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The Ilerdian is a well-established Tethyan marine stage, which corresponds to an important phase in the evolution of larger foraminifera not represented in the type-area of the classical Northwest-European stages. This biostratigraphic restudy of its parastratotype in the Campo Section (northeastern Spain) based on planktic foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils, dinoflagellate cysts and the distribution of the stable isotopes ∂13C and ∂18O is an attempt to correlate the Paleocene/Eocene boundary based on a characteristic carbon isotope excursion (CIE) marking the onset of the Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum (IETM) and the Ilerdian stage. The base of this ∂13C excursion has been chosen as the criterion for the recent proposal of the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the base of the Eocene (= base of the Ypresian) in the Dababiya Section (Egypt) to which an age of 54.9 Ma has been attributed. This level is also characterized by a marked extinction among the deep-water benthic foraminifera (Benthic Foraminifera Extinction Event, BFEE), a flood of representatives of the planktic foraminiferal genus Acarinina and the acme of dinoflagellate cysts of the genus Apectodinium. In the Campo Section, detailed biozonations (planktic foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils, dinoflagellate cysts) are recognized in the Lower and Middle Ilerdian. The correlation with the Ypresian stratotype is based on dinoflagellate cysts and calcareous nannofossils. The base of the Ilerdian is poor in planktic microfossils and its precise correlation with the redefined Paleocene/Eocene boundary remains uncertain.  相似文献   

Bulk sampling and surface collecting of two glauconitic horizons located in Southern Togo yielded a diverse elasmobranch fauna described here. This fauna includes 30 species dominated by carcharhiniforms (eleven species), myliobatiforms (nine species) and lamniforms (five species); it also comprises three orectolobiforms, whereas the squatiniforms and rhinopristiforms are represented by one species each. Although the poor preservation of the specimens hampered numerous species-level identifications, the vast majority of taxa identified were formerly reported from the Paleocene–Ypresian interval, four of which being exclusively known from the upper Paleocene. This, along with the six associated benthic foraminifera species, indicates a late Thanetian age for the sampled horizons and provide age constraints on a geographically widespread benchmark horizon in Western Africa. The composition of the elasmobranch assemblage shows strong resemblances with upper Paleocene faunas from Morocco and differs markedly from known assemblages from geographically closer localities in Niger and Nigeria, which suggests strong palaeoenvironmental control on the distribution of Thanetian elasmobranch diversity.  相似文献   

An assemblage of gastropods from the Thanetian of the Kolosh Formation from the Zakho region in northern Iraq is documented for the first time. The ten species represent the families Campanilidae Douvillé 1904, Potamididae H. & A. Adams 1854, Batillariidae Thiele 1929, Thiaridae Gill 1871, Pachychilidae Fischer & Crosse 1892, Cerithiidae Fleming 1822 and Pseudolividae de Gregorio 1880, suggesting a littoral to shallow sublittoral depositional environment. Six of the species are new and five are formally described as new species. At least seven species are also known from the Thanetian and/or Early Ypresian of the Ankara region in Turkey. Only a single species occurs also in the Paleocene of the Paris Basin. No relation to Paleocene and Eocene faunas of Pakistan and India is detectable. This points to a considerably bioprovincialism along the northern coast of the Tethys. Consequently we suppose the existence of an Anatolian Province in the Thanetian/Ypresian Mediterranean Region of the Tethys Realm, represented by rather homogeneous mollusc faunas from western Turkey and northern Iraq. Campanile zakhoense nov. sp., Pyrazopsis hexagonpyramidalis nov. sp., Pachymelania islamogluae nov. sp., “Faunus” dominicii nov. sp. and Pseudoaluco mesopotamicus nov. sp. are introduced as new species. Varicipotamides Pacaud & Harzhauser nov. nom. is proposed as the replacement name for Exechestoma Cossmann (1889) non Brandt (1837).  相似文献   

Summary Reef facies, reef types and their biotic associations in the Maiella platform margin (central Italy) provide qualitative evidence for a significant reef decline across the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary, and indicate two phases of reef recovery during the Paleocene. Rudists dominated the reef community until the latest Cretaceous. A significant sea-level fall around the time of the K/T boundary is documented by a truncation surface associated with emersion. During sea-level highstands in the Danian to Early Thanetian and, more extensively, during the Late Thanetian, coral-algal patch-reefs grew along the platform margin and top. Already in the Danian to Early Thanetian, the reef communities were more diverse and the constructional types more evolved than previously known from this time. Differences between the Danian to Early Thanetian coral association, the Late Thanetian association, and Late Cretaceous coral faunas may have ecological or evolutionary causes. Repeated emergence produced a complex diagenetic history in the Danian to Lower Thanetian limestones. All Paleocene reefs were displaced by gravitative redeposition. Coral-algal reefs are less important in the Early to mid Eocene, when alveolinid foraminifera dominated on the Maiella shelf. Reefs on the Maiella platform diversified and attained large sizes in the Late Eocene to Early Oligocene, as known from other Mediterranean platforms. The external controls on the Late Cretaceous to Oligocene evolution and demise of reef communities that are most easily demonstrated with our data are sealevel fluctuations and climate change. We propose that the change in reef biota and reef types across the K/T boundary and during the Early Tertiary were important causes of the parallel changes in platform growth style.  相似文献   

