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d-Serine (0.05m) inhibited nitrification byAspergillus flavus in media containing either peptone, aspartate,a-alanine or -alanine as the sole nitrogen source. A similar inhibition was observed in an aspartate + peptone medium, but nitrate was formed in a -alanine + peptone medium in the presence of the inhibitor. Exceptionally high yields of nitrate were obtained in the -alanine + peptone medium. In replacement cultures,d-serine inhibited nitrification of aspartate but not of -alanine. Manometric studies indicated that aspartate was decarboxylated byA. flavus and that the reaction was inhibited byd-serine. In view of these results, it is suggested that aspartate is a precursor and -alanine is an intermediate in nitrification by this fungus.  相似文献   

1. The pathway of NAD synthesis in mammary gland was examined by measuring the activities of some of the key enzymes in each of the tryptophan, nicotinic acid and nicotinamide pathways. 2. In the tryptophan pathway, 3-hydroxyanthranilate oxidase and quinolinate transphosphoribosylase activities were investigated. Neither of these enzymes was found in mammary gland. 3. In the nicotinic acid pathway, nicotinate mononucleotide pyrophosphorylase, NAD synthetase, nicotinamide deamidase and NMN deamidase were investigated. Both NAD synthetase and nicotinate mononucleotide pyrophosphorylase were present but were very inactive. Nicotinamide deamidase, if present, had a very low activity and NMN deamidase was absent. 4. In the nicotinamide pathway both enzymes, NMN pyrophosphorylase and NMN adenylyltransferase, were present and showed very high activity. The activity of the pyrophosphorylase in mammary gland is by far the highest yet found in any tissue. 5. The apparent K(m) values for the substrates of these enzymes in mammary gland were determined. 6. On the basis of these investigations it is proposed that the main, and probably only, pathway of synthesis of NAD in mammary tissue is from nicotinamide via NMN.  相似文献   

Na+-transport regulating mechanisms classically considered to reflect renal control of sodium homeostasis and BP, i.e. aldosterone–mineralocorticoid receptors (MR)—epithelial sodium channels (ENaC)—Na+/K+-ATPase have now been demonstrated to also be present in the central nervous system. This pathway is being regulated independently of the peripheral/renal pathway and contributes to regulation of cerebrospinal fluid [Na+] by the choroid plexus, of brain tissue [Na+] by the ependyma and to neuronal responses to e.g. Na+ or angiotensin II. Increases in CSF [Na+] by central infusion of Na+-rich aCSF or by high salt intake in Dahl S or SHR cause sympatho-excitation and hypertension. These responses appear to depend on activation of a CNS cascade starting with aldosterone–MR–ENaC–“ouabain,” the latter lowering neuronal membrane potential leading to enhanced angiotensin II release in e.g. the PVN. Specific CNS blockade of any of the steps in this cascade from aldosterone synthase blockade to AT1-receptor blockade prevents the sympathetic hyperactivity and hypertension on high salt intake, irrespective of the presence of a “salt-sensitive kidney.” We propose that in salt-sensitive hypertension an increase in CSF [Na+] causes a local increase in aldosterone biosynthesis which activates an aldosterone dependent neuromodulatory pathway which enhances activity of angiotensinergic sympatho-excitatory pathways leading to hypertension.  相似文献   

The incubation of Delta(7)-cholestenol with a 10000g supernatant or 105000g microsomes in the presence of tritiated water is studied. The reisolated Delta(7)-cholestenol contained up to 0.67g.atom of tritium/mole. This result can best be explained by assuming the reversibility of the reaction Delta(8)-cholestenol right harpoon over left harpoon Delta(7)-cholestenol.  相似文献   

