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Field data showing the daily patterns in body temperature (T b) of kangaroos in hot, arid conditions, with and without water, indicate the use of adaptive heterothermy, i.e. large variation in T b. However, daily T b variation was greater in the Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus), a species of mesic origin, than in the desert-adapted Red Kangaroo (Macropus rufus). The nature of such responses was studied by an examination of their thermal adjustments to dehydration in thermoneutral temperatures (25°C) and at high temperature (45°C) via the use of tame, habituated animals in a climate chamber. At the same level of dehydration M. rufus was less impacted, in that its T b changed less than that for M. giganteus while it evaporated significantly less water. At a T a of 45°C with water restriction T b reached 38.9 ± 0.3°C in M. rufus compared with 40.2 ± 0.4°C for M. giganteus. The ability of M. rufus to reduce dry conductance in the heat while dehydrated was central to its superior thermal control. While M. giganteus showed more heterothermy, i.e. its T b varied more, this seemed due to a lower tolerance of dehydration in concert with a strong thermal challenge. The benefits of heterothermy to M. giganteus were also limited because of thermal (Q10) effects on metabolic heat production and evaporative heat loss. The impacts of T b on heat production were such that low morning T b’s seen in the field may be associated with energy saving, as well as water saving. Kangaroos respond to dehydration and heat similarly to many ungulates, and it is apparent that the accepted notions about adaptive heterothermy in large desert mammals may need revisiting.  相似文献   

Information regarding passerine heterothermy and torpor is scant, although many species are small and must cope with a fluctuating food supply and presumably would benefit from energy savings afforded by torpor. We studied whether insectivorous Dusky Woodswallows (Artamus cyanopterus; ∼35 g) enter spontaneous torpor (food ad libitum) when held outdoors as a pair in autumn/winter. Woodswallows displayed pronounced and regular daily fluctuations in body temperature (T b) over the entire study period. The mean T b ranged from ∼39°C to 40°C (photophase, day time) and ∼33°C to 36°C (scotophase, night time). However, on 88% of bird nights, nocturnal T b minima fell to < 35°C. The lowest T b observed in air was 29.2°C. However, when a bird fell into water its T b dropped further to ∼22°C; this T b was regulated for several hours and the bird survived. Our observations suggest that heterothermy is a normal part of the daily thermal regime for woodswallows to minimise energy expenditure. Spontaneous nocturnal torpor in captive woodswallows suggests that torpor in the wild may be more pronounced than recorded here because free-living birds are likely challenged by both low food availability and adverse weather.  相似文献   

We measured body temperature (Tb) in free-ranging individuals of two species of elephant shrews, namely western rock elephant shrews (Elephantulus rupestris) and Cape rock elephant shrews (E. edwardii), during winter in a winter-rainfall region of western South Africa. These syntopic species have similar ecologies and morphologies and thus potential for large overlaps in diet and habitat use. Unexpectedly, they displayed different Tb patterns. Western rock elephant shrews were heterothermic, with all individuals decreasing Tb below 30 °C on at least 34% of nights. The level of heterothermy expressed was similar to other species traditionally defined as daily heterotherms and was inversely related to Ta, as is commonly seen in small heterothermic endotherms. In contrast, Cape rock elephant shrews rarely allowed their Tb to decrease below 30 °C. The level of heterothermy was similar to species traditionally defined as homeotherms and there was no relationship between the level of heterothermy expressed and Ta. In both species, the minimum daily Tb was recorded almost exclusively at night, often shortly before sunrise, although in some individuals minimum Tb occasionally occurred during the day. The interspecific variation in Tb patterns among Elephantulus species recorded to date reiterates the importance of ecological determinants of heterothermy that interact with factors such as body mass and phylogeny.  相似文献   

