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There are more than 100 closed, saline lakes in the semiarid, intermontane plateaus of British Columbia. They range from shallow perennial lakes to ephemeral playas. Most are groundwater-fed and lie within glaciofluvial deposits and till. Some have permanent salts. Where underlain by basalts, sodium carbonate brines predominate. Magnesium sulphate brines occur where catchments lie within Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, metasediments and basic volcanics. A few sodium sulphate brines are also present.A reconnaissance study of the sediments and mineralogy of 21 lake basins has shown that carbonates, including extensive magnesite and hydromagnesite deposits, and several occurrences of protodolomite, are widely precipitated in lake basins of each brine type. Analyses of stream, spring, ground and lake waters from the Cariboo Plateau region demonstrate that carbonate precipitation probably constitutes the major chemical divide responsible for producing the two dominant types of brine.  相似文献   

A mixed conodont fauna-bearing limestone breccia, informally designated as Necoslie breccia, crops out as an internal sediment hosted by the Lower Moscovian limestone unit of the Pope limestone succession (Bashkirian to Asselian) of Cache Creek Complex in central British Columbia, reconstructed as a mid-oceanic buildup upon a seamount, or an oceanic plateau. Necoslie breccia consists predominantly of limestone fragments derived from the host rocks, with subordinate isolated skeletal debris, all embedded in a matrix of fine-grained clastic carbonates. The mixed conodont fauna yields the youngest element indicative of Carnian. Our microscopic examination and conodont paleontological data show that Necoslie breccia is better defined as a neptunian dyke formed by infilling sedimentation of carbonates in a fracturing-generated submarine cavity, rather than a karstic cave-fill deposit. We postulate that infilling sedimentation took place immediately after the formation of the cavity, most likely in a transgression period during Carnian time.  相似文献   

Skeletobionts are important components of most shallow marine ecosystems. Prior to the fossils reported herein, evidence of skeletobionts was absent from Upper Triassic successions on the northwestern margin of Pangaea. The boring Talpina ramosa is reported from bivalve body fossils from the Upper Triassic (Lower Norian) lower Pardonet Formation at Pink Mountain in northeastern British Columbia. This Ichnotaxon penetrates through both the outer and inner surface of articulated and disarticulated bivalve shells preserved within sharp-based event beds. The occurrence of these trace fossils underscores the paucity of borings, bioerosional structures, and encrusting taxa from Triassic successions in the western Pangaean realm. Due to erosional removal of shallow water strata by a post-Triassic unconformity, these event beds provide the only available information regarding the ecological health of Late Triassic depositional systems in the study area.  相似文献   

Bioclastic accumulations composed of crinoids, brachiopods, molluscs, spongiomorphs and scleractinian corals occur within Upper Triassic strata of the lower Baldonnel Formation at Pardonet Hill in northeastern British Columbia Canada. These small buildups (∼100 to 500 m3) have planar bases and broadly convex tops. These mounds are interpreted as small patch reefs composed of packstone, bioclastic floatstone/rudstone and carbonate breccia intercalated with mixed siliciclastic carbonate sediments deposited in a shallow subtidal setting (i.e. above fairweather wave base). Amalgamated hummocky cross-stratified to current ripple-laminated, quartz-dominated sandstone beds and numerous sharp-based, normally graded bioclastic (commonly encrinitic) packstone/grainstone — quartz–sandstone couplets characterize inter-reef lithologies.Conodont biostratigraphy indicates that the Pardonet Hill patch reefs occur within strata dated as earliest Upper Carnian (lower nodosus zone). The Pardonet Hill patch reefs originated and developed during an interval of regional sea level lowstand. Strata within which these patch reefs occur represent the westernmost migration of the Triassic shoreline in western Canada. Disappearance of coral reefs in the study area may have been affected by rapid marine transgression and failure of reef faunas to recolonize the new shore zone further to the east.The Pardonet Hill locality occurred on the western margin of the North American craton during the Triassic. Prior to their discovery reef-like structures dominated by corals in the western Panthalassa were limited to allochthonous terranes (now part of the Cordillera). The Pardonet Hill patch reefs occur at approximately 30° Triassic paleolatitude. In modern settings, this is at the extreme latitudinal margin of subtropical zooxanthellate reef development. The presence of benthic faunas characteristic of low-paleolatitude settings on the northwestern coast of Pangea has significant implications in paleotectonic and paleoenvironmental reconstructions.  相似文献   

