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A laboratory study was conducted in order to determine the influence of the oviposition deterring pheromone (ODP) upon the distribution of eggbatches and eggs by Pieris brassicae females. This pheromone is known to be associated with eggs. Butterflies were offered a choice between cabbage leaves treated in various ways with the ODP and control leaves. The presence of intact conspecific eggs on the treated leaf appeared to have a moderate deterrent effect upon oviposition. An aqueous solution of the ODP, obtained by washing eggs in distilled water was found to have a somewhat higher deterrent effect. Most effective in deterrence of oviposition, however, appeared to be a washing of P. brassicae eggs in methanol. Such a methanol solution can be stored at low temperatures for at least three years without loosing activity. Application of eggwash to either the upper or lower surface of the leaf does not make any difference to females. Percentage deterrence was found to increase with the concentration of eggwash. At very low concentrations no significant difference could be observed anymore in the numbers of eggbatches and eggs laid on control and treated leaf. On the other hand, even very high concentrations of methanol eggwash do not fully protect cabbage leaves against oviposition. Washing P. brassicae eggs seven times consecutively in methanol, a series of pheromone solutions is obtained, all of them were found to possess a high deterrent activity. Although percentage deterrence slowly decreases in subsequent washings, the seventh eggwash sprayed onto cabbage leaves still resulted in less than one quarter of the total number of eggbatches and eggs being laid on the treated leaf.
Résumé Des expériences de laboratoire ont été réalisées pour déterminer d'influence d'une phéromone dissuasive de la ponte (ODP) sur la distribution des ooplaques et des oeufs de Pieris brassicae. Cette phéromone est connue comme associée aux oeufs. Les papillons ont eu le choix entre des feuilles de chou traitées de différentes façons avec ODP et des feuilles témoins. La présence d'oeufs intacts de la même espèce sur les feuilles a un effet dissuasif modéré sur la ponte. Une solution aqueuse d'ODP, obtenue par lavage des oeufs à l'eau distillée est quelque peu dissuasive. Le lavage des oeufs de P. brassicae au méthanol est apparu comme le plus dissuasif. Une telle solution au méthanol peut être stockée à basse température au moins 3 ans sans perte de son pouvoir. Les applications de l'eau de rinçage sur les faces supérieures ou inférieures des feuilles induisent le même comportement des femelles. L'effet dissuasif augmente avec la concentration de l'eau de rinçage; aux très faibles concentrations, aucune différence significative n'a pu être observée avec les témoins quant au nombre d'ooplaques et d'oeufs. Par ailleurs, même aux très hautes concentrations du méthanol, l'eau de rinçage n'inhibe pas totalement la ponte sur les feuilles de chou. En lavant 7 fois consécutives les oeufs de P. brassicae dans le méthanol, on obtient une série de solutions de phéromones, dont chacune possède un fort pouvoir dissuasif. Bien que l'effet dissuasif diminue lentement avec des rinçages successifs, la pulvérisation du septième rinçage sur les feuilles de chou réduit encore à moins du quart le nombre total d'ooplaques et des oeufs pondus sur la feuille traitée.

Summary Electron microscopy was used to study the developmental changes in the pupal labial palp of Pieris rapae L. and P. brassicae L. prior to axogenesis of the peripheral receptor organs. Two cells emigrate from the anlage of the labial palp-pit organ (LPPO). They develop growth cones and filopodia, which are directed distally. The filopodia insert into stem cells of the LPPO. The perikarya of the cells proceed into the hemolymph space of the palp such that, eventually, these cells bridge the gap between the LPPO and the apical scolopidial organ (ASO) of the labial palp. This bridge is established at about 11% of total pupal development. Only 6 h later, at 15% of pupal development, the cells are no longer visible. We suggest that these cells are luminal neurons and name them pit-organ luminal (POL) cells. These POL cells may act as primary guiding structures for the axons of the sensory cells of the LPPO, which are assumed to orientate along this structure once they reach the ASO.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (H.A.: SFB4/G1).  相似文献   

