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Clavulanic acid is a potent mechanism-based inhibitor of TEM-1 and SHV-1beta-lactamases, enzymes that confer resistance to beta-lactams in many gram-negative pathogens. This compound has enjoyed widespread clinical use as part of beta-lactam beta-lactamase inhibitor therapy directed against penicillin-resistant pathogens. Unfortunately, the emergence of clavulanic acid-resistant variants of TEM-1 and SHV-1 beta-lactamase significantly compromise the efficacy of this combination. A single amino acid change at Ambler position Ser130 (Ser --> Gly) results in resistance to inactivation by clavulanate in the SHV-1 and TEM-1beta-lactamases. Herein, we investigated the inactivation of SHV-1 and the inhibitor-resistant S130G variant beta-lactamases by clavulanate. Using liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, we detected multiple modified proteins when SHV-1 beta-lactamase is inactivated by clavulanate. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry was used to study tryptic digests of SHV-1 and S130Gbeta-lactamases (+/- inactivation with clavulanate) and identified peptides modified at the active site Ser70. Ultraviolet (UV) difference spectral studies comparing SHV-1 and S130Gbeta-lactamases inactivated by clavulanate showed that the formation of reaction intermediates with absorption maxima at 227 and 280 nm are diminished and delayed when S130Gbeta-lactamase is inactivated. We conclude that the clavulanic acid inhibition of the S130G beta-lactamase must follow a branch of the normal inactivation pathway. These findings highlight the importance of understanding the intermediates formed in the inactivation process of inhibitor-resistant beta-lactamases and suggest how strategic chemical design can lead to novel ways to inhibit beta-lactamases.  相似文献   

Beta-lactamase confers resistance to penicillin-like antibiotics by hydrolyzing their beta-lactam bond. To combat these enzymes, inhibitors covalently cross-linking the hydrolytic Ser70 to Ser130 were introduced. In turn, mutant beta-lactamases have emerged with decreased susceptibility to these mechanism-based inhibitors. Substituting Ser130 with glycine in the inhibitor-resistant TEM (IRT) mutant TEM-76 (S130G) prevents the irreversible cross-linking step. Since the completely conserved Ser130 is thought to transfer a proton important for catalysis, its substitution might be hypothesized to result in a nonfunctional enzyme; this is clearly not the case. To investigate how TEM-76 remains active, its structure was determined by X-ray crystallography to 1.40 A resolution. A new water molecule (Wat1023) is observed in the active site, with two configurations located 1.1 and 1.3 A from the missing Ser130 Ogamma; this water molecule likely replaces the Ser130 side-chain hydroxyl in substrate hydrolysis. Intriguingly, this same water molecule is seen in the IRT TEM-32 (M69I/M182T), where Ser130 has moved significantly. TEM-76 shares other structural similarities with various IRTs; like TEM-30 (R244S) and TEM-84 (N276D), the water molecule activating clavulanate for cross-linking (Wat1614) is disordered (in TEM-30 it is actually absent). As expected, TEM-76 has decreased kinetic activity, likely due to the replacement of the Ser130 side-chain hydroxyl with a water molecule. In contrast to the recently determined structure of the S130G mutant in the related SHV-1 beta-lactamase, in TEM-76 the key hydrolytic water (Wat1561) is still present. The conservation of similar accommodations among IRT mutants suggests that resistance arises from common mechanisms, despite the disparate locations of the various substitutions.  相似文献   

Structure of the SHV-1 beta-lactamase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Kuzin AP  Nukaga M  Nukaga Y  Hujer AM  Bonomo RA  Knox JR 《Biochemistry》1999,38(18):5720-5727
The X-ray crystallographic structure of the SHV-1 beta-lactamase has been established. The enzyme crystallizes from poly(ethylene glycol) at pH 7 in space group P212121 with cell dimensions a = 49.6 A, b = 55.6 A, and c = 87.0 A. The structure was solved by the molecular replacement method, and the model has been refined to an R-factor of 0.18 for all data in the range 8.0-1.98 A resolution. Deviations of model bonds and angles from ideal values are 0.018 A and 1.8 degrees, respectively. Overlay of all 263 alpha-carbon atoms in the SHV-1 and TEM-1 beta-lactamases results in an rms deviation of 1.4 A. Largest deviations occur in the H10 helix (residues 218-224) and in the loops between strands in the beta-sheet. All atoms in residues 70, 73, 130, 132, 166, and 234 in the catalytic site of SHV-1 deviate only 0.23 A (rms) from atoms in TEM-1. However, the width of the substrate binding cavity in SHV-1, as measured from the 104-105 and 130-132 loops on one side to the 235-238 beta-strand on the other side, is 0.7-1.2 A wider than in TEM-1. A structural analysis of the highly different affinity of SHV-1 and TEM-1 for the beta-lactamase inhibitory protein BLIP focuses on interactions involving Asp/Glu104.  相似文献   

