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目的:克隆、表达及纯化带有穿膜结构域的转录因子蛋白Oct4和Sox2。方法:根据GenBank中的Oct4和Sox2基因序列,在其3’端引入穿膜结构域11R,并在其两端引入NdeⅠ和XhoⅠ酶切位点,进行全基因合成;将目的基因克隆至pET41a载体,进行酶切鉴定及测序;将所获阳性重组质粒转化感受态大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),经IPTG诱导表达后,对表达产物进行Western印迹鉴定;最后用Ni-NTA亲和层析柱对所获目的蛋白进行纯化。结果:质粒酶切鉴定结果表明带有目的基因的重组质粒构建成功;SDS-PAGE结果显示有相对分子质量约42×103和38×103的特异性蛋白表达条带,经Western印迹证实为目的蛋白;用Ni-NTA亲和层析柱纯化后,得到均一的Oct4和Sox2目的蛋白。结论:得到带有穿膜结构域的转录因子融合蛋白Oct4和Sox2,为今后安全开展诱导性多能干细胞研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

We recently isolated and characterized a human milk peptide, lactaptin, which induced apoptosis of cultured human MCF-7 cells. Lactaptin was identified as a proteolytic fragment of human kappa-casein. Here, we generated two recombinant analogs of the peptide, RL1 and RL2, containing truncated and complete amino acid sequences of lactaptin, respectively. Analogs were produced in E.coli, purified and assayed for biological activity on cultured human MCF-7 cells. RL1 was shown to induce only a small decrease in cell viability, whereas RL2 lowered the viability of MCF-7 cells by 60%. This reduction in MCF-7 cell viability was associated with apoptosis, which was indicated by phosphatidilserine externalization and caspase-7 activation. The viability of A549 and Hep-2 cells was also reduced by RL2, albeit to a lesser degree than seen with MCF-7 cells; this reduced viability was not accompanied by apoptosis. Non-malignant human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) were completely resistant to RL2 action.  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - DiSkh-AMP1, a novel dimeric antifungal peptide contained 65 amino acid residues was recombinant produced by a flexible linker to improve...  相似文献   

生长激素信号肽可诱导重组蛋白外分泌表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重组蛋白质的表达是生物医药开发、基因功能和作用机理研究中关键技术环节.虽然细菌表达体系由于表达量大、经济等而被广泛采用,但由于其不能提供许多蛋白质必需的翻译后修饰如糖基化等,所表达的蛋白又多以不可溶包涵体形式存在,变性复性过程复杂,产率低,因此真核细胞表达体系如CHO、COS等成为活性要求高的蛋白质表达的首选[1].  相似文献   

Knowledge remains limited about how fungal pathogens that colonize living plant cells translocate effector proteins inside host cells to regulate cellular processes and neutralize defense responses. To cause the globally important rice blast disease, specialized invasive hyphae (IH) invade successive living rice (Oryza sativa) cells while enclosed in host-derived extrainvasive hyphal membrane. Using live-cell imaging, we identified a highly localized structure, the biotrophic interfacial complex (BIC), which accumulates fluorescently labeled effectors secreted by IH. In each newly entered rice cell, effectors were first secreted into BICs at the tips of the initially filamentous hyphae in the cell. These tip BICs were left behind beside the first-differentiated bulbous IH cells as the fungus continued to colonize the host cell. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments showed that the effector protein PWL2 (for prevents pathogenicity toward weeping lovegrass [Eragrostis curvula]) continued to accumulate in BICs after IH were growing elsewhere. PWL2 and BAS1 (for biotrophy-associated secreted protein 1), BIC-localized secreted proteins, were translocated into the rice cytoplasm. By contrast, BAS4, which uniformly outlines the IH, was not translocated into the host cytoplasm. Fluorescent PWL2 and BAS1 proteins that reached the rice cytoplasm moved into uninvaded neighbors, presumably preparing host cells before invasion. We report robust assays for elucidating the molecular mechanisms that underpin effector secretion into BICs, translocation to the rice cytoplasm, and cell-to-cell movement in rice.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(1):57-69
Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) can translocate across plasma membranes to enter the cytosol of eukaryotic cells without decreasing cell viability. We revealed the mechanism underlying this translocation by examining the effect of membrane potential, φm, on the entry of a CPP, transportan 10 (TP10), into the lumen of single giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs). For this purpose, we used the single GUV method to detect the entry of carboxyfluorescein (CF)-labeled TP10 (CF-TP10) into the lumen of single GUVs. First, we used various K+ concentration differences to apply different negative membrane potentials on single GUVs containing gramicidin A in their membrane and confirmed these potentials using the φm-sensitive fluorescent probe 3,3′-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodine. The fluorescence intensity of the GUV membranes (i.e., the rim intensity) due to 3,3′-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodine increased with |φm| up to 118 mV, and its dependence on |φm| less than 28 mV agreed with a theoretical estimation (i.e., the dye concentration in the inner leaflet of a GUV is larger than that in the outer leaflet according to the Boltzmann distribution). We then examined the effect of φm on the entry of CF-TP10 into GUVs using single GUVs containing small GUVs or large unilamellar vesicles inside the mother GUV lumen. We found that CF-TP10 entered the GUV lumen without pore formation and the rate of entry of CF-TP10 into the GUV lumen, Ventry, increased with an increase in |φm|. The rim intensity due to CF-TP10 increased with an increase in |φm|, indicating that the CF-TP10 concentration in the inner leaflet of the GUV increased with |φm|. These results indicate that the φm-induced elevation in Ventry can be explained by the increase in CF-TP10 concentration in the inner leaflet with |φm|. We discuss the mechanism underlying this effect of membrane potential based on the pre-pore model of the translocation of CF-TP10 across a GUV membrane.  相似文献   