Oviposition responses ofPieris rapae L. andP. napi oleracea Harris to nine crucifers, one Capparidaceae and one Tropaeolaceae were directly compared under controlled conditions. Chemical fractions from these plants were also tested on both insects for the presence of oviposition stimulants or deterrents. The results showed that plant chemistry is a key factor in differential selection of potential hosts by thesePieris species. Some plant species were equally acceptable to bothPieris species. However,P. rapae preferred cabbage over most test plants whereasP. napi oleracea strongly preferred plant species that were avoided byP. rapae. The observed preferences were explained in most cases by the presence of stimulants and deterrents in extracts of the plants. The twoPieris species have apparently evolved differential sensitivities to the chemical stimuli that trigger or deter oviposition. The balance of positively and negatively interpreted sensory signals evoked by plant chemicals obviously plays an important role in acceptance or rejection of a plant by both species. The role of specific glucosinolates and differing structure-activity relationships is suggested.  相似文献   

The suitability of different host plants for Pieris rapae L. in the South of the Iberian Peninsula, was studied in relation to host plant phenology, female behaviour, and larval development. Capparis spinosa is the only host plant available during the dry season of the year in the area studied. D. virgata, R. raphanistrum, H. incana and S. alba being suitable spring hosts. Comparative studies on mortality, larval development and larval growth between C. spinosa and the spring hosts revealed no significant differences.
Résumé L'adéquation de différentes plantes comme hôtes de P. rapae a été examinée en fonction de la phénologie des végétaux, du comportement de la femelle et du développement larvaire dans le sud de la péninsule ibérique. Pendant la saison sèche, C. spinosa est la seule plant convenable dans la zone étudiée. Diplotaxis virgata, Raphanus raphanistrum, Hirschfeldia incana et Sinapis alba sont des hôtes printaniers convenables. La mortalité, le développement et la croissance larvaires ne sont pas différentes sur C. spinosa et sur les hôtes de printemps.

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to detect remains of Pieris rapae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) immature stages in the guts of field collected arthropod predators. The assay can be used to help ascertain the relative importance of arthropod predator species in suppressing P. rapae in cabbage, Brassica oleracea var. capitata L. The ELISA is sensitive to all immature stages of P. rapae, although first and fifth instars can be detected more readily than eggs or pupae and third instars showed intermediate detectability. Assays on whole body homogenates of predators readily detected predation on P. rapae first instars by all seven of the predator species tested, although response generally declined with increasing predator size. Together the results show that the P. rapae ELISA possesses a sufficiently high level of sensitivity and specificity to be a useful tool in helping to elucidate the roles of arthropod predator species in reducing populations of P. rapae in cabbage.  相似文献   

Oviposition by Pieris rapae L. on cabbage was deterred by homogenized cabbage tissue sprayed onto intact plants. Ether extracts of cabbage also were deterrent, but water extracts were not. Hexane extracts of other host plants deterred oviposition and water extracts had little or no effect. Polar as well as non-polar extracts of non-host plants inhibited oviposition. Polar deterrents in the non-host crucifers, Erysimum cheiranthoides and Capsella bursa-pastoris may explain the avoidance of these plants by P. rapae. Chemical deterrents, as well as stimulants, apparently play a major role in the acceptance or rejection of plants as hosts by ovipositing female butterflies.
Zusammenfassung Die Eiablage von Pieris rapae auf Kohl wurde gehemmt von einem Homogenisat aus Kohlblättern, das auf intakte Pflanzen gesprüht wurde. Ether-Extrakte der Kohlblätter wirkten im Gegensatz zu Wasserextrakten abschreckend. Ebenso zeigten Hexanextrakte anderer Wirtspflanzen eine hemmende Wirkung auf die Eiablage, während Wasserextrakte anderer Wirtspflanzen keine Wirkung aufwiesen. Dagegen aber verhinderten sowohl polare als auch unpolare Extrakte von Nicht-Wirtspflanzen die Eiablagen. Polare, abschreckende Substanzen in den Nicht-Wirtspflanzen Erysimum cheiranthoides und Capsella bursa-pastoris (Cruciferae) könnten Ursache dafür sein, dass P. rapae diese Pflanzen meidet. Chemische Substanzen mit sowohl abschreckender als auch stimulierender Wirkung spielen offensichtlich eine bedeutende Rolle für legebereite Schmetterlingsweibchen bei der Auswahl von Pflanzen als geeigneten Eiablageplatz.

