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A general method to directly obtain the DNA sequence of the variable regions of any immunoglobulin chain using a mixture of oligomer primers and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is described. Mixed oligonucleotide primers corresponding to the 5' signal peptide and a conserved 3' constant region primer were used for enzymatic amplification of each of the heavy and light chain variable regions of a human hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody recognizing an epitope of gp120 of the human immunodeficiency virus 1. The amplified DNA segments were cloned and the sequence was determined for the heavy chain variable region. This method will greatly facilitate structural and functional studies of immunoglobulins by reducing the effort to clone and sequence the members of the immunoglobulin as well as other multigene families.  相似文献   

Techniques for selective cloning of murine hybridoma cells by flow cytometric cell sorting and use of automated laser nephelometry to determine the resultant clones' immunoglobulin secretion levels are described. Using a commercially available attachment to a fluorescence-activated cell sorter, individual hybridoma cells were successfully distributed into microtiter wells in an automated manner based on their forward angle light scatter properties and their reaction to fluorescein-conjugated anti-mouse-IgG. The techniques were used to estimate successfully the frequency of immunoglobulin-secreting cells in established cultures. In addition, heterogeneity of cell surface immunoglobulin expression was observed and utilized as a criterion for flow sorting of new hybridoma variants. In these studies, clones derived from high (anti-IgG) intensity sorting regions yielded cultures with enhanced immunoglobulin secretion levels, as determined by automated laser nephelometry. Furthermore, the surface immunoglobulin phenotype of the derived clones was conserved in subsequent progeny. Finally, it was established that inclusion of propidium iodide in the hybridoma cell sorting mixtures improved cloning efficiency by facilitating enhanced discrimination and elimination of nonviable cells. Our results indicate that flow cytometric-assisted single cell deposition provides positive attributes of several traditional hybridoma cloning techniques and, in addition, furnishes a tool for steering the cloning process toward selection of enhanced immunoglobulin producing cultures.  相似文献   

Vectors for homologous recombination are commonly designed as replacement or integration constructs. We have evaluated integration vectors for the substitution of the immunoglobulin heavy-chain constant region by various human isotypes in mouse and rat hybridomas. It is known that under certain circumstances replacement vectors exhibit a lower target efficiency and can be incorporated by integration events. Conversely, we show here that an integration vector can undergo a replacement event despite having free homologous adjacent DNA ends, which would be expected to initiate integration according to the double-strand break repair model. Moreover, in cases of replacement recombination the 5 crossover is not necessarily located within the homology region, thereby giving rise to a truncated gene product. Whether or not the replacement leads to such deletions is clearly dependent on the isotypes involved in the targeting reaction. The fact that the vector is correctly targeted to the heavy-chain locus, but that the homology region is not always the site of recombination, points to a novel recombination mechanism that may be specific for the immunoglobulin loci and that seems to be predominant even in the presence of the free homologous adjacent ends of an integration vector. Furthermore we demonstrate that homologous recombination at the heavy-chain locus is also possible between sequences from different species. The implications of our findings for the production of chimeric antibodies are discussed.  相似文献   

A chimeric mouse variable::human constant immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene was expressed in transfected mouse Sp2/0 cells. The chimeric immunoglobulin genes were integrated in tandem in the genome of stably transformed cells. These integrated gene copies were amplified by selection with a second drug marker. The gene amplification led to an increase in the expression of chimeric heavy-chain protein. The level of gene expression appears to be related to the site of integration; a few gene copies in one transfectant can yield as much heavy-chain protein as many copies in a second transfectant. In addition, we found that an adventitious oligo(C) sequence, introduced by our method of gene construction at a site located 8 nt residues downstream from a splice acceptor, can apparently direct splicing towards a cryptic splice acceptor downstream from the oligo(C).  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the large-scale purification of light (L) and heavy (H) chain mRNAs from plasmacytomas produced in mice. Intact RNA is selectively precipitated in high yield from frozen tumors homogenized in 3 M LiCl and 6 M urea. L and H-chain mRNAs were purified by oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography and either sucrose gradient centrifugation in conditions preventing aggregation or by means of high-resolution preparative gel electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions. gamma 2a and alpha H-chain mRNAs sedimented as major components at 15.5 S and 16.5 S respectively, when L-chain mRNAs sedimented as 12-S species. H-chain mRNAs isolated by continuous elution during preparative gel electrophoresis were completely separated from both L-chain mRNA and residual 18-S rRNA, and migrated as single components of 1900 +/- 50 nucleotides on analytical denaturing gels. The partially purified H-chain mRNAs were translated into major components of molecular weights of 56,000 (gamma 2a) and 60,000 (alpha) in an mRNA-dependent rabbit reticulocyte lysate, whereas L-chain mRNAs yielded polypeptides of molecular weights of 25,000 (gamma) and 27,000 (chi). Up to 95% of the translation products directed by the purified mRNAs were immunoprecipitated using specific antisera. The purity of L and H-chain mRNAs was assessed by hybridization of corresponding cDNAs with excess recombinant plasmid DNA. The results indicated a minimum purity of 47% (gamma 2a), 62% (alpha), for H-chain mRNAs and 60% (chi), for L-chain mRNAs.  相似文献   

