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Isolation and characterization of filterable marine bacteria   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Anderson, J. I. W. (Northeast Shellfish Sanitation Research Center, Narragansett, R.I.), and W. P. Heffernan. Isolation and characterization of filterable marine bacteria. J. Bacteriol 90:1713-1718. 1965.-By a process of double filtration of seawater, first through a membrane filter with a pore diameter of 0.45 mu and then through a membrane filter with a pore diameter of 0.22 mu, it was possible to isolate on the surface of the latter membrane a group of marine organisms not usually encountered by conventional techniques of pour plates or one-stage filtration. Many of the isolates could not be identified, but the largest single group belonged to the genus Spirillum; other isolates were placed in the genera Leucothrix, Flavobacterium, Cytophaga, and Vibrio. A group of four organisms which was not identified was characterized by the formation of large, club-shaped cells, 20 to 30 mu long. Of the 25 strains studied in detail, 22 required seawater for growth and 8 retained their filterable property after cultivation. No filterable bacteria were isolated from terrestrial samples.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a method of isolation and morphological and physiological characterization of groundwater bacteria based on numerical taxonomy and cluster analysis, and using a miniaturized test system (microtiter plates). Bacteria were isolated randomly on P-agar, and each strain was characterized in regard to 155 features. The media for biochemical differentiation are listed as well as methods of morphological discrimination. 246 strains of heterotrophic and oligotrophic bacteria, isolated from five water samples from different depths of the saturated groundwater area, were used for optimizing media and test reactions.  相似文献   

泥螺养殖滩涂异养菌群和弧菌的检测   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
1 引  言泥螺 (Bullactaexarata)隶属腹足纲软体动物 ,肉质鲜嫩、营养丰富 ,是浙江沿海重要的滩涂养殖品种 .至 2 0 0 0年浙江省养殖面积已达 1.13× 10 4hm2 ,由于实行生态养殖 ,本轻利厚 ,广受养农的青睐 .随着泥螺养殖生产的发展 ,养殖业的自身污染和陆源排污水的大量入海 ,养殖生态环境越趋恶化 ,使生物病原大量滋生 ,自 1995年以来常诱发养殖泥螺的暴发性死亡 .有关海洋滩涂环境细菌的研究至今未见报道 .为探明泥螺养殖周期内暴发性死亡与滩涂环境的关系 ,对养殖滩涂的细菌菌群组成及其生态特性进行了检测分析 .2…  相似文献   

A bacteriological survey was conducted of untreated, individual groundwater supplies in Preston County, W.Va. Nearly 60% of the water supplies contained total coliforms in excess of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency maximum contaminant level of 1 CFU/100 ml. Approximately one-third of the water systems contained fecal coliforms and/or fecal streptococci. Acinetobacter spp. were detected in 38% of the groundwater supplies at an arithmetic mean density of 8 CFU/100 ml and were present in 16% of the water supplies in the absence of total coliforms, posing some concern about the usefulness of total coliforms as indicators of the presence of this opportunistic pathogen. Slime production, a virulence factor for A. calcoaceticus, was not significantly different between well water isolates and clinical strains, suggesting some degree of pathogenic potential for strains isolated from groundwater. In addition, several Acinetobacter isolates were able to interfere with sheen production by some coliform bacteria on M-Endo medium, adding further to the possible significance of Acinetobacter spp. in groundwater supplies.  相似文献   

Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria were enriched and isolated from three oil storage caverns of the German national oil reserve at different distances from the oil/brine interface. Microscopically no bacteria were found in the original samples, but colony counts showed more than 100 colony-forming units (cfu)/ml in two samples, whereas 0 to 4 cfu/ml were found in the other samples. Enrichments using defined mineral salts medium or complex medium revealed culturable organisms in all samples. All colony types were isolated and further separation of organisms during isolation was completed microscopically. Enrichments in media containing complex organic compounds led to higher numbers of isolates in samples near the oil/brine interface than enrichments with oil as the sole source of carbon. Micro-organisms that could utilize oil as the sole source of carbon were isolated from all enrichment cultures. Identification of the isolates revealedBacillus strains in all samples and coryneform bacteria in the samples from cavern 123.  相似文献   

