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Bryozoans are among the most important groups of the Southern Ocean benthic macrofauna, both in terms of species richness and abundance. However, there is a considerable lack of ecological research focused on their distribution patterns and species richness on smaller scale, especially in the soft bottom habitats of Antarctic glacial fjords. The aim of this study was to describe those patterns in the Admiralty Bay. Forty-nine Van Veen grab samples were collected at the depth range from 15 to 265 m, in the summer season of 1979/1980, at three sites distributed along the main axis of the fjord. Among 53 identified species of bryozoans, 32 were recorded in the Admiralty Bay for the first time. The most common and abundant species were Himantozoum antarcticum, Inversiula nutrix and Nematoflustra flagellata. Genera such as Arachnopusia, Cellarinella and Osthimosia were the most speciose taxa. It was demonstrated that depth was important for the distribution of the bryozoans. More than half of the recorded species were found only below 70 m. An influence of glacial disturbance was reflected in the dominance structure of colony growth-forms. The inner region of the fjord was dominated almost entirely by encrusting species, while the diversity of bryozoan growth-forms in less disturbed areas was much higher. In those sites the highest percentage of branched, tuft like species represented by buguliform and flustriform zoaria was observed.  相似文献   

The seaweed flora of Admiralty Bay,King George Island,Antarctic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Admiralty Bay is located on the western side of King George Island. Although several research teams of different nationalities have carried out surveys in the region for decades, there are only two publications dealing with the seaweed flora of the bay. Here, we report on a taxonomic survey of the seaweeds we collected during the 25th Brazilian Antarctic Expedition (December 2006/November 2007). We discovered 42 species (21 Rhodophyta, 14 Phaeophyceae, and 7 Chlorophyta), corresponding to an increase of about 31% in the seaweed biodiversity hitherto known for the region. Considering that the Antarctic Peninsula, adjacent to King George Island seems to be one of the most rapidly warming spots on the planet, this kind of survey may provide a valuable tool for detecting eventual changes in seaweed biodiversity.  相似文献   

Year-round monitoring of five Antarctic pinnipeds was conducted in Admiralty Bay from 1988 up to 2000. Two breeding species: southern elephant sealsMirounga leonina (Linnaeus, 1758) and Weddell sealsLeptonychotes weddellii (Lesson, 1826), were present throughout the year. Three other species: crabeater seals Lobodon carcinophagus (Hobron and Jacquinot, 1842), leopard sealsHydrurga leptonyx (Blainville, 1820), and Antarctic fur sealsArctocephalus gazella (Peters, 1875) visited the area only for short periods. During this study, the abundance of elephant seals was stable, whereas those of Weddell and crabeater seals declined. Leopard seals numbers fluctuated irregularly. We detected a possible immigration from South Georgia: of a stable magnitude for elephant seals, and of variable magnitude, depending on food accessibility, for Antarctic fur seals. We found a strong recurrence of the spatial distributions of elephant, Weddell, and Antarctic fur seals in the 13 oases on the shore of Admiralty Bay. Annual distribution patterns were characteristic for each species. The innermost beaches were used predominantly by the animals during their annual fasts: the breeding and the moulting seasons.  相似文献   

The distribution patterns of macrozoobenthic communities as shown by the biomass of the higher taxa were investigated in Admiralty Bay. Material was collected at depths ranging from 4 to 500 m (102 quantitative samples), representing the full depth range of this basin and including areas characterized by the different levels of glacial influence. Five community groups were distinguished by multivariate analysis (clustering, MDS) based on the Bray--Curtis similarity index. In the Ezcurra Inlet, the area characterized by intensive glacial processes resulting in a high sedimentation rate, the distribution of biomass was not depth related, but was associated with the intensity of glacial disturbance along the axis of the fjord. The innermost part of this fjord, which receives strong outflows from glaciers, had a low biomass value (2.9 g/0.1 m2) and was dominated by polychaetes. The middle part of the fjord which is not so heavily disturbed had higher biomass values (46.1 g/0.1 m2) due to the dominance of bivalves. A clear depth gradient of biomass distribution was observed in bottom areas located far from glaciers, in the central basin of the bay, with three zones within the depth ranges 4–30, 40–380, and 400–500 m. The highest mean biomass values (92.5 g/0.1 m2) were found in the middle sublittoral (40–380 m) dominated by ascidians. In the shallow and deep assemblages, the biomass was lower (33.8 g/0.1 and 30.9 g/0.1 m2 respectively), most probably associated with the ice disturbance in the shallows and lower food supply in the deepest part of the shelf.  相似文献   

