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We study bias-reduced estimators of exponentially transformed parameters in general linear models (GLMs) and show how they can be used to obtain bias-reduced conditional (or unconditional) odds ratios in matched case-control studies. Two options are considered and compared: the explicit approach and the implicit approach. The implicit approach is based on the modified score function where bias-reduced estimates are obtained by using iterative procedures to solve the modified score equations. The explicit approach is shown to be a one-step approximation of this iterative procedure. To apply these approaches for the conditional analysis of matched case-control studies, with potentially unmatched confounding and with several exposures, we utilize the relation between the conditional likelihood and the likelihood of the unconditional logit binomial GLM for matched pairs and Cox partial likelihood for matched sets with appropriately setup data. The properties of the estimators are evaluated by using a large Monte Carlo simulation study and an illustration of a real dataset is shown. Researchers reporting the results on the exponentiated scale should use bias-reduced estimators since otherwise the effects can be under or overestimated, where the magnitude of the bias is especially large in studies with smaller sample sizes.  相似文献   

Forces exerted by stationary cells have been investigated on the level of single focal adhesions by combining elastic substrates, fluorescence labeling of focal adhesions, and the assumption of localized force when solving the inverse problem of linear elasticity theory. Data simulation confirms that the inverse problem is ill-posed in the presence of noise and shows that in general a regularization scheme is needed to arrive at a reliable force estimate. Spatial and force resolution are restricted by the smoothing action of the elastic kernel, depend on the details of the force and displacement patterns, and are estimated by data simulation. Corrections arising from the spatial distribution of force and from finite substrate size are treated in the framework of a force multipolar expansion. Our method is computationally cheap and could be used to study mechanical activity of cells in real time.  相似文献   

We develop a thermodynamically consistent mixture model for avascular solid tumor growth which takes into account the effects of cell-to-cell adhesion, and taxis inducing chemical and molecular species. The mixture model is well-posed and the governing equations are of Cahn-Hilliard type. When there are only two phases, our asymptotic analysis shows that earlier single-phase models may be recovered as limiting cases of a two-phase model. To solve the governing equations, we develop a numerical algorithm based on an adaptive Cartesian block-structured mesh refinement scheme. A centered-difference approximation is used for the space discretization so that the scheme is second order accurate in space. An implicit discretization in time is used which results in nonlinear equations at implicit time levels. We further employ a gradient stable discretization scheme so that the nonlinear equations are solvable for very large time steps. To solve those equations we use a nonlinear multilevel/multigrid method which is of an optimal order O(N) where N is the number of grid points. Spherically symmetric and fully two dimensional nonlinear numerical simulations are performed. We investigate tumor evolution in nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor tissues. A number of important results have been uncovered. For example, we demonstrate that the tumor may suffer from taxis-driven fingering instabilities which are most dramatic when cell proliferation is low, as predicted by linear stability theory. This is also observed in experiments. This work shows that taxis may play a role in tumor invasion and that when nutrient plays the role of a chemoattractant, the diffusional instability is exacerbated by nutrient gradients. Accordingly, we believe this model is capable of describing complex invasive patterns observed in experiments.  相似文献   

Traumatic brain injury due to primary blast loading has become a signature injury in recent military conflicts and terrorist activities. Extensive experimental and computational investigations have been conducted to study the interrelationships between intracranial pressure response and intrinsic or ‘input’ parameters such as the head geometry and loading conditions. However, these relationships are very complicated and are usually implicit and ‘hidden’ in a large amount of simulation/test data. In this study, a data mining method is proposed to explore such underlying information from the numerical simulation results. The heads of different species are described as a highly simplified two-part (skull and brain) finite element model with varying geometric parameters. The parameters considered include peak incident pressure, skull thickness, brain radius and snout length. Their interrelationship and coupling effect are discovered by developing a decision tree based on the large simulation data-set. The results show that the proposed data-driven method is superior to the conventional linear regression method and is comparable to the nonlinear regression method. Considering its capability of exploring implicit information and the relatively simple relationships between response and input variables, the data mining method is considered to be a good tool for an in-depth understanding of the mechanisms of blast-induced brain injury. As a general method, this approach can also be applied to other nonlinear complex biomechanical systems.  相似文献   

