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Blackburn EH 《FEBS letters》2005,579(4):859-862
The molecular features of telomeres and telomerase are conserved among most eukaryotes. How telomerase and telomeres function and how they interact to promote the chromosome-stabilizing properties of telomeres are discussed here.  相似文献   

The ability to accurately examine the interaction of G-quadruplex DNA with proteins is essential for revealing the biological roles of these unusual DNA structures. In this regard, there are four primary G-quadruplex-related activities of proteins that have been studied including simple equilibrium binding, promotion or catalysis of G-quadruplex formation, dissociation of G-quadruplex structures, and covalent modification of G-quadruplexes, which includes both nucleolytic cleavage and nucleotide addition. Here, assays used to examine the interactions of G-quadruplexes with proteins will be reviewed and specific methods to study the interactions of G-quadruplexes from telomeric DNA sequences with a variety of proteins will be described. Importantly, this review emphasizes the importance of evaluating the integrity of the G-quadruplex being studied as single sequences can often form a variety of folded structures.  相似文献   

端粒保护蛋白1(protection of telomeres 1,POT1)几乎存在于所有真核生物中,是一种高度保守表达的蛋白质,它与一系列相关的端粒结合蛋白共同参与保护端粒的结构和功能。随着近年来研究的深入,POT1与端粒的结合特点以及保护端粒的机制有了进一步的完善。此外,POT1对端粒长度的调节方式以及与肿瘤的发生、发展和细胞凋亡等关系也呈现出多样化。结合近几年的研究文献,对POT1的功能以及与其它相关蛋白的作用加以综述。  相似文献   

The replicative lifespan of normal somatic cells is restricted by the erosion of telomeres, which are protective caps at the ends of linear chromosomes. The loss of telomeres induces antiproliferative signals that eventually lead to cellular senescence. The enzyme complex telomerase can maintain telomeres, but its expression is confined to highly proliferative cells such as stem cells and tumor cells. The immense regenerative capacity of the hematopoietic system is provided by a distinct type of adult stem cell: hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Although blood cells have to be produced continuously throughout life, the HSC pool seems not to be spared by aging processes. Indeed, limited expression of telomerase is not sufficient to prevent telomere shortening in these cells, which is thought ultimately to limit their proliferative capacity. In this review, we discuss the relevance of telomere maintenance for the hematopoietic stem cell compartment and consider potential functions of telomerase in this context. We also present possible clinical applications of telomere manipulation in HSCs and new insights affecting the aging of the hematopoietic stem cell pool and replicative exhaustion. This work was supported by European Community Grant LSHC-CT-2004-502943 (MOL CANCER MED).  相似文献   

Telomerase is responsible for the immortal phenotype of cancer cells and telomerase inhibition may specifically target cancer cell proliferation. Ligands able to selectively bind to G-quadruplex telomeric DNA have been considered as telomerase inhibitors but their mechanisms of action have often been deduced from a non-quantitative telomerase activity assay (TRAP assay) that involves a PCR step and that does not provide insight on the mechanism of inhibition. Furthermore, quadruplex ligands have also been shown to exert their effects by affecting association of telomere binding proteins with telomeres. Here, we use quantitative direct telomerase activity assays to evaluate the strength and mechanism of action of hydrosoluble perylene diimides (HPDIs). HPDIs contain a perylene moiety and different numbers of positively charged side chains. Side chain features vary with regard to number and distances of the charges. IC50 values of HPDIs were in the low micromolar (0.5–5 μM) range depending on the number and features of the side chains. HPDIs having four side chains emerged as the best compounds of this series. Analysis of primer elongation products demonstrated that at low HPDI concentrations, telomerase inhibition involved formation of telomeric G-quadruplex structures, which inhibited further elongation by telomerase. At high HPDI concentrations, telomerase inhibition occurred independently of G-quadruplex formation of the substrate. The mechanism of action of HPDIs and their specific binding to G-quadruplex DNA was supported by PAGE analysis, CD spectroscopy and ESI-MS. Finally, competition Telospot experiments with duplex DNA indicated specific binding of HPDIs to the single-stranded telomeric substrates over double stranded DNA, a result supported by competitive ESI-MS. Altogether, our results indicate that HPDIs act by stabilizing G-quadruplex structures in single-stranded telomeric DNA, which in turn prevents repeat addition processivity of telomerase.  相似文献   

