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The gene encoding the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv2536 protein is present in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (as assayed by PCR) and transcribed (as determined by RT-PCR) in M. tuberculosis H37Rv, M. tuberculosis H37Ra, M. bovis BCG, and M. africanum strains. Rabbits immunized with synthetic polymer peptides from this protein produced antibodies specifically recognizing a 25-kDa band in mycobacterial sonicate. U937 and A549 cells were used in binding assays involving 20-amino-acid-long synthetic peptides covering the whole Rv2536 protein sequence. Peptide 11207 (161DVFSAVRADDSPTGEMQVAQY180) presented high specific binding to both types of cells; the binding was saturable and presented nanomolar affinity constants. Cross-linking assays revealed that this peptide specifically binds to 50 kDa U937 cell membrane and 45 kDa A549 cell membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis PknB is an essential receptor-like protein kinase involved in cell growth control. Here, we demonstrate that mitoxantrone, an anthraquinone derivative used in cancer therapy, is a PknB inhibitor capable of preventing mycobacterial growth. The structure of the complex reveals that mitoxantrone partially occupies the adenine-binding pocket in PknB, providing a framework for the design of compounds with potential therapeutic applications. PknB crystallizes as a 'back-to-back' homodimer identical to those observed in other structures of PknB in complex with ATP analogs. This organization resembles that of the RNA-dependent protein kinase PKR, suggesting a mechanism for kinase activation in mycobacteria.  相似文献   

The mycobacterial ubiquitin-like protein Pup is coupled to proteins, thereby rendering them as substrates for proteasome-mediated degradation. The Pup-tagged proteins are recruited by the proteasomal ATPase Mpa (also called ARC). Using a combination of biochemical and NMR methods, we characterize the structural determinants of Pup and its interaction with Mpa, demonstrating that Pup adopts a range of extended conformations with a short helical stretch in its C-terminal portion. We show that the N-terminal coiled-coil domain of Mpa makes extensive contacts along the central region of Pup leaving its N-terminus unconstrained and available for other functional interactions.

Structured summary

MINT-7262427: pup (uniprotkb:B6DAC1) binds (MI:0407) to mpa (uniprotkb:Q0G9Y7) by pull down (MI:0096) MINT-7262440: mpa (uniprotkb:Q0G9Y7) and pup (uniprotkb:B6DAC1) bind (MI:0407) by isothermal titration calorimetry (MI:0065)  相似文献   

The proposed role of the mammalian cell entry protein 1A (Mce1A) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is to facilitate invasion of host cells. The structure of Mce1A was modelled on the basis of the crystal structure of Colicin N of Escherichia coli by fold prediction and threading. Mce1A, as the model predicts, is an alpha/beta protein consisting of two major (alpha and beta) domains, connected by a long alpha helix. The model further revealed that the protein contains 12 helices, 9 strands, and 1 turn. The final model of Mce1A was verified through the program VERIFY 3D and more than 90% of the residues were in the favourable region. A mouse monoclonal antibody, TB1-5 76C, is directed to an epitope within a 60-mer peptide that has been shown to promote uptake of bacteria in mammalian cells. We show here that the epitope could be narrowed down to a core of 4 amino acids, TPKD. Upstream flanking residues, KRR also contributed to binding. Mce2A does not promote uptake in mammalian cells and sequence comparison of Mce1A and Mce2A indicates that the epitope mediates uptake. The epitope was located at the surface of the Mce1A model at the distal beta strand-loop region in the beta domain. The localization of this epitope in the model confirms its potential role in promoting uptake of M. tuberculosis in host cells.  相似文献   

NAD kinase is a key enzyme in NADP biosynthesis. We solved the crystal structure of polyphosphate/ATP-NAD kinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Ppnk) complexed with NAD (Ppnk-NAD) at 2.6A resolution using apo-Ppnk structure solved in this work, and revealed the details of the structure and NAD-binding site. Superimposition of tertiary structures of apo-Ppnk and Ppnk-NAD demonstrated a substantial conformational difference in a loop (Ppnk-flexible loop). As a quaternary structure, these Ppnk structures exhibited tetramer as in solution condition. Notably, the Ppnk-flexible loop was involved in the intersubunit contact and probably related to the NAD-binding of the other subunit. Furthermore, the two residues (Asp189, His226) substantially contributed to creating NAD-binding site on the other subunit. The two residues and the residues involved in NAD-binding were conserved. However, residues corresponding to the Ppnk-flexible loop were not conserved, making us to speculate that the Ppnk-flexible loop may be Ppnk-specific.  相似文献   

