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Plants with symptoms of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) obtained in infection feeding assays of aphids collected in the field in Idaho between 1986 and 1988 were tested for virus transmissibility by possible aphid vectors. Isolates obtained during 1987–1988 were also tested with a range of polyclonal antisera which distinguished PAV, MAV, SGV, RPV and RMV serotypes. In 1989 some Idaho (ID) BYDV isolates, maintained as standards for comparison, were serotyped and tested for aphid transmissibility, using 11 species of aphids. There was not always the expected correspondence between serotype and vector specificity for ID isolates. For isolates obtained from field-collected Rhopalosiphum padi, vector transmissibility and serotype corresponded with previous reports; however, 44% of isolates which were serotyped as RMV were also transmissible by species other than Rhopalosiphum maidis. Similarly, the transmissibility of the ID laboratory standards did not always conform to the reported vector specificity of serotypes. The laboratory ID-MAV culture was transmitted by Metopolophium dirhodum and Myzus persicae as well as by Sitobion avenae. The laboratory ID-SGV culture was transmitted by R. padi and 5. avenae as well as by Schizaphis graminum. The ID-RPV culture was transmitted by S. graminum and Rhopalosiphum insertum as well as R. padi. Both of two laboratory ID-RMV cultures were transmissible by R. insertum and R. padi transmitted one of them. The results indicate that, for isolates collected in Idaho, vector specificity cannot be assumed from their serotypes.  相似文献   

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)-based surveys of the occurrence of five barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) serotypes (MAV, PAV and SGV in “Group 1”; RPV and RMV in “Group 2”) in CIMMYT bread wheat nurseries and other small grain crops in various locations world-wide were undertaken in 1988, 1989 and 1990. The objective was to investigate the relative occurrence of BYDV serotypes in areas relevant to CIMMYT cereal breeding programs. Overall, MAV and PAV serotypes predominated in the samples collected, though their relative frequencies depended on the location. SGV serotypes were uncommon in most locations. Group 2 serotypes occurred widely, but RMV serotypes were more common than RPV serotypes.  相似文献   

During the mid-1980s, Sitobion avenae became recognised as an important vector of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) in the Vale of York. A field trial at the University of Leeds Farm, North Yorkshire, was carried out during the autumn/winter of 1984-85 to evaluate different control procedures against S. avenae-transmitted BYDV and to investigate its epidemiology. Winter barley was sown on three dates in September, and plots were sprayed with either deltamethrin, demeton-S-methyl or pirimicarb on one of three dates between mid-October and mid-November, making a factorial design. Rhopalosiphum padi, the main vector of BYDV in southern England, were rarely found during the experiment, but the numbers of S. avenae were much higher, reaching a peak of 21% of plants infested in the unsprayed plots of the first sowing date. Single applications of each insecticide reduced populations of S. avenae to zero. Some treatments, particularly in the early sown plots and those treated with pirimicarb, however, did allow some recolonisation, and thus led to increased virus incidence and decreased yields. Sprays applied before the end of the migration of S. avenae were more efficient at controlling BYDV if the insecticide was persistent, otherwise a spray after this period, in November, was more effective. Virus incidence, although reduced by sprays, was generally low in plots sown on 18 and 27 September. In contrast, about 11% of plants were infected in unsprayed plots sown on 6 September and a small yield benefit was obtained with insecticidal treatments. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of plants taken from the plots indicated that MAV- and PAV-like strains were present, and were most likely to have been transmitted by S. avenae.  相似文献   

2,4-Dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (DIMBOA), a hydroxamic acid (Hx) occurring in wheat, was shown to deter feeding by the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), and to reduce BYDV transmission to the plant. Dual choice tests with wheat leaves showed the preferential settlement of aphids on leaves with lower levels of DIMBOA. Electric monitoring of aphid feeding behaviour showed that in seedlings with higher DIMBOA levels fewer aphids reached the phloem and they needed longer times to contact a phloem vessel than in those with lower levels. When aphids carrying BYDV were allowed to feed on wheat cultivars with different DIMBOA levels, fewer plants were infected with BYDV in the higher DIMBOA cultivars than in the lower ones. Preliminary field experiments showed a tendency for wheat cultivars with higher Hx levels to be more tolerant to infection by BYDV than lower Hx level ones.  相似文献   

