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The erythrocyte metabolism of two patients with nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia caused by a hexokinase deficiency, and a pyruvate kinase deficiency, respectively, were studied with NMR. The complexing of ATP and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) with Mg2+ and hemoglobin (Hb) was determined using 31P-NMR on oxygenated and deoxygenated cells to investigate the influences of these enzyme defects on intracellular magnesium distribution and on Hb oxygen dissociation. In the pyruvate kinase-deficient red blood cells, the 2,3-DPG concentration was almost twice the normal value and the ATP concentration was near the lower limit of the normal range. In the hexokinase-deficient red cell population, the predominance of young cells masked the deficiency. Therefore, reticulocyte control cells were included in this study. In the oxygenated pyruvate kinase-deficient cells, the fraction of ATP that is complexed to magnesium as well as the free Mg2+ concentration were normal, despite the abnormal concentration of 2,3-DPG. In the deoxygenated cells the free Mg2+ concentration was lower than in normal cells. The fraction of Hb complexed with 2,3-DPG was higher than normal in both oxygenated and deoxygenated pyruvate kinase-deficient cells, in accordance with the high p50 of the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve. In hexokinase-deficient cells, two major abnormalities are found: when the cells were deoxygenated, the concentration of ATP and 2,3-DPG fell. This was not observed for any other sample and could, therefore, be a consequence of the hexokinase deficiency. Despite almost normal levels of magnesium-binding metabolites, the free Mg2+ concentration in oxygenated and deoxygenated cels is much lower than in normal cells. This could be a cell-age-related phenomenon, since lower free Mg2+ concentrations were also found in reticulocyte control cells.  相似文献   

The effect of electric fields as related to red blood cell sizing techniques, hemolysis, mobility, and general behavior is examined. A review is made of the varying theories concerning these effects. In addition, the physical ramifications of electric field experimentation is viewed. Criticisms are made with regard to technique and lack of consideration for certain experimental variables.  相似文献   

Trace elements have been shown to improve red blood cell (RBC) deformability: zinc in sickle cell disease and magnesium in an in vitro model of chemically rigidified erythrocytes. In this study, we investigated the effect and the influence of incubation time of zinc or magnesium on an in vitro model of rigidified RBCs by heating. Erythrocyte rigidity was determined by viscosimetry at high shear rate by a falling ball viscosimeter MT 90. In the first part of the study, six normal volunteers participated. Viscosimetry was performed on native blood before and after heating the sample for 10 min at 50°C. Therefore, increasing concentrations of zinc gluconate (final concentration: 0.5–4 g/L) or isotonic NaCl as control medium were added to the sample. Heating induced a twofold increase in all indices of RBC rigidity (p<0.05). At all these concentrations of zinc, a highly significant, dose-related fluidifying effect was observed (40–70%): this effect was immediately obtained and did not change over 60 min. Even at the highest concentration, recovery was not complete. In the second part of the study, we studied magnesium’s effects on blood. In a first protocol, whole blood was rigidified by heating at 56°C for 10 min, and the correcting effect of 5 min of incubation at 37°C of RBCs in 150 mmol/L NaCl, MgSO4, magnesium acetate, and magnesium gluconate was investigated. In a second protocol, the same incubation with NaCl and magnesium salts was made on blood that had not been previously heated. In a third protocol, the correcting effect of magnesium gluconate on heated red blood cells was tested at four concentrations (75, 150, 225, and 300 mmol/L) over 1 h, for evaluating the effects of both concentration and time. Erythrocyte rigidity by heating is corrected by the three salts employed in protocol 1 (compared to sodium). In protocol 2, the deformability of normal (nonheated) red cells is not modified by magnesium. In protocol 3, no marked modification over 1 h is observed. The correcting effect is not complete for 75 mmol/L Mg, but remains the same at the three other concentrations. This study shows that zinc and magnesium at supraphysiological concentration are able to reverse RBC’s rigidification induced by heating, but that magnesium does not modify the flexibility of normal RBCs. This article suggests that zinc and magnesium may be studied in vivo as potential pharmacologic tools for improving hemorheologic disturbances.  相似文献   

Summary Spectrin forms aggregates in solution when incubated at relatively high concentrations (several millimolar) of divalent cations. According to the evidence of electron microscopy, aggregates of globular appearance and, rather uniform size are cooperatively formed from spectrin dimers, no intermediate structures being seen. Inter-dimer chemical cross-linking of spectrin in intact red cell membranes is enhanced if magnesium ions at a concentration of 0.5mm or more are present. On the other hand, the elimination of magnesium from the interior of intact cells causes no significant change in shear elastic modulus, measured by micropipette assays, nor is there any dependence of membrane filtration rate on intracellular free magnesium concentration in the range 0–1mm. Magnesium-depleted cells are, however, converted into echinocytes within a short period, in which, control cells, exposed to ionophore and external magnesium ions, remain completely discoid. Magnesium-depleted cells also undergo structural, changes on heating below the temperature at which vesiculation sets in. These reveal themselves by the transformation of the cells to a unique characteristic shape, by grossly reduced filtrability, and by extensive agglutination of the cells when treated with a bifunctional reagent. Magnesium ions thus regulate the stability, but not to any measurable extent the gross elasticity, of the red cell membrane.  相似文献   

