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The role of sugar moiety on T cell-replacing factor molecule derived from a monoclonal T cell hybridoma B151K12 (B151-TRF) was analyzed with respect to the interaction with receptor on B cells. The induction of B cell differentiation into Ig-secreting cells by B151-TRF was specifically inhibited by addition of N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (GalNAc) to culture. Such inhibition appeared to be attributed to the interference of GalNAc in the interaction of TRF with its receptor, because absorption of TRF activity with B cells was notably inhibited by the presence of GalNAc. To substantiate this point further, we established binding assay of B151-TRF molecule to the receptor on B cells by using 125I-labeled TRF fraction enriched by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and gel filtration. The results revealed that the binding of 125I-TRF molecule to the B cells was almost completely blocked by GalNAc. Moreover, the existence of GalNAc residue(s) on B151-TRF molecule was evidenced by the facts that 1) the TRF activity was eluted from lectin gels with specificity for GalNAc as revealed by the functional assay, and 2) the 125I-TRF molecule specifically bound to such lectin gels. Thus, the GalNAc residue(s) on B151-TRF molecule plays an important role in binding of TRF molecule to the receptor and in the stimulation of B cells. The molecular properties of B cell-stimulatory B151-TRF and its mode of interaction with corresponding receptor on B cells were discussed in the context of B151-TRF as a glycosylated lymphokine molecule and B151-TRF receptor as a carbohydrate-binding protein (animal lectin).  相似文献   

The ability of B cells to respond to TNP-Ficoll has been shown to correlate with their ability to respond to T cell-replacing factor (TRF). The present study analyzed the relationship of TNP-Ficoll-responsive B cells to a TRF-responsive B cell subpopulation. The B cells from normal, unprimed mice responded to TNP-Ficoll in the presence of accessory cells. Such responses were notably augmented by the addition of TRF derived from a monoclonal T cell hybridoma, B151K12(B151-TRF). Interestingly, B cells of mutant X-linked immunodeficient DBA/2Ha which failed to respond to B151-TRF gave anti-TNP PFC responses to TNP-Ficoll comparable to those of normal mice, depending on the presence of accessory cells. However, under this condition, the addition of B151-TRF did not augment the TNP-Ficoll responses. One explanation of the augmentation of TNP-Ficoll response by TRF for the B cells from nondefective mice was that two distinct B cell subpopulations exist which differ in their respective activation requirement for TRF and accessory cells. To examine this possibility, syngeneic accessory cells were pulsed with TNP-Ficoll and were assayed for their ability to activate normal B cells in the presence or absence of B151-TRF. The results revealed that TNP-Ficoll-pulsed accessory cells were able to induce primary anti-TNP PFC responses in normal B cells to the same magnitude as soluble TNP-Ficoll. However, these B cell responses induced by the TNP-Ficoll-pulsed accessory cells were not augmented by the addition of B151-TRF to the culture. These results support the notion that two distinct TNP-Ficoll-responsive B cell subpopulations exist; one requires accessory cell-B cell interaction to be activated by TNP-Ficoll but fails to respond to TRF, and the other can be activated by TRF in a totally accessory cell-independent manner.  相似文献   

T cell-replacing factor (TRF) is known to play a critical role in the regulation of B cell growth and differentiation. In this study, the role of TRF in the expression of mRNA for both IgM and IgG1 class was investigated. The TRF was purified from cellfree supernatants from a T cell hybridoma, B151K12. RNA was isolated from chronic B cell leukemia (BCL1) cells, DNP-KLH-primed B cells, or normal B cells cultured with or without LPS, and LPS plus TRF or LPS plus BSF-1. The steady state level of isotype-specific mRNA was assessed by Northern blot analysis with a mu-specific or a gamma 1-specific probe. It was demonstrated that BCL1 and purified B cells cocultured with TRF expresses increased levels (twofold and fourfold, respectively) of secreted forms of mu mRNA. Purified B cells from DNP-KLH-primed mice also expressed increased levels (twofold to fourfold) of mu as well as gamma 1 mRNA for secreted form by stimulation with TRF. Total expression of mu mRNA, however, was approximately threefold higher than that of gamma 1 mRNA. The stimulation of normal B cells with LPS plus TRF induced an increase in the levels of mu mRNA and gamma 1 mRNA expression, fourfold and threefold, respectively. However, the levels of gamma 1 mRNA expression was one-third of that induced in B cells stimulated with LPS plus BSF-1. These results indicate that TRF preferentially induces increased levels of secreted type of mu mRNA and induces less gamma 1 mRNA than BSF-1. The differential role of TRF from BSF-1 in the expression of Ig mRNA will be discussed.  相似文献   

