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A number of nuclear tests carried out during the 1950s, as well as nuclear accidents like Chernobyl, revealed large numbers of radionuclides such as ura-nium and cesium in the environment. The develop-ment of a nuclear industry also contributed to the pol…  相似文献   

The accumulation of cesium by the bacterium Thermus sp. TibetanG6 was examined under different K+ growth conditions. The effects of external pH and Na+ on the accumulation of cesium were also studied, and the mechanism involved was discussed. K+ regimes played an important role in the accumulation of cesium by the strain TibetanG6. The quantity of cesium accumulated (24 h) was much higher in K+-deficient regime than that in K+-sufficient regime. The pH and Na+ had different effects on the accumulation of cesium in the two K+ regimes. IR spectra analyses indicated that the biosorption is a process of homeostasis with cesium initially accumulated on the cell wall.  相似文献   

Abstract Washed cells of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides forma sp. denitrificans , grown under photodenitrifying conditions, exhibited K+ uptake dependent on the transmembrane proton gradient (Δ pH). These cells also acidified the suspension medium in response to K+ pulses both aerobically and anaerobically in light and in the dark. The results indicate that the photodenitrifier has a reversible K+/H+ exchange activity which reflects its role in regulating the intracellular K+ concentration, as well as intracellular pH. The acidification of the external medium resulting from K+ pulses was inhibited by carbonyl cyanide- m -chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) indicating that the antiporter is energy-dependent. Addition of KCl to washed cells depolarized the membrane potential (Δψ) with a concomitant increase in ΔpH, indicating that the K+/H+ antiporter was electrogenic.  相似文献   

The effects of external K+, H+ and Ca2+ concentrations on the intracellular K+ concentration, [K+]i, and the K+-ATPase activity in 2-day-old mung bean roots [ Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] were investigated. [K+]i, in mung bean roots was markedly decreased by external K+ or H+ stress and did not recover the initial value even after the stress was removed. This decrease in [K+]i, gradually disappeared with the addition of (Ca2+. Ca2+ may offset the harmful effects of ion stress. Ca2+ seems to have two effects on K+ transport; control of K+ permeability and activation of K+ uptake, although K+-ATPase activity was inhibited by Ca2+ concentrations higher than 10–4 M. We suggest that Ca2+ activates K+ uptake indirectly through the acidification of the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

研究了不同浓度的Cr6+(0、0.1、0.2、0.5、1.5 mmolL-1)对水花生愈伤组织内几种代表性生理生化指标的胁迫效应,并对其进行电镜观察.结果表明:(1)随着Cr6+浓度的增加,总叶绿素、叶绿素a/b和可溶性蛋白含量,均呈先升后降趋势.(2)超氧阴离子(O 2)和过氧化氢(H2O2)含量在0.1 mmo...  相似文献   

Interactive effects of K+ and N (principally NH4+) on plant growth and ion uptake were investigated using hydroponically grown rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. M202) seedlings by varying the availability of NH4+ or NO3? and K+ during an 18d growth period, a 3d pretreatment period and during flux measurements. Plants grew best in media containing 100 mmol m?3 NH4+ and 200mmolm?3 K+ (N100/K200), followed by N2/K200 < N100/K2 < N2/K2. 86Rb+(K+) fluxes were increased by exposure to N during the 18 d growth period and the 3 d of pretreatment, but decreased by the presence of NH4+ during flux measurements. This inhibition was a function of prior N/K provision and the [NH4+]0 present during flux determinations. NH4+ was least inhibitory to 86Rb+(K+) influx in high-N/low-K plants. Pretreatments with K+ failed to stimulate NH4+ uptake, and the presence of K+ in the uptake solutions reduced NH4+ fluxes only in high-N/low-K plants.  相似文献   

The (Na+ + K+)-ATPase obtained from sheep kidney outer medulla is irreversibly denatured by long-chain aliphatic alcohols. The denaturation proceeds by causing a change in the structure of the membrane lipids rather than by binding directly to the protein. The alcohols decrease the ability of the membrane lipid bilayer to orient the spin label 3-(4′,4′-dimethyloxazolidinyl)-5α-androstan-17β-ol. For the low molecular weight alcohols the ability of the membrane to orient the label is completely lost while for alcohols with more than five carbons only partial loss of the orienting ability of the membrane occurs. The alcohol concentrations necessary to denature the enzyme correspond to the concentrations that produce the maximal change in the ability of the membrane to orient the label, and correlate well with the hydrophobicity of the alcohols as measured by their water-octanol partition coefficients.  相似文献   

