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In this work, four fluorinated α, β-unsaturated ketones named as 3-(3-bromophenyl)−1-(3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)prop-2-en-1-one (1), 3-(4-methoxyphenyl)−1-(3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl) prop-2-en-1-one (2), 3-(3-bromo-5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)-1-(3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl) prop-2-en-1-one (3) and 3-(2-hydroxy-5-methylphenyl)-1-(3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)prop-2-en-1-one (4) were synthesized by Claisen–Schmidt reaction. The synthesized molecules were then characterized through ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, and mass spectrometry. The antioxidant potential, Urease inhibition, and interaction of compounds 1 – 4 with Salmon sperm DNA were experimentally explored and supported by molecular docking studies. The synthesized compounds strongly interact with SS-DNA through intercalative mode. It was noticed that compound 1 served as potent Urease inhibitor while compound 4 as better antioxidant among synthesized compounds. Moreover, frontier molecular orbitals, nonlinear optical (NLO) properties, natural bond orbitals, molecular electrostatic potential, natural population analysis, and photophysical properties of synthesized compounds were accomplished through density functional theory and time-dependent density functional theory. The band gap of all the compounds have been worked out using Taucs method. In addition to that, a precise comparative account of UV and IR data obtained from theoretical and experimental findings showed good agreement between theoretical and experimental data. The findings of our studies reflected that compounds  1 – 4 possess better NLO properties than Urea standard and the band gap data also reflected their prospective use towards optoelectronic materials. The better NLO behavior of compounds was attributed to the noncentrosymmetric structure of synthesized compounds.  相似文献   

This review describes a method by which the human natural anti-Gal antibody can be exploited as an endogenous adjuvant for targeting autologous tumor vaccines to antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Tumor cells remaining in the patient after completion of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy are the cause of tumor relapse. These residual tumor cells can not be detected by imaging, but their destruction may be feasible by active immunotherapy. Since specific tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) have not been identified for the majority of cancers, irradiated autologous tumor vaccines have been considered as an immunotherapy treatment that may elicit an immune response against the residual tumor cells expressing TAAs. However, tumor cells evolve in cancer patients in a stealthy way, i.e., they are not detected by APCs, even in the form of vaccine. Effective targeting of tumor vaccines for uptake by APCs is a prerequisite for eliciting an effective immune response which requires transport of the vaccine by APCs from the vaccination site to the draining lymph nodes. In the lymph nodes, the APCs transporting the vaccine process and present peptides, including the autologous TAA peptides for activation of the tumor-specific T cells. The required targeting of vaccines to APCs is feasible in humans by the use of anti-Gal. This antibody interacts specifically with the -gal epitope (Gal1-3Gal1-4GlcNAc-R) and is the only known natural IgG antibody to be present in large amounts in all humans who are not severely immunocompromised. The -gal epitope can be synthesized on any type of human tumor cell by the use of recombinant 1,3galactosyltransferase (1,3GT). Solid tumors obtained from surgery are homogenized and their membranes subjected to -gal epitope synthesis. Similarly, -gal epitopes can be synthesized on intact tumor cells from hematological malignancies. Administration of irradiated autologous tumor vaccines processed to express -gal epitopes results in in situ opsonization of the vaccinating cells or cell membranes due to anti-Gal binding to these epitopes. The bound antibody serves to target the autologous tumor vaccine to APCs because the Fc portion of the antibody interacts with Fc receptors on APCs. Since patients receive their own TAAs, the vaccine is customized for autologous TAAs in the individual patient. The repeated vaccination with such autologous tumor vaccines provides the immune system of each patient with an additional opportunity to be effectively activated by the autologous TAAs. In some of the immunized patients this activation may be potent enough to induce an immune-mediated eradication of the residual tumor cells expressing these TAAs.Abbreviations Ab Antibody - Ag Antigen - APC Antigen-presenting cell - DC Dendritic cell - FcR Fc receptor - -gal epitope Gal1-3Gal1-4GlcNAc-R - 1,3GT -1,3-Galactosyltransferase - KO mice Knockout mice for 1,3GT - OVA Ovalbumin - SA Sialic acid - TAA Tumor-associated antigen  相似文献   

