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As an adjunct to existing thin layer and column chromatographic methods for the identification of glycolipids a method that utilizes the high pH anion chromatographic (HPAEC) analysis of the oligosaccharides released from the glycolipids by endoglycoceramidase has been developed. Using a Dionex Carbo Pak PA1 column and elution with a linear gradient of sodium acetate in 0.2M NaOH, the elution times of eight neutral and fourteen acidic oligosaccharides derived from glycolipids were determined. Under these conditions the neutral oligosaccharides were well separated from each other but some of the acidic oligosaccharides had overlapping elution times. The ganglioside-derived oligosaccharides could be further identified by treating them with sialidase or by mild acid hydrolysis and reanalysing the products by HPAEC. The method was applied to the analysis of mixed bovine brain gangliosides. The procedure provides an additional approach for the initial identification of glycolipids by analysing the component oligosaccharides rather than the intact glycolipids.  相似文献   

High performance anion exchange chromatography on pellicular ion exchange resins under high pH conditions with detection of sugars using a pulsed amperometric detector has been developed as a method for the separation and analysis of reduced oligosaccharides liberated from mucins by alkaline borohydride treatment. Ovine, bovine and porcine submaxillary mucins were used as models to develop the method. Although neutral reduced di-to tetraoligosaccharides were poorly retained on the column, a variety of sialylated reduced oligosaccharides could be separated efficiently. Treatment of the samples with sialidase and rechromatography identified the sialylated compounds in the elution profile. A striking finding was the greatly delayed elution times given byN-glycolylneuraminic acid containing compounds in comparison with the correspondingN-acetylneuraminic acid containing analogues. The elution profiles for the product from the mucins closely corresponded to those expected for the major oligosaccharides from these mucins. The procedures described will be useful for analysing sialomucins on a microscale without resorting to radiolabelling procedures.  相似文献   

In the present study a HPAEC-PAD method is described that was developed for monitoring the consistency of N-glycosylation during the production and purification of recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies. The method successfully separated 18 neutral and sialylated oligosaccharides. Results obtained were compared with MALDI-TOF MS and it was shown that both methods gave similar results. In addition, a method validation was performed showing that the HPAEC-PAD analysis was well suited for the mapping and characterization of oligosaccharides. The method was found to be robust and additionally the precision was significantly better compared to the MALDI-TOF MS method.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein sialylation analysis is a common analytical step in characterizing biotherapeutic products and expression experiments to optimize production. In this article, a high-throughput (5-min) high-performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAE–PAD)-based analytical method for glycoprotein sialic acid determination is described. Results from this method are compared with both published HPAE–PAD and 1,2-diamino-4,5-methylenedioxybenzene (DMB) derivatization followed by ultra high-performance liquid chromatography fluorescence detection (UHPLC–FLD) assays. The quantified sialic acid amounts agree with prior HPAE–PAD analyses within replicate error and with UHPLC–FLD within an average of 24%, which are equivalent results based on assay reproducibility.  相似文献   

An alternativeN-glycosylation pathway using Glc1–3Man5GlcNAc2 as a donor to be transferred to a protein acceptor is found either in Man-P-Dol synthase deficient cells or in wild type CHO cells grown in energy deprivation conditions. Discrimination between oligomannosides of this alternative pathway and oligomannosides of the major one containing the same number of sugar residues Man6–8GlcNAc2 required structural studies. Taking advantage of the specific chromatographic behaviour of glucosylated oligomannosides, in pellicular high pH anion exchange chromatography, we developed a one-step method for the identification of the alternativeN-glycosylation pathway compounds differing from those of the major one.Abbreviations HPAEC high pH anion exchange chromatography - endo H endo betaN-acetylglucosaminidase H - PNGaseF peptideN-glycosidase F - M2 Man2GlcNAc2 - M4 Man4GlcNAc2 - M5 Man5GlcNAc2 - G1M5 Glc1Man5GlcNAc2 - G2M5 Glc2Man5GlcNAc2 - G3M5 Glc3Man5GlcNAc2 - M6 Man6GlcNAc2 - M8 Man8GlcNAc2 - M9 Man9GlcNAc2 - G1M9 Glc1Man9GlcNAc2 - G2M9 Glc2Man9GlcNAc2 - G3M9 Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

Bile acids and their conjugated forms may be separated by anion-exchange chromatography in alkaline media (0.9 M sodium acetate, 0.1 M sodium hydroxide, 15% v/v acetonitrile) on a CarboPac PA-100 column. The efflient was monitored at high sensitivity, with detection limits of less than 10 μM, using a pulsed amperometric detector. Free bile acids and their glyco- and tauro-conjugated forms were separated and detected within 40 min under isocratic conditions.  相似文献   

