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The use of bioreactors may provide an efficient and economic tool for mass clonal propagation of plants if technical problems can be solved. In this paper, we report the results of experiments aimed at optimising conditions for apple rootstock M26 grown in RITA containers using the temporary immersion principle. We tested different types and sizes of explants, different concentrations of plant growth regulators (BAP, kinetin and IBA) in the multiplication and elongation phases, and medium exchange during the shoot elongation period. The results show that the higher concentrations of cytokinins were required during the shoot multiplication phase, while the lower concentrations were better during the shoot elongation phase. Hyperhydricity was increased with increasing concentration in of cytokinins during both shoot multiplication and shoot elongation phases. The best shoot production in terms of shoot number and shoot quality was obtained using 4.4mol BAP and 0.5mol IBA during the shoot multiplication phase and 1.1mol BAP and 0.25mol IBA during the shoot elongation phase. Medium exchange twice during the shoot elongation phase resulted in higher shoot production compared with no exchange of the medium. However, it also resulted in increased hyperhydricity. Immersion frequency of 16 times per day gave a higher multiplication rate and longer shoots than 8 times per day. The explant size of 0.5cm or 1cm resulted in a significantly higher shoot production rate compared with that of 1.5cm, but shoot length and hyperhydricity were not affected by the explant size. Shoot cultures from the liquid media rooted normally in the RITA containers with more than 90% rooting and the rooted plantlets acclimatised well in the greenhouse.  相似文献   

The quality of shoots in cultures of the apple rootstock, M4, was used as a criterion for the selection of an optimum medium. The frequency of shoots in defined shoot clases was monitored for each of five media, which differed in the type and concentration of phytohormone. Media containing BA (1.15 mg l-1) and IBA (either 0.15 or 0.20 mg l-1) produced the maximum number of shoots that were desirable for transplantation and acclimatization.  相似文献   

The effect of light on anthocyanin production in apple ( Malus pumila Mill. cv. Jonathan) skin disks was investigated, with prolonged irradiation from different light sources. High fluence rates of white light provided from a xenon lamp were unable to produce large amounts of anthocyanin, and anthocyanin production became saturated at about 30 W m−2. When UV-B light, provided by a fluorescent lamp which had an emission peak at 312 nm, was combined with the white light, anthocyanin production was synergistically stimulated and increased up to the highest fluence rates of white light tested (44 W m−2). This UV-B light was more effective than red and blue light provided from fluorescent lamps, but anthocyanin production became saturated at about 1.7 W m−2. However, simultaneous irradiation with red and UV-B light had a synergistic effect. UV-B light was also effective in increasing anthocyanin production in whole fruit. Therefore this synergism seemed to have an important role in the development of the desirable red skin color under field light conditions. The results of aminoethoxyvinylglycine treatment suggested that ethylene was not involved in the stimulative effect of UV-B light.  相似文献   

In order to obtain optimum conditions for in vitro propagation of the apple rootstock M 26 ( Malus pumila Mill.) in adult and juvenile growth phases, several rooting experiments were performed. Supraoptimal concentrations of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) added to the rooting media resulted in profuse callus formation. Since extensive callus production is detrimental to the survival of the plantlets, modified culture conditions were established to reduce callus formation. A reduction of the time of exposure to IBA to 5 days and, thereafter, transfer to a hormone-free medium did not eliminate callus production. Exposure to darkness during the root initiation phase increased rooting. When the rooting medium was based on the Lepoivre formula instead of the Murashige and Skoog formula, callus formation was reduced. Optimum conditions for rooting were obtained at much lower concentration than earlier reported, being 1.25 μM for the juvenile and 0.5 μM for the adult growth phase in the range of IBA concentrations tested. Anatomical studies revealed that root initials are formed after 5 days of IBA-treatment. Therefore, we transferred shoots directly to non-sterile conditions after the root-inducing phase. This resulted in a 90% survival of the plantlets. Subculture on hormone-free medium can thus be eliminated when the optimum auxin concentration is known.  相似文献   

