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A marine bacterium that secretes a novel guluronate lyase that is heat- and denaturants-durable, has been isolated from the intestine contents of a red sea bream, Pagrus major. To characterize this marine bacterium, we attempted taxonomic study with respect to eleven characteristics used for the specification with an electron microscope photograph. The findings showed that the marine bacterium is a member of the genus Vibrio.  相似文献   

产纤溶酶海洋微生物B5815菌株的筛选及鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用酪素平板、纤维蛋白平板的初筛和摇瓶复筛的方法从205株海洋微生物中筛选得到4株纤溶酶活性较强的菌株,其中菌株B5815产纤溶酶活性最高,平均达258 IU/mL。通过对菌株B5815的形态特征、生理生化特性的测定及16S rDNA序列分析,综合鉴定其为短小芽胞杆菌(Bacillus pumilus)。  相似文献   

产低温碱性蛋白酶海洋适冷菌SY的筛选   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从连云港海域、港口、远洋捕捞船及鱼市等地采集的海水和各类海鱼、贝类等样品中分离到217株产蛋白酶的细菌,并从中得到1株产低温碱性蛋白酶的海洋适冷细菌—SY。研究表明,该菌株最适生长温度和最适产酶温度均在15℃左右,0℃下仍可生长;具有一定的耐盐性和嗜盐性,无盐条件不能生长,在3%的NaCl盐浓度时,生长达到最高峰;最适生长和最适产酶pH均为8.0;SY菌所产的蛋白酶可能为一种丝氨酸蛋白酶,酶最适作用温度为50℃,最适作用pH为9.0;酶的热稳定性差,50℃保温20min,酶活下降40%。  相似文献   

采用双层平板法从污泥池中筛选出一株产氢较高的发酵菌株,经生理生化鉴定表明,分离菌株初步鉴定为消化链球菌属(Peptostreptococcus).研究静态培养条件下葡萄糖、pH、温度及和酵母膏对菌株产氢的影响及不同发酵时间段的产氢情况.结果表明,在葡萄糖浓度20.0 g/L,pH 7.0,温度37 ℃和酵母膏2.0 g/L时,产氢量达21.07 mmol/L,为初始培养条件下的4.14倍.同时,在24~36 h时间段产氢率达到最高,为0.44 mmol/(L·h),并且在60 h时产氢量达到最大累计产氢量的89.2%.  相似文献   

金城 《微生物学通报》2010,37(3):0472-0472
太湖、滇池等水体爆发的蓝藻水华,对水体生态环境及人们生活带来了严重的影响,引起了各级政府的高度重视。目前每年从太湖中打捞的水华数以亿吨计,但由于其毒性较大,无法利用,同时大规模发生蓝藻的水体底泥藻毒素含量也在不断提高。微囊藻毒素(Microcystins,MCs)是由淡水藻如微囊藻属、鱼腥藻属、  相似文献   

海洋细菌LU—B02生物活性物质发酵条件及理化性质研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
从辽宁渤海水域分离得到的多株细菌中筛选出1株能产生广谱抗菌物质的海洋细菌LU-B02,该菌对白色念珠菌、Y76等酵母状真菌具有较强的抗性,对一些海洋生物体病原菌或寄生菌以及农作物病原性丝状真菌也具有一定的抗性.在此基础上采用均匀设计对该菌株产生生物活性物质的发酵培养基进行选优;比较了不同菌龄、不同发酵时间LU-B02产生生物活性物质的浓度大小,考察了发酵液中生物活性物质对温度、pH值的稳定性;同时对生物活性物质的水溶性、离子特性等性质进行了研究.结果表明LU-B02菌龄16~24h、28℃下发酵26h产生的生物活性物质浓度最高,该物质为强碱性,水溶性强,对温度、pH值较稳定,为该活性物质的进一步提取精制和结构鉴定提供了依据.  相似文献   

研究了耐高温生物表面活性剂产生菌ZY-3的生理生化特性,并通过测定发酵液的菌体密度、表面张力和乳化活性等指标,研究不同碳源和初始pH对菌株ZY-3生长和产生物表面活性剂的影响,同时对其所产生物表面活性剂进行了初步分离和性质分析。菌株ZY-3被初步鉴定为芽胞杆菌属(Bacillus),具有产酸、不产H_2S、还原硝酸盐等特性。在以淀粉为碳源、初始pH 6.0的培养基中发酵,产生物表面活性剂多且稳定;在种子培养基和发酵培养基中都有淀粉的条件下,菌体生长较多,降低表面张力和乳化的作用均较强,所产生物表面活性剂可以使发酵液的表面张力从72.1 mN/m降到53.1 mN/m,乳化活性从0升高到24%。初步判断产物为糖脂类阴离子表面活性剂。  相似文献   

In attempts to find new sources of astaxanthin, approximately 200 strains of marine bacteria were collected from the sea near Okinawa Islands for screening. Silica gel TLC, VIS, EIMS, 1H-NMR, CD, and optical resolution HPLC data indicated that one of the strains, Agrobacterium aurantiacum, produced (3S,3′S)-astaxanthin and (3S,3′R)-4-ketozeaxanthin.  相似文献   