The effects of straw baling or incorporation, combined with ploughing, non-inversion tillage, or direct drilling on the incidence of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), were investigated in plots of winter barley. Virus infection was more prevalent after ploughing (> 40% of the plot area damaged) than after non-inversion tillage (9 – 24%) or direct drilling (< 3%). For each cultivation method, more infection was associated with straw baling than with straw incorporation. There was a strong negative correlation between plot yields and the incidence of BYDV(r= -0.87). Monthly pitfall sampling of non-specific aphid predators showed that the population activity of several taxa (e.g. Linyphiidae, and the larger species of adult and larval Carabidae and Staphylinidae) declined for a short period in autumn-winter following cultivation. The overall treatment-ranking for numbers of predators in autumn (direct drilled > non-inversion > ploughed) was the opposite of subsequent virus infection. The possible roles of aphid predators and other biological mechanisms in determining the observed effects on BYDV, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Life tables of brown and green color morphs of the English grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) reared on barley under laboratory conditions at 20 ± 1°C, 65% ± 5% relative humidity and a photoperiod of 16 : 8 h (L : D) were compared. The plants were either: (i) infected with the Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV); (ii) not infected with virus but previously infested with aphids; or (iii) healthy barley plants, which were not previously infested with aphids. Generally, both color morphs of S. avenae performed significantly better when fed on BYDV‐infected plants than on plants that were virus free but had either not been or had been previously infested with aphids. Furthermore, when fed on BYDV‐infected plants, green S. avenae developed significantly faster and had a significantly shorter reproductive period than the brown color morph. There were no significant differences in this respect between the two color morphs of S. avenae when they were reared on virus‐free plants that either had been or not been previously infested with aphids. These results indicate that barley infected with BYDV is a more favorable host plant than uninfected barley for both the color morphs of S. avenae tested, particularly the green color morph.  相似文献   

Aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) seasonal flight activity and abundance in wheat, Triticum aestivum L., and the significance of aphid species as vectors of barley yellow dwarf virus were studied over a nine-year period in the South Carolina coastal plain. Four aphid species colonized wheat in a consistent seasonal pattern. Greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), and rice root aphid, Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominalis (Sasaki), colonized seedlingwheat immediately after crop emergence, with apterous colonies usually peaking in December or January and then declining for the remainder of the season. These two aphid species are unlikely to cause economic loss on wheat in South Carolina, thus crop managers should not have to sample for the subterranean R. rufiabdominalis colonies. Bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), was the second most abundant species and the most economically important. Rhopalosiphum padi colonies usually remained below 10/row-meter until peaking in February or March. Barley yellow dwarf incidence and wheat yield loss were significantly correlated with R. padi peak abundance and aphid-day accumulation on the crop. Based on transmission assays, R. padi was primarily responsible for vectoring the predominant virus serotype (PAV) we found in wheat. Pest management efforts should focus on sampling for and suppressing this aphid species. December planting reduced aphid-day accumulation and barley yellow dwarf incidence, but delayed planting is not a practical management option. English grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (F.), was the last species to colonize wheat each season, and the most abundant. Sitobion avenae was responsible for late-season virus transmission and caused direct yield loss by feeding on heads and flag leaves during an outbreak year.  相似文献   

The probing behavior of greenbugs, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), and oat-bird cherry aphids, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), was electronically monitored on healthy oats, Avena sativa (L.), and on oats infected with the RPV-NY isolate of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV). S. graminum fed better on infected oats than on healthy oats. This was manifested by a shorter time before initiation of committed phloem ingestion, and by increased duration of ingestion from phloem of infected compared to healthy plants. In addition, on infected oats S. graminum made fewer interruptions in their probing once their stylets were inserted into tissues, including phloem. R. padi fed similarly on infected and healthy oats, except that these aphids made fewer short probes to the phloem (lasting <15 min) on infected compared to healthy oats. BYDV infection of oats increased the rate of population growth of S. graminum relative to that on healthy oats but had no effect on the population growth of R. padi. The proportion of aphids of R. padi which developed into alatae on BYDV-infected oats was significantly greater than on healthy oats, but S. graminum showed no such response.
Résumé Le comportement de sondage de S. graminum (Rond.) et de R. padi (L.) a été suivi électroniquement sur avoine (Avena sativa L.) saine ou contaminée par l'extrait RPV-NY du virus jaune du nanisme de l'orge (BYDV). S. graminum s'est mieux alimenté sur avoine contaminée que saine; ceci se traduisait par un temps de latence inférieur avant l'ingestion de phloème et par une prolongation de la période d'ingestion. De plus, sur avoine contaminée, S. graminum a moins souvent interrompu le sondage, une fois que les stylets avaient étè insérés dans les tissus, y compris le phloème. Les résultats avec R. padi présentaient les mêmes tendances, mais les améliorations des performances alimentaires de cette espèce sur avoine contaminée ont été moins nettes que pour S. graminum. La contamination de l'avoine par BYDV a accru le taux de croissance de la population de S. graminum par rapport à ce qui a été observé sur avoine saine; l'effet était moins prononcé pour R. padi. La proportion de pucerons devenant aliés était plus élevée sur avoine contaminée que saine, rien de tel n'a été observé avec S. graminum.