Many small desert dasyurids employ torpor almost daily during winter, because cold nights and low food availability impose high energetic costs. However, in Western Australia the arid zone extends into tropical, coastal regions, where winter temperature conditions are far less severe. We studied the thermal biology and activity patterns of free-ranging kaluta (~27 g), a dasyurid restricted to these tropical spinifex deserts, during the Austral winter (June–July) and in addition quantified activity patterns in captivity. Unlike most dasyurids, wild and captive kalutas were almost exclusively diurnal and retreated into underground burrows during the night. Despite being active during the warmer part of the day, kalutas entered torpor daily. However, torpor patterns differed remarkably between males and females. While females spent most of the night torpid at body temperatures (T b) as low as 21°C, close to soil temperature, males entered multiple short and shallow bouts (T b > 25°C) during the night. Males also maintained higher T bs during the early morning when active, occupied larger home ranges and covered greater distances while foraging than females. Hence, males appear to expend more energy than the similar-sized females both while foraging and during the rest phase. We propose that physiological as well as behavioural preparations for the September mating season that culminate in a complete male die-off might already impose energetic costs on males during winter.  相似文献   

Endotherms allocate large amounts of energy and water to the regulation of a precise body temperature (Tb), but can potentially reduce thermoregulatory costs by allowing Tb to deviate from normothermic levels. Many data on heterothermy at low air temperatures (Ta) exist for caprimulgids, whereas data on thermoregulation at high Ta are largely absent, despite members of this taxon frequently roosting and nesting in sites exposed to high operative temperatures. We investigated thermoregulation in free‐ranging rufous‐cheeked nightjars Caprimulgus rufigena and freckled nightjars Caprimulgus tristigma in the southern African arid zone. Individuals of both species showed labile Tb fluctuating around a single modal Tb (Tb‐mod). Average Tb‐mod was 39.7°C for rufous‐cheeked nightjars and 39.0°C for freckled nightjars. In both species, diurnal Tb increased with increasing Ta. At Ta ≥ 38°C, rufous‐cheeked nightjar mean Tb increased to 42°C, equivalent to 2.3°C above Tb‐mod. Under similar conditions, freckled nightjar Tb was on average only 1.1°C above Tb‐mod, with a mean Tb of 40.0°C. Freckled nightjars are one of the most heterothermic caprimulgids investigated to date, but our data suggest that during hot conditions this species maintains Tb within a narrow range above Tb‐mod, possibly reflecting an evolutionary tradeoff between decreased thermal sensitivity to lower Tb but increased sensitivity to high Tb. These findings reveal how general thermoregulatory patterns at similar Ta can vary even among closely related species.  相似文献   

Heterothermic responses characterised by pronounced hypometabolism and reductions in body temperature (Tb) are one of the most effective ways in which small endotherms can offset the energetic cost of endothermic homeothermy. It remains unclear, therefore, why daily torpor and hibernation are restricted to only a subset of avian lineages. To further our understanding of the phylogenetic distribution of avian torpor, we investigated winter thermoregulation in the southern African ground woodpecker Geocolaptes olivaceus. We considered this species a good candidate for heterothermy, because it is resident year‐round in mountainous regions with cold winters and reliant on small ectothermic prey. We recorded Tb patterns in free‐ranging individuals and measured Tb and metabolic rates in captive individuals. Neither free‐ranging nor captive woodpeckers showed any indication of daily torpor or even shallow rest‐phase hypothermia. All birds maintained bimodally distributed Tb characteristic of classic endothemic homeothermy, with a mean rest‐phase Tb of 37.9 ± 0.2°C and no data below 37.0°C. The mean circadian amplitude of Tb was 4.2°C, equivalent to approximately twice the expected value. There was some evidence of seasonal acclimatisation in Tb, with a small decrease in rest‐phase Tb with the onset of the austral winter. Captive birds showed patterns of resting metabolic rate and Tb consistent with the classic model of endothermic homeothermy. The apparent absence of torpor in G. olivaceus supports the notion that, unlike the case in mammals, many avian taxa that may a priori be expected to benefit from deep heterothermy do not use it.  相似文献   

In this study of body temperatures (Tb) in free ranging dromedary camels, we found that bulls in rut start the days cooler. Daily minima during rut averaged 0.6°C lower than at other times (95% CI 0.27–0.94°C) and daily maxima averaged 0.45°C higher (95% CI −0.01 to –0.91°C), increasing the daily Tb cycle. Knut Schmidt-Nielsen described a similar pattern in captive dromedaries deprived of water in hot conditions, which he interpreted as a strategy to conserve water. Our observations were made in winter and with water freely available. Dromedaries can apparently employ heterothermy for more than just water conservation. In the strenuous daily contests between rival bulls in rut, a lower Tb early in the day should extend the time for which a contestant can challenge or defend before heat stress becomes a problem. Calculations show that lowering Tb by even 0.6°C extends that time by more than 30 min, and many daily minima during rut were lower than that. Because the eventual winner of contests gains or retains a herd of females, we speculate that cooler Tb at the start of daily contests confers an advantage which translates directly into increased reproductive success.  相似文献   

