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利用113份芥菜型油菜,运用典范相关分析方法,对西藏及周边地区芥菜型油菜的产量性状、主茎性状、分枝性状、角果性状等4组性状间的典范相关关系进行了比较研究。结果表明:(1)所研究的18个性状中,西藏芥菜型油菜的均值为周边地区芥菜型油菜的1.88倍,总体变异系数比周边省份芥菜型油菜高10.22%;(2)西藏芥菜型油菜单株产量主要取决于每株角果数和千粒重,而周边省份芥菜型油菜单株产量主要取决于每株有效角果数,中国周边国家芥菜型油菜单株产量主要取决于每株有效角果数、千粒重;(3)影响西藏芥菜型油菜产量性状最重要的因素是角果性状,其次是分枝性状和主茎性状,而影响周边省份和中国周边国家芥菜型油菜产量性状最重要的因素则是主茎性状,其次是分枝性状和角果性状;(4)西藏芥菜型油菜4组性状间极显著或显著相关的典型变量累计有9对性状,周边省份芥菜型油菜有8对性状,中国周边国家芥菜型油菜有5对性状,西藏与周边省份和中国周边国家芥菜型油菜生态性状间既有密切联系,亦略不同。  相似文献   

以生物构件理论为基础,运用灰色关联分析技术对西藏野生芥菜型油菜种群构件结构与环境因子的关系进行了研究。结果表明:1)每株角果数、每角果粒数和粒重是产量构成的重要指标,随着每株角果数、每角果粒数和粒重的增大,西藏野生芥菜型油菜的产量明显增加,它们之间的构件因子关联度较大;2)主茎系统是西藏野生芥菜型油菜植株的基础,其间的关联性显示了西藏野生芥菜型油菜植株构件组成的整合作用;3)一级分枝长度、一级分枝角果数、二级分枝数、一级分枝粗度之间有较大的关联度,但与一级分枝发生高度关联度相对较小;4)研究的7个环境因子与西藏野生芥菜型油菜种群的生长关系均较密切,且温度是影响西藏野生芥菜型油菜分布和生命活动相对重要的环境因子,而降水为次要因子。  相似文献   

以生物构件理论为基础,应用灰色关联分析技术对西藏栽培白菜型油菜种群构件与环境因子的关系进行了研究,结果表明:(1)产量构成指标是由每株角果数、每角果粒数和千粒重组成,随着每株角果数、每角果粒数的增多和千粒重的升高,西藏栽培白菜型油菜的产量会明显增加,它们之间的关联度较大;(2)主茎系统是西藏栽培白菜型油菜植株的基础,它们之间的关联性显示了与其他构件组成间的整合作用;(3)研究的7个环境因子与西藏栽培白菜型油菜种群的生长关系都较密切,其中日照和温度是影响西藏栽培白菜型油菜分布和生长发育相对重要的环境因子,而降水则为相对次要的因子。  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜育种亲本单株产量与农艺性状相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
油菜是我国重要的油料作物,提高油菜产量是油菜育种的首要目标之一。油菜育种中,考察和分析油菜种质的主要农艺性状是筛选育种亲本材料配制优良组合的前提基础,可以为高效开展重要性状的改良提供有效的科学依据。以213份长江流域油菜主产区育种单位提供的甘蓝型油菜育种亲本为材料,采用相关分析、通径分析、多元回归分析及主成分分析等方法,探讨在成都平原气候条件下,油菜单株产量与10个相关农艺性状之间的关系,明确甘蓝型油菜产量形成的主要决定因子。结果表明,不同地区油菜资源农艺性状存在较大差异;单株产量与株高、主序有效长度、一次有效分枝数、主序有效角果数、角果长度、每角果粒数和千粒重呈极显著正相关,与营养生长天数呈显著负相关;对单株产量直接影响最大的是株高,其次是每角果粒数和一次有效分枝数,间接作用最大为主序有效长度,其次是主序有效角果数和一次有效分枝高度。逐步回归分析表明,株高、每角果粒数、一次有效分枝高度和一次有效分枝数是决定单株产量的主要因子;通过主成分分析,可将相关性状综合为4大类:株高控制因子、生育期控制因子、产量性状控制因子和株型控制因子。本生态区域内决定产量形成的关键性状为株高、每角果粒数、一次有效分枝高度和一次有效分枝数,本研究得出的结果对于充分利用各育种单位亲本材料优良性状提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   

