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This study examined the effect of 12 weeks of exercise training on daily physical activity in elderly humans. Training consisted of a weekly group session and an individual session with cardio- and weight-stack machines. A group of 15 subjects served as the exercise group [EXER mean age 59 (SD 4) years], and 7 subjects as the controls [CONT mean age 57 (SD 3) years]. Physical activity and physical fitness were measured before the start of training (T), at week 6 and week 12 (T0, T6, T12 respectively) in EXER, and at T0 and T12 in CONT. Physical activity over 14 days was measured using a tri-axial accelerometer and physical fitness was measured during an incremental exercise test. At T12, mean maximal power output had significantly increased in EXER compared to CONT 8 (SD 12) vs -5 (SD 9) W; P < 0.02] and mean submaximal heart rate (at 100 W) had reduced [-10 (SD 7) vs -2 (SD 6) beats x min(-1); P < 0.05]. No differences or changes in physical activity were observed between EXER and CONT. At T6, physical activity on training days was significantly higher than on non-training days (P < 0.001). When the accelerometer output of the training session was subtracted from the accelerometer output on training days, at T12 non-training physical activity was significantly lower than on non-training days (P < 0.004). Accelerometer output of the individual training session at T12 had significantly increased compared to T6 (P < 0.05), whereas, accelerometer output of the group training session had remained unchanged. In conclusion, in elderly subjects an exercise training programme of moderate intensity resulted in an improved physical fitness but had no effect on total daily physical activity. Training activity was compensated for by a decrease in non-training physical activity.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the hypothesis that elevated plasma noradrenaline concentrations contribute to the exercise-induced modulation of the activity and percentage of the natural killer (NK) cells, and the leucocyte concentration. In a single blind, controlled, cross-over study, eight healthy men had noradrenaline infused for 1 h and achieved plasma noradrenaline concentrations comparable (20-fold increment) to those previously observed in cycle ergometer exercise (75% of maximal oxygen uptake for 1 h). The noradrenaline infusion increased the unstimulated, the interleukin-2 and interferon-alpha stimulated NK cell activity, and the percentage of CD16+ cells. The natural lytic activity per CD16+ cell however, did not change. The concentration of neutrophils, lymphocytes and CD16+ cells increased during the infusion. The neutrophil concentration remained elevated 2 h after infusion, at which time the lymphocyte count was back to normal. These results are comparable with the effects in the exercise model, and it is suggested that the augmented plasma noradrenaline concentrations, seen during extreme exercise, may participate in the exercise-induced immune changes.  相似文献   

To determine whether or not acute hypobaric hypoxia alters the rate of water absorption from a carbohydrate beverage ingested during exercise, six men cycled for 80 min on three randomly assigned different occasions. In one trial, exercise was performed in hypoxia (barometric pressure, P(B) = 594 hPa, altitude 4,400 m) at an exercise intensity selected to elicit 75% of the individual's maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) previously determined in such conditions. In the two other experiments, the subjects cycled in normoxia (P(B) = 992 hPa) at the same absolute and the same relative intensities as in hypoxia, which corresponded to 55% and 75%, respectively, of their VO2max determined in normoxia. The subjects consumed 400 ml of a 12.5% glucose beverage just prior to exercise, and 250 ml of the same drink at 20, 40 and 60 min from the beginning of exercise. The first drink contained 20 ml of deuterium oxide to serve as a tracer for the entry of water into body fluids. The heart rate (HR) during exercise was higher in hypoxia than in normoxia at the same absolute exercise intensity, whereas it was similar to HR measured in normoxia at the same relative exercise intensity. Both in normoxia and hypoxia, plasma noradrenaline concentrations were related to the relative exercise intensity up to 40 min of exercise. Beyond that duration, when exercise was performed at the highest absolute power in normoxia, the noradrenaline response was higher than in hypoxia at the same relative exercise intensity. No significant differences were observed among experimental conditions, either in temporal profiles of plasma D accumulation or in elimination of water ingested in sweat. Conversely, elimination in urine of the water ingested appeared to be related to the severity of exercise, either high absolute power or the same relative power combined with hypoxia. We concluded that water absorption into blood after drinking a 12.5% glucose beverage is not altered during cycling exercise in acute hypobaric hypoxia. It is suggested that the elimination of water ingested in sweat and urine may be dependent on local circulatory adjustments during exercise.  相似文献   

