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D53: The Missing Link in Strigolactone Signaling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Strigolactones (SLs), a group of small carotenoid-derived terpenoid lactones, have been recently identified as plant hormones controlling plant architecture through modulating shoot and root branching (Brewer et al., in the rhizosphere because of 2013). SLs were first discovered their involvement in both symbiotic and parasitic interactions. Deficiencies in SL biosynthesis and perception lead to excessive growth of axillary bud, which is exemplified through various mutants such as max1, max2,  相似文献   

It is currently believed that inactive tyrosine kinase c-Src in platelets binds to the cytoplasmic tail of the β3 integrin subunit via its SH3 domain. Although a recent NMR study supports this contention, it is likely that such binding would be precluded in inactive c-Src because an auto-inhibitory linker physically occludes the β3 tail binding site. Accordingly, we have re-examined c-Src binding to β3 by immunoprecipitation as well as NMR spectroscopy. In unstimulated platelets, we detected little to no interaction between c-Src and β3. Following platelet activation, however, c-Src was co-immunoprecipitated with β3 in a time-dependent manner and underwent progressive activation as well. We then measured chemical shift perturbations in the 15N-labeled SH3 domain induced by the C-terminal β3 tail peptide NITYRGT and found that the peptide interacted with the SH3 domain RT-loop and surrounding residues. A control peptide whose last three residues where replaced with those of the β1 cytoplasmic tail induced only small chemical shift perturbations on the opposite face of the SH3 domain. Next, to mimic inactive c-Src, we found that the canonical polyproline peptide RPLPPLP prevented binding of the β3 peptide to the RT- loop. Under these conditions, the β3 peptide induced chemical shift perturbations similar to the negative control. We conclude that the primary interaction of c-Src with the β3 tail occurs in its activated state and at a site that overlaps with PPII binding site in its SH3 domain. Interactions of inactive c-Src with β3 are weak and insensitive to β3 tail mutations.  相似文献   

There was a major diversification known as the Ordovician Radiation,in the period immediately following the Cambrian. This eventis unique in taxonomic, ecologic and biogeographic aspects. While all of the phyla but one were established during the Cambrianexplosion, taxonomic increases during the Ordovician were manifestat lower taxonomic levels although ordinal level diversity doubled.Marine family diversity tripled and within clade diversity increasesoccurred at the genus and species levels. The Ordovician radiationestablished the Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna; those taxa whichdominated the marine realm for the next 250 million years. Communitystructure dramatically increased in complexity. New communitieswere established and there were fundamental shifts in dominanceand abundance. Over the past ten years, there has been an effort to examinethis radiation at different scales. In comparison with the Cambrianexplosion which appears to be more globally mediated, localand regional studies of Ordovician faunas reveal sharp transitionswith timing and magnitudes that vary geographically. These transitionssuggest a more episodic and complex history than that revealedthrough synoptic global studies alone. Despite its apparent uniqueness, we cannot exclude the possibilitythat the Ordovician radiation was an extension of Cambrian diversitydynamics. That is, the Ordovician radiation may have been anevent independent of the Cambrian radiation and thus requiringa different set of explanations, or it may have been the inevitablefollow-up to the Cambrian radiation. Future studies should focuson resolving this issue.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a lysosomal pathway involved in the turnover of cellular macromolecules and organelles. Starvation and various other stresses increase autophagic activity above the low basal levels observed in unstressed cells, where it is kept down by mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1). In starved cells, LKB1 activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) that inhibits mTORC1 activity via a pathway involving tuberous sclerosis complex 1 and 2 (TSC1/2) and its substrate Rheb. The present study suggests that AMPK inhibits mTORC1 and autophagy also in non-starved cells. Various Ca2+ mobilizing agents (vitamin D compounds, thapsigargin, ATP and ionomycin) activate AMPK via activation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase kinase-β (CaMKK-β), and this pathway is required for Ca2+-induced mTORC1 inhibition and autophagy. Thus, we propose that an increase in free cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]c) induces autophagy via the CaMKK/β-AMPK-TSC1/2-Rheb-mTORC1 signaling pathway and that AMPK is a more general regulator of autophagy than previously expected.

Addendum to:

Control of Macroautophagy by Calcium, Calmodulin-Dependent Kinase Kinase-β and Bcl-2

M. Høyer-Hansen, L. Bastholm, P. Szyniarowski, M. Campanella, G. Szabadkai, T. Farkas, K. Bianchi, N. Fehrenbacher, F. Elling, R. Rizzuto, I.S. Mathiasen and M. Jäättelä