A new non-marine ostracod fauna from the Paleogene “hamadian deposits” outcropping west of Bechar (southwestern Algeria) has been recovered from lacustrine to fluvial deposits of the Oued Méridja section and fluvial deposits on the southern edge of the Hamada de Méridja section. Recently, these sections have been dated as late Thanetian – early Ypresian (latest Paleocene to earliest Eocene) and Ypresian – earliest Lutetian (early to earliest middle Eocene), respectively, based on charophytes. The associated ostracod fauna recovered consists of relatively mostly moderately to badly preserved specimens and comprises 14 taxa, none of which could be identified to species level in view of its poor state of preservation; we have nevertheless been able to identify and describe the following taxa: Herpetocypris sp., Cyprinotus? sp., Heterocypris? sp. 1 and sp. 2, Cypris? sp., Ilyocypris sp., Cytheroidea indet. sp. 1 and sp. 2, Limnocytheridae indet. sp. 1, Cypridoidea indet. sp. 1, Cyprididae indet. sp. 1, and Ostracoda indet. sp. 1, 2 and 3. Only Heterocypris sp. 1 occurs in both sections. Although the fauna can as yet not be related to the few other contemporaneous faunas reported from the wider palaeogeographic area, it adds important new information to our poor knowledge on Eocene non-marine ostracods in North Africa and southern Europe. The Méridja sections and area are promising regarding the discovery of more, better preserved material and further studies, and one main limitation to the correlation of the fauna is the hitherto insufficient taxonomic knowledge on many faunal elements of Eocene non-marine ostracods to which our section contributes considerably.  相似文献   

New coleoid cephalopods, assignable to the order Sepiida, are recorded from the Selandian/Thanetian boundary interval (Middle to Upper Paleocene transition, c. 59.2 Ma) along the southeastern margin (Toshka Lakes) of the Western Desert in Egypt. The two genera recognised, Aegyptosaepia n. gen. and ?Anomalosaepia Weaver and Ciampaglio, are placed in the families Belosaepiidae and ?Anomalosaepiidae, respectively. They constitute the oldest record to date of sepiids with a ‘rostrum-like’ prong. In addition, a third, generically and specifically indeterminate coleoid is represented by a single rostrum-like find. The taxonomic assignment of the material is based on apical parts (as preserved), i.e., guard, apical prong (or ‘rostrum-like’ structure), phragmocone and (remains of) protoconch, plus shell mineralogy. We here confirm the shell of early sepiids to have been bimineralic, i.e., composed of both calcite and aragonite. Aegyptosaepia lugeri n. gen., n. sp. reveals some similarities to later species of Belosaepia, in particular the possession of a distinct prong. General features of the phragmocone and protoconch of the new form are similar to both Belocurta (Middle Danian [Lower Paleocene]) and Belosaepia (Eocene). However, breviconic coiling and the presence of a longer ventral conotheca indicate closer ties with late Maastrichtian–Middle Danian Ceratisepia. In this respect, Aegyptosaepia n. gen. constitutes a link between Ceratisepia and the Eocene Belosaepia. The occurrence of the new genus near the Selandian/Thanetian boundary suggests an earlier origin of belosaepiids, during the early to Middle Paleocene. These earliest known belosaepiids may have originated in the Tethyan Realm. From northeast Africa, they subsequently spread to western India, the Arabian Plate and, probably via the Mediterranean region, to Europe and North America.  相似文献   

For the first time, the almost complete upper dental plate of Myliobatis dixoni from the Thanetian (Upper Paleocene) of Crimea is described.  相似文献   

