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Escherichia coli mutants tht require either pyridoxine or alanine   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Some pyridoxineless mutants of genetic group V grow to normal cell yields in glucose-salts medium containing 0.11 mm d- or l-alanine as the sole supplement.  相似文献   

Mutants of Escherichia coli requiring methionine or vitamin B12   总被引:687,自引:410,他引:277       下载免费PDF全文

Nonchemotactic Mutants of Escherichia coli   总被引:73,自引:41,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
We have isolated 40 mutants of Escherichia coli which are nonchemotactic as judged by their failure to swarm on semisolid tryptone plates or to make bands in capillary tubes containing tryptone broth. All the mutants have normal flagella, a fact shown by their shape and reaction with antiflagella serum. All are fully motile under the microscope and all are sensitive to the phage chi. Unlike its parent, one of the mutants, studied in greater detail, failed to show chemotaxis toward oxygen, glucose, serine, threonine, or aspartic acid. The failure to exhibit chemotaxis does not result from a failure to use the chemicals. The swimming of this mutant was shown to be random. The growth rate was normal under several conditions, and the growth requirements were unchanged.  相似文献   

Transketolase Mutants of Escherichia coli   总被引:14,自引:9,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Transketolase mutants have been selected after ethyl methane sulfonate mutagenesis of Escherichia coli. These strains are unable to grow on any pentose and, in addition, require a supplement of aromatic amino acids or shikimic acid for normal growth on any other carbon source. Revertants are normal in both respects and also contain transketolase. Transketolase mutants do not require exogenous pentose for growth. Preliminary genetic mapping of the locus is presented.  相似文献   

Porphyrin-Accumulating Mutants of Escherichia coli   总被引:8,自引:9,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Four mutants (pop-1, pop-6, pop-10, and pop-14) which accumulate a red water-insoluble pigment were obtained in Escherichia coli K-12 AB1621. For each mutant, the red pigment was shown to be protoporphyrin IX, a late precursor of heme. Mutagenic treatment of mutant pop-1 yielded a secondary mutant, pop-1 sec-20, which accumulated a brown water-soluble pigment. The brown pigment was shown to be coproporphyrin III. Mutant pop-1 resembled the parental strain in its cytochrome absorption spectrum, catalase activity, and ability to grow on nonfermentable carbon and energy sources; therefore, its ability to produce and utilize heme was unimpaired. Judged on the same criteria, the secondary mutant, pop-1 sec-20, was partially heme and respiratory deficient. Growth in anaerobic conditions decreased by 25% the accumulation of protoporphyrin by pop-1; under the same conditions, pop-1 sec-20 did not accumulate coproporphyrin or coproporphyrinogen. The mutations causing protoporphyrin accumulation in all four pop mutants were found to map in the lac to purE (10-13 min) region of the E. coli chromosome. In the case of mutant pop-1, the mutation was shown to be strongly linked to the tsx locus (12 min). In mutant pop-1 sec-20, the second mutation causing coproporphyrin accumulation was co-transducible with the gal locus at a frequency of 88 to 96%. The mechanism of porphyrin accumulation by the mutants is discussed.  相似文献   

Mutants of Escherichia coli with altered hydrogenase activity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mutant strains of Escherichia coli which expressed different levels of hydrogenase activity when grown anaerobically under a variety of conditions were obtained by mutagenesis and selective growth and screening procedures. Four classes of mutants were isolated, ranging from those devoid of enzyme activity to those expressing maximal activity under all growth conditions. One class of mutants (A) could not grow on fumarate plus H2 in the presence of active fumarate reductase. Since hydrogenase is essential for growth under these conditions some of these strains may be hydrogenase-negative. Three other classes of mutants were isolated which were all hydrogenase-positive and fully expressed this activity when grown on fumarate plus H2. They differed in the level of expression of hydrogenase activity when grown anaerobically on glucose, conditions which do not require hydrogenase for growth. Class B mutants expressed less activity, while class C mutants expressed more activity than the parental strain. Class D mutants fully expressed hydrogenase activity and were dependent on the enzyme for growth. The different strains were also assayed for reduction of dyes by hydrogen and for evolution of hydrogen from reduced methyl viologen. Some of the hydrogenase-positive strains showed altered activities in these assays suggesting that mutations may have occurred either in enzymes or proteins required for reaction with dyes or in the hydrogenase enzyme itself.  相似文献   