We have begun to purify and characterize several proteins which bind to the mouse immunoglobulin heavy-chain enhancer to understand the molecular interactions important for enhancer activity. Three proteins which bind to different sites on the immunoglobulin heavy-chain enhancer have been chromatographically separated and partially purified. One protein binds a site which has not been reported previously and does not bind to other reported protein-binding sites on the immunoglobulin heavy-chain enhancer. Binding-site boundaries for the three partially purified proteins have been precisely mapped by methylation interference, DNase I footprinting, and orthophenanthroline/copper chemical nuclease footprinting. We have also characterized these three proteins with respect to dissociation rate constants.  相似文献   

We have transferred a pSV2neo vector containing the wild-type constant region of the immunoglobulin mu gene (C mu) into the mutant hybridoma igm482, which bears a 2-bp deletion in the third constant-region exon of its haploid chromosomal mu gene (C mu 3). Independent igm482 transformants contain the wild-type immunoglobulin C mu region stably integrated in ectopic chromosomal positions. We report here that the wild-type immunoglobulin C mu region can function as the donor sequence in a gene conversion event which corrects the 2-bp deletion in the mutant igm482 chromosomal C mu 3 exon. The homologous recombination event restores normal immunoglobulin M production in the mutant cell.  相似文献   

In the production of recombinant antibodies, it is necessary to have an immunoglobulin gene promoter for driving the expression of the antibody genes. Here we describe a simple PCR method that allows cloning of the immunoglobulin genes together with their own promoters despite the fact that the sequence of the upstream part of the gene is unknown.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of an immunoglobulin kappa constant gene from NZB mouse   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
N Hozumi  R G Hawley  H Murialdo 《Gene》1981,13(2):163-172
An EcoRI fragment carrying the immunoglobulin C kappa gene and multiple J gene segments from the DNA of the NZB strain of mouse was cloned into lambda Ch 4A DNA. Subsequent characterization of the clone by heteroduplex analysis, restriction-enzyme mapping and DNA sequencing demonstrated that the organization of the J gene segments and the C kappa gene of NZB mouse was similar, if not identical, to that of DNA from the Balb/c strain of mouse. Since the amino acid sequence of the light chain of a plasmacytoma of NZB mouse shows a J region sequence different from that of Balb/c mouse, our results indicate that the new J sequence arose by somatic mutation.  相似文献   

Primer design for PCR and sequencing in high-throughput analysis of SNPs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vieux EF  Kwok PY  Miller RD 《BioTechniques》2002,(Z1):28-30, 32
To achieve high-throughput analysis of allele frequencies in human SNPs, we have developed automated methodsfor designing PCR and DNA sequencing primers. We found we could run the PCR assays at quite stringent, uniform conditions. The design process used freely available databases, including dbSNP, SNPper, and TSC, and publicly available software including RepeatMasker and Primer3. We describe parameters for the software and other considerations that increase experimental success. As anticipated. some assays filed at the design stage due primarily to the genomic locations of repetitive sequences, extreme GC content regions, or lack of sufficient sequence. However, over 23,000 assays, including 96% of those recently analyzed, have been experimentally successfuL Similar design methods could be usedfor PCR assays in any organism with substantial available sequence.  相似文献   

