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The content of betaine and alanine in gills of the ribbed mussel Geukensia demissa increases rapidly following transfer of the tissues from 250 to 1000 mOsm seawater (SW). Increases in alanine, proline and glycine account for most of the increase in the amino acid pool. The betaine content increases from 45 to 150 μmol/g dry weight within 12 h. Transfer of isolated gills from 250 to 1000 mOsm SW results in a temporary cessation of all ciliary activity. Within 20–40 min following transfer, ciliary activity has recovered. Recovery of ciliary activity precedes recovery of tissue hydration. The uric acid content of gills is unchanged by exposure to hyperosmotic media, suggesting that uric acid is not a store of nitrogen for alanine synthesis from pyruvate. In other organisms, the accumulation of betaine in response to hyperosmotic stress is a slow (days to weeks) process that probably involves changes in gene expression. The rapid, large increases in betaine reported here suggest that gene expression is not a factor in volume recovery by euryhaline bivalve tissues exposed to acute hyperosmotic stress.  相似文献   

Introduced populations of Guekensia demissa occur on the west coast of North America. They have been reported in San Francisco Bay, four southern California wetlands, and in Estero de Punta Banda (EPB), Baja California Norte, Mexico. We randomly sampled benthic invertebrates in four habitat types within EPB: marsh, channel, mudflat and pan. Geukensia demissa was the most abundant bivalve in the wetland at EPB. It was significantly associated with the native cordgrass, Spartina foliosa, and occurred at higher average densities in vegetated marsh sites (24/m2) and Spartina-dominated tidal channels (35/m2), compared to mudflat (0/m2), and pan (0/m2) sites. We estimated that the total biomass of this invader was over four times that of the next most abundant bivalve, Tagelus spp., in EPB. We examined G. demissa for parasites and found that only a few native parasites colonized this introduced host at very low prevalences and intensities. We performed bird surveys to determine the habitat overlap and potential impact of this mussel on the EPB population of light-footed clapper rails (Rallus longirostrus levipes), an endangered species in the United States. The high abundance of G. demissa in EPB, its presence in clapper rail habitat, and its known effects on salt marsh habitat in it’s native range, warrant further investigations of the impact of this invader in EPB and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Measurements of body temperatures in the field have shown that spatial and temporal patterns are often far more complex than previously anticipated, particularly in intertidal regions, where temperatures are driven by both marine and terrestrial climates. We examined the effects of body size, body position within the sediment, and microhabitat (presence or absence of Spartina alterniflora) on the body temperature of the mussel Geukensia demissa. We then used these data to develop a laboratory study exposing mussels to an artificial "stressful" day, mimicking field conditions as closely as possible. Results suggested that G. demissa mortality increases greatly at average daily peak temperatures of 45 degrees C and higher. When these temperatures were compared to field data collected in South Carolina in the summer of 2004, our data indicated that mussels likely experienced mortality due to high-temperature stress at this site during this period. Our results also showed that body position in the mud is the most important environmental modifier of body temperature. This experiment suggested that the presence of marsh grass leads to increases in body temperature by reducing convection, overwhelming the effects of shading. These data add to a growing body of evidence showing that small-scale thermal variability can surpass large-scale gradients.  相似文献   

Summary Although mussel beds are common in many intertidal habitats, the ecological significance of the aggregated distribution of mussels has not been examined. The ribbed mussel, Geukensia demissa, is found in dense aggregations on the seaward margin of many salt marshes in New England. Here, we examine the population structure of G. demissa in a New England salt marsh and investigate experimentally the costs and benefits of aggregation.Size, growth rate, and settlement rates of mussels decrease with increasing tidal height, whereas survivorship and longevity increase with increasing tidal height. Winter ice dislodges mussels from the substratum, resulting in mortality over all size classes, whereas crab predation results in the mortality of smaller mussels. The intensity of each of these mortality agents decreases with increasing tidal height. Effects of intraspecific competition on individual growth and mortality also decrease with increasing tidal height.At high densities, individual growth rates were reduced, with depression of growth rates most pronounced on smaller individuals. Mortality from sources other than intraspecific crowding, however, was reduced at high mussel densities, including mortality due to winter ice and crab predators. As a result, our data suggest that the mussel population at our study site would be reduced by 90% in only five years and no juveniles would survive through their second year without an aggregated distribution.Juveniles settle gregariously with or without adults present. The aggregated distribution of settlers and the postsettlement movement of smaller mussels to favorable microhabitats result in size and age class segregation within the population. This probably reduces intraspecific competition for food, while maintaining the survivorship advantages of an aggregated distribution.  相似文献   