The occurrence, distribution and summer variation of pelagic larvae of benthic gastropods in the shallow coastal area of Admiralty Bay were determined for the summers of 1993/1994, 1994/1995 and 1996/1997 from plankton samples taken at 15- to 30-m depths in 12 stations. Significant differences were found among years at the end of January and February. Results of Principal Component Analysis showed the inverse relation of high wind speed and abundance of gastropod larvae in the three austral summers sampled, and suggested that environmental conditions prevalent during 1994/1995 and 1995/1997 were similar and differed from those of 1993/1994, which may have influenced the number of larvae observed.  相似文献   

The tanaidacean faunas of two polar fjords, Kongsfjorden (Arctic) and Admiralty Bay (Antarctic), were compared. The results show that Tanaidacea in the southern fjord are more diversified than those in the northern one. This difference is especially evident in species richness (12 species vs 3 species, respectively), but is not too significant in terms of diversity. In both polar fjords, the highest densities of tanaids were noted in sites where mud was swept off by the water current or eroded off steep bottom expoing coarser mineral particles used for tube building. The distribution of tanaids is suggested to be based on the joint action of inter alia factors such as the quality of bottom sediments, sedimentation ratio, accessibility of food, predation pressure, behaviour and heterogeneity of habitats.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The polychaete community associated with holdfasts of the brown alga Himantothallus grandifolius in Admiralty Bay has been studied. It is the first study of its kind in this area and only the second in the Antarctic. Samples were collected in the summer season of 1979/1980 from a depth range of 10–75 m. Seventy-eight species were found on 19 holdfasts. The community was dominated by Brania rhopalophora and Neanthes kerguelensis. Analysis of similarity showed that polychaete fauna associated with this habitat did not show any partitioning related to depth. Regression analysis showed that densities of both species and individuals decreased with increased holdfast volume. A positive correlation was found between the number of individuals and holdfast volume. Polychaetes from 10 feeding guilds were found with dominance of macrophagous motile herbivores and sessile filter feeders. The complex habitat provided by holdfasts is a shelter for a rich polychaete fauna and may function as important protection from disturbance in the shallow areas of Admiralty Bay.  相似文献   

The cryosphere presents some of the most challenging conditions for life on earth. Nevertheless, (micro)biota survive in a range of niches in glacial systems, including water-filled depressions on glacial surfaces termed cryoconite holes (centimetre to metre in diameter and up to 0.5?m deep) that contain dark granular material (cryoconite). In this study, the structure of bacterial and eukaryotic cryoconite communities from ten different locations in the Arctic and Antarctica was compared using T-RFLP analysis of rRNA genes. Community structure varied with geography, with greatest differences seen between communities from the Arctic and the Antarctic. DNA sequencing of rRNA genes revealed considerable diversity, with individual cryoconite hole communities containing between six and eight bacterial phyla and five and eight eukaryotic 'first-rank' taxa and including both bacterial and eukaryotic photoautotrophs. Bacterial Firmicutes and Deltaproteobacteria and Epsilonproteobacteria, eukaryotic Rhizaria, Haptophyta, Choanomonada and Centroheliozoa, and archaea were identified for the first time in cryoconite ecosystems. Archaea were only found within Antarctic locations, with the majority of sequences (77%) related to members of the Thaumarchaeota. In conclusion, this research has revealed that Antarctic and Arctic cryoconite holes harbour geographically distinct highly diverse communities and has identified hitherto unknown bacterial, eukaryotic and archaeal taxa, therein.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine if marine species diversity was influenced by geographical location and whether it was higher at lower latitudes. Artificial collectors (made of nylon pan scourers) were employed as a standard substratum for the colonisation of marine invertebrates inhabiting subtidal (12 to 15 m) hard, rocky bottom substrata. These artificial substrate units (ASUs) were deployed at different latitudes including northern and southern temperate (South West England, UK and New Zealand), tropical (Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies) and polar (Signy Island, Antarctica) areas. The polychaetes, representative of the macrofauna and the nematodes, representative of the meiofauna fractions of the total invertebrate fauna collected were analysed.Neither polychaete nor nematode species diversity showed a trend based on latitude and each taxon showed a different pattern of diversity variation in relation to location. Polychaete diversity varied from area to area with highest species diversity occurring in the southern temperate (New Zealand). Nematode species diversity however was similar for the northern and southern temperate (UK and New Zealand) and the tropical area (Trinidad and Tobago). Thus, although the number of locations studied was limited, these data do not conform to a gradient in species diversity with latitude as has been previously supposed. The success of ASUs to compare species diversities in standardised habitat units augurs well for their future use in other ecological areas such as biogeographical or pollution studies.  相似文献   