西藏野生芥菜型油菜种质资源的聚类分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以植株高度、基部粗度、分枝部位、分枝总数、每株角果数等14个考种性状为指标,对西藏各地(市)搜集而来的27份野生芥菜型油菜进行了聚类分析。结果表明:1)当阈值为0.94时,将供试材料分为上生分枝型野生芥菜型油菜(G1)、下生分枝型野生芥菜型油菜(G2)和匀生分枝型野生芥菜型油菜(G3)三大类群;可以根据育种目标及当地的生态因子等选择不同的株型,从而达到稳产、丰产的目的;2)当阈值为0.61时,将材料分为SG1、SG2、SG3、SG4、SG5、SG6、SG7等个七亚类群;发现西藏野生芥菜型油菜种质资源在地理分布上的距离并不能确切反映其遗传上的差异,因此提出研究西藏的作物生长环境时,不应以行政区划为研究标准,应参考当地的区域小气候;3)各西藏野生芥菜型油菜种质资源分类群的考种性状差异明显,生物多样性丰富。  相似文献   

不同播期对不同基因l型油菜产量特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了3个不同基因型油菜品种的产量与产量构成因素的特征及其与光温条件的生态关系,探讨了长江中游油菜区多熟种植条件下提高油菜单产的可行途径.结果表明,因播种期不同而导致油菜生育期间光温条件的不同,使各播期产量及产量构成因素产生了较大的差异.油菜单株角果数、角果皮指数、主茎产量、分枝产量均与积温和日照时数呈极显著正相关,而千粒重和SNPA与之无关.播种期对油菜产量的影响主要是通过影响分枝产生及其产量形成而实现的.因此多熟制油菜的播种期可适当提早,10月20日以后播种的油菜,其种植密度可增加至3.75×105~4.5×105株·hm-2,以主茎弥补分枝小而少的不足,实现油菜单产的提高.  相似文献   

西藏地处我国西南边陲,素有"世界屋脊"和"地球第三极"之称。由于地质史独特,地形地貌复杂,气候带全,土壤类型繁多,野生植被多样,凡此种种,西藏油菜生境具有全球最典型的立体生境特色,其生态环境千差万别,堪称全球之最,独特而复杂的油菜生境,产生了丰富多样的野生白菜型油菜(Brassica Campestris)和野生芥菜型油菜(Brassica juncea)遗传资源。本文根据植物种群的构件理论,采用大样本取样方法,对西藏野生白菜型油菜和野生芥菜型油菜分枝进行了角果种群统计的生长分析。结果表明,西藏野生白菜型油菜和野生芥菜型油菜一级分枝的角果数、角果生物量、角果生物量比例均呈现Peel-Reed模型变化规律,角果宽度与角果长度之间的生长关系均呈现Yield Density模型变化规律,显示出角果种群形成与生长过程的趋同生长格局与物质分配策略。  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜数量性状遗传变异的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本试验采用单因素遗传设计,连续两年分别研究了42个和50个稳定遗传的甘蓝型油菜品种22个数量性状的平均表现和遗传变异,结果表明,开花期、株高、分枝高度、着粒密度、每果粒数、千粒重、一次分枝数、总角果数、单株产量和含油量的表现受大环境的影响较大。开花期、果长、千粒重、主花序长度的遗传力高,总角果数、单株产量、着果密度、分枝高度、每果粒数的遗传力较低。随着芥酸含量的降低,开花期延迟,主花序变短,主花序角果数减少。无芥酸品种的总角果数和单株产量显著低于有芥酸品种。中国的高芥酸品种具芥酸含量显著高于国外的高芥酸品种。  相似文献   

远缘杂交能够有效拓宽物种的遗传背景,产生丰富的遗传变异。前期研究中利用体细胞融合技术获得了甘蓝型油菜扬油6号(Y6)与白芥的属间杂种,将杂种与Y6连续回交和自交得到了一系列稳定遗传的渐渗系株系。本研究以62个渐渗系株系为材料,对这些株系进行14个农艺性状的考察,并通过相关性分析、主成分分析、回归分析和聚类分析等方法,探究甘蓝型油菜单株产量与农艺性状之间的关系及影响单株产量的主要因素。结果显示,甘蓝型油菜-白芥渐渗系株系的农艺性状存在较大差异;单株产量与全株角果数、有效分枝数和每角粒数等性状呈极显著正相关,而与分枝点高度呈极显著负相关。主成分分析的结果表明,4个主成分可以概括14个农艺性状的大部分信息,这些主成分主要与角果数目、株高、角果长度和千粒重等性状指标相关。回归分析结果表明,千粒重、每角粒数、二次有效分枝数、株高和全株角果数对单株产量具有重要影响。综合各项指标,筛选出一些具有优异农艺性状的材料,如L8等株系角果数目明显增多;L3、L7等株系分枝数目明显增多;L42、L49等株系千粒重明显增加;L3、L8等株系单株产量明显提高。利用近红外光谱仪分析渐渗系材料种子品质性状,发现硫代葡萄糖甘、芥酸、亚麻酸等品质性状存在较大变异,可用于选育具有优良品质性状的材料。本研究表明远缘杂交对于甘蓝型油菜种质资源创新、提高油菜产量提供了一条有效途径,研究结果为利用这些种质资源进行育种实践提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