Exposure of red blood cells to ozone resulted in K+ leakage, lipid peroxidation and inhibition of some membrane-associated enzymes. On the other hand, carrier-mediated transport of glucose, leucine, sulfate and glycerol and the nonspecific permeation of glycerol, L-glucose and erythritol were not affected by ozone. The cellular level of reduced glutathione declined, whereas the ATP content of the cells was quite insensitive to ozone exposure. It was shown that, most probably, lipid peroxidation and K+ leakage are not causally related. Further, K+ leakage did not reflect gradual, progressive loss of K+ from all cells simultaneously, but occurred in an all-or-none fashion. Finally, ozone-induced damage was compared to damage induced by H2O2, t-butyl hydroperoxide and photosensitizers plus light. It appeared that the pathways leading to membrane deterioration are quite dissimilar in these various forms of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the concentration of red blood cell (RBC) magnesium is significantly lower in subjects carrying an HLA-BW 35 antigen (p less than 0.001) than in non-carriers. As this finding might be related to modifications of the RBC membrane sialoglycoconjugates, RBC sialic acid was comparatively determined in BW 35+ and BW 35- subjects. Pyruvate-kinase activity mean RBC volume, and reticulocyte count have also been determined in order to estimate whether some significant variations in the level of these age markers could be detected between the HLA BW 35+ and BW 35- subjects. A significant negative correlation between sialic acid and RBC magnesium concentrations was observed for the whole population tested (n 57, p less than 0.005), 61% of the BW 35+ and only 25% of the BW 35- individuals having sialic acid values above, and magnesium values below the overall mean (p less than 0.01). The variance of mean RBC volume was also larger for the BW 35+ group. Other determinations did not show any significant variations, suggesting that the results are not related to RBC age.  相似文献   

Anions exert an influence on the passive permeability of Na+ and K+ in erythrocytes. THE EFFECT ON Mg-ATPase activity has been studied in human erythrocytes. 40 mM bicarbonate increased the activity as compared to the effect of 40 mM chloride; 20 mM sulphate inhibited it. Salicylate acted first as an activator then as an inhibitor of Mg-ATPase; maximum activity was reached at 60 mM CONCENTRATION. Thiocyanate inhibited saponin-stimulated Mg-ATPase, Ki = 1.85 X 10(-2)M. The probable mechanisms of action of the above anions on Mg-ATPase and possible relation to passive permeability of Na+ and K+ ions are discussed.  相似文献   

The metal-ion requirement of extracted and partially purified pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphate phosphatase from rat epididymal fat-pads was investigated with pig heart pyruvate dehydrogenase [(32)P]phosphate as substrate. The enzyme required Mg(2+) (K(m) 0.5mm) and was activated additionally by Ca(2+) (K(m) 1mum) or Sr(2+) and inhibited by Ni(2+). Isolated fat-cell mitochondria, like liver mitochondria, possess a respiration- or ATP-linked Ca(2+)-uptake system which is inhibited by Ruthenium Red, by uncouplers when linked to respiration, and by oligomycin when linked to ATP. Depletion of fat-cell mitochondria of 75% of their total magnesium content and of 94% of their total calcium content by incubation with the bivalent-metal ionophore A23187 leads to complete loss of pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphate phosphatase activity. Restoration of full activity required addition of both MgCl(2) and CaCl(2). SrCl(2) could replace CaCl(2) (but not MgCl(2)) and NiCl(2) was inhibitory. The metal-ion requirement of the phosphatase within mitochondria was thus equivalent to that of the extracted enzyme. Insulin activation of pyruvate dehydrogenase in rat epididymal fat-pads was not accompanied by any measurable increase in the activity of the phosphatase in extracts of the tissue when either endogenous substrate or (32)P-labelled pig heart substrate was used for assay. The activation of pyruvate dehydrogenase in fat-pads by insulin was inhibited by Ruthenium Red (which may inhibit cell and mitochondrial uptake of Ca(2+)) and by MnCl(2) and NiCl(2) (which may inhibit cell uptake of Ca(2+)). It is concluded that Mg(2+) and Ca(2+) are cofactors for pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphate phosphatase and that an increased mitochondrial uptake of Ca(2+) might contribute to the activation of pyruvate dehydrogenase by insulin.  相似文献   

Much attention has been paid to the study of blood flow in long, narrow tubes. While the influence of tube diameter and driving pressure have been examined in detail, the influence of suspending phase viscosity has generally been assumed only to affect the blood viscosity in a linearly proportional manner, hence the practice of normalizing apparent blood viscosity values by the suspending phase viscosity to give a relative viscosity (e.g., Pries et al., 1992). While this assumption is probably valid for long tubes, it apparently does not hold for blood flow in short tubes (and by extension also for flow in short or branching capillary segments in vivo) in which RBC deformation plays a more significant role. In this paper we present a series of experiments using the Cell Transit Analyzer (CTA) in which the influence of driving pressure and suspending phase viscosity on RBC passage through short, narrow tubes has been systematically evaluated. Over the range studied (1 to 10 cm water), the influence of driving pressure was found to be unremarkable, in that RBC velocity scaled directly and linearly with pressure. This finding is consistent with previous studies. However, a distinct intercept was observed in the linear relationship between RBC pore transit time and suspending phase viscosity, which presumably arises as a consequence of RBC deformation either at the pore entrance or within the pore. Two simple mathematical models for the suspending phase-viscosity/transit-time relationship were considered. The results show that making CTA measurements over a range of suspending medium viscosities is a simple and practical way to obtain additional information about RBC mechanical properties.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the primary role of variant antigens appearing on the surface of red blood cells infected with malaria parasites is to mediate cytoadherence, and that the antigenic variation they display is an adaptation to avoid immune attack. Here, Allan Saul proposes that their role is the opposite: that their primary purpose is to generate an immune response, which regulates their growth and thereby establishes a chronic infection, and that the role of cytoadherence is to ensure that parasites failing to express this flag to the immune system are destroyed by the spleen.  相似文献   

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