Seventeen psychrotrophic bacteria with cold-adaptive amylolytic, lipolytic or proteolytic activity were isolated from deep sea sediment of Prydz Bay, Antarctic. They were affiliated with γ-Proteobacteria (12 strains) and gram-positive bacteria (5 strains) as determined by 16S rDNA sequencing. The amylase-producing strains belonged to genus Pseudomonas, Rhodococcus, and Nocardiopsis. Two Pseudomonas strains, 7193 and 7197, which showed highest amylolytic activity were chosen for further study. The optimal temperatures for their growth and amylase-producing were between 15 and 20°C. Both of the purified amylases showed highest activity at 40°C and pH 9.0, and retained 50% activity at 5°C. The SDS-PAGE and zymogram activity staining showed that the molecular mass of strain 7193 and 7197 amylases were about 60 and 50 kDa respectively. The Pseudomonas sp. 7193 amylase hydrolyzed soluble starch into glucose, maltose, maltotriose, and maltotetraose, indicating that it had both activities of α-amylase and glucoamylase. The product hydrolyzed by Pseudomonas sp. 7197 amylase was meltotetraose.  相似文献   

The diversity of Laurentian Great Lakes ciscoes (Coregonus artedi, sensu lato) arose via repeated local adaptive divergence including deepwater ciscoes that are now extirpated or threatened. The nigripinnis form, or Blackfin Cisco, is extirpated from the Great Lakes and remains only in Lake Nipigon. Putative nigripinnis populations were recently discovered in sympatry with artedi in a historical drainage system of glacial Lake Algonquin, the precursor of lakes Michigan and Huron. Given the apparent convergence on Great Lakes form, we labeled this form blackfin. Here, we test the hypothesis that nigripinnis may have colonized this area from the Great Lakes as a distinct lineage. It would then represent a relict occurrence of the historical diversity of Great Lakes ciscoes. Alternatively, blackfin could have evolved in situ in several lakes. We captured more than 600 individuals in the benthic or pelagic habitat in 14 lakes in or near Algonquin Provincial Park (Ontario, Canada). Fish were compared based on habitat, morphology, and genetic variation at 6,676 SNPs. Contrary to our expectations, both cisco and blackfin belonged to an Atlantic lineage that colonized the area from the east, not from the Great Lakes. Sympatric cisco and blackfin were closely related while fish from different lakes were genetically differentiated, strongly suggesting the repeated in situ origin of each form. Across lakes, there was a continuum of ecological, morphological, and genetic differentiation that could be associated with alternative resources and lake characteristics. This study uncovers a new component of cisco diversity in inland lakes of Canada that evolved independently from ciscoes of the Laurentian Great lakes. The diversity of cisco revealed in this study and across their Canadian range presents a challenge for designating conservation units at the intraspecific level within the framework of the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC).  相似文献   

