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We isolated from a human colonic adenocarcinoma cell line two clones with highly different metastatic abilities. One of them, which spreads rapidly in culture, produces, when injected in immunosuppressed newborn rats, well differentiated epithelial like tumors limited by a continuous basal lamina and never produces lung metastasis. The other clone, which spreads slowly in culture, produces undifferentiated tumors of irregular shape and with usually no basal lamina; tumor cells are often dispersed in the stroma and metastases are observed in the lungs. These two clones may hence constitute a model for the study of the link between the presence or absence of a basal lamina in human tumors and their ability to metastasize.  相似文献   

Metabolism of different nitroxides with piperidine structure used as spin labels in electron spin resonance (ESR) studies in vitro and in vivo was investigated in human keratinocytes of the cell line HaCaT by GC and GC-MS technique combined with S-band ESR. Besides the well known reduction of the nitroxyl radicals to the ESR silent hydroxylamines as primary products our results indicate the formation of the corresponding secondary amines. These reductions are inhibited by the thiol blocking agent N-ethylmaleimide and by the strong inhibitors of the thioredoxin reductase (TR) 2-chloro-2,4-nitrobenzene and 2,6-dichloroindophenol. The competitive inhibitor TR inhibitor azelaic acid and the cytochrome P-450 inhibitor metyrapone lack any effects. The rates of reduction to the hydroxylamines and secondary amines were dependent on the lipid solubility of the nitroxides. Therefore, it can be assumed that the nitroxides must enter the cells for their bioreduction. The mostly discussed intracellular nitroxide reducing substances ascorbic acid and glutathione were unable to form the secondary amines. In conclusion, our results suggest that the secondary amine represents one of the major metabolites of nitroxides besides the hydroxylamine inside keratinocytes formed via the flavoenzyme thioredoxin reductase most probably. Further metabolic conversions were detected with 4-oxo-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl and the benzoate of 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl as substrates.  相似文献   

The role of ras on protein kinase C (PKC) signaling was examined in two keratinocyte cell lines. Increasing the level of extracellular calcium from 0.15 mM to 1.0 mM induces some features of differentiation in the spontaneously immortalized HaCaT line, but fails to do so in a c-H-ras-transfected subline (ras-HaCaT). Raising extracellular calcium also induced a transient increase in membrane-associated PKC activity 5 min after calcium addition, in HaCaT, but not in the ras-HaCaT cells. Partial purification of PKC from the membrane/particulate fraction revealed the major isoform expressed in HaCaT to be an 80 KD species recognized by the anti-PKCα antibody. In ras-HaCaT, the major expressed isoform is a 130 KD species recognized by the PKCb? antibody. The kinase activity of the partially purified high molecular weight PKC is phospholipid dependent but calcium independent. Further evaluation of PKC in the HaCaT and ras-HaCaT membrane/particulate cell fraction by immunoblotting using affinity-purified antibodies against PKCα, b?, δ, ε and ζ revealed a 130 KD band reacting with the PKCδ antibody. Increased expression of this high molecular weight protein was observed in ras-HaCaT. Immunoprecipitation of PKC in ras-HaCaT using the PKCδ antibody also revealed a 130 KD species. Analysis of the PKCδ immunoprecipitate demonstrated a phospholipid, but not calcium-dependent kinase which autophosphorylated. These results suggest that the 130 KD protein may be a novel (calcium-independent) PKC (nPKC) isoform and increased expression in the rastransfected HaCaT may be a consequence of oncogenic ras expression. This 130 KD species may also play a role in the ras-associated inhibition of differentiation in HaCaT. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The progeny of SK-UT-1B cells that survived gamma-irradiation with 4 Gy up to the 80th passage was examined. Descendants of irradiated cells lost p53 transactivation properties. Simultaneously, in the presence of nocodazole coordination between M and S phases was disrupted. Meanwhile, descendants of irradiated cells maintained the accurate spindle assembly checkpoint. These data suggest that p53 transactivation function may be required for coordination of M and S phases, rather than for spindle assembly checkpoint. Since it is known that p53 regulates both these processes on the basis of data obtained, we suggest that functions of p53 required for coordination of M and S-phases and for spindle assembly checkpoint are separated. Besides, the data obtained indicate that radiation-induced chromosomal rearrangements are associated with activation of DNA recombination process.  相似文献   

