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Tor (Target of Rapamycin) pathway underlies a major signaling mechanism for controlling cell growth and proliferation1. Rheb (Ras homolog enriched in brain) is a small GTPase in the Tor pathway2-4. Similar to other small GTPases, Rheb cycles between a GTP-bound active state and a GDP-bound inactive state. TSC2 (Tuberous sclerosis complex 2), a gene mutated in an autosomal dominant disease Tuberous sclerosis, was shown to be the Rheb-GAP (GTPase activating protein)5, 6. However, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for Rheb had been missing. Human TCTP (Translationally controlled tumor protein) has been implicated in cancer, but its function in vivo has not been clearly elucidated. Recently we reported a molecular genetic characterization of TCTP function in Drosophila7. Drosophila TCTP (dTCTP) displays GEF activity to Rheb and is essential for Rheb activation in organ growth. Thus, our study provides a tight linkage of dTCTP to the Rheb-TOR pathway. In this addendum, we will briefly overview our findings and discuss our perspectives for future research on TCTP.  相似文献   

The Drosophila cyclin-dependent protein kinase complex CycD/Cdk4 has been known to drive cellular growth (accumulation of mass) as well as proliferation (cell cycle progression). Recent data demonstrate that Hif prolyl hydroxylase (Hph) is required for the induction of growth, but not for the induction of proliferation. Normal levels of Hph are required for cellular growth, demonstrating that Hph, in addition to its known function in the cellular response low oxygen levels, regulates growth. Since Hph’s hydroxylation activity depends on oxygen and possibly the mitochondrial activity, these data provide a link between CycD/Cdk4 and oxygen/energy homeostasis.  相似文献   

Seahorses, pipefish and their syngnathiform relatives are considered unique amongst fishes in using elastic recoil of post-cranial tendons to pivot the head extremely quickly towards small crustacean prey. It is known that pipefish activate the epaxial muscles for a considerable time before striking, at which rotations of the head and the hyoid are temporarily prevented to allow energy storage in the epaxial tendons. Here, we studied the motor control of this system in seahorses using electromyographic recordings of the epaxial muscles and the sternohyoideus-hypaxial muscles with simultaneous high-speed video recordings of prey capture. In addition we present the results from a stimulation experiment including the muscle hypothesised to be responsible for the locking and triggering of pivot feeding in seahorses (m. adductor arcus palatini). Our data confirmed that the epaxial pre-activation pattern observed previously for pipefish also occurs in seahorses. Similar to the epaxials, the sternohyoideus-hypaxial muscle complex shows prolonged anticipatory activity. Although a considerable variation in displacements of the mouth via head rotation could be observed, it could not be demonstrated that seahorses have control over strike distance. In addition, we could not identify the source of the kinematic variability in the activation patterns of the associated muscles. Finally, the stimulation experiment supported the previously hypothesized role of the m. adductor arcus palatini as the trigger in this elastic recoil system. Our results show that pre-stressing of both the head elevators and the hyoid retractors is taking place. As pre-activation of the main muscles involved in pivot feeding has now been demonstrated for both seahorses and pipefish, this is probably a generalized trait of Syngnathidae.  相似文献   

[FeFe] hydrogenases catalyze H2 production using the H-cluster, an iron-sulfur cofactor that contains carbon monoxide (CO), cyanide (CN), and a dithiolate bridging ligand. The HydE, HydF, and HydG maturases assist in assembling the H-cluster and maturing hydrogenases into their catalytically active form. Characterization of these maturases and in vitro hydrogenase activation methods have helped elucidate steps in the H-cluster biosynthetic pathway such as the HydG-catalyzed generation of the CO and CN ligands from free tyrosine. We have refined our cell-free approach for H-cluster synthesis and hydrogenase maturation by using separately expressed and purified HydE, HydF, and HydG. In this report, we illustrate how substrates and protein constituents influence hydrogenase activation, and for the first time, we show that each maturase can function catalytically during the maturation process. With precise control over the biomolecular components, we also provide evidence for H-cluster synthesis in the absence of either HydE or HydF, and we further show that hydrogenase activation can occur without exogenous tyrosine. Given these findings, we suggest a new reaction sequence for the [FeFe] hydrogenase maturation pathway. In our model, HydG independently synthesizes an iron-based compound with CO and CN ligands that is a precursor to the H-cluster [2Fe]H subunit, and which we have termed HydG-co. We further propose that HydF is a transferase that stabilizes HydG-co and also shuttles the complete [2Fe]H subcluster to the hydrogenase, a translocation process that may be catalyzed by HydE. In summary, this report describes the first example of reconstructing the [FeFe] hydrogenase maturation pathway using purified maturases and subsequently utilizing this in vitro system to better understand the roles of HydE, HydF, and HydG.  相似文献   