The effect of eating bananas, a known and rich source of biogenic amines, on plasma free and sulfate-conjugated catecholamines was examined in normal human volunteers. Before ingestion conjugated norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (E) comprised 60% and 84% of the total concentration respectively. Free dopamine (DA) was undetectable. Although there was no change in free NE and E levels after eating bananas, free DA became measurable in some subjects. In contrast, conjugated NE and particularly DA, increased markedly in all subjects. More detailed study in 2 subjects indicated that this increase may persist for 8 hours after consumption. Available evidence suggests that sulfate conjugation of free catecholamines in banana largely takes place in the gut. It is important therefore to consider dietary influences when the physiological role of conjugated catecholamines. and perhaps free dopamine, is being assessed.  相似文献   

To elucidate the mechanisms of lactate formation during submaximal exercise, eight men were studied during one- (1-LE) and two-leg (2-LE) exercise (approximately 11-min cycling) using the catheterization technique and muscle biopsies (quadriceps femoris muscle). The absolute exercise intensity and thus the energy demand for the exercising limb was the same [mean 114 (SEM 7) W] during both 1-LE and 2-LE. At the end of exercise partial pressure of O2 and O2 saturation in femoral venous blood were lower and arterial adrenaline and noradrenaline were higher during 2-LE than during 1-LE. Mean arterial blood lactate concentration increased to 10.8 (SEM 0.8) (2-LE) and 5.2 (SEM 0.4) mmol · 1–1 (1-LE) after 10 min of exercise. The intramuscular metabolic response to exercise was attenuated during 1-LE [mean, lactate = 49 (SEM 9); glucose 6-P = 3.3 (SEM 0.3); nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, reduced = 0.17 (SEM 0.02); adenosine 5-diphosphate 2.7 (SEM 0.1) mmol · kg dry mass–1] compared to 2-LE [76 (SEM 6); 6.1 (SEM 0.7); 0.21 (SEM 0.02); 3.0 (SEM 0.1) mmol · kg dry mass–1, respectively]. To elucidate whether the lower plasma adrenaline concentration could contribute to the attenuated metabolic response, additional experiments were performed on four of the eight subjects with infusion of adrenaline during 1-LE (1-LEE). Average plasma adrenaline concentration was increased during 1-LEE and reached 2–4 times higher levels than during 2-LE. Post-exercise muscle lactate and glucose 6-P contents were higher during 1-LEE than during 1-LE and were similar to those during 2-LE. Also, leg lactate release was elevated during 1-LEE versus 1-LE. It was concluded that during submaximal dynamic exercise the intramuscular metabolic response not only depended on the muscle power output, but also on the total muscle mass engaged. Plasma adrenaline concentrations and muscle oxygenation were found to be dependent upon the working muscle mass and both may have affected the metabolic response during exercise.  相似文献   

Effect of prior exercise on maximal short-term power output in humans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of prior exercise (PE) on subsequent maximal short-term power output (STPO) was examined during cycling exercise on an isokinetic ergometer. In the first series of experiments the duration of PE at a power output equivalent to 98% maximum O2 uptake (VO2max) was varied between 0.5 and 6 min before measurement of maximal STPO. As PE duration increased subsequent STPO fell to approximately 70% of control values after 3-6 min. In series ii the effect of varying the intensity of PE of fixed 6-min duration was studied in five subjects. After PE less than 60% VO2max there was an increase of 12% in STPO, but after greater than 60% VO2max there was a progressive fall in STPO as PE intensity increased, indicating a reduction of approximately 35% at 100% VO2max compared with control values. In series iii we examined the effect on STPO of allowing a recovery period after a fixed intensity (mean = 87% VO2max) of 6 min PE before measurement of STPO. This indicated a rapid recovery of dynamic function with a half time of approximately 32 s, which is similar to the kinetics of PC resynthesis and taken with the other findings suggests the dominant role that PC exerts on the STPO under these conditions.  相似文献   