Summary DNA analysis of the - and -globin gene clusters has revealed substantial variability between individuals and populations. As well as restriction enzyme site and length polymorphisms, variation in gene copy number and type is observed. Because of this extensive polymorphism DNA analysis offers a highly informative method of studying genetic affinities between human populations. Haplotypes, consisting of a set of restriction enzyme polymorphisms distributed along the cluster, have been developed for both loci. Analysis of the molecular basis of numerous -thalassaemia alleles has revealed, in general, different sets of mutations in different populations, indicating that these postdate the racial divergence. Recent microepidemiological studies on the distribution of -thalassaemia support the hypothesis that this condition, like the {ie16-1}, has been selected because it confers protection against malaria. Population-specific DNA polymorphisms at these and other loci promise to be of considerable value to genetic anthropology.  相似文献   

Structure-function relationships in human α- and γ-thrombins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Human pro-coagulant -thrombin may be proteolyzed under controlled conditions to the non-coagulant - and -thrombin forms. These derivative forms nonetheless retain esterase and amidase activities with small substrates as well as several other thrombin functions. Structurally, human -thrombin consists of three non-covalently associated fragments which retain structural integrity as measured by several spectroscopic criteria as well as enzymatic function. The protein folding characteristics of three-chain -thrombin indicate that each fragment (domain) contains sufficient information to result in a correct renaturation of protein conformation. Those subtle structural differences which distinguish - from -thrombin are most likely the obstructions to fibrinogen binding which account for the loss of clotting activity.  相似文献   

Genetic and biochemical abnormalities of α-synuclein are associated with the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. In the present study we investigated the in vivo interaction of mouse and human α-synuclein with the potent parkinsonian neurotoxin, MPTP. We find that while lack of mouse α-synuclein in mice is associated with reduced vulnerability to MPTP, increased levels of human α-synuclein expression is not associated with obvious changes in the vulnerability of dopaminergic neurons to MPTP. However, expressing human α-synuclein variants (human wild type or A53T) in the α-synuclein null mice completely restores the vulnerability of nigral dopaminergic neurons to MPTP. These results indicate that human α-synuclein can functionally replace mouse α-synuclein in regard to vulnerability of dopaminergic neurons to MPTP-toxicity. Significantly, α-synuclein null mice and wild type mice were equally sensitive to neurodegeneration induced by 2'NH(2)-MPTP, a MPTP analog that is selective for serotoninergic and noradrenergic neurons. These results suggest that effects of α-synuclein on MPTP like compounds are selective for nigral dopaminergic neurons. Immunoblot analysis of β-synuclein and Akt levels in the mice reveals selective increases in β-synuclein and phosphorylated Akt levels in ventral midbrain, but not in other brain regions, of α-synuclein null mice, implicating the α-synuclein-level dependent regulation of β-synuclein expression in modulation of MPTP-toxicity by α-synuclein. Together these findings provide new mechanistic insights on the role α-synuclein in modulating neurodegenerative phenotypes by regulation of Akt-mediated cell survival signaling in vivo.  相似文献   

For many taxonomic groups, sparse information on the spatial distribution of biodiversity limits our capacity to answer a variety of theoretical and applied ecological questions. Modelling community-level attributes (α- and β-diversity) over space can help overcome this shortfall in our knowledge, yet individually, predictions of α- or β-diversity have their limitations. In this study, we present a novel approach to combining models of α- and β-diversity, with sparse survey data, to predict the community composition for all sites in a region. We applied our new approach to predict land snail community composition across New Zealand. As we demonstrate, these predictions of metacommunity composition have diverse potential applications, including predicting γ-diversity for any set of sites, identifying target areas for conservation reserves, locating priority areas for future ecological surveys, generating realistic compositional data for metacommunity models and simultaneously predicting the distribution of all species in a taxon consistent with known community diversity patterns.  相似文献   

Successful production of recombinant proteins (r-proteins) by transient gene expression (TGE) depends on several parameters (including producer cells, culture conditions, transfection procedure, or expression vector) that should be optimized when producing any recombinant product. In this work, TGE-based production of human α-galactosidase A (GLA) is described. Producer cells, expression vectors, and parameters influencing cell metabolism after transfection have been tested. The enzyme is secreted, has the right molecular weight, and is enzymatically active. Productivities of up to 30-40 mg/L have been achieved, with a simple, fast procedure. A 6 × His tag allows enzyme purification in a single step, rendering a highly pure product. We propose a TGE-based protocol able to produce up to several milligrams per liter of highly pure, active GLA in a time as short as a few days. By this, enough amounts of engineered versions of the enzyme can be easily produced to be tested in vitro or in preclinical trials.  相似文献   

