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Shaker-related or Kv1 voltage-gated K(+) channels play critical roles in regulating the excitability of mammalian neurons. Native Kv1 channel complexes are octamers of four integral membrane alpha subunits and four cytoplasmic beta subunits, such that a tremendous diversity of channel complexes can be assembled from the array of alpha and beta subunits expressed in the brain. However, biochemical and immunohistochemical studies have demonstrated that only certain complexes predominate in the mammalian brain, suggesting that regulatory mechanisms exist that ensure plasma membrane targeting of only physiologically appropriate channel complexes. Here we show that Kv1 channels assembled as homo- or heterotetrameric complexes had distinct surface expression characteristics in both transfected mammalian cells and hippocampal neurons. Homotetrameric Kv1.1 channels were localized to endoplasmic reticulum, Kv1.4 channels to the cell surface, and Kv1.2 channels to both endoplasmic reticulum and the cell surface. Heteromeric assembly with Kv1.4 resulted in dose-dependent increases in cell surface expression of coassembled Kv1.1 and Kv1.2, while coassembly with Kv1.1 had a dominant-negative effect on Kv1.2 and Kv1.4 surface expression. Coassembly with Kv beta subunits promoted cell surface expression of each Kv1 heteromeric complex. These data suggest that subunit composition and stoichiometry determine surface expression characteristics of Kv1 channels in excitable cells.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized a human cDNA (HBK2) that is homologous to novel member (RCK2) of the K+ channel RCK gene family expressed in rat brain. RCK2 mRNA was detected predominantly in midbrain areas and brainstem. The primary sequences of the HBK2/RCK2 K+ channel proteins exhibit major differences to other members of the RCK gene family. The bend region between segments S1 and S2 is unusually long and does not contain the N-glycosylation site commonly found in this region. They might be O-glycosylated instead. Functional characterization of the HBK2/RCK2 K+ channels in Xenopus laevis oocytes following micro-injection in in vitro transcribed HBK2 or RCK2 cRNA showed that the HBK2/RCK2 proteins form voltage-gated K+ channels with novel functional and pharmacological properties. These channels are different to RCK1, RCK3, RCK4 and RCK5 K+ channels.  相似文献   

The Shaker-type voltage-gated potassium channel, Kv1.3, is believed to be restricted in distribution to lymphocytes and neurons. In lymphocytes, this channel has gained intense attention since it has been proven that inhibition of Kv1.3 channels compromise T lymphocyte activation. To investigate possible expression of Kv1.3 channels in other types of tissue, such as epithelia, binding experiments, immunoprecipitation studies and immunohistochemical studies were performed. The double-mutated, radiolabeled peptidyl ligand, (125)I-HgTX(1)-A19Y/Y37F, which selectively binds Kv1.1, Kv1.2, Kv1.3 and Kv1.6 channels, was used to perform binding studies in epithelia isolated from rabbit kidney and colon. The equilibrium dissociation constant for this ligand was found to be in the sub-picomolar range and the maximal receptor concentration (in fM/mg protein) 1.68 for colon and 0.61-0.75 for kidney epithelium. To determine the subtype of Kv1 channels, immunoprecipitation studies with (125)I-HgTX(1)-A19Y/Y37F labeled epithelial membranes were performed with specific antibodies against Kv1.1, Kv1.2, Kv1.3, Kv1.4 or Kv1.6 subunits. These studies demonstrated that Kv1.3 subunits constituted more than 50% of the entire Kv1 subunit population. The precise localization of Kv1.3 subunits in epithelia was determined by immunohistochemical studies.  相似文献   