Many pathogenic bacteria develop antibiotic resistance by utilizing beta-lactamases to degrade penicillin-like antibiotics. A commonly prescribed mechanism-based inhibitor of beta-lactamases is tazobactam, which can function either irreversibly or in a transient manner. We have demonstrated previously that the reaction between tazobactam and a deacylation deficient variant of SHV-1 beta-lactamase, E166A, could be followed in single crystals using Raman microscopy [Helfand, M. S., et al. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 13386-13392]. The Raman data show that maximal populations of an enamine-like intermediate occur 20-30 min after "soaking in" has commenced. By flash-freezing crystals in this time frame, we were able to trap the enamine species. The resulting 1.63 A resolution crystal structure revealed tazobactam covalently bound in the trans-enamine intermediate state with close to 100% occupancy in the active site. The Raman data also indicated that tazobactam forms a larger population of enamine than sulbactam or clavulanic acid does and that tazobactam's intermediate is also the most long-lived. The crystal structure provides a rationale for this finding since only tazobactam is able to form favorable intra- and intermolecular interactions in the active site that stabilize this trans-enamine intermediate. These interactions involve both the sulfone and triazolyl groups that distinguish tazobactam from clavulanic acid and sulbactam, respectively. The observed stabilization of the transient intermediate of tazobactam is thought to contribute to tazobactam's superior in vitro and in vivo clinical efficacy. Understanding the structural details of differing inhibitor effectiveness can aid the design of improved mechanism-based beta-lactamase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance to beta-lactam compounds in Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae is often mediated by beta-lactamase enzymes like TEM and SHV. Previously, a limited number of inhibitors have shown efficacy in combating such bacterial drug resistance. However, many Gram-negative pathogens have evolved inhibitor resistant forms of these hydrolytic enzymes. A single point mutation of the active site residue Ser130 to a Gly in either TEM or SHV results in resistance to amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, an important clinical beta-lactam-beta-lactamase inhibitor combination antibiotic. Previous structural and modeling studies of the S130G mutants of TEM and SHV have shown differences in how these two distinct but closely related enzymes compensate for the loss of the Ser130 residue. In the case of S130G SHV, a structure of tazobactam in the active site has suggested that the inhibitor preferentially assumes a cis-enamine intermediate form when the Ser130 hydroxyl is absent. Raman crystallographic studies of S130G SHV inhibited with tazobactam, sulbactam, clavulanic acid, and 2'-glutaroxy penem sulfone (SA2-13) were performed with the aim of identifying the type and amount of intermediate formed with each drug to understand the role of the S130G mutation in formation of the important enamine intermediates. It is demonstrated that with the exception of sulbactam, each compound forms observable trans-enamine intermediates. For S130G reacted with tazobactam, identical steady state levels of enamine are achieved when compared to those of wild-type (WT) or even deacylation deficient forms of the enzyme. With clavulanic acid, slightly smaller amounts of enamine are observed within the first 30 min of the reaction but are not significantly different than those for tazobactam. Thus, the resistance mutation does not substantially affect the amount of trans-enamine formed with clavulanic acid during the critical early time period of inhibition. This finding has important implications in the design of beta-lactamase inhibitors for drug resistant variants like S130G SHV.  相似文献   

β-lactamases are enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of β-lactam antibiotics. β-lactamase/β-lactamase inhibitor protein (BLIP) complexes are emerging as a well characterized experimental model system for studying protein-protein interactions. BLIP is a 165 amino acid protein that inhibits several class A β-lactamases with a wide range of affinities: picomolar affinity for K1; nanomolar affinity for TEM-1, SME-1, and BlaI; but only micromolar affinity for SHV-1 β-lactamase. The large differences in affinity coupled with the availability of extensive mutagenesis data and high-resolution crystal structures for the TEM-1/BLIP and SHV-1/BLIP complexes make them attractive systems for the further development of computational design methodology. We used EGAD, a physics-based computational design program, to redesign BLIP in an attempt to increase affinity for SHV-1. Characterization of several of designs and point mutants revealed that in all cases, the mutations stabilize the interface by 10- to 1000-fold relative to wild type BLIP. The calculated changes in binding affinity for the mutants were within a mean absolute error of 0.87 kcal/mol from the experimental values, and comparison of the calculated and experimental values for a set of 30 SHV-1/BLIP complexes yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.77. Structures of the two complexes with the highest affinity, SHV-1/BLIP (E73M) and SHV-1/BLIP (E73M, S130K, S146M), are presented at 1.7 Å resolution. While the predicted structures have much in common with the experimentally determined structures, they do not coincide perfectly; in particular a salt bridge between SHV-1 D104 and BLIP K74 is observed in the experimental structures, but not in the predicted design conformations. This discrepancy highlights the difficulty of modeling salt bridge interactions with a protein design algorithm that approximates side chains as discrete rotamers. Nevertheless, while local structural features of the interface were sometimes miscalculated, EGAD is globally successful in designing complexes with increased affinity.  相似文献   

