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The incorporation of labeled amino acids into the peptides of very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL) secreted by perfused rat liver was studied using a Ringer-albumin solution in the perfusate in place of serum to diminish exchange of peptides between VLDL and HDL. Among the lipoproteins, the greatest release of protein, greatest incorporation of amino acid, and highest specific activity were found in VLDL. After separation of the delipidated peptides by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel, the incorporation into VLDL peptides was found to be 5-10 times as great as into HDL peptides. There was virtually no incorporation into the peptides of low density lipoproteins (LDL). Approximately 25% of the radioactivity incorporated into perfusate VLDL failed to enter the 13% polyacrylamide gel. The remaining radioactivity was distributed primarily among three peptide bands; one, found in the upper portion of the gel, contained 45% of the total, most of the remainder being found in two rapidly migrating bands. These three peptides appear to approximate those of human apo-C in relative electrophoretic mobility. Most of the HDL peptide radioactivity entering the running gel was found in a band that migrates slightly faster than the main VLDL band. A portion of the radioactivity of this major HDL band did not enter the running gel unless beta-mercaptoethanol was present. Greater separation of these two bands by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for 24 hr confirmed that the major bands in VLDL and in HDL were different. The rapidly moving peptides of HDL were found to contain very little radioactivity. Determination of the intensity of staining of carrier-free perfusate VLDL and HDL peptides produced a pattern similar to the incorporation of labeled amino acids. It is concluded that the rapidly moving peptides, which may contain activators of lipoprotein lipase, are only secreted as part of the VLDL.  相似文献   

Radiation inactivation and target analysis were used to determine the molecular mass of the binding sites for high density lipoproteins (HDL) on membranes prepared from human fibroblasts. These membrane binding sites shared characteristics with the previously described HDL binding sites on whole fibroblasts in tissue culture. They exhibited the same affinity for HDL, the same ligand specificity, and the same sensitivity to proteolytic agents. They were also up-regulated by cholesterol loading of the cells. Kinetics of HDL dissociation from membrane binding sites could not be described by a single exponential function, indicating that HDL probably bind to multiple classes of sites on fibroblast membranes. After exposure to ionizing radiation, these sites decreased in number as an apparent single exponential function of radiation dose, corresponding to an average molecular mass of 16,000 +/- 1,000 Da, which is smaller than any known cell-surface receptor protein. These data indicate that HDL binding sites on fibroblast membranes are not "classical" receptors in that they are kinetically heterogeneous and small in molecular mass.  相似文献   

Metabolism of high density lipoproteins by the perfused rabbit liver   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The role of the liver in the catabolism of high density lipoproteins (HDL) was examined in isolated perfused rabbit livers. Using 125I-labeled rabbit HDL the disappearance of labeled apolipoproteins from the perfusate was biphasic with 7% of the label removed after 20 min and a further 6% between 20 and 90 min. In contrast, with HDL labeled with [3H]cholesteryl esters 35% of label had been removed after 90 min. The effect of liver perfusion on HDL size and composition was further studied by recirculating rabbit HDL for 120 min. In control experiments HDL was incubated at 37 degrees C for 120 min with nonperfused media and with media that had been liver perfused. The added HDL was predominantly particles of 4.8-4.9-mm radius, and incubation with nonperfused and preperfused media produced no significant change in size. However, liver perfusion resulted in particles predominantly 4.2-4.3-mm radius. Hepatic perfusion also significantly reduced HDL cholesteryl ester composition as a percentage of lipoproteins mass from 13.3 +/- 2.2% in control incubations to 10.7 +/- 3.1% (p less than 0.001), and cholesteryl ester:protein mass ratio was reduced from 0.31 +/- 0.06 in control to 0.24 +/- 0.10 (p less than 0.001) after 120 min of liver perfusion. Thus interaction of rabbit HDL with rabbit liver results in smaller HDL particles significantly depleted of core cholesteryl esters.  相似文献   

