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Human sperm chromosomes were studied in a man heterozygous for a pericentric inversion of chromosome 3(p25q21). The pronuclear chromosomes were analyzed after in vitro penetration of golden hamster eggs. A total of 144 sperm were examined: 69.2% were chromosomally balanced and 30.8% were recombinant. Of the balanced complements, the proportion with a normal chromosome 3 (37.6%) was approximately equal to the proportion with an inverted 3 (31.6%). Of the recombinant complements, the proportion of sperm with a duplication q/deletion p (17.3%) was approximately equal to the reciprocal event of duplication p/deletion q (13.5%). The recombinant chromosome 3 with a duplication q and deletion p has been observed in several abnormal children, but the duplication p/deletion q has never been reported. My results demonstrate that both recombinant chromosomes are produced as expected from an unequal number of crossovers within an inversion loop. In all likelihood the duplication p/deletion q chromosome is an early embryonic lethal because of the amount of genetic material deleted. The proportions of X-bearing (48.9%) and Y-bearing sperm (51.1%) were not significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio. There was no evidence for an interchromosomal effect. Of the three inversions studied by human sperm chromosome analysis, recombinant chromosomes have been observed only in this case.  相似文献   

Summary Human sperm chromosomes were studied in a man heterozygous for a paracentric inversion of chromosome 7 (q11q22). The pronuclear chromosomes were analysed after in vitro penetration of golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) eggs. Ninety-four sperm chromosome spreads were examined, of which 34 contained the normal number 7 chromosome and 59 the inverted 6. This segregation was significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio. The number of X- to Y-bearing sperm was 48 and 46 respectively. No sperm contained a recombinant chromosome caused by a crossover within the inversion. The frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in other chromosomes was 9.6%, which is not significantly different from the frequency observed in normal donors (8.9%) in our laboratory. These result suggest that the risk of chromosomally unbalanced sperm is not high for this paracentric inversion.  相似文献   

Human sperm chromosomes were studied in a man heterozygous for a pericentric inversion of chromosome (1)(p31q12). Q-banded pronuclear chromosomes were analyzed after in vitro penetration of golden hamster oocytes. A total of 159 sperm were examined: 54% bearing the inverted chromosome 1 and 46% the normal chromosome 1. These frequencies are not significantly different from the theoretical 11 ratio. There were no recombinant sperm with duplications or deficiencies, suggesting that a pairing loop failed to form or that crossing-over was suppressed. The frequency of abnormalities unrelated to the inversion was 5% for numerical, 8.8% for structural, 2.5% for numerical and structural, values not significantly different from control donors studied in our lab. The frequencies of X- and Y-bearing sperm were 46% and 54%, respectively, not significantly different from the expected value of 50%. This is the fifth pericentric inversion studied by human sperm chromosome analysis; recombinant chromosomes have been observed in two of the five cases. Some of the factors associated with an increased risk of recombinant sperm appear to be inversion size greater than 30% of the chromosome and chromosome breakpoints in G-light bands.  相似文献   

Using a procedure in which human sperm were allowed to fertilize zona-free golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) eggs in vitro, the sperm chromosomes of a man heterozygous for inv(3) (p11q11) were analyzed. When the chromosomes were Q-banded, the inverted chromosome had the bright centromeric band on the short arm rather than on the long arm, as was seen in the normal No. 3. One hundred and eleven sperm chromosome spreads were examined, of which 64 contained the normal chromosome and 47 the inverted one. This was not significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio. No sperm containing a chromosome imbalance caused by a crossover within the inversion were seen. Ten (8.1%) of the sperm contained chromosome abnormalities unrelated to the inversion. The ratio of X- to Y-bearing sperm was 55:45.  相似文献   

Summary The sperm chromosomes of a man heterozygous for inv(20)(p13q11.2) were analyzed. Twenty-six sperm chromosome complements were examined, of which fourteen contained the normal chromosome, and twelve the inverted chromosome. None of the sperm complements contained a recombinant chromosome 20. The frequency of structural chromosomal aberrations unrelated to the inversion was 11.5% (3/26). Numerical aberrations were not observed. The percentages of X- and Y-bearing sperm were 56% and 44%, respectively, which was similar to the expected 11 ratio.  相似文献   