Summary The retinal morphology of the butterfly, Pieris rapae L., was investigated using light and electron microscopy with special emphasis on the morphology and distribution of its screening pigments. Pigment migration in pigment and retinula cells was analysed after light-dark adaptation and after different selective chromatic adaptations. The primary pigment cells with white to yellow-green pigments symmetrically surround the cone process and the distal half of the crystalline cone, whilst the six secondary pigment cells, around each ommatidium, contain dark brown pigment granules. The nine retinula cells in one ommatidium can be categorised into four types. Receptor cells 1–4, which have microvilli in the distal half of the ommatidium only, contain numerous dark brown pigment granules. On the basis of the pigment content and morphology of their pigment granules, two distal groups of cells, cells 1, 2 and cells 3, 4 can be distinguished. The four diagonally arranged cells (5–8), with rhabdomeric structures and pigments in the proximal half of the cells, contain small red pigment granules of irregular shape. The ninth cell, which has only a small number of microvilli, lacks pigment. Chromatic adaptation experiments in which the location of retinula cell pigment granules was used as a criterium reveal two UV-receptors (cells 1 and 2), two green receptors (cells 3 and 4) and four cells (5–8) containing the red screening pigment, with a yellow-green sensitivity.  相似文献   

Summary Due to its close structural homology with the 4K prothoracicotropic hormone isolated from Bombyx mori, we tested the ability of vertebrate insulin to break pupal diapause in a Lepidopteran, Pieris brassicae. Injection of 5g of bovine insulin in diapausing pupae led to diapause termination and synchronous adult eclosion; the effect of insulin was dose-dependent. Bovine insulin-A chain and B chain injected separately failed to show any biological activity suggesting that the intact structure of the molecule is required. Bovine insulin also promoted adult development of decapitated diapausing animals. We show that insulin triggers a reactivation of the neuroendocrine system leading to a neosynthesis of ecdysone beginning 6 days after treatment. This neosynthesis also occurred in beheaded animals suggesting that insulin stimulates the prothoracic glands without acting via the brain.  相似文献   

Summary The photoreceptors in the compound eye of a cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae, were examined by conventional and intracellular-labeling electron microscopy by the use of the cobalt(III)-lysine complex as an ionized marker. Five types of spectral sensitivity were recorded intracellularly in electrophysiological experiments. They peaked at about 340, 380, 480, 560 and 620 nm, respectively. One of the distal retinula cells (R2) was a UV receptor, whereas the R4 distal retinula cell was a green receptor. The basal retinula cell, R9, was found to be a red receptor; it was localized near the basement membrane, having a bilobed cell body with an individual nucleus in each lobe. A small number of rhabdomere microvilli were present in a narrow cytoplasmic bridge connecting the two lobes. The axons of six retinula cells (R3–R8) in each ommatidium terminated at the cartridge in the lamina (short visual fiber), whereas those of the other three retinula cells, R1, R2 and R9, extended to the medulla (long visual fiber). The information from the UV and red receptors is therefore probably delivered directly to the medulla neurons, independent of that from the other spectral receptor types.  相似文献   

The large white butterfly (Pieris brassicae L) first invaded northernmost Japan from Siberia around 1994, and after a few years, began to expand its range. The wasp, Cotesia glomerata (L) parasitizes larvae of the small white butterfly (Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval), a usual host in the same geographic area. Some Pieris brassicae larvae in Hokkaido have been parasitized by Cotesia glomerata, but the parasitism rate of Pieris brassicae larvae tends to be lower than that of Pieris rapae. To examine the process of parasitizing Pieris brassicae larvae, we observed how the parasitoid wasp responded to the host larvae on damaged leaves. Cotesia glomerata females tended to avoid Pieris brassicae larvae, and even when female wasps inserted their ovipositors into Pieris brassicae larvae, none laid eggs. The parasitoids obtained from Pieris rapae larvae failed to parasitize Pieris brassicae during the host-acceptance step.  相似文献   