从四川省成都市青城山采集土壤,以琼脂作为唯一碳源,筛选到产琼脂酶细菌CMCK136;通过形态观察、生化鉴定、16S r DNA测序及序列分析鉴定其种属;随后测定了菌株CMCK136的胞外酶活性。菌株CMCK136被鉴定为芽胞杆菌属细菌,命名为Bacillus sp.CMCK136。菌株CMCK136的胞外琼脂酶的最适酸碱度为p H 7.0,最适温度为35℃。菌株CMCK136是产琼脂酶细菌家族的新成员,该菌株的发现进一步提示芽胞杆菌属很可能蕴含有尚待开发的琼脂酶资源。  相似文献   

Isolation and Characterization of a Fucoidan-Degrading Marine Bacterium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fucoidan, a mixture of sulfated fucose-containing polysaccharides, was prepared from the algal bodies of Cladosiphon okamuranus (class Phaeophyceae, order Chordariales, family Chordariaceae) with a yield of 2.0% of the wet weight of the alga. To obtain enzymes that digest the fucoidan, we screened bacteria in the gut contents of the sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus for their ability to decrease the fucoidan in their culture media, and successfully isolated one bacterial strain that could decrease it. The bacterial strain was gram-negative and possessed menaquinone 7 as the predominant respiratory quinone, and the GC content of its genomic DNA was 52%. The results of the phylogenetic analysis of its 16S ribosomal DNA sequence indicated that the bacterial strain was a member of the division Verrucomicrobia. However, as the bacterial strain is phylogenetically and phenotypically distinct from verrucomicrobial species described previously, the strain was assumed to be a new member of the division Verrucomicrobia. When the bacterial strain was cultivated in an algal fucoidan-containing medium, the strain decreased fucoidan from C. okamuranus (44%), Nemacystus decipiens (19%), Laminaria japonica (31%), Kjellmaniella crassifolia (23%), sporophyl of Undaria pinnatifida (22%), Fucus vesiculosus (42%), and Ascophyllum nodosum (61%).  相似文献   

The effects of whole cells of three different O serotypes of Vibrio anguillarum on the murine immune response were studied. The addition of different doses (1–100/ig/ml) of V. anguillarum cells, as well as Salmonella typhimurium lipopolysaccharide, markedly increased the incorporation of [3H] thymidine into in vitro cultured spleen cells of C57BL/6 mice. All three serotype strains of V. anguillarum were able to induce the mitogenic effect at 10 μg/ml and 100 μg/ml, but serotype I strains were more potent than the others. Since pretreatment of spleen cells with rabbit anti-mouse thymocyte antiserum did not affect the mitogenic activity of V. anguillarum, Vibrio cells may be a B-lymphocyte mitogen. When sheep or horse erythrocytes and Vibrio cells were injected intraperitoneally into ddY mice, Vibrio cells exhibited an enhancing effect on antibody response in vivo, regardless of the different serotypes. Vibrio cells, when injected intraperitoneally into mice before the antigen, markedly suppressed the antibody response. Several days after the injection of Vibrio cells, these mice showed an enhanced carbon clearance activity. Acid phosphatase activity in their peritoneal cells was also augmented, suggesting that Vibrio cells activated macrophages in the mice.  相似文献   

A bacterial strain, which was isolated from soil, and identified as Citrobacter sp., showed an inducible gallic acid decarboxylase activity producing pyrogallol from gallic acid. The strain also decarboxylated protocatechuic acid, pyrocatechuic acid, 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid and m-hydroxybenzoic acid as well. The pyrogallol and pyrocatechol produced were isolated from the cultured broths to which gallic acid and protocatechuic acid were added, respectively.  相似文献   

Production of a Pyrrole Antibiotic by a Marine Bacterium   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
Evidence is presented for the isolation and identification of bacteria able to synthesize an unusual antibiotic containing five bromine atoms per molecule. The identification and taxonomic position of these bacteria was made by use of a computer in conjunction with traditional methods. These microorganisms and closely related strains have been isolated on various occasions from tropical water in the vicinity of Puerto Rico. One bacterium, a pseudomonad, has been given the name Pseudomonas bromoutilis because of its distinctive capability. The antibiotic has been extracted, purified, and obtained in crystal form, and its structure has been determined. Although clinical tests of its properties were not encouraging, it may be of significant value and interest from an ecological standpoint.  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms have caused enormous damage to the marine ecosystem and the coastal economy in China. In this paper, a bacterial strain B1, which had strong algicidal activity against Phaeocystis globosa, was isolated from the coastal waters of Zhuhai in China. The strain B1 was identified as Bacillus sp. on the basis of 16S rDNA gene sequence and morphological characteristics. To evaluate the ecological safety of the algicidal substances produced by strain B1, their toxic effects on marine organisms were tested. Results showed that there were no adverse effects observed in the growth of Chlorella vulgaris, Chaetoceros muelleri, and Isochrystis galbana after exposure to the algicidal substances at a concentration of 1.0% (v/v) for 96 h. The 48h LC50 values for Brachionus plicatilis, Moina mongolica Daday and Paralichthys olivaceus were 5.7, 9.0 and 12.1% (v/v), respectively. Subsequently, the algicidal substances from strain B1 culture were isolated and purified by silica gel column, Sephadex G-15 column and high-performance liquid chromatography. Based on quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry and PeakView Software, the purified substances were identified as prolyl-methionine and hypoxanthine. Algicidal mechanism indicated that prolyl-methionine and hypoxanthine inhibited the growth of P. globosa by disrupting the antioxidant systems. In the acute toxicity assessment using M. mongolica, 24h LC50 values of prolyl-methionine and hypoxanthine were 7.0 and 13.8 g/L, respectively. The active substances produced by strain B1 can be considered as ecologically and environmentally biological agents for controlling harmful algal blooms.  相似文献   

