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Although both CD28 and ICOS bind PI3K and provide stimulatory signal for T cell activation, unlike CD28, ICOS does not costimulate IL-2 secretion. CD28 binds both PI3K and Grb2, whereas ICOS binds only PI3K. We have generated an ICOS mutant, which can bind Grb2 by replacement of its PI3K binding motif YMFM with the CD28 YMNM motif, and shown that it induces significant activation of the IL-2 promoter. However, this mutant ICOS was insufficient to activate the NF-kappaB pathway. In this study, we show that Gads, but not Grb2, is essential for CD28-mediated NF-kappaB activation, and its binding to CD28 requires the whole CD28 cytoplasmic domain in addition to the YMNM motif. Mutagenesis experiments have indicated that mutations in the N-terminal and/or C-terminal PXXP motif(s) of CD28 significantly reduce their association with Gads, whereas their associations with Grb2 are maintained. They induced strong activity of the NFAT/AP-1 reporter comparable with the CD28 wild type, but weak activity of the NF-kappaB reporter. Grb2- and Gads-dominant-negative mutants had a strong effect on NFAT/AP-1 reporter, but only Gads-dominant-negative significantly inhibited NF-kappaB reporter. Our data suggest that, in addition to the PI3K binding motif, the PXXP motif in the CD28 cytoplasmic domain may also define a functional difference between the CD28- and ICOS-mediated costimulatory signals by binding to Gads.  相似文献   

The engagement of CD137 (4-1BB), an inducible T cell costimulatory receptor and member of the TNF receptor superfamily, by agonistic Abs can promote strong tumor and viral immunity mediated by CD8(+) T cells and stimulate IFN-gamma production. However, its role in Th2-mediated immune responses has not been well defined. To address this issue, we studied the function of CD137 engagement using an allergic airway disease model in which the mice were sensitized with inactivated Schistosoma mansoni eggs followed by S. mansoni egg Ag challenge directly in the airways and Th1/2 cytokine production was monitored. Interestingly, treatment of C57BL/6 mice with agonistic anti-CD137 (2A) during sensitization completely prevents allergic airway inflammation, as shown by a clear inhibition of T cell and eosinophil infiltration into the lung tissue and airways, accompanied by diminished Th2 cytokine production and reduced serum IgE levels, as well as a reduction of airway hyperresponsiveness. At various time points after immunization, restimulated splenocytes from 2A-treated mice displayed reduced proliferation and Th2 cytokine production. In accordance with this, agonistic Ab to CD137 can directly coinhibit Th2 responses in vitro although it costimulates Th1 responses. CD137-mediated suppression of Th2 response is independent of IFN-gamma and T regulatory cells. Our study has identified a novel pathway to inhibit Th2 responses in a CD137-dependent fashion.  相似文献   

Ag-specific CD4 T cells transferred into unirradiated Ag-bearing recipients proliferate, but survival and accumulation of proliferating cells is not extensive and the donor cells do not acquire effector functions. We previously showed that a single costimulatory signal delivered by an agonist Ab to OX40 (CD134) promotes accumulation of proliferating cells and promotes differentiation to effector CD4 T cells capable of secreting IFN-gamma. In this study, we determined whether OX40 costimulation requires supporting costimulatory or differentiation signals to drive acquisition of effector T cell function. We report that OX40 engagement drives effector T cell differentiation in the absence of CD28 and CD40 signals. Two important regulators of Th1 differentiation, IL-12R and T-bet, also are not required for acquisition of effector function in CD4 T cells responsive to OX40 stimulation. Finally, we show that CD25-deficient CD4 T cells produce little IFN-gamma in the presence of OX40 costimulation compared with wild type, suggesting that IL-2R signaling is required for efficient OX40-mediated differentiation to IFN-gamma secretion.  相似文献   

