effects of radiation on gene expression in sporozoites are unknown. We used RT-PCR (35 cycles of PCR followed by densitometry) to assess the expression of ten genes in Pf sporozoites, and in sporozoites irradiated with 15,000cGy. Irradiation reduced expression substantially (>60%) of two DNA repair genes; moderately (30-60%) of PfUIS3, the Pf orthologue of PbUIS3, a gene up-regulated in Plasmodium berghei sporozoites and of a third DNA repair gene; and minimally (<30%) of the Pf18S ribosomal RNA, PfCSP, PfSSP2/TRAP, and PfCELTOS genes. Irradiation increased expression of PfSPATR minimally. PfLSA1 RNA was not detectable in sporozoites. These results establish that radiation of sporozoites affects gene expression levels and provide the foundation for studies to identify specific genes involved in attenuation and protective immunity.  相似文献   

Hou YZ  Zhao GR  Yang J  Yuan YJ  Zhu GG  Hiltunen R 《Life sciences》2004,75(14):1775-1786
Ligusticum chuanxiong and Angelica sinensis have been widely used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat some pathological settings such as atherosclerosis and hypertension. We determined the protective effect of the extract of Ligusticum chuanxiong and Angelica sinensis (ELCAS) on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (ECV304) damage induced by hydrogen peroxide. ECV304 cells were pre-treated with ELCAS and exposed to 5 mM hydrogen peroxide. The results show that ELCAS dose- and time-dependently protected ECV304 cells against hydrogen peroxide damage and suppressed the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The decrement of ROS may be associated with increased activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX). Western blot analysis revealed that ELCAS significantly increased the phosphorylation of ERK and promoted eNOS expression. These observations indicate that ELCAS protected ECV304 cells against hydrogen peroxide damage by enhancing the antioxidative ability, activating ERK and eNOS signaling pathway. Our data also provide new evidence of Ligusticum chuanxiong and Angelica sinensis in preventing both cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.  相似文献   

The clinically established gold-based antiarthritic drug auranofin (AF) manifests a pronounced reactivity toward thiol and selenol groups of proteins. In particular, AF behaves as a potent inhibitor of mammalian thioredoxin reductases causing severe intracellular oxidative stress. Given the high sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum to oxidative stress, we thought that auranofin might act as an effective antimalarial agent. Thus, we report here new experimental results showing that auranofin and a few related gold complexes strongly inhibit P. falciparum growth in vitro. The observed antiplasmodial effects probably arise from direct inhibition of P. falciparum thioredoxin reductase. The above findings and the safe toxicity profile of auranofin warrant rapid evaluation of AF for malaria treatment in animal models.  相似文献   

Here, we report the identification and characterization of five ortho-quinone inhibitors of PTPalpha. We observed that the potency of these compounds in biochemical assays was markedly enhanced by the presence of DTT. A kinetic analysis suggested that they were functioning as irreversible inhibitors and that the inhibition was targeted to the catalytic site of PTPalpha. The inhibition observed by these compounds was sensitive to superoxide dismutase and catalase, suggesting that reactive oxygen species may be mediators of their inhibition. We observed that in the presence of DTT, these compounds would produce up to 2.5mM hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)). The levels of H(2)O(2) produced were sufficient to completely inactivate PTPalpha. In contrast, without a reducing agent the compounds did not generate H(2)O(2) and showed little activity towards PTPalpha. In addition, these compounds inhibited PTPalpha-dependent cell spreading in NIH 3T3 cells at concentrations that were similar to their activity in biochemical assays. The biological implications of these results are discussed as they support growing evidence that H(2)O(2) is a key regulator of PTPs.  相似文献   

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