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纽约弹性城市建设经验及其对上海的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面临气候变化带来的全球性环境、社会、经济灾难,许多国家、地区都制定了应对方案并采取行动。与上海市有着同样区位优势的纽约市,作为全球城市在有关气候变化的城市治理方面一直处于国际领先地位,引领全球城市开展弹性城市建设。在总结纽约弹性城市建设发展历程基础上,分析纽约市弹性城市建设所面临的挑战和机遇,未来100年总目标及其包含4个分目标,以及实现这4个分目标的具体措施。最后,对比纽约市与上海市的相似性,从弹性城市项目建设、投融资、区域合作、政府治理这4个方面为上海市弹性城市建设带来启示。  相似文献   


How, and as what, are immigrant minorities incorporated into the political process? A set of prominent approaches focus on the political opportunity structure that immigrants encounter. Although promising in many aspects, these approaches fail to consider the internal heterogeneity of both immigrant populations and opportunity structures. This is partly a result of taking ethnic groups rather than political entrepreneurs as the unit of analysis and of not disaggregating the political context properly. I show how Russian-Jewish immigrant political entrepreneurs in New York City used very different strategies of ethnic mobilization, each emphasizing a different ethnic cleavage: one making claims in the name of Russians, the other downplaying Russianness and highlighting the Jewish identity dimension. Both strategies had good chances at success thus illustrating that political opportunity structures may encourage different claims-making strategies at the same time. Ethno-political entrepreneurs navigate complex political landscapes that are ex-ante only partially transparent.  相似文献   

The diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) is a charismatic and long-lived species of the United States eastern coast, and the only North American turtle that exclusively inhabits coastal brackish waters. Many terrapin populations are declining, and these declines have been largely linked to human activities; however, few studies have documented human and natural factors affecting terrapin population demography. Jamaica Bay, an urban estuary located in southern New York City, USA, is home to 2 nesting aggregations of terrapins, located at Ruler's Bar Hassock (RBH) and John F. Kennedy Airport (JFK). We analyzed mark-recapture data for RBH from 2003–2018 and JFK from 2011–2018 to estimate annual survivorship of female diamondback terrapins and test the effects of 3 factors (a hurricane, water quality represented by nitrogen concentration, and injuries) on survival. The initial estimated annual survival was high (0.93) at RBH but declined to 0.89, while survival remained constant at JFK (0.92). Models examining the effect of Hurricane Sandy (2012) indicated a significant decline in survival in the 2 years following the hurricane in the RBH nesting aggregation but no change at JFK. Water quality did not influence trends in either aggregation, but the presence of major injuries (caused by boat collisions, predators, and the hurricane) significantly reduced annual survival at RBH. We propose increasing terrapin survivorship through mitigation of boat traffic, reducing populations of northern raccoons (Procyon lotor) to reduce injury to female terrapins and decrease egg and hatchling mortality, and increased law enforcement to reduce on-going poaching and capture as illegal by-catch.  相似文献   

Bergen  A.  Alderson  C.  Bergfors  R.  Aquila  C.  Matsil  M.A. 《Wetlands Ecology and Management》2000,8(2-3):185-195
In the seven years since 2.5 million liters of No. 2fuel oil spilled into the Arthur Kill, the Salt MarshRestoration Team of New York City Parks has restoredSpartina alterniflora(Salt Marsh Cordgrass)to 2.43 ha of shoreline, planting seedlings andtransplants in areas of low salt marsh severelyimpacted by oil. Restoration was undertaken to haltsurface erosion and the loss of surviving vegetationand remnant peat. Biomass, stem density, flowerdensity, height of plants, rhizome spread, basal areaand plant cover were monitored for a minimum of threeyears between 1993 and 1997. Unplanted SeverelyImpacted (USI) reference sites and Existing Vegetation(EV) in the severe impact zone were also monitored.Ninety-five percent of the surface area denuded ofvegetation by oil at USI reference sites remainedunvegetated seven years after the spill. SedimentTotal Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) content was measuredbefore and after plantings and these results indicateda high level of persistent contamination. Residual oilwas not the determining factor in the survival or lossof Spartina alternifloraseedlings andtransplants at planting sites. Instead, plantspacing, shoreline morphology, wave energy generatedby passing vessels, and predation by Brantacanadensis(Canada Goose) were the most criticalfactors. Three years after planting, the abovegroundbiomass at two of the three restoration sites wascomparable to the biomass at existing and restoredeastern North American salt marshes. Seedlings spaced30 cm apart provided rapid cover at two of three sitesand contributed to overall survival. Where initialsurvival was high, goose predation was low. Whereinitial survival was low, shoreline morphology andwave energy were the primary causes of mortality, withgoose predation an important secondary cause. Bedformsat one planting site indicated a high energyshoreline as did sediment texture results for allsites. The fetch along the Arthur Kill is not longenough to generate such high-wave energy, but passingvessels do generate plunging and surging breakers ona regular basis. A reduction in the frequency of oilspills since 1990 has been beneficial to the saltmarshes along the Arthur Kill. A reduction in otheranthropogenic stresses would further enhance theplanted and existing vegetation.  相似文献   