A mutant of Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803 was obtained by random cartridge mutagenesis, which could not grow at low sodium concentrations. Genetic analyses revealed that partial deletion of the sll0273 gene, encoding a putative Na + /H + exchanger, was responsible for this defect. Physiological characterization indicated that the sll0273 mutant exhibited an increased sensitivity towards K + , even at low concentrations, which was compensated for by enhanced concentrations of Na + . This enhanced Na + demand could also be met by Li + . Furthermore, addition of monensin, an ionophore mediating electroneutral Na + /H + exchange, supported growth of the mutant at unfavourable Na + /K + ratios. Measurement of internal Na + and K + contents of wild‐type and mutant cells revealed a decreased Na + /K + ratio in mutant cells pre‐incubated at a low external Na + /K + ratio, while it remained at the level of the wild type after pre‐incubation at a high external Na + /K + ratio. We conclude that the Sll0273 protein is required for Na + influx, especially at low external Na + concentrations or low Na + /K + ratios. This system may be part of a sodium cycle and may permit re‐entry of Na + into the cells, if nutrient/Na + symporters are not functional or operating.  相似文献   

以华南沿海污损生物群落优势种网纹藤壶(Balanus reticulatus)的幼虫为研究对象,探讨钾、铬2种金属离子对其幼虫存活及发育的影响。实验所用金属离子溶液是将K+和Cr6+母液添加到过滤消毒海水中配制。将活泼健壮的网纹藤壶无节幼虫置于上述溶液中,以亚心形扁藻(Platymonas subcordiformis)为饵料于30℃左右的黑暗环境中培养5d,镜检观察记录幼虫发育状况并进行统计分析。结果表明,K+对网纹藤壶幼虫发育和存活的影响均不明显;而Cr6+对幼虫发育具有一定的毒杀和抑制作用,不仅幼虫存活率低于对照组,而且金星幼虫所占百分率也低于对照组。  相似文献   

王晓冬  王成  马智宏  侯瑞锋  高权  陈泉 《生态学报》2011,31(10):2822-2830
为研究盐胁迫下小麦幼苗生长及Na+、K+的吸收和积累规律,以中国春、洲元9369和长武134等3种耐盐性不同小麦品种为材料,采用非损伤微测技术检测盐胁迫2 d后的根系K+离子流变化,并对植株体内的Na+、K+含量进行测定。结果表明:短期(2d)盐胁迫对小麦生长有抑制作用,且对根系的抑制大于地上部,耐盐品种下降幅度小于盐敏感品种。盐胁迫下,小麦根际的 K+大量外流,盐敏感品种中国春K+流速显著高于耐盐品种长武134,最高可达15倍。小麦幼苗地上部分和根系均表现为Na+积累增加,K+积累减少,Na+/K+比随盐浓度增加而上升。中国春限Na+能力显著低于长武134,Na+/K+则显著高于长武134。综上所述,盐胁迫下造成小麦组织器官中Na+/K+比上升的主要原因是根系K+大量外流和Na+的过量积累,耐盐性不同的小麦品种间差异显著,并认为根系对K+的保有能力可能是作物耐盐性评价的一个重要指标。  相似文献   

研究了不同Pb2+浓度(0.1、1、10、50、100、200、400 mg/L)处理对绿球藻(Chlorococcum sp.)生长、形态结构及生理特性的影响。与对照BG11培养的绿球藻比较,Pb2+浓度≤50 mg/L条件下培养的绿球藻细胞壁无明显增厚,色素变化不大;而暴露到Pb2+浓度>50 mg/L条件下培养,绿球藻细胞壁明显增厚,蛋白核消失。低浓度Pb2+(0.1~10 mg/L)对绿球藻生长基本没有影响;浓度在50 mg/L时,绿球藻仍能维持一定的生长速率;但当Pb2+浓度≥100 mg/L时,绿球藻的生长受到显著抑制。绿球藻的Chl a+Chl b以及Chl a含量均随培养基中Pb2+浓度的升高而逐渐减少。绿球藻净光合作用强度随培养基中Pb2+浓度的增大而逐渐降低,Pb2+浓度≥100 mg/L时净光合作用强度检测不到;当Pb2+浓度<50 mg/L时,绿球藻呼吸作用强度逐渐升高,之后呼吸作用强度逐渐降低。在实验的浓度下,绿球藻的丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性都随培养基中Pb2+浓度的升高而逐渐增强;过氧化氢酶(CAT)则随Pb2+浓度的增大酶活性先升高后降低。当Pb2+浓度≤100 mg/L时,绿球藻对Pb2+的去除率都在95%以上;之后逐渐降低,浓度到400 mg/L时仍然达56.7%。结果显示,绿球藻是一种耐受Pb2+胁迫的藻类,对铅的去除率也高,可以应用于含铅污水的处理。  相似文献   