Previously, we showed that the antiserum raised in male (DBA/2Ha X BALB/c)F1(DCF1) mice (T cell-replacing factor [TRF]-low response animals) by immunizing them with activated B cells from BALB/c mice (TRF-high-responders) contained antibodies against putative TRF-acceptor site(s). We have now evaluated the hypothesis that neonatal treatment of mice with the above antiserum suppresses the development of B cells responsive to TRF. Male DCF1 mouse anti-BALB/c B-cell antiserum or normal DCF1 mouse serum as a control was injected into BALB/c mice within 24 hr after birth. In the antiserum-treated mice, no augmented primary immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibody responses to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) were observed under the conditions in which markedly augmented IgM anti-SRBC responses were induced in control BALB/c mice, suggesting that development of B cells reacting with male DCF1 mouse anti-BALB/c B-cell antiserum is suppressed by the neonatal treatment with the antiserum. Furthermore, the development of B cell activity responsible for helper factors derived from T cells, such as TRF, was markedly suppressed in the neonatally antiserum-treated mice, whereas activity of B cells capable of interacting directly with helper T cells through antigen-bridges was not significantly affected by the same treatment. Such suppression of the B cell activity could be induced only when the antiserum was administered within 48 hr after birth. Moreover, neonatal treatment of mice with the antiserum induced suppressed responsiveness of B cells to a T-independent type 2 antigen, TNP-Ficoll. Neither serum-borne suppressive serum components nor suppressor cells were detected by the system employed. These results support the hypothesis that TRF responsive B cells constitute a subpopulation distinct from the other B cells capable of cooperating with helper T cells via cognate interaction.  相似文献   

Murine T cell replacing factor (TRF) was purified from a cellfree supernatant of a T cell hybridoma (B151K12) that constitutively produces TRF. Two assay systems for TRF activity were employed: 1) induction of anti-DNP IgG PFC responses in cultures of splenic B cells from DNP-KLH-primed BALB/c mice, and 2) induction of IgM PFC in chronic B cell leukemic cells (BCL1). The purification scheme consisted of ammonium sulfate precipitation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography, Blue-Sepharose chromatography, hydroxylapatite chromatography, gel permeation with fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC), and disc polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Overall, TRF was purified approximately 34,000-fold with a maximum 3.8% recovery of activity, and the specific activity of the purified TRF was approximately 9.6 X 10(4) U/mg. The TRF that is active in these systems is distinct from the other lymphokines such as IL 1, IL 2, BCGFI (now known as BSFp1), and gamma-interferon. The TRF is extremely hydrophobic, with an apparent m.w. of 50,000 to 60,000 on gel permeation chromatography and 18,000 on SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions. Highly purified B151-TRF abrogated the activity by treatment with trypsin but not with RNase. Moreover, it bound to lima bean agglutinin-Sepharose specific for N-acetylgalactosamine residues, indicating that B151-TRF is a glycosylated glycoprotein containing N-acetylgalactosamine residues. The role of N-acetylgalactosamine residues on TRF activity was additionally substantiated by the fact that the addition of appropriate amounts of N-acetylgalactosamine in the assay systems for TRF preferentially induced a profound suppression for TRF-mediated PFC responses.  相似文献   

IgG-PFC was induced in Epstein-Barr virus-transformed B lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL) by the addition of allogeneic T cells. T cells involved in the induction of IgG-PFC were shown to belong to the Leu 3a+/2a- T cell subset. Furthermore, partially purified soluble factors obtained from the culture supernatant of PPD-stimulated pleural T cells or PWM-stimulated tonsillar mononuclear cells was shown to induce IgG-PFC in LCL across the major histocompatibility complex barrier. The induction of IgG-PFC was observed only in surface IgG-positive LCL cell populations and was not accompanied by the increase in the number of LCL cells. The factors with such a TRF-like activity were found in two fractions corresponding to the m.w. range of 18,000 to 25,000 (22K fraction) and 28,000 to 38,000 (36K fraction) by gel filtration. Isoelectric focusing of these fractions revealed that TRF-like activity of both 22K and 36K fractions distributed in the pI range of 5.0 to 6.0, and both fractions were found to be devoid of TCGF activity. These results appear to indicate that the factors act on the B cells in terminal stages to trigger final differentiation to Ig-producing cells.  相似文献   

