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Aryl-alcohol oxidase (AAO) is a flavoenzyme responsible for activation of O2 to H2O2 in fungal degradation of lignin. The AAO crystal structure shows a buried active site connected to the solvent by a hydrophobic funnel-shaped channel, with Phe-501 and two other aromatic residues forming a narrow bottleneck that prevents the direct access of alcohol substrates. However, ligand diffusion simulations show O2 access to the active site following this channel. Site-directed mutagenesis of Phe-501 yielded a F501A variant with strongly reduced O2 reactivity. However, a variant with increased reactivity, as shown by kinetic constants and steady-state oxidation degree, was obtained by substitution of Phe-501 with tryptophan. The high oxygen catalytic efficiency of F501W, ∼2-fold that of native AAO and ∼120-fold that of F501A, seems related to a higher O2 availability because the turnover number was slightly decreased with respect to the native enzyme. Free diffusion simulations of O2 inside the active-site cavity of AAO (and several in silico Phe-501 variants) yielded >60% O2 population at 3–4 Å from flavin C4a in F501W compared with 44% in AAO and only 14% in F501A. Paradoxically, the O2 reactivity of AAO decreased when the access channel was enlarged and increased when it was constricted by introducing a tryptophan residue. This is because the side chain of Phe-501, contiguous to the catalytic histidine (His-502 in AAO), helps to position O2 at an adequate distance from flavin C4a (and His-502 Nϵ). Phe-501 substitution with a bulkier tryptophan residue resulted in an increase in the O2 reactivity of this flavoenzyme.  相似文献   

Screening to detect genes encoding lignin peroxidase (LiP) and aryl-alcohol oxidase (AAO) has been carried out with 30 fungal strain using DNA probes from genes lpo of Phanerochaete chrysosporium (encoding LiP isoenzyme H8) and aao of Pleurotus eryngii. Evidence for the presence of genes closely related to lpo was found in Bjerkandera adusta, Fomes fomentarius, Ganoderma applanatum, Ganoderma australe, Lentinula degener, Peniophora gigantea, P. chrysosporium, Phanerochaete flavido-alba and Trametes tersicolor, whereas the gene aao was detected in Pleurotus species and B. adusta. The presence of both genes was only detected in B. adusta. These results suggest that different enzymatic system, formed by enzymes encoded by different genes, are responsible for lignin degradation by white-rot fungi.  相似文献   

Kraft lignins (KL), bleached kraft lignins (BKL), and lignin sulfonates (LS) were prepared from synthetic 14C-lignins labeled in the aromatic nuclei or in the propyl side chains. These and control lignins (CL) were incubated with the lignin-decomposing white-rot fungus, Phanerochaete chrysosporium Burds., in a defined culture medium containing cellulose as growth substrate. Decomposition was monitored by measuring the 14CO2 evolved. Average percentages of the [ring-14C]- and [side chain-14C]-lignins, respectively, recovered as 14CO2 at the cessation of 14CO2 evolution were: KL, 41 and 31; BKL, 42 and 26; LS, 28 and 21; and CL, 26 and 24. Gel permeation chromatography of radiolabeled materials extracted from spent cultures showed that substantial degradation to nonvolatile products had occurred. The polymeric components in the extracts were further degraded in fresh cultures. These results indicate that industrial lignins are significantly bioalterable, and that under favorable conditions industrial lignins are substantially biodegradable.  相似文献   

Summary During growth of Pleurotus on cotton straw both the straw in general and the lignin in particular were degraded. After 4 days of fungal growth, activity of laccase, catechol oxidase, peroxidase, and cellulase were detected. This activity, however, declined rapidly after 8–10 days of growth.Lignin degradation began after 10 days and reached a maximum after 21 days. It would seem that the preliminary action of laccase is a prerequisite for lignin degradation.The Pleurotus ostreatus strain P3 had no detectable laccase activity and showed very poor ability to degrade cotton straw and lignin.Water extract of cotton straw was found to be a potent inducer of laccase in liquid medium and had an effect much stronger than several small phenolic compounds. The degradation of washed cotton straw and lignin from this straw was lower than native straw, so was laccase activity on this medium. High carbon dioxide concentrations encouraged straw degradation by P. ostreatus florida but severly limited lignin degradation. Other fungi including the known lignin degrader Phanarochaete chrysosporium were able to degrade up to 40% of cotton straw dry weight within 21 days of fungal growth. The percentage degradation of lignin, however, was very low (only 10% in 21 days). Pleurotus ostreatus florida was able to degrade up to 56% of the lignin within this time.After treatment with P. ostreatus florida almost four times as much glucose was released when the straw was treated with commercial cellulases, showing increased availability of cellulose.It is suggested that treatment with P. ostreatus florida may be used to enrich low value food materials for ruminant animals.  相似文献   