Ten cold-sensitive mutants defective in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis at 20 C have been identified among 218 cold-sensitive mutants isolated from a mutagenized population of Escherichia coli K-12. Four of the ten mutant alleles, dna-339 dna-340, dna-341, and dna-342, cotransduce with serB(+) and hence may be dnaC mutants. Two of these, dna-340 and dna-341, are recessive to their wild-type allele. The gene product of their wild-type allele is trans acting. Complementation tests have demonstrated that dna-340 and dna-341 are in the same cistron. The mapping of the remaining six mutations is in progress. In an attempt to determine whether LW4 and LW21 were initiator mutants, cultures of these strains were starved of an essential amino acid at 37 C and then incubated at 15 C with the essential amino acid. The amount of DNA synthesis observed under these circumstances was insignificant. These data are consistent with the idea that LW4 and LW21 are initiator mutants. However, attempts to integratively suppress LW4 and LW21 with F' factors were unsuccessful. To resolve the question of whether or not LW4 and LW21 are initiator mutants, more specific tests and criteria are required. Cultures of LW4 and LW21 were toluene treated and used to measure in vitro DNA synthesis. If the cells were incubated either at 15 or 20 C before toluene treatment, they were capable of markedly less DNA synthesis than if preincubation had not occurred. The amount of in vitro DNA synthesis is directly proportional to the amount of DNA synthesis occurring during preincubation in vivo; i.e., more DNA synthesis is observed at 20 than at 15 C. The fact that the cold-sensitive mutants are unable to synthesize DNA when supplied with deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates, DNA precursors, is evidence they are not defective in precursor synthesis.  相似文献   

The mutant IP7 of Escherichia coli B requires isoleucine or pyridoxine for growth as a consequence of a mutation in the gene coding for biosynthetic threonine deaminase. The mutation of IP7 was shown to be of the nonsense type by the following data: (1) reversion to isoleucine prototrophy involves the formation of external suppression at a high frequency, as shown by transduction experiments; and (ii) the isoleucine requirement is suppressed by lysogenization with a phage carrying the amber suppressor su-3. Cell extracts of the mutant strain contain a low activity of threonine deaminase. The possibility that this activity is biodegradative was ruled out by kinetic experiments. The mutant threonine deaminase was purified to homogeneity by conventional procedures. The enzyme is a dimer of identical subunits of an approximate molecular weight of 43,000 (Grimminger and Feldner, 1974), whereas the wild-type enzyme is a tetramer of 50,000-dalton subunits (Calhoun et al., 1973; Grimminger et al., 1973). The mutant enzyme is not inhibited by isoleucine and does not bind isoleucine, as shown by equilibrium dialysis experiments. Pyridoxal phosphate enhances the maximum catalytic activity of the mutant enzyme by a factor of five, whereas the wild-type enzyme is not affected. In wild-type and mutant threonine deaminase the ratio of protein subunits and bound pyridoxal phosphate is 2:1. The activation of threonine deaminase from strain IP7 is due to a second coenzyme binding site, as shown by (i) spectrophotometric titration of the enzyme with pyridoxal phosphate and by (ii) measurement the pyridoxal phosphate content of the enzyme after sodium borohydride reduction of the protein. The observation of one pyridoxal phosphate binding site per peptide dimer in the wild-type enzyme and of two binding sites per dimer in the mutant strongly suggests that one of the potential sites in the wild-type enzyme is masked by allosteric effects. The factors responsible for the half-of-the-sites reactivity of the coenzyme sites appear to be nonoperative in the mutant protein.  相似文献   

Commercially obtained E. coli ß-galactosidase was stored at 25 °C in buffer containing 1 mM MgCl2 and in buffer containing no added MgCl2. Samples were removed at set times and the activity of individual enzyme molecules assayed. When stored in the presence of 1 mM magnesium, the number of active molecules did not change over a 2.5-h period. When stored in the absence of added MgCl2, over half the enzyme molecules became inactive within the first hour. However, those molecules which retained activity remained active for the duration of the experiment. This indicates that there may exist two populations of E. coli ß-galactosidase, one which requires storage in the presence of the higher concentration of Mg2+ in order to remain active. There was no observed correlation between this requirement for magnesium and reaction rate. Additionally, the presence of the 1 mM MgCl2 was found to decrease the average activity of the ß-galactosidase molecules under the conditions employed.  相似文献   

