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A nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was used to detect phytoplasmas in stem tissues from declining silver date ( Phoenix sylvestris ), Canary Island date ( Phoenix canariensis ), edible date ( Phoenix dactylifera ), Queen ( Syagrus romanozoffiana ) and Mexican fan ( Washingtonia robusta ) palms, all displaying symptoms similar to lethal yellowing (LY) disease, in a tri-county region of west central Florida. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis or sequencing of PCR-amplified rDNA products (1.6 kb) identified three distinct group 16SrIV phytoplasma strains among 38 infected palms. Most palms (86.8%) contained Texas Phoenix decline (TPD) phytoplasma, a subgroup 16SrIV-D strain, while two P. canariensis harboured palm LY phytoplasma, a subgroup 16SrIV-A strain. A novel phytoplasma, initially detected in W. robusta and tentatively classified as a subgroup 16SrIV-F strain, also occurred with LY phytoplasma as mixed infections in two P. dactylifera palms. Collectively, these findings extend the known geographic range of TPD in the USA to include Florida and the listing of TPD-susceptible palm species to include P. dactylifera , P. sylvestris and S. romanozoffiana . Moreover, discovery of a novel subgroup 16SrIV-F strain in W. robusta adds to the list of phytoplasma host palm species and complexity of phytoplasma-vector-palm pathosystems newly identified in the west central region of the state. The emergence of new lethal disease of palms beyond southern subtropical region of the state is unprecedented but follows similar developments in other regions where LY is known to occur.  相似文献   

The tick species infesting grazing animals in the countryside of 11 prefectures in Northern Greece were investigated during April-July and September-December of consecutive years 2003-2006. A total of 3,249 (1,952 males, 1,297 females) adult ticks were collected from goats, sheep, cattle and dogs. Ticks were identified as Ixodes ricinus (44.57%), Ixodes gibbosus (4.09%), Rhipicephalus bursa (19.14%), Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Rhipicephalus turanicus (5.79%), Hyalomma marginatum marginatum (12.40%), Dermacentor marginatus (0.31%) and Boophilus annulatus (4.43%). Rhipicephalus spp. and Hyalomma spp. were abundant in all prefectures, Ixodes spp. were present in 9/11 prefectures, Boophilus spp. in 4/11, while Dermacentor spp. were found only in one. Results of this study give an insight into the ecology of ticks and their potential of tick-borne diseases in the country.  相似文献   

The host ranges of a collection of 21 tick species found on wild mammals in the savanna, forests and coastal zone of Ghana suggested that most species were adapted to feeding mainly on host species within a single mammalian order, i.e. on artiodactyls (bovids/suids), carnivores, rodents or pholidotes (pangolins). Only a few species were dispersed evenly across a range of orders. Seven out of ten of the most common ticks on forest mammals were significantly associated with a particular host species or a group of closely related host species, which could be viewed as their major host or hosts, but they were also recorded much less frequently on a wide range of host species. Two other species were confined to their major hosts. Only one species appeared to be widely dispersed on forest mammals and to lack a particular major host. The majority of tick species therefore occurred on hosts with very distinctive biological, behavioural and ecological characteristics. The study provided no evidence to support the view that host specificity is an artefact of sampling. Finding that the tick species on Ghanaian wild mammals occurred on particular hosts, as well as in distinct habitats, indicated that tick-host associations are important for tick survival and confirmed the importance of climate and vegetation in tick distribution.  相似文献   

The species of ixodid ticks, attached to dogs and cats presented to veterinary practices in Great Britain and Ireland were identified. Most host animals carried only one tick species with Ixodes ricinus Linné (Acari: Ixodidae) being the most common, identified on 52% of animals, Ixodes hexagonus Leach (Acari: Ixodidae) the second most common (on 39%) and Ixodes canisuga Johnston (Acari: Ixodidae) the third most common (on 11%). A significantly higher proportion of dogs than cats carried I. ricinus, while I. hexagonus was more frequently carried by cats. One animal carried a single specimen of Haemaphysalis punctata Canestrini & Fanzago (Acari: Ixodidae), one carried a Dermacentor reticulatus Fabricius (Acari: Ixodidae) but none carried Rhipicephalus sanguineus Latreille (Acari: Ixodidae). This indicates that the latter two species, vectors of 'exotic' tick-borne diseases, remain at low densities in Great Britain and Ireland. Retrospective information on exposure of the animals to different habitats and geographic regions was collected by questionnaire and subject to contingency table and logistic regression analysis. Woodlands and moorlands were habitats significantly associated with I. ricinus attachment. Exposure to urban parks was significantly associated with I. hexagonus attachment and exposure to boarding kennels and catteries was significantly associated with I. canisuga attachment. Ixodes hexagonus, rather than I. ricinus, was the ixodid tick species most likely to be encountered by urban populations of dogs and cats and, by inference, possibly also humans. The implications of these findings, for the transmission of tick-borne pathogens to dogs, cats and humans are discussed.  相似文献   