The arginine repressor (ArgR) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is a gene product encoded by the open reading frame Rv1657. It regulates the l-arginine concentration in cells by interacting with ARG boxes in the promoter regions of the arginine biosynthesis and catabolism operons. Here we present a 2.5-Å structure of MtbArgR in complex with a 16-bp DNA operator in the absence of arginine. A biological trimer of the protein-DNA complex is formed via the crystallographic 3-fold symmetry axis. The N-terminal domain of MtbArgR has a winged helix-turn-helix motif that binds to the major groove of the DNA. This structure shows that, in the absence of arginine, the ArgR trimer can bind three ARG box half-sites. It also reveals the structure of the whole MtbArgR molecule itself containing both N-terminal and C-terminal domains.  相似文献   

The MoFe protein of the complex metalloenzyme nitrogenase folds as a heterotetramer containing two copies each of the homologous alpha and beta subunits, encoded by the nifD and the nifK genes respectively. Recently, the functional expression of a fusion NifD-K protein of nitrogenase was demonstrated in Azotobacter vinelandii, strongly implying that the MoFe protein is flexible as it could accommodate major structural changes, yet remain functional [M.H. Suh, L. Pulakat, N. Gavini, J. Biol. Chem. 278 (2003) 5353-5360]. This finding led us to further explore the type of interaction between the fused MoFe protein units. We aimed to determine whether an interaction exists between the two fusion MoFe proteins to form a homodimer that is equivalent to native heterotetrameric MoFe protein. Using the Bacteriomatch Two-Hybrid System, translationally fused constructs of NifD-K (fusion) with the full-length lambdaCI of the pBT bait vector and also NifD-K (fusion) with the N-terminal alpha-RNAP of the pTRG target vector were made. To compare the extent of interaction between the fused NifD-K proteins to that of the beta-beta interactions in the native MoFe protein, we proceeded to generate translationally fused constructs of NifK with the alpha-RNAP of the pTRG vector and lambdaCI protein of the pBT vector. The strength of the interaction between the proteins in study was determined by measuring the beta-galactosidase activity and extent of ampicillin resistance of the colonies expressing these proteins. This analysis demonstrated that direct protein-protein interaction exists between NifD-K fusion proteins, suggesting that they exist as homodimers. As the interaction takes place at the beta-interfaces of the NifD-K fusion proteins, we propose that these homodimers of NifD-K fusion protein may function in a similar manner as that of the heterotetrameric native MoFe protein. The observation that the extent of protein-protein interaction between the beta-subunits of the native MoFe protein in BacterioMatch Two-Hybrid System is comparable to the extent of protein-protein interaction observed between the NifD-K fusion proteins in the same system further supports this idea.  相似文献   