刘瑞  张丽  孙鹏  徐刚  曹颖  胡尚连  赵博 《微生物学通报》2023,50(7):3232-3244
生物质是代替石化资源生产能源和化学品的关键资源,木质素作为植物细胞壁的主要成分已经在很多行业中得到了广泛的应用。然而,由于木质素结构复杂且难以降解,成为生物质资源利用的最大障碍,因此,去除或者降解木质素是利用细胞壁中其他成分的关键步骤。许多行业使用有害化学物质降解木质素,严重危害了生态环境,自然界中木质素经常被包括真菌和细菌在内的微生物降解,因此,研究微生物降解木质素的机制为解决这一问题提供了可能性。本文讨论了木质素的化学组成成分,重点讨论了自然界降解木质素的微生物种类及其降解机制,包括各种真菌和细菌的木质素降解活性,描述了由各种微生物特别是白腐真菌、褐腐真菌和细菌产生的木质素降解酶,并展望了今后木质素生物降解的研究和应用的可能方向。  相似文献   

In the presence of Trametes versicolor laccase, generation of quinonoid intermediates formed from a high-molecular-weight fraction of lignosulphonates (Peritan Na) was observed. The addition of glucose oxidase caused a diminution of the quinone level; thioglycolic acid intensified this process. When both laccase and glucose oxidase were incubated with the high-molecular-weight fraction, depolymerization was more extensive than in the experiment omitting glucose oxidase. In the case of the low-molecular-weight fraction, these two enzymes operated in concert and the polymerization process was disturbed due to glucose oxidase activity. Therefore the action of glucose oxidase in reducing quinones improved the efficiency of lignin depolymerization.  相似文献   

Lan J  Huang X  Hu M  Li Y  Qu Y  Gao P  Wu D 《Journal of biotechnology》2006,123(4):483-490
The H(2)O(2) supply strategy was one of crucial factors for high efficient degradation of pollutants with lignin peroxidase (LiP). In this paper, an attempt was made to couple a H(2)O(2) producing enzymatic reaction to the LiP catalyzed oxidation of dyes. H(2)O(2) needed was generated by glucose oxidase (GOD) and its substrate glucose. The generation rate of H(2)O(2) could be easily controlled by adjusting the pH of the degradation system and the amount of GOD added. Due to the controlled release of H(2)O(2), a sustainable constant activity of LiP was observed. The inhibition of LiP by high level H(2)O(2) supplied externally by a single addition at the beginning of the experiments could be avoided. Degradation of three dyes (xylene cyanol, fuchsine and rhodamine B) with LiP coupled with GOD indicated that the present H(2)O(2) supply strategy was very effective for improvement of the efficiency of the decolourization of dyes.  相似文献   

Alcohol oxidase (AO) is a homo-octameric flavoenzyme which catalyzes methanol oxidation in methylotrophic yeasts. AO protein is synthesized in the cytosol and subsequently sorted to peroxisomes where the active enzyme is formed. To gain further insight in the molecular mechanisms involved in AO activation, we studied spectroscopically native AO from Hansenula polymorpha and Pichia pastoris and three putative assembly intermediates. Fluorescence studies revealed that both Trp and FAD are suitable intramolecular markers of the conformation and oligomeric state of AO. A direct relationship between dissociation of AO octamers and increase in Trp fluorescence quantum yield and average fluorescence lifetime was found. The time-resolved fluorescence of the FAD cofactor showed a rapid decay component which reflects dynamic quenching due to the presence of aromatic amino acids in the FAD-binding pocket. The analysis of FAD fluorescence lifetime profiles showed a remarkable resemblance of pattern for purified AO and AO present in intact yeast cells. Native AO contains a high content of ordered secondary structure which was reduced upon FAD-removal. Dissociation of octamers into monomers resulted in a conversion of beta-sheets into alpha-helices. Our results are explained in relation to a 3D model of AO, which was built based on the crystallographic data of the homologous enzyme glucose oxidase from Aspergillus niger. The implications of our results for the current model of the in vivo AO assembly pathway are discussed.  相似文献   