Few aquatic animal negative-sense RNA viruses have been characterized, and their role in disease is poorly understood. Here, we describe a virus isolated from diseased freshwater turtles from a Florida farm in 2007 and from an ongoing epizootic among free-ranging populations of Florida softshell turtles (Apalone ferox), Florida red-bellied cooters (Pseudemys nelsoni), and peninsula cooters (Pseudemys peninsularis). Affected turtles presented with similar neurological signs, oral and genital ulceration, and secondary microbial infections. Microscopic lesions were most severe in the softshell turtles and included heterophilic/histiocytic meningoencephalitis, multi-organ vasculitis, and cytologic observation of leukocytic intracytoplasmic inclusions. The virus was isolated using Terrapene heart (TH-1) cells. Ultrastructurally, viral particles were round to pleomorphic and acquired an envelope with prominent surface projections by budding from the cell membrane. Viral genomes were sequenced from cDNA libraries of two nearly identical isolates and determined to be bi-segmented, with an ambisense coding arrangement. The larger segment encodes a predicted RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRP) and a putative zinc-binding matrix protein. The smaller segment encodes a putative nucleoprotein and an envelope glycoprotein precursor (GPC). Thus, the genome organization of this turtle virus resembles that of arenaviruses. Phylogenetic analysis shows that the RdRP of the turtle virus is highly diverged from the RdRPs of all known negative-sense RNA viruses and forms a deep branch within the phylum Negarnaviricota, that is not affiliated with any known group of viruses, even at the class level. In contrast, the GPC protein of the turtle virus is confidently affiliated with homologs from a distinct group of fish hantaviruses. Thus, the turtle virus is expected to become the founder of a new taxon of negative-sense RNA viruses, at least with a family rank, but likely, an order or even a class. These viruses probably evolved either by reassortment or by intrasegment recombination between a virus from a distinct branch of negarnaviruses distant from all known groups and a hanta-like aquatic virus. We suggest the provisional name Tosoviridae for the putative new family, with Turtle fraservirus 1 (TFV1) as the type species within the genus Fraservirus. A conventional RT-PCR assay, targeting the TFV1 RdRP, confirmed the presence of viral RNA in multiple tissues and exudates from diseased turtles. The systemic nature of the TFV1 infection was further supported by labeling of cells within lesions using in situ hybridization targeting the RNA of the TFV1 RdRP.  相似文献   

Arenaviridae are a family of single stranded RNA viruses of mammals and boid snakes. Twenty-nine distinct mammalian arenaviruses have been identified, many of which cause severe hemorrhagic disease in humans, particularly in parts of sub-Saharan Africa, and in Central and South America. Humans typically become infected with an arenavirus through contact with excreta from infected rodents. Tacaribe virus (TCRV) is an arenavirus that was first isolated from bats and mosquitoes during a rabies surveillance survey conducted in Trinidad from 1956 to 1958. Tacaribe virus is unusual because it has never been associated with a rodent host and since that one time isolation, the virus has not been isolated from any vertebrate or invertebrate hosts. We report the re-isolation of the virus from a pool of 100 host-seeking Amblyomma americanum (lone star ticks) collected in a Florida state park in 2012. TCRV was isolated in two cell lines and its complete genome was sequenced. The tick-derived isolate is nearly identical to the only remaining isolate from Trinidad (TRVL-11573), with 99.6% nucleotide identity across the genome. A quantitative RT-PCR assay was developed to test for viral RNA in host-seeking ticks collected from 3 Florida state parks. Virus RNA was detected in 56/500 (11.2%) of surveyed ticks. As this virus was isolated from ticks that parasitize humans, the ability of the tick to transmit the virus to people should be evaluated. Furthermore, reservoir hosts for the virus need to be identified in order to develop risk assessment models of human infection.  相似文献   