The expression of human α-1,2-fucosyltransferase (HT) or complement regulatory proteins has been proved as an strategy to overcome hypercute rejection in discordant xenogeneic organ transplantation. In this study, we examined whether peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from polytransgenic mice expressing the human HT, and complement regulatory proteins (DAF and CD59), can provide more effective protection against xenograft rejection. Transgenic mice were produced by co-injection of gene constructs for human HT, DAF and/or CD59. Flow Cytometry (FCM) was used to screen the positive transgenic mice. PBMCs from transgenic mice were incubated with 15% human serum to evaluate natural antibody binding, complement activation and expression of adhesion molecules. Three transgenes were strongly expressed in PBMCs of transgenic mice, and HT expression signifi-cantly reduced expression of the major xenoepitope galactose-α-1,3-galactose (α-Gal). Functional studies with PBMCs showed that co-expression of HT and DAF or CD59 markedly increased their re-sistance to human serum-mediated cytolysis when compared with single transgenic PBMCs. Moreover, the combined expression of triple transgenes in PBMCs led to the greatest protection against human serum-mediated cytolysis, avoided hyperacute rejection and reduced expression of adhesion mole-cules. Strong co-expression of triple transgenes was completely protected from xenograft hyperacute rejection and partially inhibited acute vascular rejection. The studies suggest that engineering mice to express triple molecules represents an critical step toward prolonging xenograft survival and might be more suitable for xenotransplantation.  相似文献   

Rorsman P  Braun M  Zhang Q 《Cell calcium》2012,51(3-4):300-308
The glucoregulatory hormones insulin and glucagon are released from the β- and α-cells of the pancreatic islets. In both cell types, secretion is secondary to firing of action potentials, Ca(2+)-influx via voltage-gated Ca(2+)-channels, elevation of [Ca(2+)](i) and initiation of Ca(2+)-dependent exocytosis. Here we discuss the mechanisms that underlie the reciprocal regulation of insulin and glucagon secretion by changes in plasma glucose, the roles played by different types of voltage-gated Ca(2+)-channel present in α- and β-cells and the modulation of hormone secretion by Ca(2+)-dependent and -independent processes. We also consider how subtle changes in Ca(2+)-signalling may have profound impact on β-cell performance and increase risk of developing type-2 diabetes.  相似文献   

The expression of human α-1,2-fucosyltransferase (HT) or complement regulatory proteins has been proved as an strategy to overcome hypercute rejection in discordant xenogeneic organ transplantation. In this study, we examined whether peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from polytransgenic mice expressing the human HT, and complement regulatory proteins (DAF and CD59), can provide more effective protection against xenograft rejection. Transgenic mice were produced by co-injection of gene constructs for human HT, DAF and/or CD59. Flow Cytometry (FCM) was used to screen the positive transgenic mice. PBMCs from transgenic mice were incubated with 15% human serum to evaluate natural antibody binding, complement activation and expression of adhesion molecules. Three transgenes were strongly expressed in PBMCs of transgenic mice, and HT expression signifi- cantly reduced expression of the major xenoepitope galactose-α-1,3-galactose (α-Gal). Functional studies with PBMCs showed that co-expression of HT and DAF or CD59 markedly increased their re- sistance to human serum-mediated cytolysis when compared with single transgenic PBMCs. Moreover, the combined expression of triple transgenes in PBMCs led to the greatest protection against human serum-mediated cytolysis, avoided hyperacute rejection and reduced expression of adhesion mole- cules. Strong co-expression of triple transgenes was completely protected from xenograft hyperacute rejection and partially inhibited acute vascular rejection. The studies suggest that engineering mice to express triple molecules represents an critical step toward prolonging xenograft survival and might be more suitable for xenotransplantation.  相似文献   