A covalent conjugate of avidin with ricin subunit A-chain (avidin-RA) was prepared by using N-succinimidyl 3-(2-pyridyldithio)propionate as a coupling agent. Selective cytotoxic activity after the combined treatment of spleen cells with biotinylated antibody and avidin-RA was demonstrated by the fact that the responsiveness to LPS was selectively abrogated by pretreatment of the cells with biotinylated rabbit anti-mouse immunoglobulin (MIg) antibody, but not with biotinylated anti-Thy-1.2 antibody. Neither the biotinylated antibody alone nor avidin-RA alone was effective in decreasing the responses to mitogens. Moreover, a high anti-DNP PFC response elicited by DNP-KLH-primed BALB/c mouse spleen cells stimulated in vitro with DNP-KLH was mostly abrogated by the pretreatment of the cells with biotinylated anti-MIg antibody and avidin-RA. Again, neither the biotinylated antibody alone nor avidin-RA alone was effective in decreasing the anti-DNP PFC response. This cell-killing method with the use of biotinylated antibody and avidin-RA was applied and evaluated in experimental systems in which the helper action of T cells on B cells was mediated by T cell-replacing factor (TRF) or was performed by the direct interaction of T cells with B cells (cognate interaction). When DNP-KLH-primed splenic B cells, pretreated with biotinylated F(ab')2 fragment of DCF1 male anti-BALB/c-B IgG antibody against acceptor site(s) for TRF followed by treatment with avidin-RA, were stimulated with DNP-OVA in the presence of monoclonal TRF, the anti-DNP PFC response was significantly decreased, whereas the same treated B cells responded well to stimulation with DNP-PPD in the presence of Tbc-primed T cells (cognate interaction). These results indicate that B cells responsible for the cognate interaction and those having TRF acceptor site(s) belong to a distinct subpopulation of B cells, and that the cytocidal action of the noncovalent conjugate of the antibody and RA formed from the biotinylated antibody and avidin-RA via an avidin-biotin complex has immunologic selectivity, eliminating only the latter subset of B cells recognized by the antibody.  相似文献   

Nonspecific T cell-replacing factors prepared as supernatants from mixed lymphocyte cultures or concanavalin A-stimulated spleen cells are active in vivo iv injected into nude mice at least 3 days before antigen. The supernatants appear to act by enhancing the week IgM responses that occur in untreated nudes. Secondary responses and IgG antibody were not found.  相似文献   

A human helper T cell clone (d4), which showed its helper effect on the differentiation of both T and B cells, was established by MLC reaction of normal T cells against a B lymphoblastoid cell line (CESS) followed by cloning in the presence of IL2 and x-irradiated CESS and autologous non-T cells. d4 cells helped the induction of cytotoxic T cells against UV-treated CESS cells. Antigen-stimulated d4 cells secreted helper factor(s) involved in the induction of cytotoxic T cells (killer helper factor(s), KHF), and KHF activity could be separated into two fractions, one with the m.w. of 15,000 to 20,000 and the other with the m.w. of 45,000 to 50,000. The factor with 15,000 to 20,000 m.w. showed IL 2 activity; the other factor showed gamma-interferon activity without IL 2 activity, suggesting that both IL 2 and gamma-interferon exerted KHF activity. d4 cells or their culture supernatant showed helper activity in the induction of IgG in a B cell line (CESS). The helper activity of the supernatant (TRF) was absorbed with CESS cells but not with IL 2-dependent CTLL, whereas KHF activity was absorbed with IL 2-dependent CTLL but not with CESS cells. The results showed that TRF and KHF were distinct molecules and a single helper T cell clone could secrete helper factors for both B and T cells.  相似文献   