Groundbreaking work by Obaid Siddiqi has contributed to the powerful genetic toolkit that is now available for studying the nervous system of Drosophila. Studies carried out in this powerful neurogenetic model system during the last decade now provide insight into the molecular mechanisms that operate in neural stem cells during normal brain development and during abnormal brain tumorigenesis. These studies also provide strong support for the notion that conserved molecular genetic programs act in brain development and disease in insects and mammals including humans.  相似文献   

在21世纪头20年里,呼吸道病毒造成的地区性乃至世界性的流行已经发生多次,而疫情的暴发严重威胁人类健康与生存,但临床上,仍缺乏针对病毒的特异性治疗手段。随着肠道微生态相关研究的广泛开展,肠道菌群在哮喘,纤维化及细菌性感染等多种肺部疾病的发病及防治中发挥着重要作用,成为"肠-肺轴"的关键枢纽。病毒性肺炎与肠道微生态间也存在着紧密的相互联系,通过改善肠道菌群,对呼吸病毒感染具有较好的防治作用。其内在机制主要涉及到:通过增强肠道黏膜屏障功能、减少继发性细菌的感染;通过菌体成分或者代谢产物如短链脂肪酸,色氨酸代谢产物等提高固有样淋巴细胞(Innate lymphoid cells,ILC)、单核-巨噬细胞、树突状细胞、自然杀伤细胞(Natural killer,NK)、粒细胞等固有免疫细胞的抗病毒免疫功能及调节Th17/Treg平衡抑制过度的炎症反应等。本文将系统回顾已发表的文章,对肠道菌群在病毒性肺炎方面的研究作系统的阐述,以求为研究者在病毒性肺炎的机制探究和防治方面提供帮助。  相似文献   

YhdE, a Maf-like protein in Escherichia coli, exhibits nucleotide pyrophosphatase (PPase) activity, yet its cellular function remains unknown. Here, we characterized the PPase activity of YhdE on dTTP, UTP and TTP and determined two crystal structures of YhdE, revealing ‘closed’ and ‘open’ conformations of an adaptive active site. Our functional studies demonstrated that YhdE retards cell growth by prolonging the lag and log phases, particularly under stress conditions. Morphology studies showed that yhdE-knockout cells transformed the normal rod shape of wild-type cells to a more spherical form, and the cell wall appeared to become more flexible. In contrast, YhdE overexpression resulted in filamentous cells. This study reveals the previously unknown involvement of YhdE in cell growth inhibition under stress conditions, cell-division arrest and cell-shape maintenance, highlighting YhdE’s important role in E. coli cell-cycle checkpoints.  相似文献   

The gating-spring theory of hair cell mechanotransduction channel activation was first postulated over twenty years ago. The basic tenets of this hypothesis have been reaffirmed in hair cells from both auditory and vestibular systems and across species. In fact, the basic findings have been reproduced in every hair cell type tested. A great deal of information regarding the structural, mechanical, molecular and biophysical properties of the sensory hair bundle and the mechanotransducer channel has accumulated over the past twenty years. The goal of this review is to investigate new data, using the gating spring hypothesis as the framework for discussion. Mechanisms of channel gating are presented in reference to the need for a molecular gating spring or for tethering to the intra- or extracellular compartments. Dynamics of the sensory hair bundle and the presence of motor proteins are discussed in reference to passive contributions of the hair bundle to gating compliance. And finally, the molecular identity of the channel is discussed in reference to known intrinsic properties of the native transducer channel.  相似文献   

The cell envelope of Gram-negative bacteria is an essential organelle that is important for cell shape and protection from toxic compounds. Proteins involved in envelope biogenesis are therefore attractive targets for the design of new antibacterial agents. In a search for new envelope assembly factors, we screened a collection of Escherichia coli deletion mutants for sensitivity to detergents and hydrophobic antibiotics, a phenotype indicative of defects in the cell envelope. Strains lacking yciM were among the most sensitive strains of the mutant collection. Further characterization of yciM mutants revealed that they display a thermosensitive growth defect on low-osmolarity medium and that they have a significantly altered cell morphology. At elevated temperatures, yciM mutants form bulges containing cytoplasmic material and subsequently lyse. We also discovered that yciM genetically interacts with envC, a gene encoding a regulator of the activity of peptidoglycan amidases. Altogether, these results indicate that YciM is required for envelope integrity. Biochemical characterization of the protein showed that YciM is anchored to the inner membrane via its N terminus, the rest of the protein being exposed to the cytoplasm. Two CXXC motifs are present at the C terminus of YciM and serve to coordinate a redox-sensitive iron center of the rubredoxin type. Both the N-terminal membrane anchor and the C-terminal iron center of YciM are important for function.  相似文献   