Moose (Alces alces) have experienced considerable declines along the periphery of their range in the northeastern United States. In Vermont, the population declined 45% from 2010 to 2017 despite minimal hunter harvest and adequate habitat. Similarly, nearby populations recently experienced epizootics characterized by >50% mortality. Declines have largely been associated with the effects of winter ticks (Dermacentor albipictus), but uncertainty exists about the effects of environmental and other parasite-related conditions on moose survival. We examined patterns of moose survival among a radio-collared population (n = 127) in Vermont from 2017 to 2019. Our objectives were to estimate causes of mortality and model survival probability as a function of individual and landscape variables for calves (<1 yr) and adults (≥1 yr). Observed adult survival was 90% in 2017, 84% in 2018, and 86% in 2019, and winter calf survival was 60% in 2017, 50% in 2018, and 37% in 2019. Winter tick infestation was the primary cause of mortality (91% of calves, 25% of adults), and 32% of all mortalities had evidence of meningeal worm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis). Other sources of mortality such as vehicles, harvest, predation, deep snow, and other parasitic infections were negligible. The best supported calf model included sex differences and negative effects of tick engorgement (%/week) and parasite level (roundworm and lungworm). The best supported adult model included the effect of cumulative tick engorgement (cumulative %/week), which negatively affected survival. Our results indicate that winter tick engorgement strongly affects survival, and is probably compounded by the presence of meningeal worm and other parasites. Reduced tick effects may be achieved by decreasing moose density through harvest and managing late winter habitat to minimize tick density. Management of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) density may also affect the transmission of meningeal worm. © 2021 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Comparative oncology: dogs, cats, and man   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A total of 2643 persons in 5 different regions were examined for toxoplasmosis by the immunofluorescence test and toxoplasmin skin test. The presence in the house of cats and dogs was taken into account. In two of the five regions under study there was revealed an increased incidence of toxoplasmosis in persons keeping cats; this confirmed the role of these animals as a source of toxoplasmosis infection. The absence of such increase in the incidence of the disease in other regions in explained by the character of buildings admitting migration of cats or the presence in the given region of other active sources of infection. Toxoplasmosis incidence in persons who kept or didn't keep dogs displayed no significant difference.  相似文献   

A total of 15 red foxes, 15 raccoon dogs, 15 domestic dogs and 15 domestic cats were each infected with 20,000 protoscolices of Echinococcus multilocularis. At 35, 63, and 90 days post inoculation (dpi), five animals from each group were necropsied and the worm burdens determined. The highest worm burdens in foxes (mean of 16,792) and raccoon dogs (mean of 7930) were found at 35 dpi. These declined to a mean of just 331 worms in foxes and 3213 worms in raccoon dogs by day 63 with a further decline to 134 worms in foxes and 67 worms in raccoon dogs by day 90. In dogs, there was no significant difference between worm burdens recovered at days 35 (mean of 2466) and day 90 (mean of 1563), although reduced numbers were recovered on day 63 (mean of 899). In cats, worms were found in four animals 35 dpi (mean of 642), in three at 63 dpi (mean of 28) and in two at 90 dpi (mean of 57). Faecal egg counts were determined at 3 day intervals from 25 dpi. A mathematical model of egg excretion dynamics suggested that the mean biotic potential per infected animal was high in foxes (346,473 eggs); raccoon dogs (335,361 eggs) and dogs (279,910 eggs) but very low for cats (573 eggs). It also indicated that approximately 114, 42 and 27 eggs per worm were excreted in the faeces of dogs, raccoon dogs and foxes, respectively. The fecundity of worms in cats was low with an average of less than one egg per worm. The peak levels of coproantigen were detected earlier in foxes and raccoon dogs than in dogs. Eggs recovered from foxes, raccoon dogs and dogs resulted in massive infections in experimental mice. However, metacestodes did not develop from eggs originating from infected cats. It is concluded that foxes, raccoon dogs and dogs are good hosts of E. multilocularis. In contrast, the low worm establishment, the very few excreted eggs and the lack of infectivity of eggs strongly indicate that cats play an insignificant role in parasite transmission.  相似文献   