The effects of a preparation containing partially purified, EL4-derived B cell growth factor(s) (BCGF) on B cell growth and proliferation have been examined by using B lymphocyte subpopulations separated on the basis of size. BCGF was found to maintain and enhance proliferation of a significant proportion of large activated B cells. In contrast, small resting B cells required the presence of BCGF and a second stimulus such as anti-IgM antibody (anti-mu) to be induced to proliferate. This disparity was not due to a lack of an effect of BCGF on small resting B cells. A factor contained within the partially purified EL4 supernatant produced time-dependent increases in cell size and RNA content in all subpopulations. These effects were independent of possible effects due to contaminating lymphokines such as interleukin 2 (IL 2), concanavalin A (Con A), and phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). Nonmitogenic doses of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) failed to show similar effects. Our data suggest that B cells at all levels of in vivo activation are responsive to stimulation by a growth factor present in EL4 supernatant, as manifested by cell growth and RNA synthesis. This activity has not previously been described for BCGF preparations. However, because the partially purified, EL4-derived supernatant used as BCGF in these studies has not been purified to homogeneity, we cannot conclude whether the factors that induce resting B cells to increase in size are the same as the growth factors that synergize with anti-mu to induce B cell proliferation or that maintain the proliferation of activated B cells.  相似文献   

In our laboratory we have described a monoclonal antibody, B16G, which has been shown to bind to suppressive T cell factors (TsF) in DBA/2 mice. Therefore, B16G was used as a probe to identify T cell hybridomas secreting putative TsF. Hybridomas were obtained by the fusion of DBA/2 thymocytes stimulated in vivo by P815 tumor membrane extracts with the thymoma BW5147. One such hybridoma, A10, was selected and used for additional studies. From both the supernatants and ascites fluid of this hybrid a factor could be obtained that could specifically bind to both B16G and P815 antigen immunoadsorbent columns, and that scored positively with B16G in an ELISA after elution. Such reactivity could not be obtained from A10 supernatants or ascites absorbed over irrelevant columns, nor was it obtained from supernatants or ascites from other T cell hybrids that had scored B16G nonreactive in the original screening. In vivo studies indicated that affinity-purified A10 material injected into DBA/2J mice enhanced significantly the growth of P815 tumor cells, but not the growth of other DBA/2 syngeneic tumor lines such as L1210 or M-I. Additionally, this material did not inhibit the in vitro mixed leukocyte reaction (MLR) between DBA/2 splenocytes and allogeneic B10.BR target cells (unlike B16G purified material from whole DBA/2 spleens, which has been demonstrated to be suppressive in this type of MLR). Biochemical analysis of this tumor-specific TsF from A10 was undertaken; the native m.w. was found to be in the region of 80,000 and 90,000. Under reducing conditions, affinity-purified A10 TsF was found to resolve in SDS-PAGE as what appeared to be a heterodimer of 45,000 and 43,000. In most preparations, an associated molecule resolving at about 25,000 was observed. The implications of these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of soluble T cell products during B cell differentiation more fully, we have produced T cell hybridomas by the fusion of normal helper T cells with the T cell lymphoma BW5147. In this report we describe the production of one such hybrid, 14G3, the subclone 14G3.1F2, and the functional activity of the constitutive product. The hybrid supernatant acts exclusively in antigen-nonspecific, but antigen-dependent, promotion of B cell differentiation. It is optimally effective in the presence of small amounts of EL4 supernatant. It does not itself contain any detectable IL 2 or BCGF or interferon activity, however. 14G3.1F2 activity is probably an important component of the conventional TRF preparations produced by mixed lymphocyte populations, and will be useful in further dissection of the contributions of different soluble T cell products to B cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Down-regulation of murine collagen-induced arthritis by a T cell hybridoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T cell hybridoma cell lines were generated by somatic cell fusion of BW 5147 myeloma cells and splenic cells from mice suppressed for collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). Two cell lines were characterized for their cell surface phenotype, antigen recognition and capacity to down-regulate the erythema and edema associated with CIA. Cell line T101N was determined to portray the cell surface phenotype Ly1+2- L3T4- Thy1+ by a direct binding assay. Cell line T104B1 was determined to express only the Thy1+ alloantigen. Panning studies, measurement of IL-2 production in vitro and the suppression of antibodies to type I and type II collagen in vivo indicate that the hybridoma cells are not isotype specific in their recognition of the polymorphic interstitial collagens. Down-regulation of the erythema and edema of CIA occurred on injection of 1 X 10(5) T101N cells but not T104B1 cells. Histology of the tarsus region of the hind paw of CIA mice 33 days after the administration of T101N cells showed contrasting histopathology compared to that of CIA mice. The joints of CIA mice given T101N cells showed aligned articular surfaces resembling normal joint structure and only residual pannus. The data indicate that collagen-specific cloned T cell lines can modulate the gross pathology and joint architecture of joints exhibiting CIA.  相似文献   