The role of CD2 in murine CD4 helper T cell differentiation and polarization was examined using TCR-Cyt-5CC7-I transgenic recombination activating gene-2-/- H-2(a) mice on CD2+/+ or CD2-/- backgrounds. In the absence of CD2, thymic development was abnormal as judged by reduction in the steady state number of total, double-positive, and CD4 single-positive (SP) thymocytes, as well as a defect in their restorative dynamics after peptide-induced negative selection in vivo. In addition, in CD2-/- animals, lymph node CD4 SP T cells manifest a 10- to 100-fold attenuated activation response to cytochrome c (CytC) agonist peptides as judged by induction of CD25 and CD69 cell surface expression or [(3)H]TdR incorporation; differences in the magnitude of responsiveness and requisite molar peptide concentrations were even greater for altered peptide ligands. Although the presence or absence of CD2 did not impact the final Th1 or Th2 polarization outcome, CD2 expression reduced the CytC peptide concentration threshold necessary to facilitate both Th1 and Th2 differentiation. In vivo administration of CytC peptide to CD2-/- animals yielded an impaired CD4 SP T cell effector/memory phenotype compared with similarly treated CD2+/+ mice. Analysis of TCR-Cyt-5CC7-I human CD2 double-transgenic mice similarly failed to reveal a preferential Th1 vs Th2 polarization. Collectively, these results indicate that CD2 is important for the efficient development of CD4 SP thymocytes and TCR-dependent activation of mature CD4 lymph node T cells, but does not direct a particular helper T cell subset polarity.  相似文献   

T-cell activation involves two distinct signal transduction pathways. Antigen-specific signaling events are initiated by T-cell receptor recognition of cognate peptide presented by major histocompatibility complex molecules. Costimulatory signals, which are required for optimal T-cell activation and for overcoming the induction of anergy, can be provided by the homodimeric T-cell glycoprotein CD28 through its interaction with the counterreceptors B7-1 and B7-2 on antigen-presenting cells. Ligation of CD28 results in its phosphorylation on tyrosines and the subsequent recruitment and activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase). It has been suggested that the induced association of CD28 and PI 3-kinase is required for costimulation. We report here that ligation of CD19, a heterologous B-cell receptor that also associates with and activates PI 3-kinase upon ligation, failed to costimulate interleukin-2 production. Moreover, pharmacological inhibition of PI 3-kinase activity failed to block costimulation mediated by CD28. By mutational analysis, we demonstrate that disruption of PI 3-kinase association with CD28 also did not abrogate costimulation. These results argue that PI 3-kinase association with CD28 is neither necessary nor sufficient for costimulation of interleukin-2 production. Finally, we identify specific amino acid residues required for CD28-mediated costimulatory activity.  相似文献   

Memory CD8+ T cell responses have been considered to be independent of CD80/CD86-CD28 costimulation. However, recall responses are often severely blunted in CD28-/- mice. Whether this impairment represents a requirement for CD28 costimulation for proper memory CD8+ T cell development or a requirement during the recall response is unknown. Furthermore, how CD28 costimulation affects the phenotype and function of memory CD8+ T cells has not been characterized in detail. In this study, we investigate these questions by studying the role of the CD28 costimulatory pathway in memory CD8+ T cell responses to acute and persistent DNA virus infections. Memory CD8+ T cells against vaccinia virus (VV) infection which develop without CD28 costimulation exhibit lower expression of differentiation markers CD27 and CD122 (IL-15Rbeta). These memory CD8+ T cells also fail to produce IL-2. Our data indicate that for an optimal recall response, CD28 costimulation is required both for T cell priming and also during the recall response. Similar requirements were observed for memory CD8+ T cell responses during persistent infection with murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) infection, indicating CD28 may play the same role in both acute and persistent infections. Finally, we show deficits in the recall response are restored by IL-2 signaling during recall, but not during priming. The data presented show that CD28 costimulation not only controls the magnitude of the primary response but also affects development of memory CD8+ T cells and is required during the recall response in addition to initial T cell priming.  相似文献   

T cell proliferation and cytokine production usually require stimulation via both the TCR/CD3 complex and the CD28 costimulatory receptor. Using purified human CD4+ peripheral blood T cells, we show that CD28 stimulation alone activates p38 alpha mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 alpha). Cell proliferation induced by CD28 stimulation alone, a response attributed to CD4+CD45RO+ memory T cells, was blocked by the highly specific p38 inhibitors SB 203580 (IC50 = 10-80 nM) and RWJ 67657 (IC50 = 0.5-4 nM). In contrast, proliferation induced by anti-CD3 plus anti-CD28 mAbs was not blocked. Inhibitors of p38 also blocked CD4+ T cell production of IL-4 (SB 203580 IC50 = 20-100 nM), but not IL-2, in response to CD3 and CD28 stimulation. IL-5, TNF-alpha, and IFN-gamma production were also inhibited, but to a lesser degree than IL-4. IL-4 production was attributed to CD4+CD45RO+ T cells, and its induction was suppressed by p38 inhibitors at the mRNA level. In polarized Th1 and Th2 cell lines, SB 203580 strongly inhibited IL-4 production by Th2 cells (IC50 = 10-80 nM), but only partially inhibited IFN-gamma and IL-2 production by Th1 cells (<50% inhibition at 1 microM). In both Th1 and Th2 cells, CD28 signaling activated p38 alpha and was required for cytokine production. These results show that p38 alpha plays an important role in some, but not all, CD28-dependent cellular responses. Its preferential involvement in IL-4 production by CD4+CD45RO+ T cells and Th2 effector cells suggests that p38 alpha may be important in the generation of Th2-type responses in humans.  相似文献   