Perception of the oviposition deterring pheromone by contact chemoreceptors in female Pieris brassicae was studied employing a tip recording technique. Electrophysiological responses of tarsal taste hairs to eggwash solutions show a marked increase in frequency of spikes originating from only one sensory cell. This suggests that in foretarsal taste hairs females, apart from the glucosinolate cells also possess sense cells specifically sensitive to the oviposition deterring pheromone.Morphological studies by means of the scanning electron microscope revealed that the ovipositor of P. brassicae is provided with two groups of contact chemoreceptors. Electrophysiological recordings from these sensilla indicate the presence of at least three sensory cells, one of them being a mechanoreceptor. Stimulation with eggwash evokes a slight increase in spike frequency which cannot be ascribed to one particular sense cell. This indicates that abdominal taste hairs in some way may participate in the perception of the oviposition deterring pheromone. Responses to glucosinolates do not differ significantly from control stimulations.
Résumé Une technique d'enregistrement apical a été utilisée pour examiner la perception d'une phéromone dissuadant la ponte par les poils récepteurs chimiques de contact des femelles de Pieris brassicae. Les réponses électrophysiologiques des poils gustatifs des tarses en présence de solutions de rinçage d'oeufs présentent une fréquence marquée des potentiels d'action provenant principalement d'une cellule sensorielle. Ceci suggère que les poils gustatifs des tarses des pattes antérieures des femelles possèdent, en plus de cellules répondant aux glucosinolates, des cellules sensorielles sensibles spécialement à la phéromone dissuadant la ponte.Des études morphologiques au microscope à balayage révèlent que l'oviposition de P. brassicae est pourvu de deux groupes de chimiorécepteurs de contact. Des enregistrements électrophysiologiques de ces sensilles révèlent la présence d'au moins trois cellules sensorielles, l'une d'entre elles étant un mécanorécepteur. La stimulation avec la solution de rinçage des oeufs évoque un léger accroissement de la fréquence des potentiels d'action qui ne peut être attribué à une cellule sensorielle particulière. Ceci indique que les poils gustatifs abdominaux peuvent participer d'une certaine façon à la perception de la phéromone dissuadant la ponte. Les réponses aux glucosinolates ne diffèrent pas significativement des stimulations témoin.

Pieris rapae curucivora Boisduval is a major cause of damage to important Brassicaceae vegetable crops. The method of host landing plant selection by adult females was investigated by covering cabbage (host) and lettuce (non-host) plants to block visual and/or olfactory signals, and also by using volatile extracts of both plants.  相似文献   

Pieris rapae larvae secrete small oil droplets from their dorsal setae, which adhere to objects that touch them. The function of the droplets was studied in terms of both generalist and specialist predators. We tested the function of the droplets against ants under laboratory and field conditions. In the laboratory observation, Formica japonica ants that touched the larvae with their antennae initiated antennal cleaning and did not prey on the larvae. In the field, predation pressure by ants on larvae with oil droplets was significantly lower than on larvae from which oil droplets were removed. Thus, we concluded that the droplets had a defensive function. By contrast, oviposition by Cotesia glomerata, the specialist parasitic wasp of P. rapae larvae, was not affected by the presence of oil droplets. Furthermore, the wasps exhibited searching behavior and oviposition behavior towards filter paper which had been impregnated with the droplets substance, suggesting that the oil functions as a host-searching cue and an oviposition stimulant for C. glomerata. According to these results, the functions of the droplets are discussed with regard to the prey–predator interaction.  相似文献   