As the dog and cat anthelmintic market is small, fragmented and dominated by old-fashioned narrow spectrum products, there is little incentive for the pharmaceutical companies to invest major research resources in this area. Development of new products will always be of relatively low priority and progress will be much slower than is the case with ruminant anthelmintics. Some successes since ICOPA V can however be claimed. The previously reported cesticidal properties of praziquantel have been put to good use and have contributed to the progress made in many hydatid control programmes. Ivermectin shows promise as an alternative heartworm prophylactic and the applications for multiple dose therapy with the benzimidazoles continue to increase. In the latter case, much still needs to be done to explore the full potential of this chemical group and to define optimum dosage regimes for both broad spectrum therapy and for the prophylaxis of T. cati and A. caninum infections. It is to be hoped that the increasing awareness of the general public concerning the role of worm control in the broader concept of responsible pet ownership will create a greater demand for expert advice and more effective chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Ear canals of 284 domestic goats from Florida were examined via swabbing for the presence of ear mites; 57% were infested withPsoroptes cuniculi. Raillietia caprae was recovered from 2 goats in one herd. Breeds examined were Nubian, Alpine, Saanen, Toggenburg, La Mancha, Spanish/ Woods and Pygmy. Goats with dependent ear types were infested more commonly than those with erect ears; no goats with vestigial ears were found to harbor mites. Goats less than 1 year old had a significantly higher mite prevalence than did goats over 1 year of age. Gross lesions were noted in the ear canals of only three individuals.This paper was previously accepted for publication in the journal Goat and Sheep Research prior to that journal's demise.  相似文献   

Folliculogenesis in response to exogenous stimulation by human urinary follicle stimulating hormone (huFSH) and human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) was evaluated in the domestic queen (Felis catus). The role of LH and/or FSH in folliculogenesis was examined by measuring concentrations of estradiol 17beta (E(2)) and progesterone (P) in the serum. Additionally, changes in the number and size of follicles from before the administration of exogenous hormones to surgical oocyte collection were monitored. Findings indicated that in queens receiving huFSH or hMG followed by human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to induce ovulation, the numbers of follicles from 1 to 3 mm increase with statistical significance (P<0.005) from before the initiation of treatment to surgical collection of oocytes. Although E(2) concentrations in cats receiving hMG increased above baseline by the third exogenous hormone injection, mean E(2) concentrations did not increase in the groups that received both huFSH and hCG, or hCG only, until after the administration of hCG. This suggests that the exogenous administration of LH contained in both hMG and hCG was necessary for E(2) to rise to levels associated with estrus.  相似文献   

Blastomyces dermatitidis, the etiologic agent of blastomycosis, a potentially life-threatening systemic mycosis of humans and animals, is acquired from a yet incompletely defined environmental niche. There is controversy regarding the potential for contact with the fungus in or near one’s home, particularly in urban areas. We investigated an outbreak of blastomycosis among five urban, indoor cats diagnosed at three veterinary clinics March 3–July 13, 2005, in suburban Chicago, Illinois, by owner interviews, site visits, environmental cultures for B. dermatitidis, GIS analysis, and analysis of local weather data. There were no environmental exposures common to the five cats that lived a median of 300 m from nearest body of water, in homes on a loam soil. Closest and farthest case home sites were 3.4 and 26.1 km, respectively. All cats were confined indoors except one cat that averaged 15 min/week in his backyard and was exposed to excavation. B. dermatitidis was not isolated from any of 60 environmental samples. The annualized incidence rate March through July 2005 among 6,761 cats in these practices was 178/100,000, compared to none in the previous 4 years, and 0.14/100,000 cat visits from a nationwide animal hospital registry. Precipitation January through June 2005 was 9.30 versus period mean of 14.05 ± 1.69 inches the previous 4 years (P = 0.01). Circumstantial evidence suggests acquisition of B. dermatitidis from the home site environment in five cats. Relative drought may have contributed to an apparent outbreak of blastomycosis in this urban locale.  相似文献   

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