To identify the role of a specific apoprotein other than apoE which might be responsible for the receptor-mediated uptake of high density lipoprotein (HDL) by rat hepatocytes, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) was combined with rat apoE, apoA-I, or apoA-IV to form apoprotein-phospholipid complexes and the complexes were tested for their binding and uptake by primary rat hepatocytes. Apoprotein-POPC complexes were labeled with the specific fluorescent probe, 1,1-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine to monitor their uptake by cultured rat hepatocytes at 37 degrees C using digital fluorescence imaging microscopy or were labeled with 125I to study their binding to hepatocytes at 4 degrees C. POPC, either alone or with apoA-I, was not internalized by rat hepatocytes while complexes containing apoE or apoA-IV were taken up by the cells. Specific binding at 4 degrees C was demonstrated for apoE-free HDL, apoA-IV X POPC, and apoE X POPC but not for apoA-I X POPC. The binding of apoE-free HDL was inhibited by apoA-IV X POPC, apoE-free HDL, and apoA-IV + apoA-I X POPC but not by apoA-I X POPC. Binding of apoA-IV X POPC was inhibited by apoE-free HDL, apoA-IV X POPC, and apoA-IV + apoA-I X POPC, but not by apoE X POPC or apoE-enriched HDL. These data indicate that apoA-IV is a ligand responsible for the rat HDL binding to primary rat hepatocytes and that apoA-IV binds to a receptor site distinct from apoE-dependent receptors such as the apoB,E or chylomicron-remnant receptor.  相似文献   

Upon incubation with rat liver membranes, radioiodinated rat intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL) interacted with at least two binding sites having a low and a high affinity as demonstrated by the curvilinear Scatchard plots obtained from the specific binding data. The purpose of our work was to identify the nature of these binding sites. Human low density lipoproteins (LDL), contain apolipoprotein B only, and human high density lipoproteins (HDL3), containing neither apolipoprotein B nor E, were both capable of decreasing the specific binding of rat 125I-IDL. The Scatchard analysis clearly revealed that only the low affinity component was affected by the addition of these human lipoproteins. In fact, the low affinity binding component gradually decreased as the amount of human LDL or HDL3 increased in the binding assay. At a 200-fold excess of human LDL or HDL3, the low affinity binding was totally masked, and the Scatchard plot of the specific 125I-IDL binding became linear. Only the high affinity binding component was left, enabling a precise measurement of its binding parameters. In a series of competitive displacement experiments in which the binding assay contained a 200-fold excess of human LDL or HDL3, only unlabeled rat IDL effectively displaced the binding of rat 125I-IDL. We conclude that the low affinity binding of rat IDL to rat liver membranes is due to weak interactions with unspecified lipoprotein binding sites. The camouflage of these sites by human lipoproteins makes possible the study of IDL binding to the high affinity component which likely represents the combined effect of IDL binding to both the remnant and the LDL receptors.  相似文献   

The catabolism of human and rat 125I-labelled very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) was compared by perfusing the lipoproteins through beating rat hearts. Triacylglycerol was removed from the VLDL to a greater extent than the protein moiety, leaving remnants containing relatively more apo-B and less apo-C. The change in apo-C content of the remnants correlated with the loss of triacylglycerol. The extent of removal of triacylglycerol from the rat and human VLDL was similar and in most cases appeared to saturate the heart lipoprotein lipase. The remnants were slightly smaller in size than the VLDL, and included particles which appeared to be partially emptied. In addition to remnants of d less than 1.019 g/ml, iodinated lipoproteins derived from rat and human VLDL were recovered at d 1.019-1.063 and 1.063-1.21 g/ml. The former contained largely cholesterol and cholesteryl esters, while phospholipids were the dominant lipid in the latter. An average of 40% of the 125I-labelled apoprotein lost from the VLDL was associated with the perfused hearts. Very little d 1.019-1.063 g/ml lipoprotein was produced from low (physiological) concentrations of rat VLDL, most of the lipoprotein being removed by the heart. However, lipoproteins of density 1.019-1.063 g/ml were formed from human VLDL at all concentrations in the perfusate, as well as from higher concentrations of the rat VLDL. Agarose gel filtration of lipoproteins following heart perfusion with human VLDL revealed large aggregates containing particles which resemble low density lipoproteins (LDL) in electron microscopic appearance and apoprotein composition, since they contain largely apo-B. These data suggest that at normal concentrations rat VLDL are almost completely catabolised and taken up by the heart without the formation of LDL, while LDL is produced from human VLDL at all concentrations.  相似文献   