The relative suitability of four host plants was determined both for unparasitized Pieris brassicae L. caterpillars and for Cotesia glomerata (L.) developing in P. brassicae. For unparasitized P. brassicae, growth rate and pupal weight were highest on Brussels sprouts and Swedish turnip, intermediate on rape, and lowest on nasturtium. In contrast, C. glomerata larval developmental rate and adult longevity were greatest for wasps from P. brassicae reared on nasturtium.On all four plants, the host-parasitoid complex attained a lower final weight than unparasitized P. brassicae, and it is argued that this difference is due primarily to reduced consumption by parasitized P. brassicae. Among parasitized caterpillars, however, complex weight was positively correlated with clutch size, suggesting that C. glomerata larvae are able to partially counteract the effect of parasitization per se on host consumption.The host plants of P. brassicae appear to face an evolutionary dilemma: in order to increase the total mass of parasitoids produced, they must suffer greater loss of foliage. This trade-off, if common in nature, may represent a formidable constraint on coevolution between host plants and parasitoids.  相似文献   

In contrast to the situation with egg-larval and larval endoparasitic wasps, little is known about the effects of pupal endoparasitoids and their secretions on the hemocytes of their insect hosts. This study focuses on the pupal endoparasitoid, Pteromalus puparum, and its host, the small white butterfly, Pieris rapae. Parasitism by P. puparum, resulted in a significant increase in the total number of host hemocytes up to day five after parasitization. From day one to day four after parasitization, the percentage of plasmatocytes significantly decreased, and the proportion of granular cells increased. Moreover, from 12 h to day three after parasitization, hemocyte mortality in parasitized pupae was noticeably higher. When P. rapae pupae were parasitized by adult females of P. puparum irradiated by gamma-ray (pseudoparasitization), it was clear that the treated wasps could induce similar hemocyte changes. However, such phenomena did not occur in punctured host pupae (mimic-parasitization). After treatment with P. puparum venom, both the percentages of spreading plasmatocytes and encapsulated Sephadex G-25 beads were lessened significantly in vitro. Electron microscopy analysis and visualization of hemocyte F-actin with phalloidin-FITC showed that hemocytes treated with venom had a rounded configuration and neither spread nor extended pseudopods, while there was no marked alteration of hemocyte cytoskeletons after venom treatment. The results suggested that venom of P. puparum could actively suppress the hemocyte immune response of its host, but not by destroying the host hemocyte cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Die von Apanteles glomeratus L. parasitierten Raupen von Pieris brassicae zeigen in Abhängigkeit des Parasitierungstermins eine deutliche Veränderung des Juvenilhormon (JH)-Titer-Verlaufs während des letzten Larvenstadiums. Dabei tritt ein steiler Anstieg des JH-Gehaltes der Wirtshämolymphe im Zusammenhang mit der Häutung der Parasitenlarven vom 1. zum 2. Larvenstadium auf. Aufgrund von Ligations-experimenten konnte nachgewiesen werden, daß die Parasitenlarven selbst für den erhöhten JH-Titer ihrer Wirtsraupen verantwortlich sind, indem sie während ihrer Häutungsphase anscheinend JH in die Wirtshämolymphe abgeben.Eine durch die Parasitierung gesteigerte Syntheseaktivität läßt sich aus den Befunden histologischer Schnitte der Corpora allata frühparasitierter Raupen nicht feststellen. Dagegen weisen die Prothoraxdrüsen parasitierter Raupen zur Mitte des letzten Stadiums eine deutlich kleinere Querschnittsfläche auf als unparasitierte Tiere. Eine dadurch im Zusammenhang mit dem erhöhten JH-Titer bestehende Beziehung zur Häutungsunfähigkeit parasitierter Pieris-Raupen am Ende des letzten Larvenstadiums wird diskutiert.
Summary The effects of parasitism by Apanteles glomeratus on the hemolymph juvenile hormone (JH) titers of Pieris brassicae during the last larval instar were determined using the Galleria bioassay.Depending on the time of parasitization, a significant increase of the JH titer could be observed when moulting of the parasites from the first to the second larval instar occurred.As neck-ligatured, parasitized Pieris larvae showed a similar increase of the JH titer at this time, it is concluded that the parasite larvae themselves are responsible for the elevation of the titer by delivering JH during their ecdysis into the host's hemolymph.This is supported by histological results from the corpora allata of parasitized and unparasitized caterpillars at the first and third day of the last larval instar, indicating no differences in its secretory activity. The prothoracid glands of parasitized host larvae, however, appear significantly smaller than those of comparable unparasitized ones in the middle of the last instar. A reduced secretory activity at this time, which is assumed from their decreased size, combined with an elevated JH titer may explain why parasitized larvae fail to moult at the end of their larval development.