Plant-based expression systems have emerged as a competitive platform in the large-scale production of recombinant proteins. By adding a signal peptide, αAmy3sp, the desired recombinant proteins can be secreted outside transgenic rice cells, making them easy to harvest. In this work, to improve the secretion efficiency of recombinant proteins in rice expression systems, various signal peptides including αAmy3sp, CIN1sp, and 33KDsp have been fused to the N-terminus of green fluorescent protein (GFP) and introduced into rice cells to explore the efficiency of secretion of foreign proteins. 33KDsp had better efficiency than αAmy3sp and CIN1sp for the secretion of GFP from calli and suspension-cultured cells. 33KDsp was further applied for the secretion of mouse granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (mGM-CSF) from transgenic rice suspension-cultured cells; approximately 76%–92% of total rice-derived mGM-CSF (rmGM-CSF) was detected in the culture medium. The rmGM-CSF was bioactive and could stimulate the proliferation of a murine myeloblastic leukemia cell line, NSF-60. The extracellular yield of rmGM-CSF reached 31.7 mg/L. Our study indicates that 33KDsp is better at promoting the secretion of recombinant proteins in rice suspension-cultured cell systems than the commonly used αAmy3sp.  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) have proven very effective as intracellular delivery vehicles for various therapeutics. However, there are some concerns about non-specific penetration and cytotoxicity of CPPs for effective cancer treatments. Herein, based on the cell-penetrating motif of an anticancer peptide, buforin IIb, we designed several CPP derivatives with cancer cell specificity. Among the derivatives, a 17-amino acid peptide (BR2) was found to have cancer-specificity without toxicity to normal cells. After specifically targeting cancer cells through interaction with gangliosides, BR2 entered cells via lipid-mediated macropinocytosis. Moreover, BR2 showed higher membrane translocation efficiency than the well-known CPP Tat (49–57). The capability of BR2 as a cancer-specific drug carrier was demonstrated by fusion of BR2 to a single-chain variable fragment (scFv) directed toward a mutated K-ras (G12V). BR2-fused scFv induced a higher degree of apoptosis than Tat-fused scFv in K-ras mutated HCT116 cells. These results suggest that the novel cell-penetrating peptide BR2 has great potential as a useful drug delivery carrier with cancer cell specificity.  相似文献   

为了克服随机整合建立高表达细胞株时“位置效应”所带来的不可预知的后果,我们尝试建立基于定点整合的CHO高效表达系统。首先设计一个新的高效筛选载体pMCEscan。该载体含有报告基因(k2tPA)、扩增基因(dhfr)、重组酶识别序列(FRT)及筛选基因(neo),且neo基因的表达经过系统的弱化,确保能够对基因组中的整合位点进行大规模的高效筛选。然后利用该载体转染CHO/dhfr细胞并进行大规模筛选以获得足够多的阳性克隆,并对阳性克隆进行系统分析,筛选出报告基因表达水平高、单拷贝且扩增效果好的克隆,此克隆被认为筛选载体整合入CHO细胞基因组中转录热点(Hot spot)区域,从而获得了能够实现外源基因在基因组中定点整合和有效表达的CHO/dhfr-细胞系。随后利用位点特异性重组系统(FLP-FRT)将外源基因定点整合到Hot spot区域,以实现外源基因在CHO细胞基因组中的定点整合及高效表达。并利用该细胞系实现了k2tPA的高表达,表达量达到17.1μg/106cell·24h。该研究致力于CHO细胞基因组中高表达位点的寻找和确认,建立基于定点整合的哺乳动物细胞高效表达系统。  相似文献   