Summary Serotonin immunoreactivity was localized in hearts of the opisthobranch gastropod, Aplysia californica (sca hare) and several species of bivalve mollusks, the heterodonts, Mercenaria mercenaria (quahog or cherry stone clam), Protothaca staminea (little neck clam), and the pteriomorphs, Hinnites multirugosus (rock scallop), Crassostrea virginica (eastern oyster), Mytilus edulis (eastern mussel), and Geukensia demissa (ribbed mussel). In addition, serotonin was assayed in the ventricles, auricles and heart-associated tissues in A. californica, M. mercenaria, H. multirugosus, and G. demissa with a sensitive radioenzymatic assay. Serotonin concentrations and the density of innervation were significantly higher in members of the subclass Heterodonta compared to the subclass Pteriomorpha. Serotonin immunoreactivity was observed in all species surveyed except G. demissa, which also contained relatively low concentrations of serotonin. Varicose fibers presumably corresponding to release sites were localized in the ventricles, auricles, and the auricular-ventricular valves. We hypothesize that in the species where serotonin-immunoreactive fibers are present, serotonin serves to modulate cardiac myogenic activity. The significance of the observed distribution and concentration of serotonin to the physiological effects of serotonin on cardiac function in these species is discussed.  相似文献   

A study of the population genetics of the estuarine bivalve Geukensia demissa (Dillwyn) in southern California marshes revealed significant spatial and temporal variation in leucine aminopeptidase-1 (LAP-1) gene frequencies which were correlated with environmental salinity. S California populations also generally show a deficit of heterozygotes at the LAP-1 locus with the degree of this deficit also correlated with environmental salinity. The results of this study are similar to previous studies on Mytilus edulis Linné where it has been proposed that antagonistic directional selection in low vs. high salinity environments acts to maintain the LAP-1 polymorphism. However, a general similarity between the genetic patterns for LAP-1 and other loci in G. demissa in S California makes a strict selectionist interpretation difficult. A similar study of G. demissa in San Francisco Bay failed to detect heterogeneity in allele frequencies or significant heterozygote deficits over gradients in environmental salinity.  相似文献   

To analyze the role of cytosolic calcium in regulating heart beat frequency and rhythm, we studied conditional mutations in Drosophila Sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase, believed to be predominantly responsible for sequestering free cytosolic calcium. Abnormalities in the amount or structure of the SERCA protein have been linked to cardiac malfunction in mammals. Drosophila SERCA protein (dSERCA) is highly enriched in Drosophila larval heart with a distinct membrane distribution of SERCA at cardiac Z-lines, suggesting evolutionarily conserved zones for calcium uptake into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Heart beat frequency is strikingly reduced in mutant animals following dSERCA inactivation, (achieved by a brief exposure of these conditional mutants to non-permissive temperature). Cardiac contractions also show abnormal rhythmicity and electrophysiological recordings from the heart muscle reveal dramatic alterations in electrical activity. Overall, these studies underscore the utility of the Drosophila heart to model SERCA dysfunction dependent cardiac disorders and constitute an initial step towards developing Drosophila as a viable genetic model system to study conserved molecular determinants of cardiac physiology.  相似文献   

Large amount of seed cake is generated as by-product during biodiesel production from Jatropha seeds. Presence of toxic phorbol esters restricts its utilization as livestock feed. Safe disposal or meaningful utilization of this major by-product necessitates the degradation of these phorbol esters. The present study describes the complete degradation of phorbol esters by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PseA strain during solid state fermentation (SSF) of deoiled Jatropha curcas seed cake. Phorbol esters were completely degraded in nine days under the optimized SSF conditions viz. deoiled cake 5.0 g; moistened with 5.0 ml distilled water; inoculum 1.5 ml of overnight grown P. aeruginosa; incubation at temperature 30 °C, pH 7.0 and RH 65%.SSF of deoiled cake seems a potentially viable approach towards the complete degradation of the toxic phorbol esters.  相似文献   