Most research on mammalian heterothermic responses in southern Africa tends to be laboratory based and biased towards rodents and smaller members of the Afrotheria. In this study, we continuously measured body temperature of southern African hedgehogs (Atelerix frontalis) between April and August 2009 (−10°C < T a < 43°C), kept under semi-captive conditions. A. frontalis showed a high propensity for torpor with animals spending up to 84% of the measurement period torpid. During this study, A. frontalis displayed the lowest T b min (ca 1°C) yet recorded in an Afrotropical placental heterotherm. Bout lengths of between 0.7 h (40 min) and 116.3 h (4.8 days) were recorded. Differences in bout length were observed between lighter individuals compared with an individual exhibiting a higher body mass at the onset of winter, with low M b individuals exhibiting daily torpor whereas a heavier individual exhibited torpor bouts that were indicative of hibernation. Our results suggest that heterothermic responses are an important feature in the energy balance equation of this species and that body mass at the onset of winter may determine the patterns of heterothermy utilised in this species.  相似文献   

The body temperature (T b) of Cape ground squirrels (Xerus inauris, Sciuridae) living in their natural environment during winter has not yet been investigated. In this study we measured abdominal T b of eight free-ranging Cape ground squirrels over 27 consecutive days during the austral winter. Mean daily T b was relatively stable at 37.0 ± 0.2°C (range 33.4 to 40.2°C) despite a marked variation in globe temperature (T g) (range −7 to 37°C). Lactating females (n = 2) consistently had a significantly higher mean T b (0.7°C) than non-lactating females (n = 3) and males. There was a pronounced nychthemeral rhythm with a mean active phase T b of 38.1 ± 0.1°C and a mean inactive phase T b of 36.3 ± 0.3°C for non-lactating individuals. Mean daily amplitude of T b rhythm was 3.8 ± 0.2°C. T b during the active phase closely followed T g and mean active phase T b was significantly correlated with mean active phase T g (r 2 = 0.3–0.9; P < 0.01). There was no evidence for daily torpor or pronounced hypothermia during the inactive phase, and mean minimum inactive phase T b was 35.7 ± 0.3°C for non-lactating individuals. Several alternatives (including nocturnal huddling, an aseasonal breeding pattern and abundant winter food resources) as to why Cape ground squirrels do not employ nocturnal hypothermia are discussed.  相似文献   

The jerboa (Jaculus orientalis) has been described in the past as a hibernator, but no reliable data exist on the daily and seasonal rhythmicity of body temperature (T b). In this study, T b patterns were determined in different groups of jerboas (isolated males and females, castrated males and grouped animals) maintained in captivity during autumn and winter, and submitted to natural variations of light and ambient temperature (T a). T b and T a variations were recorded with surgically implanted iButton temperature loggers at 30-min intervals for two consecutive years. About half (6/13) of isolated female jerboas hibernated with a T b < 33°C, with hibernation bouts interspersed with short periods of normothermy from November to February. Hibernation bout durations were longer (4–5 days) than those of normothermia phases (1–4 days). During hibernation, the minimum T b was low (T bmin ~10.7°C). In contrast, one of the 12 isolated males showed short hibernation bouts of ca. 2 days late in the hibernation season, February–March. The males had T bmin values of 15.1°C. In contrast to predictions, no castrated males hibernated. When jerboas were grouped, females and males exhibited concomitant torpor bouts. In males, the longest bouts were observed during the late hibernation season. These data suggest complex regulation of hibernation in jerboas.  相似文献   