Endogenous indole-3-acid (IAA) and zeatin (t-Z) may play important roles in the dwarfing mechanisms of rootstocks. The concentrations of IAA and t-Z, as well as the expression of the genes PIN1 and IPT3 were measured in leaves, barks, and roots from nine treatments: M9, Malus X micromalus Makino, Red Fuji/M9/Malus X micromalus, Red Fuji/M9, Red Fuji/Malus X micromalus, M9 rootstock substitution above and below the original graft union, interstock bridging, and interstock bark substitution of M9. The results show that there were greater amounts of t-Z and expressions of IPT3 in invigorated trees (Malus X micromalus and Red Fuji/Malus X micromalus) when compared with dwarfing trees (M9, Red Fuji/M9/Malus X micromalus and Red Fuji/M9) during the period of fast shoot growth (early June to mid-August). Moreover, the variation of IAA contents and PIN1 expressions shared the same pattern with t-Z contents and IPT3 expressions in all the tested locations. IAA content was extremely high in the bark of M9 interstock when compared with that of the scion and the rootstock, yet PIN1 expression in corresponding tissues was very low. After M9 rootstock were substituted above and below the original graft union, contents of t-Z, IAA, and PIN1 expressions in leaves and branch-barks recovered gradually to standard tree levels. However, there is no significant difference between the two treatments. We conclude graft union has no obvious influence on hormone transport. After M9 interstock and its bark were substituted, the hormone measurement of every index was consistent with that of rootstock substitution.  相似文献   

Uptake and translocation of paclobutrazol by shoots of M.26 apple rootstock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When 14C-paclobutrazol, a gibberellin synthesis inhibitor, was applied to different parts of actively-growing M.26 apple rootstock shoots it was translocated acropetally when applied to the young stem and, to a lesser extent, from the youngest unrolled leaf. Paclobutrazol was not translocated out of leaf laminae, shoot tips or from one-year-old wood but translocation occurred out of a treated petiole into the attached leaf. No basipetal translocation was detected. This translocation pattern suggested movement through the xylem.Localised application of paclobutrazol caused a reduction in shoot extension and leaf production when the young stem or shoot tip were treated; the effect decreased as older parts of the stem were treated. Treatment of laminae or petioles had only a slight effect on shoot extension and treatment of one-year-old wood was ineffective. Combined treatment of the shoot tip plus young stem was similar in effect to treatment of the complete shoot.It is suggested that paclobutrazol exerts its effects on shoot growth by inhibiting gibberellin biosynthesis in the shoot tip and the expanding leaves.The findings contribute to an understanding of the requirements for efficient orchard application of foliar sprays of paclobutrazol.  相似文献   

Successful in vitro propagation of clonal apple rootstock MM106 was achieved by culturing axillary buds on MS basal medium with BAP (1 mg/L), GA3 (0.5 mg/L) and IBA (0.1 mg/L). Use of liquid medium (LM) in initial cultures reduced phenol exudation to a greater extent and gave maximum sprouting percentage when transferred to solid MS medium. Phloroglucinol (PG) did not enhance sprouting of buds but increased the rate of multiplication when added in the medium. Maximum number of shoots were obtained when MS medium was supplemented with BAP (0.5 mg/L), GA3 (1 mg/L), IBA (0.1 mg/L) and PG (100 mg/L). For rooting, in vitro regenerated shoots were placed in IBA (30 mg/L) for 3 hr and transferred to solidified auxin free medium. Rooting was recorded in about 80% of shoots. Inclusion of PG in rooting medium was not beneficial but shoot cultures grown in its presence gave higher rooting percentage. Rooted plantlets showed about 70% survival rate in potting mixture of sand:soil:perlite (1:1:1).  相似文献   

With their continuous growth, understanding how plant shapes form is fundamentally linked to understanding how growth rates are controlled across different regions of the plant. Much of a plant's architecture is generated in shoots and roots, where fast growth in tips contrasts with slow growth in supporting stalks. Shapes can be determined by where the boundaries between fast- and slow-growing regions are positioned, determining whether tips elongate, branch, or cease to grow. Across plants, there is a diversity in the cell wall chemistry through which growth operates. However, prototypical morphologies, such as tip growth and branching, suggest there are common dynamic constraints in localizing chemical growth catalysts. We have used Turing-type reaction-diffusion mechanisms to model this spatial localization and the resulting growth trajectories, characterizing the chemistry-growth feedback necessary for maintaining tip growth and for inducing branching. The mechanism defining the boundaries between fast- and slow-growing regions not only affects tip shape, it must be able to form new boundaries when the pattern-forming dynamics break symmetry, for instance in the branching of a tip. In previous work, we used an arbitrary concentration threshold to switch between two dynamic regimes of the growth catalyst in order to define growth boundaries. Here, we present a chemical dynamic basis for this threshold, in which feedback between two pattern-forming mechanisms controls the extent of the regions in which fast growth occurs. This provides a general self-contained mechanism for growth control in plant morphogenesis (not relying on external cues) which can account for both simple tip extension and symmetry-breaking branching phenomena.  相似文献   