Vectoring ability of four aphid clones, Rp-M and Rp-R26 of Rhopalosiphum padi and Sa-R1 and Sa-V of Sitobion avenae, to transmit barley yellow dwarf (PAV, MAV and RPV) luteoviruses (BYDV) was compared in controlled conditions. Significant differences between highly efficient vectors (HEV), Rp-M and Sa-Rl, and poorly efficient vectors (PEV), Rp-R26 and Sa-V, were found in transmission of their specific viruses with acquisition and inoculation access periods (AAP, IAP) of 5 days. BYD-RPV was occasionally transmitted by both clones of S. avenae. None of 150 tested apterous adults of the Rp-R26 transmitted BYD-MAV, while 10% of transmission was observed from those of the Rp-M in a parallel test. An improved ELISA and immuno-PCR were adapted to test for viruses in aphids. The results obtained by the improved ELISA indicated there was a good correlation between virus detection in single aphids of HEV clones after a 5 day AAP and virus transmission by them. In contrast, the percentages of virus-carrying aphids of PEV clones were generally higher than those of their transmission rates. BYD-MAV and BYD-RPV were also detected by the improved ELISA in single aphids of their PEV clones, with the exception of BYD-RPV in those of Sa-V. However, after a 2-day IAP, the improved ELISA in most cases failed to detect these viruses in single aphids of PEV clones. Detection by immuno-PCR demonstrated that all three viruses could be acquired and retained by the aphids of both HEV and PEV clones. But, as visualised from electrophoretic bands, after the 2-day IAP the amplified products from aphid extracts of PEV clones were reduced. The detection in a batch of nine aphids by the improved ELISA revealed that virus content in PEV clones decreased more rapidly than that in HEV clones during transmission. Thus, the difference in transmission efficiency of the aphid clones within species was not caused by an inability to acquire virus, but was determined by variation in vectoring ability between them. This was due to differences in ability to prevent the passage of virions from haemocoel to salivary duct and/or different capacities for the retention of BYDV.  相似文献   

We analysed interactions in the system of two Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV) strains (MAV and PAV), and wheat (cv. Tinos) as host plant for the virus, and the cereal aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) as vector, in particular whether or not infection by the virus might alter host plant suitability in favour of vector development. By measuring the amino acid and sugar content in the phloem sap of infected and non‐infected wheat plants we found a significant reduction in the concentration of the total amount of amino acids on BYDV‐infected plants. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of honeydew and honeydew excretion indicated a lower efficiency of phloem sap utilisation by S. avenae on infected plants. In addition, S. avenae excreted less honeydew on infected plants. Both BYDV strains significantly affected aphid development by a reduction in the intrinsic rate of natural increase. Hence, infection by the virus reduced the host suitability in terms of aphid population growth potential on BYDV‐infected plants. However, more alate morphs developed on virus‐infected plants. These findings are discussed in relation to the population dynamics of S. avenae, and, as a consequence, the spread of BYDV.  相似文献   

During the years 1989–1992 cereal aphids were caught alive in a low level (1.5 m high) suction trap operated in Le Rheu (Brittany, France) and tested for BYDV transmission. In most cases comparisons with data collected simultaneously by a 12.2 m suction trap operating in the same site resulted in good relationships between weekly catches at both heights. Results from transmission tests showed that: (i) the two main BYDV vectors were Rhopalosiphum padi and Metopolophium dirhodum during the years of experiment; (ii) PAV and MAV were the commonest viruses and RPV was relatively scarce; (iii) during spring M. dirhodum appeared to be the most important MAV vector and nearly as good a PAV vector as R. padi; (iv) during autumn R. padi was the only vector of the three viruses with mixed transmission allowing it to transmit also MAV probably by heteroencapsidation. To give an indication of the risk of infection, infectivity indices were calculated by multiplying the numbers of aphids caught by the 12.2 m suction trap by the proportion that were infective. These infectivity indices agreed with field records of primary infections.  相似文献   