Six previously constructed and nine newly constructed Aspergillus awamori glucoamylases with multiple mutations made by combining existing single mutations were tested for their ability to produce glucose from maltodextrins. Multiple mutations have cumulative effects on glucose yield, specific activity and thermostability. No general correlation between glucose yield and thermostability was observed, although mutations that presumably impede unfolding at high temperatures uniformly increase thermostability and generally increase glucose yield. Peak glucose yields decrease with increasing temperature. The best combination of high glucose yield, high specific activity and high thermostability occurs in Asn20-->Cys/Ala27-->Cys/Ser30-->Pro/Gly137-->Ala glucoamylase.  相似文献   

Sun T  Bethel CR  Bonomo RA  Knox JR 《Biochemistry》2004,43(44):14111-14117
A bacterial response to the clinical use of class A beta-lactamase inhibitors such as tazobactam and clavulanic acid is the expression of variant beta-lactamases with weaker binding affinities for these mechanism-based inhibitors. Some of these inhibitor-resistant variants contain a glycine mutation at Ser130, a conserved active site residue known to be adventitiously involved in the inhibition mechanism. The crystallographic structure of a complex of tazobactam with the Ser130Gly variant of the class A SHV-1 beta-lactamase has been determined to 1.8 A resolution. Two reaction intermediates are observed. The primary intermediate is an acyclic species bound to the reactive Ser70. It is poorly primed for catalytic hydrolysis because its ester carbonyl group is completely displaced from the enzyme's oxyanion hole. A smaller fraction of the enzyme contains a Ser70-bound aldehyde resulting from hydrolytic loss of the triazoyl-sulfinyl amino acid moiety from the primary species. This first structure of a class A beta-lactamase lacking Ser130, the side chain of which functions in beta-lactam binding and possibly in catalysis, gives crystallographic evidence that the acylation step of beta-lactam turnover can occur without Ser130. Unexpectedly, the crystal structure of the uncomplexed Ser130Gly enzyme, also determined to 1.8 A resolution, shows that a critical Glu166-activated water molecule is missing from the catalytic site. Comparison of this uncomplexed variant with the wild-type structure reveals that Ser130 is required for orienting the side chain of Ser70 and ensuring the hydrogen bonding of Ser70 to both Lys73 and the catalytic water molecule.  相似文献   

The crystallographic structure of the class A beta-lactamase Toho-1, an extended-spectrum beta-lactamase with potent activity against expanded-spectrum cephems, has been determined at 1.65 A resolution. The result reveals that the Lys73 side chain can adopt two alternative conformations. The predominant conformation of Lys73 is different from that observed in the E166A mutant, indicating that removal of the Glu166 side chain changes the conformation of the Lys73 side chain and thus the interaction between Lys73 and Glu166. The Lys73 side chain would play an important role in proton relay, switching its conformation from one to the other depending on the circumstances. The electron density map also implies possible rotation of Ser237. Comparison of the Toho-1 structure with the structure of other class A beta-lactamases shows that the hydroxyl group of Ser237 is likely to rotate through interaction with the carboxyl group of the substrate. Another peculiarity is the existence of three sulfate ions positioned in or near the substrate-binding cavity. One of these sulfate ions is tightly bound to the active center, while the other two are held by a region of positive charge formed by two arginine residues, Arg274 and Arg276. This positively charged region is speculated to represent a pseudo-binding site of the beta-lactam antibiotics, presumably catching the methoxyimino group of the third-generation cephems prior to proper binding in the substrate-binding cleft for hydrolysis. This high-resolution structure, together with detailed kinetic analysis of Toho-1, provides a new hypothesis for the catalytic mechanism and substrate specificity of Toho-1.  相似文献   

