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In a murine system, macrophages, in concert with antibody, were shown to suppress iododeoxyuridine incorporation by tumor cells. The mechanism of suppression did not involve phagocytosis or lysis. The generation of suppressed tumor cells was resolved into a contact-dependent step and a contact-independent step. The first step was one-hit with respect to macrophages and multi-hit with respect to antibody.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that an IgM mAb (A10) recognizing Ehrlich tumor (ET) cell surface carbohydrates, inhibits in vivo ET growth by a macrophage-dependent mechanism. The inhibition mechanism involving both IgM and macrophages was unclear because receptors for IgM on macrophages are controversial and another monoclonal IgM (E1), also recognizing ET cell surface carbohydrates, was completely unable to show any protective effect. Here we show that A10, but not E1, was able to promote adhesion between macrophages and ET cells by a receptor for IgM-independent mechanism. Immunofluorescence studies showed that A10, but not E1, did react with macrophages if these cells were preincubated with a source of Ag spontaneously released from ET cells. This Ag release appeared to be required for A10-mediated adhesion, because adhesion was not obtained when ET cells fixed with paraformaldehyde were used. Cytostasis studies performed with macrophages stimulated with L-929 conditioned medium and ET cells showed that A10, but not E1 nor unrelated IgM, was able to inhibit ET cell proliferation in vitro by a mechanism involving cell contact between both cell populations. Therefore, IgM inhibition of ET growth, both in vivo and in vitro, could be explained by a lectin-like mechanism, where IgM, recognizing Ag of tumor origin, bridges macrophages to tumor cells.  相似文献   

The effect of inhibitors of protein synthesis on the killing of tumor cells by in vitro activated macrophages was determined. Cytotoxicity was inhibited by concentrations of puromycin, pactamycin, and actinomycin D that almost completely inhibited protein synthesis by guinea pig macrophages, but not by concentrations of drug that inhibited protein synthesis by only ± 50%. Cytotoxicity was inhibited when the effector macrophages were pretreated with the metabolic inhibitors, but not when the drugs were added 30 to 60 min after the initiation of the reaction. Pretreatment with puromycin or pactamycin also markedly inhibited the binding of tumor cells by mediator activated macrophages. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that one possible mechanism by which inhibitors of protein synthesis inhibit macrophage mediated cytotoxicity is by inhibiting close contact between effector and target cells. The finding that pretreatment of activated macrophages with trypsin also inhibits tumor cell killing suggests that protein synthesis may be necessary to maintain an adequate number of “recognition structures” on the macrophage membrane, structures that mediate the initial contact between the activated macrophage and the target tumor.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanism of cytostasis mediated by activated human plastic-adherent peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in two cell lines, L.P3 cells (TNF alpha sensitive) and A375 cells (TNF alpha insensitive), using two biological response modifiers, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and a protein-bound polysaccharide extracted from a fungus, PSK. In L.P3/LPS, L.P3/PSK, and A375/LPS cultures, the cytostatic effects were significantly reversed by anti-TNF alpha antibody, while in the A375/PSK culture they were not. In concordance with this, LPS was a good inducer of TNF alpha, but PSK was not. In A375/PSK culture, PSK-activated cells arrested A375 cells at the boundary between G1 and S, presumably through inhibition of polyamine synthesis. This growth inhibition may be mediated by an unknown soluble factor which is different from TNF alpha, IL-1, IL-6, and TGF beta.  相似文献   

The role of energy metabolism on tumor cell killing by in vitro activated macrophages was studied. Depletion of extracellular glucose had little effect on the cytotoxic capacity of mediator-activated macrophages. Respiratory antagonists did not inhibit cytotoxicity regardless of whether or not the assays were carried out in low-glucose-containing medium. Sodium fluoride, a known inhibitor of glycolysis, inhibited the killing of tumor cells by activated macrophages. 2-Deoxyglucose, an analog of glucose, was found to be an effective inhibitor of cytotoxicity. Three other analogs, 5-thio-d-glucose, 3-O-methylglucose, and 2-deoxy-d-galactose, were without effect. The concentrations of 2-DG that inhibited cytotoxicity did not lower cellular ATP levels to an appreciable extent. The combined addition of inhibitors of glycolysis and respiration resulted in a marked reduction in ATP levels. Under these experimental conditions, macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity was also significantly inhibited.  相似文献   