In this work we are proposing Homology modeled structures of Mycobacterium leprae 18kDa heat shock protein and its mutant. The more closely related structure of the small heat shock protein (sHSP) belonging to the eukaryotic species from wheat sHSP16.9 and 16.3kDa ACR1 protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis were used as template structures. Each model contains an N-terminal domain, alpha-crystalline domain and a C-terminal tail. The models showed that a single point mutation from serine to proline at 52nd position causes structural changes. The structural changes are observed in N-terminal region and alpha-crystalline domains. Serine in 52nd position is observed in β4 strand and Proline in 52nd position is observed in loop. The number of residues contributing α helix at N-terminal region varies in both models. In 18S more number of residues is present in α helix when compared to 18P. The loop regions between β3 and β4 strands of both models vary in number of residues present in it. Number of residues contributing β4 strand in both models vary. β6 strand is absent in both models. Major functional peptide region of alpha crystalline domains of both models varies. These differences observed in secondary structures support their distinct functional roles. It also emphasizes that a point mutation can cause structural variation.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) is an essential protein necessary for the functioning of the DNA replication, repair and recombination machineries. Here we report the structure of the DNA-binding domain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis SSB (MtuSSB) in four different crystals distributed in two forms. The structure of one of the forms was solved by a combination of isomorphous replacement and anomalous scattering. This structure was used to determine the structure of the other form by molecular replacement. The polypeptide chain in the structure exhibits the oligonucleotide binding fold. The globular core of the molecule in different subunits in the two forms and those in Escherichia coli SSB (EcoSSB) and human mitochondrial SSB (HMtSSB) have similar structure, although the three loops exhibit considerable structural variation. However, the tetrameric MtuSSB has an as yet unobserved quaternary association. This quaternary structure with a unique dimeric interface lends the oligomeric protein greater stability, which may be of significance to the functioning of the protein under conditions of stress. Also, as a result of the variation in the quaternary structure the path adopted by the DNA to wrap around MtuSSB is expected to be different from that of EcoSSB.  相似文献   

About 10% of the coding capacity of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb) genome is devoted to the PE/PPE family of genes scattered throughout the genome. We have identified 28 PE/PPE operons which are organized within the M. tb genome in such a way that most PE members are upstream to PPE members. One example of such a gene arrangement is the PPE gene Rv2430c, earlier shown by us to code for a highly antigenic protein eliciting strong B-cell responses in TB patients [Choudhary, R.K., Mukhopadhyay, S., Chakhaiyar, P., Sharma, N., Murthy, K.J.R., Katoch V.M. and Hasnain, S.E. (2003) PPE antigen Rv2430c of Mycobacterium tuberculosis induces a strong B cell response. Infect. Immun. 71, 6338-6343], situated downstream to PE gene Rv2431c. Rv2431c and Rv2430c are transcribed as an operon. Expression of either rRv2431c or rRv2430c alone in E. coli limited their localization to the inclusion bodies. However, when they were co-expressed, both the proteins appeared in the soluble fraction. These two proteins interact with each other and form oligomers when alone, however, when present together they exist as heteromer.  相似文献   

Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a major world health problem. An estimated 2 billion people are presently infected and the disease causes approximately 3 million deaths per year. After bacteria are inhaled into the lung, a complex immune response is triggered leading to the formation of multicellular structures termed granulomas. It is believed that the collection of host granulomas either contain bacteria resulting in a latent infection or are unable to do so, leading to active disease. Thus, understanding granuloma formation and function is essential for improving both diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. Granuloma formation is a complex spatio-temporal system involving interactions of bacteria, specific immune cells, including macrophages, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, as well as immune effectors such as chemokine and cytokines. To study this complex dynamical system we have developed an agent-based model of granuloma formation in the lung. This model combines continuous representations of chemokines with discrete agent representations of macrophages and T cells in a cellular automata-like environment. Our results indicate that key host elements involved in granuloma formation are chemokine diffusion, prevention of macrophage overcrowding within the granuloma, arrival time, location and number of T cells within the granuloma, and an overall host ability to activate macrophages. Interestingly, a key bacterial factor is its intracellular growth rate, whereby slow growth actually facilitates survival.  相似文献   

The protein acetyltransferase (MTAase) function of glutamine synthetase of Mycobacterium smegmatis was established earlier. In this paper, studies were undertaken to examine MTAase function of recombinant glutamine synthetase (rGlnA1) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which showed >80% similarity with M. smegmatis GlnA. The specificity of MTAase to several acyl derivative of coumarins was examined. The results clearly indicated that MTAase exhibited differential specificities to several acyloxycoumarins. Further, MTAase was also found capable of transferring propionyl and butyryl groups from propoxy and butoxy derivatives of 4-methylcoumarin. These observations characterized MTAase in general as a protein acyltransferase. MTAase catalyzed acetylation of GST by 7,8-diacetoxy-4-methylcoumarin (DAMC), a model acetoxy coumarin was confirmed by MALDI-TOF-MS as well as western blot analysis using acetylated lysine polyclonal antibody. In order to validate the active site of rGlnA1 for TAase activity, effect of DAMC and L-methionine-S-sulfoximine (MSO) on GS and TAase activity of rGlnA1 were studied. The results indicated that the active sites of GS and TAase were found different. Acetyl CoA, a universal biological acetyl group donor, was also found to be a substrate for MTAase. These results appropriately characterize glutamine synthetase of Mtb exhibiting transacylase action as a moonlighting protein.  相似文献   

