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The severe virulence of Toxoplasma gondii in classical laboratory inbred mouse strains contradicts the hypothesis that house mice (Mus musculus) are the most important intermediate hosts for its transmission and evolution because death of the mouse before parasite transmission equals death of the parasite. However, the classical laboratory inbred mouse strains (Mus musculus domesticus), commonly used to test Toxoplasma strain differences in virulence, do not capture the genetic diversity within Mus musculus. Thus, it is possible that Toxoplasma strains that are severely virulent in laboratory inbred mice are avirulent in some other mouse sub-species. Here, we present insight into the responses of individual mouse strains, representing strains of the genetically divergent Mus musculus musculus, Mus musculus castaneus and Mus musculus domesticus, to infection with individual clonal and atypical Toxoplasma strains. We observed that, unlike M. m. domesticus, M. m. musculus and M. m. castaneus are resistant to the clonal Toxoplasma strains. For M. m. musculus, we show that this is due to a locus on chromosome 11 that includes the genes that encode the interferon gamma (IFNG)-inducible immunity-related GTPases (Irgs) that can kill the parasite by localising and subsequently vesiculating the parasitophorous vacuole membrane. However, despite the localization of known effector Irgs to the Toxoplasma parasitophorous vacuole membrane, we observed that some atypical Toxoplasma strains are virulent in all the mouse strains tested. The virulence of these atypical strains in M. m. musculus could not be attributed to individual rhoptry protein 5 (ROP5) alleles, a secreted parasite pseudokinase that antagonises the canonical effector Irgs and is indispensable for parasite virulence in laboratory inbred mice (M. m. domesticus). We conclude that murine resistance to Toxoplasma is modulated by complex interactions between host and parasite genotypes and may be independent of known effector Irgs on murine chromosome 11.  相似文献   

Current understanding of the immune system comes primarily from laboratory‐based studies. There has been substantial interest in examining how it functions in the wild, but studies have been limited by a lack of appropriate assays and study species. The three‐spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) provides an ideal system in which to advance the study of wild immunology, but requires the development of suitable immune assays. We demonstrate that meaningful variation in the immune response of stickleback can be measured using real‐time PCR to quantify the expression of eight genes, representing the innate response and Th1‐, Th2‐ and Treg‐type adaptive responses. Assays are validated by comparing the immune expression profiles of wild and laboratory‐raised stickleback, and by examining variation across populations on North Uist, Scotland. We also compare the immune response potential of laboratory‐raised individuals from two Icelandic populations by stimulating cells in culture. Immune profiles of wild fish differed from laboratory‐raised fish from the same parental population, with immune expression patterns in the wild converging relative to those in the laboratory. Innate measures differed between wild populations, whilst the adaptive response was associated with variation in age, relative size of fish, reproductive status and S. solidus infection levels. Laboratory‐raised individuals from different populations showed markedly different innate immune response potential. The ability to combine studies in the laboratory and in the wild underlines the potential of this toolkit to advance our understanding of the ecological and evolutionary relevance of immune system variation in a natural setting.  相似文献   

Identifying the genetic architecture underlying complex phenotypes is a notoriously difficult problem that often impedes progress in understanding adaptive eco‐evolutionary processes in natural populations. Host–parasite interactions are fundamentally important drivers of evolutionary processes, but a lack of understanding of the genes involved in the host's response to chronic parasite insult makes it particularly difficult to understand the mechanisms of host life history trade‐offs and the adaptive dynamics involved. Here, we examine the genetic basis of gastrointestinal nematode (Trichostrongylus tenuis) burden in 695 red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scotica) individuals genotyped at 384 genome‐wide SNPs. We first use genome‐wide association to identify individual SNPs associated with nematode burden. We then partition genome‐wide heritability to identify chromosomes with greater heritability than expected from gene content, due to harbouring a multitude of additive SNPs with individually undetectable effects. We identified five SNPs on five chromosomes that accounted for differences of up to 556 worms per bird, but together explained at best 4.9% of the phenotypic variance. These SNPs were closely linked to genes representing a range of physiological processes including the immune system, protein degradation and energy metabolism. Genome partitioning indicated genome‐wide heritability of up to 29% and three chromosomes with excess heritability of up to 4.3% (total 8.9%). These results implicate SNPs and novel genomic regions underlying nematode burden in this system and suggest that this phenotype is somewhere between being based on few large‐effect genes (oligogenic) and based on a large number of genes with small individual but large combined effects (polygenic).  相似文献   