IGF I induces differentiation in a transformed human keratinocyte line   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A comparison of normal epithelial cells with their transformed counterparts could lead to the definition of parameters related to growth and differentiation which are altered by viral transformation and which may be relevant to malignant changes in vivo. Using the SV40-transformed human keratinocyte line, SVK14, which exhibits characteristics of simple, nonkeratinizing epithelia, we have shown that IGF I stimulation of these cells results in extensive multilayering, increased cell size, accumulation of involucrin, modulation of keratin 18 and expression of keratins 14 and 10, whilst T-antigen expression is maintained in the multilayered cells. Since T-antigen expression is correlated directly with impairment of stratification and differentiation, it is interesting that treatment of SVK14 with a single growth factor. IGF I, results in molecular events characteristic of differentiating normal keratinocytes.  相似文献   

In the preceding paper [J. S. Schweitzer, M. A. Dichter, and S. J. Kaufman, 1987, Exp. Cell Res. 172, 1] we demonstrated that expression of Thy-1 antigen by rat skeletal muscle myoblasts in culture is modulated by fibroblasts. Growth of myoblasts with myofibroblasts, or in medium in which fibroblasts have been grown, causes a sharp reduction in the percentage of myoblasts that express Thy-1 antigen on their membrane. In this paper we demonstrate that there are two populations of myoblasts that can be distinguished by their capacity to respond to the Thy-1-modulating factor (TMF). The majority of Thy-1-positive or -negative myoblasts grown at clonal densities are responsive to TMF. A second myoblast clonal type is Thy-1 positive and fuses to form contractile myotubes, but is insensitive to TMF and has a more fibroblast-like morphology. These clonal phenotypes are stable upon passage in vitro and may represent distinct subsets of the myogenic lineage.  相似文献   

In order to assess the neuronal-like properties of a human neuroblastoma cell line obtained by stable transfection of the estrogen receptor (SK-ER3) a series of quantitative measurements of the activity of two neurotransmitter-related enzymes: tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and monoamine oxidase (MAO), and of catecholamine concentrations were performed. When compared to the parental SK-N-BE cell line, the stably transfected SK-ER3 cells show a more pronounced dopaminergic phenotype. The immunoreactivity to a TH antibody is in fact increased and the ratio between dopamine and noradrenaline concentrations is elevated. Treatment with estradiol further enhances the expression of this phenotype. Interestingly, in the transfected cell line MAO-A activity is decreased and further reduced by estrogen treatment. This finding substantiated by previous reports indicates that our model system might represent an interesting tool for the study of the pharmacological treatments of estrogen-induced pathological responses of nervous cells.  相似文献   

The absorption, remodeling, and delivery of dietary lipids by intestinal cells are part of a complex multi-step process, the dynamics of which is influenced by the lipid composition of the diet and the physiological state of enterocytes. Emerging data indicate that, among the parameters known to modulate the cell functionality, the internal oxidative balance plays a pivotal role. In this study, we analyzed the effects of varying redox equilibria on the way in which the intestinal Caco-2 cell line utilize an exogenous lipid source such as oleic acid. Firstly, we manipulated the intracellular levels of soluble thiols (glutathione), and the amount of cell-associated products of lipid peroxidation, commonly regarded as two critical parameters characterizing the redox profile of the cells. Two different perturbants having opposite effects on the cell's redox profile were used: the pro-oxidizing agent CuSO4 (2.5 and 10 microM) and the antioxidant and thiol supplier N-acetylcysteine (NAC, 2.5 and 5 mM). The influence of these mild but critical manipulations on the incorporation of oleate (50 and 500 microM) into cholesterol, triacylglycerol, and phospholipid was then evaluated. We found that the emerging pro-oxidant condition induced by CuSO4 pre-exposure was associated with a significant up-regulation of phospholipid synthesis, while minor modifications were detected in that of triacylglycerols. Conversely, when a more reducing state was induced by NAC pre-treatment, there was a significant down-regulation of triacylglycerol synthesis, with minor modifications in that of phospholipids. In addition, the incorporation of oleic acid in the cholesteryl ester fraction appeared to be unmodified under all the redox conditions reported. On the whole, these results indicate that the pre-existing internal redox potential of the enterocytes is a critical factor that is able to differentially modulate lipid synthesis at the intestinal level. Thus, the adoption of a strategy designed to control/buffer the antioxidant capacity of the gastrointestinal tract could have important consequences for the modulation of lipid balance in the body.  相似文献   