A rapid and sensitive assay for individual uronic acids has been developed based on their separation on a 0.5 × 22-cm column of Aminex A-25 in 0.12 m Tris-acetate buffer, pH 7.4. Quantification of these sugars is accomplished by coupling the column to the analytical portion of a Technicon sugar analyzer. Each determination is complete in 3 hr, and as little as 25 nmol of uronic acid can be measured with accuracy.  相似文献   

目的以辛酸沉淀结合离子交换层析纯化破伤风抗毒素马免疫血浆,获得高质量的马IgG,为抗毒素F(ab')2的制备奠定基础。方法通过对辛酸沉淀马血浆过程中的pH、辛酸浓度以及血浆稀释倍数的实验设计(DoE),研究不同条件对IgG纯度、效价、比活性、浊度以及过滤速度的影响,确定各工艺参数的可操作区间,并结合Capto DEAE阴离子交换层析以流穿模式进一步纯化IgG。结果马血浆经一步辛酸沉淀获得的IgG纯度(SDSPAGE)大于92%、分子排阻色谱(SEC)纯度大于95%,比活性较血浆提高2.14±0.29倍;辛酸沉淀后的IgG样品经阴离子交换层析,可有效去除聚合体以及小分子杂质,将纯度提高至95%(SDS-PAGE)和98%(SEC)。结论马血浆经辛酸沉淀和阴离子交换层析可获得高纯度、高比活的IgG。  相似文献   

Neutral reduced oligosaccharides are in general not sufficiently retained to achieve adequate separation and reproducible chromatography using high-pH anion-exchange chromatography. We describe a method to increase the retention using two columns in series. This method has been applied to the separation of oligosaccharides purified from human meconium glycoproteins, obtained as their alditols after alkaline-borohydride release of oligosaccharides. The neutral oligosaccharide alditols were significantly retained upon two CarboPac PA-100 columns, connected in series, and eluted in 80 mM sodium hydroxide between 4 and 10 min. Three sialylated alditols studied were substantially retained and could be eluted in a gradient of 0–500 mM sodium acetate—80 mM sodium hydroxide between 10 and 45 min. The elution patterns were based on their size, charge and linkage, such that oligosaccharide alditol isomers could be separated.  相似文献   

High performance liquid chromatography is of increasing importance in the purification of nucleic acids. Recently, a new anion exchange column called Gen-Pak FAX has been introduced for this purpose. Previously, it has been used in the purification of restriction fragments and oligonucleotides. In this paper we present the use of the Gen-Pak FAX column for the purification of plasmids from crude E. coli lysates. The different conformational forms of the plasmid can be well separated and collected with high recoveries of both mass and activity. Up to 50 micrograms of supercoiled plasmid can be purified in a single 30 min run with up to 98% purity.  相似文献   

M13 is a non-lytic filamentous bacteriophage (phage). It has been used widely in phage display technology for displaying foreign peptides, and also for studying macromolecule structures and interactions. Traditionally, this phage has been purified by cesium chloride (CsCl) density gradient ultracentrifugation which is highly laborious and time consuming. In the present study, a simple, rapid and efficient method for the purification of M13 based on anion exchange chromatography was established. A pre-packed SepFast™ Super Q column connected to a fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) system was employed to capture released phages in clarified Escherichia coli fermented broth. An average yield of 74% was obtained from a packed bed mode elution using citrate buffer (pH 4), containing 1.5 M NaCl at 1 ml/min flow rate. The purification process was shortened substantially to less than 2 h from 18 h in the conventional ultracentrifugation method. SDS-PAGE revealed that the purity of particles was comparable to that of CsCl gradient density ultracentrifugation method. Plaque forming assay showed that the purified phages were still infectious.  相似文献   

A complex polydispersity became apparent when the poly(glycerophosphate) lipoteichoic acid of Enterococcus faecalis was chromatographed on DEAE-sephadex. The chain length varied between 13 and 33 glycerophosphate residues per lipid anchor. In parallel, the extent of chain glycosylation increased from 0.2 to 0.4 diglucosyl residues per glycerophosphate unit. Substitution with D-alanine ester showed a reverse distribution dropping with increasing chain length from 0.53 to 0.23 mol D-alanine per mol phosphorus. Variations in the fatty acid composition were also observed. The results extent and modify the current picture of lipoteichoic acid biosynthesis. They further suggest that during infection the mammalian organism may be confronted particularly with long-chain less hydrophobic molecular species.  相似文献   

High-temperature gas chromatography and gas chromatography-inass spectrometry for the analyses of oligosaccharides derived from glycoproteins or glycosphingolipids has been developed. Pcrmethylatcd oligosaccharides with up to about 12 sugar residues and masses up to 2500 Daltons can be analyzed. This approach is discussed and exemplified.  相似文献   

