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Attached activated sludge from the Krasnaya Polyana (Sochi) wastewater treatment plant was studied after the reconstruction by increased aeration and water recycle, as well as by the installation of a bristle carrier for activated sludge immobilization. The activated sludge biofilms developing under conditions of intense aeration were shown to contain both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. Activity of a strictly anaerobic methanogenic community was revealed, which degraded organic compounds to methane, further oxidized by aerobic methanotrophs. Volatile fatty acids, the intermediates of anaerobic degradation of complex organic compounds, were used by both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. Anaerobic oxidation of ammonium with nitrite (anammox) and the presence of obligate anammox bacteria were revealed in attached activated sludge biofilms. Simultaneous aerobic and anaerobic degradation of organic contaminants by attached activated sludge provides for high rates of water treatment, stability of the activated sludge under variable environmental conditions, and decreased excess sludge formation.  相似文献   

Cationic liposome (lipoplex) and polymer (polyplex)-based vectors have been developed for nonviral gene delivery. These vectors bind DNA and enter cells via endosomes, but intracellular transfer of DNA to the nucleus is inefficient. Here we show that lipoplex and polyplex vectors enter cells in endosomes, activate autophagy and generate tubulovesicular autophagosomes. Activation of autophagy was dependent on ATG5, resulting in lipidation of LC3, but did not require the PtdIns 3-kinase activity of PIK3C3/VPS34. The autophagosomes generated by lipoplex fused with each other, and with endosomes, resulting in the delivery of vectors to large tubulovesicular autophagosomes, which accumulated next to the nucleus. The tubulovesicular autophagosomes contained autophagy receptor protein SQSTM1/p62 and ubiquitin, suggesting capture of autophagy cargoes, but fusion with lysosomes was slow. Gene delivery and expression from both lipoplex and polyplex increased 8-fold in atg5?/? cells unable to generate tubulovesicular autophagosomes. Activation of autophagy and capture within tubulovesicular autophagosomes therefore provides a new cellular barrier against efficient gene transfer and should be considered when designing efficient nonviral gene delivery vectors.  相似文献   

Ha J  Engler CR  Wild JR 《Bioresource technology》2009,100(3):1138-1142
Calcium-alginate immobilized cell systems were developed for the detoxification and biodegradation of coumaphos, an organophosphate insecticide, and its hydrolysis products, chlorferon and diethlythiophosphate (DETP). Optimum bead loadings for bioreactor operation were found to be 200 g-beads/L for chlorferon degradation and 300 g-beads/L for DETP degradation. Using waste cattle dip (UCD) solution as substrate, the degradation rate for an immobilized consortium of chlorferon-degrading bacteria was five times greater than that for freely suspended cells, and hydrolysis of coumaphos by immobilized OPH(+)Escherichia coli was 2.5 times greater. The enhanced degradation of immobilized cells was due primarily to protection of the cells from inhibitory substances present in the UCD solution. In addition, physiological changes of the cells caused by Ca-alginate immobilization may have contributed to increased reaction rates. Degradation rates for repeated operations increased for successive batches indicating that cells became better adapted to the reaction conditions over time.  相似文献   

化石燃料的挖掘和燃烧导致环境污染以及气候变化.与化石燃料相比,微藻被认为是一种更有前途的生物柴油生产原料,它具有生长速度快、含油量高、不占用耕地的特点.尽管微藻被认为是生产第三代生物燃料的最佳生产者之一,但单独培养微藻容易污染且采收成本高,与化石燃料和传统可再生能源相比缺乏竞争力.利用微藻与其他微生物共培养能够实现自絮...  相似文献   

A considerable weight of evidence has accumulated to show that O2 diffusion into legume nodules is controlled by a variable physical barrier which balances the influx of this gas against its respiratory consumption. Recently, however, the existence of such a barrier has been challenged on the grounds of lack of evidence for structural changes and on the possibility that there are metabolic and/or biochemical alternatives which might substitute for the barrier. Such speculation may be justified for the apparent diffusion resistance to O2 and CO2 where a range of potential metabolic reactions make is difficult to separate physical and chemical processes. However, this ambiguity does not apply to H2 within nodules formed by rhizobium strains lacking an uptake hydrogenase (Hup-ve). Within such nodules H2 generated as a by-product of N2 fixation cannot be further metabolized. Thus the steady-state relationship between internal concentration of H2 and its rate of efflux from the nodule can only be determined by the resistance of a physical barrier to diffusion. Data are presented here on H2 concentrations and rates of efflux from nodules of soyabean (Clarke/USDA16 symbiosis) subjected to detopping and stepped increases in pO2, which provides incontrovertible evidence for the existence of such a variable physical barrier.  相似文献   