Summary Barley yellow dwarf (BYDV) is a group a closely related viruses which cause economic losses in a wide range of graminaceous species throughout the world. Barley plants can be protected from the effects of BYDV by the Yd2 resistance gene. Plants which contain the Yd2 gene also contain a constitutively expressed polypeptide which was not found in any plants without Yd2. Conversely, BYDV susceptible plants contain another constitutively expressed polypeptide which was not found in any of the BYDV-resistant lines examined. These two polypeptides appear to have the same molecular weight (as assessed by SDS-PAGE) and only slightly different iso-electric points. They also appear to contain an extensive range of similar antigenic determinants. Both polypeptides were found in F1 hybrids made from resistant and susceptible plants. We suggest that these two polypeptides are the products of two allelic genes. Analysis of near-isogenic lines showed that the locus which controls the Yd2 resistance gene and the locus controlling the synthesis of the two polypeptides may be within ± 9 cM of each other. We have developed a Western blot technique which allows assessment of barley lines, 4-days after seed imbibition, for the presence of the Yd2 gene.  相似文献   

This paper describes the isolation of the cDNA encoding a protein previously shown to be indicative of the disease-resistance phenotype mediated by the Yd2 gene in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Amino acid sequences of four peptides obtained after isolation of the protein on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels were completely homologous to sequences occurring within subunit E of barley vacuolar proton-translocating ATPase. Nucleotide sequence data of cloned cDNAs from both Yd2 and non-Yd2 barley varieties showed an amino acid change arising from a single-base-pair polymorphism. This was predicted to result in the shift in isoelectric point used previously to differentiate the protein in Yd2 and non-Yd2 barleys. Earlier work had indicated very close linkage between the gene from which this cDNA is derived, which we have named Ylp, and Yd2, the barley yellow dwarf virus resistance gene. We report here the development of PCR-based assays which discriminate between the two alleles of Ylp and thereby act as valuable predictors of Yd2 for barley breeders and others looking to study this important gene in cereal crops. The validity of each assay was tested with an extensive survey of over 100 barley varieties currently under cultivation in Australia or of importance to Australian barley breeding programmes. Complete agreement was observed between the allele of Ylp detected by the assay and the known Yd2 status of the barleys. A dominant PCR marker for the Yd2-associated allele of Ylp was subsequently developed using an allele-specific primer pair. This fast and economical assay will have broad application in the marker-assisted selection of Yd2-containing lines.  相似文献   

Feeding behavior of Sitobion avenae F. (Homoptera: Aphididae) on oats (Avena sativa cv. Clintland 64) was electronically monitored, and waveforms corresponding to salivation, ingestion, and sieve element penetration described.During 90 min plant access, aphids ingested from phloem for 0–43 min (mean: 8.1 min) and non-phloem for 0–60 min (mean: 19 min). Only 65% of the aphids tested made phloem contact within 90 min, contacting phloem after 18–85 min (mean: 32 min). No significant difference was observed in the feeding behavior of aphids carrying barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) from that of non-viruliferous aphids.Penetration of a sieve element was a prerequisite for BYDV transmission but did not insure transmission. Penetration of one sieve element resulted in a 65% chance of transmission independent of the duration of phloem contact. The chance of transmission increased with increasing number of sieve element penetrations.Inoculation of oat seedlings with single, viruliferous aphids for 90 min is estimated to cause 54% of the plants to be infected. Also, it is estimated that no transmission can occur with plant access periods shorter than 17 min.
Zusammenfassung Das Probeverhalten von Sitobion avenae F. (Homoptera: Aphididae) auf Hafer (Sorte Clintland 64) wurden elektronisch verfolgt. Drei Wellenformen (S=Speichelfluss, X-das Eindringen in ein Siebelement, I=Nahrungsaufname) wurden registriert. In histologischen Untersuchungen wurden diese Wellenformen mit der Position der Stechborsten korreliert. Wenn X-Wellen oder eine X-I-Folge registriert wurden, war die Stechborste immer im Phloëm; bei S-Wellen oder bei einer S-I-Folge, war die Stechborste nie im Phloëm.Die Blattläuse wurden auf gesunden, fünf Tage alten Pflanzen während 90 Min beobachtet. 65% der Blattläuse erreichten nach 18–85 Min (Durchschnitt 32 Min) das Phloëm. Innerhalb 90 Min nahmen die Blattläuse während 0–43 Min (Durchschnitt 8.1 Min) Saft aus dem Phloem und während 0–60 Min (Durchschnitt 19 Min) Saft aus dem Mesophyll auf. Keine signifikanten Unterschiede im Probeverhalten wurden bei Blattläusen mit und ohne Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV) festgestellt.Blattläuse, die innerhalb 24 Stunden BYDV übermitteln können, wurden für Übertragungsversuche verwendet. Das Probeverhalten dieser Blattläuser wurde manipuliert, und die Leistungsfähigkeit der Übertragung mit einer immunologischen Technik (ELISA) untersucht. Um BYDV zu übertragen mussten die Blattläuse mit einem Siebelement in Kontakt kommen. Nach der Stechborstenpenetration in ein Siebelement wurden 65% der Pflanzen mit BYDV infiziert. Der Prozentsatz infizierter Pflanzen und der Virusiter in den infizierten Pflanzen waren mit der Dauer der Siebelement-penetration (Anzahl von X-Wellen) nicht proportional. Wenn die Blattläuse mit zwei oder drei Siebelementen in Kontakt kamen, wurde der Prozentsatz infizierter Pflanzen signifikant erhöht, während der Virustiter nich verändert wurde. Infektionsprozente niedriger als 100% nach Siebelement-penetration sind möglicherweise das Resultat von Unterschieden in den Siebelementen.Es wird geschätzt dass 50% Infektion eintritt, wenn Pflanzen während ungefähr 83 Min von einer einzelnen infizierten Blattlaus besogen werden. Keine Übertragung von BYDV kann eintreten, wenn die Probezeit weniger als 17 Minuten beträgt.

A barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV)-resistant line HG295 was selected from a cross between cv. 77-5433 and Zhong 5 after extensive investigation in field, greenhouse and ELISA. Cytological analysis revealed that it was an euploid line and genetically stable. The existence of alien DNA in HG295 was identified by RAPD and Southern hybridization analyses showed that the alien DNAs came from Zhong 5 or Th. intermedium. The differences of BYDV resistance between L1 and HG295 are discussed.  相似文献   

Two approaches based on the concept of a vector population index are considered as possible deterministic elements for an empirical forecast of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) in autumn sown cereals. The first, an aerial vector index, is a further elaboration of the infectivity index proposed by Plumb, Lennon & Gutteridge (1981), which assumes that virus damage is a function of the number of infective migrant alatae of the two main aphid vectors, Rhopalosiphum padi L. and Sitobion avenae F., integrated over time from crop planting or emergence. The new formulation, however, excludes holocyclic alate morphs (i.e. males and gynoparae) of the former species, which, although generally abundant in autumn, are nevertheless perceived as relatively unimportant virus vectors since they colonise only the alternative woody host, Prunus padus (the bird-cherry tree). The second approach, a crop vector index, is a more fundamental departure which argues that field populations of viruliferous aphids, both alatae and apterae, which have already colonised cereals, may be a better criterion of potential virus spread than the density of aerial migrant vectors. This index retains a similar integral form, but evaluates crop exposure to BYDV as accumulated infectious aphid-days. A method is described whereby this function can be derived from irregular or infrequent aphid samples in the crop. Both methods, unlike Plumb's (1976) original concept, produced indices which were significantly related to subsequent virus infection and yield loss in winter barley at Long Ashton (S.W. England, UK), 1978–1986. The best models were obtained with the crop vector index, fitted to observed virus infection by generalised linear regression using a complementary log-log link function, or to observed yield loss by simple linear regression using a log transformation of yield (r = 0.84 in each case; compared with r-values > 0.65 for the aerial vector index, and > 0.35 for Plumb's (1976) index). However, the residual errors and hence confidence limits of these fitted regressions were too large for predicting damage that was significantly less than a reasonable economic damage threshold for BYDV control. Analyses of the separate components of each index showed a good general relationship between aphid infectivity and the severity of crop infection, confirming the epidemiological importance of this factor. The functional expressions of aphid density, however, were not significant. This evident weakness in the models, and alternative approaches to BYDV forecasting are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of different acquisition access periods (AAPs) and inoculation access periods (IAPs) on the transmission efficiency of barley yellow dwarf luteovirus (BYDV) by Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae) after feeding on transgenic or nontransformed wheat, Triticum aestivum L., genotypes were studied. Three wheat genotypes were tested as virus sources: virus-susceptible 'Lambert' and 'Lambert'-derived transgenic lines 103.1J and 126.02, which express the BYDV-PAV coat protein gene. Lower virus titers were measured in BYDV-infected transgenic plants compared with Lambert. No significant differences in transmission efficiency were detected for R. padi after varying IAPs, regardless of genotype. Transmission efficiency increased with an increase in AAP in all genotypes tested. However, AAPs ranging from 6 to 48 h on Lambert resulted in significantly greater transmission efficiency than similar periods on transgenic 103.1J. Maximum transmission efficiency (70%) was observed after a 48-h AAP on Lambert, whereas the same AAP on 103.1J and 126.02 resulted in a significantly lower transmission efficiency (57%). Contrasts were used to compare the rates of transmission and the theoretical maximum transmission percentage among the different wheat genotypes serving as virus sources. Both parameters were significantly different among genotypes, indicating that viral acquisition from each genotype resulted in a unique pattern of virus transmission by R. padi. The lowest rate of virus transmission after an AAP was observed on 103.1J compared with 126.02 or Lambert. This is likely associated with a lower virus titer in 103.1J. This is the first report of transgenic virus resistance in wheat affecting the transmission efficiency of a virus vector.  相似文献   