In order to identify physiological components that contribute to salinity tolerance, we compared the effects of Na+, Mg2+ and K+ salts (NaCl, Na2SO4, MgCl2, MgSO4, KCl and K2SO4), Ca2+ (CaSO4), mannitol and melibiose on the wild type and the single-gene NaCl-tolerant mutants stl1 and stl2 of Ceratopteris richardii. Compared with gametophytic growth of the wild type, stl2 showed a low level of tolerance that was restricted to Na+ salts and osmotic stress. stl2 exhibited high tolerance to both Na+ and Mg2+ salts, as well as to osmotic stress. In response to short-term exposure (3 d) to NaCl, accumulation of K+ and Na+ was similar in the wild type and stl1. In contrast, stl2 accumulated higher levels of K+ and lower levels of Na+. Ca2+ supplementation (1.0 mol m?3) ameliorated growth inhibition by Na+ and Mg2+ stress in wild type and stll, but not in stl2. In addition, under Na+ stress (175 mol m?3) wild-type, stll and stl2 gametopbytes maintained higher tissue levels of K+ and lower levels of Na+ when supplemented with Ca2+ (1.0 mol m?3). stl2 gametophytes were extremely sensitive to K+ supplementation. Growth of stl2 was greater than or equal to that of the wild type at trace concentrations of K+ but decreased substantially with increasing K+ concentration. Supplementation with K+ from 0 to 1.85 mol m?3 alleviated some of the inhibition by 75 mol m?3 NaCl in the wild type and in stl1. In stl2, growth at 75 mol m?3 NaCl was similar at 0 and 1.85 mol m?3 K+ supplementation. Although K+ supplementation above 1.85 mol m?3 did not alleviate inhibition of growth by Na+ in any genotype, stl2 maintained greater relative tolerance to NaCl at all K+ concentrations tested.  相似文献   

NH4+ and K+ uptake experiments have been conducted with 3 ectomycorrhizal fungi, originating from Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.] Franco) stands. At concentrations up to 250 μM, uptake of both NH4+ and K+ follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Laccaria bicolor (Maire) P. D. Orton, Lactarius rufus (Scop.) Fr. and Lactarius hepaticus Plowr. ap. Boud. exhibit Km values for NH4+ uptake of 6, 35, and 55 μM, respectively, and Km values for K+ uptake of 24, 18, and 96 μM, respectively. Addition of 100 μM NH4+ raises the Km of K+ uptake by L. bicolor to 35 μM, while the Vmax remains unchanged. It is argued that the increase of Km is possibly caused by depolarization of the plasma membrane. It is not due to a competitive inhibition of K+ by NH4+ since the apparent inhibitor constant is much higher than the Km, for NH4+ uptake. The possibility that NH4+ and K+ are taken up by the same carrier can be excluded. The Km, values for K+ uptake in the two other fungi are not significantly affected by 100 μM NH4+. Except for a direct effect of NH4+ on influx of K+ into the cells, there may also be an indirect effect after prolonged incubation of the cells in the presence of 100 μM NH4+.  相似文献   

采用毒性实验方法,用不同浓度的汞离子(Hg2+)、铬离子(Cr6+)分别处理黄鳝(Monopterusalbus),经1、2、4、8 d后,通过光镜观察黄鳝脾组织结构及免疫细胞数量的变化。结果表明,对照组黄鳝脾被膜较薄,未见明显的小梁,实质由红髓和白髓构成。白髓中淋巴细胞聚集成群,未见明显脾小结,但可见动脉周围淋巴鞘。红髓由脾索与脾窦组成。脾中有椭圆体,其末端向脾髓开放。黑色素巨噬细胞中心形成。经两种重金属离子分别染毒后的黄鳝脾与对照组相比,组织结构表现出相似的变化,即随着重金属离子浓度的增加和染毒时间的延长,脾组织中的黑色素巨噬细胞中心逐渐增大、增多,最后减少;黑色素巨噬细胞先增加后减少。淋巴组织逐渐松散,排列稀疏混乱,淋巴细胞界限逐渐不清晰,呈退化趋势,数量先增加后减少。粒细胞数量的变化趋势与淋巴细胞一致。红血细胞大量破坏,血窦扩张。  相似文献   