Infections with high doses of intestinal nematodes result in protective immunity based on robust type 2 responses in most mouse lines under laboratory conditions. Here, we report on cellular responses of wild house mice from northern Germany. We detected robust Th1 responses in wild house mice naturally infected with the whipworm Trichuris muris. In contrast, mice infected with pinworms (Syphacia, Aspiculuris) reported type-2 activity by elevated IgG1 levels and eosinophil counts, but also harbored high frequencies of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells, suggesting that natural whip- and pinworm infections induce distinct immunoregulatory as well as effector profiles.  相似文献   

All organisms are infected with a range of symbionts spanning the spectrum of beneficial mutualists to detrimental parasites. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is a good example, as both endosymbiotic Wolbachia, and pathogenic Drosophila C Virus (DCV) commonly infect it. While the pathophysiology and immune responses against both symbionts are the focus of intense study, the behavioural effects of these infections have received less attention. Here we report sex-specific behavioural responses to these infections in D. melanogaster. DCV infection caused increased sleep in female flies, but had no detectable effect in male flies. The presence of Wolbachia did not reduce this behavioural response to viral infection. We also found evidence for a sex-specific cost of Wolbachia, as male flies infected with the endosymbiont became more lethargic when awake. We discuss these behavioural symptoms as potentially adaptive sickness behaviours.  相似文献   

Mcguire R. W. 1984. Differences in Plasmodium berghei development in nude and normal mice. International Journal for Parasitology14: 57–61. Parasitemia is a cumulative index of hostparasite responses which constitutes a dynamic cycle of affector-effector mechanisms. Therefore, it is necessary to view these responses as host or parasite in nature and this investigation focused on parasite responses. This study supports previous findings, i.e., congenitally athymic (nu/nu) mice maintain higher parasitemias than control (nu/+) animals. Analysis of these differences demonstrate that, in the erythrocytic phase, the frequency of schizonts, the frequency of multiple-infected red blood cells and the number of nuclei per schizont are dependent on the immunological state of the host. Collectively, parasite developmental characteristics suggest that Plasmodium berghei has a greater reproductive capability and possibly a higher degree of sequestration while developing in nude mice.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous exposure to parasites may contribute to host species differentiation. Hosts often harbour multiple parasite species which may interact and thus modify each other’s effects on host fitness. Antagonistic or synergistic interactions between parasites may be detectable as niche segregation within hosts. Consequently, the within-host distribution of different parasite taxa may constitute an important axis of infection variation among host populations and species. We investigated the microhabitat distributions and species interactions of gill parasites (four genera) infecting 14 sympatric cichlid species in Lake Victoria, Tanzania. We found that the two most abundant ectoparasite genera (the monogenean Cichlidogyrus spp. and the copepod Lamproglena monodi) were non-randomly distributed across the host gills and their spatial distribution differed between host species. This may indicate microhabitat selection by the parasites and cryptic differences in the host–parasite interaction among host species. Relationships among ectoparasite genera were synergistic: the abundances of Cichlidogyrus spp. and the copepods L. monodi and Ergasilus lamellifer tended to be positively correlated. In contrast, relationships among morphospecies of Cichlidogyrus were antagonistic: the abundances of morphospecies were negatively correlated. Together with niche overlap, this suggests competition among morphospecies of Cichlidogyrus. We also assessed the reproductive activity of the copepod species (the proportion of individuals carrying egg clutches), as it may be affected by the presence of other parasites and provide another indicator of the species specificity of the host–parasite relationship. Copepod reproductive activity did not differ between host species and was not associated with the presence or abundance of other parasites, suggesting that these are generalist parasites, thriving in all cichlid species examined from Lake Victoria.  相似文献   

