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The embryonic dorsal vessel in Drosophila possesses anteroposterior polarity and is subdivided into two chamber-like portions, the aorta in the anterior and the heart in the posterior. The heart portion features a wider bore as compared with the aorta and develops inflow valves (ostia) that allow the pumping of hemolymph from posterior toward the anterior. Here, we demonstrate that homeotic selector genes provide positional information that determines the anteroposterior subdivision of the dorsal vessel. Antennapedia (Antp), Ultrabithorax (Ubx), abdominal-A (abd-A), and Abdominal-B (Abd-B) are expressed in distinct domains along the anteroposterior axis within the dorsal vessel, and, in particular, the domain of abd-A expression in cardioblasts and pericardial cells coincides with the heart portion. We provide evidence that loss of abd-A function causes a transformation of the heart into aorta, whereas ectopic expression of abd-A in more anterior cardioblasts causes the aorta to assume heart-like features. These observations suggest that the spatially restricted expression and activity of abd-A determine heart identities in cells of the posterior portion of the dorsal vessel. We also show that Abd-B, which at earlier stages is expressed posteriorly to the cardiogenic mesoderm, represses cardiogenesis. In light of the developmental and morphological similarities between the Drosophila dorsal vessel and the primitive heart tube in early vertebrate embryos, these data suggest that Hox genes may also provide important anteroposterior cues during chamber specification in the developing vertebrate heart.  相似文献   

Tbx20-related T-box genes have been implicated in the regulation of heart development in several vertebrate species. In the present report, we demonstrate that a pair of genes representing Drosophila orthologs of Tbx20, midline (mid) and H15, have important functions during the development of the Drosophila equivalent of the heart, i.e. the dorsal vessel. We show that mid is among the earliest known genes that are specifically expressed in all cardioblasts during early embryogenesis, and H15 expression is subsequently activated in the same cells. Mutant embryos lacking the activity of mid, or both mid and H15, are able to form dorsal vessels with largely normal numbers of cardioblasts and pericardial cells. Furthermore, the mutant cardioblasts express several general cardioblast markers such as Mef2 and Toll at normal levels. However, the expression of tinman (tin), which normally occurs in four out of six cardioblasts in each hemisegment of the dorsal vessel, is almost abolished. Conversely, the expression of the Dorsocross (Doc) T-box genes, which is normally restricted to the two Tin-negative cardioblasts in each hemisegment, is strongly expanded into the majority of cardioblasts in mid mutant and mid+H15-deficient embryos. Altogether, the data from the loss-of-function phenotypes demonstrate that mid, and to a lesser degree H15, have important roles in establishing the metameric patterning of cardioblast identities, but not in specifying cardioblasts as such. Ectopic expression of mid causes ectopic tin expression and, less efficiently, produces extra cardioblasts. We propose that one of the major functions of mid and H15 during cardioblast development is the re-activation of tin expression at a stage when the induction of tin by Dpp in the dorsal mesoderm has ceased. Through this activity, mid and H15 are required for the normal functional diversification of cardioblasts and the expression of tin-dependent terminal differentiation genes within the dorsal vessel.  相似文献   

Oh CT  Kwon SH  Jeon KJ  Han PL  Kim SH  Jeon SH 《FEBS letters》2002,531(3):427-431
An important step in Drosophila neurogenesis is to establish the neural dorsoventral (DV) patterning. Here we describe how dpp loss-of- and gain-of-function mutation affects the homeobox-containing neural DV patterning genes expressed in the ventral neuroectoderm. Ventral nervous system defective (vnd), intermediate neuroblast defective (ind), muscle-specific homeobox (msh), and orthodenticle (otd) genes participate in development of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system, and encode homeodomain proteins. otd and msh genes were ectopically expressed in dpp loss-of-function mutation, but vnd and ind were not affected. However, when dpp was ectopically expressed in the ventral neuroectoderm by rho-GAL4/UAS-dpp system, it caused the repression of vnd, and msh expressions in ventral and dorsal columns of the neuroectoderm, respectively, but not that of ind. The later expression pattern of otd was also restricted by Dpp. The expression pattern of msh, vnd and otd in dpp loss-of-function and gain-of-function mutation indicates that Dpp activity does not reach to the ventral midline and it works locally to establish the dorsal boundary of the ventral neuroectoderm.  相似文献   