White sturgeon ( Acipenser transmontanus ) in the Columbia River in Canada have recently been listed as Endangered/Critically Imperiled, based on a shift in size and age-class composition from a population dominated by juveniles in the early 1980s to one presently dominated by adults. This shift has been attributed to a poor survival of early life stages. To determine the causes for this poor survival, investigations conducted annually since 1990 have focussed on identifying white sturgeon movement patterns, population dynamics, reproductive biology, and critical habitats. The reasons for the low recruitment remain poorly understood but river regulation and reservoir formation due to dam construction and pollution from municipal and industrial effluent inputs are suspected as contributing factors.
The history of dam development on the Columbia River and implications to white sturgeon are discussed from a historical perspective. A synopsis of post-1990 study results is provided and discussed in the framework of management strategies that include: 1) angling regulations, 2) flow enhancement strategies during spawning, 3) development of a population stabilization plan, 4) investigations into the feasibility of artificial stock supplementation, and 5) proposed future study programs to identify factors limiting recruitment.  相似文献   

Autotrophic picoplankton (APP) were studied in Chilko Lake, a large, deep ultra-oligotrophic pre-alpine lake (elevation: 1172 m) in the south central coast mountains of British Columbia. Data from 1985 (untreated) and 1990 (treated) were used to compare and contrast APP community response to a whole-lake fertilization experiment. The APP communities of Chilko Lake were dominated by the coccoid cyanobacteria Synechococcus and its colonial morph which comprised about 99% of the APP community of Chilko Lake. Chlorella-like eukaryotic picoplankters and small cyanobacteria were rare, comprising < 1 % of the APP community. In 1990 autotrophic picoplankters contributed an average of 73% to total chlorophyll, and 54% to total photosynthesis. Average APP abundance ranged from lows of 4,000–5,000 cells ml-1 in winter and spring to highs of 50000–150000 cells ml-1 in early August with no apparent autumnal increase. APP populations were uniformly distributed in the epilimnion, but during calm periods in August often formed a peak near the metalimnion/hypolimnion boundary. Seasonal and vertical distribution patterns of APP showed little relation to temperature or to light. When nutrients were added to the lake in 1990, APP populations doubled within 3 wk of addition and average abundance (6.16 × 104 cells · ml-1) was twice 1985 APP numbers. Bottom-up control by scarce nutrient supplies is considered the primary factor regulating community composition and abundance during the initial population growth phase (June, July) with top-down control by grazing during nutrient colimitation periods when the epilimnion is deplete of both nitrogen and phosphorus (August, September).  相似文献   