The Shaker-type voltage-gated potassium channel, Kv1.3, is believed to be restricted in distribution to lymphocytes and neurons. In lymphocytes, this channel has gained intense attention since it has been proven that inhibition of Kv1.3 channels compromise T lymphocyte activation. To investigate possible expression of Kv1.3 channels in other types of tissue, such as epithelia, binding experiments, immunoprecipitation studies and immunohistochemical studies were performed. The double-mutated, radiolabeled peptidyl ligand, 125I-HgTX1-A19Y/Y37F, which selectively binds Kv1.1, Kv1.2, Kv1.3 and Kv1.6 channels, was used to perform binding studies in epithelia isolated from rabbit kidney and colon. The equilibrium dissociation constant for this ligand was found to be in the sub-picomolar range and the maximal receptor concentration (in fmol/mg protein) 1.68 for colon and 0.61-0.75 for kidney epithelium. To determine the subtype of Kv1 channels, immunoprecipitation studies with 125I-HgTX1-A19Y/Y37F labeled epithelial membranes were performed with specific antibodies against Kv1.1, Kv1.2, Kv1.3, Kv1.4 or Kv1.6 subunits. These studies demonstrated that Kv1.3 subunits constituted more than 50% of the entire Kv1 subunit population. The precise localization of Kv1.3 subunits in epithelia was determined by immunohistochemical studies.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels are involved in many important cellular functions and play pivotal roles in cancer progression. The expression level of Kv2.1 was observed to be higher in the highly metastatic prostate cancer cells (PC-3), specifically in their membrane, than in immortalized prostate cells (WPMY-1 cells) and comparatively less metastatic prostate cancer cells (LNCaP and DU145 cells). However, Kv2.1 expression was significantly decreased when the cells were treated with anti-oxidants, such as N-acetylcysteine or ascorbic acid, implying that the highly expressed Kv2.1 could detect reactive oxygen species (ROS) in malignant prostate cancer cells. In addition, the blockade of Kv2.1 with stromatoxin-1 or siRNA targeting Kv2.1 significantly inhibited the migration of malignant prostate cancer cells. Our results suggested that Kv2.1 plays an important role as a ROS sensor and that it is a promising therapeutic molecular target in metastasis of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

The Kv1.3 voltage-gated potassium channel is involved in a number of processes in excitable and nonexcitable cells: maintenance of resting membrane potential, signal transduction, apoptosis, regulation of cell volume, activation and proliferation of white blood cells. Blocking this channel is an effective approach for the treatment of autoimmune, oncological, chronic inflammatory, and metabolic diseases. The most prospective blockers of Kv1.3 are toxins isolated from the venom of scorpions. Knowledge of the molecular aspects of binding of peptide blockers with the channel is an important condition for the creation of highly effective and selective ligands. In the present work, a complex of hybrid channel KcsA-Kv1.3 with agitoxin 2 was built using homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulation. Analysis of formed contacts allowed us to reveal a complete pattern of interactions and to identify key residues that are responsible for the toxin binding affinity. Results of computational experiment are consistent with the experimental data and important for drug development.  相似文献   

The conduction properties of the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3 and its modes of interaction with several polypeptide venoms are examined using Brownian dynamics simulations and molecular dynamics calculations. Employing an open-state homology model of Kv1.3, we first determine current-voltage and current-concentration curves and ascertain that simulated results accord with experimental measurements. We then investigate, using a molecular docking method and molecular dynamics simulations, the complexes formed between the Kv1.3 channel and several Kv-specific polypeptide toxins that are known to interfere with the conducting mechanisms of several classes of voltage-gated K+ channels. The depths of potential of mean force encountered by charybdotoxin, α-KTx3.7 (also known as OSK1) and ShK are, respectively, −19, −27, and −25 kT. The dissociation constants calculated from the profiles of potential of mean force correspond closely to the experimentally determined values. We pinpoint the residues in the toxins and the channel that are critical for the formation of the stable venom-channel complexes.  相似文献   

Chalcone derivatives of the natural product khellinone were synthesised and screened for bioactivity against the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3. X-ray crystallography was employed to investigate relationships between the structure and function of a selection of the reported chalcones.  相似文献   