【目的】从电镀厂下水道的淤泥中分离筛选Cr(Ⅵ)高效还原菌,并对其生长和还原特性进行研究,以期为Cr(Ⅵ)污染的生物修复提供优质的菌种资源和应用参考。【方法】采用富集培养法从淤泥中分离、筛选出Cr(Ⅵ)还原菌,通过生理生化及16S rRNA基因序列分析进行初步鉴定。采用单因素实验确定菌株的最佳培养条件和抵抗胁迫环境的能力,利用外加电子供体改善菌株的Cr(Ⅵ)还原能力,筛选出最佳电子供体研究对菌株还原的影响。【结果】经分离筛选得到1株Cr(Ⅵ)耐受还原菌,初步鉴定为微杆菌属(Microbacterium sp.),命名为BD6。菌株BD6适宜在中温、偏碱性的环境条件下生长,能耐受50.0 g/L NaCl的高盐环境。Mn^2+对菌种的生长表现出较高的抑制,Ni^2+、Zn^2+、Cd^2+的抑制作用较小,Cu^2)产生了一定的促进作用。Cr(Ⅵ)对BD6的最低抑菌浓度为1700 mg/L。添加甘油、果糖、乳糖、葡萄糖、丙酮酸钠作为电子供体促进了菌株对Cr(Ⅵ)的还原。选择甘油作为菌株还原Cr(Ⅵ)的最佳电子供体,无电子供体添加时菌株96 h内对100 mg/L Cr(Ⅵ)的还原率仅为69.63%,添加2 g/L的甘油菌株在36 h内的还原率达到了100%。通过加大甘油的添加量可以促进菌株对初始浓度较高Cr(Ⅵ)的还原,但要受到Cr(Ⅵ)的毒性限制。菌株的最适还原条件和最适生长条件吻合,在50.0 g/L NaCl的高盐条件和50 mg/L Cd^2+的毒性环境中,添加2 g/L的甘油,菌株对100 mg/L Cr(Ⅵ)的还原率分别为72 h 96.79%、54 h 99.86%。【结论】分离筛选得到的Microbacterium sp.BD6是一株潜在的可用于Cr(Ⅵ)污染生物还原修复的候选菌株。  相似文献   

[目的] 为探究重金属对淡水绿藻生长的影响。[方法] 选取对水质检测具有明显指示作用的普通小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)为实验材料,CdCl2·2H2O和CrCl3·7H2O提供重金属离子,探究不同浓度Cr3+和Cd2+在单一和复合胁迫下对藻细胞浓度、叶绿素a及相关抗氧化酶活性的影响。[结果] 随着Cr3+和Cd2+浓度不断增加,藻细胞浓度呈先增长后下降趋势;叶绿素a含量呈现先下降后升高再下降的现象,浓度为1 mg/L的单一和复合胁迫下有最大值,且毒性作用表现为Cr3+ < Cd2+ < Cr3++Cd2+;与藻细胞膜相关的丙二醛(MDA)和过氧化氢(H2O2)含量随着重金属离子浓度的增大而增长;重金属离子浓度低于10 mg/L时对藻细胞内抗氧化酶系统中的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)表现为促进作用,而大于10 mg/L时具有抑制作用。[结论] 结果表明在单一或复合重金属胁迫下,普通小球藻会充分调动与抗逆性相关的酶来维持自身的正常生长。  相似文献   

采用盆栽模拟试验,研究了不同水平重金属Cr6+对茳芏生理生态的影响,探索了茳芏对重金属的抗性机理,充实有关盐沼植物的污染生态学研究。结果表明:(1)Cr6+胁迫对茳芏生物量具抑制作用;(2)叶绿素含量及叶绿素a/b比值显著降低,并对净光合速率(Pn)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)及气孔导度(Gs)产生显著负面影响;(3)各浓度Cr6+胁迫对茳芏根系活力表现为抑制效应;(4)在Cr6+胁迫下,茳芏过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性均比对照低(除50mg/L外),超氧化歧化酶(SOD)活性随Cr6+浓度增加呈降低趋势,而过氧化物酶(POD)活性则持续上升。丙二醛(MDA)、细胞膜透性和脯氨酸(Pro)随Cr6+浓度增加显著增加,表明Cr6+胁迫对茳芏细胞质膜系统及主要细胞器的结构与功能都具有较强的破坏作用。  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the G6-amylase gene from alkalophilic Bacillus sp. H-167 was determined. The open reading frame of the gene consisted of 2865 base pairs, encoding 955 amino acids. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequence analysis of the G6-amylase indicated that the enzyme had a single peptide of 33 amino acid residues and the mature enzyme was composed of 922 amino acids, giving a molecular mass of 102598. Identity of the NH2-terminal amino acid sequences among each component of the multiform G6-amylase suggested the proteolytic processing of the COOH-terminal side of the enzyme. The DNA sequence and the deduced amino acid sequence of the G6-amylase gene showed no homology with those of other bacterial α-amylases although the consensus amino acid sequences of the active center were well conserved.  相似文献   

Abstract The stability under alkaline conditions of the membrane of the alkalophile was studied. By an alkaline treatment in the absence of Na+ or Li+, the abilities of the membrane vesicles, when energized with ascorbate plus tetramethylphenylenediamine, to produce a membrane potential (negative, inside) and transmembrane pH gradient (outside > inside) were rapidly lost. The activity of cytochrome oxidase was not affected by the alkaline treatment irrespective of the presence of Na+. It is likely that the membrane structure is sensitive to an alkaline pH and maintained specifically by the presence of Na+ (or Li+) in the alkaline medium.  相似文献   

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