不同播期对不同基因型油菜产量特性的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
研究了 3个不同基因型油菜品种的产量与产量构成因素的特征及其与光温条件的生态关系 ,探讨了长江中游油菜区多熟种植条件下提高油菜单产的可行途径 .结果表明 ,因播种期不同而导致油菜生育期间光温条件的不同 ,使各播期产量及产量构成因素产生了较大的差异 .油菜单株角果数、角果皮指数、主茎产量、分枝产量均与积温和日照时数呈极显著正相关 ,而千粒重和SNPA与之无关 .播种期对油菜产量的影响主要是通过影响分枝产生及其产量形成而实现的 .因此多熟制油菜的播种期可适当提早 ,10月 2 0日以后播种的油菜 ,其种植密度可增加至 3 75× 10 5~ 4 5× 10 5株·hm-2 ,以主茎弥补分枝小而少的不足 ,实现油菜单产的提高 .  相似文献   

芥菜型油菜种质资源研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从收集保存、鉴定、研究、创新和利用5个方面介绍了芥菜型油菜种质资源研究进展。芥菜型油菜起源于亚洲,印度、中国收集的资源最多。芥菜型油菜可以分为中国-东欧类型和中国-印度类型2大类,每一类中均存在较大的遗传变异,许多具有优良性状的种质已经鉴定出来,并对其进行了生理学、遗传学研究。通过远缘杂交、诱变和遗传转化已创造出芥菜型油菜新种质。已鉴定、培育的芥菜型油菜优异种质资源在油菜育种上得到广泛利用。  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is a technology that exploits a plant's ability to remove contaminants from the environment or render toxic compounds harmless. An efficient metal phytoremediating plant must combine high biomass production and established cultivation methods with high tolerance to a specific contaminant and ability for root uptake, translocation, and compartmentalization of contaminants in the above-ground biomass. Symmetric and asymmetric somatic hybridizations were used to introduce toxic metal-resistant traits from Thlaspi caerulescens into Brassica juncea. B. juncea hypocotyl protoplasts were fused with T. caerulescens mesophyll protoplasts. The hypocotyl protoplasts of B. juncea were stained with CFDA before fusion and thus fluoresced green under UV, whereas the mesophyll protoplasts of T. caerulescens had red autofluorescense. Heteroplasmic fusion products were identified and selected by flow cytometry and cell sorting. All putative hybrids grown in the greenhouse had morphological characteristics of B. juncea. A Thlaspi-specific repetitive sequence was hybridized to total DNA of plants, including the parental species. All plants from both symmetric and asymmetric fusions showed Thlaspi-specific hybridization patterns while B. juncea did not exhibit any hybridization signal. Hybrid plants, produced by asymmetric somatic hybridization between the two species, demonstrated high metal accumulation potential, tolerance to toxic metals, and good biomass production.  相似文献   

芥菜型油菜和白菜型油菜种间杂种遗传分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
种间杂交是一种拓宽栽培作物遗传基础和转移优良性状的重要手段,已经广泛地用于作物品质的改良。本研究通过芥菜型油菜(Brassica juncea L.)和白菜型油菜(Brassica rapa L.)种间杂交,将芥菜型油菜的有利性状转移到白菜型油菜中,创造新型白菜型油菜,以改良白菜型油菜的农艺性状、提高抗逆性和拓宽其遗传基础。研究结果表明:以芥菜型油菜作母本、白菜型油菜作父本的杂交组合较易获得杂交种子,杂种F1植株营养生长具有较明显的杂种优势,但花粉完全不育;以白菜型油菜回交获得的BC1植株间表型差异明显,平均花粉可染率为34.8%,介于 0~84%之间,群体自交不亲和;BC1F1和BC2群体变异广泛,出现自交亲和植株和黄籽植株,平均花粉可染率分别为79.7%和79.1%。  相似文献   

Grevillea exul var exul (Proteaceae), a tree species native to serpentine soils in New Caledonia, is a reported manganese accumulator. Since the metal tolerance of this species remains unknown, its growth and metal accumulation were studied for seven heavy metals under controlled conditions. Brassica juncea, a popular species for metal phytoremediation, was used as a reference. G. exul seedlings were more tolerant to Cr, Zn, Ni, and Cu than B. juncea. There were no differences in Hg, and Cd tolerance between both species. B. juncea seedlings concentrated more Cd, Hg, and Cr in their shoot than G. exul seedlings, while Ni, Zn, and Mn levels were similar for both species. Comparison then focused on tolerance at toxic doses of Ni and Mn using older individuals of both species. No growth inhibition for G. exul plants was observed, whereas the growth of B. juncea was significantly inhibited at the higher metal concentrations. Shoot Mn and Ni concentrations were again lower in G. exul plants as compared to B. juncea, suggesting a mechanism of partial Ni and Mn exclusion in G. exul. In a subsequent study, 1-year-old G. exul plants favored Ni accumulation in roots while Mn accumulated preferentially in shoots.  相似文献   