Two major peroxidases are secreted by the fungus Pleurotus eryngii in lignocellulose cultures. One is similar to Phanerochaete chrysosporium manganese-dependent peroxidase. The second protein (PS1), although catalyzing the oxidation of Mn2+ to Mn3+ by H2O2, differs from the above enzymes by its manganese-independent activity enabling it to oxidize substituted phenols and synthetic dyes, as well as the lignin peroxidase (LiP) substrate veratryl alcohol. This is by a mechanism similar to that reported for LiP, as evidenced by p-dimethoxybenzene oxidation yielding benzoquinone. The apparent kinetic constants showed high activity on Mn2+, but methoxyhydroquinone was the natural substrate with the highest enzyme affinity (this and other phenolic substrates are not efficiently oxidized by the P. chrysosporium peroxidases). A three-dimensional model was built using crystal models from four fungal peroxidase as templates. The model suggests high structural affinity of this versatile peroxidase with LiP but shows a putative Mn2+ binding site near the internal heme propionate, involving Glu36, Glu40, and Asp181. A specific substrate interaction site for Mn2+ is supported by kinetic data showing noncompetitive inhibition with other peroxidase substrates. Moreover, residues reported as involved in LiP interaction with veratryl alcohol and other aromatic substrates are present in peroxidase PS1 such as His82 at the heme-channel opening, which is remarkably similar to that of P. chrysosporium LiP, and Trp170 at the protein surface. These residues could be involved in two different hypothetical long range electron transfer pathways from substrate (His82-Ala83-Asn84-His47-heme and Trp170-Leu171-heme) similar to those postulated for LiP.  相似文献   

BackgroundFungal aryl-alcohol oxidases (AAOx) are extracellular flavoenzymes that belong to glucose-methanol-choline oxidoreductase family and are responsible for the selective conversion of primary aromatic alcohols into aldehydes and aromatic aldehydes to their corresponding acids, with concomitant production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as by-product. The H2O2 can be provided to lignin degradation pathway, a biotechnological property explored in biofuel production. In the thermophilic fungus Thermothelomyces thermophilus (formerly Myceliophthora thermophila), just one AAOx was identified in the exo-proteome.MethodsThe glycosylated and non-refolded crystal structure of an AAOx from T. thermophilus at 2.6 Å resolution was elucidated by X-ray crystallography combined with small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) studies. Moreover, biochemical analyses were carried out to shed light on enzyme substrate specificity and thermostability.ResultsThis flavoenzyme harbors a flavin adenine dinucleotide as a cofactor and is able to oxidize aromatic substrates and 5-HMF. Our results also show that the enzyme has similar oxidation rates for bulky or simple aromatic substrates such as cinnamyl and veratryl alcohols. Moreover, the crystal structure of MtAAOx reveals an open active site, which might explain observed specificity of the enzyme.ConclusionsMtAAOx shows previously undescribed structural differences such as a fully accessible catalytic tunnel, heavy glycosylation and Ca2+ binding site providing evidences for thermostability and activity of the enzymes from AA3_2 subfamily.General significanceStructural and biochemical analyses of MtAAOx could be important for comprehension of aryl-alcohol oxidases structure-function relationships and provide additional molecular tools to be used in future biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Abstract The white-rot fungus Junghuhnia separabilima (Pouz.)Ryv, showed high levels of laccase production in cultures supplemented with veratric acid. Laccase, lignin peroxidase and an unknown peroxidase were separated from the extracellular culture fluid using anion-exchange FPLC. Three laccase species, three lignin peroxidases and a novel heme-containing protein were characterized by gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing. The new hemoprotein has a molecular mass of 44 kDa, isoelectric point of 3,4 and pH optimum of 5.5 for oxidation of o -dianisidine in the presence of H2O2. However it oxidised diaminobenzidine and guaiacol in the absence of H2O2. Veratryl alcohol and phenol red were not substratesfor this enzyme with or without addition of H2O2 and Mn(II). In addition the enzyme did not produce H2O2.  相似文献   

The lignin degradation abilities of wildtype, a phenol oxidase-less mutant and a phenol oxidase-positive revertant of Sporotrichum pulverulentum were compared to determine if phenol oxidase activity is necessary for lignin degradation by white-rot fungi. The phenol oxidase-less mutant was unable to degrade kraft lignin or wood. The phenol oxidase-positive revertant, however, regained the ability of the wildtype to degrade kraft lignin and all of the major components of wood. It was found that kraft lignin and lignin-related phenols decreased cellulase and xylanase production by the phenol oxidase-less mutant. Addition of highly purified laccase increased the production of endo-1,4--glucanase in the phenol oxidase-less mutant in the presence of vanillic acid and kraft lignin. After addition of laccase to kraft lignin agar plates, the phenol oxidase-less mutant could degrade kraft lignin.It is proposed that phenol oxidase function in regulating the production of both lignin-and polysaccharide-degrading enzymes by oxidation of lignin and lignin-related phenols when S. pulverulentum is growing on wood.Abbreviation WT wildtype Sporotrichum pulverulentum Research supported by a grant from Stiftelsen Nils and Dorthi Troëdssons forskningsfond  相似文献   