Summary In two unrelated plasmids of incompatibility groups FII and N the gene for the SHV-1 -lactamase exists as part of a transposable element of molecular weight 9.5 megadaltons. This transposon has moved onto plasmids of at least three incompatibility groups; PI, I and J. This confirms the suggestion that the recent spread of the SHV-1 -lactamase has been associated with the transposition of the genetic determinant of this enzyme between unrelated plasmids.  相似文献   

Artocarpus lakoocha agglutinin (ALA), isolated from the seeds of A. lakoocha fruit, is a galactose-binding lectin and a potent mitogen of T and B cells. Knowledge obtained from previous studies on the affinity of ALA was limited to molecular and submolecular levels of Galbeta1-->3GalNAc (T) and its derivatives. In the present study, the carbohydrate specificity of ALA was characterized at the macromolecular level according to the mammalian Gal/GalNAc structural units and corresponding glycoconjugates by an enzyme-linked lectinosorbent (ELLSA) and inhibition assays. The results indicate that ALA binds specifically to tumor-associated carbohydrate antigens GalNAcalpha1-->Ser/Thr (Tn) and Galbeta1-->3 GalNAcalpha1-->Ser/Thr (Talpha). It barely cross-reacts with other common glycotopes on glycoproteins, including ABH blood group antigens, Galbeta1-->3/4GlcNAc (I/II) determinants, T/Tn covered by sialic acids, and N-linked plasma glycoproteins. Dense clustering structure of Tn/Talpha-containing glycoproteins tested resulted in 2.4 x 10(5)-6.7 x 10(5)-fold higher affinities to ALA than the respective GalNAc and Gal monomer. According to our results, the overall affinity of ALA for glycans can be ranked respectively: polyvalent Tn/Talpha glycotopes > monomeric Talpha and simple clustered Tn > monomeric Tn > GalNAc > Gal; while other glycotopes: Galalpha1-->3/4Gal (B/E), Galbeta1-->3/4GlcNAc (I/II), GalNAcalpha1-->3Gal/GalNAc (A/F), and GalNAcbeta1-->3/4Gal (P/S) were inactive. The strong specificity of ALA for Tn/Talpha cluster suggests the importance of glycotope polyvalency during carbohydrate-receptor interactions and emphasizes its value as an anti-Tn/T lectin for analysis of glycoconjugate mixtures or transformed carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Mutations at residue 244 (Ambler numbering system) in the class A TEM beta-lactamase confer resistance to inactivation by beta-lactamase inhibitors and result in diminished turnover of beta-lactam substrates. The Arg244Ser mutant of the OHIO-1 beta-lactamase, an SHV family enzyme, demonstrates variable susceptibilities to beta-lactamase inhibitors and has significantly reduced catalytic efficiency. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for Escherichia coli DH5alpha expressing the Arg244Ser beta-lactamase were reduced when compared to the strain bearing the OHIO-1 beta-lactamase: ampicillin, 512 vs. 8192 micrograms ml-1; cephaloridine, 4 vs. 32 micrograms ml-1, respectively. The MICs for the beta-lactam beta-lactamase inhibitor combinations demonstrated resistance only to ampicillin-clavulanate, 16/8 vs. 8/4 micrograms ml-1 respectively. In contrast, there was increased susceptibility to ampicillin-sulbactam, ampicillin-tazobactam, and piperacillin-tazobactam. When compared to the OHIO-1 beta-lactamase homogenous preparations of the Arg244Ser beta-lactamase enzyme demonstrated increased Km and decreased kcat values for benzylpenicillin (Km=17 vs. 50 microM, kcat=345 vs. 234 s-1) and cephaloridine (Km=97 vs. 202 microM, kcat=1023 vs. 202 s-1). Although the Ki and IC50 values were increased for each inhibitor when compared to OHIO-1 beta-lactamase, the turnover numbers (tn) required for inactivation were increased only for clavulanate. For the Arg244Ser mutant enzyme of OHIO-1, the increased Ki, decreased tn for the sulfones, and different partition ratio (kcat/kinact) support the notion that not all class A enzymes are inactivated in the same manner, and that certain class A beta-lactamase enzymes may react differently with identical substitutions in structurally conserved amino acids. The resistance phenotype of a specific mutations can vary depending on the enzyme.  相似文献   