Following our fieldwork in Paleogene deposits of Togo, we herein report cranial as well as postcranial elements belonging to the family Dyrosauridae. This assemblage is dated to the Late Paleocene (Thanetian) from two quarries in southern Togo. The specimens include a partial skull presenting two large supratemporal fossae and a massive occipital condyle; long and slender isolated teeth; amphicoelous vertebrae including several articulated ones; and two osteoderms devoid of carina. The morphology of the partial skull reveals similarities with some African longirostrine forms such as Rhabdognathus spp., although this attribution cannot be confirmed. Longirostrine forms, known in the late Paleocene and early Eocene of the Iullemmeden basin (Nigeria, Niger, Mali, Algeria) and in the phosphates of Morocco and Tunisia, is only represented in Thanetian levels in Togo. Different palaeoenvironmental settings seem to have characterized the various African basins during the lower Eocene, with consequences for the geographic distribution of dyrosaurids. These dyrosaurid remains confirm the presence of the family in Togo during the Paleocene and underline the fossiliferous potential of the coastal sedimentary basin in Togo and in the bay of Benin.  相似文献   

The continental deposits of Oued Méridja area (west of Bechar, southwestern Algeria) have been assigned by previous authors to the early Eocene on the basis of lacustrine gastropod fauna (Pseudoceratodes). This study reports new paleontological and biostratigraphic data from the Oued Méridja section. Recent field investigations resulted in the discovery of an important charophyte assemblage, composed of five species belonging to four genera: Maedleriella cristellata, Maedleriella aff. cristellata, Harrisichara aff. leptocera, Peckichara disermas and? Gyrogona sp. This association allows to suggest a late Thanetian to early Ypresian age for this locality.  相似文献   

Fossil pollen of the Umbelliferae occur frequently and with considerable diversity in Eocene sediments in France. We have been able to recognise 43 forms belonging to 23 genera. The Thanetian II, the Sparnacian, the Marinesian and the Ludian are characterised by particular assemblages. While in the Thanetian II pollen of a very archaic character predominate, the Ludian shows the greatest diversification of the family.

With respect to climate, the Sparnacian warming is confirmed by the appearance of Steganotaenia, a taxon characteristic of the tropical savannah. A drier climatic phase developed in the Marinesian, indicated by the development of Hohenackeria, a mediterranean taxon of xerophilous affinities. The appearance and extension of modern temperate taxa in the Ludian confirm the climatic change at the end of the Eocene.  相似文献   

Two Upper Paleocene and one Lower Eocene localities from Morocco (Ouarzazate basin) have yielded terrestrial assemblages that stand among the rare herpetofaunas from the Paleogene of the African Plate. The collections include one of the rare frogs and the only lizards known from the Paleogene of Africa. One of the two Upper Paleocene localities, Adrar Mgorn 1, has produced an indeterminate anuran and the most diverse assemblage of squamates from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Africa. It has yielded the earliest known scolecophidian snake and the earliest Gekkonidae, amphisbaenians, Tropidophiidae, and perhaps Boidae from Africa. Moreover, a specimen represents either the last sphenodontian or the earliest acrodontan lizard from this continent. One of the amphisbaenians represents a very distinct new taxon, Todrasaurus gheerbranti gen. and sp. nov. Indeterminate scincomorphans, lacertilians, Madtsoidae, and Aniliidae are also present. The fauna from the Lower Eocene is less diverse than that from the Upper Paleocene, but some taxa are common to both levels. Contrary to nearly all other Paleogene herpetofaunas from the African Plate, these Paleocene and Eocene assemblages include taxa that were terrestrial, not aquatic.  相似文献   

高邮凹陷D1井富含介形虫、轮藻和孢粉等化石。通过系统的微体古生物分析,首次对该地区白垩纪一古近纪微体古生物地层进行了精确划分,从下到上共建立11个化石组合:其中介形虫4个,轮藻4个,孢粉3个。文中还简要探讨了沉积环境演变,为该地区油气勘探提供有力的生物地层依据。  相似文献   

The Upper Paleocene of E-Tademaït and W-Tinrhertis characterized by a new macrofauna and the appearance of Ranikothalia bermudezi. This is followed by Lower Eocene (Lowermost Ilerdian) Nummulites fraasi and N. deserti, in E-Tademaït.We note in relation with the uplifting of Saharo-Nubianshelf a regressive evolution towards the North, where successively later Nummulites species (deserti, globulus, rollandi, gizehensis) appear during the Lower Eocene.  相似文献   