Innate effector cells that produce Th2-type cytokines are critical in Th2 cell-mediated immune responses. However, it is not known how these cells acquire the ability to produce Th2 cytokines. IL-4 is a potent inducer that directs differentiation of naive CD4(+) T cells into CD4(+) Th2 effector cells. To determine whether IL-4 can induce differentiation and expansion of Th2 cytokine-producing innate cells, we used mice whose il-4 gene was replaced by a knock-in green fluorescence protein (gfp) gene. We found that, directly ex vivo, IL-4 increased the number of GFP(+) cells in the airway and the lung tissue in an Ag-specific manner. The majority of GFP(+) cells were eosinophils, suggesting that IL-4 plays a pivotal role in expanding IL-4-producing eosinophils in vivo. IL-4-producing eosinophils showed some unique features compared with IL-4-producing CD4(+) T cells. They exhibited biallelic expression of the il-4 gene when stimulated and were more dominant IL-4- and IL-5-producing cells. Furthermore, we show that IL-4 drove bone marrow progenitor cells to differentiate into Th2 cytokine-producing eosinophils in vitro. These results strongly suggest IL-4 is a potent factor in directing bone marrow progenitor cells to differentiate into Th2 cytokine-producing eosinophils.  相似文献   

Whether the sequelae of signals generated through CD28 either directly or in circumstances of costimulation require proximal events mediated by p56lck remains contentious. We demonstrate that CD4-, but not CD4+ clonal variants respond to CD28-specific mAb with both early and late indicators of activation. Forced expression of A418/A420-mutated CD4 or wild-type CD4 in the CD4- variant recapitulated the CD28-mediated responses of the CD4- and CD4+ variants, respectively. The implicated involvement of non-CD4-associated Lck is formally demonstrated by overexpressing S20/S23 Lck or wild-type Lck in CD4+ variants. The former, but not latter, rescues direct CD28 signaling, and supports costimulation. The results demonstrate that constitutive levels of non-CD4-associated Lck functionally limit CD28-mediated signaling.  相似文献   

IL-4 is known to promote the differentiation of CD4+ T cells into IL-4-secreting Th2 cells. However, the cellular source of the early burst of IL-4 that drives Th2 responses in vivo has not been conclusively identified. Mice deficient for the IL-4 receptor alpha-chain (IL-4Ralpha-/-) retain the capacity to secrete IL-4 and can be used to identify those cell types that produce IL-4 without a requirement for prior IL-4-mediated stimulation. To address whether naive, conventional CD4+ T cells may act as initial producers of IL-4 in Ag-specific responses, we crossed the BALB/c IL-4Ralpha-/-mice to DO11.10/scid TCR transgenic mice. Lymph node cells from wild-type and IL-4Ralpha-/- DO11.10/scid mice secreted approximately 50 pg of IL-4 per10(6) cells within 48 h after peptide stimulation. This small amount of IL-4 was sufficient to cause the differentiation of wild-type CD4+ T cells into Th2 cells, particularly if IFN-gamma and IL-12 were neutralized during the priming cultures. CD4+ cells from the IL-4Ralpha-/- mice gave rise to a minor proportion (approximately 2%) of IL-4-producing cells upon stimulation in the presence of anti-IFN-gamma and anti-IL-12. These data show that conventional, naive CD4+ T cells may be considered as initial sources of IL-4 and, in the absence of IFN-gamma and IL-12, this IL-4 can induce Th2 polarization.  相似文献   