Levels of free plasma catecholamines were simultaneously determined in 10 cyclists using capillary blood from one ear lobe and venous blood from one cubital vein. Catecholamine concentrations were higher in the ear lobe blood than in the venous blood at rest and during graded exercise. Average differences amounted to 1.7 nmol X 1(-1) (dopamine), 2.1 nmol X 1(-1) (noradrenaline) and 1.9 nmol X 1(-1) (adrenaline) at rest and increased only to 8.8 nmol X 1(-1) for noradrenaline during exercise. We assume that higher concentrations of dopamine and adrenaline in the capillary blood point to a significant neuronal release of these catecholamines, similar to noradrenaline. Catecholamine concentrations in capillary blood may better reflect sympathetic drive and delivery of catecholamines to the circulation than the concentrations in venous blood.  相似文献   

In subjects who maintain a constant body mass, the increased energy expenditure induced by exercise must be compensated by a similar increase in energy intake. Since leptin has been shown to decrease food intake in animals, it can be expected that physical exercise would increase energy intake by lowering plasma leptin concentrations. This effect may be secondary either to exercise-induced negative energy balance or to other effects of exercise. To delineate the effects of moderate physical activity on plasma leptin concentrations, 11 healthy lean subjects (4 men, 7 women) were studied on three occasions over 3 days; in study 1 they consumed an isoenergetic diet (1.3 times resting energy expenditure) over 3 days with no physical activity; in study 2 the subjects received the same diet as in study 1, but they exercised twice daily during the 3 days (cycling at 60 W for 30 min); in study 3 the subjects exercised twice daily during the 3 days, and their energy intake was increased by 18% to cover the extra energy expenditure induced by the physical activity. Fasting plasma leptin concentration (measured on the morning of day 4) was unaltered by exercise [8.64 (SEM 2.22) 7.17 (SEM 1.66), 7.33 (SEM 1.72) 1 microg x l(-1) in studies 1, 2 and 3, respectively]. It was concluded that a moderate physical activity performed over a 3-day period does not alter plasma leptin concentrations, even when energy balance is slightly negative. This argues against a direct effect of physical exercise on plasma leptin concentrations, when body composition is unaltered.  相似文献   

Changes in body temperature, oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate (HR), sweating rate and plasma osmolarity were examined in 10 human subjects, performing four successive 30 min exercise-bouts of the same intensity (50% VO2 max) separated by 30 min rest periods. In spite of the rest intervals and replacement of body fluid loss there was a progressive increase in VO2. HR, rectal (Tre) and mean body (Tb) temperatures in consecutive exercise bouts. The thermoregulatory efficiency showed an increasing tendency, and a delay in the sweating response at the beginning of each exercise was shortened. It is concluded that a drift in metabolic and temperature responses to exercise, reported throughout a long-term continuous work, occurs also in the euhydrated subjects performing a prolonged intermittent exercise. It is not caused by an impaired thermoregulation during exercise but rather by insufficient restitution of metabolic processes during rest intervals.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of vitamin E (VE) supplementation (1200 IU/day) on recovery responses to repeated bouts of resistance exercise. Non-resistance trained men were assigned to supplement with VE (n = 9) or placebo (PL; n = 9) for 3 weeks and then perform 3 resistance exercise sessions separated by 3 days of recovery (EX-1, EX-2, and EX-3). Performance was assessed at EX-1, EX-2, and EX-3. Fasting morning blood samples and perceived muscle soreness were obtained before EX-1 and for 10 consecutive days. Muscle soreness peaked after EX-1 and gradually returned to baseline values by day 6. Lower and upper body maximal strength and explosive power were significantly (p < or = 0.05) decreased at EX-2 and EX-3 (approximately 10%). Plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) was significantly elevated on days 7 and 8. There were no significant differences between VE and PL in muscle soreness, performance measures, or plasma MDA. Creatine kinase (CK) area under the curve from day 1 to day 10 was significantly greater for VE because of a nearly 2-fold greater increase in CK after EX-1 in VE, compared with PL (404 +/- 146 and 214 +/- 179 U/L, respectively). VE supplementation was not effective at attenuating putative markers of membrane damage, oxidative stress, and performance decrements after repeated bouts of whole-body concentric/eccentric resistance exercise.  相似文献   