Phenological traits of plants, such as flowering time, are linked to growth phase transition. Thus, phenological traits often influence other traits through the modification of the duration of growth period. This influence is a nuisance in plant breeding because it hampers genetic evaluation of the influenced traits. Genetic effects on the influenced traits have two components, one that directly affects the traits and one that indirectly affects the traits via the phenological trait. These cannot be distinguished by phenotypic evaluation and ordinary linear regression models. Consequently, if a phenological trait is modified by introgression or editing of the responsible genes, the phenotypes of the influenced traits can change unexpectedly. To uncover the influence of the phenological trait and evaluate the direct genetic effects on the influenced traits, we developed a nonlinear structural equation (NSE) incorporating a nonlinear influence of the phenological trait. We applied the NSE to real data for cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.): days to heading (DH) as a phenological trait and culm length (CL) as the influenced trait. This showed that CL of the cultivars that showed extremely early heading was shortened by the strong influence of DH. In a simulation study, it was shown that the NSE was able to infer the nonlinear influence and direct genetic effects with reasonable accuracy. However, the NSE failed to infer the linear influence in this study. When no influence was simulated, an ordinary bi-trait linear model (OLM) tended to infer the genetic effects more accurately. In such cases, however, by comparing the NSE and OLM using an information criterion, we could assess whether the nonlinear assumption of the NSE was appropriate for the data analyzed. This study demonstrates the usefulness of the NSE in revealing the phenotypic influence of phenological traits.  相似文献   

Neurons process information via integration of synaptic inputs from dendrites. Many experimental results demonstrate dendritic integration could be highly nonlinear, yet few theoretical analyses have been performed to obtain a precise quantitative characterization analytically. Based on asymptotic analysis of a two-compartment passive cable model, given a pair of time-dependent synaptic conductance inputs, we derive a bilinear spatiotemporal dendritic integration rule. The summed somatic potential can be well approximated by the linear summation of the two postsynaptic potentials elicited separately, plus a third additional bilinear term proportional to their product with a proportionality coefficient . The rule is valid for a pair of synaptic inputs of all types, including excitation-inhibition, excitation-excitation, and inhibition-inhibition. In addition, the rule is valid during the whole dendritic integration process for a pair of synaptic inputs with arbitrary input time differences and input locations. The coefficient is demonstrated to be nearly independent of the input strengths but is dependent on input times and input locations. This rule is then verified through simulation of a realistic pyramidal neuron model and in electrophysiological experiments of rat hippocampal CA1 neurons. The rule is further generalized to describe the spatiotemporal dendritic integration of multiple excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs. The integration of multiple inputs can be decomposed into the sum of all possible pairwise integration, where each paired integration obeys the bilinear rule. This decomposition leads to a graph representation of dendritic integration, which can be viewed as functionally sparse.  相似文献   

A linear incremental finite element model is used to analyze the mechanical behavior of the left ventricle. The ventricle is treated as a heterogeneous, non-linearly elastic, isotropic, thick-walled solid of revolution. A new triaxial constitutive relation for the myocardium is presented which exhibits the observed exponential length-passive tension behavior of left ventricular papillary muscle in the limit of uniaxial tension. This triaxial relation contains three parameters: (a) a “small strain” Young's modulus, (b) a Poisson's ratio, and (c) a parameter which characterizes the nonlinear aspect of the elastic behavior of heart muscle. The inner third and outer two-thirds of the ventricular wall are assumed to have small strain Young's moduli of 30 and 60 g/cm2, respectively. The Poisson's ratio is assumed to be equal to 0.49 throughout the ventricular wall. In general, the results of this study indicate that while a linearly elastic model for the ventricle may be adequate in terms of predicting pressure-volume relationships, a linear model may have serious limitations with regard to predicting fiber elongation within the ventricular wall. For example, volumes and midwall equatorial circumferential strains predicted by the linear and nonlinear models considered in this study differ by approximately 20 and 90%, respectively, at a transmural pressure of 12 cm H2O.  相似文献   