The treatment of in vitro-grown shoots of the marubakaido apple rootstock with 0.5 μg stigmasterol, an end-pathway sterol of the bifurcated sterol biosynthetic pathway, in 5 μL acetone per shoot led to a significant (p ≤ 0.05) enhancement of the multiplication rate (MR) from 5.1 (shoots treated with 5 μL acetone only) to 10.3. This increase in the MR was due to a significant enhancement of the number of newly formed main shoots suitable for micropropagation purposes (measuring at least 15 mm in length) from 2.6 to 3.3 per explant, and of the number of newly formed primary lateral shoots from 2.2 to 5.0 per explant as well. Shoots treated with stigmasterol at 0.5 and 2.5 μg per shoot presented primary and secondary lateral shoots with significantly (p ≤ 0.05) longer length compared to shoots treated with acetone only. These results provide an insight into the morphological responses of the marubakaido rootstock shoots to the treatment with an end-pathway sterol. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first report on the successful use of stigmasterol for the improvement of a micropropagation system. These results also demonstrate that stigmasterol-induced shoot proliferation is a low-cost and effective way to enhance the in vitro MR for the apple rootstock.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase (NR) is the first enzyme in the nitrogen assimilation pathway. The in vitro NR activity of Gracilaria chilensis was assayed under different conditions to reveal its stability and biochemical characteristics, and an optimized in vitro assay is described. Maximal NR activities were observed at pH 8.0 and 15 degrees C. The apparent Km value for NADH was 8 microM and for nitrate 680 microM. Crude extracts of G. chilensis stored at 4 degrees C showed a 50% decrease of NR activity after 24 h. The highest NR activity value (253.20+/-2.60 x 10(-3) U g(-1)) was obtained when 100% von Stosch medium (500 microM NO3-) was added before extraction of apical parts. Algae under light:dark cycles of 12:12h exhibited circadian fluctuation of NR activity and photosynthesis with more than 2 times higher levels in the light phase. No evidence of endogenous diel rhythm controlling NR activity or photosynthesis was observed. Light pulses lasting 10 or 60 min during the darkness increased the NR activity by 30% and 45%, respectively. The results indicate that NR and photosynthesis are regulated mainly by light and not by a biological clock.  相似文献   

The present research investigates the biological profile of eight symmetrical diheteroarylureas and phenylheteroarylureas, testing their hypothetical cytokinin-like activity and rooting activity. Cytokinin-like activity was assayed by the betacyanin (so-called amaranthin) accumulation test and by the tomato regeneration test. The rooting activity was assessed using the mung bean rooting test, the apple stem slice test and the rooting of apple microcuttings. Three compounds, 1,3-di(pyrazin-2-yl)urea (3a), 1,3-di(benzo[d]oxazol-5-yl)urea (3b) and 1,3-di(benzo[d]oxazol-6-yl)urea (3c), enhanced adventitious root formation in apple stem slice test, but only 3b and 3c were active in the mung bean rooting test. Compound 3b, that showed the best rooting activity, was also able to enhance the adventitious root formation in apple microcuttings. None of the compounds showed cytokinin-like activity.  相似文献   

