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Larval RNAi in Drosophila?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
RNA interference (RNAi) has become a common method of gene knockdown in many model systems. To trigger an RNAi response, double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) must enter the cell. In some organisms such as Caenorhabditis elegans, cells can take up dsRNA from the extracellular environment via a cellular uptake mechanism termed systemic RNAi. However, in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, it is widely believed that cells are unable to take up dsRNA, although there is little published data to support this claim. In this study, we set out to determine whether this perception has a factual basis. We took advantage of traditional Gal4/upstream activation sequence (UAS) transgenic flies as well as the mosaic analysis with a repressible cell marker (MARCM) system to show that extracellular injection of dsRNA into Drosophila larvae cannot trigger RNAi in most Drosophila tissues (with the exception of hemocytes). Our results show that this is not due to a lack of RNAi machinery in these tissues as overexpression of dsRNA inside the cells using hairpin RNAs efficiently induces an RNAi response in the same tissues. These results suggest that, while most Drosophila tissues indeed lack the ability to uptake dsRNA from the surrounding environment, hemocytes can initiate RNAi in response to extracellular dsRNA. We also examined another insect, the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum, which has been shown to exhibit a robust systemic RNAi response. We show that virtually all Tribolium tissues can respond to extracellular dsRNA, which is strikingly different from the situation in Drosophila. Our data provide specific information about the tissues amenable to RNAi in two different insects, which may help us understand the molecular basis of systemic RNAi.  相似文献   

The concept of Gösta Jägersten of a primary biphasic metazoan life-cycle, consisting of a planktotrophic larva and a benthic adult, forms the basis for several theories on metazoan phylogeny. In this paper the assumed planktotrophic life-style of the larva is critically analyzed and reconsidered. It is shown, in particular for the Mollusca, that a biphasic life-cycle with a lecithotrophic larva is probably the plesiomorphic condition. Character distribution and structural data suggest a parallel evolution of the downstream collecting system used in planktotrophic larvae or filter-feeding adults of gastropods, bivalves and other spiralian or aschelminth taxa. In the basic metazoans (Parazoa, Placozoa, coelenterates) direct or lecithotrophic development dominates by far. For the acoelomate (Platyhelminthes, Gnathostomulida) and pseudocoelomate taxa direct development is probably the plesiomorphic condition. The structural similarities of the upstream collecting system in tentaculate and deuterostome phyla may also be explained by parallel events of heterochrony out of an ancestor with adult filter-feeding. The main conclusion of this survey is that larval planktotrophy is likely to be secondary and not a plesiomorphic condition among the Bilateria. Accordingly, theories which are based on the assumed plesiomorphy of larval planktotrophy of the Bilateria, need careful reevaluation.  相似文献   

The study of stem cells in cnidarians has a history spanning hundreds of years, but it has primarily focused on the hydrozoan genus Hydra. While Hydra has a number of self-renewing cell types that act much like stem cells—in particular the interstitial cell line—finding cellular homologues outside of the Hydrozoa has been complicated by the morphological simplicity of stem cells and inconclusive gene expression data. In non-hydrozoan cnidarians, an enigmatic cell type known as the amoebocyte might play a similar role to interstitial cells, but there is little evidence that I-cells and amoebocytes are homologous. Instead, self-renewal and transdifferentiation of epithelial cells was probably more important to ancestral cnidarian development than any undifferentiated cell lineage, and only later in evolution did one or more cell types come under the regulation of a “stem” cell line. Ultimately, this hypothesis and competing ones will need to be tested by expanding genetic and developmental studies on a variety of cnidarian model systems.  相似文献   

p53 and TGF-beta in development: prelude to tumor suppression?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Whitman M  McKeon F 《Cell》2003,113(3):275-276
Recent work in Xenopus embryos reveals an unexpected developmental role for the tumor suppressor gene p53. This finding may have implications for the evolution of p53, its interaction with Smads in TGF-beta dependent mesoderm specification, and the cooperation among p53 family members.  相似文献   

Death by suicide: one way to go in mammalian cellular development?   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Cell deaths occur selectively in many types of tissues throughout development. These physiological deaths appear to follow an orderly process of internal cellular disintegration that is distinct from the process observed in cell death resulting from trauma. Studies of a variety of physiological cell deaths have revealed that this process appears generally to involve the active participation of the dying cell in its own death. In other words, physiological cell death seems to be a process of induced cellular self-destruction, or cell suicide. Whether a single, genetically determined mechanism is utilized in all cell suicides remains to be established. Nonetheless, while genome digestion and intracellular calcium rises are dissociable from, and thus neither necessary nor sufficient for, cell death, control of the cell cycle may be critical in all cases of induced cell suicide. It is proposed here that physiological cell death occurs through a process of abortive mitosis.  相似文献   