We investigated genetic diversity and structure of urban white‐footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus, populations in New York City (NYC) using variation at 18 microsatellite loci. White‐footed mice are ‘urban adapters’ that occur at higher population densities as habitat fragments are reduced in area but have a limited ability to disperse through urbanized areas. We hypothesized that this combination of traits has produced substantial genetic structure but minimal loss of genetic variation over the last century in NYC. Allelic diversity and heterozygosity in 14 NYC populations were high, and nearly all of our NYC study sites contained genetically distinct populations of white‐footed mice as measured by pairwise FST, assignment tests, and Bayesian clustering analyses performed by Structure and baps . Analysis of molecular variance revealed that genetic differences between populations separated by a few kilometres are more significant than differences between prehistorically isolated landmasses (i.e. Bronx, Queens, and Manhattan). Allele size permutation tests and lack of isolation by distance indicated that mutation and migration are less important than drift as explanations for structure in urban, fragmented P. leucopus populations. Peromyscus often exhibit little genetic structure over even regional scales, prompting us to conclude that urbanization is a particularly potent driver of genetic differentiation compared to natural fragmentation.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis has shown that diseased wheat plants in Northern Germany were infected with the New York strain of soil‐borne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV). This is in contrast to the only other confirmed site of SBWMV occurring in Germany, where a variant closely related to the Nebraska‐type strain of SBWMV was found. The results indicate that there have been at least two separate introductions of SBWMV strains to Germany. A survey is required to study the actual distribution of SBWMV in Germany.  相似文献   


The increasing diversity of the US population has stimulated interest in racial identification, which is complex for phenotypically heterogeneous groups such as Puerto Ricans. We overcome several limitations of the empirical literature on racial identification among Puerto Ricans with a study that is grounded in the experience of Puerto Rican women in New York City. Our analysis focuses on two questions: How do Puerto Rican women in New York identify themselves racially? What are the sources of racial identification? The results indicate that most Puerto Rican women in New York conflate race and ethnicity by designating their race as either ‘Puerto Rican’ or ‘Hispanic’. Moreover, the decision to ‘become’ pan-ethnic has complex roots. In particular, the effect of skin tone on pan-ethnic identification is conditioned by socioeconomic and neighbourhood characteristics.  相似文献   

Resolution of urban and suburban deer problems often depends on learning and co-management. Local newspapers may reflect the learning occurring in a community. Past authors have identified 4 primary types of learning (technical, conceptual, social, and political). We studied newspaper content related to deer management for insights about the types of learning occurring in selected regions in New York State. We analyzed 263 newspaper articles published between 2000 and 2006. We found that the majority of content related to learning focused on conceptual and technical learning, but relatively little, particularly early in the evolution of deer management issues, focused on social or political learning. Our results suggest that additional attention to social learning focusing on collaborative relationships and constructive dialogue among stakeholders by both communities and newspapers could be beneficial in the resolution of deer problems. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Current environmental challenges involve complex assessment and analysis of tradeoffs among differing criteria, expectations, and levels of certainty. Using multi-criteria decision analysis in combination with comparative risk assessment, a systematic and transparent framework can be created to integrate different types and sources of decision-relevant information. Although examples of decision analysis abound in the literature and academic efforts, its use within the practice of risk assessment and environmental management is still being established. This article provides an example of the use of decision analysis study that builds on a previous screening-level, comparative risk assessment of contaminated sediment from the New York/New Jersey harbor area. Using multi-criteria decision analysis, we explored the effect of different criteria weights, utility functions, and cost estimates on the ranking of seven contaminated sediment management alternatives. Values used in weighting decision criteria were surveyed from two interaction sessions with sediment management professionals.  相似文献   