Partially purified a-glucosidase from Aspergillus carbonarious, immobilized on glutaraldehyde-activated chitosan beads in a packed bed reactor, produced isomaltooligosaccharides at a yield of 60% (w/w) using 30% (w/v) maltose solution. Using intact mycelia attached with polyethyleneimine-glutaraldehyde, produced isomaltooligosaccharides at a yield of 46% (w/w) using 30% (w/v) maltose solution. Batchwise reaction stabilities were improved for chitosan beads immobilized enzyme and polyethyleneimine-glutaraldehyde treated mycelia as compared to mycelia without any treatment.  相似文献   

Invasive plants often interact with antagonists that include native parasitic plants and pathogenic soil microbes, which may reduce fitness of the invaders. However, to date, most of the studies on the ecological consequences of antagonistic interactions between invasive plants and the resident biota focused only on pairwise interactions. A full understanding of invasion dynamics requires studies that test the effects of multiple antagonists on fitness of invasive plants and co‐occurring native plants. Here, we used an invasive plant Mikania micrantha, a co‐occurring native plant Coix lacryma‐jobi, and a native holoparasitic plant Cuscuta campestris to test whether parasitism on M. micrantha interacts with soil fungi and bacteria to reduce fitness of the invader and promote growth of the co‐occurring native plant. In a factorial setup, M. micrantha and C. lacryma‐jobi were grown together in pots in the presence versus absence of parasitism on M. micrantha by C. campestris and in the presence versus absence of full complements of soil bacteria and fungi. Fungicide and bactericide were used to suppress soil fungi and bacteria, respectively. Findings show that heavy parasitism by C. campestris caused the greatest reduction in M. micrantha biomass when soil fungi and bacteria were suppressed. In contrast, the co‐occurring native plant C. lacryma‐jobi experienced the greatest increase in biomass when grown with heavily parasitized M. micrantha and in the presence of a full complement of soil fungi and bacteria. Taken together, our results suggest that selective parasitism on susceptible invasive plants by native parasitic plants and soil microorganisms may diminish competitive ability of invasive plants and facilitate native plant coexistence with invasive plants.  相似文献   

Beneficial microorganisms (Clonostachys rosea IK726, Pseudomonas chlororaphis MA342, Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, Trichoderma harzianum T22 and Trichoderma viride S17a) were successfully applied to carrot and onion seed during a commercial drum priming process. Applied microorganisms were recovered above the target of at least 1 × 105 cfu g−1 seed following subsequent application of pesticides to the seed according to standard commercial practices of film-coating carrot and pelletting onion seed. Two glasshouse experiments consistently showed that priming improved emergence of carrot seed and that C. rosea IK726 further improved emergence time. Priming improved emergence of onion seed in one glasshouse experiment, but had an unexpected negative effect on emergence in the second experiment, possibly due to the proliferation of an unidentified indigenous microorganism during priming, becoming deleterious in high numbers. In this experiment, the application of beneficial microorganisms during priming negated this effect and significantly improved emergence. For each crop, a series of field trials was also carried out over three years, at two different sites each year. Although some positive effects of different seed treatments were seen on emergence or yield in individual field trials, no consistent effects were found for primed or microorganism-treated seed across all sites and years. However, a combined analysis of data for all years and sites indicated that pesticide application did consistently improve emergence and yield for both carrot and onion. This is the first comprehensive study assessing glasshouse and field performance of carrot and onion seed primed with beneficial microorganisms during a commercial process of drum priming in the UK.  相似文献   

Denitrification of synthetic high nitrate wastewater containing 40,000?ppm NO3 (9,032?ppm NO3-N) was achieved using immobilized activated sludge in a column reactor. Active anoxic sludge adsorbed onto Terry cloth was used in the denitrification of high nitrate wastewater. The operational stability of the immobilized sludge system was studied both in a batch reactor and in a continuous reactor. The immobilized sludge showed complete degradation of different concentrations of NO3-N (1,129, 1,693, 3,387, 6,774, and 9,032?ppm) in a batch process. The reactors were successfully run for 90?days without any loss in activity. The immobilized cell process has yielded promising results in attaining high denitrifying efficiency.  相似文献   