To assess the relationship between blood volume (BV) and the reduction in plasma volume (PV) during exercise in individual variations, we measured BV and changes in PV in thirteen male volunteers during treadmill exercise until exhaustion. The lactate threshold (LT), as a predictor of aerobic exercise capacity, was calculated from the exercise intensity at the point of plasma lactate concentration buildup to 4 mmol. The relationship of peak VO2 with BV indicated a significant positive correlation. The strong positive relation between the shifts in PV and total PV, and resulted in a maintenance of the circulating BV.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effect of low body glycogen stores on plasma ammonia concentration and sweat ammonia excretion during prolonged, nonexhausting exercise of moderate intensity. On two occasions seven healthy untrained men pedalled on a cycle ergometer for 60 min at 50% of their predetermined maximal O2 uptakes ( max) firstly, following 3 days on a normal mixed diet (N-diet) (60% carbohydrates, 25% fat and 15% protein) and secondly, following 3 days on a low-carbohydrate diet (LC-diet) (less than 5% carbohydrates, 50% fat and 45% protein) of equal energy content. Blood was collected from the antecubital vein immediately before, at 30th and at 60th min of exercise. Sweat was collected from the hypogastric region using gauze pads. It was shown that plasma ammonia concentrations after the LC-diet were higher than after the N-diet at both the 30th and 60th min of exercise. Sweat ammonia concentration and total ammonia loss through the sweat were also higher after the LC-diet. The higher ammonia concentrations in plasma and sweat after the LC-diet would seem to indicate an increased ammonia production, which may be related to reduced initial carbohydrate stores.  相似文献   

All systemically administered glucocorticoids (GC) are prohibited in-competition, because of the potential ergogenic effects. Although short-term GC intake has been shown to improve performance during submaximal exercise, literature on its impact during brief intense exercise appears to be very scant. The purpose of this study was to examine the ergogenic and metabolic effects of prednisone during repeated bouts of high-intensity exercise. In a double-blind randomized protocol, ten recreational male athletes followed two 1-week treatments (Cor: prednisone, 60 mg/day or Pla: placebo). At the end of each treatment, they hopped on their dominant leg for 30 s three times consecutively and then hopped until exhaustion, with intervals of 5 min of passive recovery. Blood and saliva samples were collected at rest and 3 min after each exercise bout to determine the lactate, interleukin-6, interleukin-10, TNF-alpha, DHEA and testosterone values. The absolute peak force of the dominant leg was significantly increased by Cor but only during the first 30-s hopping bout (p < 0.05), whereas time to exhaustion was not significantly changed after Cor treatment vs Pla (Pla: 119.9 ± 24.7; Cor: 123.1 ± 29.5 s). Cor intake lowered basal and end-exercise plasma interleukin-6 and saliva DHEA (p < 0.01) and increased interleukin-10 (p < 0.01), whereas no significant change was found in blood lactate and TNF-alpha or saliva testosterone between Pla and Cor. According to these data, short-term glucocorticoid intake did not improve endurance performance during repeated bouts of high-intensity exercise, despite the significant initial increase in absolute peak force and anti-inflammatory effect.  相似文献   