Tendons/ligaments insert into bone via a transitional structure, the enthesis, which is susceptible to injury and difficult to repair. Fibrocartilaginous entheses contain fibrocartilage in their transitional zone, part of which is mineralized. Mineral-associated proteins within this zone have not been adequately characterized. Members of the Small Integrin Binding Ligand N-linked Glycoprotein (SIBLING) family are acidic phosphoproteins expressed in mineralized tissues. Here we show that two SIBLING proteins, bone sialoprotein (BSP) and osteopontin (OPN), are present in the mouse enthesis. Histological analyses indicate that the calcified zone of the quadriceps tendon enthesis is longer in Bsp−/− mice, however no difference is apparent in the supraspinatus tendon enthesis. In an analysis of mineral content within the calcified zone, micro-CT and Raman spectroscopy reveal that the mineral content in the calcified fibrocartilage of the quadriceps tendon enthesis are similar between wild type and Bsp−/− mice. Mechanical testing of the patellar tendon shows that while the tendons fail under similar loads, the Bsp−/− patellar tendon is 7.5% larger in cross sectional area than wild type tendons, resulting in a 16.5% reduction in failure stress. However, Picrosirius Red staining shows no difference in collagen organization. Data collected here indicate that BSP is present in the calcified fibrocartilage of murine entheses and suggest that BSP plays a regulatory role in this structure, influencing the growth of the calcified fibrocartilage in addition to the weakening of the tendon mechanical properties. Based on the phenotype of the Bsp−/− mouse enthesis, and the known in vitro functional properties of the protein, BSP may be a useful therapeutic molecule in the reattachment of tendons and ligaments to bone.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii, the etiologic agent of human Q fever, is a gram-negative and naturally obligate intracellular bacterium. The O-specific polysaccharide chain (O-PS) of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of C. burnetii is considered a heteropolymer of the two unusual sugars β-D-virenose and dihydrohydroxystreptose and mannose. We hypothesize that GDP-D-mannose is a metabolic intermediate to GDP-β-D-virenose. GDP-D-mannose is synthesized from fructose-6-phosphate in 3 successive reactions; Isomerization to mannose-6-phosphate catalyzed by a phosphomannose isomerase (PMI), followed by conversion to mannose-1-phosphate mediated by a phosphomannomutase (PMM) and addition of GDP by a GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase (GMP). GDP-D-mannose is then likely converted to GDP-6-deoxy-D-lyxo-hex-4-ulopyranose (GDP-Sug), a virenose intermediate, by a GDP-mannose-4,6-dehydratase (GMD). To test the validity of this pathway in C. burnetii, three open reading frames (CBU0671, CBU0294 and CBU0689) annotated as bifunctional type II PMI, as PMM or GMD were functionally characterized by complementation of corresponding E. coli mutant strains and in enzymatic assays. CBU0671, failed to complement an Escherichia coli manA (PMM) mutant strain. However, complementation of an E. coli manC (GMP) mutant strain restored capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis. CBU0294 complemented a Pseudomonas aeruginosa algC (GMP) mutant strain and showed phosphoglucomutase activity (PGM) in a pgm E. coli mutant strain. Despite the inability to complement a manA mutant, recombinant C. burnetii PMI protein showed PMM enzymatic activity in biochemical assays. CBU0689 showed dehydratase activity and determined kinetic parameters were consistent with previously reported data from other organisms. These results show the biological function of three C. burnetii LPS biosynthesis enzymes required for the formation of GDP-D-mannose and GDP-Sug. A fundamental understanding of C. burnetii genes that encode PMI, PMM and GMP is critical to fully understand the biosynthesic pathway of GDP-β-D-virenose and LPS structure in C. burnetii.  相似文献   

The β-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase III (KAS III; EC is a condensing enzyme catalyzing the initial step of fatty acid biosynthesis using acetyl-CoA as primer. To determine the mechanisms involved in the biosynthesis of fatty acids in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) developing seeds, a cDNA coding for HaKAS III (EF514400) was isolated, cloned and sequenced. Its protein sequence is as much as 72% identical to other KAS III-like ones such as those from Perilla frutescens, Jatropha curcas, Ricinus communis or Cuphea hookeriana. Phylogenetic study of the HaKAS III homologous proteins infers its origin from cyanobacterial ancestors. A genomic DNA gel blot analysis revealed that HaKAS III is a single copy gene. Expression levels of this gene, examined by Q-PCR, revealed higher levels in developing seeds storing oil than in leaves, stems, roots or seedling cotyledons. Heterologous expression of HaKAS III in Escherichia coli altered their fatty acid content and composition implying an interaction of HaKAS III with the bacterial FAS complex. Testing purified HaKAS III recombinant protein by adding to a reconstituted E. coli FAS system lacking condensation activity revealed a novel substrate specificity. In contrast to all hitherto characterized plant KAS IIIs, the activities of which are limited to the first cycles of intraplastidial fatty acid biosynthesis yielding C6 chains, HaKAS III participates in at least four cycles resulting in C10 chains.  相似文献   

Methods for the chemical synthesis of [23-(3)H(2)]lanosterol, [23,25-(3)H(3)]24-methyldihydrolanosterol and [24,28-(3)H(2)]24-methyldihydrolanosterol are described. It is shown that, in the biosynthesis of ergosterol from [26,27-(14)C(2),23-(3)H(2)]lanosterol by the whole cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, one of the original C-23 hydrogen atoms is lost and the other is retained at C-23 of ergosterol. It is also shown that 24-methyldihydrolanosterol is converted into ergosterol in good yield and without prior conversion into a 24-methylene derivative. On the basis of these results possible pathways for the formation of the ergosterol side chain from a 24-methylene side chain are discussed.  相似文献   