1. Using internal perfusion and concentration-clamp procedures applied to Helix neurons, the effects of cAMP, Ca2+, and phorbol esters on ouabain-induced depression of acetylcholine Cl-dependent responses were determined. 2. Intracellular cAMP (10(-4) M) depressed those acetylcholine responses which were blocked by ouabain but had no effect on ouabain-insensitive acetylcholine responses. In the presence of elevated intracellular cAMP, ouabain had no further depressant effect on these acetylcholine responses. Both elevated cAMP and ouabain reduced the acetylcholine response without altering the current-voltage curves. 3. An increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration depressed the amplitude of current induced by application of acetylcholine in neurons with ouabain-sensitive responses and shifted the dose-response relationship to the right. However, elevated Ca2+ did not reduce the maximal response induced by acetylcholine, nor did it prevent the reduction of that response by ouabain. 4. 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), a potent stimulator of protein kinase C activity, caused depression of both the ouabain-sensitive and the ouabain-insensitive acetylcholine responses. The inhibitory effect of TPA was markedly enhanced after addition of ATP to the intracellular medium and was greatly reduced by cooling to 5 degrees C. The blocking effect of ouabain, however, reexamined in the presence of TPA. 5. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that the depression of acetylcholine induced Cl--responses in Helix neurons is a result of an increase in intracellular cAMP concentration but is unrelated to activation of protein kinase C or increases in intracellular Ca2+.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the gut of several species of birds and reptiles, and of a prototherian mammal, the platypus, was studied using a monoclonal antibody. 5-Hydroxytryptamine-like immunoreactivity was found in enterochromaffin cells and, in birds, in thrombocytes. Immunoreactivity was not found in enteric neurons fixed immediately after dissection. A detailed study was made on one avian species, the budgerigar. Following incubation of intestine in physiological solution, immunore-activity was found in nerve fibres in the gut wall that was more marked after incubation with the monoamine oxidase inhibitor pargyline. These fibres took up exogenous 5-hydroxytryptamine. Similar fibres were found in the intestinal nerves and in perivascular plexuses on mesenteric arteries. Both the uptake of 5-hydroxytryptamine and the appearance of neuronal immunoreactivity after incubation were inhibited by the amine uptake inhibitors desmethylimipramine or fluoxetine. Fibres taking up 5-hydroxytryptamine were damaged by pretreatment with 6-hydroxydopamine. It was concluded that the fibres showing immunoreactivity after incubation were adrenergic fibres that had taken up 5-hydroxytryptamine released in vitro from enterochromaffin cells or thrombocytes. These, and more limited observations made on the other species, suggest that birds, reptiles and prototherian mammals lack enteric neurons that use 5-hydroxytryptamine as a transmitter substance.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of FMRFamide, serotonin, and acetylcholine on the isolated crop-gizzard of the earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris. FMRFamide caused a decrease in contraction amplitude with a threshold between 10−9 and 10−8 M and a biphasic change in contraction rate. The contraction rate increased with a threshold between 10−8 and 10−7 M and decreased with a threshold between 10−6 and 10−5 M. Serotonin decreased the contraction rate with a threshold between 10−8 and 10−7 M and the amplitude with a threshold between 10−8 and 10−7 M. Acetylcholine increased the contraction rate with a threshold between 10−8 and 10−7 M and caused a biphasic change in contraction amplitude. Amplitude rose with a threshold between 10−9 and 10−8 M and decreased with a threshold between 10−6 and 10−5 M. These results suggest that all three neurotransmitters may play a role in controlling the movement of the digestive tract in L. terrestris.  相似文献   