Lipidomics is a subspecialty of metabolomics that focuses on water insoluble metabolites that form membrane barriers. Most lipidomic databases catalog lipids from common model organisms, like humans or Escherichia coli. However, model organisms' lipid profiles show surprisingly little overlap with those of specialized pathogens, creating the need for organism-specific lipidomic databases. Here we review rapid progress in lipidomic platform development with regard to chromatography, detection and bioinformatics. We emphasize new methods of comparative lipidomics, which use aligned datasets to identify lipids changed after introducing a biological variable. These new methods provide an unprecedented ability to broadly and quantitatively describe lipidic change during biological processes and identify changed lipids with low error rates.  相似文献   

Beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase III (FabH) catalyzes a two step reaction that initiates the pathway of fatty acid biosynthesis in plants and bacteria. In Mycobacterium tuberculosis, FabH catalyzes extension of lauroyl, myristoyl and palmitoyl groups from which cell wall mycolic acids of the bacterium are formed. The first step of the reaction is an acyl group transfer from acyl-coenzyme A to the active-site cysteine of the enzyme; the second step is acyl chain extension by two carbon atoms through Claisen condensation with malonyl-acyl carrier protein. We have previously determined the crystal structure of a type II, dissociated M.tuberculosis FabH, which catalyzes extension of lauroyl, myristoyl and palmitoyl groups. Here we describe the first long-chain Michaelis substrate complex of a FabH, that of lauroyl-coenzyme A with a catalytically disabled Cys-->Ala mutant of M.tuberculosis FabH. An elongated channel extending from the mutated active-site cysteine defines the acyl group binding locus that confers unique acyl substrate specificity on M.tuberculosis FabH. CoA lies in a second channel, bound primarily through interactions of its nucleotide group at the enzyme surface. The apparent weak association of CoA in this complex may play a role in the binding and dissociation of long chain acyl-CoA substrates and products and poses questions pertinent to the mechanism of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the intracellular pathogen that infects macrophages primarily, is the causative agent of the infectious disease tuberculosis in humans. The Mtb genome encodes at least six epoxide hydrolases (EHs A to F). EHs convert epoxides to trans-dihydrodiols and have roles in drug metabolism as well as in the processing of signaling molecules. Herein, we report the crystal structures of unbound Mtb EHB and Mtb EHB bound to a potent, low-nanomolar (IC50 ≈ 19 nM) urea-based inhibitor at 2.1 and 2.4 Å resolution, respectively. The enzyme is a homodimer; each monomer adopts the classical α/β hydrolase fold that composes the catalytic domain; there is a cap domain that regulates access to the active site. The catalytic triad, comprising Asp104, His333 and Asp302, protrudes from the catalytic domain into the substrate binding cavity between the two domains. The urea portion of the inhibitor is bound in the catalytic cavity, mimicking, in part, the substrate binding; the two urea nitrogen atoms donate hydrogen bonds to the nucleophilic carboxylate of Asp104, and the carbonyl oxygen of the urea moiety receives hydrogen bonds from the phenolic oxygen atoms of Tyr164 and Tyr272. The phenolic oxygen groups of these two residues provide electrophilic assistance during the epoxide hydrolytic cleavage. Upon inhibitor binding, the binding-site residues undergo subtle structural rearrangement. In particular, the side chain of Ile137 exhibits a rotation of around 120° about its Cα-Cβ bond in order to accommodate the inhibitor. These findings have not only shed light on the enzyme mechanism but also have opened a path for the development of potent inhibitors with good pharmacokinetic profiles against all Mtb EHs of the α/β type.  相似文献   