A human T cell hybridoma clone, D6-18, producing high levels of macrophage chemotactic factor (MCF) was established by the emetine-actinomycin D selection method. MCF was found to be present not only in the culture medium but also in the cell lysate of D6-18 cells. The secretion of the MCF from D6-18 cells was effectively inhibited by disodium cromoglycate, which is an inhibitor of the degranulation of mast cells, suggesting that MCF is stored in granules. The MCF of D6-18 cells was purified from the sonicated cell lysate by ion-exchange chromatographies and high-performance liquid chromatography. The amino acid sequence of the purified MCF was revealed to be WLGREDGSE or WLGRQDGSE. The synthetic peptide WLGREDGSE showed chemotactic activity against guinea pig macrophages and human monocytes at the concentration of about 10(-8) M.  相似文献   

B cell stimulatory factor 1 (BSF-1) (IL-4) was shown to synergize with phorbol esters or with monoclonal anti-TCR antibody in stimulation of the development of CTL from small resting murine T cells. IL-2 also synergized with PMA in such differentiation but was less effective than BSF-1. The combination of these two lymphokines with PMA had the most potent effect on the development of CTL. BSF-1 plus PMA stimulated a significant increase in the intracellular content of N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysine thiobenzylester esterase, a granule-associated biochemical marker, whereas IL-2 plus PMA was only marginally effective. Depletion of L3T4+ cells did not result in the abrogation of these effects. Lyt-2+ T cells that were incubated for 72 h with BSF-1 plus PMA accumulated N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysine thiobenzylester esterase and secreted this intragranular marker after interaction with immobilized anti-T cell receptor mAb. These BSF-1/PMA-stimulated Lyt-2+, L3T4- T cells were also able to kill FcR positive target cells in a retargeting assay with a mAb to murine T3 Ag, providing evidence that BSF-1 plus PMA acted directly on precursors of cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   

A microculture assay with low numbers of athymic (nude) spleen cells has been used to quantitate the helper T cell-replacing activity secreted by concanavalin A-treated spleen cells. This quantitation allows an estimate of the recovery of biologic activity during concentration from culture supernatants by salt precipitation, and purification by gel filtration, ion exchange chromatography, and isoelectric focusing. The T cell-replacing activity is found in protein of 30 to 40,000 daltons size as estimated by gel filtration, but shows heterogeneity in electric charge. The activity is active at concentrations of less than 10(-9) M, and is strictly antigen dependent in its mode of action.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic RNA was isolated from cells cultured with LPS and LPS plus a T cell-derived supernatant (SN) (PK 7.1) containing B cell differentiation factors. The steady state levels of isotype-specific mRNA were assessed by Northern blot analysis with gamma-specific CH3 probes. It was demonstrated that the SN induces an increase in the level of mRNA for gamma 1 and a concomitant decrease in the levels of mRNA for gamma 2b and gamma 3.  相似文献   

A human T cell hybridoma clone, F5, producing high levels of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) was established by the emetine-actinomycin D selection method. This clone produced two species of MIF which were separated on a Phenyl Sepharose column. We purified MIF-2 (the more hydrophobic species of the two) to homogeneity from the conditioned medium of stimulated F5 cells by a series of steps that included hydrophobic chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography. Ricinus communis lectin affinity chromatography, and high-performance liquid chromatography on anion exchange and reverse-phase columns. Purified MIF was digested with endoproteinase Lys-C and Asp-N. The amino acid sequences of the generated peptides were determined. No sequence similarity with any other protein was found. The molecular weight of MIF-2 was estimated to be 45 kDa from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of immunoprecipitates with anti-peptide antibodies. These results show that F5MIF-2 is a novel cytokine.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood lymphocytes were reacted with fluorescein-conjugated antibodies specific to T or B cell surface antigen and fractionated with a fluorescence activated cell sorter. The isolated T and B cells were examined for their capacity to synthesize metallothioneins (MTs). Analysis by gel electrophoresis indicated that both T and B cells were able to produce MTs in a Cd2+-inducible manner, suggesting that both cells types have a mechanism of protection against Cd2+ toxicity.  相似文献   

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