Phorbol esters, potent stimulators of protein kinase C (PKC), stimulate [3H]2-deoxy-d-glucose (dGlc) uptake and [125I] insulin binding in cultured glial cells but not neuronal cells from neonatal rat brains. Using an antibody to the and forms of PKC we have demonstrated that both neuronal and glial cells contain an immunoactive PKC of Mr 80 kD, although the PKC level in neurons is greater than 4-fold that in glia. The majority of immunoactive PKC (63%) is cytosolic in glial cells although the reverse is true in neuronal cells, in which 88% of the PKC is membrane-bound in the basal state. The most potent phorbol ester, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), stimulates a redistribution of this enzyme in neuronal and glial cells. The TPA-stimulated translocation of PKC from cytosol to membrane precedes TPA's effecs of [3H]dGlc uptake and insulin binding in glial cells.  相似文献   

The non-edible oil seeds of Jatropha curcas (physic nut) and Pongamia pinnata (karanja) contain some toxic components (phorbol esters in J. curcas and karanjin in P. pinnata), which may be used as biopesticides. In this study, the active components of J. curcas and P. pinnata oil were extracted and their efficacy against the termites Odontotermes obesus (Rambur), was tested. The phorbol ester fraction of J. curcas and karanjin of P. pinnata oil were found to be effective against termites. A mortality rate of 100% was achieved in 6 h with karanjin and in 12 h with phorbol ester fraction. The LC50 levels of karanjin and phorbol esters fractions were 0.038 and 0.071 g ml−1, respectively, after 24 h at a 95% (0.05) confidence limit.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted to examine effects of four strains of the estuarine dinoflagellate, Pfiesteria shumwayae, on the behavior and survival of larval and adult shellfish (bay scallop, Argopecten irradians; eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica; northern quahogs, Mercenaria mercenaria; green mussels, Perna viridis [adults only]). In separate trials with larvae of A. irradians, C. virginica, and M. mercenaria, an aggressive predatory response of three strains of algal- and fish-fed P. shumwayae was observed (exception, algal-fed strain 1024C). Larval mortality resulted primarily from damage inflicted by physical attack of the flagellated cells, and secondarily from Pfiesteria toxin, as demonstrated in larval C. virginica exposed to P. shumwayae with versus without direct physical contact. Survival of adult shellfish and grazing activity depended upon the species and the cell density, strain, and nutritional history of P. shumwayae. No mortality of the four shellfish species was noted after 24 h of exposure to algal- or fish-fed P. shumwayae (strains 1024C, 1048C, and CCMP2089) in separate trials at ≤5 × 103 cells ml−1, whereas higher densities of fish-fed, but not algal-fed, populations (>7–8 × 103 cells ml−1) induced low (≤15%) but significant mortality. Adults of all four shellfish species sustained >90% mortality when exposed to fish-fed strain 270A1 (8 × 103 cells ml−1). In contrast, adult M. mercenaria and P. viridis exposed to a similar density of fish-fed strain 2172C sustained <15% mortality, and there was no mortality of A. irradians and C. virginica exposed to that strain. In mouse bioassays with tissue homogenates (adductor muscle, mantle, and whole animals) of A. irradians and M. mercenaria that had been exposed to P. shumwayae (three strains, separate trials), mice experienced several minutes of disorientation followed by recovery. Mice injected with tissue extracts from control animals fed cryptomonads showed no response. Grazing rates of adult shellfish on P. shumwayae (mean cell length ±1 standard error [S.E.], 9 ± 1 μm) generally were significantly lower when fed fish-fed (toxic) populations than when fed populations that previously had been maintained on algal prey, and grazing rates were highest with the nontoxic cryptomonad, Storeatula major (cell length 7 ± 1 μm). Abundant cysts of P. shumwayae were found in fecal strands of all shellfish species tested, and ≤45% of the feces produced viable flagellated cells when placed into favorable culture conditions. These findings were supported by a field study wherein fecal strands collected from field-collected adult shellfish (C. virginica, M. mercenaria, and ribbed mussels, Geukensia demissa) were confirmed to contain cysts of P. shumwayae, and these cysts produced fish-killing flagellated populations in standardized fish bioassays. Thus, predatory feeding by flagellated cells of P. shumwayae can adversely affect survival of larval bivalve molluscs, and grazing can be depressed when adult shellfish are fed P. shumwayae. The data suggest that P. shumwayae could affect recruitment of larval shellfish in estuaries and aquaculture facilities; shellfish can be adversely affected via reduced filtration rates; and adult shellfish may be vectors of toxic P. shumwayae when shellfish are transported from one geographic location to another.  相似文献   