Pieris rapae (L.) an important pest of cole crops in the northeastern United States, is susceptible to a granulosis virus,Pieris rapae GV (PrGV), that has been shown to be an effective control measure by researchers in several countries. As an alternative to weekly applications of virus to protect cabbage, we tested the use of an action threshold of one small (first-third instar) larva per plant. Results were compared with those obtained using the same threshold with permethrin, and with weekly applications of virus. Plots treated weekly with virus received 5 applications but the action threshold was exceeded only once. In all virus-treated plots, numbers of large (fourth-fifth instar) larvae remained below 0.35 per plant, and were lower at the end of the season (0.07 in plots treated weekly and 0.1 in plots treated once) than in either the untreated or permethrin-treated plots (0.5). In late August, numbers of large larvae in the check plots reached almost 3 per plant. At harvest the number of feeding holes over 0.3 cm in diameter in the 4 innermost frame and the 4 wrapper leaves were counted. Check plots differed from treated plots by an average of 124.2±6.5 holes per plant in the frame and wrapper leave; virus-treated plots had 51.1±6.9 holes more than the permethrin plots. The difference in overall damage between plots treated 5 times with virus during the season and those treated once was not significant. Plots treated once with virus had significantly more damage (7.6±2.7) to wrapper leaves than those treated five times and marketability ratings were somewhat lower, based on fresh market standards. There were no significant differences in head weight among the treatments. At harvest, a high proportion of larvae collected from the check plots were diseased (77% versus an average of 46% in the treated plots). Because of the high numbers of large larvae in the check plots in late August and the extensive damage to plants, we assumed that virus did not affect a significant number of larvae in these plots until late in the growing season. These results indicate the usefulness of PrGV in a cabbage IPM program and that the use of action thresholds can be highly effective, particularly when insect numbers only occasionally reach damaging levels. While cabbage treated with permethrin had the least amount of injury, that treated weekly with virus was not significantly different by fresh market standards, and all cabbages treated with virus met processing standards. For the fresh market, in which cosmetic standards are more important, PrGV may have to be used weekly or with an action threshold lower than one small larva per plant.   相似文献   

Although oviposition behavior of butterflies has been studied extensively, physiological parameters that may affect various aspects of female behavior have been overlooked almost completely. The number of mature eggs carried by a female Battus philenorgreatly affects her behavior at any particular time. Females with many eggs search significantly more for host plants than females with fewer eggs, which tend to rest more. Parameters affecting the number of mature eggs are also studied.  相似文献   

Summary Amino acids occur in most floral nectars but their role in pollinator attraction is relatively unstudied. Nectars of butterfly-pollinated flower tend to have higher concentrations of amino acids than do flowers pollinated by bees and many other animals, suggesting that amino acids are important attractants of butterflies to flowers. In order to determine whether amino acids are important in attracting butterflies and bees, we tested the preference of cabbage white butterflies (Pieris rapae) and honey bees (Apis mellifera) by allowing them to feed from artificial flowers containing sugar-only or sugar-amino acid mimics ofLantana camara nectar. Honey bees and female cabbage white butterflies consumed more sugar-amino acid nectar than sugar-only nectar. In addition, female cabbage white butterflies visited artificial flowers containing sugar-amino acid nectars more frequently than flowers containing sugar-only nectars; honey bees spent more time consuming the sugar-amino acid nectar. Male cabbage white butterflies did not discriminate between the two nectars. These results support the hypothesis that the amino acids of nectar contribute to pollinator attraction and/or feeding.  相似文献   

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