Normal T-cell development is dependent on interactions with the thymic microenvironment; thymic epithelial cells are thought to play a key role in the induction of thymocyte maturation, both through direct contact and, indirectly, via thymic hormone secretion. It has been postulated that thymic epithelial cells progress through an antigenically defined pathway of differentiation similar to that of epidermal keratinocytes. As keratins vary according to epithelial cell type and the stage of epithelial cell maturation, we used a panel of monoclonal antibodies against keratins to study specific types of keratin intermediate filaments within human thymic epithelium. The demonstration in human thymus of keratins previously shown to be associated with distinct stages of epidermal keratinocytic maturation would support the hypothesis that thymic epithelial cells undergo sequential stages of differentiation. Two-dimensional immunoblot analysis of cytoskeletal extracts from human thymus revealed that thymic epithelium contains the following keratins: 1-2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 (molecular masses, 65-67, 58, 56, 54, 52, 56.5, 51, 50, 50', 48, and 46 kilodaltons, respectively). Thus, in thymic epithelium, we found keratins previously observed in epidermal basal cells (5, 14, 15), as well as keratins specific for terminally differentiated keratinocytes in supra-basal epidermis (1-2, 10). Indirect immunofluorescence (IF) performed on fetal and postnatal human thymus demonstrated that keratin epitopes recognized by antibodies AE-3, 35 beta H11, and RTE-23 are present on epithelial cells of the subcapsular cortex, the cortex, the medulla, and Hassall's bodies. In contrast, antibodies AE-1 and RTE-22 reacted primarily with neuroendocrine thymic epithelium (subcapsular cortex, medulla, Hassall's bodies). The epithelial reactivity of antibody AE-2 was limited to epithelial cells in Hassall's bodies and did not appear until 16 weeks of fetal gestation i.e., when Hassall's bodies first formed. Two-dimensional gel analysis of thymic keratins demonstrated that antibody AE-2 identified only the keratins with molecular masses of 56.6 and 65-67 kilodaltons (10 and 1-2 respectively) in thymus. These data, together with the selective reactivity of AE-2 with Hassall's bodies in fluorescence assays, demonstrate the localization in Hassall's bodies of the high-molecular-weight keratins associated with the late stages of epidermal cell maturation. In summary, we demonstrated that human thymic epithelium contains specific keratins found in multiple epithelial types as well as keratins associated with both early and late stages of epidermal cell differentiation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Seven clonal populations were derived from the WiDr human colon adenocarcinoma cell line and were characterized with respect to chromosome number, DNA content, and tumorigenicity in nude mide. There was no correlation between tumor volume and either DNA content or chromosome number; but there were wide differences among the clones regarding the size of tumors they were able to produce in nude mice.  相似文献   

Cultured rabbit corneal epithelial cells undergo three distinct stages of growth and differentiation characterized by the sequential appearance of K5/K14 keratin markers for basal keratinocytes, K6/K16 keratin markers for "hyperproliferative" keratinocytes, and K3/K12 keratin markers for corneal-type differentiation. Analyses of [35S]methionine-labeled, newly synthesized keratins revealed that K6/K16 are synthesized only briefly when the cells undergo exponential growth, and their synthesis is suppressed when the cells reach confluence and switch to synthesizing K3/K12. Transient synthesis of K6/K16 was also observed in vivo during corneal epithelial regeneration. Although K6/K16 expression in general correlates well with cellular growth, drug-induced inhibition of corneal epithelial growth and related data on human epidermal keratinocytes indicate that these two events are dissociable. These results establish clearly for the first time a reciprocal relationship, on a protein level, between the synthesis of K6/K16 and a differentiation-related keratin pair, K3/K12. Such a relationship strongly suggests a competitive mechanism controlling the synthesis of these two major classes of keratins in the suprabasal compartment. Our results also indicate that although hyperproliferation is usually accompanied by K6/K16 expression, the reverse is not always true. Taken together, the data suggest that K6/K16 are synthesized, perhaps by default, as an alternative suprabasal keratin pair under conditions that are nonpermissive for keratinocytes to express their normal, differentiation-related keratin pairs.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) is strongly associated with carcinoma of the cervix, but the complete life cycle of the virus cannot be studied because no experimental system is available in which HPV-16 progeny are produced, and there is currently no source of HPV-16 virus particles. Most cell lines that harbor HPV-16 DNA contain the viral genome as integrated or concatenated DNA in which open reading frames are disrupted or deleted, but a human cervical keratinocyte cell line has been described which maintains HPV-16 DNA in monomeric episomal form (M.A. Stanley, H.M. Brown, M.W. Appleby, and A.C. Minson, Int. J. Cancer 43:672-676, 1989). This cell line was induced to form a stratified differentiating epithelium by grafting onto nude mice. Long-term grafts displayed the histological features of a low-grade cervical dysplasia, and terminally differentiated cells contained amplified levels of HPV-16 DNA, virus capsid antigen, and virus particles. This experimental system appears to permit the completion of the HPV-16 life cycle in virus-containing keratinocytes.  相似文献   

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