Lints R  Jia L  Kim K  Li C  Emmons SW 《Developmental biology》2004,269(1):137-151
The fan and rays of the C. elegans male tail constitute a compound sensory organ essential for mating. Within this organ, the individual sensilla, known as rays, have unique identities. We show that ray identities are patterned by a selector gene mechanism in a manner similar to other serially homologous axial structures. One selector gene that promotes the identities of a subset of the rays is the Hox gene egl-5. Within EGL-5-expressing rays, further patterning is provided by a Pax-6 homolog and a signal of the TGFβ family. These genes and pathway coordinately specify multiple ray properties affecting all three terminal ray cell types. These properties include complex patterns of FMRFamide-like (FaRP) neuropeptides, serotonin (5HT) and dopamine expression, and ray morphology. Differences in these differentiated characteristics give each sensillum a unique identity and potentially endow the compound ray organ with a higher-order information gathering capacity.  相似文献   

The teashirt (tsh) gene has dorso-ventral (DV) asymmetric functions in Drosophila eye development: promoting eye development in dorsal and suppressing eye development in ventral by Wingless mediated Homothorax (HTH) induction [Development 129 (2002) 4271]. We looked for DV spatial cues required by tsh for its asymmetric functions. The dorsal Iroquois-Complex (Iro-C) genes and Delta (Dl) are required and sufficient for the tsh dorsal functions. The ventral Serrate (Ser), but not fringe (fng) or Lobe (L), is required and sufficient for the tsh ventral function. We propose that DV asymmetric function of tsh represents a novel tier of DV pattern regulation, which takes place after the spatial expression patterns of early DV patterning genes are established in the eye.  相似文献   

Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are negative regulators that maintain the expression of homeotic genes and affect cell proliferation. Pleiohomeotic (Pho) is a unique PcG member with a DNA-binding zinc finger motif and was proposed to recruit other PcG proteins to form a complex. The pho null mutants exhibited several mutant phenotypes such as the transformation of antennae to mesothoracic legs. We examined the effects of pho on the identification of ventral appendages and proximo-distal axis formation during postembryogenesis. In the antennal disc of the pho mutant, Antennapedia (Antp), which is a selector gene in determining leg identity, was ectopically expressed. The homothorax (hth), dachshund (dac) and Distal-less (Dll) genes involved in proximo-distal axis formation were also abnormally expressed in both the antennal and leg discs of the pho mutant. The engrailed (en) gene, which affects the formation of the anterior-posterior axis, was also misexpressed in the anterior compartment of antennal and leg discs. These mutant phenotypes were enhanced in the mutant background of Posterior sex combs (Psc) and pleiohomeotic-like (phol), which are another PcG genes. These results suggest that pho functions in maintaining expression of genes involved in the formation of ventral appendages and the proximo-distal axis.  相似文献   

Many animals show regionally specialized patterns of movement along the body axis. In vertebrates, spinal networks regulate locomotion, while the brainstem controls movements of respiration and feeding. Similarly, amongst invertebrates diversification of appendages along the body axis is tied to the performance of characteristically different movements such as those required for feeding, locomotion, and respiration. Such movements require locally specialized networks of nerves and muscles. Here we use the regionally differentiated movements of larval crawling in Drosophila to investigate how the formation of a locally specialized locomotor network is genetically determined. By loss and gain of function experiments we show that particular Hox gene functions are necessary and sufficient to dictate the formation of a neuromuscular network that orchestrates the movements of peristaltic locomotion.  相似文献   