The 0.2 microm filtration of sea water samples from the Mediterranean Sea (Bay of Calvi, Corsica), collected from 10 m and 35 m depth led to the isolation of several gram-negative bacterial strains able to grow on full-strength media as well as on diluted media. The analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences and estimation of the phylogenetic relationships of these facultative oligotrophic bacteria indicated that they grouped into two phylogenetic branches. The strains RE10F/2, RE10F/5 (10 m depth samples) and RE35/F12 (35 m depth samples) were assigned to the gamma-subclass, while RE35F/1 (35m depth sample) was assigned to the alpha-4-subclass of the Proteobacteria. The strains RE10/F2 and RE10/F5 were most closely related to species and strains of the Pseudoalteromonas group, whereas the strain RE35F/12 placed adjacent to the family Vibrionaceae. The phylogenetic analysis of strain RE35F/1 revealed that this bacterium clusters with marine strains and species of the aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria Erythrobacter as well as Erythromicrobium and more distantly to Sphingomonas spp. Supplementary to those genotypic classifications the chemotaxonomic signatures including the major respiratory lipoquinone systems, the cellular fatty acid compositions as well as the polyamine contents of the bacteria were investigated. The isolated organisms displayed differences in their physiological and biochemical properties to already described strains belonging to the same genera or families, as revealed by the comparative 16S rRNA analysis. Despite the fact that these bacteria were isolated from a 0.2 microm filtrate, the cultured organisms which were all rod-shaped, displayed width dimensions ranging from 0.4 up to 0.7 microm, indicating that these bacteria were starvation forms at the time of isolation and not ultramicrobacteria as defined by Torella and Morita (1981) or by Schut et al. (1993). Because our isolated strains represent potentially new taxa, this first investigation on 0.2 pm filterable bacteria from the Western Mediterranean Sea supports the hypothesis that this bacterial fraction contributes to the diversity of marine bacteria.  相似文献   

In this study, enumeration and identification of total aerobic heterotrophic bacteria and petroleum-utilizing bacteria as well as the degradative potential of petroleum-utilizing bacterial isolates were carried out. The average counts of total aerobic heterotrophic bacteria in cow dung and poultry manure were 74.25 × 105 c.f.u. g−1 and 138.75 × 105 c.f.u. g−1 respectively. Acinetobacter sp, Bacillus sp, Pseudomonas sp, and Serratia spp. occurred as aerobic heterotrophs in both cow dung and poultry manure. However, Alcaligenes spp. occurred only in cow dung while, Flavobacterium sp, Klebsiella sp, Micrococcus sp, and Nocardia spp. occurred only in poultry manure as aerobic heterotrophs. The average counts of petroleum-utilizing bacteria in cow dung and poultry manure were 9.25 × 105 c.f.u. g−1 and 17.25 × 105 c.f.u. g−1 respectively. Pseudomonas spp. occurred as petroleum utilizer in both cow dung and poultry manure. However, Bacillus spp. occurred only in cow dung while Acinetobacter spp. and Micrococcus spp. occurred only in poultry manure as petroleum utilizers. Relative abundance of petroleum utilizers in total aerobic heterotrophs ranged from 6.38% to 20.00% for cow dung and from 9.38% to 17.29% for poultry manure. Introduction of pure cultures of petroleum-utilizing bacteria from cow dung and poultry manure into sterile oil-polluted soil revealed oil degradation in one week period.  相似文献   

A bacteriological survey was conducted of untreated, individual groundwater supplies in Preston County, W.Va. Nearly 60% of the water supplies contained total coliforms in excess of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency maximum contaminant level of 1 CFU/100 ml. Approximately one-third of the water systems contained fecal coliforms and/or fecal streptococci. Acinetobacter spp. were detected in 38% of the groundwater supplies at an arithmetic mean density of 8 CFU/100 ml and were present in 16% of the water supplies in the absence of total coliforms, posing some concern about the usefulness of total coliforms as indicators of the presence of this opportunistic pathogen. Slime production, a virulence factor for A. calcoaceticus, was not significantly different between well water isolates and clinical strains, suggesting some degree of pathogenic potential for strains isolated from groundwater. In addition, several Acinetobacter isolates were able to interfere with sheen production by some coliform bacteria on M-Endo medium, adding further to the possible significance of Acinetobacter spp. in groundwater supplies.  相似文献   