The majority of the Wellesley College Herbarium (62, 193 specimens) has been intercalated into The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY). Duplicated collections were distributed to other herbaria. Most specimens has been collected between 1850 and 1940. A brief history of the Wellesley Herbarium is given, and lists of the vascular plant type specimens and of some notable collectors of vascular plants are appended.  相似文献   

Low hatching success may limit progress towards reaching productivity goals for Atlantic Coast piping plover (Charadrius melodus) recovery, despite management strategies to protect eggs from predators and decrease human disturbance of birds on nests. We measured piping plover hatching success on Eastern Long Island beaches and identified the major causes of egg failure to better understand why eggs that were otherwise intact (not depredated or destroyed by tidal flooding) failed to hatch. We documented egg and nest fates, dissected contents of unhatched eggs to determine viability, and recorded human and predator activity near a subset of plover nests on Suffolk County Parks properties. The low hatching success we recorded (0.60) in 2006 and 2007 would require higher chick survival rates than are typically observed for piping plovers to meet recovery targets for productivity. Few eggs showed signs of poor viability and overall egg hatchability was comparable to other ground nesting birds. Most egg failure was due to either depredation at unexclosed nests or nest abandonment by adults. The best predictor of nest abandonment was the maximum number of red fox tracks (Vulpes vulpes) counted on nearby transects (β = −1.16, 95% CI: −2.0 to −0.3) and we found evidence that plovers abandoned eggs in response to predation risk (e.g., a fox circling a nest exclosure). Adults from abandoned nests may have deserted eggs or been depredated. In either case, intact and viable eggs were abandoned. Nest abandonment was not related to human activity near nests, which were buffered from human disturbance by symbolic string fencing. Our results suggest that depredation and nest abandonment (e.g., desertion or death of adults) due to predator disturbance, not human disturbance or poor egg viability, contributed to the low hatching success we recorded. Active predator removal in addition to modification of predator exclosure use and design may be necessary to prevent direct (egg depredation) and indirect (nest abandonment) negative effects of predators on hatching success. © 2010 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Poleward shifts in breeding bird distributions in New York State   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Like other regions of the northern hemisphere, the northeastern United States has experienced a general increase in regional temperatures over the past 20 years. Quantifying the ecological implications of these changing temperatures has been severely constrained by a lack of multispecies distributional data by which to compare long-term changes. We used the New York State Breeding Bird Atlas, a statewide survey of 5332 25 km2 blocks surveyed in 1980–1985 and 2000–2005, to test several predictions that the birds of New York State are responding to climate change. Our objective was to use an information-theoretic approach to analyze changes in three geographic range characteristics, the center of occurrence, range boundaries, and states of occurrence to address several predictions that the birds of New York State are moving polewards and up in elevation. As expected, we found all bird species ( n =129) included in this analysis showed an average northward range shift in their mean latitude of 3.58 km [ Prob ( H a|data)=0.87)]. Past studies have found that northern range boundaries are more likely to be influenced by climatic factors than southern range boundaries. Consequently, we predicted that northward shifts would be more evident in northern as opposed to southern range boundaries. We found, however, that the southern range boundaries of northerly birds moved northward by 11.4 km [ n =43, Prob ( H a|data)=0.92], but this pattern was less evident in northern range boundaries of southerly birds. In addition, we found that bird species demonstrated a general shift downhill in their mean elevation, but demonstrated little change in their elevational boundaries. The repeated pattern of a predicted northward shift in bird ranges in various geographic regions of the world provides compelling evidence that climate change is driving range shifts.  相似文献   