Bacterial and fungal strains were isolated from enrichment cultures using diethylphthalate, diethylterephthalate, or ethylene glycol dibenzoate as sole carbon sources.Aureobacterium, Flavobacterium, andMicrococcus species were isolated from diethylphthalate enrichments;Rhodococcus andXanthomonas species were isolated from diethylterephthalate enrichments;Rhodococcus andFusarium species were isolated from ethylene glycol dibenzoate enrichments.  相似文献   

Summary Impulse generation and propagation was previously shown to occur in skin epithelium of newt (Cynops orientalis) embryos during certain stages of development and to be correlated with morphological changes of gap junctions. These properties are not detected in embryonic epithelia explanted and grown in culture. However, early explants when transplanted to a host embryo develop conductivity, and relatively large gap junctions with loose arrangement of connexons occur as soon as the host embryo reaches the stage when conductivity is at its maximum. In contrast, morphological and physiological characteristics of impulse propagation are lost when the transplanted epithelium is extirpated from the host embryo and returned to in-vitro conditions. Therefore, it appears that impulse propagation is dependent not solely on the differentiation of epithelial cells but upon signals from non-epithelial (possibly mesodermal) tissue as well.  相似文献   

A protein, designated pernin, found in the New Zealand green-lipped mussel, comprises almost all of the protein in cell-free haemolymph. It occurs as large, aggregate structures of several hundred units resembling small virus-like particles. Pernin is a non-pigmented, glycosylated protein, composed of 497 amino acids, which has an estimated molecular mass of 60 kDa. It is exceptionally rich in histidine (13.7%) and aspartic acid (12.3%), amino acids both known to participate in the binding of divalent metal cations. In addition, pernin has serine protease inhibitor activity, likely due to a sequence of eight N-terminal amino acid residues, separated from the remainder of the protein via a histidine–aspartate spacer. The pernin monomer comprises three regions of obvious sequence duplication. These make up approximately 95% of the pernin molecule and have sequences clearly homologous to the active-site domain of Cu–Zn SODs (superoxide dismutases). Despite several of the metal ion co-ordinating histidine residues being retained, pernin contains no Cu or Zn. It is, however, associated with Fe with an apparent stoichiometry of 1 atom of Fe to 6 molecules of pernin. Since pernin has no demonstrable SOD activity, these SOD-derived sequences presumably have been modified for another function.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl esters were found to constitute a major component of the lipids coating the body cuticle of females of the camel tick, Hyalomma dromedarii and the brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus. One or more cholesteryl esters, alone or in combination, have been shown to serve as the mounting sex pheromone of several species of ixodid ticks. Consequently, knowledge of these compounds is important for an understanding of the mating behavior of these ticks. Based on thin layer chromatography, cholesterol and cholesteryl esters were the most abundant neutral lipids found on the body surfaces of fed females of these two species. Analysis using HPLC demonstrated significant quantities of the following compounds, tentatively identified as cholesteryl esters (expressed in micrograms per female equivalent), in H. dromedarii: Cholesteryl acetate 18.2; cholesteryl laurate, 6.8; cholesteryl linoleate, 24.8; cholesteryl oleate, 12.9; cholesteryl palmitate, 0.3; and cholesteryl stearate 1.7.In contrast, the same method revealed only 3 cholesteryl esters in extracts of females of R. sanguineus: Cholesteryl acetate, 2.0; cholesteryl linoleate, 8.5; and cholesteryl oleate, 3.0. In both species, two unidentified peaks, with the spectral characteristics of cholesteryl esters, were also observed. Identification of the cholesteryl esters was confirmed: by (1) positive bioassay results with conspecific (H. dromedarii) males and heterospecific (Dermacentor variabilis) males; (2) similarity of ultraviolet spectra between identified sample peaks and authentic standards; and (3) demonstration of cholesterol and the corresponding free fatty acid following enzymatic digestion of each of the HPLC-separated fractions containing the different cholesteryl esters. Comparisons with the cholesteryl ester composition of the mounting sex pheromone of other metastriate Ixodidae are discussed. These findings, along with studies reported previously, suggest that differences in the mounting sex pheromones of ixodid ticks are an important factor in minimizing heterospecific matings in nature.Supported by Cooperative Agreement No. 263-0152-A-00-2207 with the U. S. Agency for International Development to the Department of Infectious Diseases. College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL and a subcontract, ODURF No. 536521, to the Department of Biological Sciences, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA  相似文献   