A total of 331 aerobic heterotrophic bacterial strains were isolated from various ecosystems of Finnish Lapland (68-69 degrees N) including forest soil, arctic alpine-tundra soil, stream water, lake and mire sediments, lichen and snow algae. Whole cell fatty acid and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and microscopy indicated that the isolates were dominated by Gram-negative bacteria, while only 20 Gram-positive strains were isolated. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequences the isolates were members of alpha-, beta-, gamma-Proteobacteria, Gram-positives with low G+C content, Actinobacteria and the Cytophaga/Flexibacter/Bacteroides group. More than one-third of the isolates could be tentatively identified as Pseudomonas spp. which were particularly abundant in the alpine-tundra soils where they represented 60% of all isolates. Other frequently isolated Gram-negative taxa were Burkholderia sp., Collimonas sp., Pedobacter sp., Janthinobacter sp., Duganella sp., Dyella sp. and Sphingomonas sp. Growth temperature ranges and hydrolytic enzyme activities of selected ca.100 strains were screened. The strains were psychrotolerant growing generally at temperatures ranging from 0 to 30 degrees C, as 82% of the isolates grew at 0 degrees C while only 7% grew at 35 degrees C. Protease and lipase activities at 5 degrees C were detected in more than half of the strains while approximately 20% of the strains possessed amylase and/or cellulase activities.  相似文献   

Two heterotrophic bacteria that oxidized thiosulfate to tetrathionate were isolated from soil. The enzyme system in one of the isolates (C-3) was constitutive, but in the other isolate (A-50) it was induced by thiosulfate or tetrathionate. The apparent K(m) for oxygen for thiosulfate oxidation by A-50 was about 223 mum, but, for lactate oxidation by A-50 or thiosulfate oxidation by C-3, the apparent K(m) for oxygen was below 2 mm. The oxidation of thiosulfate by A-50 was first order with respect to oxygen from 230 mum. The rate of oxidation was greatest at pH 6.3 to 6.8 and at about 10 mm thiosulfate, and it was strongly inhibited by several metal-binding reagents. Extracts of induced A-50 reduced ferricyanide, endogenous cytochrome c, and mammalian cytochrome c in the presence of thiosulfate. A-50, once induced to oxidize thiosulfate, also reduced tetrathionate to thiosulfate in the presence of an electron donor such as lactate. The optimal pH for this reaction was at 8.5 to 9.5, and the reaction was first order with respect to tetrathionate. There was no correlation between the formation of the thiosulfate-oxidizing enzyme of A-50 and the incorporation of thiosulfate-sulfur into cell sulfur. Thiosulfate did not affect the growth rate or yield of A-50.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic bacteria were enumerated from the Seattle drinking water catchment basins and distribution system. The highest bacterial recoveries were obtained by using a very dilute medium containing 0.01% peptone as the primary carbon source. Other factors favoring high recovery were the use of incubation temperatures close to that of the habitat and an extended incubation (28 days or longer provided the highest counts). Total bacterial counts were determined by using acridine orange staining. With one exception, all acridine orange counts in chlorinated samples were lower than those in prechlorinated reservoir water, indicating that chlorination often reduces the number of acridine orange-detectable bacteria. Source waters had higher diversity index values than did samples examined following chlorination and storage in reservoirs. Shannon index values based upon colony morphology were in excess of 4.0 for prechlorinated source waters, whereas the values for final chlorinated tap waters were lower than 2.9. It is not known whether the reduction in diversity was due solely to chlorination or in part to other factors in the water treatment and distribution system. Based upon the results of this investigation, we provide a list of recommendations for changes in the procedures used for the enumeration of heterotrophic bacteria from drinking waters.  相似文献   