Secretion systems are specialized in transport of proteins, DNA or nutrients across the cell envelope of bacteria and enable them to communicate with their environment. The chaperone–usher (CU) pathway is used for assembly and secretion of a large family of long adhesive protein polymers, termed pili, and is widespread among Gram-negative pathogens [1]. Moreover, recent evidence has indicated that CU secretion systems are also involved in sporulation  and . In this review we focus on the structural biology of the paradigmatic type 1 and P pili CU systems encoded by uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), where recent progress has provided unprecedented insights into pilus assembly and secretion mechanism. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Protein trafficking and secretion in bacteria. Guest Editors: Anastassios Economou and Ross Dalbey.  相似文献   

BackgroundRecently, we demonstrated that losartan reduced the aortic root dilatation rate (AoDR) in adults with Marfan syndrome (MFS); however, responsiveness was diverse. The aim was to determine the role of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) as therapeutic biomarker for effectiveness of losartan on AoDR.MethodsBaseline plasma TGF-β levels of 22 healthy controls and 99 MFS patients, and TGF-β levels after 1 month of losartan treatment in 42 MFS patients were measured. AoDR was assessed by magnetic resonance imaging at baseline and after 3 years of follow-up.ResultsPatients with MFS had higher TGF-β levels compared with healthy controls (121 pg/ml versus 54 pg/mL, p = 0.006). After 1 month of therapy, losartan normalised the TGF-β level in 15 patients (36%); the other 27 patients (64%) showed a significant increase of TGF-β. After 3 years of losartan therapy, patients with a decrease in TGF-β had significantly higher AoDR compared with patients with increased TGF-β (1.5 mm/3 years versus 0.5 mm/3 years, p = 0.04). Patients showing a decrease in TGF-β after losartan therapy had significantly elevated baseline TGF-β levels compared with patients with increased TGF-β (189 pg/ml versus 94 pg/ml, p = 0.05).ConclusionPatients responding to losartan therapy with a reduction of the plasma TGF-β level had higher baseline TGF-β levels and a higher AoDR. Most likely, TGF-β levels may be considered to be a readout of the disease state of the aorta. We propose that increased angiotensin II is the initiator of aorta dilatation and is responsible for increased TGF-β levels in MFS. The concept of TGF-β as initiator of aortic dilatation in MFS patients should be nuanced.  相似文献   

The ligand bonding geometry of carboxy-and cyanomet-myoglobin (MbCO and MbCN) has been measured by the XANES method (X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure). A comparison between the ligand bonding geometry of carboxy- and cyanomet-myoglobin and of chelated protoheme methyl ester shows that the bent Fe–C–O configuration is the same in both systems. Therefore, we suggest that this configuration is not associated with any steric contraint imposed by the side chains of the aminoacid residues at the distal side of the heme pocket.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) p38α was shown to be implicated in the organogenesis of the placenta, and such placental alteration is crucial for the development of hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome. We aimed to analyze for the first time human placental expression of MAPK p38α in pregnancies complicated by HELLP. The placental expression of MAPK p38α was investigated by semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction using cDNA extracted from placental tissue of 15 pregnancies with HELLP syndrome and 15 gestational age-matched controls. Seven patients with HELLP also had intrauterine fetal growth restriction (IUGR). In placenta from pregnancy complicated by HELLP, the expression of MAPK p38α is significantly decreased compared to the group with normal pregnancy (p < 0.001), while no difference was found between the HELLP and HELLP with IUGR subpopulations. Our study shows for the first time that MAPK p38α is expressed in the human placenta. Pregnancies with placental dysfunction and hypertensive complications are characterized by a significantly decreased expression of MAPK p38α. Our observations suggest that p38 MAPK signaling may be essential in placental angiogenesis and functioning.  相似文献   

Overfeeding of rodents leads to increased local formation of angiotensin II due to increased secretion of angiotensinogen from adipocytes. Whereas angiotensin II promotes adipocyte growth and preadipocyte recruitment, increased secretion of angiotensinogen from adipocytes also directly contributes to the close relationship between adipose-tissue mass and blood pressure in mice. In contrast, angiotensin II acts as an antiadipogenic substance in human adipose tissue, and the total increase in adipose-tissue mass may be more important in determining human plasma angiotensinogen levels than changes within the single adipocyte. However, as increased local formation of angiotensin II in adipose tissue may be increased especially in obese hypertensive subjects, a contribution of the adipose-tissue renin-angiotensin system to the development of insulin resistance and hypertension is conceivable in humans, but not yet proven. Insulin resistance may be aggravated by the inhibition of preadipocyte recruitment, which results in the redistribution of triglycerides to the liver and skeletal muscle, and blood pressure may be influenced by local formation of angiotensin II in perivascular adipose tissue. Thus, although the mechanisms are still speculative, the beneficial effects of ACE-inhibition and angiotensin-receptor blockade on the development of type 2 diabetes in large clinical trials suggest a pathophysiological role of the adipose-tissue renin-angiotensin system in the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

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