The expression of human α-1,2-fucosyltransferase (HT) or complement regulatory proteins has been proved as an strategy to overcome hypercute rejection in discordant xenogeneic organ transplantation. In this study, we examined whether peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from polytransgenic mice expressing the human HT, and complement regulatory proteins (DAF and CD59), can provide more effective protection against xenograft rejection. Transgenic mice were produced by co-injection of gene constructs for human HT, DAF and/or CD59. Flow Cytometry (FCM) was used to screen the positive transgenic mice. PBMCs from transgenic mice were incubated with 15% human serum to evaluate natural antibody binding, complement activation and expression of adhesion molecules. Three transgenes were strongly expressed in PBMCs of transgenic mice, and HT expression significantly reduced expression of the major xenoepitope galactose-α-1,3-galactose (α-Gal). Functional studies with PBMCs showed that co-expression of HT and DAF or CD59 markedly increased their resistance to human serum-mediated cytolysis when compared with single transgenic PBMCs. Moreover, the combined expression of triple transgenes in PBMCs led to the greatest protection against human serum-mediated cytolysis, avoided hyperacute rejection and reduced expression of adhesion molecules. Strong co-expression of triple transgenes was completely protected from xenograft hyperacute rejection and partially inhibited acute vascular rejection. The studies suggest that engineering mice to express triple molecules represents an critical step toward prolonging xenograft survival and might be more suitable for xenotransplantation.  相似文献   

Summary The cross-reactions of human 1-antichymotrypsin and C 1 q with their homologues in the plasmas of the chimpanzee, several Old World monkeys and nine non-primate eutheria were investigated by standard procedures. The results show that cross-reactions are limited to the first species mentioned. Comparative Ouchterlony tests and absorption controls revealed the presence of two (human) determinants on both human and chimpanzee molecules, while the cercopithecoids analyzed carried only one of them on their homologue. The results are discussed briefly with reference to earlier findings from this laboratory.
Zusammenfassung Die Kreuzreaktionen des menschlichen 1-Antichymotrypsin und des C 1 q mit seinen Homologen im Plasma des Schimpansen, einiger Altweltaffen und demjenigen von 9 Nichtprimaten (Eutheria) wurden mit Standardmethoden untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß Kreuzreaktionen auf die zuerst genannten Species beschränkt sind. Vergleichende Ouchterlony-Tests und Absorptionskontrollen ließen die Anwesenheit zweier (menschlicher) Determinaten auf den Molekülen des Menschen und des Schimpansen erkennbar werden, während die untersuchten Cercopithecoidea nur eine dieser Determinanten besitzen. Die Ergebnisse werden kurz im Zusammenhang mit früheren Befunden aus unserem Laboratorium diskutiert.

Phosphorylation of the human α1B-adrenergic receptor (fused with the green fluorescent protein) was studied employing the inducible Flp-ln HEK293 T-Rex system for expression. Serine/alanine substitutions were performed in five sites corresponding to those previously identified as phosphorylation targets in the hamster ortholog. Desensitization was decreased in these mutants but receptor phosphorylation was still clearly detected. The protein phosphorylation of the wild-type receptor (fused to the green fluorescent protein) was studied, using mass spectrometry, under baseline and stimulated conditions (noradrenaline or phorbol myristate acetate). Basal phosphorylation was detected at sites located at the intracellular loop 3 and carboxyl terminus, and the number of sites detected increased under agonist activation and stimulation of protein kinase C. The phosphorylation patterns differed under the distinct conditions. Three of the phosphorylation sites detected in this work corresponded to those observed in the hamster receptor. The phosphorylation sites detected included the following: a) at the intracellular loop 3: serines 246, 248, 257, 267, and 277; and threonines 252, 264, and 268, and b) at the carboxyl terminus: serines 396, 400, 402, 406, 423, 425, 427, 455, and 470, and threonines 387, 392, 420, and 475. Our data indicate that complex phosphorylation patterns exist and suggest the possibility that such differences could be relevant in receptor function and subcellular localization.  相似文献   

