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The ω-hydroxylase of Pseudomonas oleovorans, which catalyzes the hydroxylation of fatty acids and alkanes and the epoxidation of alkenes in the presence of a reduced pyridine nucleotide, a reductase, rubredoxin, and molecular oxygen, has been purified to electrophoretic homogeneity. Octane hydroxylation and octadiene epoxidation activities appear to remain at a constant ratio during the purification procedure. The hydroxylase has been characterized as a nonheme iron protein containing one iron atom and one cysteine residue per polypeptide chain of molecular weight 40,800. The enzyme is inhibited by cyanide, and activity is restored upon removal of the cyanide by dialysis. Iron is removed from the enzyme by dialysis against EDTA provided that a reducing agent such as dithionite or ascorbate is also added, and enzyme activity is restored by the addition of ferrous ions to the apohydroxylase.  相似文献   

Shanklin J  Whittle E 《FEBS letters》2003,545(2-3):188-192
Pseudomonas oleovorans alkane omega-hydroxylase (AlkB) is an integral membrane diiron enzyme that shares a requirement for iron and oxygen for activity in a manner similar to that of the non-heme integral membrane desaturases, epoxidases, acetylenases, conjugases, ketolases, decarbonylase and methyl oxidases. No overall sequence similarity is detected between AlkB and these desaturase-like enzymes by computer algorithms; however, they do contain a series of histidine residues in a similar relative positioning with respect to hydrophobic regions thought to be transmembrane domains. To test whether these conserved histidine residues are functionally equivalent to those of the desaturase-like enzymes we used scanning alanine mutagenesis to test if they are essential for activity of AlkB. These experiments show that alanine substitution of any of the eight conserved histidines results in complete inactivation, whereas replacement of three non-conserved histidines in close proximity to the conserved residues, results in only partial inactivation. These data provide the first experimental support for the hypotheses: (i) that the histidine motif in AlkB is equivalent to that in the desaturase-like enzymes and (ii) that the conserved histidine residues play a vital role such as coordinating the Fe ions comprising the diiron active site.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas oleovorans was grown in homogeneous media containing n-alkanoic acids, from formate to decanoate, as the sole carbon sources. Formation of intracellular poly(beta-hydroxyalkanoates) was observed only for hexanoate and the higher n-alkanoic acids. The maximum isolated polymer yields were approximately 30% of the cellular dry weight with growth on either octanoate or nonanoate. In most cases, the major repeating unit in the polymer had the same chain length as the n-alkanoic acid used for growth, but units with two carbon atoms less or more than the acid used as a carbon source were also generally present in the polyesters formed. Indeed, copolymers containing as many as six different types of beta-hydroxyalkanoate units were formed. The weight average molecular weights of the poly(beta-hydroxyalkanoate) copolymers produced by P. oleovorans ranged from 90,000 to 370,000. In spite of the higher cell yields obtained with octanoate and nonanoate, the use of hexanoate and heptanoate yielded higher-molecular-weight polymers. These copolyesters represent an entirely new class of biodegradable thermoplastics.  相似文献   

Le AV  Tavalin SJ  Dodge-Kafka KL 《Biochemistry》2011,50(23):5279-5291
The ubiquitously expressed and highly promiscuous protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) regulates many cellular processes. Targeting PP1 to specific locations within the cell allows for the regulation of PP1 by conferring substrate specificity. In the present study, we identified AKAP79 as a novel PP1 regulatory subunit. Immunoprecipitaiton of the AKAP from rat brain extract found that the PP1 catalytic subunit copurified with the anchoring protein. This is a direct interaction, demonstrated by pulldown experiments using purified proteins. Interestingly, the addition of AKAP79 to purified PP1 catalytic subunit decreased phosphatase activity with an IC(50) of 811 ± 0.56 nM of the anchoring protein. Analysis of AKAP79 identified a PP1 binding site that conformed to a consensus PP1 binding motif (FxxR/KxR/K) in the first 44 amino acids of the anchoring protein. This was confirmed when a peptide mimicking this region of AKAP79 was able to bind PP1 by both pulldown assay and surface plasmon resonance. However, PP1 was still able to bind to AKAP79 upon deletion of this region, suggesting additional sites of contact between the anchoring protein and the phosphatase. Importantly, this consensus PP1 binding motif was found not to be responsible for PP1 inhibition, but rather enhanced phosphatase activity, as deletion of this domain resulted in an increased inhibition of PP1 activity. Instead, a second interaction domain localized to residues 150-250 of AKAP79 was required for the inhibition of PP1. However, the inhibitory actions of AKAP79 on PP1 are substrate dependent, as the anchoring protein did not inhibit PP1 dephosphorylation of phospho-PSD-95, a substrate found in AKAP79 complexes in the brain. These combined observations suggest that AKAP79 acts as a PP1 regulatory subunit that can direct PP1 activity toward specific targets in the AKAP79 complex.  相似文献   