Telomere maintenance is required for chromosome stability, and telomeres are typically replicated by the action of telomerase. In yeast cells that lack telomerase, telomeres are maintained by alternative type I and type II recombination mechanisms. Previous studies identified several proteins to control the choice between two types of recombinations. Here, we demonstrate that configuration of telomeres also plays a role to determine the fate of telomere replication in progeny. When diploid yeasts from mating equip with a specific type of telomeric structure in their genomes, they prefer to maintain this type of telomere replication in their descendants. While inherited telomere structure is easier to be utilized in progeny at the beginning stage, the telomeres in type I diploids can gradually switch to the type II cells in liquid culture. Importantly, the TLC1/tlc1 yeast cells develop type II survivors suggesting that haploid insufficiency of telomerase RNA component, which is similar to a type of dyskeratosis congenital in human. Altogether, our results suggest that both protein factors and substrate availability contribute to the choice among telomere replication pathways in yeast.  相似文献   

The enzyme telomerase is involved in the replication of telomeres, specialized structures that cap and protect the ends of chromosomes. Its activity is required for maintenance of telomeres and for unlimited lifespan, a hallmark of cancer cells. Telomerase is overexpressed in the vast majority of human cancer cells and therefore represents an attractive target for therapy. Several approaches have been developed to inhibit this enzyme through the targeting of its RNA or catalytic components as well as its DNA substrate, the single-stranded 3′-telomeric overhang. Telomerase inhibitors are chemically diverse and include modified oligonucleotides as well as small diffusable molecules, both natural and synthetic. This review presents an update of recent investigations pertaining to these agents and discusses their biological properties in the context of the initial paradigm that the exposure of cancer cells to these agents should lead to progressive telomere shortening followed by a delayed growth arrest response.  相似文献   

Telomeres are the very ends of the chromosomes. They can be seen as natural double-strand breaks (DSB), specialized structures which prevent DSB repair and activation of DNA damage checkpoints. In somatic cells, attrition of telomeres occurs after each cell division until replicative senescence. In the absence of telomerase, telomeres shorten due to incomplete replication of the lagging strand at the very end of chromosome termini. Moreover, oxidative stress and accumulating reactive oxygen species (ROS) lead to an increased telomere shortening due to a less efficient repair of SSB in telomeres. The specialized structures at telomeres include proteins involved in both telomere maintenance and DNA repair. However when a telomere is damaged and has to be repaired, those proteins might fail to perform an accurate repair of the damage. This is the starting point of this article in which we first summarize the well-established relationships between DNA repair processes and maintenance of functional telomeres. We then examine how damaged telomeres would be processed, and show that irradiation alters telomere maintenance leading to possibly dramatic consequences. Our point is to suggest that those consequences are not restricted to the short term effects such as increased radiation-induced cell death. On the contrary, we postulate that the major impact of the loss of telomere integrity might occur in the long term, during multistep carcinogenesis. Its major role would be to act as an amplificator event unmasking in one single step recessive radiation-induced mutations among thousands of genes and providing cellular proliferative advantage. Moreover, the chromosomal instability generated by damaged telomeres will favour each step of the transformation from normal to fully transformed cells.  相似文献   

端粒酶活性调节的分子机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Liu WJ  Ding J 《生理科学进展》2001,32(3):220-224
人端粒酶由RNA亚基、hTERT催化亚基和hTEP1调节蛋白等组成。端粒酶对端粒结构的稳定起着重要的作用,而端粒结构和端粒结合蛋白也影响着端粒酶活性。某些化疗药物通过破坏端粒结构下调端粒酶活性。端粒酶的激活需要hTERT基因的从头转录和各个蛋白亚基正确装配为端粒酶全酶。端粒酶活性调节的分子机制包括:(1)TERT基因的表达和转录是决定端粒酶活性的重要环节,受多种因素调控;(2)蛋白激酶Cα和蛋白激酶B磷酸化端粒酶蛋白而激活端粒酶,蛋白磷酸酯酶2A(PP2A)可逆转这一过程,下调端粒酶活性;(3)多种癌基因和抑癌基因及其编码的蛋白质也直接或间接与端粒蛋白、端粒酶蛋白反应,参与端粒酶活性的调控。  相似文献   

富含鸟嘌呤的单链DNA序列可以缠绕折叠形成G- 四链体结构。人类基因组中有36,000 个以上的DNA 序列有潜力生成 G-四链体,如端粒末端重复序列,以及c-myc、c-kit、bcl-2 等原癌基因启动子区域。G-四链体是由四个鸟嘌呤之间通过Hoogsteen 氢键形成G-四分体,相邻的G-四分体再通过π-π 堆积作用,由糖- 磷酸骨架相连而成。G- 四链体DNA 的形成有着重要的生 物学意义,它和相关基因表达水平密切相关,诱导和稳定G- 四链体结构就有可能抑制癌基因的转录和表达,引起肿瘤细胞生物 学功能的紊乱,从而抑制肿瘤细胞的增殖。G-四链体结构作为新的抗肿瘤药物靶点引起了科学家的广泛关注,能够稳定G- 四链 体结构的配体包括二酰胺蒽醌类、苝类、阳离子卟啉类、金属配合物和天然产物等。本文对近年来以G-四链体为靶点的配体的研 究进行了综述。  相似文献   