Among 2,3-epoxypropyl α-d-glucopyranoside and 2,3-epoxypropyl α-maltooligosaccharides and the β-anomers, 2,3-epoxypropyl α-d-glucopyranoside (α-EPG) strongly inactivated the β-amylases [EC] of sweet potato, barley, and Bacillus, cereus, in addition to soybean β amylase [J. Biochem., 99, 1631 (1986)]. However, none of the compounds used inactivated any α-amylases [EC] of porcine pancreas, Aspergillus oryzae, or Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Irreversible incorporation of 14C-labeled α-EPG into β-amylases was stoichiometric, i.e., one α-EPG per active site of the enzyme was bound, and the inactivations were almost complete. The results suggest that α-EPG is an affinity labeling reagent selective for β-amylase. Slow inactivations by the other compounds were also observed, depending on the difference of source of β amylase.  相似文献   

Summary Cells immunoreactive with anti--(17–39) ACTH, -(1–24) corticotropin, -LPH, - and -EP were identified in the human fetal anterior pituitary at the ultrastructural level using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex method on ultrathin sections.Only one definite cell type was revealed by all these antisera. All granules of each individual immunostained cell reacted regardless of the antiserum used. The immunostained cells occurred in groups and were sometimes located in the wall of the follicle-like structures commonly observed in the fetal anterior pituitary. The cells revealed two main aspects: 1) The largest elements were rich in organelles, and their numerous secretory granules showed significant variations in size (250–500 nm in diameter), electron density of their content and stain-deposit intensity. The ergastoplasm, consisting of irregular tubules, was poorly developed. In the vicinity of the conspicuous Golgi apparatus, organelles related to the GERL complex were commonly observed. Multivesicular bodies were frequent. Some of these cells showed bundles of microfilaments (60 nm in thickness). 2) The smaller cells had an electron-lucent hyaloplasm with sparse organelles; they contained fewer granules and never showed microfilaments.The immunocytological results are consistent with the synthesis of a molecule similar to pro-opiocortin by this type of endocrine cell in human fetuses. Morphological evidence for the maturation process of this precursor and for the secretory activity of these cells and its possible regulation is presented and discussed.Abbreviations used ACTH corticotropin (39 amino acid polypeptide) - -MSH -melanotropin (ACTH [1–13]) - CLIP corticotropin-like intermediate lobe peptide (ACTH [18–39]) - -LPH -lipotropin (91 amino acid polypeptide) - -MSH -melanotropin (-LPH [41–58]) - -EP -endorphin (-LPH [61–91]) - -EP -endorphin (-LPH [61–76]) - PTA phosphotungstic acid Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank Professors P. Magnin and J. Liaras, Hôpital Edouard Herriot; M. Dumont, Hôpital de la Croix-Rousse; A. Notter and R. Garmier, Hôtel Dieu; M. Bethenod, Hôpital Debrousse, Lyon, and the entire staff whose cooperation enabled samples to be taken under optimal conditions. The authors also thank Professor L. Graf, Research Institute for Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Budapest), and Professor R. Guillemin (Salk Institute, La Jolla) for their generous gift of antigensThis work was supported by a grant from I.N.S.E.R.M., ATP 46.77.78 (P.M. Dubois)  相似文献   

Reaction of β-maltotriose hendecaacetate with phosphorus pentachloride gave 2′,2″,3,3′,3″,4″,6,6′,6″,-nona-O-acetyl-(2)-O-trichloroacetyl-β-maltotriosyl chloride (2) which was isomerized into the corresponding α anomer (8). Selective ammonolysis of 2 and 8 afforded the 2-hydroxy derivatives 3 and 9, respectively; 3 was isomerized into the α anomer 9. Methanolysis of 2 and 3 in the presence of pyridine and silver nitrate and subsequent deacetylation gave methyl α-maltotrioside. Likewise, methanolysis and O-deacetylation of 9 gave methyl β-maltotrioside which was identical with the compound prepared by the Koenigs—Knorr reaction of 2,2′,2″,3,3′,3″,4″,6,6′,6″-deca-O-acetyl-α-maltotriosyl bromide (12) with methanol followed by O-deacetylation. Several substituted phenyl β-glycosides of maltotriose were also obtained by condensation of phenols with 12 in an alkaline medium. Alkaline degradation of the o-chlorophenyl β-glycoside decaacetate readily gave a high yield of 1,6-anhydro-β-maltotriose.  相似文献   