Palynological analyses of two wells (Haema-1 and Kachi-1) located in two sub-basins of the Northern South Yellow Sea Basin have been carried out in order to establish a palynostratigraphic breakdown of the sedimentary succession and to determine environments of deposition. Seven assemblage zones and two assemblage subzones have been erected on the basis of frequency variations in, and occurrences of, biostratigraphically significant palynomorphs as follows: Classopollis-Ephedripites Assemblage Zone (AZ): Barremian-Albian; Alisporites-Aquilapollenites-Penetetrapites AZ, which is subdivided into an Alisporites-Rugubivesiculites Assemblage Subzone: Cenomanian-Lower Maastrichtian, and an Aquilapollenites-Penetetrapites Assemblage Subzone: Upper Maastrichtian; Momipites-Coryluspollenites AZ: Paleocene; Caryapollenites-Inaperturopollenites AZ: Lower-Middle Eocene; Quercoidites-Pinuspollenites AZ: Upper Eocene; Liquidambarpollenites-Fupingopollenites-Magnastriatites AZ: Lower-Middle Miocene; Graminidites-Persicarioipollis AZ: Pliocene. The depositional environments represented by the well sections are considered to have been generally fluvio-lacustrine, and the climate to have varied between semi-arid and wet, and subtropical and warm temperate, except during the Late Eocene and Pliocene when a cool-temperate climate prevailed. Six stages in the development of the sub-basins are recognised. These are: (1) initial stage of rift or pull-apart basin-formation during the Late Jurassic?-Cretaceous; (2) subsidence from the Paleocene to Middle Eocene; (3) alternation of uplift and subsidence in the Late Eocene; (4) synrift inversion and erosion through the Oligocene; (5) uplift during the Early Miocene; and (6) widespread subsidence from the Middle Miocene onwards apart from during the Early Pliocene when the region was subjected to uplift once more.  相似文献   

Until now, the earliest known members of the triggerfish family Balistidae have been two genera from the Oligocene. Herein is described the new balistid Gornylistes prodigiosus gen. et sp. nov. from the uppermost Middle Eocene (Kuma Horizon) of the Northern Caucasus (Gorny Luch locality); it is as thoroughly modern in its bauplan as the taxa of balistids from the Oligocene and more recent periods, and far more advanced morphologically than the several stem taxa of the balistoid + ostracioid clade known from earlier in the Middle and Lower Eocene and from the Upper Paleocene.  相似文献   

Summary Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene reef limestones from the Maiella carbonate platform show how reefs evolved during a time of faunal turn-over. Biostratigraphy and facies analysis of the reef limestones reveal the details of reef growth, composition, and age. Rudists disappeared as reef builders from the Maiella platform shortly before the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. Small coral-algal reefs became established in the Danian to Late Thanetian. These scleractinian-red algal dominated boundstones and framestones represent two periods of reef sedimentation and the subsequent interruption of reef growth by emersion and erosion, controlled primarily by fluctuations of relative sea-level. The coral-algal reefs evolved as the taxonomic composition of reef organisms changed. The Paleocene reef sediments are preserved as large slide blocks and as boulders redeposited from the shallow-water platform onto the slope during the course of the Paleocene.  相似文献   

We report here three new elasmobranch fossil taxa from Thanetian–Lower Lutetian nearshore marine deposits of northeastern (Matam region) and central-western (Sine-Saloum region) Senegal. These three new taxa represent the oldest species of the enigmatical elasmobranch Odontorhytis, the oldest putative representatives of marine potamotrygonid, and an uncertain dasyatoid genus with the smallest grinding dentition ever described. These new taxa, representing the second Cenozoic elasmobranch remains formally described from Senegal, broaden our understanding of their evolutionary and biogeographic history in the equatorial Eastern Atlantic during this time period. Their occurrences confirm hypothesised stratigraphically correlations between the top of Matam Fm. and the base of Lam Lam Fm., refine the marine connections between these two Senegalese regions, and suggest that these genera were broadly distributed within the shallow marine settings of the equatorial Eastern Atlantic during latest Paleocene–early Middle Eocene.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A new species of the genus Epiphaxum (family Lithotelestidae) is described and illustrated in detail, and compared to other species. Epiphaxum arbuscula sp. nov. has been collected from Upper Eocene (Priabonian), Upper Oligocene (Chattian) and Lower Miocene (Upper Burdigalian) deposits of the Aquitaine Basin, south-west France. Epiphaxum is a poorly documented genus but its fossil record extends back to the Late Cretaceous; it was previously known only from the Paleocene (Danian). Epiphaxum arbuscula differs from all others species of the genus in the form of its colony. In contrast to the creeping colonies of previously known species, it has branched colonies. It is very common at one Upper Oligocene outcrop from which an assemblage with submarine cave remains has been described. A close relationship between the three extant species (two from the Caribbean Sea and one from the Indo-West Pacific region) and the Paleogene species is also noted. These constitute a group that has not undergone any important morphological changes for the last 65 million years.  相似文献   

Two new species of Nummulites and one subspecies of Orbitoclypeus from the Eocene of the Crimean Mountains and Mangyshlak Peninsula are described in detail. Nummulites alexisi sp. nov. and Orbitoclypeus munieri major subsp. nov. come from the Upper Ypresian, while Nummulites ninikae sp. nov. is from the Lower-Middle Lutetian. The phylogenetic position of new taxa is discussed.  相似文献   

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