A review is presented of recent developments in the area of analysis of amino acid–carbohydrate mixtures. Based on its broad selectivity, the AminoPac PA10 column exhibits a remarkable capability to perform simultaneous separations of amino acids and carbohydrates. This ability is further enhanced by the equal sensitivity for carbohydrates and amino acids exhibited by the “amino acid” integrated pulsed electrochemical detection (IPAD) waveforms. Equimolar levels of carbohydrates and amino acids are separated either by optimized elution gradients alone or by a combination of modified gradients and a bi-modal IPAD waveform. Samples containing large amounts of carbohydrates may be analyzed after suitable sample preparation. Both a manual off-line method and a fully automatic on-line method are discussed. In addition, we will review the application of these methods to various types of samples, including cell culture media, glycoprotein hydrolysates, beverages, condiments and soil extracts.  相似文献   

The microheterogeneity seen when rat androgen-binding protein (rABP) is analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is attributable, at least in part, to the differential glycosylation of a single promoter. Further insight into the chemical nature of the oligosaccharide units on rABP was obtained by serial lectin chromatography. When rABP was chromatographed on immobilized Concanavalin A (Con-A), it was fractionated into three classes: (1) one that did not bind to the lectin (about 44% of the rABP), (2) one that was bound and could be eluted with 10 mM 1-O-methyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside (glucoside), about 34%, and (3) one that could be eluted with 0.5 M methyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (mannoside), about 23%. Binding to Con-A indicates the presence of asparagine-linked oligosaccharides. Chromatography of the glucoside-eluted peak on lentil lectin (LcH) indicated that the rABP in that fraction contained a fucose residue on the chitobiose core. Chromatography of the mannoside-eluted peak on wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) indicated the presence of rABP with high mannose- (44%) and hybrid-type (56%) glycans attached. Chromatography on Ricinus communis I (RCA-I) lectin indicated a species containing galactosylated complex-type oligosaccharide chains. Treatment of rABP forms with exoglycosidases confirmed the presence of externally disposed fucose, sialic acid, mannose, and galactose residues. LcH chromatography indicated that about 30% of the rABP that did not bind to Con-A possessed triantennary oligosaccharides with fucose on the chitobiose core. About 28% of the rABP was retarded when it was chromatographed on Phaseolus vulgaris E lectin, suggesting the presence of bisected biantennary chains with terminal galactose residues. We were unable to detect rABP species with serine- or threonine-linked oligosaccharide chains in this fraction. Other forms of rABP in the nonretained fraction of Con-A were not resolved. Western blotting did not reveal major differences in relative molecular weight (Mr) among the rABP species; some differences in the ratio of the heavy to the light subunit of the molecule were detectable.  相似文献   

Weak partitioning chromatography (WPC) is an isocratic chromatographic protein separation method performed under mobile phase conditions where a significant amount of the product protein binds to the resin, well in excess of typical flowthrough operations. The more stringent load and wash conditions lead to improved removal of more tightly binding impurities, although at the cost of a reduction in step yield. The step yield can be restored by extending the column load and incorporating a short wash at the end of the load stage. The use of WPC with anion exchange resins enables a two-column cGMP purification platform to be used for many different mAbs. The operating window for WPC can be easily established using high throughput batch-binding screens. Under conditions that favor very strong product binding, competitive effects from product binding can give rise to a reduction in column loading capacity. Robust performance of WPC anion exchange chromatography has been demonstrated in multiple cGMP mAb purification processes. Excellent clearance of host cell proteins, leached Protein A, DNA, high molecular weight species, and model virus has been achieved.  相似文献   

NPΔc375 is a truncated version of the nucleocapsid protein of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) which self‐assembles into a long helical structure. A packed bed anion exchange chromatography (PB‐AEC), SepFastTM Supor Q pre‐packed column, was used to purify NPΔc375 from clarified feedstock. This PB‐AEC column adsorbed 76.2% of NPΔc375 from the clarified feedstock. About 67.5% of the adsorbed NPΔc375 was successfully eluted from the column by applying 50 mM Tris‐HCl elution buffer supplemented with 0.5 M NaCl at pH 7. Thus, a recovery yield of 51.4% with a purity of 76.7% which corresponds to a purification factor of 6.5 was achieved in this PB‐AEC operation. Electron microscopic analysis revealed that the helical structure of the NPΔc375 purified by SepFastTM Supor Q pre‐packed column was as long as 490 nm and 22–24 nm in diameter. The antigenicity of the purified NPΔc375 was confirmed by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29: 564–567, 2013  相似文献   

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