The YMNM motif that exists in the CD28 cytoplasmic domain is known as a binding site for phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and Grb-2 and is considered to be important for CD28-mediated costimulation. To address the role of the YMNM motif in CD28 cosignaling in primary T cells, we generated transgenic mice on a CD28 null background that express a CD28 mutant lacking binding ability to phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and Grb-2. After anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 Ab stimulation in vitro, the initial proliferative response and IL-2 secretion in CD28 Y189F transgenic T cells were severely compromised, while later responses were intact. In contrast to anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 Ab stimulation, PMA and anti-CD28 Ab stimulation failed to induce IL-2 production from CD28 Y189F transgenic T cells at any time point. Using the graft-vs-host reaction system, we assessed the role of the YMNM motif for CD28-mediated costimulation in vivo and found that CD28 Y189F transgenic spleen cells failed to engraft and could not induce acute graft-vs-host reaction. Together, these results suggest that the membrane-proximal tyrosine of CD28 is required for costimulation in vivo. Furthermore, these results indicate that the results from in vitro assays of CD28-mediated costimulation may not always correlate with T cell activation in vivo.  相似文献   

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) utilizes multiple strategies to modulate immunity and promote lifelong, persistent/latent infection, including suppressing T cell activation pathways. Here we examined the role of B7 costimulatory ligands in establishing immune détente from both the host and virus perspectives. Mice lacking both B7.1 and B7.2 showed reduced early expansion of CMV-specific CD4 T cells, consequently allowing for enhanced levels of persistent virus replication. In turn, a CMV mutant lacking expression of the m138 and m147.5 gene products, which restrict B7.1 and B7.2 expression in infected antigen-presenting cells, induced a more robust CD4 T cell response and showed decreased persistence. Together, these data reveal a requirement for B7-mediated signaling in regulating the CMV-specific CD4 T cell response and establishing host-virus equilibrium.  相似文献   

Recombinant immunoreceptors with specificity for the carcinoembryonic Ag (CEA) can redirect grafted T cells to a MHC/Ag-independent antitumor response. To analyze receptor-mediated cellular activation in the context of CD28 costimulation, we generated: 1) CEA+ colorectal tumor cells that express simultaneously B7-1 and B7-2, and 2) CEA-specific immunoreceptors that harbor intracellularly the signaling moities either of CD28 (BW431/26-scFv-Fc-CD28), CD3zeta (BW431/26-scFv-Fc-CD3zeta), or FcepsilonRIgamma (BW431/26-scFv-Fc-gamma). By retroviral gene transfer, we grafted activated T cells from the peripheral blood with these immunoreceptors. T cells that express the FcepsilonRIgamma or CD3zeta signaling receptor lysed specifically CEA+ tumor cells and secreted high amounts of IFN-gamma upon receptor cross-linking, whereas anti-CEA-CD28 receptor-grafted T cells did not, indicating that CD28 signaling alone is not sufficient for efficient T cell activation. CD28 costimulation did not affect cytolysis by T cells equipped with gamma- or zeta-signaling receptors, but enhanced both IFN-gamma secretion and proliferation. CD28 costimulation, however, was required for efficient IL-2 secretion of anti-CEA-gamma receptor-grafted T cells. Both purified CD4+ and CD8+ T cells grafted with immunoreceptors required CD28 costimulation for complete T cell activation. We integrated both CD28 and CD3zeta signaling domains into one combined immunoreceptor molecule (BW431/26-scFv-Fc-CD28/CD3zeta) with dual signaling properties. T cells grafted with the combined CD28/CD3zeta signaling receptor secreted high amounts of IL-2 upon Ag binding without exogenous B7/CD28 costimulation, demonstrating that both MHC-independent cellular activation and CD28 costimulation for complete T cell activation can be delivered by one recombinant receptor molecule.  相似文献   

Allergic asthma is an inflammatory lung disease thought to be initiated and directed by type 2 helper T cells responding to environmental Ags. The mechanisms by which allergens induce Th2-adaptive immune responses are not well understood, although it is now clear that innate immune signals are required to promote DC activation and Th2 sensitization to inhaled proteins. However, the effect of ongoing Th2 inflammation, as seen in chronic asthma, on naive lymphocyte activation has not been explored. It has been noted that patients with atopic disorders demonstrate an increased risk of developing sensitivities to new allergens. This suggests that signals from an adaptive immune response may facilitate sensitization to new Ags. We used a Th2-adoptive transfer murine model of asthma to identify a novel mechanism, termed "collateral priming," in which naive CD4(+) T cells are activated by adaptive rather than innate immune signals. Th2 priming to newly encountered Ags was dependent on the production of IL-4 by the transferred Th2 population but was independent of Toll-like receptor 4 signaling and the myeloid differentiation factor 88 Toll-like receptor signaling pathway. These results identify a novel mechanism of T cell priming in which an Ag-specific adaptive immune response initiates distinct Ag-specific T cell responses in the absence of classical innate immune system triggering signals.  相似文献   

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