K B Marcu  O Valbuena  R P Perry 《Biochemistry》1978,17(9):1723-1733
A procedure is described for the isolation of highly purified heavy-chain immunoglobulin mRNAs from a variety of mouse plasmacytomas (IgA, IgG, and IgM producers). The use of fresh tissue and the rapid isolation and direct extraction of membrane-bound polyribosomes were found to be essential in obtaining large quantities of undegraded heavy-chain mRNAs. The individual mRNAs were purified by two cycles of oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography, sodium dodecyl sulfate--sucrose gradient centrifugation, and electrophoresis on 98% formamide containing polyacrylamide gels. When added to a cell-free protein-synthesizing system from wheat germ, the MPC-11 gamma2b and H2020 alpha heavy-chain mRNAs efficiently directed the synthesis of a predominant product of 55 000 molecular weight, while the synthesis of a 70 000 dalton protein in addition to other lower molecular weight polypeptides were observed with MOPC 3741 mu mRNA. All of these proteins were immunoprecipitable with class-specific heavy-chain antisera, and in the case of the gamma2b in vitro products good correspondence in a comparative trypsin--chymotrypsin fingerpring with in vivo labeled gamma2b heavy chain was observed. The gamma2b and a alpha heavy-chain mRNAs possessed a chain length of approximately 1800 nucleotides and the mu mRNA a size of approximately 2150 nucleotides when examined under stringent denaturation conditions. The purities of the alpha, gamma2b, and mu mRNAs were estimated to be 60--80%, 50--70%, and 50--83%, respectively, on the basis of their hybridization rates with cDNA probes in comparison to mRNA standards of known complexity. Heavy-chain mRNAs of the same class isolated from different mouse strains (Balb/C or NZB) display no detectable sequence differences in cross hybridization experiments, even though the cDNA--mRNA hybrids are submitted to stringent S1 nuclease digestion. These results indicate that allotypic determinants represent only a minor fraction of the heavy-chain constant region sequence in the mouse.  相似文献   

An improved electrofusion technique for production of mouse hybridoma cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J Vienken  U Zimmermann 《FEBS letters》1985,182(2):278-280
An experimental procedure is described for the reproducible production of hybridoma cells using the electrofusion technique. High yields can be obtained when fusion is performed in isotonic inositol solutions containing Ca2+ and Mg2+ in a ratio of 1:5 in the millimolar range. The hybridoma cells are transferred 10 min after the field pulse application into a balanced salt solution for 30 min at 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

The murine immunoglobulin heavy-chain (Igh) locus provides an important model for understanding the replication of tissue-specific gene loci in mammalian cells. We have observed two DNA replication programs with dramatically different temporal replication patterns for the Igh locus in B-lineage cells. In pro- and pre-B-cell lines and in ex vivo-expanded pro-B cells, the entire locus is replicated early in S phase. In three cell lines that exhibit the early-replication pattern, we found that replication forks progress in both directions through the constant-region genes, which is consistent with the activation of multiple initiation sites. In contrast, in plasma cell lines, replication of the Igh locus occurs through a triphasic pattern similar to that previously detected in MEL cells. Sequences downstream of the Igh-C alpha gene replicate early in S, while heavy-chain variable (Vh) gene sequences replicate late in S. An approximately 500-kb transition region connecting sequences that replicate early and late is replicated progressively later in S. The formation of the transition region in different cell lines is independent of the sequences encompassed. In B-cell lines that exhibit a triphasic-replication pattern, replication forks progress in one direction through the examined constant-region genes. Timing data and the direction of replication fork movement indicate that replication of the transition region occurs by a single replication fork, as previously described for MEL cells. Associated with the contrasting replication programs are differences in the subnuclear locations of Igh loci. When the entire locus is replicated early in S, the Igh locus is located away from the nuclear periphery, but when Vh gene sequences replicate late and there is a temporal-transition region, the entire Igh locus is located near the nuclear periphery.  相似文献   