Across a species' range, populations are exposed to their local thermal environments, which on an evolutionary scale, may cause adaptative differences among populations. Helminths often have broad geographic ranges and temperature-sensitive life stages but little is known about whether and how local thermal adaptation can influence their response to climate change. We studied the thermal responses of the free-living stages of Marshallagia marshalli, a parasitic nematode of wild ungulates, along a latitudinal gradient. We first determine its distribution in wild sheep species in North America. Then we cultured M. marshalli eggs from different locations at temperatures from 5 to 38°C. We fit performance curves based on the metabolic theory of ecology to determine whether development and mortality showed evidence of local thermal adaptation. We used parameter estimates in life-cycle-based host–parasite models to understand how local thermal responses may influence parasite performance under general and location-specific climate-change projections. We found that M. marshalli has a wide latitudinal and host range, infecting wild sheep species from New Mexico to Yukon. Increases in mortality and development time at higher temperatures were most evident for isolates from northern locations. Accounting for location-specific parasite parameters primarily influenced the magnitude of climate change parasite performance, while accounting for location-specific climates primarily influenced the phenology of parasite performance. Despite differences in development and mortality among M. marshalli populations, when using site-specific climate change projections, there was a similar magnitude of impact on the relative performance of M. marshalli among populations. Climate change is predicted to decrease the expected lifetime reproductive output of M. marshalli in all populations while delaying its seasonal peak by approximately 1 month. Our research suggests that accurate projections of the impacts of climate change on broadly distributed species need to consider local adaptations of organisms together with local temperature profiles and climate projections.  相似文献   

Most hosts are concurrently or sequentially infected with multiple parasites; thus, fully understanding interactions between individual parasite species and their hosts depends on accurate characterization of the parasite community. For parasitic nematodes, noninvasive methods for obtaining quantitative, species‐specific infection data in wildlife are often unreliable. Consequently, characterization of gastrointestinal nematode communities of wild hosts has largely relied on lethal sampling to isolate and enumerate adult worms directly from the tissues of dead hosts. The necessity of lethal sampling severely restricts the host species that can be studied, the adequacy of sample sizes to assess diversity, the geographic scope of collections and the research questions that can be addressed. Focusing on gastrointestinal nematodes of wild African buffalo, we evaluated whether accurate characterization of nematode communities could be made using a noninvasive technique that combined conventional parasitological approaches with molecular barcoding. To establish the reliability of this new method, we compared estimates of gastrointestinal nematode abundance, prevalence, richness and community composition derived from lethal sampling with estimates derived from our noninvasive approach. Our noninvasive technique accurately estimated total and species‐specific worm abundances, as well as worm prevalence and community composition when compared to the lethal sampling method. Importantly, the rate of parasite species discovery was similar for both methods, and only a modest number of barcoded larvae (n = 10) were needed to capture key aspects of parasite community composition. Overall, this new noninvasive strategy offers numerous advantages over lethal sampling methods for studying nematode–host interactions in wildlife and can readily be applied to a range of study systems.  相似文献   

The extent to which genotypic variation at a priori identified candidate genes can explain variation in complex phenotypes is a major debate in evolutionary biology. Whereas some high‐profile genes such as the MHC or MC1R clearly do account for variation in ecologically relevant characters, many complex phenotypes such as response to parasite infection may well be underpinned by a large number of genes, each of small and effectively undetectable effect. Here, we characterize a suite of novel candidate genes for variation in gastrointestinal nematode (Trichostrongylus tenuis) burden among red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scotica) individuals across a network of moors in north‐east Scotland. We test for associations between parasite load and genotypic variation in twelve genes previously identified to be differentially expressed in experimentally infected red grouse or genetically differentiated among red grouse populations with overall different parasite loads. These genes are associated with a broad physiological response including immune system processes. Based on individual‐level generalized linear models, genotypic variants in nine genes were significantly associated with parasite load, with effect sizes accounting for differences of 514–666 worms per bird. All but one of these variants were synonymous or untranslated, suggesting that these may be linked to protein‐coding variants or affect regulatory processes. In contrast, population‐level analyses revealed few and inconsistent associations with parasite load, and little evidence of signatures of natural selection. We discuss the broader significance of these contrasting results in the context of the utility of population genomics and landscape genomics approaches in detecting adaptive genomic signatures.  相似文献   

Hookworm activation-associated secreted proteins can be structurally classified into at least three different groups. The hallmark feature of Group 1 activation-associated secreted proteins is a prominent equatorial groove, which is inferred to form a ligand binding site. Furthermore, a conserved tandem histidine motif is located in the centre of the groove and believed to provide or support a yet to be determined catalytic activity.Here, we report three-dimensional crystal structures of Na-ASP-2, an L3-secreted activation-associated secreted protein from the human hookworm Necator americanus, which demonstrate transition metal binding ability of the conserved tandem histidine motif. We further identified moderate phosphohydrolase activity of recombinant Na-ASP-2, which relates to the tandem histidine motif. By panning a random 12-mer peptide phage library, we identified a peptide with high similarity to the human calcium-activated potassium channel SK3, and confirm binding of the synthetic peptide to recombinant Na-ASP-2 by differential scanning fluorimetry. Potential binding modes of the peptide to Na-ASP-2 were studied by molecular dynamics simulations which clearly identify a preferred topology of the Na-ASP-2:SK3 peptide complex.  相似文献   