Animals typically respond to stressful stimuli such as handling by increasing core body temperature. However, small birds in cold environments have been found to decrease body temperature (Tb) when handled over longer periods, although there are no data extending beyond the actual handling event in such birds. We therefore measured both the initial Tb decrease during ringing and standardized Tb sampling, and subsequent recovery of Tb after this handling protocol in wild Great Tits Parus major roosting in nestboxes in winter. Birds reduced their Tb by 2.3 °C during c. 4 min of handling. When birds were returned to their nestboxes after handling, Tb decreased by a further 1.9 °C over c. 2 min, reaching a Tb of 34.6 °C before taking 20 min to rewarm to 2.5 °C above their initial Tb. The Tb reduction during handling could be a consequence of increased heat loss rate from disrupted plumage insulation, whereas Tb reduction after handling might reflect reduced heat production. These are important factors to consider when handling small birds in the cold.  相似文献   

Daily minimum temperature (Tmin) has increased faster than daily maximum temperature (Tmax) in many parts of the world, leading to decreases in diurnal temperature range (DTR). Projections suggest that these trends are likely to continue in many regions, particularly in northern latitudes and in arid regions. Despite wide speculation that asymmetric warming has different impacts on plant and ecosystem production than equal‐night‐and‐day warming, there has been little direct comparison of these scenarios. Reduced DTR has also been widely misinterpreted as a result of night‐only warming, when in fact Tmin occurs near dawn, indicating higher morning as well as night temperatures. We report on the first experiment to examine ecosystem‐scale impacts of faster increases in Tmin than in Tmax, using precise temperature controls to create realistic diurnal temperature profiles with gradual day–night temperature transitions and elevated early morning as well as night temperatures. Studying a constructed grassland ecosystem containing species native to Oregon, USA, we found that the ecosystem lost more carbon at elevated than ambient temperatures, but remained unaffected by the 3 °C difference in DTR between symmetric warming (constantly ambient + 3.5 °C) and asymmetric warming (dawn Tmin = ambient + 5 °C, afternoon Tmax = ambient + 2 °C). Reducing DTR had no apparent effect on photosynthesis, probably because temperatures were most different in the morning and late afternoon when light was low. Respiration was also similar in both warming treatments, because respiration temperature sensitivity was not sufficient to respond to the limited temperature differences between asymmetric and symmetric warming. We concluded that changes in daily mean temperatures, rather than changes in Tmin/Tmax, were sufficient for predicting ecosystem carbon fluxes in this reconstructed Mediterranean grassland system.  相似文献   

Heterothermy, a variability in body temperature beyond the limits of homeothermy, has been advanced as a key adaptation of Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx) to their arid-zone life. We measured body temperature using implanted data loggers, for a 1-year period, in five oryx free-living in the deserts of Saudi Arabia. As predicted for adaptive heterothermy, during hot months compared to cooler months, not only were maximum daily body temperatures higher (41.1 ± 0.3 vs. 39.7 ± 0.1°C, P = 0.0002) but minimum daily body temperatures also were lower (36.1 ± 0.3 vs. 36.8 ± 0.2°C, P = 0.04), resulting in a larger daily amplitude of the body temperature rhythm (5.0 ± 0.5 vs. 2.9 ± 0.2°C, P = 0.0007), while mean daily body temperature rose by only 0.4°C. The maximum daily amplitude of the body temperature rhythm reached 7.7°C for two of our oryx during the hot-dry period, the largest amplitude ever recorded for a large mammal. Body temperature variability was influenced not only by ambient temperature but also water availability, with oryx displaying larger daily amplitudes of the body temperature rhythm during warm-dry months compared to warm-wet months (3.6 ± 0.6 vs. 2.3 ± 0.3°C, P = 0.005), even though ambient temperatures were the same. Free-living Arabian oryx therefore employ heterothermy greater than that recorded in any other large mammal, but water limitation, rather than high ambient temperature, seems to be the primary driver of this heterothermy.  相似文献   