Rapid cloning of any rearranged mouse immunoglobulin variable genes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Immunoglobulins (Ig) have been the focus of extensive study for several decades and have become an important research area for immunologists and molecular biologist. The use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology has accelerated the cloning, sequencing, and characterization of genes of the immune system. However, cloning and sequencing the Ig variable (V) genes using the PCR technology has been a challenging task, primarily due to the very diverse nature of Ig V region genes. We have developed a simple, rapid, and reproducible PCR-based technique to clone any rearranged mouse Ig heavy or light chain genes. A close examination of all Ig heavy and light chain V gene families has resulted in the design of 5 and 3 universal primers from regions that are highly conserved across all heavy or light chain V gene families, and the joining or constant regions, respectively. We present our strategy for designing universal primers for Ig V gene families. These primers were able to rapidly amplify the rearranged Ig V genes, belonging to diverse Ig V gene families from very different cell lines, i.e., J558, MOPC-21, 36–60, and a chicken ovalbumin specific B-cell hybridoma. In addition, the present study provides the complete alignment of nucleotide sequences of all heavy and light chain variable gene families. This powerful method of cloning Ig V genes, therefore, allows rapid and precise analysis of B-cell hybridomas, B-cell repertoire, and B-cell ontogeny.The nucloetide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the EMBL/GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number U32111  相似文献   

Whole Genome Amplification (WGA) is an important process to increase limiting amounts of genomic DNA prior to genomic analyses. Current amplification methods based on primer extension or strand displacement principles employ primers of partially or totally random sequence. In this paper, we present a method using Genetic Algorithms to optimize a single primer design to be used in a primer extension reaction to achieve unbiased WGA. Computational simulation and prediction of a suitable primer proposed two candidates NYP6-1 (ATCTCA) and NYP6-2 (TGAGAT). NYP6-1 amplified to a maximum length of 2537 base pairs (bp), had genome coverage of approximately 45.62%, with an average of 493 and variance of 163 amplicons per 1 megabasepairs (Mb). NYP6-2 amplified to a maximum length of 2926 bp and covered 54.35% of the genome with an average of 579 and a variance of 191 amplicons per Mb. In contrast, the original primer used in Degenerate Oligonucleotide-Primed PCR (DOP-PCR) had coverage of 20.93%, an average of 74 and variance of 188 amplicons per Mb when extended up to a length of 2000 bp. Successful WGA of miniscule amounts of genomic DNA requires the amplification method used to resolve issues on efficiency, accurate representation of the whole genome and ability to degraded DNA. The sequence NYP6-2 discovered using our method can be confidently used in a primer extension based protocol to perform quantitatively unbiased WGA.  相似文献   

Much of the nucleotide sequence between the start of the joining region and the end of the immunoglobulin heavy chain delta gene has already been determined. However, two gaps existed in potentially functionally important regions in this sequence: the region between the 3' end of the joining region and the heavy chain enhancer region and that between the enhancer and the mu constant region. We have determined the nucleotide sequences of these regions. The 734 bp between the joining and enhancer regions contained no additional joining regions. The 4525 bp region between the heavy chain enhancer and the mu constant region contains the mu switch region, which consists of pentameric repeats. Approximately 60% of these repeats are GGGCT and GAGCT. With the determination of these sequences, the entire region of the heavy chain locus starting upstream of the joining region to downstream of the last exon of the delta constant region (a total of more than 29 kb) has now been sequenced.  相似文献   

Approximately 2% of the DNA of the mouse genome reassociates at infinitely low C 0 t values, 10-7 to 10-6 moles 1-1 s. The melting profile of the reassociation product, which is resistant to nuclease S1 digestion, has been characterized by hydroxyapatite column chromatography. The properties of these nuclease resistant sequences suggest that they exist as DNA-hairpins and that they originate from reverted base sequences within the genome.  相似文献   

A lipase gene from a thermophilic Bacillus sp. TG43, whose product showed optimal activity at alkaline pH, was cloned using a lambda expression library. Consensus PCR primers were designed based on a DNA sequence alignment of the cloned lipase with two other homologous lipases reported in the literature. The consensus primers allowed rapid cloning and expression of several novel lipases from DNA of both pure cultures of Bacillus and biomass from thermophilic environmental samples.  相似文献   

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