Analysis of sperm karyotypes and two-color fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) on sperm nuclei were carried out in a man heterozygous for the pericentric inversion inv(9)(p11q13). Sperm chromosome complements were obtained after in vitro fusion of zona-free hamster oocytes and donor sperm. A total of 314 sperm complements was analyzed: 153 (48.7%) carried the inverted chromosome 9 and 161 (51.3%) carried the normal one. None of the sperm complements contained a recombinant chromosome 9, suggesting that no chiasmata were formed in the heterochromatic region. The frequency of structural chromosome aberrations unrelated to the inversion (8.3%) and the frequency of conservative aneuploidy (3.2%) were within the limits observed in our control donors. The proportions of X-bearing (47.3%) and Y-bearing sperm (52.7%) were not significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio. The percentage of disomy for chromosome 21 was analyzed by two-color FISH in 10 336 sperm nuclei. The disomy rate for chromosome 21 (0.30%) was not significantly different from that found in our controls. These results suggest that the risk for this man of producing chromosomally abnormal offspring or spontaneous abortions was not increased, and do not support the existence of an interchromosomal effect for chromosome 21. Received: 28 October 1996  相似文献   

This report includes a patient with an inherited pericentric inversion of chromosome No. 2 in addition to a Robertsonian translocation resulting in trisomy for chromosome 13q. The chromosomal constitution of the proband was 46,XX,inv(2) (pter leads to p11 : : q14 leads to p11 : : q14 leads to qter); t(13,14) (13qter leads to 13p11 : : 14q11 leads to 14qter). Sequential QFQ, RFA and GTG banding techniques were employed on the chromosomes of all family members. The chromosomal constitutions of the father and his first child were normal while the mother had an inversion of chromosome No. 2 [46,XX,inv(2) (pter leads to p11 : : q14 leads to p11 : : q14 leads to qter)]. The proband inherited this abnormal chromosome. In addition, she had a de novo Robertsonian translocation involving chromosomes 13q and 14q resulting in trisomy of chromosome 13q.  相似文献   

In a family in which a large pericentric inversion of chromosome 7 is segregating, two of the four progeny of inversion heterozygotes show severe psychomotor retardation and have the karyotype 46,XX,rec(7),dup q,inv(7)(p22q32), derived from crossing-over within the inversion. Meiotic analysis in one of the heterozygotes revealed no evidence of inversion loops in well-spread pachytene cells. In approximately 20% of cells in diakinesis, the presumptive bivalent 7 had only one chiasma. Two alternatives to the reversed loop mode of meiotic pairing of inversions are proposed. Review of the literature supports the view that "small" pericentric inversions have a much better genetic prognosis than "large" pericentric inversions.  相似文献   

Summary Meiotic and sperm chromosomes were studied in a man heterozygous for a reciprocal translocation t(1;2)(q32; q36). Forty-five meiotic metaphase I cells were obtained from semen samples: 86.6% were 22,XY,IV and 13.3% had synaptic anomalies that affected all or some of the bivalents. The quadrivalents observed had a ring configuration (92.3%) or a chain configuration (7.7%). A total of 105 sperm chromosome complements were analyzed: 41% resulted from an alternate segregation, and the percentage of unbalanced sperm was 59%; most of them (71%) resulted from an adjacent 1 segregation. The frequency of anomalies unrelated to the translocation (5.7% numerical and 14.1% structural anomalies) were within the normal range for control donors. There was a good correspondence between the percentage of cells with a ring IV (92.3%) and the proportion of 2:2 segregations (88.6%) and between the percentage of chain IV (7.7%) and the incidence of 3:1 segregations (11.4%).  相似文献   

Summary A large kindred with a familial pericentric inversion of chromosome 3, (p12q24), was found after an investigation initiated by a young female with three spontaneous first-trimester abortions. Altogether 22 (33%) inversion carriers were discovered, 9 females and 13 males. 6 women and 9 men were included in the fertility and segregation analyses because they were all either sexually mature or past maturity. The abortion frequency was below the average European rate in both the inversion carrier group and the cytogenetically normal relative group; 6%: 3%, respectively. The mean numbers of pregnancies and live births (1.8–3.1) did not vary significantly in the two comparison groups. The segregation analysis among the inversion carriers showed a good correspondence to the theoretical 11 ratio (1613). Males and females contributed equally. No duplication/deletion syndromes have been found in the kindred; all family members are phenotypically normal. We report a balanced familial pericentric inversion with no adverse effects. This chromosome aberration could be an example of a harmless chromosome polymorphism.  相似文献   