Mice were exposed in the far field in an anechoic chamber to 2,880-MHz pulsed microwaves 3 to 7.5 h daily, 5 days/week for 60 to 360 h. Three experiments were performed at average power densities of 5 mW/cm2 and six at 10 mW/cm2, corresponding to averaged specific absorption rates (SARs) of 2.25 and 4.50 mW/g, respectively. Each experiment consisted of eight mice, with a concurrently sham-exposed group of eight. In two of three studies at 5 mW/cm2, there was a significant increase in bone marrow cellularity in the microwave-exposed groups compared to the sham-exposed groups. Significant differences were occasionally seen in erythrocyte, leukocyte, and platelet values from microwave-exposed groups, but were not consistently observed. In one of six groups exposed at 10 mW/cm2, mean bone marrow cellularity was reduced significantly in the microwave-exposed mice; in another group, the lymphocyte count was increased. In only one exposure (10 mW/cm2 for 360 h) was any significant effect noted on serum proteins: a reduction to 5.1 +/- 0.3 g/dl in the exposed versus 5.6 +/- 0.4 g/dl in the sham-exposed mice. This was due to a decrease in alpha and beta globulins, with no effect on albumin or gamma globulin concentrations. No effect on bone marrow granulocyte/macrophage colony-forming units (CFU) was revealed following exposure of mice to pulsed microwaves at 5 mW/cm2. In one of four exposures at 10 mW/cm2, there was a significant increase in CFU-agar colonies. No significant effects of exposures at 10 mW/cm2 were observed on in vivo and in vitro assays of cell-mediated immune functions. No exposure-related histopathologic lesions were found from examination of several tissues and organs. Results of these series of exposures of mice at SARs of 2.25 and 4.50 mW/g indicated no consistent effects on the hematologic, immunologic, or histopathologic variables examined.  相似文献   

The species of Prosopis (Leguminosae) are welladapted to grow in the arid regions of the world. In Mexico, nearly 70%of its territory accounts for arid lands and nine species of this genus arefound in the country which are currently utilized for multiple purposes. Giventhat a sustainable exploitation of this important natural resource is necessary,knowledge of the genetic variability of natural populations is required. Thegenetic variation among and within four wild populations of Prosopisglandulosa, P. juliflora, and two ofP. laevigata, located in the Mexican States of Chihuahua(1), Sinaloa (2), Guanajuato (3) and Hidalgo (4), respectively, was determinedusing random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs). There was a genetic variation of72.48% among these four populations, and within them the estimated geneticvariation was 27.52%. Between the populations of P.laevigata the genetic variation obtained was 7.15%, and within them92.85% (AMOVA, P < 0.001). Based on the assumption ofWright's island model, the genetic variation found among populations correspondsto a gene flow (Nem) of 0.09, while the gene flow detected betweenthe populations of P. laevigata was 3.2. A total of 27 RAPDphenotypes were identified in the four populations; among them, 11 correspondedto P. laevigata. The phylogenetic analyses showed that thethree species are differentiated in three clades and that probably P.juliflora was the origin of the other two species. The protogynoustrait of their flowers and the outcrossing are the main factors that may explainthe genetic variation observed in these populations.  相似文献   

