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Genealogical and gene marker data from the closely related species Macaca mulatta and Macaca fascicularis have been used to search for linkage between genes coding for the blood proteins albumin, carbonic anhydrase 1 and 2, diaphorase 1 and 2, group-specific component, glucose phosphate isomerase, hemoglobin alpha chains, isocitrate dehydrogenase, prealbumin, and transferrin. The results are consistent with conservation of the linkage between the loci coding for albumin and group-specific component and loci coding for the two carbonic anhydrase isozymes, as observed in other species. Among the 38 possible pairwise comparisons, no new linkage groups were identified. Tight linkage can be excluded for most pairs of loci.  相似文献   

We used genotypes for 13 short tandem repeats (STRs) to assess the genetic diversity within and differentiation among populations of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) from mainland Asia and long-tailed macaques (M. fascicularis) from mainland and insular Southeast Asia. The subjects were either recently captured in the wild or derived from wild-caught founders maintained in captivity for biomedical research. A large number of alleles are shared between the 2 macaque species but a significant genetic division between them persists. The distinction is more clear-cut among populations that are not, or are unlikely to have recently been, geographically contiguous. Our results suggest there has been significant interspecific nuclear gene flow between rhesus macaques and long-tailed macaques on the mainland. Comparisons of mainland and island populations of long-tailed macaques reflect marked genetic subdivisions due to barriers to migration. Geographic isolation has restricted gene flow, allowing island populations to become subdivided and genetically differentiated. Indonesian long-tailed macaques show evidence of long-term separation and genetic isolation from the mainland populations, whereas long-tailed macaques from the Philippines and Mauritius both display evidence of founder effects and subsequent isolation, with the impact from genetic drift being more profound in the latter.  相似文献   

We investigated placental transport mechanisms of phenylalanine in Macaca mulatta and Macaca fascicularis. In the beginning of the third trimester we administered i.v. phenylalanine and p-chlorophenylalanine to pregnant animals. Initial higher phenylalanine concentrations were observed followed by a rapid decrease in both rhesus mothers and fetuses when compared with phenylalanine levels in fascicularis mothers and fetuses. In general, however, placental transfer mechanisms of phenylalanine did not differ significantly between the two species.  相似文献   

Giemsa banding patterns of chromosomes in seven Rattus species were compared. Four species (R. rattus tanezumi, R. norvegicus, R. exulans and R. muelleri) had all 2n=42 and their karyotypes and banding patterns were similar, although slight differences were observed. Another subspecies (R. rattus rattus) and two other species (R. fuscipes and R. conatus) had fewer chromosomes than the above species by having large biarmed chromosomes developed probably by Robertsonian fusion. The origin of the arms of biarmed chromosomes was recognized by their characteristic banding patterns. The remaining species, R. sabanus, had a karyotype markedly different from the other species by having two small metacentrics although in the others their number was 7. Banding patterns of the chromosomes in this species, however, were also very similar to those of the other, and therefore the 7 small metacentrics seemed to have originated by pericentric inversion of small acrocentrics.Contribution No. 912 from the National Institute of Genetics, Japan. Supported by a grant-in-aid from the Ministry of Education of Japan, Nos. 90183, 90375 and 744002.  相似文献   

3 adult monkeys, one Macaca fascicularis and two Macaca mulatta, were whole-body irradiated with 1 Gy gamma-rays (60 Co). Reciprocal translocations induced in spermatogonial stem cells were scored as translocation multivalents in primary spermatocytes from 7.5 to 27.5 months after exposure. The translocation yields ranged from 4.1% at the earliest to 1.8% at the latest sampling interval. No significant differences were observed in the responses of the individual animals. A decline in the translocation frequencies with time after treatment was found in all 3 animals. The present data are different from those reported for testicular X-irradiation of the rhesus monkey Macaca mulatta (van Buul, 1980; Lyon et al., 1976) in that the translocation yields are higher. They are consistent with the results reported for testicular gamma-irradiation of the crab-eating monkey Macaca fascicularis (Matsuda et al., 1984, 1985). In view of the present results it appears unlikely that a species difference exists within the genus Macaca in the sensitivity of spermatogonial stem cells to the induction of translocations by ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