Growth and development of plants are known to be affected by exposure to red and blue light. Mechanisms by which light quality influences gene expression in maize (Zea mays L.) embryos have not been explored. Maize kernels can be cultured in vitro allowing experimental manipulation of environmental factors during seed development. We used the in vitro kernel culture system to investigate the response of developing maize seeds, which normally develop without exposure to light, to controlled light quality. Kernels grown under red light accumulated more dry weight than those grown in darkness, whereas kernels grown under blue light accumulated less. Reciprocal color shift experiments showed that light quality during the first week in culture had more influence on kernel weight than during the subsequent three weeks in culture. Soluble sugars were higher in both light treatments than in darkness. Blue-grown kernels had higher amino acid and lower lipid levels than red-or dark-grown kernels. Embryo morphology was markedly affected by red light, under which the upper shoot axis was longer than under blue light or in darkness. Embryo morphology was influenced by light quality during the later stages of development rather than the first week. We suggest, based on these results, that gene expression in the embryo and endosperm of developing maize seeds is sensitive to light quality, and the mechanism and time dependence of this effect warrant further study. In vitro maize kernel culture affords a convenient system for such light quality experiments.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Actin cytoskeleton is the basis of chloroplast-orientation movements. These movements are activated by blue light in the leaves of terrestrial angiosperms. Red light has been shown to affect the spatial reorganization of F-actin in water plants, where chloroplast movements are closely connected with cytoplasmic streaming. The aim of the present study was to determine whether blue light, which triggers characteristic responses of chloroplasts, i.e. avoidance and accumulation, also influences F-actin organization in the mesophyll cells of Arabidopsis thaliana. Actin filaments in fixed mesophyll tissue were labelled with Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated phalloidin. The configuration of actin filaments, expressed as a form factor (4 pi x area/perimeter(2)), was determined for all actin formations which were measured in fluorescence confocal images. RESULTS: In the present study, we compare form-factor distributions and the median form factors for strong and weak, blue- and red-irradiated tissues. Spatial organization of the F-actin network did not undergo any changes which could be attributed specifically to blue light. Actin patterns were similar in blue-irradiated wild-type plants and phot2 (phototropin 2) mutants which lack the avoidance response of chloroplasts. However, significant differences in the shape and distribution of F-actin formations were observed between mesophyll cells of phot2 mutants irradiated with strong and weak red light. These differences were absent in wild-type leaves. CONCLUSIONS: Actin does not appear to be the main target for the blue-light chloroplast-orientation signal. The modes of actin involvement in chloroplast translocations are different in water and terrestrial angiosperms. The results suggest that co-operation occurs between blue- and red-light photoreceptors in the control of the actin cytoskeleton architecture in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Moritoshi Iino 《Planta》1988,176(2):183-188
The effects of pretreatments with red and blue light (RL, BL) on the fluence-response curve for the phototropism induced by a BL pulse (first positive curvature) were investigated with darkadapted maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles. A pulse of RL, giving a fluence sufficient to saturate phytochrome-mediated responses in this material, shifted the bell-shaped phototropic fluence-response curve to higher fluences and increased its peak height. A pulse of high-fluence BL given immediately prior to this RL treatment temporarily suppressed the phototropic fluence-response curve, and shifted the curve to higher fluences than induced by RL alone. The shift by BL progressed rapidly compared to that by RL. The results indicate (1) that first positive curvature is desensitized by both phytochrome and a BL system, (2) that desensitization by BL occurs with respect to both the maximal response and the quantum efficiency, and (3) that the desensitization responses mediated by phytochrome and the BL system can be induced simultaneously but develop following different kinetics. It is suggested that theses desensitization responses contribute to the induction of second positive curvature, a response induced by prolonged irradiation.Abbreviations BL blue light - RL red light CIW-DPB Publication No. 1001  相似文献   

Apple (Malus domestica) rootstock G.41 is an excellent member of the Geneva series because it has traits for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses. A simple and efficient protocol for obtaining shoots from leaf explants was established by optimizing the combinations of plant growth regulators, mode of wounding, and explant orientation on the culture medium. The best shoot multiplication index (2.58) was obtained from successful subculture medium that was the standard Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 7.5 g L?1 agar, 3.55 μM N 6-benzyladenine, 0.16 μM indole-3-butyric acid, and 30 g L?1 sucrose. Regeneration rates were highest (99%) when MS medium was supplemented with 2.7 μM thidiazuron and 0.9 μM 1-naphthaleneacetic acid, and cut-wounding explants before placing the abaxial surface in contact with the medium. The best rooting percentage (80%) was obtained on MS medium supplemented with 4.92 μM indole-3-butyric acid. Plantlets were rooted in vitro and survived acclimatization in the laboratory and greenhouse.  相似文献   