目的:探讨心力衰竭患者外周血单核细胞端粒长度和端粒酶h TERT活性在心衰发生进程中的变化情况和意义。方法:按照筛选要求选择患者,根据入选标准分为心衰组(49例)和非心衰组(44例)。记录患者的年龄、性别、生活习惯及疾病情况,超声检测患者心脏功能,测量左心室舒张末内径(LVEDD)、左心室射血分数(LVEF)。在不同时间点,抽取外周血分离单核细胞,用PCR方法检测端粒长度和端粒酶h TERT活性。结果:对照组比较,心衰组患者心脏左室舒张末内径明显增加,射血分数明显降低(P0.05);在第1、7天,心衰组患者外周血单核细胞端粒长度较对照组明显缩短、端粒酶h TERT活性明显增强。第7天较同组第1天端粒长度有所增加,端粒酶h TERT活性有所减低,但与对照组相比,端粒长度显著缩短,端粒酶h TERT显著增高(P0.05)。结论:心力衰竭后患者端粒长度和端粒酶h TERT活性明显变化,并随心衰发病具有一定波动,提示端粒和端粒酶可能参与了心衰发展进程。  相似文献   

富含鸟嘌呤的单链DNA序列可以缠绕折叠形成G-四链体结构。人类基因组中有36,000个以上的DNA序列有潜力生成G-四链体,如端粒末端重复序列,以及c-myc、c-kit、bcl-2等原癌基因启动子区域。G-四链体是由四个鸟嘌呤之间通过Hoogsteen氢键形成G-四分体,相邻的G-四分体再通过π-π堆积作用,由糖-磷酸骨架相连而成。G-四链体DNA的形成有着重要的生物学意义,它和相关基因表达水平密切相关,诱导和稳定G-四链体结构就有可能抑制癌基因的转录和表达,引起肿瘤细胞生物学功能的紊乱,从而抑制肿瘤细胞的增殖。G-四链体结构作为新的抗肿瘤药物靶点引起了科学家的广泛关注,能够稳定G-四链体结构的配体包括二酰胺蒽醌类、苝类、阳离子卟啉类、金属配合物和天然产物等。本文对近年来以G-四链体为靶点的配体的研究进行了综述。  相似文献   

Telomeres are the nucleoprotein caps of chromosomes. Their length must be tightly regulated in order to maintain the stability of the genome. This is achieved by the intricate network of interactions between different proteins and protein–RNA complexes. Different organisms use various mechanisms for telomere length homeostasis. However, details of these mechanisms are not yet completely understood. In this review we have summarized our latest achievements in the understanding of telomere length regulation in budding yeasts.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA deletions are prominent in human genetic disorders, cancer, and aging. It is thought that stalling of the mitochondrial replication machinery during DNA synthesis is a prominent source of mitochondrial genome instability; however, the precise molecular determinants of defective mitochondrial replication are not well understood. In this work, we performed a computational analysis of the human mitochondrial genome using the “Pattern Finder” G-quadruplex (G4) predictor algorithm to assess whether G4-forming sequences reside in close proximity (within 20 base pairs) to known mitochondrial DNA deletion breakpoints. We then used this information to map G4P sequences with deletions characteristic of representative mitochondrial genetic disorders and also those identified in various cancers and aging. Circular dichroism and UV spectral analysis demonstrated that mitochondrial G-rich sequences near deletion breakpoints prevalent in human disease form G-quadruplex DNA structures. A biochemical analysis of purified recombinant human Twinkle protein (gene product of c10orf2) showed that the mitochondrial replicative helicase inefficiently unwinds well characterized intermolecular and intramolecular G-quadruplex DNA substrates, as well as a unimolecular G4 substrate derived from a mitochondrial sequence that nests a deletion breakpoint described in human renal cell carcinoma. Although G4 has been implicated in the initiation of mitochondrial DNA replication, our current findings suggest that mitochondrial G-quadruplexes are also likely to be a source of instability for the mitochondrial genome by perturbing the normal progression of the mitochondrial replication machinery, including DNA unwinding by Twinkle helicase.  相似文献   

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