Glucose turnover and its regulation were studied during and after two identical bouts of intense exhaustive exercise separated by 1 h to define differences in response. Six lean young postabsorptive male subjects exercised at approximately 100% maximal O2 uptake (3.7 +/- 0.3 l/min) for 13.0 +/- 0.7 min for the first (EX1) and 13.2 +/- 0.8 min for the second (EX2) bout. Plasma glucose increased during EX1 and peaked at 7.0 +/- 0.6 mmol/l in early recovery but to 5.8 +/- 0.5 mmol/l (P less than 0.05) after EX2, and both the hyperglycemic and the hyperinsulinemic responses were less after EX2 (P less than 0.015, analysis of variance). The hyperglycemia was due to lesser increments in glucose utilization (Rd) (3-fold resting) than glucose production (Ra) (7-fold) toward exhaustion and for 7 min of recovery. The rise in Rd was more rapid (P less than 0.05) and metabolic clearance rate was greater during (P = 0.015) and from 9 to 60 min after EX2, and Ra also remained higher during recovery (P less than 0.05). Marked and similar increments in plasma norepinephrine (18-fold) and epinephrine (14-fold) occurred with both bouts. Plasma glucagon increments were small and not different. Therefore, 1) more circulating glucose was used with EX2, 2) greater metabolic clearance rate during and after EX2 suggests local muscle adaptations due to EX1, and 3) significant correlations (P less than 0.002) between plasma norepinephrine and Ra (r = 0.82) and Ra - Rd (r = 0.52) and between epinephrine and Ra (r = 0.71) and Ra - Rd (r = 0.48) suggest a major regulatory role for the catecholamine responses.  相似文献   

Sex-related differences of catecholamine responses were evaluated in nine healthy women and six age-matched men at rest and during incremental treadmill exercise. Heart rate, oxygen uptake (VO2), glucose and lactate blood levels as well as the free plasma catecholamines, noradrenaline and adrenaline, were determined. No significant differences were observed for these parameters between the two groups at rest. The females had relative VO2max and maximal running velocities similar to the males, which points to a comparable dynamic performance ability. However, at identical work loads, noradrenaline, adrenaline and glucose levels were significantly higher in women than in men. Lactate, heart rate and relative VO2 showed a similar tendency at submaximal exercise levels, indicating higher strain at identical stress levels in women. The reason for the higher sympathetic activity in women at identical work loads may be their relatively smaller skeletal muscle mass in relation to the loads during this test.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was determination of adrenaline and noradrenaline concentrations in peripheral blood in 13 men aged 20--22 years subjected to acoustic stimulation of continuous, intermittent and pulse pattern during graded submaximal exercise. The studied subjects performed physical exercise on a cycle ergometer at workloads of 2 W/kg of body mass. The noise produced during the exercise had peak acoustic pressure of 100--120 dB, at frequencies ranging from 63 Hz to 4000 Hz. The exposure to noise and exercise lasted 15 minutes. Catecholamines in the peripheral blood were determined by spectrofluorometry by the method of Anton and Sayer. The obtained results showed that the concentrations of adrenaline and noradrenaline increased considerably in the peripheral blood during exposure to this acoustic stimulation in relation to the initial concentrations. The highest increases were observed during exposure to impulse noise.  相似文献   

This study compared leukocyte counts and lymphocyte responsiveness during and after a second bout of high-intensity endurance exercise on the same day with the response to a similar but single bout of exercise. Nine athletes participated in three 24-h trials: 1) rest in bed (Rest); 2) one bout of exercise (One); and 3) two bouts of exercise (Two). All bouts consisted of 75 min at approximately 75% of maximal O(2) uptake on a cycle ergometer. Lymphocytes in whole blood were stimulated with monoclonal antibodies against CD2 and assessed by flow cytometry for expression of the early activation molecule CD69. The second bout of exercise in the Two trial was associated with significantly increased concentrations of total leukocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, CD4(+), CD8(+), and CD56(+) cells and a significantly decreased percentage of CD56(+) cells expressing CD69 compared with a single bout. Additionally, there was a significantly decreased CD69 fluorescence in CD56(+) cells postexercise. These differences suggest a "carry-over" effect in the immune system from a first to a second bout of exercise on the same day.  相似文献   

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