Galland P 《Planta》1998,205(2):269-276
Phototropism experiments were done with sporangiophores of the fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus to characterize the interaction between far-UV, blue and red light. Far-UV light elicits negative phototropism (bending away from the light source) while blue light elicits positive phototropism (bending toward the light source). In contrast, red light above 600 nm is phototropically inert. Phototropism was analyzed with light regimens of bilateral or unilateral irradiation with far-UV and blue light. Under bilateral irradiation, in which the two light sources were facing each other, blue light partially inhibited the far-UV-elicited phototropism. A fluence-response curve for this inhibition showed that blue light was maximally effective at fluence rates which exceeded 3 to 57 times that of the far-UV. Tonic red light, which was given from above, abolished to a large extent the antagonistic action of blue light. With a regimen of unilateral irradiation, i.e. when far-UV and blue light were given from the same side, a phototropic balance could be achieved with approximately equal fluence rates of blue and UV light. Above or below this critical balance point the bending was either negative or positive. In this setup the effect of tonic red light was complex. First, it caused an enhancement of the positive or negative bending, and second, it caused at some fluence rates a sign reversal from positive to negative phototropism. The balance point itself was only marginally affected. The data cannot be explained on the basis of a single photoreceptor and support the previous notion of separate far-UV and blue-light receptors. The antagonism between these two receptors probably occurs on the level of a red-light-absorbing receptor intermediate. Received: 16 November 1997 / Accepted: 18 December 1997  相似文献   

After a pre-treatment with red light, hair formation at the growing tip of the siphonaceous green alga Acetabularia mediterranea Lamour. (= A. acetabulum (L.) Silva) can be induced by a pulse of blue light. Red light is needed again after the inductive blue-light pulse if the new whorl of hairs is to develop within the next 24 h. In order to investigate the role of this red light, the duration of the red irradiation was varied and combined with periods of darkness. The response of hair-whorl formation was dependent on the total amount of red light, regardless of whether the red irradiation followed the blue pulse immediately or was separated from it by a period of darkness. Furthermore, periods of exposure to the photosynthesis inhibitor 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1-1dimethylurea had a similar effect to darkness. Both observations indicate that this red irradiation acts as a light source for photosynthesis. Whether or not the red light had an additional effect via phytochrome was tested in another type of experiment. The dependence of hair-whorl formation on red-light irradiance in the presence of simultaneous far-red irradiation was determined for the pre-irradiation period as well as for the irradiation period after the blue pulse. In both experiments, far-red light caused a small promotion of hair-whorl formation when low irradiances of red light were used. However, these differences were attributable to a low level of photosynthetic activity (which in fact was measurable) caused by red light reflected in the growth chamber. Furthermore, lowering the proportion of active phytochrome by far-red light would be expected to suppress hair-whorl formation. The influence of far-red light was also tested in a strain of Acetabularia mediterranea that developed hair whorls in about 20% of cells even when kept in complete darkness after the blue-light pulse. Far-red irradiation had no effect. These results strongly indicate that phytochrome is not involved in hair-whorl formation. Rather it is concluded that the effects of red light are caused by photosynthesis.Abbreviation DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea  相似文献   

In vitro clonal multiplication of apple rootstock MM 111 using axillary buds and shoot apices were carried out. Vegetative axillary buds of the size of 0.2-2.0 cm and shoot apices measuring 4 mm in length were initiated to shoot proliferation on MS medium supplemented with BA (0.5 - 1.0 mgl(-1)), GA3(0.5 mgl(-1)), with or without IBA(0.05 - 0.1 mgl(-1)). Small size explants showed less phenol exudation and less contamination. Following establishment phase, the small shoots emerged from explants were subcultured on MS medium supplemented with different combinations and concentrations of growth regulators. BA (1.0 mgl(-1)) and GA3 (0.5 mgl(-1)) combination showed highest multiplication rate (1:5), andcl also produced longer shoots. Two step rooting was done by transferring microcuttings to auxin free solid medium after root initiation in dark on 1/2 strength MS liquid medium containing IBA (0.5 mgl(-1) ). Rooted plantlets were transferred to peat containing paper cups and resulting plants of MM 111 acclimated successfully for transfer to field.  相似文献   

Unrolling of the second leaf of 8-day-old rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings was promoted by weak blue light (B), but not by red light (R). The effect of B was counteracted by irradiation with R just before or after the B. The counteracting effect of R was reversed by subsequent irradiation with far-red light but not by B, even if B was applied for 10 h. The B was effective when the region 0.5–2 cm from the tip of the leaf was irradiated. These results indicate that in rice photoreceptors for blue light located in the region 0.5–2 cm from the tip of the leaf play a key role in leaf unrolling and that a B-absorbing pigment and phytochrome participate in leaf unrolling in a closely related manner.Abbreviations B blue light - R red light - FR far-red light - W white light - D dark This work was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists on April 4, 1978, in Hiroshima  相似文献   

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