Precipitation of calcium carbonate (CaCO3(s)) can be driven by microbial activity. Here, a systematic approach is used to identify the morphological and mineralogical characteristics of CaCO3(s) precipitated during the heterotrophic growth of micro‐organisms isolated from polar environments. Focus was placed on establishing mineralogical features that are common in bioliths formed during heterotrophic activity, while in parallel identifying features that are specific to bioliths precipitated by certain microbial phylotypes. Twenty microbial isolates that precipitated macroscopic CaCO3(s) when grown on B4 media supplemented with calcium acetate or calcium citrate were identified. A multimethod approach, including scanning electron microscopy, high‐resolution transmission electron microscopy, and micro‐X‐ray diffraction (μ‐XRD), was used to characterize CaCO3(s) precipitates. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy showed that complete CaCO3(s) crystal encrustation of Arthrobacter sp. cells was common, while encrustation of Rhodococcus sp. cells did not occur. Several euhedral and anhedral mineral formations including disphenoid‐like epitaxial plates, rhomboid‐like aggregates with epitaxial rhombs, and spherulite aggregates were observed. While phylotype could not be linked to specific mineral formations, isolates tended to precipitate either euhedral or anhedral minerals, but not both. Three anhydrous CaCO3(s) polymorphs (calcite, aragonite, and vaterite) were identified by μ‐XRD, and calcite and aragonite were also identified based on TEM lattice‐fringe d value measurements. The presence of certain polymorphs was not indicative of biogenic origin, although several mineralogical features such as crystal‐encrusted bacterial cells, or casts of bacterial cells embedded in mesocrystals are an indication of biogenic origin. In addition, some features such as the formation of vaterite and bacterial entombment appear to be linked to certain phylotypes. Identifying phylotypes consistent with certain mineralogical features is the first step toward discovering a link between these crystal features and the precise underlying molecular biology of the organism precipitating them.  相似文献   

Characterization of dysgonic, heterotrophic bacteria from drinking water   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Only a small percentage of the heterotrophic bacteria encountered in water distribution systems are identifiable, because of these organisms fail to grow on the conventional media used for biochemical characterization. Organisms that would not subculture from the same standard plate count agar used for initial isolation were successfully subcultured on a low-nutrient medium, R3A. These cultures were then inoculated to a modified O/F base medium containing specific substrates. This, combined with a lower incubation temperature (30 degrees C), increased the enzymatic activity of many of the organisms. These reactions established a groundwork for tentative taxonomy.  相似文献   

Aerobic, heterotrophic bacteria were isolated from nine natural mineral water springs in the Lanjaron area of Spain over the period July 1980 to May 1981. The mineral waters contained few bacteria (mean counts 26-5275 cfu per 100 ml) and the bacterial flora of all nine springs was very similar. Most of the isolates were Gram-negative rods (90%), and among these Pseudomonas spp. and members of the Flavobacterium-Cytophaga-Flexibacter group were numerically dominant. Aeromonas-Vibrio and Enterobacteriaceae isolates were an important fraction of the total number, but isolates from remaining groups (Acinetobacter, Chromobacterium, Alcaligenes and Gram-positive organisms) constituted only a small proportion of the flora. The comparatively small number of species isolated, and the occurrence of no more than three or four different bacterial types in spring water of different chemical and physical composition is discussed.  相似文献   

Aerobic, heterotrophic bacteria were isolated from nine natural mineral water springs in the Lanjaron area of Spain over the period July 1980 to May 1981. The mineral waters contained few bacteria (mean counts 26–5275 cfu per 100 ml) and the bacterial flora of all nine springs was very similar. Most of the isolates were Gram-negative rods (90%), and among these Pseudomonas spp. and members of the Flavobacterium-Cytophaga-Flexibacter group were numerically dominant. Aeromonas-Vibrio and Enterobacteriaceae isolates were an important fraction of the total number, but isolates from remaining groups ( Acinetobacter, Chromabacterium, Alcaligenes and Gram-positive organisms) constituted only a small proportion of the flora. The comparatively small number of species isolated, and the occurrence of no more than three or four different bacterial types in spring water of different chemical and physical composition is discussed.  相似文献   