Microcebus murinus, a small nocturnal Malagasy primate, exhibits adaptive energy-saving strategies such as daily hypothermia and gregarious patterns during diurnal rest. To determine whether ambient temperature (Ta), food restriction and nest sharing can modify the daily body temperature (Tb) rhythm, Tb was recorded by telemetry during winter in six males exposed to different ambient temperatures (Ta=25, 20, 15°C) and/or to a total food restriction for 3 days depending on social condition (isolated versus pair-grouped). At 25°C, the daily rhythm of Tb was characterized by high Tb values during the night and lower values during the day. Exposure to cold significantly decreased minimal Tb values and lengthened the daily hypothermia. Under food restriction, minimal Tb values were also markedly lowered. The combination of food restriction and cold induced further increases in duration and depth of torpor bouts, minimal Tb reaching a level just above Ta. Although it influenced daily hypothermia less than environmental factors, nest sharing modified effects of cold and food restriction previously observed by lengthening duration of torpor but without increasing its depth. In response to external conditions, mouse lemurs may thus adjust their energy expenditures through daily modifications of both the duration and the depth of torpor.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Diurnal cycles of body temperature, Tb, and energy metabolism, M, at different ambient temperatures (Ta: +5 −+ 32°C) were tested in 13 sunbird species from various habitats and of different body masses (5.2–14.2 g) including one of the smallest passerines, Aethopyga christinae.
  • 2.2. Resting M-level (night) reaches Ta-dependent mean values of 54% (+5°C) and 49% (+25°C) of activity M-levels (day). Expected level is ca 75%.
  • 3.3. Resting metabolic rate of sunbirds lies within the range of theoretically expected values for birds.
  • 4.4. Mean linear metabolism-weight regression of the night values follows: M = 0.102 × W0.712 (M = energy metabolism in kJ/hr and W = body mass in g).
  • 5.5. Thermal conductances, Tc, are lower (−24%) than the predicted values. This is caused by a decrease of Tb at low Ta. Mean nocturnal Tc is 3.2 J/g × hr × °C, mean day-time value is 4.3 J/g × hr × °C.
  • 6.6. The zone of thermoneutrality is, in most species, within a Ta-range of 24–28°C.
  • 7.7. Normal day and night levels of Tb are in the same range as reported for other birds of the same weight class. Tb decreases slightly with falling Ta (partial heterothermia). Lowest recorded Tb was 34.2°C.
  • 8.8. No species tested showed any sign of torpor at night, independent of Ta, body mass or habitat origin.

High environmental temperatures pose significant physiological challenges related to energy and water balance for small endotherms. Although there is a growing literature on the effect of high temperatures on birds, comparable data are scarcer for bats. Those data that do exist suggest that roost microsite may predict tolerance of high air temperatures. To examine this possibility further, we quantified the upper limits to heat tolerance and evaporative cooling capacity in three southern African bat species inhabiting the same hot environment but using different roost types (crevice, foliage or cave). We used flow-through respirometry and compared heat tolerance limits (highest air temperature (Ta) tolerated before the onset of severe hyperthermia), body temperature (Tb), evaporative water loss, metabolic rate, and maximum cooling capacity (i.e., evaporative heat loss/metabolic heat production). Heat tolerance limits for the two bats roosting in more exposed sites, Taphozous mauritianus (foliage-roosting) and Eptesicus hottentotus (crevice-roosting), were Ta = ~44 °C and those individuals defended maximum Tb between 41 °C and 43 °C. The heat tolerance limit for the bat roosting in a more buffered site, Rousettus aegyptiacus (cave-roosting), was Ta = ~38 °C with a corresponding Tb of ~38 °C. These interspecific differences, together with a similar trend for higher evaporative cooling efficiency in species occupying warmer roost microsites, add further support to the notion that ecological factors like roost choice may have profound influences on physiological traits related to thermoregulation.  相似文献   