Throughout development cell-cell interactions are of pivotal importance. Cells bind to each other or share information via secreted signaling molecules. To a large degree, these processes are modulated by post-translational modifications of membrane proteins. Glycan-chains are frequently added to membrane proteins and assist their exact function at the cell surface. In addition, the glycosylation pathway is required to generate GPI-linkage in the endoplasmatic reticulum. Here, we describe the analysis of the cabrio/mummy gene, which encodes an UDP-N-acetylglucosamine diphosphorylase. This is a well-conserved and central enzyme in the glycosylation pathway. As expected from this central role in glycosylation, cabrio/mummy mutants show many phenotypic traits ranging from CNS fasciculation defects to defects in dorsal closure and eye development. These phenotypes correlate well with specific glycosylation and GPI-anchorage defects in mummy mutants.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the paraxial mesoderm already exhibits a complex Hox gene pattern by the time that segmentation occurs and somites are formed. The anterior boundaries of the Hox genes are always maintained at the same somite number, suggesting coordination between somite formation and Hox expression. To study this interaction, we used morpholinos to knockdown either the somitogenesis gene X-Delta-2 or the complete Hox paralogous group 1 (PG1) in Xenopus laevis. When X-Delta-2 is knocked down, Hox genes from different paralogous groups are downregulated from the beginning of their expression at gastrula stages. This effect is not via the canonical Notch pathway, as it is independent of the Notch effector Su(H). We also reveal for the first time a clear role for Hox genes in somitogenesis, as loss of PG1 gene function results in the perturbation of somite formation and downregulation of the X-Delta-2 expression in the PSM. This effect on X-Delta-2 expression is also observed during neurula stages, before the somites are formed. These results show that somitogenesis and patterning of the anteroposterior axis are closely linked via a feedback loop involving Hox genes and X-Delta-2, suggesting the existence of a coordination mechanism between somite formation and anteroposterior patterning. Such a mechanism is likely to be functional during gastrulation, before the formation of the first pair of somites, as suggested by the early X-Delta-2 regulation of the Hox genes.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster ventral nerve cord derives from neural progenitor cells called neuroblasts. Individual neuroblasts have unique gene expression profiles and give rise to distinct clones of neurons and glia. The specification of neuroblast identity provides a cell intrinsic mechanism which ultimately results in the generation of progeny which are different from each other. Segment polarity genes have a dual function in early neurogenesis: within distinct regions of the neuroectoderm, they are required both for neuroblast formation and for the specification of neuroblast identity. Previous studies of segment polarity gene function largely focused on neuroblasts that arise within the posterior part of the segment. Here we show that the segment polarity gene midline is required for neuroblast formation in the anterior-most part of the segment. Moreover, midline contributes to the specification of anterior neuroblast identity by negatively regulating the expression of Wingless and positively regulating the expression of Mirror. In the posterior-most part of the segment, midline and its paralog, H15, have partially redundant functions in the regulation of the NB marker Eagle. Hence, the segment polarity genes midline and H15 play an important role in the development of the ventral nerve cord in the anterior- and posterior-most part of the segment.  相似文献   

The late-third-instar labial disc is comprised of two disc-proper cell layers, one representing mainly the ventral half of the anterior compartment (L-layer) and the other, the dorsal half of the anterior compartment and most, if not all, of the posterior compartment (M-layer). In the L-layer, Distal-less represses homothorax whereas no Distal-less-dependent homothorax repression occurs in the M-layer where Distal-less is coexpressed with homothorax. In wild-type labial discs, clawless, one of the two homeobox genes expressed in distal cells receiving maximum (Decapentaplegic+Wingless) signaling activity in leg and antennal discs, is specifically repressed by proboscipedia. A fate map, inferred from data on basic patterning gene expression in larval and pupal stages and mutant phenotypes, indicates the inner surface of the labial palpus, which includes the pseudotracheal region, to be a derivative of the distal portion of the M-layer expressing wingless, patched, Distal-less and homothorax. The outer surface of the labial palpus with more than 30 taste bristles derives from an L-layer area consisting of dorsal portions of the anterior and posterior compartments, each expressing Distal-less. Our analysis also indicates that, in adults and pupae, the anterior-posterior boundary, dividing roughly equally the outer surface of the distiproboscis, runs along the outer circumference of the inner surface of distiproboscis.  相似文献   

Several decades have passed since the discovery of Hox genes in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Their unique ability to regulate morphologies along the anteroposterior (AP) axis (Lewis, 1978) earned them well-deserved attention as important regulators of embryonic development. Phenotypes due to loss- and gain-of-function mutations in mouse Hox genes have revealed that the spatio-temporally controlled expression of these genes is critical for the correct morphogenesis of embryonic axial structures. Here, we review recent novel insight into the modalities of Hox protein function in imparting specific identity to anatomical regions of the vertebral column, and in controlling the emergence of these tissues concomitantly with providing them with axial identity. The control of these functions must have been intimately linked to the shaping of the body plan during evolution.  相似文献   