Isolate RS1T isolated from used metalworking fluid was found to be a Gram-negative, motile, and non-spore forming rod. Based on phylogenetic analyses with 16S rRNA, isolate RS1T was placed into the mendocina sublineage of Pseudomonas. The major whole cell fatty acids were C18:1ω7c (32.6%), C16:0 (25.5%), and C15:0 ISO 2OH/C16:1ω7c (14.4%). The sequence similarities of isolate RS1T based on gyrB and rpoD genes were 98.9 and 98.0% with Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes, and 98.5 and 98.1% with Pseudomonas oleovorans, respectively. The ribotyping pattern showed a 0.60 similarity with P. oleovorans ATCC 8062T and 0.63 with P. pseudoalcaligenes ATCC17440T. The DNA G + C content of isolate RS1T was 62.2 mol.%. The DNA–DNA relatedness was 73.0% with P. oleovorans ATCC 8062T and 79.1% with P. pseudoalcaligenes ATCC 17440T. On the basis of morphological, biochemical, and molecular studies, isolate RS1T is considered to represent a new subspecies of P. oleovorans. Furthermore, based on the DNA–DNA relatedness (>70%), chemotaxonomic, and molecular profile, P. pseudoalcaligenes ATCC 17440T and P. oleovorans ATCC 8062T should be united under the same name; according to the rules of priority, P. oleovorans, the first described species, is the earlier synonym and P. pseudoalcaligenes is the later synonym. As a consequence, the division of the species P. oleovorans into two novel subspecies is proposed: P. oleovorans subsp. oleovorans subsp. nov. (type strain ATCC 8062T = DSM 1045T = NCIB 6576T), P. oleovorans subsp. lubricantis subsp. nov. (type strain RS1T = ATCC BAA-1494T = DSM 21016T).  相似文献   

The alk genes enable Pseudomonas oleovorans to utilize alkanes as sole carbon and energy source. Expression of the alk genes in P. oleovorans and in two Escherichia coli recombinants induced iron limitation in minimal medium cultures. Further investigation showed that the expression of the alkB gene, encoding the integral cytoplasmic membrane protein AlkB, was responsible for the increase of the iron requirement of E. coli W3110 (pGEc47). AlkB is the non-heme iron monooxygenase component of the alkane hydroxylase system, and can be synthesized to levels up to 10% (w/w) of total cell protein in E. coli W3110 (pGEc47). Its synthesis is, however, strictly dependent on the presence of sufficient iron in the medium. Our results show that a glucose-grown E. coli alk+ strain can reach alkane hydroxylase activities of about 25 U/g cdw, and are consistent with the recent finding that catalytically active AlkB contains two, rather than one iron atom per polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

Liposomes containing a self quenching concentration of a fluorescent phosphatidylethanolamine analog, were microinjected into Chinese hamster ovary cells. Immediately after microinjection, little intracellular fluorescence was observed. 10 min post-injection, labeling of the nuclear envelope and mitochondria became evident. Combined with control studies, our results suggest that phospholipid exchange protein(s) facilitates phosphatidylethanolamine movement in vivo.  相似文献   