Unstimulated peritoneal macrophages grown in vitro for 5 days do not incorporate thymidine. Sarcoma (AA) cells introduced to the culture on the fifth day die and disintegrate whereas the macrophages become markedly stimulated and autoradiography shows that they are triggered to synthesize DNA. In syngeneic cocultures up to 28% of the macrophages incorporate thymidine after 5 days of coculture.  相似文献   

The cytostasis assay is an in vivo-in vitro radioactive technique which detects antitumour responses of the syngeneic tumour-bearing hosts. Examination and characterization of effector mechanisms at the cellular and humoral levels revealed that the cytostasis assay using Meth A (a 3-methylcholanthrene-induced) tumour was T cell independent. Furthermore, both B cells and macrophages were required. It was concluded that the mechanism involved complement-dependent antibody-mediated lysis of the tumour cells, with B cells producing antibody and macrophages producing the complement components during incubation. However, antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity with or without complement could not be completely excluded. Although antibody was detected in vivo, specific antibody against Meth A tumour was produced in vitro by cultured lymphoid cells from the tumour-bearers. Antibody-coated Meth A cells caused regression of some tumours when inoculated into BALB/c mice. When these regressor mice were rechallenged with tumour, they were found to be permanently immune to the tumour. In the light of these findings, the role of antibody in the protection of tumours and its implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of cytochalasin A and B, colchicine and vinblastine on tumor cell killing by macrophages activated in vitro with lymphocyte mediators was examined. Both cytochalasins reversibly inhibited the killing of tumor cells by activated macrophages. Kinetic studies with cytochalasin B suggested that this drug exerts its effect on an early step of the cytotoxic process. Additional studies revealed that the drug inhibited the binding of tumor cells by activated macrophages.Colchicine inhibited both the binding and the killing of tumor cells by activated macrophages, whereas its structural analogue, lumicolchicine, had no effect on either macrophage function.Vinblastine also inhibited the binding and killing of tumor cells. However, this drug no longer inhibited tumor cell binding at low concentrations (<10?6M) that still inhibited tumor cell killing. Further, vinblastine inhibited tumor cell killing when added late to an ongoing cytolytic reaction.These results suggest that the cytochalasins, colchicine and vinblastine inhibit macrophage mediated cytotoxicity by preventing intimate contact between the effector macrophages and their targets. In addition, vinblastine also appears to inhibit a later step of the cytolytic process, possibly the secretion of a cytotoxic macrophage product.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the production of monoclonal mouse antibody responses in vitro against human cell surface antigens. Limiting numbers of immune spleen cells were transferred to syngeneic, irradiated recipients whose spleen fragments were then cultured in vitro and stimulated to produce antibody. The majority of the antibody from any one fragment culture was likely to be the product of a single donor B cell and thus monoclonal. Evidence for this included a linear relationship between donor cell transferred and spleen fragments producing antibody, extremely restricted isoelectric focusing patterns of the individual antibody products, and unique reactivity patterns of these antibodies against a panel of human lymphoid cells. Different human B leukemia cells were seen as immunogenically distinct by the mouse. By using the monoclonal mouse antibodies as probes, a fine analysis of cell surface antigens is jow possible.  相似文献   

Within the intestine reside unique populations of innate and adaptive immune cells that are involved in promoting tolerance towards commensal flora and food antigens while concomitantly remaining poised to mount inflammatory responses toward invasive pathogens. Antigen presenting cells, particularly DCs and macrophages, play critical roles in maintaining intestinal immune homeostasis via their ability to sense and appropriately respond to the microbiota. Efficient isolation of intestinal DCs and macrophages is a critical step in characterizing the phenotype and function of these cells. While many effective methods of isolating intestinal immune cells, including DCs and macrophages, have been described, many rely upon long digestions times that may negatively influence cell surface antigen expression, cell viability, and/or cell yield. Here, we detail a methodology for the rapid isolation of large numbers of viable, intestinal DCs and macrophages. Phenotypic characterization of intestinal DCs and macrophages is carried out by directly staining isolated intestinal cells with specific fluorescence-labeled monoclonal antibodies for multi-color flow cytometric analysis. Furthermore, highly pure DC and macrophage populations are isolated for functional studies utilizing CD11c and CD11b magnetic-activated cell sorting beads followed by cell sorting.  相似文献   