The carcinogenic process is usually multifactor in its causation and multistep in its evolution. It is likely that entirely different molecular mechanisms underlie the many steps in this process. In contrast t o initiating carcinogens, the action of the tumor-promoting phorbol esters does not appear t o involve covalent binding t o cellular DNA and they are not mutagenic. Recent studies in cell culture have revealed two interesting biologic effects of the phorbol esters and related macrocyclic plant diterpenes. The first is that at nanomolar concentrations they induce several changes that resemble those seen in cells transformed by chemical carcinogens or tumor viruses. These include altered morphology and increased saturation density, altered cell surface fucose-glycopeptides, decrease in the LETS protein, increased transport of deoxyglucose, and increased levels of plasminogen activator and ornithine decarboxylase. In transformed cells exposed to phorbol esters the expression of these features is further accentuated. Phorbol esters do not induce normal cells to grow in agar but they do enhance the growth in agar of certain transformed cells. The second effect of the phorbol esters is inhibition of terminal differentiation. This effect extends to a variety of programs of differentiation and is reversible when the agent is removed. With certain cell culture systems induction of differentiation, rather than inhibition, is observed. Both the transformation mimetic and the differentiation effects are exerted by plant diterpenes that have tumor-promoting activity but not by congeners that lack such activity. The primary target of phorbol esters appears to be the cell membrane. Early membrane-related effects include enhanced uptake of 2-deoxyglucose and other nutrients, altered cell adhesion, induction of arachidonic acid release and prostaglandin synthesis, inhibition of the binding of epidermal growth factor t o cell surface receptors, altered lipid metabolism, and modifications in the activities of other cell surface receptors. A model of “two stage” carcinogenesis encompassing the known molecular and cellular effects of initiating carcinogens and tumor promoters is presented. According to this model, initiating carcinogens induce stable alterations in the cellular genome but these are not manifested until tumor promoters modulate programs of gene expression and induce the clonal outgrowth of the initiated cell.  相似文献   

We have followed the normal development of the different cell types associated with the Drosophila dorsal vessel, i.e. cardioblasts, pericardial cells, alary muscles, lymph gland and ring gland, by using several tissue-specific markers and transmission electron microscopy. Precursors of pericardial cells and cardioblasts split as two longitudinal rows of cells from the lateral mesoderm of segments T2-A7 (cardiogenic region) during stage 12. The lymph gland and dorsal part of the ring gland (corpus allatum) originate from clusters of lateral mesodermal cells located in T3 and T1/dorsal ridge, respectively. Cardioblast precursors are strictly segmentally organized; each of T2-A6 gives rise to six cardioblasts. While moving dorsally during the stages leading up to dorsal closure, cardioblast precursors become flattened, polarized cells aligned in a regular longitudinal row. At dorsal closure, the leading edges of the cardioblast precursors meet their contralateral counterparts. The lumen of the dorsal vessel is formed when the trailing edges of the cardioblast precursors of either side bend around and contact each other. The amnioserosa invaginates during dorsal closure and is transiently attached to the cardioblasts; however, it does not contribute to the cells associated with the dorsal vessel and degenerates during late embryogenesis. We describe ultrastructural characteristics of cardioblast differentiation and discuss similarities between cardioblast development and capillary differentiation in vertebrates. Correspondence to: V. Hartenstein  相似文献   

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