Sonographic monitoring of the reproductive tract in the nongravid female macaque provides a means for assessing normal anatomy and pathologic change involving the uterus and adnexal structures. Animals with reduced reproductive potential can be identified and diagnoses frequently confirmed with the use of ultrasound-guided aspiration/biopsy. The importance of these observations is twofold: (1) for the maintenance of a healthy reproductive colony, and (2) as a means of identifying animals for use as models for human health problems, such as endometriosis.  相似文献   

Observations on oppositely sexed pairs of M. fascicularis and M. mulatta revealed certain differences. M. fascicularis showed single-mount copulations, higher potency, less grooming activity, and milder but more frequent aggressive exchanges than the rhesus monkey. These differences might be due to the lower dominance gradient between the sexes and less sexual dimorphism in M. fascicularis than in M. mulatta. There were changes in the sexual, grooming, and aggressive interaction in relation to the menstrual cycle, indicating the suitability of M. fascicularis for hormone-behavior studies. Comparison of data from 30 and 60 min tests showed that important behavioral changes did not become apparent unless animals were given enough time to interact.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of two species of baboons, Papio papio and P. anubis, and of two species of Macaca, M. mulatta and M. fascicularis, are compared after the use of numerous banding techniques. No difference was detected between the karyotype of the two Papio species. However, a minor change in the T-staining of a short segment, probably heterochromatic, could be detected between the Papio species and M. mulatta. A paracentric inversion exists between these three and M. fascicularis. These karyotypes are briefly compared with those of the Pongidae and man. The value of the karyotypic criteria and of the methods used for taxonomy is discussed.  相似文献   

Macaca fascicularis and Macaca mulatta are two of the most commonly used laboratory macaques, yet their genetic differences at a genome‐wide level remain unclear. We analysed the multilocus DNA sequence data of 54 autosomal loci obtained from M. fascicularis samples from three different geographic origins and M. mulatta samples of Burmese origin. M. fascicularis shows high nucleotide diversity, four to five times higher than humans, and a strong geographic population structure between Indonesian‐Malaysian and Philippine macaques. The pattern of divergence and polymorphism between M. fascicularis and M. mulatta shows a footprint of genetic exchange not only within their current hybrid zone but also across a wider range for more than 1 million years. However, genetic admixture may not be a random event in the genome. Whereas randomly selected genic and intergenic regions have the same evolutionary dynamics between the species, some cytochrome oxidase P450 (CYP) genes (major chemical metabolizing genes and potential target genes for local adaptation) have a significantly larger species divergence than other genes. By surveying CYP3A5 gene sequences of more than a hundred macaques, we identified three nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms that were highly differentiated between the macaques. The mosaic pattern of species divergence in the genomes may be a consequence of genetic differentiation under ecological adaptation and may be a salient feature in the genomes of nascent species under parapatry.  相似文献   

The primary molars and the first permanent molars of two Asian cercopithecoid species, Macaca mulatta and Macaca speciosa, were statistically described. Sexual dimorphism was not found related to tooth dimensions nor was there a significant difference between the right and the left sides. Generally, the teeth of Macaca mulatta were found to be larger than those of Macaca speciosa, and that this difference was significant for most tooth measurements. The discriminant function analysis reveals that the two species may be distinguished by tooth dimensions alone except in the dimensional range where over-lapping is expected.  相似文献   

The rhesus monkey has played an important role in the history of reproductive research. Because of limitations on the exportation and availability of this species, several other species of nonhuman primates have been considered as alternate models. Among them is the crab-eating, or cynomolgus, macaque (Macaca fascicularis), which displays similarities in developmental, reproductive, and physiological parameters. The use of both species of macaques for pregnancy-related studies necessitates the assessment of differences in growth and development through gestation. Observations during the embryonic and fetal periods in both species have been compared with diagnostic ultrasound. Results indicate no significant differences in size during the embryonic and early fetal periods, but a greater acceleration of growth in the rhesus begins at approximately 100–110 gestational days (GD). Analysis of embryonic and fetal heart rates indicate no differences between the two species. Normal predictive values for a variety of growth parameters including gestational sac, greatest length, biparietal diameter, and femur length have boon calculated by multiple regression analysis. These charts have proven useful for confirming the gestational age after timed matings and for predicting the age of animals for which the conception date is not known.  相似文献   