The water quality of 24 rural, domestic groundwater supplies treated with point-of-use, powdered activated carbon (PAC) filters was monitored to determine how such treatment might impact the bacteriological quality of private, residential drinking water supplies. Heterotrophic-plate-count (HPC) and total coliform analyses were performed on raw, PAC-treated, and overnight or stagnant (first-draw) PAC-treated water samples. Densities of HPC bacteria were elevated by 0.86 and 0.20 orders of magnitude for spring and well water systems, respectively, in PAC-treated effluents following overnight stagnation compared with levels in untreated treated effluents. Densities of HPC bacteria in PAC-treated effluents were significantly reduced (P < 0.01) below influent levels, however, after the point-of-use device was flushed for 2 min. While PAC significantly reduced the number of coliforms in product waters (P < 0.01), these indicator organisms were still detected in some effluents. Seasonal variations were evident in microbial counts from spring but not well water systems. It appears that aside from periods following stagnant-water use, such as overnight, PAC treatment does not compromise the bacteriological quality of drinking water obtained from underground sources.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing plays a role in the regulation of soft rot diseases caused by the plant pathogenic bacterium Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum. The signal molecules involved in quorum sensing in P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum belong to the group of N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs). In our study, we screened bacteria isolated from the potato rhizosphere for the ability to degrade AHLs produced by P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum. Six isolates able to degrade AHLs were selected for further studies. According to 16S rDNA sequence analysis and fatty acid methyl ester profiling, the isolates belonged to the genera Ochrobactrum, Rhodococcus, Pseudomonas, Bacillus, and Delftia. For the genera Ochrobactrum and Delftia, for the first time AHL-degrading isolates were found. Data presented in this study revealed for the first time that Ochrobactrum sp. strain A44 showed the capacity to inactivate various synthetic AHL molecules; the substituted AHLs were inactivated with a lower efficiency than the unsubstituted AHLs. Compared with the other isolates, A44 was very effective in the degradation of AHLs produced by P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum. It was verified by polymerase chain reaction, DNA-DNA hybridization, and a lactone ring reconstruction assay that Ochrobactrum sp. strain A44 did not possess AHL lactonase activity. AHL degradation in Ochrobactrum sp. strain A44 occurred intracellularly; it was not found in the culture supernatant. AHL-degrading activity of A44 was thermo sensitive. Experiments in planta revealed that Ochrobactrum sp. strain A44 significantly inhibited the maceration of potato tuber tissue. Since A44 did not produce antibiotics, the attenuation of the decay might be due to the quenching of quorum- sensing-regulated production of pectinolytic enzymes. The strain can potentially serve to control P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum in potato.  相似文献   

Ward  B. B.  Priscu  J. C. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,347(1-3):57-68
Denitrifying bacterial strains were isolated from Lake Bonney,apermanently ice-covered and chemically stratified lake in theMcMurdo dry valley region of Antarctica, using complex mediaat4 °C. Three strains, identified as denitrifiers bytheirability to produce nitrous oxide using nitrate or nitrite as arespiratory substrate, were characterized as to theirtemperatureand salinity optima for aerobic growth in batch culture; allthreewere psychrophilic and moderately halophilic. Maximum growthratesof near 0.024 h–1 were measured for all three strains.Growthrates projected to occur at in situ temperature andsalinityimply generation times on the order of 100 h. Species specificpolyclonal antisera were prepared against two of the strains,ELB17 (from the east lobe of the lake at 17 m) and WLB20 (fromthewest lobe at 20 m). Both strains were subsequently detectedandenumerated in the lake using the antisera. ELB17 was presentinboth lobes below the chemocline, while WLB20 was present inthewest lobe below the chemocline but only in surface waters oftheeast lobe. These distributions are related to the observedchemicaldistributions which imply the occurrence of denitrification inthewest lobe of the lake and not in the east lobe.  相似文献   

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