为了克服随机整合建立高表达细胞株时“位置效应”所带来的不可预知的后果,我们尝试建立基于定点整合的CHO高效表达系统。首先设计一个新的高效筛选载体pMCEscan。该载体含有报告基因(k2tPA)、扩增基因(dhfr)、重组酶识别序列(FRT)及筛选基因(neo),且neo基因的表达经过系统的弱化,确保能够对基因组中的整合位点进行大规模的高效筛选。然后利用该载体转染CHO/dhfr^-细胞并进行大规模筛选以获得足够多的阳性克隆,并对阳性克隆进行系统分析,筛选出报告基因表达水平高、单拷贝且扩增效果好的克隆,此克隆被认为筛选载体整合入CHO细胞基因组中转录热点(Hotspot)区域,从而获得了能够实现外源基因在基因组中定点整合和有效表达的CHO/dhfr-细胞系。随后利用位点特异性重组系统(FLP-FRT)将外源基因定点整合到Hotspot区域,以实现外源基因在CHO细胞基因组中的定点整合及高效表达。并利用该细胞系实现了k2tPA的高表达,表达量达到17.1μg/10^6cell·24h。该研究致力于CHO细胞基因组中高表达位点的寻找和确认,建立基于定点整合的哺乳动物细胞高效表达系统。  相似文献   

将人工合成的人胰高血糖素样肽-1(human glucagon like peptide-1, hGLP-1)基因插入质粒载体pET-32a(+)中,构建成rhGLP-1与硫氧还蛋白(thioredox)及六聚组氨酸(hexahistidine)的融合表达载体pET32-GLP-1,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)获得表达菌株,经IPTG诱导发酵的菌体超声破碎后,裂解液用Ni离子亲和层析纯化得到融合蛋白,经肠激酶裂解,再次Ni离子亲和层析,得到rhGLP-1样品。经SDS PAGE 和等电聚焦检测,样品纯度大于90%, 等电点介于pH5.2~pH5.85之间。质谱测定rhGLP-1分子量为3 355.0kDa,肽图分析得到2 097.7kDa和1 005.5kDa两个胰蛋白酶酶解片断,均与理论分析结果一致。动物实验表明重组蛋白具有明显的降血糖活性和促胰岛素分泌作用。  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) mainly introduced as a new generation of antibiotics, could be used for broad medical and biotechnological...  相似文献   

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored glycoproteins have various intrinsic functions in yeasts and different uses in vitro. In the present study, the genome of Pichia pastoris GS115 was screened for potential GPI-modified cell wall proteins. Fifty putative GPI-anchored proteins were selected on the basis of (i) the presence of a C-terminal GPI attachment signal sequence, (ii) the presence of an N-terminal signal sequence for secretion, and (iii) the absence of transmembrane domains in mature protein. The predicted GPI-anchored proteins were fused to an alpha-factor secretion signal as a substitute for their own N-terminal signal peptides and tagged with the chimeric reporters FLAG tag and mature Candida antarctica lipase B (CALB). The expression of fusion proteins on the cell surface of P. pastoris GS115 was determined by whole-cell flow cytometry and immunoblotting analysis of the cell wall extracts obtained by β-1,3-glucanase digestion. CALB displayed on the cell surface of P. pastoris GS115 with the predicted GPI-anchored proteins was examined on the basis of potential hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl butyrate. Finally, 13 proteins were confirmed to be GPI-modified cell wall proteins in P. pastoris GS115, which can be used to display heterologous proteins on the yeast cell surface.  相似文献   

We describe the use of the SBP-tag, a new streptavidin-binding peptide, for both the one-step purification and the detection of recombinant proteins. The SBP-tag sequence is 38 amino acids long and binds to streptavidin with an equilibrium dissociation constant of 2.5 nM. We demonstrate that a single-step purification of SBP-tagged proteins from bacterial extract yields samples that are more pure than those purified using maltose-binding protein or the His-tag. The capacity of the immobilized streptavidin used to purify SBP-tagged proteins is about 0.5 mg per milliliter of matrix, which is high enough to isolate large quantities of proteins for further study. Also, the elution conditions from the streptavidin column are very mild and specific, consisting of the wash buffer plus biotin. This combination of high-affinity, high-yield, mild elution conditions, and simplicity of use makes the SBP-tag suitable for high-throughput protein expression/purification procedures, including robotically manipulated protocols with microtiter plates. Additionally, the SBP-tag can be used for detection since a wide variety of streptavidin-conjugated fluorescent and enzymatic systems are commercially available. We also present a new, rapid, method for the measurement of protein-protein, protein-peptide, or protein-small molecule equilibrium dissociation constants that require as little as 1 fmol of labeled protein. We call this method the spin-filter binding inhibition assay.  相似文献   