Variations in the liver and spleen masses of the eel Anguilla anguilla were analysed in relation to the parasite load of Anguillicola crassus at autopsy (current infection by swimbladder lumen worms) and in relation to the severity of damage observed in the swimbladder (a way of assessing the intensity of past infections). None of these measures of parasite pressure were shown to account for variation in the relative liver mass, either when controlling for somatic mass or eel age. In marked contrast, a significant increase in spleen size was revealed in eels harbouring many lumen worms and also in eels with severe damage in the swimbladder. Splenic enlargement was nearly two‐fold higher among severely affected eels (harbouring more than seven lumen parasites and showing severe damage in the swimbladder) than among infection‐free eels (no lumen parasites and no pathological signs in the swimbladder). Several possible hypotheses are reviewed before arguing for an adaptive host response involving the haematological and immunological functions of the spleen. Indeed, among eels with no pathological signs in the swimbladder, the relative spleen mass was positively associated with the mass of lumen parasites, which suggests a hyper‐synthesis of blood cells by the spleen in response to the bloodsucking activity of lumen worms. Nevertheless, among eels with no lumen parasites at autopsy, there was still an increase in spleen size in relation to the severity of the swimbladder damage, which also suggests a hyper‐synthesis of splenic immune cells (lymphocytes and macrophages) in reaction to damaged tissues and particularly to larvae in the swimbladder wall.  相似文献   

Natural selection imposed by interacting species frequently varies among geographic locations and can lead to local adaptation, where alternative phenotypes are found in different populations. Little is known, however, about whether geographically variable selection acting on traits that mediate species interactions is consistent or strong enough to influence patterns of nucleotide variation at individual loci. To investigate this question, we examined patterns of nucleotide diversity and population structure at 16 plant innate immunity genes, with putative functions in defending plants against pathogens or herbivores, from six populations of teosinte (Zea mays ssp. parviglumis). Specifically, we tested whether patterns of population structure and within-population diversity at immunity genes differed from patterns found at nonimmunity (reference) loci and from neutral expectations derived from coalescent simulations of structured populations. For the majority of genes, we detected no strong evidence of geographically variable selection. However, in the wound-induced serine protease inhibitor (wip1), which inhibits the hydrolysis of dietary proteins in insect herbivores, one population showed unusually high levels of genetic differentiation, very low levels of nucleotide polymorphism, and was fixed for a novel replacement substitution in the active site of the protein. Taken together, these data suggest that wip1 experienced a recent selective sweep in one geographic region; this pattern may reflect local adaptation or an ongoing species-wide sweep. Overall, our results indicate that a signature of local adaptation at the molecular level may be uncommon-particularly for traits that are under complex genetic control.  相似文献   

Coinfection, whereby the same host is infected by more than one pathogen strain, may favor faster host exploitation rates as strains compete for the same limited resources. Hence, coinfection is expected to have major consequences for pathogen evolution, virulence, and epidemiology. Theory predicts genetic variation in host resistance and pathogen infectivity to play a key role in how coinfections are formed. The limited number of studies available has demonstrated coinfection to be a common phenomenon, but little is known about how coinfection varies in space, and what its determinants are. Our aim is to understand how variation in host resistance and pathogen infectivity and aggressiveness contribute to how coinfections are formed in the interaction between fungal pathogen Podosphaera plantaginis and Plantago lanceolata. Our phenotyping study reveals that more aggressive strains are more likely to form coinfections than less aggressive strains in the natural populations. In the natural populations most of the variation in coinfection is found at the individual plant level, and results from a common garden study confirm the prevalence of coinfection to vary significantly among host genotypes. These results show that genetic variation in both the host and pathogen populations are key determinants of coinfection in the wild.  相似文献   

The Botryosphaeriaceae are common and diverse members of fungal communities infecting woody plants. They are also increasingly being used as model organisms to understand patterns in the global movement of latent pathogens. The aim of this study was to consider the species richness of the Botryosphaeriaceae associated with the native Acacia (Vachellia) karroo across South Africa, and the variation of species at specific local sites over time. The diversity of these fungi associated with different tissues of this host plant was also considered. These questions were addressed by sampling healthy A. karroo from 23 sites in South Africa and by more intensive hierarchical sampling conducted at 40 sites in one area over 3 yr. In total, 13 species of the Botryosphaeriaceae were identified, including seven that were isolated only from the more intensively sampled area. There was a clear geographical influence, with some species occurring only in some parts of the country. Significant variation in the species richness over time for the intensively sampled area was found and there was no evidence of tissue specificity for this group of fungi in leaves, branches and branchlets. Results of pathogenicity trials showed highly variable lesion sizes for the isolated species in comparison to the control, with Sphaeropsis variabilis, Lasiodiplodia theobromae and Neofusicoccum australe being the most pathogenic. The overall results revealed a rich diversity of Botryosphaeriaceae on this native host, which varied significantly both geographically and on individual trees, even in the absence of obvious disease.  相似文献   

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