The presence of Kv1.3 voltage-gated potassium channels in rat and human prostate epithelial cells has been previously reported. We examined, by immunohistochemistry, Kv1.3 levels in 10 normal human prostate, 18 benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and 147 primary human prostate cancer (Pca) specimens. We found high epithelial expression of Kv1.3 in all normal prostate, 16 BPH and 77 (52%) Pca specimens. Compared to normal, Kv1.3 levels were reduced in 1 (6%) BPH specimen and in 70 (48%) Pca specimens. We found a significant inverse correlation between Kv1.3 levels and tumor grade (r = -0.25, P = 0.003) as well as tumor stage (r = -0.27, P = 0.001). Study of an additional 30 primary Pca specimens showed that 15 (50%) had reduced Kv1.3 immunostaining compared to matched normal prostate tissue. Our data suggest that in Pca reduced Kv1.3 expression occurs frequently and may be associated with a poor outcome.  相似文献   

Structural models for the KCNQ1 voltage-gated potassium channel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Smith JA  Vanoye CG  George AL  Meiler J  Sanders CR 《Biochemistry》2007,46(49):14141-14152
Mutations in the human voltage-gated potassium channel KCNQ1 are associated with predisposition to deafness and various cardiac arrhythmia syndromes including congenital long QT syndrome, familial atrial fibrillation, and sudden infant death syndrome. In this work 3-D structural models were developed for both the open and closed states of human KCNQ1 to facilitate structurally based hypotheses regarding mutation-phenotype relationships. The KCNQ1 open state was modeled using Rosetta in conjunction with Molecular Operating Environment software, and is based primarily on the recently determined open state structure of rat Kv1.2 (Long, S. B., et al. (2005) Science 309, 897-903). The closed state model for KCNQ1 was developed based on the crystal structures of bacterial potassium channels and the closed state model for Kv1.2 of Yarov-Yarovoy et al. ((2006) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103, 7292-7207). Using the new models for KCNQ1, we generated a database for the location and predicted residue-residue interactions for more than 85 disease-linked sites in both open and closed states. These data can be used to generate structure-based hypotheses for disease phenotypes associated with each mutation. The potential utility of these models and the database is exemplified by the surprising observation that four of the five known mutations in KCNQ1 that are associated with gain-of-function KCNQ1 defects are predicted to share a common interface in the open state structure between the S1 segment of the voltage sensor in one subunit and both the S5 segment and top of the pore helix from another subunit. This interface evidently plays an important role in channel gating.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated Kv1 potassium channels consist of pore-forming alpha subunits and cytoplasmic Kv beta subunits. The latter play diverse roles in modulating the gating, stability, and trafficking of Kv1 channels. The crystallographic structure of the Kv beta2 subunit revealed surprising structural homology with aldo-keto reductases, including a triosephosphate isomerase barrel structure, conservation of key catalytic residues, and a bound NADP(+) cofactor (Gulbis, J. M., Mann, S., and MacKinnon, R. (1999) Cell 90, 943-952). Each Kv1-associated Kv beta subunit (Kv beta 1.1, Kv beta 1.2, Kv beta 2, and Kv beta 3) shares striking amino acid conservation in key catalytic and cofactor binding residues. Here, by a combination of structural modeling and biochemical and cell biological analyses of structure-based mutations, we investigate the potential role for putative Kv beta subunit enzymatic activity in the trafficking of Kv1 channels. We found that all Kv beta subunits promote cell surface expression of coexpressed Kv1.2 alpha subunits in transfected COS-1 cells. Kv beta1.1 and Kv beta 2 point mutants lacking a key catalytic tyrosine residue found in the active site of all aldo-keto reductases have wild-type trafficking characteristics. However, mutations in residues within the NADP(+) binding pocket eliminated effects on Kv1.2 trafficking. In cultured hippocampal neurons, Kv beta subunit coexpression led to axonal targeting of Kv1.2, recapitulating the Kv1.2 localization observed in many brain neurons. Similar to the trafficking results in COS-1 cells, mutations within the cofactor binding pocket reduced axonal targeting of Kv1.2, whereas those in the catalytic tyrosine did not. Together, these data suggest that NADP(+) binding and/or the integrity of the binding pocket structure, but not catalytic activity, of Kv beta subunits is required for intracellular trafficking of Kv1 channel complexes in mammalian cells and for axonal targeting in neurons.  相似文献   