The effects of and -adrenergic stimulation in amphibian superfused hearts and ventricular strips were studied. Superfusion with 3×10–8 M isoproterenol produced a positive inotropic effect, as detected by a 92±24% increase in the maximal rate of contraction and a positive lusitropic effect characterized by a decrease in both the ratio (23±5%) and the half relaxation time (t1/2) (19±4%). The mechanical behavior induced by the -agonist was associated with an increase in the intracellular cAMP levels from control values of 173±19 to 329±28 nmol/mg wet tissue. Hearts superfused with32P in the presence of isoproterenol showed a significant increase in Tn 1 phosphorylation (from 151±13 to 240±44 pmol32P/mg MF protein) without consistent changes in phosphorylation of C-protein. In sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane vesicles, no phospholamban phosphorylation was detected either by -adrenergic stimulation of superfused hearts or when phosphorylation conditions were optimized by direct treatment of the vesicles with cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and [y 32P] ATP.The effect of -adrenergic stimulation on ventricular strips was studied at 30 and 22°C. At 30°C, the effects of 10–5 to 10–4M phenylephrine on myocardial contraction and relaxation were diminished to non significant levels by addition of propranolol. At 22°C, blockage with propranolol left a remanent positive inotropic effect (10% of the total effect of phenylephrine) and changed the phenylephrine-induced positive lusitropic effect into a negative lusitropic action. These propranolol-resistant effects were abolished by prazosin. Our results suggest that in amphibian heart, both the inotropic and lusitropic responses to catecholamines are mainly due to a -adrenergic stimulation which predominates over the -adrenergic response. Phospholamban phosphorylation seems not to be involved in mediating the positive lusitropic effect of -adrenergic agents whereas phosphorylation of troponin 1 may play a critical role.  相似文献   

The Purkinje cell degeneration (pcd) mouse has a disruption in the gene encoding cytosolic carboxypeptidase 1 (CCP1). This study tested two proposed functions of CCP1: degradation of intracellular peptides and processing of tubulin. Overexpression (2-3-fold) or knockdown (80-90%) of CCP1 in human embryonic kidney 293T cells (HEK293T) did not affect the levels of most intracellular peptides but altered the levels of α-tubulin lacking two C-terminal amino acids (delta2-tubulin) ≥ 5-fold, suggesting that tubulin processing is the primary function of CCP1, not peptide degradation. Purified CCP1 produced delta2-tubulin from purified porcine brain α-tubulin or polymerized HEK293T microtubules. In addition, CCP1 removed Glu residues from the polyglutamyl side chains of porcine brain α- and β-tubulin and also generated a form of α-tubulin with two C-terminal Glu residues removed (delta3-tubulin). Consistent with this, pcd mouse brain showed hyperglutamylation of both α- and β-tubulin. The hyperglutamylation of α- and β-tubulin and subsequent death of Purkinje cells in pcd mice was counteracted by the knock-out of the gene encoding tubulin tyrosine ligase-like-1, indicating that this enzyme hyperglutamylates α- and β-tubulin. Taken together, these results demonstrate a role for CCP1 in the processing of Glu residues from β- as well as α-tubulin in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Analysis of the paired i.e. matching TCR α- and β-chain rearrangements of single human T cells is required for a precise investigation of clonal diversity, tissue distribution and specificity of protective and pathologic T-cell mediated immune responses. Here we describe a multiplex RT-PCR based technology, which for the first time allows for an unbiased analysis of the complete sequences of both α- and β-chains of TCR from single T cells. We validated our technology by the analysis of the pathologic T-cell infiltrates from tissue lesions of two T-cell mediated autoimmune diseases, psoriasis vulgaris (PV) and multiple sclerosis (MS). In both disorders we could detect various T cell clones as defined by multiple T cells with identical α- and β-chain rearrangements distributed across the tissue lesions. In PV, single cell TCR analysis of lesional T cells identified clonal CD8(+) T cell expansions that predominated in the epidermis of psoriatic plaques. An MS brain lesion contained two dominant CD8(+) T-cell clones that extended over the white and grey matter and meninges. In both diseases several clonally expanded T cells carried dual TCRs composed of one Vβ and two different Vα-chain rearrangements. These results show that our technology is an efficient instrument to analyse αβ-T cell responses with single cell resolution in man. It should facilitate essential new insights into the mechanisms of protective and pathologic immunity in many human T-cell mediated conditions and allow for resurrecting functional TCRs from any αβ-T cell of choice that can be used for investigating their specificity.  相似文献   

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