By nitrosoguanidine treatment of a vitamin B-6 auxotroph (KG980) of Escherichia coli, mutants were isolated that require for growth markedly higher concentrations of pyridoxine than the parent strain. One of the mutants, strain HN1, exhibited a severely reduced ability to take up extracellular pyridoxine. Besides, cell-free extracts of HN1 showed an extremely low activity to phosphorylate pyridoxine compared to that of KG980. These findings together with other results suggest that phosphorylation of pyridoxine is essential for the concentration uptake of the vitamin.  相似文献   

ATP participates in many cellular metabolic processes as a major substrate to supply energy. Many systems for acidic resistance (AR) under extremely acidic conditions have been reported, but the role of ATP has not been examined. To clarify whether or not ATP is necessary for the AR in Escherichia coli, the AR of mutants deficient in genes for ATP biosynthesis was investigated in this study. The deletion of purA or purB, each of which encodes enzymes to produce AMP from inosinate (IMP), markedly decreased the AR. The content of ATP in these mutants decreased rapidly at pH 2.5 compared to that of the wild type. The AR was again decreased significantly by the mutation of adk, which encoded an enzyme to produce ADP from AMP. The DNA damage in the purA and purB mutants was higher than that in the wild type. These results demonstrated that metabolic processes that require ATP participate in survival under extremely acidic conditions, and that one such system is the ATP-dependent DNA repair system.  相似文献   

Mutants of Escherichia coli Sensitive to Antibiotics   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Mutants of Escherichia coli sensitive to the antibiotic synergistin A, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, were isolated. These mutants were pleiotropic, being also sensitive to a large number of unrelated antibiotics and to lysis by detergents. These pleiotropic responses indicated that the mutations affected cell wall or membrane synthesis. Consequently, selection for antibiotic-sensitive mutants constitutes a useful means for isolating cell wall or membrane mutants.  相似文献   

Phosphoglucomutase Mutants of Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:16,自引:11,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Bacteria with strongly depressed phosphoglucomutase (EC activity are found among the mutants of Escherichia coli which, when grown on maltose, accumulate sufficient amylose to be detectable by iodine staining. These pgm mutants grow poorly on galactose but also accumulate amylose on this carbon source. Growth on lactose does not produce high amylose but, instead, results in the induction of the enzymes of maltose metabolism, presumably by accumulation of maltose. These facts suggest that the catabolism of glucose-1-phosphate is strongly depressed in pgm mutants, although not completely abolished. Anabolism of glucose-1-phosphate is also strongly depressed, since amino acid- or glucose-grown pgm mutants are sensitive to phage C21, indicating a deficiency in the biosynthesis of uridine diphosphoglucose or uridine diphosphogalactose, or both. All pgm mutations isolated map at about 16 min on the genetic map, between purE and the gal operon.  相似文献   

Temperature-Sensitive Osmotic Remedial Mutants of Escherichia coli   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
A collection of temperature-sensitive mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 was examined for ability to grow at the restrictive temperature when the osmotic pressure of the medium was increased. Five of the fourteen mutants were found to be osmotic remedial. Four strains containing temperature-sensitive, osmotic-remedial mutations affecting aminoacyl-transfer ribonucleic acid synthetases were found to have altered permeability characteristics which may be attributable to changes in the lipopolysaccharide layer of the cell envelope at restrictive temperatures.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of pyridoxine auxotrophs of Escherichia coli   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
Dempsey, Walter B. (University of Florida, Gainesville), and P. F. Pachler. Isolation and characterization of pyridoxine auxotrophs of Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 91:642-645. 1966.-Pyridoxine auxotrophs of Escherichia coli B have been consistently produced by a modified penicillin enrichment method. This modified penicillin technique included a 6-hr growth period in the absence of any pyridoxine followed by a 2-hr treatment with penicillin at 1,000 units per ml. Penicillin was removed from these cultures by membrane filtration and the process was repeated. A minimum of three cycles was found necessary to isolate auxotrophs. Different phenotypes within the group of pyridoxine auxotrophs were distinguished by their responses to feeding with the various forms of pyridoxine, as well as by cross-feeding tests. Two auxotrophs were also differentiated by their frequency of reversion to prototrophy. Cross-feeding tests indicated that seven of the phenotypes fed in a linear sequence. These phenotypes had a very low frequency of reversion. The auxotrophs with a high frequency of reversion cross-fed in a linear sequence and fed the first five of the other seven auxotrophs. One of the auxotrophs isolated was a pyridoxal auxotroph.  相似文献   

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