Cells of Candida guilliermondii entrapped in Ca-alginate beads were used for xylitol production, from concentrated hemicellulose hydrolyzate of sugarcane bagasse, in a fluidized bed bioreactor (FBR). The maximum xylitol concentration 28.9 g xylitol/L was obtained at a high aeration rate of 600 mL/min after 70 h of fermentation, indicating that the use of high aeration rate in this system is favored for better oxygen transfer into the immobilized cells. The specific xylitol productivity and the xylitol yield were of 0.4 g xylitol/L.h and 0.58 g xylitol/g xylose respectively. The immobilization efficiency at the end of the fermentation was of 65 %. After 90 h of fermentation xylitol productivity and yield decreased to 0.25 g xylitol/L.h and 0.47 g xylitol/g xylose respectively, indicating the beginning of xylitol consumption by the yeast. The use of FBR system with immobilized cells presented high xylitol yield and productivity.  相似文献   


In this study, we investigated the use of Illumina high-throughput sequencing of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) amplicons to explore microbial diversity and community structure in raw and secondary treated wastewater (WW) samples from four municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs A–D) across Australia. Sequence reads were analyzed to determine the abundance and diversity of bacterial communities in raw and secondary treated WW samples across the four WWTPs. In addition, sequence reads were also characterized to phenotypic features and to estimate the abundance of potential pathogenic bacterial genera and antibiotic-resistant genes in total bacterial communities. The mean coverage, Shannon diversity index, observed richness (S obs), and abundance-based coverage estimate (ACE) of richness for raw and secondary treated WW samples did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) among the four WWTPs examined. Generally, raw and secondary treated WW samples were dominated by members of the genera Pseudomonas, Arcobacter, and Bacteroides. Evaluation of source contributions to secondary treated WW, done using SourceTracker, revealed that 8.80–61.4% of the bacterial communities in secondary treated WW samples were attributed to raw WW. Twenty-five bacterial genera were classified as containing potential bacterial pathogens. The abundance of potentially pathogenic genera in raw WW samples was higher than that found in secondary treated WW samples. Among the pathogenic genera identified, Pseudomonas and Arcobacter had the greatest percentage of the sequence reads. The abundances of antibiotic resistance genes were generally low (<0.5%), except for genes encoding ABC transporters, which accounted for approximately 3% of inferred genes. These findings provided a comprehensive profile of bacterial communities, including potential bacterial pathogens and antibiotic-resistant genes, in raw and secondary treated WW samples from four WWTPs across Australia and demonstrated that Illumina high-throughput sequencing can be an alternative approach for monitoring WW quality in order to protect environmental and human health.


朱志浩  刘辉  邵留  叶建锋 《微生物学报》2022,62(4):1322-1333
利用废水培养微藻能够降低微藻的培养成本,同时削减污染.微藻的蛋白质、多糖和油脂等组分是影响其后续资源化利用的重要因素.本文重点综述了以废水为基质培养微藻的研究进展,从组分积累的角度,分析了微藻种类的选择依据,探讨了影响微藻生长的因素和提高产量的方法,并对藻体中组分的合成机制进行了讨论,提出未来废水培养微藻技术面临的挑战...  相似文献   

An orthogonal experimental design L9 (3(4)) with 10 repetitions was used to investigate the effect of Glomus claroideum (0, 1 or 2g(-1) plant), G. fasciculatum (0, 1 or 2g plant(-1)), native diazotrophic bacteria (0, 10(3) and 10(5) UFC ml(-1)) and sheep manure vermicompost (0%, 5% and 10% v/v) on maize plant growth, N and P in leaves and mycorrhization percent. Vermicompost explained most of the variation found for leaf number, wet weight, stem height, and diameter. Both mycorrhizas increased the plant wet weight but G. fasciculatum the most. Mycorrhization increased the P content, but not the N content. Mycorrhizal colonization increased when diazotrophic bacteria and vermicompost were added. It was found that weight of maize plants cultivated in peat moss amended with vermicompost increased when supplemented with G. fasciculatum and diazotrophic bacteria.  相似文献   