The dopamine, dopac and tyrosinehydroxylase contents of the caudate nucleus in the prosimian Perodicticus potto and in the simii Macaca mulatta and M. fascicularis have been estimated. The results do not support the hypothesis according to which the sluggishness of the potto is somehow related to a low dopamine content of part of the extrapyramidal system as found in the Parkinson-syndrome.  相似文献   

Changes in levels of antibody to B virus (Cercopithecine herpesvirus 1; BV) were examined in BV-positive macaques by ELISA. We observed increases in anti-BV IgG titers in a BV-infected cynomolgus monkey after overseas transportation by air and in a rhesus monkey after transfer from an outdoor group cage to an indoor individual cage. Although shedding of infectious virus was not examined, the increase in antibody titer suggested reactivation of BV. Interestingly, we also found an increase in anti-BV IgG levels during the breeding season in male but not female Japanese macaques kept in an enclosed outdoor colony. Further studies should be performed to investigate whether reactivation of BV led to the observed increase in the anti-BV antibody titer.  相似文献   

[目的]摸清STLV-1感染现状,从而有效地降低STLV-1在猕猴、食蟹猴群中的的感染率。[方法]采用STLV-1ELISA法对猕猴、食蟹猴血清进行抗体检测。结果本中心送美国BioReliance公司的2455只出口猴血清,103份血清呈STLV-1抗体阳性,19份血清呈STLV-1抗体可疑,其余血清均为STLV-1抗体阴性。[结论]猕猴、食蟹猴群中STLV-1的平均感染率为4.97%,其中猕猴STLV-1感染率为2.7%,食蟹猴STLV-1感染率为5.4%,是猕猴STLV-1感染率的2倍;随着年龄的增长,猕猴(食蟹猴)STLV-1的感染率也随之升高。  相似文献   

Summary Inhibin-like immunoreactivity was detected by immunocytochemistry in the pituitaries of untreated male crab-eating macaques (cynomolgus monkey) and rhesus monkeys, in rhesus monkeys actively immunized against FSH, and in one orchidectomized crab-cating macaque. Localizations were performed by the immunogold-silver staining with 5-nm colloidal gold-conjugated second or third antibodies and by the alkaline phosphatase-anti-alkaline-phosphatase technique. Two different inhibin-specific antisera, raised against the -subunit or the entire inhibin molecule, provided identical staining patterns. Positive label was confined to the pars distalis of the pituitary and occurred exclusively in the cytoplasm of morphologically different cell types throughout the pars distalis in all pituitaries. Staining was most prominent in clusters of chromophobic cells. The presence of inhibin-like activity in the pituitary of an orchidectomized monkey with undetectable serum inhibin levels suggests that inhibin is produced within the pituitary gland. Co-localization studies for the -subunits of the gonadotropic hormones revealed that on average 82% of the gonadotropes were bihormonal. Using the same protocol, co-localization of inhibin-like activity with gonadotropin-like immunoreactivity revealed only a small degree of common distribution (<15%). Inhibinpositive cells were frequently in close proximity to gonadotropic cells and, thus, paracrine effects of inhibin on gonadotropin-synthesizing cells are conceivable.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to compare the details of chromosome structure between two distantly related species ofDrosophila, D. melanogaster andD. hydei, which belong to different subgenera. Several short stretches of salivary gland chromosomes were selected on the basis of presumed homologous markers, either mutants associated with chromosome breaks, or experimental puffs. Banding patterns were compared in map diagrams, compiled from photographs. It proved possible to correlate with fair accuracy at least a short sequence of bands in each of the examples studied. The map regions were however very different otherwise. It was not possible to judge in how far this is a consequence of major or very small rearrangements, or other types of change. The chromosomal location of one permanent puff and of several others some of which are formed normally during pupation, and some of which appear after a period of oxygen deprivation, was found to be in complete agreement with genetical data which indicate homology of chromosomes 2 (hydei) with3R (melanogaster), and of 4 with3L. On the other hand, relative position and sequence of these puffs within the chromosome are different in the two species. Supported by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research, Grant 913-28.  相似文献   

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