The "eukaryotic-like" receptor Ser/Thr protein kinases (STPKs) are candidates for the sensors that mediate environmental adaptations of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). To define the mechanisms of regulation and substrate recognition, we determined the crystal structure of the ligand-free, activated kinase domain (KD) of the Mtb STPK, PknE. Remarkably, the PknE KD formed a dimer similar to that first observed in the structure of the ATPgammaS complex of the Mtb paralog, PknB. This structural similarity, which occurs despite little sequence conservation between the PknB and PknE dimer interfaces, supports the idea that dimerization regulates the Mtb receptor STPKs. Insertion of the DFG motif into the ATP-binding site and other conformational differences compared the ATPgammaS:PknB complex suggest that apo-PknE is not pre-organized to bind nucleotides. This structure may represent an inactive conformation stabilized by dimerization or, alternatively, an active conformation that reveals shifts that mediate nucleotide exchange and order substrate binding.  相似文献   

Silke Oeljeklaus 《FEBS letters》2009,583(11):1674-84
Mass spectrometry combined with affinity purification techniques has evolved as a prime tool for the in-depth study of distinct protein complexes and protein-protein interactions. It fueled proteome-wide studies leading to the establishment of intricate cellular protein interaction networks. Recent innovative advancements in quantitative protein mass spectrometry act as driving force for the design of ingenious strategies in interaction proteomics facilitating the acquisition of interaction data with improved accuracy and, most intriguingly, the elucidation of functional aspects by monitoring transient interactions as well as dynamic changes in composition, stoichiometry, localization and post-translational modification of protein complexes under various conditions.  相似文献   

Fatty acid biosynthesis is essential for the survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) is an essential precursor in this pathway. We have determined the 3-D crystal structure of M. tuberculosis citrate lyase beta-subunit (CitE), which as annotated should cleave protein bound citryl-CoA to oxaloacetate and a protein-bound CoA derivative. The CitE structure has the (beta/alpha)(8) TIM barrel fold with an additional alpha-helix, and is trimeric. We have determined the ternary complex bound with oxaloacetate and magnesium, revealing some of the conserved residues involved in catalysis. While the bacterial citrate lyase is a complex with three subunits, the M. tuberculosis genome does not contain the alpha and gamma subunits of this complex, implying that M. tuberculosis CitE acts differently from other bacterial CitE proteins. The analysis of gene clusters containing the CitE protein from 168 fully sequenced organisms has led us to identify a grouping of functionally related genes preserved in M. tuberculosis, Rattus norvegicus, Homo sapiens, and Mus musculus. We propose a novel enzymatic function for M. tuberculosis CitE in fatty acid biosynthesis that is analogous to bacterial citrate lyase but producing acetyl-CoA rather than a protein-bound CoA derivative.  相似文献   

FprA, a Mycobacterium tuberculosis NADPH-ferredoxin reductase, consists of two structural domains, a FAD-binding and a NADP-binding domain, respectively. For the first time, we demonstrated that native FprA, on thermal treatment underwent partial denaturation with unfolding of only the FAD-binding domain and release of the protein-bound flavin. The NADP-binding domain of this protein is highly resistant to denaturation under these conditions. However, the presence of either 150 mM NaCl or KCl or 10 muM MgCl(2) or CaCl(2) or slightly acidic pH of 6.0 resulted in a highly cooperative and complete thermal unfolding of the protein. Physicochemical investigations showed that the monovalent cations or low concentrations of divalent cations induced compaction of the protein conformation. However, divalent cations at higher concentrations resulted in FAD release leading to stabilization of an enzymatically inactive apoenzyme. Detailed thermal denaturation studies on the native protein and the isolated NADP-binding domain showed that cations and pH 6.0 destabilized only the heat-stable NADP-binding domain. The experimental studies demonstrate that modulation of intramolecular ionic interactions induce significant conformational changes in the NADP-binding domain of FprA, resulting in a substantial increase in the structural cooperativity of the whole molecule. The results presented in this paper are of importance as they demonstrate alterations in the native three-dimensional structure of FprA and cooperativity in protein molecule on slight alteration of pH or modification of ionic interactions in protein.  相似文献   

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