The paper presents the main results obtained from the study of the biodegradation of phenolic industrial wastewaters by a pure culture of immobilized cells of Pseudomonas putida ATCC 17484. The experiments were carried out in batch and continuous mode. The maximum degradation capacity and the influence of the adaptation of the microorganism to the substrate were studied in batch mode. Industrial wastewater with a phenol concentration of 1000 mg/l was degraded when the microorganism was adapted to the toxic chemical. The presence in the wastewater of compounds other than phenol was noted and it was found that Pseudomonas putida was able to degrade these compounds. In continuous mode, a fluidized-bed bioreactor was operated and the influence of the organic loading rate on the removal efficiency of phenol was studied. The bioreactor showed phenol degradation efficiencies higher than 90%, even for a phenol loading rate of 0.5 g phenol/ld (corresponding to 0.54 g TOC/ld).  相似文献   

Summary Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) were coupled to polystyrene beads in order to apply the LPS without toxicity. The antitumor activity of the LPS-immobilizing beads was studied in experiments in vitro and in vivo. In vitro studies showed that spleen cells from C3H/HeN mice stimulated by beads immobilizing LPS fromEscherichia coli produced cytolytic activity as strong as that of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells. Spleen cells from Sprague-Dawley rats stimulated by beads immobilizing LPS fromSalmonella minnesota produced cytolytic activity stronger than that of LAK cells. However, spleen cells stimulated by beads immobilizing each component of the LPS separately could not induce cytolysis. Contact stimulation, even for a brief period, sufficed for cytolytic activity, and was enhanced by culture for 48–72 h. Through in vivo studies, the suppression of tumor growth and a prolongation of the survival time were observed in tumorbearing mice injected with spleen cells activated by beads immobilizing LPS fromE.coli, and in mice injected with LAK cells. The effect of the activated spleen cells was stronger than that of the LAK cells. In rats bearing metastatic tumors, spleen cells activated by beads immobilizing LPS fromS.minnesota suppressed lung metastases more strongly than did LAK cells. These findings indicate that LPS immobilized by beads induced killer cells more strongly than interleukin-2. Ex vivo immunomodulation with LPS-immobilizing beads can be applied usefully as an anticancer treatment.  相似文献   

Cells of Oenococcus oeni (formerly Leuconostoc oenos) immobilized in alginate beads were used as starter culture to conduct malolactic fermentation in cider production. Concentrations of major organic acids and volatile compounds were monitored during the process, and results were compared to those obtained when using free cells in the same conditions. The rates of malic acid consumption were similar but lower ethanoic acid content and higher concentration of alcohols were detected with immobilized cells. These features have beneficial effects on the organoleptic properties of cider. A comparison between the kinetic behavior in immobilized and free cells, based on the data obtained for the malic acid consumption, has been developed solving the homogeneous diffusion model when it is applied to the system with immobilized cells.  相似文献   

Three putative beneficial unicellular organisms, the marine bacterium Roseobacter sp, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae mnn9 strain (SC-mnn9) and the microalga Tetraselmis suecica were cooked and offered separately as diets to developing germ-free (GF) Artemia larvae, in order to analyze their alimentary and protective effects. GF Artemia larvae were able to grow with cooked Tetraselmis and SC-mnn9 but failed with cooked Roseobacter. In spite of its high dietary quality, Tetraselmis failed to provide protection against Vibrio proteolyticus infection, while Roseobacter failed as food as well to provide protection. Cooked SC-mnn9 appeared to possess both values, dietary for growth and protective against Vibrio infection. GF Artemia larvae were apparently rapid adapted to dietary swaps; from yeast to algal and from algal to yeast. While the diets swap from algal or yeast, to bacterial diet appeared to be detrimental. Phenoloxidase-L (PO-L) and trypsin-L were used as biochemical indicators of defense and digestive functions, respectively. Developmental trypsin-L patterns were similar when fed on yeast and microalgae diets, suggesting a good digestive adaptation to plant or fungal substrates at early stages. On the contrary, diets swap or Vibrio infection affected PO-L and trypsin-L suggesting a sort of ‘alteration’ of digestive and defense functions.  相似文献   

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