王美雅  徐涵秋 《生态学杂志》2018,29(11):3735-3746
城市空间的扩展使得大量的不透水面取代了以植被为主的自然地表景观,尤其是在规模较大的城市,其高比例的不透水面很大程度上影响了城市生态质量.本研究以中、美2个人口规模最大的城市——上海和纽约为研究区,基于上海1989、2002和2015年和纽约近同期的1991、2001和2015年的Landsat影像,利用归一化不透水面指数(NDISI)提取研究区各年份的不透水面信息,通过遥感生态指数(RSEI)评价城市不透水面大幅增长导致的城市生态质量变化,并借助景观指数分析上海和纽约两种不透水面空间分布格局对城市生态质量的影响.结果表明: 20世纪90年代初到2015年,上海和纽约的城市不透水面增长速率和空间变化模式存在显著差异.研究期间,上海不透水面的总增加面积是纽约的17.4倍,年均增长速率是纽约的62.2倍.上海的城市扩张方式主要表现为由城市中心向周边乡村扩展,而纽约的城市无明显扩张,不透水面以填充的方式在城市内部增加.2种不同的不透水面变化模式和空间分布格局对城市生态质量产生了不同影响.上海的RSEI均值从1989年的0.717下降到2015年的0.453,总体降幅达 36.8%;而1991和2015年纽约的RSEI分别为0.552和0.514,下降6.9%,其幅度远小于上海.在不透水面斑块面积大、斑块内部高度连通和聚集的区域,城市生态质量较差.  相似文献   

New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 1 (NY-ESO-1) is aberrantly expressed in multiple myeloma (MM) patients, however, its role remains largely unknown. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of NY-ESO-1 knockdown on MM impact and provide evidence for targeting treatment of MM. Human MM U266 cells were infected with lentivirus-based small hairpin RNA-targeting NY-ESO-1 (LV-shNY-ESO-1). Cellular proliferation, colony-forming, migration, and invasion assays were employed. The expressions of cell cycle and epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT)-related molecules, MM growth, and mouse osteolytic lesions were evaluated. The results showed that the LV-shNY-ESO-1-U266 cells had a lower expression of NY-ESO-1 and a higher expressions of p21 and E-cadherin, and a weaker abilities of colony formation, drug-resistant to adriamycin, migration, and invasion than those of the control cells. Importantly, the knockdown of NY-ESO-1 inhibited significantly the U266 cell-induced MM growth and osteolytic lesions along with increasing the expressions of E-cadherin, p21, and p53 in mice challenged with LV-shNY-ESO-1-U266 cells. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that knockdown of NY-ESO-1 suppressed the U266 cell-induced MM growth and osteolytic lesions by inhibition of the MMs cell cycle and EMT. The NY-ESO-1 knockdown may be considered for future clinical trials in MM.  相似文献   

Keir Martin 《Ethnos》2013,78(1):1-22
Recently, Tolai people of Papua New Guinea have adopted the term ‘Big Shot’ to describe an emerging post-colonial political elite. The emergence of the term is a negative moral evaluation of new social possibilities that have arisen as a consequence of the Big Shots’ privileged position within a global political economy. Grassroots Tolai pass judgment on the Big Shots’ through rhetorical contrast with idealised Big Men of the past, in a particular local version of a global trend for the emergence of new words to illustrate changing perceptions of local elites. As such the ‘Big Shot’ acts as an example of a global process in which key lexical categories that contest, trace and shape how global historical change is experienced are constituted through linguistic categories.  相似文献   

Aphelenchoides microstylus n. sp. and Seinura onondagensis n. sp., a nematode predator, are described from dead Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Onondaga County, New York. Females of A. microstylus are 370 to 485 µm long. The body is slender and tapers posteriorly to an amucronate, pointed terminus. The head is continuous with the body, and lips bear a stylet guide. Diagnostic characters of females are three incisures in the lateral field, a short stylet (6-7.5 µm) with small basal knobs, a single row of oocytes, and a long postuterine sac (25-50 µm). Males are characterized by small spicules (10-11µm); two pairs of post-anal, subventral papillae; and a single row of spermatocytes. A bursa and gubernaculum are absent. Seinura onondagensis females are characterized by a body of moderate length (475-595 µm), finely annulated cuticle, and a slightly set-off head. Diagnostic characters are four incisures in the lateral field, long stylet without basal knobs (17-22 µm), single row of oocytes, and presence of a postuterine sac (14-38 µm). Males are unknown. The monospecific genus Indaphelenchus is proposed as a synonym of Seinura, and S. siddiqii n. comb. is proposed for the only species, I. siddiqii.  相似文献   

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