Viruses play a key role in all marine ecosystems, and yet little is known of their distribution in Antarctic waters, especially in bathypelagic waters (>1000 m). In this study, the abundance and distribution of viruses and their potential hosts from the surface to the bottom of Prydz Bay, Antarctic, was investigated using flow cytometry. Viruses and autotrophs were abundant in nearshore and continental shelf waters, while heterotrophic bacteria and picoeukaryotes were abundant in offshore waters. Virus and bacteria abundances generally decreased with increasing depth but increased slightly just above the seafloor. Within the water column, maximum virus numbers coincided with the maximum values of chlorophyll a (when greater than 0.1 μg l?1), in the surface and subsurface (25 m). In the open ocean, however, virus abundance usually correlated with bacterial abundance at greater depths (50, 300 and 500 m) where the surface chlorophyll a concentration was lower than 0.1 μg l?1. Viral abundance was correlated with the host cell abundance, and this was different in different pelagic zones (bacteria and autotrophs (i.e., chlorophyll a concentration) in the epipelagic waters, picoeukaryotes and bacteria in mesopelagic waters and bacteria in bathypelagic waters). Principle component analysis and Pearson correlation analysis indicated that there was a close relationship between virus abundance and chlorophyll a, bacteria and nutrients (NO2 + NO3, phosphate and silicate), and picoeukaryote abundance was mainly correlated with water depth and salinity.  相似文献   

A literature review of Polychaeta (Annelida) including Aphanoneura (the oligochaete-like Aeolosomatidae and Potamodrilidae), living in freshwater yielded 168 species, 70 genera and 24 families representing all of the major polychaete clades, but less than 2% of all species. The best-represented families were, in order, Nereididae, Aeolosomatidae, Sabellidae, Spionidae and Histriobdellidae. Fourteen families were represented by a single species and genus. Regions supporting the highest diversity of freshwater polychaetes were in order, Palaearctic, Neotropical, Oriental, Nearctic, Australasian, and Afrotropical. More than half of all species and genera inhabitat lakes and rivers, followed by lagoons/estuaries, which have a high proportion of euryhaline species, and inland seas. Less common, atypical polychaete habitats include subterranean waters, the hyporheic zone of rivers and plant container habitats (phytotelmata). At least three distinct ecological/historical processes appear to account for the colonisation of continental waters: invasion of a clade prior to the break-up of Gondwana, as in Aphanoneura, Namanereis, Stratiodrilus, and Caobangia; relatively recent stranding of individual species (relicts); and the temporary visitation of euryhaline species. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   



Although polychaetes are one of the dominant taxa in marine communities, their distributions and taxonomic diversity are poorly understood. Recent studies have shown that many species thought to have broad distributions are actually a complex of allied species. In Canada, 12% of polychaete species are thought to occur in Atlantic, Arctic, and Pacific Oceans, but the extent of gene flow among their populations has not been tested.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Sequence variation in a segment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene was employed to compare morphological versus molecular diversity estimates, to examine gene flow among populations of widespread species, and to explore connectivity patterns among Canada''s three oceans. Analysis of 1876 specimens, representing 333 provisional species, revealed 40 times more sequence divergence between than within species (16.5% versus 0.38%). Genetic data suggest that one quarter of previously recognized species actually include two or more divergent lineages, indicating that richness in this region is currently underestimated. Few species with a tri-oceanic distribution showed genetic cohesion. Instead, large genetic breaks occur between Pacific and Atlantic-Arctic lineages, suggesting their long-term separation. High connectivity among Arctic and Atlantic regions and low connectivity with the Pacific further supports the conclusion that Canadian polychaetes are partitioned into two distinct faunas.


Results of this study confirm that COI sequences are an effective tool for species identification in polychaetes, and suggest that DNA barcoding will aid the recognition of species overlooked by the current taxonomic system. The consistent geographic structuring within presumed widespread species suggests that historical range fragmentation during the Pleistocene ultimately increased Canadian polychaete diversity and that the coastal British Columbia fauna played a minor role in Arctic recolonization following deglaciation. This study highlights the value of DNA barcoding for providing rapid insights into species distributions and biogeographic patterns in understudied groups.  相似文献   

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