Computational wear prediction is an attractive concept for evaluating new total knee replacement designs prior to physical testing and implementation. An important hurdle to such technology is the lack of in vivo contact pressure predictions. To address this issue, this study evaluates a computationally efficient simulation approach that combines the advantages of rigid and deformable body modeling. The hybrid method uses rigid body dynamics to predict body positions and orientations and elastic foundation theory to predict contact pressures between general three-dimensional surfaces. To evaluate the method, we performed static pressure experiments with a commercial knee implant in neutral alignment using flexion angles of 0, 30, 60, and 90 degrees and loads of 750, 1500, 2250, and 3000N. Using manufacturer CAD geometry for the same implant, an elastic foundation model with linear or nonlinear polyethylene material properties was implemented within a commercial multibody dynamics software program. The model's ability to predict experimental peak and average contact pressures simultaneously was evaluated by performing dynamic simulations to find the static configuration. Both the linear and nonlinear material models predicted the average contact pressure data well, while only the linear material model could simultaneously predict the trends in the peak contact pressure data. This novel modeling approach is sufficiently fast and accurate to be used in design sensitivity and optimization studies of knee implant mechanics and ultimately wear.  相似文献   

The functional principles of a hydrostatic skeleton were combined to obtain a physical model which includes geometry, number and length-tension relationships of the elastic elements in the body wall, internal volume and internal pressure. The model skeleton with pre-set internal volume assumes a certain shape and develops a specific internal pressure in order to minimize the potential energy stored in the elastic elements. This shape is calculated as equilibrium state by using finite element methods and optimization techniques. This model is flexible enough to accommodate different geometries and length-tension-relationships of the elastic elements. Presently, the model is implemented with linear length-tension relationships and certain geometrical restrictions, such as uniform width over the entire animal, and rectangular cross sections; the general case is outlined. First simulations with the "unit-worm" yield stable solutions, i.e. stable shapes for all combinations of parameters tested so far. They define the conditions for bringing all muscles to an optimal operating point. We detected a pressure maximum with increasing volume, assessed the contribution of circular muscles to bending, and determined the shapes of animals with different muscle activations in each body half (Chapman-matrix). We summarize our results by the volume rule and stabilization rule, two simple concepts which predict changes in shape as the result of muscle activation.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(5):1152-1164
The unique nonlinear mechanics of the fibrous extracellular matrix (ECM) facilitates long-range cell-cell mechanical communications that would be impossible for linear elastic substrates. Past research has described the contribution of two separated effects on the range of force transmission, including ECM elastic nonlinearity and fiber alignment. However, the relation between these different effects is unclear, and how they combine to dictate force transmission range is still elusive. Here, we combine discrete fiber simulations with continuum modeling to study the decay of displacements induced by a contractile cell in fibrous networks. We demonstrate that fiber nonlinearity and fiber reorientation both contribute to the strain-induced elastic anisotropy of the cell’s local environment. This elastic anisotropy is a “lumped” parameter that governs the slow decay of displacements, and it depends on the magnitude of applied strain, either an external tension or an internal contraction, as a model of the cell. Furthermore, we show that accounting for artificially prescribed elastic anisotropy dictates the decay of displacements induced by a contracting cell. Our findings unify previous single effects into a mechanical theory that explains force transmission in fibrous networks. This work may provide insights into biological processes that involve communication of distant cells mediated by the ECM, such as those occurring in morphogenesis, wound healing, angiogenesis, and cancer metastasis. It may also provide design parameters for biomaterials to control force transmission between cells as a way to guide morphogenesis in tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Reaction diffusion systems are often used to study pattern formation in biological systems. However, most methods for understanding their behavior are challenging and can rarely be applied to complex systems common in biological applications. I present a relatively simple and efficient, nonlinear stability technique that greatly aids such analysis when rates of diffusion are substantially different. This technique reduces a system of reaction diffusion equations to a system of ordinary differential equations tracking the evolution of a large amplitude, spatially localized perturbation of a homogeneous steady state. Stability properties of this system, determined using standard bifurcation techniques and software, describe both linear and nonlinear patterning regimes of the reaction diffusion system. I describe the class of systems this method can be applied to and demonstrate its application. Analysis of Schnakenberg and substrate inhibition models is performed to demonstrate the methods capabilities in simplified settings and show that even these simple models have nonlinear patterning regimes not previously detected. The real power of this technique, however, is its simplicity and applicability to larger complex systems where other nonlinear methods become intractable. This is demonstrated through analysis of a chemotaxis regulatory network comprised of interacting proteins and phospholipids. In each case, predictions of this method are verified against results of numerical simulation, linear stability, asymptotic, and/or full PDE bifurcation analyses.  相似文献   