Sulfatases are potentially useful tools for structure-function studies of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). To date, various GAG exosulfatases have been identified in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. However, endosulfatases that act on GAGs have rarely been reported. Recently, a novel HA and CS lyase (HCLase) was identified for the first time from a marine bacterium (Han, W., Wang, W., Zhao, M., Sugahara, K., and Li, F. (2014) J. Biol. Chem. 289, 27886–27898). In this study, a putative sulfatase gene, closely linked to the hclase gene in the genome, was recombinantly expressed and characterized in detail. The recombinant protein showed a specific N-acetylgalactosamine-4-O-sulfatase activity that removes 4-O-sulfate from both disaccharides and polysaccharides of chondroitin sulfate (CS)/dermatan sulfate (DS), suggesting that this sulfatase represents a novel endosulfatase. The novel endosulfatase exhibited maximal reaction rate in a phosphate buffer (pH 8.0) at 30 °C and effectively removed 17–65% of 4-O-sulfates from various CS and DS and thus significantly inhibited the interactions of CS and DS with a positively supercharged fluorescent protein. Moreover, this endosulfatase significantly promoted the digestion of CS by HCLase, suggesting that it enhances the digestion of CS/DS by the bacterium. Therefore, this endosulfatase is a potential tool for use in CS/DS-related studies and applications.  相似文献   

从土壤微生物中筛选得到一株产神经节苷脂内切糖苷酶的菌株YW2112, 该酶能特异性水解神经节苷脂中连接神经酰胺和寡糖链之间的糖苷键,是研究神经节苷脂结构与功能的重要工具酶。对分离菌株YW2112进行了形态、生理生化鉴定及16S rDNA序列分析。菌株YW2112为细菌,革兰氏染色阴性,直杆状, 鞭毛周生,菌体大小为(0.6μm~1μm)×(1μm~3μm),V-P实验阳性,甲基红阴性,利用葡萄糖产酸产气。以16S rDNA同源性为基础构建了包括11株相关种属细菌在内的系统发育树,在系统发育树中,分离菌株YW2112 与Enterobacter cloacae 在同一分支,二者的序列相似性为98.6% ,结合形态和生理生化鉴定,将其鉴定为阴沟肠杆菌(Enterobacter cloacae)。  相似文献   

One of the chitinase genes of Alteromonas sp. strain O-7, the chitinase C-encoding gene (chiC), was cloned, and the nucleotide sequence was determined. An open reading frame coded for a protein of 430 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 46,680 Da. Alignment of the deduced amino acid sequence demonstrated that ChiC contained three functional domains, the N-terminal domain, a fibronectin type III-like domain, and a catalytic domain. The N-terminal domain (59 amino acids) was similar to that found in the C-terminal extension of ChiA (50 amino acids) of this strain and furthermore showed significant sequence homology to the regions found in several chitinases and cellulases. Thus, to evaluate the role of the domain, we constructed the hybrid gene that directs the synthesis of the fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase activity. Both the fusion protein and the N-terminal domain itself bound to chitin, indicating that the N-terminal domain of ChiC constitutes an independent chitin-binding domain.  相似文献   

一种脂肽类生物表面活性剂产生菌的筛选   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从油田地层水中筛选分离得到1株能够产生表面活性剂的细菌,经鉴定为枯草芽孢杆菌。分析了该菌株的生理形态和生长特性,以及该菌株代谢产生的生物表面活性剂的性质。薄层色谱与原位水解显色和红外光谱分析表明,培养后菌株代谢产生的生物表面活性为脂肽。它能使水的表面张力降低到26mN/m,其临界胶束浓度为0.025mg/mL。  相似文献   

Lactate dehydrogenase (EC from Vibrio marinus MP-1 was purified 15-fold and ammonium activated. The optimum pH for pyruvate reduction was 7.4. Maximum lactate dehydrogenase activity occurred at 10 to 15 degrees C, and none occurred at 40 degrees C. The crude-extract enzyme was stable between 15 and 20 degrees C and lost 50% of its activity after 60 min at 45 degrees C. The partially purified enzyme was stable between 8 and 15 degrees C and lost 50% of its activity after 60 min at 30 degrees C. The thermal stability of lactate dehydrogenase was increased by mercaptoethanol, with 50% remaining activity at 42 degrees C.  相似文献   

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