We describe a short term in vitro microcytotoxicity assay to study the killing by macrophages of adhering tumor cells prelabeled with [3H]proline. With this assay, killing of line 1 hepatoma cells can be demonstrated within 6 hr of cocultivation with normal macrophages activated in vitro with the lymphocyte mediator macrophage activating factor (MAF).The data show that the decrease in residual adhering radioactivity, on which the calculations of percent kill are based, results from the lysis as well as from the detachment of tumor cells. However, detached tumor cells fail to exclude trypan blue and are no longer capable of DNA and protein synthesis. This suggests that the detachment of intact but nonviable tumor cells precedes actual target cell lysis in this system.  相似文献   

The effect of protease inhibitors and substrates on the killing of tumor cells by in vitro activated macrophages was examined. Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, a serine esterase inhibitor, and the active site titrants TPCK and TLCK (chloromethyl ketone derivatives of tosyl-l-phenylalanine and tosyl-l-lysine) inhibited macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity in a dose-dependent and irreversible fashion. The synthetic protease substrates, tosyl-lysine methyl ester and tosyl-arginine methyl ester and the natural esterase inhibitors soybean trypsin inhibitor and antithrombin III had no effect. These results suggest that an activated macrophage-associated esterase may play a modulating role in the cytolytic interaction between activated macrophages and tumor cells.  相似文献   

In contrast to normal mouse peritoneal macrophages, activated macrophages almost totally inhibit [3H]TdR uptake by tumor target cells 24 hr after challenge. However, when the period of observation was extended to 48 or 72 hr, renewed [3H]TdR uptake by target cells was often, but not always, observed in the presence of activated macrophages. This apparent escape of target cells from the cytostatic effects of activated macrophages was not due to a subpopulation of resistant target cells, and autoradiographic studies revealed that target cells, inhibited from incorporating [3H]TdR by activated macrophages at 24 hr, were subsequently able to renew DNA synthesis and multiply. These results suggest that in the presence of activated macrophages, the almost total cytostasis of target cells does not necessarily mean that these cells are irreversibly damaged or killed.Escape from or maintenance of cytostasis was not peculiar to any of the target cells (L cells, EMT-6, Bladder 4934) or mouse strains (SW, C57BL, BALB/c) employed nor was it consistent with any of the forms of stimulation used for obtaining activated macrophages (Toxoplasma or Besnoitia infection; C. parvum treatment). However, the results suggest that when escape of target cells from the cytostatic effects of activated macrophages occurred, it may have been due to a qualitative or quantitative inadequacy of the population of macrophages employed.  相似文献   

The uptake of fluorescent-labeled liposomes (with a surfactant-like composition) by alveolar macrophages and alveolar type II cells was studied using flow cytometry, in vivo by instillation of the labeled liposomes in the trachea of ventilated rats followed by isolation of the alveolar cells and determination of the cell-associated fluorescence, and in vitro by incubation of isolated alveolar cells with the fluorescent liposomes. The results show that the uptake of liposomes by the alveolar cells is time and concentration dependent. In vivo alveolar macrophages internalize more than three times as many liposomes as alveolar type II cells, whereas in vitro, the amount of internalized liposomes by these cells is approximately the same. In vitro, practically all the cells (70-75%) internalize liposomes, whereas in vivo only 30% of the alveolar type II cells ingest liposomes vs. 70% of the alveolar macrophages. These results indicate that in vivo, only a small subpopulation of alveolar type II cells is able to internalize surfactant liposomes.  相似文献   

An ascites subline (AA) of the murine sarcoma MC1M grows in vivo in the peritoneal cavity but dies in vitro when cultured on glass or collagen. The viability of AA cells in vitro is not influenced in cocultures with fibroblast cell line L929, and is diminished in cocultures supplemented with macrophage culture supernatant or in cocultures with non-adherent peritoneal cells. However, AA cells proliferate in vitro on glass or collagen when cocultured with syngeneic, semisyngeneic, and allogeneic peritoneal macrophages. This was demonstrated by tritiated thymidine incorporation assay, by AA cell number counting, and by measuring AA cell protein content. Proliferation also occurs when AA cells are separated from the macrophage monolayer by millipore filters.  相似文献   

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