Yellow dwarf is a major disease problem of wheat, Triticum aestivum L., in Alabama and is estimated to cause yield loss of 21-42 bu/acre. The disease is caused by a complex of viruses comprising several virus species, including Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV and Cereal yellow dwarf virus-RPV. Several other strains have not yet been classified into a specific species. The viruses are transmitted exclusively by aphids (Hemiptera:Aphididae). Between the 2005 and 2008 winter wheat seasons, aphids were surveyed in the beginning of each planting season in several wheat plots in Alabama and western Florida Collected aphids were identified and bioassayed for their yellow dwarf virus infectivity. This survey program was designed to identify the aphid species that serve as fall vectors of yellow dwarf virus into winter wheat plantings. From 2005 to 2008, bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.); rice root aphid, Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale (Sasaki); and greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), were found consistently between October and December. The species of aphids and their timing of appearance in wheat plots were consistent with flight data collected in North Alabama between 1996 and 1999. Both R. padi and R. rufiabdominale were found to carry and transmit Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV and Cereal yellow dwarf virus-RPV. The number of collected aphids and proportion of viruliferous aphids were low. Although this study has shown that both aphids are involved with introduction of yellow dwarf virus to winter wheat in Alabama and western Florida, no conclusions can be made as to which species may be the most important vector of yellow dwarf virus in the region.  相似文献   

Winged individuals of Rhopalosiphum padi and Sitobion avenae transmitted the PAV-like and MAV-like isolates of barley yellow dwarf virus respectively. Success of transmission after inoculation access periods of 2, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h were examined and survival, reproduction and movement of the aphid vectors were recorded at these times. The experiment was done at four different temperatures: 6oC, 12oC, 18oC and 23oC. For both isolates the inoculation efficacy did not increase after a 24 h inoculation access period and there was no difference in inoculation efficiency at the three highest temperatures, that at 6oC being significantly lower than at 12oC to 23oC. The results suggest that autumn temperature is a critical factor for BYDV epidemiology in Britain with a small increase in autumn temperature leading to greatly increased infection rates.  相似文献   

1 The effect of drought stress and temperature on the dispersal of wingless aphids Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) and the pattern of spread of BYDV (barley yellow dwarf virus) within wheat plants in controlled environment chambers was quantified. Combinations of three different drought stress levels, unstressed, moderate and high stress level, and three different temperatures, 5 ± 1 °C, 10 ± 1 °C, and 15 ± 1 °C, were investigated. 2 With increased temperature there was an increase in the mean distance of visited plants from the point of release and in the number of plants visited and infected with BYDV. Drought stress had no effect on mean distance moved by aphids at any temperature or on plants infected with virus at 10 °C and 5 °C. When plants were drought stressed, the numbers of plants visited and infected were greater at 15 °C than at 10 °C and 5 °C. 3 A greater proportion of plants visited by aphids was infected with BYDV when plants were stressed than when not stressed. At 15 °C a greater proportion of these plants was infected than at lower temperatures. There was no difference between treatments in the numbers of aphids present at the end of the experiment. 4 It is concluded that drought stress and temperature are of considerable importance in virus spread.  相似文献   

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