Scorpion toxin Ctri9577, as a potent Kv1.3 channel blocker, is a new member of the α-KTx15 subfamily which are a group of blockers for Kv4.x potassium channels. However, the pharmacological function of Ctri9577 for Kv4.x channels remains unknown. Scorpion toxin Ctri9577 was found to effectively inhibit Kv4.3 channel currents with IC50 value of 1.34 ± 0.03 μM. Different from the mechanism of scorpion toxins as the blocker recognizing channel extracellular pore entryways, Ctri9577 was a novel gating modifier affecting voltage dependence of activation, steady-state inactivation, and the recovery process from the inactivation of Kv4.3 channel. However, Ctri9755, as a potent Kv1.3 channel blocker, was found not to affect voltage dependence of activation of Kv1.3 channel. Interestingly, pharmacological experiments indicated that 1 μM Ctri9755 showed less inhibition on Kv4.1 and Kv4.2 channel currents. Similar to the classical gating modifier of spider toxins, Ctri9577 was shown to interact with the linker between the transmembrane S3 and S4 helical domains through the mutagenesis experiments. To the best of our knowledge, Ctri9577 was the first gating modifier of potassium channels among scorpion toxin family, and the first scorpion toxin as both gating modifier and blocker for different potassium channels. These findings further highlighted the structural and functional diversity of scorpion toxins specific for the potassium channels.  相似文献   

A proper motor activity relies on a correct cerebellar function. The Kv3.1 and Kv3.3 voltage-gated potassium channels are key proteins involved in cerebellar function and dysfunction, as the lack of these causes severe motor deficits. Both channel subunits are coexpressed in granule cells and are rapidly activated at relatively positive potentials to support the generation of fast action potentials. However, the contribution of each subunit to the molecular architecture of the parallel fibers, the granule cell axons, is so far unknown. The goal of this study was to elucidate the relative distribution of Kv3.1b and Kv3.3 in specific compartments of the rat parallel fibers by using a pre-embedding immunocytochemical method for electron microscopy. Numerous Kv3.1b and Kv3.3 silver-intensified gold particles were associated with membranes of parallel fiber synaptic terminals and their intervaricose segments. Kv3.1b was found in about 85% of parallel fiber synaptic terminals and in about 47% of their intervaricose portions. However, only 28% of intervaricosities and 23% of parallel fiber presynaptic boutons were Kv3.3 immunopositive. The analysis also revealed that 54% of Purkinje cell dendritic spines localized Kv3.3. Although both potassium channel subunits share localization in the same presynaptic parallel fiber compartments, the present results with the method used indicate that there are a higher percentage of parallel fibers labeled for Kv3.1b than for Kv3.3, and that the labeling intensity for each subunit is higher in specific subcompartments analyzed than in others.  相似文献   