The structure of Bacillus pasteurii urease (BPU) inhibited with phosphate was solved and refined using synchrotron X-ray diffraction data from a vitrified crystal (1.85 A resolution, 99.3% completeness, data redundancy 4.6, R-factor 17.3%, PDB code 6UBP). A distance of 3.5 A separates the two Ni ions in the active site. The binding mode of the inhibitor involves the formation of four coordination bonds with the two Ni ions: one phosphate oxygen atom symmetrically bridges the two metal ions (1.9-2.0 A), while two of the remaining phosphate oxygen atoms bind to the Ni atoms at 2.4 A. The fourth phosphate oxygen is directed into the active site channel. Analysis of the H-bonding network around the bound inhibitor indicates that phosphate is bound as the H2PO4- anion, and that an additional proton is present on the Odelta2 atom of Asp(alpha363), an active site residue involved in Ni coordination through Odelta1. The flexible flap flanking the active site cavity is in the open conformation. Analysis of the complex reveals why phosphate is a relatively weak inhibitor and why sulfate does not bind to the nickels in the active site. The implications of the results for the understanding of the urease catalytic mechanism are reviewed. A novel alternative for the proton donor is presented.  相似文献   

Bacterial beta-lactamases hydrolyze beta-lactam antibiotics such as penicillins and cephalosporins. The TEM-type class A beta-lactamase SHV-2 is a natural variant that exhibits activity against third-generation cephalosporins normally resistant to hydrolysis by class A enzymes. SHV-2 contains a single Gly238Ser change relative to the wild-type enzyme SHV-1. Crystallographic refinement of a model including hydrogen atoms gave R and R(free) of 12.4% and 15.0% for data to 0.91 A resolution. The hydrogen atom on the O(gamma) atom of the reactive Ser70 is clearly seen for the first time, bridging to the water molecule activated by Glu166. Though hydrogen atoms on the nearby Lys73 are not seen, this observation of the Ser70 hydrogen atom and the hydrogen bonding pattern around Lys73 indicate that Lys73 is protonated. These findings support a role for the Glu166-water couple, rather than Lys73, as the general base in the deprotonation of Ser70 in the acylation process of class A beta-lactamases. Overlay of SHV-2 with SHV-1 shows a significant 1-3 A displacement in the 238-242 beta-strand-turn segment, making the beta-lactam binding site more open to newer cephalosporins with large C7 substituents and thereby expanding the substrate spectrum of the variant enzyme. The OH group of the buried Ser238 side-chain hydrogen bonds to the main-chain CO of Asn170 on the Omega loop, that is unaltered in position relative to SHV-1. This structural role for Ser238 in protein-protein binding makes less likely its hydrogen bonding to oximino cephalosporins such as cefotaxime or ceftazidime.  相似文献   

Two species resulting from the reaction of the SHV-1 class A beta-lactamase with the sulfone inhibitor tazobactam have been trapped at 100 K and mapped by X-ray crystallography at 2.0 A resolution. An acyclic form of tazobactam is covalently bonded to the catalytic Ser70 side chain, and a second species, a five-atom vinyl carboxylic acid fragment of tazobactam, is bonded to Ser130. It is proposed that the electron density map of the crystal is a composite picture of two complexes, each with only a single bound species. It is estimated that the two complexes exist in the crystal in approximately equal populations. Results are discussed in relation to the mechanism-based inhibition of class A beta-lactamases by the similar inhibitors sulbactam and clavulanic acid.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease is a debilitating neurodegenerative disorder associated with the abnormal self-assembly of amyloid-beta (Abeta) peptides into fibrillar species. N-methylated peptides homologous to the central hydrophobic core of the Abeta peptide are potent inhibitors of this aggregation process. In this work, we use fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to study the interactions of the N-methylated peptide inhibitor Abeta16-20m (Ac-Lys(16)-(Me)Leu(17)-Val(18)-(Me)Phe(19)-Phe(20)-NH(2)) with a model protofilament consisting of Alzheimer Abeta16-22 peptides. Our simulations indicate that the inhibitor peptide can bind to the protofilament at four different sites: 1), at the edge of the protofilament; 2), on the exposed face of a protofilament layer; 3), between the protofilament layers; and 4), between the protofilament strands. The different binding scenarios suggest several mechanisms of fibrillogenesis inhibition: 1), fibril inhibition of longitudinal growth (in the direction of monomer deposition); 2), fibril inhibition of lateral growth (in the direction of protofilament assembly); and 3), fibril disassembly by strand removal and perturbation of the periodicity of the protofilament (disruption of fibril morphology). Our simulations suggest that the Abeta16-20m inhibitor can act on both prefibrillar species and mature fibers and that the specific mechanism of inhibition may depend on the structural nature of the Abeta aggregate. Disassembly of the fibril can be explained by a mechanism through which the inhibitor peptides bind to disaggregated or otherwise free Abeta16-22 peptides in solution, leading to a shift in the equilibrium from a fibrillar state to one dominated by inhibitor-bound Abeta16-22 peptides.  相似文献   

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