Turkish hamsters (Mesocricetus brandti) are a model organism for studies of hibernation, yet a detailed account of their torpor characteristics has not been undertaken. This study employed continuous telemetric monitoring of body temperature (T b) in hibernating male and female Turkish hamsters at ambient temperatures (T as) of 5 and 13 °C to precisely characterize torpor bout depth, duration, and frequency, as well as rates of entry into and arousal from torpor. Hamsters generated brief intervals of short (<12 h), shallow test bouts (T b > 20 °C), followed by deep torpor bouts lasting 4–6 days at T a = 5 °C and 2–3 days at T a = 13 °C. Females at T a = 5 °C had longer bouts than males, but maintained higher torpor T b; there were no sex differences at T a = 13 °C. Neither body mass loss nor food intake differed between the two T as. Hamsters entered torpor primarily during the scotophase (subjective night), but timing of arousals was highly variable. Hamsters at both T as generated short, shallow torpor bouts between deep bouts, suggesting that this species may be capable of both hibernation and daily torpor.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the distributions of ectothermic vertebrates is well documented. Despite the increase of 6°C expected in the next 60 years in South America, numerous vertebrates are still considered as ‘Least Concern’ species by the IUCN due to their large distribution, insufficient widespread threats and insignificant population decline. One example is the lizard Tropidurus torquatus (Squamata: Tropiduridae), commonly found thermoregulating in anthropic environments throughout the Brazilian Cerrado, but restricted to gallery forests in the equator‐ward localities. The urban areas in this warmer region have been colonised by other closely related congeners (e.g. Tropidurus oreadicus). This study aimed to understand this divergence of habitat selection by these tropirudids that may explain some of the species responses to past and future climate warming. We collected body temperatures (Tb), micro‐environmental temperatures (Ta) and operative (Te) temperatures in four sites along a latitudinal gradient: a pole‐ward and two central sites where T. torquatus inhabit urban areas and one equator‐ward site where T. torquatus and T. oreadicus occur in the gallery forest and in urban microhabitats, respectively. All three populations of T. torquatus present similar Tb (35.5–36°C) and shared microhabitats with a similar Ta (34–37.3°C). The Te in the equator‐ward urban site was considerably higher than in the gallery forest. Tropidurus oreadicus Tb was 38.2 °C (30.1–41.3°C) and was active at a Ta of 30.5–42.3°C. The overlap between the genus Tb, Ta and Te highlights a decrease in the hours of activity that lizards would experience under climate warming. The reduction of hours of activity together with the devastation of natural habitats represents threats and an alarming scenario especially for the equator‐ward populations.  相似文献   

The use of hypothermia as a means to save energy is well documented in birds. This energy‐saving strategy is widely considered to occur exclusively at night in diurnally active species. However, recent studies suggest that facultative hypothermia may also occur during the day. Here, we document the use of daytime hypothermia in foraging Black‐capped Chickadees Poecile atricapillus wintering in eastern Canada. We measured the body temperature (Tb) of 126 individuals (plus 48 repeated measures) during a single winter and related values to ambient temperature (Ta) at the time of capture. We also tested whether daytime hypothermia was correlated with the size of body reserves (residuals of mass on structural size and fat score) and levels of metabolic performance (basal metabolic rate and maximum thermogenic capacity). We found that Tb of individual birds was lower when captured at low Ta, reaching values as low as 35.5 °C in actively foraging individuals. Tb was unrelated to metabolic performance or measures of body reserves. Therefore, daytime hypothermia does not result from individuals being unable to maintain Tb during cold spells or to a lack of body reserves. Our data also demonstrated a high level of individual variation in the depth of hypothermia, the causes of which remain to be explored.  相似文献   

M. A. Chappell 《Oecologia》1981,49(3):397-403
Summary Body temperatures (T b) and daily activity patterns of free-living arctic ground squirrells (Spermophilus undulatus) were determined via telemetry at a field site in northern Alaska. Simultaneous measurements were made of ambient temperature (T a), wind speed (V), and incident solar radiation. The operative environmental temperature (T e) for ground squirrels was obtained from fur-covered, thin metal taxidermic models of the animals. Standard operative temperature (T es), a comparative index of heat flow, was calculated from T e, V, and laboratory measurements of thermal conductivity.During the period of the study (August), S. undulatus were active for about 14 h per day (06.00 to 20.00 h). T b was high throughout the daily cycle, averaging 38–39°C. Circadian variations in T b were slight; average T b values dropped <1°C at night. Daytime T b fluctuations were not closely correlated to activity or to changes in environmental conditions. Air temperatures during the study were low, usually between 10 and 15°C during the day. However, T es in exposed areas was normally higher, even though skies were generally overcast. During periods of sunshine, T es may be as high as 34°C. The absence of nocturnal activity may result from increased costs of thermoregulation at night, which sharply reduces foraging efficiency. The high and stable body temperatures of S. undulatus probably result from thermoneutral daytime T es, low activity levels, and the use of well-insulated nests.  相似文献   

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