The isolation of an alkane-oxidizing strain of Pseudomonas oleovorans which maintains its viability at 5 C is described. This strain epoxidates 1-octene at a rate five times that of the parent strain. The most efficient substrates for induction of the epoxidase are C(7), C(8), and C(9), although C(5) to C(12) also serve as growth substrates and inducers. The greater rate may be attributed to an enhanced general stability of the cells as opposed to a modification of the enzyme system involved.  相似文献   

Abstract A study has been initiated to further clarify the role of H2O and protein in maintaining a functional amorphous state of poly-β-hydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) in the living cell. It has been clearly demonstrated that the ordered hydrophobic hydrocarbon chains of these materials crystallize at varying rates, depending on repeating unit heterogeneity, subsequent to the removal of the polymer granule from the cell and after solvent extraction. Both isolation and extraction procedures remove water and some protein from the polymer granule, and the polymer crystallizes. We have developed a procedure for the isolation of poly-β-hydroxyoctanoate (PHO) containing granules that maintain their "in vivo" fluid, amorphous and functional state with water and proteins intact. These purified granules have been observed and their purity determined by 'in vivo' Nomarski computer-enhanced imaging light microscopy. Both this technique and low temperature rapid freeze-fracture electron microscopy have demonstrated an organized para-crystalline network of proteins on the surface of the granule. The structural role of these proteins in maintaining granule integrity and function both in the cell and after granule isolation is discussed. It is suggested that these procedures may permit in vitro studies of the mechanisms of synthesis and degradation of PHAs in a variety of polyester producing microbial systems.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas oleovorans alkane hydroxylase is an integral cytoplasmic membrane protein that is expressed and active in both Escherichia coli and P. oleovorans. Its primary sequence contains eight hydrophobic stretches that could span the membrane as alpha-helices. The topology of alkane hydroxylase was studied in E. coli using protein fusions linking different amino-terminal fragments of the alkane hydroxylase (AlkB) to alkaline phosphatase (PhoA) and to beta-galactosidase (LacZ). Four AlkB-PhoA fusions were constructed using transposon TnphoA. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to create PstI sites at 12 positions in AlkB. These sites were used to create AlkB-PhoA and AlkB-LacZ fusions. With respect to alkaline phosphatase and beta-galactosidase activity each set of AlkB-PhoA and AlkB-LacZ fusions revealed the expected complementary activities. At three positions, PhoA fusions were highly active, whereas the corresponding LacZ fusions were the least active. At all other positions the PhoA fusions were almost completely inactive, but the corresponding LacZ fusions were highly active. These data predict a model for alkane hydroxylase containing six transmembrane segments. In this model the amino terminus, two hydrophilic loops, and a large carboxyl-terminal domain are located in the cytoplasm. Only three very short loops near amino acid positions 52, 112, and 251 are exposed to the periplasm.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas oleovorans alkB gene is expressed in alk+ Escherichia coli W3110 to 10 to 15% of the total cell protein, which is exceptional for a (foreign) cytoplasmic membrane protein. In other E. coli recombinants such as alk+ HB101, AlkB constitutes 2 to 3% of the total protein. In this study, we have investigated which factors determine the expression level of alkB in alk+ W3110. In particular, we have investigated the role of AlkB-induced stimulation of phospholipid synthesis. Blocking phospholipid synthesis in alk+ W3110 did not specifically alter the expression of alkB, and we conclude that stimulation of phospholipid synthesis is not a prerequisite for high-level expression of the membrane protein. W3110 is able to produce exceptionally high levels of alkane monooxygenase, because the rate of alkB mRNA synthesis in W3110 is an order of magnitude higher than that in HB101. This may be due in part to the higher copy number of pGEc47 in W3110 in comparison with HB101.  相似文献   

Gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase (GDO, EC is a ring cleavage enzyme that utilizes gentisate as a substrate yielding maleylpyruvate as the ring fission product. Mutant GDOs were generated by both random mutagenesis and site-directed mutagenesis of the gene cloned from Pseudomonas alcaligenes NCIB 9867. Alignment of known GDO sequences indicated the presence of a conserved central core region. Mutations generated within this central core resulted in the complete loss of enzyme activity whereas mutations in the flanking regions yielded GDOs with enzyme activities that were reduced by up to 78%. Site-directed mutagenesis was also performed on a pair of highly conserved HRH and HXH motifs found within this core region. Conversion of these His residues to Asp resulted in the complete loss of catalytic activity. Mutagenesis within the core region could have affected quaternary structure formation as well as cofactor binding. A mutant enzyme with increased catalytic activities was also characterized.  相似文献   

One of the major proteins secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a 43-kDa protein, which is cleaved by elastase into smaller fragments, including a 30-kDa and a 23-kDa fragment. The N-terminal 23-kDa fragment was previously suggested as corresponding to a staphylolytic protease and was designated LasD (S. Park and D. R. Galloway, Mol. Microbiol. 16:263-270, 1995). However, the sequence of the gene encoding this 43-kDa protein revealed that the N-terminal half of the protein is homologous to the chitin-binding proteins CHB1 of Streptomyces olivaceoviridis and CBP21 of Serratia marcescens and to the cellulose-binding protein p40 of Streptomyces halstedii. Furthermore, a short C-terminal fragment shows homology to a part of chitinase A of Vibrio harveyi. The full-length 43-kDa protein could bind chitin and was thereby protected against the proteolytic activity of elastase, whereas the degradation products did not bind chitin. The purified 43-kDa chitin-binding protein had no staphylolytic activity, and comparison of the enzymatic activities in the extracellular medium of a wild-type strain and a chitin-binding protein-deficient mutant indicated that the 43-kDa protein supports neither chitinolytic nor staphylolytic activity. We conclude that the 43-kDa protein, which was found to be produced by many clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa, is a chitin-binding protein, and we propose to name it CbpD (chitin-binding protein D).  相似文献   

Stanniocalcin (STC), a glycoprotein hormone originally discovered in fish, has been implicated in calcium and phosphate homeostasis. While fishes and mammals possess two STC homologs (STC1 and STC2), the physiological roles of STC2 are largely unknown compared with those of STC1. In this study, we identified Ran-binding protein M (RanBPM) as a novel binding partner of STC2 using yeast two-hybrid screening. The interaction between STC2 and RanBPM was confirmed in mammalian cells by immunoprecipitation. STC2 enhanced the RanBPM-mediated transactivation of liganded androgen receptor (AR), but not thyroid receptor β, glucocorticoid receptor, or estrogen receptor β. We also found that AR interacted with RanBPM in both the absence and presence of testosterone (T). Furthermore, we discovered that STC2 recruits RanBPM/AR complex in T-dependent manner. Taken together, our findings suggest that STC2 is a novel RanBPM-interacting protein that promotes AR transactivation. [BMB Reports 2014; 47(11): 643-648]  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) inhibit the growth of ice, whereas ice-nucleation proteins (INPs) promote its formation. Although the structures of several AFPs are known, the structure of INP has been modeled thus far because of the difficulty in determining membrane protein structures. Here, we present a novel model of an INP structure from Pseudomonas syringae based on comparison with two newly determined insect AFP structures. The results suggest that both this class of AFPs and INPs may have a similar beta-helical fold and that they could interact with water through the repetitive TXT motif. By theoretical arguments, we show that the distinguishing feature between an ice inhibitor and an ice nucleator lies in the size of the ice-interacting surface. For INPs, the larger surface area acts as a template that is larger than the critical ice embryo surface area required for growth. In contrast, AFPs are small enough so that they bind to ice and inhibit further growth without acting as a nucleator.  相似文献   

Human synovial fluid, from a patient with synovitis disease, was examined by electron spin resonance spectroscopy for evidence of free radicals. The ascorbate free radical was observed and its intensity was affected by iron chelating agents, demonstrating that the iron in the synovial fluid is indeed available for oxidative catalysis.  相似文献   

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