Picolinate binds to the anionic semiquinoid form of D-amino acid oxidase (DAO), and the complex formed has a broad absorption band in the long-wavelength region extending beyond 800 nm, which is reminiscent of a charge transfer interaction. The binding has a stoichiometry of 1:1 with respect to the enzyme. The dissociation constant at 25 degrees C was 30 microM at pH 7.0. The pH dependence (pH 7.0-8.3) of the dissociation constant indicates that one proton is associated with the complex formation, and suggests that picolinate able to bind to the anionic semiquinoid enzyme is in the cationic form protonated at the nitrogen atom. By adding dithionite to the oxidized DAO solution containing pyruvate and various amines, a similar anionic semiquinoid DAO complex having a broad long-wavelength absorption band, appeared. Resonance Raman spectra with excitation at 623.8 nm of the anionic semiquinoid DAO complex formed in the presence of pyruvate and methylamine indicate that the complex consists of the anionic semiquinoid DAO and N-methyl-alpha-iminopropionate produced from pyruvate and methylamine, and that the imino group must be protonated. This supports the proposal that the presence of a positively charged group in the vicinity of flavin is required for the stabilization of the anionic semiquinoid flavin. The results also suggest that the broad absorption band is derived from the charge transfer interaction between the anionic semiquinoid flavin and the imino acid, in which the flavin C(4a)-N(5) locus and the locus containing (Formula: see text) of the amino acid are important for the interaction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Resonance Raman (RR) spectra of the complex of anionic semiquinoid D-amino acid oxidase (DAO) with picolinate in H2O and D2O were observed in the 300-1,750 cm-1 region. RR spectra were also measured for the complex of the semiquinoid enzyme reconstituted with isotopically labeled FAD's, i.e., [4a-13C]-, [4,10a-13C2]-, [2-13C]-, [5-15N]-, and [1,3-15N2]-FAD. On the basis of the isotope effects, tentative assignments of the observed bands of the anionic semiquinoid flavin were made. The spectra differ from those of oxidized, neutral semiquinoid, and anionic reduced flavins previously reported. The 1,602 cm-1 band was not shifted for any FAD labeled in ring II and/or ring III and was assigned to a ring I mode. The 1,516 cm-1 band underwent an isotopic shift upon [4a-13C]- or [4,10a-13C2]-labeling. The band was assigned to the mode containing C(4a)-C(10a) stretching. The 1,331 and 1,292 cm-1 bands shifted upon [4a-13C]- or [5-15N]-labeling and were assigned to the modes containing C(4a)-N(5) stretching. The 1,217 and 1,188 cm-1 bands were assigned to the skeletal vibrations of ring III coupled with the N(3)-H bending mode. The RR spectrum of the complex of anionic semiquinoid DAO with alpha-iminopropionate or N-methyl-alpha-iminopropionate was essentially identical with that of the complex with picolinate.  相似文献   

AAO (aryl-alcohol oxidase) provides H?O? in fungal degradation of lignin, a process of high biotechnological interest. The crystal structure of AAO does not show open access to the active site, where different aromatic alcohols are oxidized. In the present study we investigated substrate diffusion and oxidation in AAO compared with the structurally related CHO (choline oxidase). Cavity finder and ligand diffusion simulations indicate the substrate-entrance channel, requiring side-chain displacements and involving a stacking interaction with Tyr?2. Mixed QM (quantum mechanics)/MM (molecular mechanics) studies combined with site-directed mutagenesis showed two active-site catalytic histidine residues, whose substitution strongly decreased both catalytic and transient-state reduction constants for p-anisyl alcohol in the H502A (over 1800-fold) and H546A (over 35-fold) variants. Combination of QM/MM energy profiles, protonation predictors, molecular dynamics, mutagenesis and pH profiles provide a robust answer regarding the nature of the catalytic base. The histidine residue in front of the FAD ring, AAO His??2 (and CHO His???), acts as a base. For the two substrates assayed, it was shown that proton transfer preceded hydride transfer, although both processes are highly coupled. No stable intermediate was observed in the energy profiles, in contrast with that observed for CHO. QM/MM, together with solvent KIE (kinetic isotope effect) results, suggest a non-synchronous concerted mechanism for alcohol oxidation by AAO.  相似文献   

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