Internal phosphorus (P) mobilisation from aquatic sediments is an important process adding to eutrophication problems in wetlands. Salinisation, a fast growing global problem, is thought to affect P behaviour. Although several studies have addressed the effects of salinisation, interactions between salinity changes and nutrient cycling in freshwater systems are not fully understood. To tackle eutrophication, a clear understanding of the interacting effects of sediment characteristics and surface water quality is vital. In the present study, P release from two eutrophic sediments, both characterized by high pore water P and very low pore water iron (Fe2+) concentrations, was studied in a long-term aquarium experiment, using three salinity levels. Sediment P release was expected to be mainly driven by diffusion, due to the eutrophic conditions and low iron availability. Unexpectedly, this only seemed to be the driving mechanism in the short term (0–10 weeks). In the long term (>80 weeks), P mobilisation was absent in most treatments. This can most likely be explained by the oxidation of the sediment-water interface where Fe2+ immobilises P, even though it is commonly assumed that free Fe2+ concentrations need to be higher for this. Therefore, a controlling mechanism is suggested in which the partial oxidation of iron-sulphides in the sediment plays a key role, releasing extra Fe2+ at the sediment-water interface. Although salinisation was shown to lower short-term P mobilisation as a result of increased calcium concentrations, it may increase long-term P mobilisation by the interactions between sulphate reduction and oxygen availability. Our study showed time-dependent responses of sediment P mobilisation in relation to salinity, suggesting that sulphur plays an important role in the release of P from FeSx-rich sediments, its biogeochemical effect depending on the availability of Fe2+ and O2.  相似文献   

The morphology of synapses is of central interest in neuroscience because of the intimate relation with synaptic efficacy. Two decades of gene manipulation studies in different animal models have revealed a repertoire of molecules that contribute to synapse development. However, since such studies often assessed only one, or at best a few, morphological features at a given synapse, it remained unaddressed how different structural aspects relate to one another. Furthermore, such focused and sometimes only qualitative approaches likely left many of the more subtle players unnoticed. Here, we present the image analysis algorithm ‘Drosophila_NMJ_Morphometrics’, available as a Fiji-compatible macro, for quantitative, accurate and objective synapse morphometry of the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ), a well-established glutamatergic model synapse. We developed this methodology for semi-automated multiparametric analyses of NMJ terminals immunolabeled for the commonly used markers Dlg1 and Brp and showed that it also works for Hrp, Csp and Syt. We demonstrate that gender, genetic background and identity of abdominal body segment consistently and significantly contribute to variability in our data, suggesting that controlling for these parameters is important to minimize variability in quantitative analyses. Correlation and principal component analyses (PCA) were performed to investigate which morphometric parameters are inter-dependent and which ones are regulated rather independently. Based on nine acquired parameters, we identified five morphometric groups: NMJ size, geometry, muscle size, number of NMJ islands and number of active zones. Based on our finding that the parameters of the first two principal components hardly correlated with each other, we suggest that different molecular processes underlie these two morphometric groups. Our study sets the stage for systems morphometry approaches at the well-studied Drosophila NMJ.  相似文献   

ATPases with unusual membrane-embedded rotor subunits were found in both F1F0 and A1A0 ATP synthases. The rotor subunit c of A1A0 ATPases is, in most cases, similar to subunit c from F0. Surprisingly, multiplied c subunits with four, six, or even 26 transmembrane spans have been found in some archaea and these multiplication events were sometimes accompanied by loss of the ion-translocating group. Nevertheless, these enzymes are still active as ATP synthases. A duplicated c subunit with only one ion-translocating group was found along with “normal” F0 c subunits in the Na+ F1F0 ATP synthase of the bacterium Acetobacterium woodii. These extraordinary features and exceptional structural and functional variability in the rotor of ATP synthases may have arisen as an adaptation to different cellular needs and the extreme physicochemical conditions in the early history of life.  相似文献   

Leading the Procession: New Insights into Kinesin Motors   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Julie Gates 《Fly》2012,6(4):213-227
As tissues and organs are formed, they acquire a specific shape that plays an integral role in their ability to function properly. A relatively simple system that has been used to examine how tissues and organs are shaped is the formation of an elongated Drosophila egg. While it has been known for some time that Drosophila egg elongation requires interactions between a polarized intracellular basal actin network and a polarized extracellular network of basal lamina proteins, how these interactions contribute to egg elongation remained unclear. Recent studies using live imaging have revealed two novel processes, global tissue rotation and oscillating basal actomyosin contractions, which have provided significant insight into how the two polarized protein networks cooperate to produce an elongated egg. This review summarizes the proteins involved in Drosophila egg elongation and how this recent work has contributed to our current understanding of how egg elongation is achieved.  相似文献   

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