Impairments in axonal dopamine release are associated with neurological disorders such as schizophrenia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and pathophysiological conditions promoting drug abuse and obesity. The D2 dopamine autoreceptor (D2-AR) exerts tight regulatory control of axonal dopamine (DA) release through a mechanism suggested to involve K(+) channels. To evaluate the contribution of Kv1 voltage-gated potassium channels of the Shaker gene family to the regulation of axonal DA release by the D2-AR, the present study employed expression analyses, real time measurements of striatal DA overflow, K(+) current measurements and immunoprecipitation assays. Kv1.1, -1.2, -1.3, and -1.6 mRNA and protein were detected in midbrain DA neurons purified by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and in primary DA neuron cultures. In addition, Kv1.1, -1.2, and -1.6 were localized to DA axonal processes in the dorsal striatum. By means of fast scan cyclic voltammetry in striatal slice preparations, we found that the inhibition of stimulation-evoked DA overflow by a D2 agonist was attenuated by Kv1.1, -1.2, and -1.6 toxin blockers. A particular role for the Kv1.2 subunit in the process whereby axonal D2-AR inhibits DA overflow was established with the use of a selective Kv1.2 blocker and Kv1.2 knock-out mice. Moreover, we demonstrate the ability of D2-AR activation to increase Kv1.2 currents in co-transfected cells and its reliance on Gβγ subunit signaling along with the physical coupling of D2-AR and Kv1.2-containing channels in striatal tissue. These findings underline the contribution of Kv1.2 in the regulation of nigrostriatal DA release by the D2-AR and thereby offer a novel mechanism by which DA release is regulated.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that central memory T (T(CM)) cells predominantly use the calcium-dependent potassium channel KCa3.1 during acute activation, whereas effector memory T (T(EM)) cells use the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3. Because Kv1.3-specific pharmacological blockade selectively inhibited anti-CD3-mediated proliferation, whereas naive T cells and T(CM) cells escaped inhibition due to up-regulation of KCa3.1, this difference indicated a potential for selective targeting of the T(EM) population. We examined the effects of pharmacological Kv1.3 blockers and a dominant-negative Kv1.x construct on T cell subsets to assess the specific effects of Kv1.3 blockade. Our studies indicated both T(CM) and T(EM) CD4+ T cells stimulated with anti-CD3 were inhibited by charybdotoxin, which can block both KCa3.1 and Kv1.3, whereas margatoxin and Stichodactyla helianthus toxin, which are more selective Kv1.3 inhibitors, inhibited proliferation and IFN-gamma production only in the T(EM) subset. The addition of anti-CD28 enhanced proliferation of freshly isolated cells and rendered them refractory to S. helianthus, whereas chronically activated T(EM) cell lines appeared to be costimulation independent because Kv1.3 blockers effectively inhibited proliferation and IFN-gamma regardless of second signal. Transduction of CD4+ T cells with dominant-negative Kv1.x led to a higher expression of CCR7+ T(CM) phenotype and a corresponding depletion of T(EM). These data provide further support for Kv1.3 as a selective target of chronically activated T(EM) without compromising naive or T(CM) immune functions. Specific Kv1.3 blockers may be beneficial in autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis in which T(EM) are found in the target organ.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of a human voltage-gated potassium Kv10.2 channel which lacks a cytoplasmic N-terminal PAS-domain was determined, and its distribution in eukaryotic cells was investigated. The channel protein was expressed in the COS7 cell line and purified by affinity chromatography. The channel distribution on the cell surface was determined by the immunofluorescence method using the antibodies against its C-terminus. PAS-domain truncation was shown to cause a decrease the expression of the channels on the cell surface. In order to reveal the positions of the channel cytoplasmic domains, the threedimensional structure of the protein lacking the cytoplasmic PAS-domain was compared to the previously obtained full-length structure. We demonstrated that the C-terminal CNBD-domain of the Kv10.2 channel undergoes conformational rearrangements in the absence of its N-terminal PAS-domain.  相似文献   

Neurons strictly regulate expression of a wide variety of voltage-dependent ion channels in their surface membranes to achieve precise yet dynamic control of intrinsic membrane excitability. Neurons also exhibit extreme morphological complexity that underlies diverse aspects of their function. Most ion channels are preferentially targeted to either the axonal or somatodendritic compartments, where they become further localized to discrete membrane subdomains. This restricted accumulation of ion channels enables local control of membrane signaling events in specific microdomains of a given compartment. Voltage-dependent K+ (Kv) channels act as potent modulators of diverse excitatory events such as action potentials, excitatory synaptic potentials, and Ca2+ influx. Kv channels exhibit diverse patterns of cellular expression, and distinct subtype-specific localization, in mammalian central neurons. Here we review the mechanisms regulating the abundance and distribution of Kv channels in mammalian neurons and discuss how dynamic regulation of these events impacts neuronal signaling.  相似文献   

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