Koprivnikar J  Forbes MR  Baker RL 《Oecologia》2008,155(3):641-649
Population density and infection with parasites often are important factors affecting the growth and development of individuals. How these factors co-occur and interact in nature should have important consequences for individual fitness and higher-order phenomena, such as population dynamics of hosts and their interactions with other species. However, few studies have examined the joint effects of density and parasitism on host growth and development. We examined the co-influences of rearing density and parasitism, by the trematode Echinostoma trivolvis, on the growth and development of larval frogs, Rana (=Lithobates) pipiens. We also examined the potential role of parasite-mediated intraspecific competition by observing how unparasitized individuals performed when housed with other unparasitized tadpoles, versus housing with a combination of unparasitized and parasitized hosts. Mean mass and mean developmental stage were reduced under high rearing densities. The presence of parasitized conspecifics had no significant effect, but there was a significant interaction of density and parasitism presence on host mass, due to the fact that parasitized conspecifics grew poorly at high densities. Unparasitized individuals reared with parasitized and unparasitized conspecifics fared no better than unparasitized individuals reared only with one another. This result indicates that infected hosts compete as much as uninfected hosts for resources, even though infected individuals have reduced mass under high-density conditions. Resource acquisition and resource allocation are different processes, and parasitism, if it only affects the latter, might not have a discernible impact on competitive interactions.  相似文献   

Schneiter R 《Biochimie》2007,89(2):255-259
Eukaryotic cells synthesize sterols in the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER) from where it needs to be efficiently transported to the plasma membrane, which harbors approximately 90% of the free sterol pool of the cell. Sterols that are being taken up from the environment, on the other hand, are transported back from the plasma membrane to the ER, where the free sterols are esterified to steryl esters. The molecular mechanisms that govern this bidirectional movement of sterols between the ER and the plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells are only poorly understood. Proper control of this transport is important for normal cell function and development as indicated by fatal human pathologies such as Niemann Pick type C disease and atherosclerosis, which are characterized by an over-accumulation of free sterols within endosomal membranes and the ER, respectively. Recently, a number of complementary approaches using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism lead to a more precise characterization of the pathways that control the subcellular transport of sterols and led to the identification of components that directly or indirectly affect sterol uptake at the plasma membrane and its transport back to the ER. A genetic approach that is based on the fact that yeast is a facultative anaerobic organism, which becomes auxotrophic for sterols in the absence of oxygen, resulted in the identification of 17 genes that are required for efficient uptake and/or transport of sterols. Unexpectedly, many of these genes are required for mitochondrial functions. A possible connection between mitochondrial biogenesis and sterol biosynthesis and uptake will be discussed in light of the fact that cholesterol transport into the inner membranes of mitochondria is a well established sterol transport route in vertebrates, where it is required to convert cholesterol into pregnenolone, the precursor of steroids.  相似文献   

An enduring but erroneous belief is that the post-fertilisation period is irrelevant for axis development in mammals. Two recent studies further undermine this belief. Is information for axial developmental encoded in the egg cortex?  相似文献   

A crosstransplantation study between genetically matched angiotensin AT1 receptor knockout and wild-type mice revealed that renal AT1 receptors are required for the development of angiotensin II-induced hypertension (). However, in this experimental setting, hypertension-related left ventricular hypertrophy seemed to depend on blood pressure elevation rather than on the expression of AT1 receptors in the heart.  相似文献   