Amphidiploid Brassica juncea contains conserved progenitor genomes.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
To perform a detailed study of genome evolution in the natural Brassica amphidiploid B. juncea, we have constructed two linkage maps based on RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) markers; one generated from a cross between a resynthesized B. juncea (a chromosome doubled interspecific B. rapa x B. nigra hybrid) and a natural B. juncea cultivar, the other from a cross between two B. juncea cultivars. By using a common cultivar in both crosses, the two maps could be unambiguously integrated. All loci exhibited disomic inheritance of parental alleles in the natural x resynthesized cross, showing that B. rapa chromosomes paired exclusively with their A-genome homologues in B. juncea and that B. nigra chromosomes likewise paired with their B-genome homologues. The maps derived from the two crosses were also perfectly collinear. Furthermore, these maps were collinear with maps of the diploid progenitor species (B. nigra and B. rapa) produced using the same set of RFLP probes. These data indicate that the genome of B. juncea has remained essentially unchanged since polyploid formation. Our observations appear to refute the suggestion that the formation of polyploid genomes is accompanied by rapid change in genome structure.  相似文献   

The effect of increasing level of cadmium in soil was investigated on biomass production, antioxidants, Cd bioaccumulation and translocation in Ricinus communis vis-à-vis a commonly studied oil crop Brassica juncea. The plants were exposed to 25, 50, 75, 100, and 150 mg Cd/Kg soil for up to 60 days. It was found that R. communis produced higher biomass at all the contamination levels than that of B. juncea. Proline and malondialdehyde in the leaves increased with increase in Cd level in both the species, whereas soluble protein decreased. The bioaccumulation of Cd was higher in B. juncea on the basis of the per unit biomass, total metal accumulation per plant was higher in R. communis. The translocation of Cdfrom roots to shoot was also higher in B. juncea at all Cd concentrations. R. communis appeared more tolerant and capable to clean Cd contaminated soil for longer period in one sowing than B. juncea and the former can grow in wasteland soil also in which later cannot be cultivated.  相似文献   

The induced accumulation of mercury (Hg) by plants was investigated for the species Phaseolus vulgaris (Bush bean), Brassica juncea (Indian mustard), and Vicia villosa (Hairy vetch). All plants were grown in modified Hg-contaminated mine tailings and were treated with sulphur-containing ligands to induce Hg accumulation. The effects of varied substrate Hg concentration and humic acid (HA) level on the induced plant-Hg accumulation for B. juncea were examined. Thiosulphate salts (ammonium and sodium) mobilised Hg in the substrates and caused an increase in the Hg concentration of roots and shoots of all tested plant species. Root Hg accumulation was positively correlated to extractable Hg for (NH4)2S2O3-treated B. juncea plants grown in HA-amended substrates. However, shoot Hg translocation for this species was inhibited at 1.25 g HA kg(-1) of substrate. Mercury-thiosulphate complexes could be translocated and accumulated in the upper parts of the plants up to 25 times the Hg concentration in the substrate. We conclude that shoot Hg accumulation in the presence of thiosulphate salts is dependent upon plant species characteristics (e.g. root surface area) and humic acid content.  相似文献   

Root and shoot growth of Brassica campestris L.and B.juncea increased significantly(P0.01) with enhanced Ca2+ treatment along with 60 mM NaCl in the root medium.The maximum fresh mass of shoot and root in B.juncea was recorded at 10 mM Ca2+ concentration.The relative growth rate of shoot of both species reached its maximum at 8 mM of Ca2+ concentration.Average rate of Ca2+ intake(Ca) was higher in B.juncea than B.campestris.In B.juncea,the average transport of Ca2+ to shoot increased by 19%,38%,119%,125% and 169% compared with the control.Furthermore specific utilization rate of Ca2+ was higher in B.juncea than B.campestris.In B.campestris it increased by 9%,32%,41% and 59% at 4,6,8,and 10 mM of calcium in comparison to 2 mM Ca2+ treatment.At 4,6,8 and 10 mM of Ca2+ application,the increase in the leaf area ratio was 10,17,23 and 30%,respectively.In the shoot and root portions of B.campestris and B.juncea,Ca2+ had a linear relationship with potassium and sulfur,whereas it was in antagonism with sodium ion.  相似文献   

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