The nonlinear, core-conductor model of action potential propagation down axisymmetric nerve fibers is adapted for an implicit, numerical simulation by computer solution of the differential equations. The calculation allows a septum to be inserted in the model fiber; the thin, passive septum is characterized by series resistance Rsz and shunt resistance Rss to the grounded bath. If Rsz is too large or Rss too small, the signal fails to propagate through the septum. Plots of the action potential profiles for various axial positions are obtained and show distortions due to the presence of the septum. A simple linear model, developed from these simulations, relates propagation delay through the septum and the preseptal risetime to Rsz and Rss. This model agrees with the simulations for a wide range of parameters and allows estimation of Rsz and Rss from measured propagation delays at the septum. Plots of the axial current as a function of both time and position demonstrate how the presence of the septum can cause prominent local reversals of the current. This result, not previously described, suggests that extracellular magnetic measurements of cellular action currents could be useful in the biophysical study of septated fibers.  相似文献   

A set of nonlinear differential equations describing flagellar motion in an external viscous medium is derived. Because of the local nature of these equations and the use of a Crank-Nicolson-type forward time step, which is stable for large deltat, numerical solution of these equations on a digital computer is relatively fast. Stable bend initiation and propagation, without internal viscous resistance, is demonstrated for a flagellum containing a linear elastic bending resistance and an elastic shear resistance that depends on sliding. The elastic shear resistance is derived from a plausible structural model of the radial link system. The active shear force for the dynein system is specified by a history-dependent functional of curvature characterized by the parameters m0, a proportionality constant between the maximum active shear moment and curvature, and tau, a relaxation time which essentially determines the delay between curvature and active moment.  相似文献   

In this paper, we will present and review the most usual methods to detect linear and nonlinear causality between signals: linear Granger causality test (Geweke in J Am Stat Assoc 77:304–313, 1982) extended to direct causality in multivariate case (LGC), directed coherence (DCOH, Saito and Harashima in Recent advances in EEG and EMG data processing, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1981), partial directed coherence (PDC, Sameshima and Baccala 1999) and nonlinear Granger causality test of Baek and Brock (in Working Paper University of Iowa, 1992) extended to direct causality in multivariate case (partial nonlinear Granger causality, PNGC). All these methods are tested and compared on several ARX, Poisson and nonlinear models, and on neurophysiological data (depth EEG). The results show that LGC, DCOH and PDC are not very robust in relation to nonlinear linkages but they seem to correctly find linear linkages if only the autoregressive parts are nonlinear. PNGC is extremely dependent on the choice of parameters. Moreover, LGC and PNGC may give misleading results in the case of causality on a spectral band, which is illustrated by our neurophysiological database.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

In a recent paper, we showed that the value of a nonlinear quantity computed from scalp electrode data was correlated with the time to a seizure in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. In this paper we study the relationship between the linear and nonlinear content and analyses of the scalp data. We do this in two ways. First, using surrogate data methods, we show that there is important nonlinear structure in the scalp electrode data to which our methods are sensitive. Second, we study the behavior of some simple linear metrics on the same set of scalp data to see whether the nonlinear metrics contain additional information not carried by the linear measures. We find that, while the nonlinear measures are correlated with time to seizure, the linear measures are not, over the time scales we have defined. The linear and nonlinear measures are themselves apparently linearly correlated, but that correlation can be ascribed to the influence of a small set of outliers, associated with muscle artifact. A remaining, more subtle relation between the variance of the values of a nonlinear measure and the expectation value of a linear measure persists. Implications of our observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Small, sinusoidal length changes were superimposed on isometric contractions of fast- and slow-twitch mouse muscles, which were stimulated maximally via their nerves. Stiffness increased with increasing frequency of sinusoidal stimulation, but the relative time course of force and stiffness changes during twitch, tetanic, or partially fused contractions was quite invariant over a range of frequencies in both muscles. Typically, stiffness increases more rapidly than force during contraction and decreases less rapidly during relaxation. This pattern was observed at various temperatures and with various numbers of stimuli. It can be described by a nonlinear relation between stiffness and force with some hysteresis. The presence in the muscle of parallel and series elastic elements, whose stiffness varies with force, may account for the nonlinear relation. This nonlinearity can be used to relate the patterns for summation of force and stiffness observed with brief trains of stimuli under a variety of conditions.  相似文献   

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