Tsutomu Nakazawa 《Facies》2001,44(1):183-210
Summary The Carboniferous-Permian (Visean-Midian) Omi Limestone in the Akiyoshi Terrane, central Japan is a large carbonate unit developed on a seamount in the Panthalassa Ocean. As the seamount subsided during Carboniferous and Permian time, the carbonate deposition at the top of a seamount was almost continous. Terrigenous siliciclastic sediments are absent, because the seamount was situated in an open-ocean setting. The lower part of this seamount-type limestone records a nearly continuous Carboniferous reef succession. Sedimentary facies in the Carboniferous part of the Omi Limestone are generally highly diverse, but their diversity varies in each age. The Upper Carboniferous part consists of highly diversified facies including fore reef, reef front, reef crest, sand shoal, and lagoon facies, while a simple facies assemblage, composed only of fore reef, reef front, and sand shoal facies, occurs in the Lower Carboniferous. The Carboniferous reef succession consists of four phases characterized, in ascending order, by the coralbryozoan-crinoid community, problematic skeletal organism-microencruster community, chaetetid-microencruster community, and calcareous algal community. The first phase, comprising the coral-bryozoan-crinoid community, occurs in theEndothyra spp. Zone to theEostaffella kanmerai Zone (Visean to Serpukhovian). This community acted only as sediment-bafflers and/or contributors. The second phase, represented by the problematic skeletal organism-microencruster community, is developed in theMillerella sp. Zone to theAkiyoshiella ozawai Zone (Bashkirian to lowermost Moscovian), and the third phase, comprising the chaetetid-microencruster community, occurs in the overlyingFusulinella biconica Zone (Lower Moscovian). These two communities are characterized by highly diversified reef-building organisms that had the ability to build rigid frameworks. Calcareous algae and incertae sedis such asHikorocodium, solenoporaceans and phylloid algae characterize the fourth phase, which occurs in theBeedeina sp. Zone (Upper Moscovian). The changes of the reef communities were sucessive for a long period of more than 40 m.y., and each community was distributed in various environments. In addition, the continuous subsidence of the isolated seamount resulted in environmental stability. These properties indicate that this succession represents the biotic evolution of reef-building organisms. The problematic skeletal organism-microencruster community and chaetetid-microencruster community of the Late Carboniferous formed wave-resistant and rigid frameworks along with abundant submarine cements. The growth of these reef frameworks resulted in the formation of highly diversified sedimentary facies comparable to those of a modern reef complex. Such reefs are also recognized in the seamount-type Akiyoshi Limestone, but rare on Carboniferous Pangean shelves. Therefore, the formation of these types of reefs appear to be characteristic of open-ocean seamount settings, which differed from epicontinental shelf settings in having no siliciclastic input, being exposed to relatively strong openocean waves and swells, and probably more environmental stability resulting from the relatively continuous subsidence of the seamount.  相似文献   

Zooarchaeological data provide direct evidence of long-term human resource utilization relevant to the modern study of sustainability and conservation. On the northwest coast of North America, prehistoric aboriginal communities relied heavily on nearshore marine fish species, many of which have life history characteristics that make them vulnerable to overexploitation. This study examines temporal trends in the abundance and distribution of nearshore fish from skeletal remains recovered from three separate areas of a prehistoric coastal village on the west coast of Vancouver Island (ca. 1800–250 yr BP). Over the course of 1500 years, site inhabitants from these contemporaneously occupied areas regularly utilized Sebastes spp. (rockfish), with varying impacts on abundance and total length. Contrasting temporal trends in Sebastes spp. total length in separate village areas suggest different consequences to prehistoric harvesting practices, differences that can be linked to ethnographic and archaeological evidence of lineage-based territories. These long-term zooarchaeological data provide unique insights into the context and challenges of sustainable resource use in prehistory and can inform contemporary conservation efforts focused on similar species in this modern-day marine protected area.  相似文献   

The scorpionfly family Holcorpidae (Mecoptera) has been informally discussed since the early 1960’s, but a detailed treatment in accordance with the provisions of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature for naming families was not provided until Willmann did so in 1989; he is recognized as author of the family. The Holcorpidae concept is revised here based on examination of its two specimens of Holcorpa maculosa from the Late Eocene of Florissant, Colorado, and a third, new specimen from the Early Eocene Okanagan Highlands locality at McAbee, British Columbia, Canada. This new specimen belongs to a second, new species, which is described here, Holcorpa dillhoffi n. sp.  相似文献   

O'Brien LJ  Caron JB 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e29233
Burgess Shale-type deposits provide invaluable insights into the early evolution of body plans and the ecological structure of Cambrian communities, but a number of species, continue to defy phylogenetic interpretations. Here we extend this list to include a new soft-bodied animal, Siphusauctum gregarium n. gen. and n. sp., from the Tulip Beds (Campsite Cliff Shale Member, Burgess Shale Formation) of Mount Stephen (Yoho National Park, British Columbia). With 1,133 specimens collected, S. gregarium is clearly the most abundant animal from this locality.This stalked animal (reaching at least 20 cm in length), has a large ovoid calyx connected to a narrow bilayered stem and a small flattened or bulb-like holdfast. The calyx is enclosed by a flexible sheath with six small openings at the base, and a central terminal anus near the top encircled by indistinct openings. A prominent organ, represented by six radially symmetrical segments with comb-like elements, surrounds an internal body cavity with a large stomach, conical median gut and straight intestine. Siphusauctum gregarium was probably an active filter-feeder, with water passing through the calyx openings, capturing food particles with its comb-like elements. It often occurs in large assemblages on single bedding planes suggesting a gregarious lifestyle, with the animal living in high tier clusters. These were probably buried en masse more or less in-situ by rapid mud flow events.Siphusauctum gregarium resembles Dinomischus, another Cambrian enigmatic stalked animal. Principal points of comparison include a long stem with a calyx containing a visceral mass and bract-like elements, and a similar lifestyle albeit occupying different tiering levels. The presence in both animals of a digestive tract with a potential stomach and anus suggest a grade of organization within bilaterians, but relationships with extant phyla are not straightforward. Thus, the broader affinities of S. gregarium remain largely unconstrained.  相似文献   