A well-described population of cardiac neural crest (NC) cells migrates toward the arterial pole of the embryonic heart and differentiates into various cell types, including smooth muscle cells of the pharyngeal arch arteries (but not the coronary arteries), cardiac ganglionic cells, and mesenchymal cells of the aortopulmonary septum. Using a replication-incompetent retrovirus containing the reporter gene LacZ, administered to the migratory neural crest of chicken embryos, we demonstrated another population of cardiac neural crest cells that employs the venous pole as entrance to the heart. On the basis of our present data we cannot exclude the possibility that precursors of these cells might not only originate from the dorsal part of the posterior rhombencephalon, but also from the ventral part. These NC cells migrate to locations surrounding the prospective conduction system as well as to the atrioventricular (AV) cushions. Concerning the prospective conduction system, the tagged neural crest cells can be found in regions where the atrioventricular node area, the retroaortic root bundle, the bundle of His, the left and right bundle branches, and the right atrioventricular ring bundle are positioned. The last area connects the posteriorly located AV node area with the retroaortic root bundle, which receives its neural crest cells through the arterial pole in concert with the cells giving rise to the aortopulmonary septum. The NC cells most probably do not form the conduction system proper, as they enter an apoptotic pathway as determined by concomitant TUNEL detection. It is possible that the NC cells in the heart become anoikic and, as a consequence, fail to differentiate further and merely die. However, because of the perfect timing of the arrival of crest cells, their apoptosis, and a change in electrophysiological behavior of the heart, we postulate that neural crest cells play a role in the last phase of differentiation of the cardiac conduction system. Alternatively, the separation of the central conduction system from the surrounding working myocardium is mediated by apoptotic neural crest cells. As for the presence of NC cells in both the outflow tract and the AV cushions, followed by apoptosis, a function is assigned in the muscularization of both areas, resulting in proper septation of the outflow tract and of the AV region. Failure of normal neural crest development may not only play a role in cardiac outflow tract anomalies but also in inflow tract abnormalities, such as atrioventricular septal defects.  相似文献   

Developmental stages in multicellular organisms proceed according to a temporally and spatially precise pattern of gene expression. It has become evident that changes within the chromatin structure brought about by covalent modifications of histones are of crucial importance in determining many biological processes, including development. Numerous studies have provided evidence that the enzymes responsible for the modifications of histones function in a coordinated pattern to control gene expression in the short term and, through the transferral of these modifications by inheritance to their progeny, in the long term.  相似文献   

The cellular and molecular adaptations of non-model woody species to environmental changes are still poorly understood. We have cloned and characterised a novel non-symbiotic hemoglobin from oak roots (QpHb1) which exhibits a specific cellular distribution in the root. The QpHb1 gene is strongly expressed in the protoderm and the protoxylem cells in two Quercus species (Q. petraea and Q. robur) with contrasting adaptive potential to drought and flooding. The constitutive expression of QpHb1 in both oak species in specific root tissues combined with the reported presence of nitric oxide in the same tissues and its potential for protein S-nitrosylation could support a role for non-symbiotic hemoglobins in signalling changes in the root environment and/or in controlling some aspects of root development.Key words: nonsymbiotic haemoglobin, oak (Quercus), in situ hybridization, signalling, xylem, root, nitric oxide  相似文献   

Up to 15 years ago, when asked to identify the major public health problems of Brazil, there would be no hesitation in naming infant diarrhoea, Chagas disease and Schistosoma mansoni. While most field workers have now eliminated schistosomiasis from the list, now certainly headed by malaria, in academic and bureaucratic circles the old priorities are still maintained.  相似文献   

Neurofilament phosphorylation in development. A sign of axonal maturation?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Monoclonal antibodies to the 200K neurofilament (NF) protein selectively decorated axons in tissue sections. Dilution of the antibodies in phosphate buffer and digestion with phosphatase abolished the stain. With conventional monoclonal and polyclonal NF antibodies, i.e. antibodies decorating NF regardless of their location (axons, perikarya and dendrites), the staining was not affected by this treatment. With all antibodies, axon-specific and conventional, the staining was abolished by trypsin digestion. Subsequent digestion with phosphatase did not restore the staining. Compared with conventional NF antibodies, staining with axon-specific anti-NF 200K was a late phenomenon in chick embryo development. NF 200K immunoreactivity was first observed in peripheral nerves and in the anterior columns of the spinal cord on day 10. Sensory ganglia and optic nerve fibers were negative. With conventional NF antibodies these structures were stained on days 4 and 5, respectively. In the following days of development the study was confined to the retina, optic nerves, cranial peripheral nerves and sensory ganglia. Up to day 16, bundles of thin peripheral nerve fibers, strongly decorated by conventional NF antibodies, did not stain with anti-NF 200K in double labelling experiments. Nerve bundles emerging from the ganglia were also negative, although some thick nerve fibers within the ganglia were stained. NF 200K immunoreactivity was first observed on day 17 in the optic nerve and in the layer of optic nerve fibers. At this time, staining was confined to the bundle emerging from the temporal side of the retina. In newborn chicken, only few fibers stained with anti-NF 200K in the nasal bundle, while the temporal bundle was well stained. It is suggested that the NF 200K antibodies reacted with a phosphorylated epitope in the axon, and that NF phosphorylation is a late event in ontogenesis probably related to axonal maturation.  相似文献   

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