The Min system, consisting of MinC, MinD, and MinE, plays an important role in localizing the Escherichia coli cell division machinery to midcell by preventing FtsZ ring (Z ring) formation at cell poles. MinC has two domains, MinCn and MinCc, which both bind to FtsZ and act synergistically to inhibit FtsZ polymerization. Binary fission of E. coli usually proceeds symmetrically, with daughter cells at roughly 180° to each other. In contrast, we discovered that overproduction of an artificial MinCc-MinD fusion protein in the absence of other Min proteins induced frequent and dramatic jackknife-like bending of cells at division septa, with cell constriction predominantly on the outside of the bend. Mutations in the fusion known to disrupt MinCc-FtsZ, MinCc-MinD, or MinD-membrane interactions largely suppressed bending division. Imaging of FtsZ-green fluorescent protein (GFP) showed no obvious asymmetric localization of FtsZ during MinCc-MinD overproduction, suggesting that a downstream activity of the Z ring was inhibited asymmetrically. Consistent with this, MinCc-MinD fusions localized predominantly to segments of the Z ring at the inside of developing cell bends, while FtsA (but not ZipA) tended to localize to the outside. As FtsA is required for ring constriction, we propose that this asymmetric localization pattern blocks constriction of the inside of the septal ring while permitting continued constriction of the outside portion.  相似文献   

重组水蛭素相关肽Hi-lys的表达与纯化(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为开发一种新的有临床应用价值的抗血栓药物,根据水蛭素保持抗凝活性的2 0肽片段,设计并构建了水蛭素相关肽(Hi lys)与天冬酰胺酶C端的融合表达系统.为方便目的肽与融合伙伴的分离,增加了富含带电序列的8肽(KRKRKKSR)及酸敏感的天冬氨酰 脯氨酸(Asp Pro)位点,获得了表达质粒pED P8 Hi lys.将其转化E .coliBL 2 1,玉米浆培养基(kanr)培养,乳糖诱导获得融合蛋白(AnsB C P8 Hi lys)的高效表达.通过细菌裂解、包涵体洗涤、尿素溶解、乙醇沉淀、酸水解和DEAE 纤维素5 2柱层析纯化获得目的肽Hi lys ,用凝血酶测定法测得其抗凝活性为5 0ATU mg .  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Expression wrinkles form over time due to repeated facial movements such as smiling and frowning. They have an imprint on facial skin in...  相似文献   

蜘蛛丝是一类天然蛋白质纤维,具有独特的机械性能(高强度、高弹性和高断裂功等)和卓著的生物学特性(生物可降解性和与生物组织的相容性等),在生物医学、材料、纺织和军事等领域都有着很高的潜在应用价值。综述了不同蜘蛛丝蛋白的模块结构特征及与其功能的关系,扼要介绍了目前利用各种基因工程方法表达重组蜘蛛丝蛋白的研究进展。  相似文献   

依据本室获得的人TPO模拟肽序列,合成了该模拟肽的DNA序列,分别连接至4种不同长度的人IgG1 Fc基因片段的5′端,并克隆至质粒表达载体pET28a(+),转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),筛选获得了4种重组工程菌,其中3种分别高效表达了3种不同长度的融合蛋白,而第4种工程菌未表达。表达的3种融合蛋白的分子量分别约为28kD、12kD和12kD,表达量约占菌体蛋白总量的30%左右,纯化获得了3种TPO模拟肽融合蛋白。3种融合蛋白均有较好的体外活性,维持TPO依赖细胞Ba/F3-mp1生长的EC50分别为:13、10、10 nmol/L。用血小板减少症小鼠动物模型,测定了它们的体内活性,3种融合蛋白均有升高血小板和缩短血小板恢复时间的功能,分别比TPO模拟肽活性提高了18、8、8倍;而对白细胞及红细胞无显著影响。分别用3种融合蛋白免疫BALB/c小鼠,均未刺激小鼠产生抗TPO模拟肽抗体,并显示了较好的应用潜力。   相似文献   

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