J. Jenderny 《Human genetics》1992,90(1-2):171-173
Summary Sperm chromosome complements from two males, one heterozygous for the reciprocal translocation t(2;17)(q35;p13) (n = 18) and one for t(3;8) (p13;p21) (n = 73), were analyzed. Only 2:2 segregations were observed with t(2;17): alternate, 56%; adjacent-I, 33%; adjacent-II, 11%. Both 2:2 and 3:1 meiotic segregations occurred in t(3;8): alternate, 34.2%; adjacent-I, 43.8%; adjacent-II, 20.5% and 3:1, 1.4%. A significant excess of chromosomally normal versus balanced sperm complements was observed with both translocation heterozygotes. The frequencies of other chromosome aberrations unrelated to the translocations were 16.7% for t(2;17) and 8.2% for t(3;8). The ratio of X-bearing to Y-bearing sperm was not different from the theoretically expected ratio of 1:1.  相似文献   

A familial pericentric inversion of the X chromosome [46,X,inv(X)(p11q28)] and [46,inv(X)(p11q28), Y] is reported. The carriers of the inv(X) presented no clinical symptoms. Either the inverted or the normal X chromosome may be late replicating.  相似文献   

A pericentric inversion of chromosome 2 has been detected in 4 unrelated families. The break points are identical in band 2p11 and band 2q13. Reproductive history of these couples is analyzed. The pathology of these particular regions of chromosome 2 is discussed.  相似文献   

A de novo complex chromosomal rearrangement is very rare but likely to be present in a child with developmental disabilities and physical alterations. A child presented in this study showed global developmental delay and some typical phenotypes. Initial karyotyping and FISH analysis in the patient showed an apparently de novo balanced translocation between chromosome 3 and 8, t(3;8)(q13.1;q24.2). Further analysis using multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and array-based comparative genomic hybridization revealed a cryptic microdeletion on 3p13 region. Nearly one-third of balanced rearrangements are reported to involve cryptic disruptions at breakpoints, however, the microdeletion of the proposita was present in non-translocated region of the chromosome 3. After careful reevaluation of the results, a pericentric inversion, inv(3)(p13q13.1) that induced deletion was revealed. The clinical features of developmental delay in cognition, language, and motor function and facial and physical phenotype of the proposita were similar to those found in the children with 3p13 deletion. This case shows that combined molecular cytogenetic techniques with routine karyotyping are very useful to identify subtle genomic changes associated with abnormal phenotypes.  相似文献   

Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) in decondensed sperm nuclei has been used to determine the percentage of normal/balanced or unbalanced spermatozoa produced by an inv(6)(p23q25) carrier, and the possible interchromosomal effect (ICE) of the reorganized chromosomes on other chromosome pairs. A dual color FISH with specific subtelomeric probes for the 6p and 6q regions was performed to determine the segregation pattern of the inverted chromosome. ICE on chromosomes 18, X and Y was assessed using a triple color FISH assay. In the segregation analysis 10,049 spermatozoa were analyzed, and only 45.7% of them were normal/balanced. The high number of unbalanced gametes in our carrier could be the consequence of the large size of the inverted segment. This situation could facilitate the formation of an inversion loop, where formation of an odd number of chiasmata (usually one) result in the production of 50% normal and 50% unbalanced sperm. Furthermore, an increase in the disomy rate for chromosome 6 was also observed. In the screening for ICE, 10,007 spermatozoa were analyzed. The disomy rate for the sex chromosomes and chromosome 18 were not significantly different from those found in our controls, suggesting no evidence of interchromosomal effects in this patient. The use of FISH in decondensed sperm nuclei has proved once more to be an accurate approach to determine the chromosome anomalies in sperm and could help to better establish a reproductive prognosis.  相似文献   

Summary Synapsis and synaptic adjustment were analyzed, using electron microscopy in silver stained surface microspreads of inversion-bearing spermatocytes, in an infertile human male with an inherited pericentric inversion in chromosome 1. Possible reasons for his infertility are discussed.  相似文献   

We report a recurrent partial monosomy of 18p10-->11.2 and proximal partial trisomy of 18q10-->21.3 caused by a maternal pericentric inversion of chromosome 18, involving breakpoints p11.2 and q21q21.3 Based on cytogenetics and FISH analysis, we speculate that the recurrent chromosome abnormality in the proband and in the fetus was the result of a translocation, possibly in a germ cell or germ cell precursor, between the maternal normal 18 and her inverted 18, resulting in maternal germinal mosaicism, i.e. 46,XX,inv(18)/46,XX,t[18;inv(18)][q10;q10]. The unbalanced karyotype of the proband and the fetus is 46,XY,+18,der[18;inv(18)][q10;q10]. To the best of our knowledge, there are no reports of this combination of proximal 18p monosomy and proximal 18q trisomy. The other interesting observation was association of Hirschsprung's disease in the proband.  相似文献   

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