We propose a new mathematical model describing the establishment of maternal and gap proteins segmental patterning along the antero-posterior axis of the Drosophila early embryo. This model is based on experimental data and, without recurring to pre-defined activation thresholds, predicts qualitatively and quantitatively the expression patterns of the maternal and gap proteins, as well as the expression patterns of proteins resulting from mRNA ectopic expression and from some loss-of-function mutations. We conclude that the gap genes segmental patterning and consequent spatial organization of the embryo is determined by three main factors: (1) the initial positioning of the maternal bicoid and torso mRNA inside the egg, and subsequent diffusion of the corresponding proteins; (2) the structure of the genetic regulatory network; (3) the role of conservation laws in the establishment of steady and non-uniform spatial distributions of non-diffusing proteins.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death is a critical process for the patterning and sculpting of organs during development. The Drosophila arista, a feather-like structure at the tip of the antenna, is composed of a central core and several lateral branches. A homozygous viable mutation in the thread gene, which encodes an inhibitor of apoptosis protein, produces a branchless arista. We have found that mutations in the proapoptotic gene hid lead to numerous extra branches, suggesting that the level of cell death determines the number of branches in the arista. Consistent with this idea, we have found that thread mutants show excessive cell death restricted to the antennal imaginal disc during the middle third instar larval stage. These findings point to a narrow window of development in which regulation of programmed cell death is essential to the proper formation of the arista.  相似文献   

Cellular interaction between the proximal and distal domains of the limb plays key roles in proximal-distal patterning. In Drosophila, these domains are established in the embryonic leg imaginal disc as a proximal domain expressing escargot, surrounding the Distal-less expressing distal domain in a circular pattern. The leg imaginal disc is derived from the limb primordium that also gives rise to the wing imaginal disc. We describe here essential roles of Wingless in patterning the leg imaginal disc. Firstly, Wingless signaling is essential for the recruitment of dorsal-proximal, distal, and ventral-proximal leg cells. Wingless requirement in the proximal leg domain appears to be unique to the embryo, since it was previously shown that Wingless signal transduction is not active in the proximal leg domain in larvae. Secondly, downregulation of Wingless signaling in wing disc is essential for its development, suggesting that Wg activity must be downregulated to separate wing and leg discs. In addition, we provide evidence that Dll restricts expression of a proximal leg-specific gene expression. We propose that those embryo-specific functions of Wingless signaling reflect its multiple roles in restricting competence of ectodermal cells to adopt the fate of thoracic appendages.  相似文献   

During planar polarity patterning of the Drosophila wing, a "core" group of planar polarity genes has been identified which acts downstream of global polarity cues to locally coordinate cell polarity and specify trichome production at distal cell edges. These genes encode protein products that assemble into asymmetric apicolateral complexes that straddle the proximodistal junctional region between adjacent cells. We have carried out detailed genetic analysis experiments, analysing the requirements of each complex component for planar polarity patterning. We find that the three transmembrane proteins at the core of the complex, Frizzled, Strabismus and Flamingo, are required earliest in development and are the only components needed for intercellular polarity signalling. Notably, cells that lack both Frizzled and Strabismus are unable to signal, revealing an absolute requirement for both proteins in cell-cell communication. In contrast the cytoplasmic components Dishevelled, Prickle and Diego are not needed for intercellular communication. These factors contribute to the cell-cell propagation of polarity, most likely by promotion of intracellular asymmetry. Interestingly, both local polarity propagation and trichome placement occur normally in mutant backgrounds where asymmetry of polarity protein distribution is undetectable, suggesting such asymmetry is not an absolute requirement for any of the functions of the core complex.  相似文献   

Notch signaling controls formation of joints at leg segment borders and growth of the developing Drosophila leg. Here, we identify the odd-skipped gene family as a key group of genes that function downstream of the Notch receptor to promote morphological changes associated with joint formation during leg development. odd, sob, drm, and bowl are expressed in a segmental pattern in the developing leg, and their expression is regulated by Notch signaling. Ectopic expression of odd, sob, or drm can induce invaginations in the leg disc epithelium and morphological changes in the adult leg that are characteristic of endogenous invaginating joint cells. These effects are not due to an alteration in the expression of other genes of the developing joint. While odd or drm mutant clones do not affect leg segmentation, and thus appear to act redundantly, bowl mutant clones do perturb leg development. Specifically, bowl mutant clones result in a failure of joint formation from the distal tibia to tarsal segment 5, while more proximal clones cause melanotic protrusions from the leg cuticle. Together, these results indicate that the odd-skipped family of genes mediates Notch function during leg development by promoting a specific aspect of joint formation, an epithelial invagination. As the odd-skipped family genes are involved in regulating cellular morphogenesis during both embryonic segmentation and hindgut development, we suggest that they may be required in multiple developmental contexts to induce epithelial cellular changes.  相似文献   

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