Mol Cell 2007; 25:193-205  相似文献   

Although studies analyzing the content of evolution curriculum usually focus on courses within the context of a biological sciences department or program, research must also address students and courses outside of the biological sciences. For example, using data solely from biological courses will not fully represent the scope of coverage of evolution in university education, as other fields, like anthropology, also utilize evolutionary principles. We analyzed the content of 31 university-level anthropology textbooks for the following: (1) presence of a definition of evolution in various sections of the textbooks, (2) accuracy and consistency of the definitions provided in the textbook sections, and (3) differences between textbooks for cultural and physical anthropology. Results of this study suggest that anthropology textbooks do not necessarily (1) provide a single definition of evolution or (2) provide an accurate, “baseline” definition of evolution when present. Additionally, substantive differences were observed between definitions provided in different sections within a single textbook, as well as between textbooks written for cultural anthropology and physical anthropology/archaeology courses. Given the inclusion of anthropology courses in general education curriculum at the university-level, we conclude that this situation may further exacerbate the misunderstanding of the basic tenets of evolution that university students have been repeatedly shown to demonstrate. We stress the role of the instructor in choosing textbooks that provide accurate information for students, as well as the responsibility they hold in providing a concise, accurate definition of evolution in social sciences courses.  相似文献   

Protein kinases regulate cell signaling by phosphorylating their substrates in response to environment-specific stimuli. Using molecular dynamics, we studied the catalytically active and inactive conformations of the kinase domain of the focal adhesion kinase (FAK), which are distinguished by displaying a structured or unstructured activation loop, respectively. Upon removal of an ATP analog, we show that the nucleotide-binding pocket in the catalytically active conformation is structurally unstable and fluctuates between an open and closed configuration. In contrast, the pocket remains open in the catalytically inactive form upon removal of an inhibitor from the pocket. Because temporal pocket closures will slow the ATP on-rate, these simulations suggest a multistep process in which the kinase domain is more likely to bind ATP in the catalytically inactive than in the active form. Transient closures of the ATP-binding pocket might allow FAK to slow down its catalytic cycle. These short cat naps could be adaptions to crowded or confined environments by giving the substrate sufficient time to diffuse away. The simulations show further how either the phosphorylation of the activation loop or the activating mutations of the so-called SuperFAK influence the electrostatic switch that controls kinase activity.  相似文献   

Acyl-amino acids were discovered in the search for novel therapeutic agents produced by uncultured microorganisms. In this issue of Structure, Van Wagoner and Clardy (2006) find that the N-acyl-amino acid synthase FeeM bound to acyl-tyrosine is the latest member of the GCN5-related N-acyltransferase superfamily.  相似文献   

There is much evidence that some aspects of ageing are similar to those observed in selective hormone deficiencies during adulthood. Replacement therapy in hypogonadism and/or growth hormone (GH) deficiency in adulthood is very successful in reversing the related clinical symptomatology. However, preliminary studies of GH treatment in the normal elderly have been largely disappointing: an increase in muscle mass is only accompanied by improved muscle strength if exercise is also increased during this period. No real benefit of GH therapy, additional to that of exercise, has been reported. Epidemiological studies indicate a relationship between high-normal insulin-like growth factor-I levels and cancer development. No definitive answers can presently be given regarding the safety of long-term GH therapy in otherwise healthy individuals during the somatopause.  相似文献   

Fibril-forming (fibrillar) collagens are extracellular matrix proteins conserved in all multicellular animals. Vertebrate members of the fibrillar collagen family are essential for the formation of bone and teeth, tissues that characterise vertebrates. The potential role played by fibrillar collagens in vertebrate evolution has not been considered previously largely because the family has been around since the sponge and it was unclear precisely how and when those particular members now found in vertebrates first arose. We present evidence that the classical vertebrate fibrillar collagens share a single common ancestor that arose at the very dawn of the vertebrate world and prior to the associated genome duplication events. Furthermore, we present a model, 'molecular incest', that not only accounts for the characteristics of the modern day vertebrate fibrillar collagen family but demonstrates the specific effects genome or gene duplications may have on the evolution of multimeric proteins in general.  相似文献   

We studied the degree of dietary specialisation of bat-eared foxes (Otocyon megalotis) by analysing 177 scats collected on a game ranch in central South Africa. Bat-eared foxes generally are considered to be insectivorous with a distinct specialisation on termites, however, our results indicated a much broader and opportunistic diet. Termites were detected in more than 90% of the scats throughout the year, but they only contributed 12–40% to the ingested biomass across seasons. Instead, fruits, primarily bluebush (Diospyros lycioides), were the most important food category in summer (63% biomass) as well as in autumn (74% biomass). Also, high niche breadth values (B = 5.7–6.9 for frequency of occurrence, B = 1.8–4.1 for biomass data) indicated a rather generalistic feeding behaviour. We also documented numerous cases of opportunistic scavenging on carcasses by bat-eared foxes. The difference with earlier dietary studies of bat-eared foxes might be attributable to geographical and ecological variations among sites and also partly to methodological differences. Concerning the latter, no previous studies considered biomass calculations but instead most assessed the frequency of occurrence of prey items, which likely overestimated the importance of small prey such as termites.  相似文献   

Arrestins are best known for terminating signaling by G protein coupled receptors. New binding, localization and genetic studies suggest that Arrestins may also participate in the transduction of Hedgehog signals by the seven transmembrane domain protein, Smoothened.  相似文献   

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