《Ecological Indicators》2008,8(2):131-140
Many organizations and individuals are developing sustainable forestry criteria and indicator (C&I) research and monitoring initiatives at various scales. In support of Canada's international commitments, the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM) recently (2003) revised a set of national C&I, broadly based on the Montreal Process. Meanwhile, the Province of British Columbia, Canada, has implemented new, results-based, legislation, the Forest and Range Practices Act 2003, which sets objectives for 11 public ‘Values’ that require appropriate C&I for effectiveness evaluation. At the local-level, British Columbia's forest industry requires indicators to achieve third-party certification. Each of these parties seeks to assess and report on performance. There is, therefore, a recognized desire to define a collaborative approach to C&I research and monitoring frameworks in British Columbia. This paper discusses the results of a rigorous review of indicators related to sustainable forest management (SFM) in British Columbia. Based on the 6 CCFM indicators, 47 SFM questions were developed to guide the selection of potential indicators for British Columbia. A hierarchical framework of proposed SFM indicators was then proposed to provide trend information on resource condition at both the macro (landscape) and local (management unit) levels of forest management. However, a number of key challenges remain for British Columbia as it continues towards a scientifically sound, useful, and effective indicator framework that will demonstrate progress towards SFM at the provincial level. These include stakeholder consultation, practicality, data interpretation and long-term commitment.  相似文献   

Pavilion Lake in British Columbia, Canada, is home to modern‐day microbialites that are actively growing at multiple depths within the lake. While microbialite morphology changes with depth and previous isotopic investigations suggested a biological role in the formation of these carbonate structures, little is known about their microbial communities. Microbialite samples acquired through the Pavilion Lake Research Project (PLRP) were first investigated for phototrophic populations using Cyanobacteria‐specific primers and 16S rRNA gene cloning. These data were expounded on by high‐throughput tagged sequencing analyses of the general bacteria population. These molecular analyses show that the microbial communities of Pavilion Lake microbialites are diverse compared to non‐lithifying microbial mats also found in the lake. Phototrophs and heterotrophs were detected, including species from the recently described Chloroacidobacteria genus, a photoheterotroph that has not been previously observed in microbialite systems. Phototrophs were shown as the most influential contributors to community differences above and below 25 meters, and corresponding shifts in heterotrophic populations were observed at this interface as well. The isotopic composition of carbonate also mirrored this shift in community states. Comparisons to previous studies indicated this population shift may be a consequence of changes in lake chemistry at this depth. Microbial community composition did not correlate with changing microbialite morphology with depth, suggesting something other than community changes may be a key to observed variations in microbialite structure.  相似文献   

Western flower thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), occur on most wildflowers, weed and ground cover flowers in the southern interior of B.C., Canada. Preference by WFT for naturally occurring ground cover blooms was determined in a series of choice trials aimed to examine the potential of using such flowers as trap crops under nectarine trees. The effect of height of flowers above ground level within an orchard was also examined to determine whether this may affect flower attractiveness. Although WFT showed consistent preferences for various flower types, no ground cover grown presently in this region appeared to have potential as an effective trap crop. The density of WFT landing on less preferred flower types was not reduced when more attractive flowers also were present, and WFT were found to distribute evenly over all flowers available. Western flower thrips responded to the density of flowers only in response to highly scented flowers, and were attracted equally to mixtures of colours and single colours of flowers. There was a consistent preference by WFT in the spring for flowers located at ground level.  相似文献   

Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca Mirb. Franco) forests in the Interior of British Columbia, Canada, show periodic defoliation due to western spruce budworm (WSB) (Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman) outbreaks. Tree defoliation causes a reduction in radial growth and is therefore visible in tree rings. In this paper, we identify WSB defoliation history, and critically examine the potential for using dendrochronological analysis by comparing tree-ring estimates with insect surveys. WSB defoliation history was investigated using cores from Douglas-fir growing in the Lac du Bois region of the Kamloops Forest District. Years with an abrupt decrease in radial growth were considered as negative pointer years that potentially reflected WSB outbreaks. The comparison with ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl., ex P. & C. Laws.) (a non-host species) permitted differentiation between growth reductions in Douglas-fir due to climatic effects and those due to defoliation by WSB. The dendrochronological data were matched with information reporting visible damage in Forest Insect Disease Survey (FIDS) and British Columbia Ministry of Forest records. Our objective-based method using ring-width measurements from host and non-host chronologies was compared with qualitative techniques based on the software program OUTBREAK. We were able to distinguish seven distinct outbreak events in 300 years of record.  相似文献   

Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca Mirb. Franco) forests in the Interior of British Columbia, Canada, show periodic defoliation due to western spruce budworm (WSB) (Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman) outbreaks. Tree defoliation causes a reduction in radial growth and is therefore visible in tree rings. In this paper, we identify WSB defoliation history, and critically examine the potential for using dendrochronological analysis by comparing tree-ring estimates with insect surveys. WSB defoliation history was investigated using cores from Douglas-fir growing in the Lac du Bois region of the Kamloops Forest District. Years with an abrupt decrease in radial growth were considered as negative pointer years that potentially reflected WSB outbreaks. The comparison with ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl., ex P. & C. Laws.) (a non-host species) permitted differentiation between growth reductions in Douglas-fir due to climatic effects and those due to defoliation by WSB. The dendrochronological data were matched with information reporting visible damage in Forest Insect Disease Survey (FIDS) and British Columbia Ministry of Forest records. Our objective-based method using ring-width measurements from host and non-host chronologies was compared with qualitative techniques based on the software program OUTBREAK. We were able to distinguish seven distinct outbreak events in 300 years of record.  相似文献   

Sanborn  Paul 《Plant and Soil》2001,236(1):75-82
A retrospective study examined the influence of broadleaf trees, principally paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.), on soil properties under mixedwoods with lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia Dougl. ex Loud.) in the Sub-Boreal Spruce zone of central British Columbia, Canada. After 23 years, approximately 50% of the forest floor mass typical of mature forests in this zone had already accumulated on an initially denuded surface, but this new forest floor was poor in woody components. Correlation analysis found no relationship between the degree of broadleaf occupancy and total forest floor accumulation, but a significant qualitative influence on chemical properties of the non-woody forest floor components: higher pH, total N, available P, extractable Ca, Mg, and K, and lower C:N ratios. No such relationships existed for the surface (0–20 cm depth) mineral soils.  相似文献   

Common species can be major drivers of species richness patterns and make major contributions to biomass and ecosystem function, and thus should be important targets for conservation efforts. However, it is unclear how common species respond to disturbance, because the underlying reasons for their commonness may buffer or amplify their responses to disturbance. To assess how well common species reflect changes in their community (and thus function as indicator species), we studied 58 bird species in 19 mixed conifer patches in northern British Columbia, Canada, between 1998 and 2010. During this time period two disturbance events occurred, stand level timber harvest and a regional-scale bark beetle outbreak. We examined relationships among densities of individual species, total bird density and overall species richness, correlations in abundance among species, and responses to disturbance events. We found three broad patterns. First, densities of common species corresponded more strongly with changes in total bird density and overall species richness than rare species. These patterns were non-linear and species with intermediate-high commonness showed similar or better correspondence than the most common species. Second, common species tended to be more strongly correlated with abundances of all other species in the community than less-common species, although on average correlations among species were weak. Third, ecological traits (foraging guild, migratory status) were better predictors of responses to disturbance than species commonness. These results suggest that common species can collectively be used to reflect changes in the overall community, but that whenever possible monitoring programs should be extended to include species of intermediate-high commonness and representatives from different ecological guilds.  相似文献   

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