The present investigation was designed to test the hypothesis that binding sites for high density lipoproteins (HDL3) on cell surfaces of peripheral tissues mediate cholesterol efflux from these cells. This hypothesis had been formulated to explain two observations: 1) HDL3 binding to peripheral cells and HDL3-mediated cholesterol efflux from these cells had both been found to saturate at similar unbound (free) HDL3 concentrations; and 2) both of these processes had been found to be similarly "up-regulated" by loading the cells with cholesterol. In the present study, however, we found that the "specific" binding of HDL3 to cholesterol-loaded human fibroblasts was saturated at a free HDL3 concentration of approximately 20 micrograms protein/ml, whereas efflux of cholesterol from these cells to HDL3 did not "saturate" even at a free HDL3 concentration of 2000 micrograms protein/ml. In addition, we found that the increase in cholesterol efflux caused by loading the fibroblasts with cholesterol was no greater when the acceptor particles were HDL3 than when albumin or phospholipid vesicles served as acceptors, despite a marked increase in HDL3 binding to these cells. Because HDL3 binding to these cells and HDL3-mediated cholesterol efflux from these cells do not saturate at similar free HDL3 concentrations, and because the cholesterol-induced increase in HDL3 binding is not accompanied by a similar increase in cholesterol efflux that is specific for HDL3, we conclude that the described HDL3 binding sites on human fibroblasts do not mediate cholesterol efflux.  相似文献   

Low density lipoproteins (LDL) of human blood, once oxidized, provoke cholesterol accumulation in cells of arterial wall, which favors the development of atherosclerosis. Oxidative modification of LDL can result from their interaction with hypochlorous acid produced in the halogenation cycle of myeloperoxidase (MPO). On account that MPO is able to form complexes with LDL it seems important to learn the forces promoting such contacts and to spot the likely binding sites for the enzyme on the surface of LDL particles. In this study affinity chromatography on MPO-Sepharose showed that MPO-LDL complexes are uncoupled at ionic strength above 0.3 M NaCl or when pH of solution goes below 3.6. This is an evidence of ionic interaction between MPO and LDL. We used spin probes of lipid nature embedded in phospholipid monolayer so that a variety of distances between the surface of an LDL particle and the paramagnetic center of a spin probes was provided. Since MPO interaction with labeled LDL caused no alteration of EPR spectra it was concluded that lipid components of LDL are not involved in MPO binding. Analysis of Mn2+ distribution between LDL surface and the aqueous milieu showed that the surface negative charge of LDL is not considerably changed upon interaction with MPO. It can be suggested that interaction of LDL with MPO does not involve phospholipids that are the principal carriers of the surface charge. Among synthetic oligopeptides with amino acid sequences mimicking those of apoB-100 fragments – 1EEEMLEN7, 53VELEVPQ59 and 445EQIQDDCTGDED456 – only the latter could replace MPO in the complex with LDL. It is concluded that the likely site of interaction with MPO is the amino acid stretch 445–456 of apoB-100 in LDL.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin was first found in nuclei in protein A24 where its carboxyl terminal is covalently bound to histone 2A by an isopeptide linkage (Goldknopf, I. L. and Busch, H. (1977) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 74, 864–868). Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the 0.4 N H2SO4 soluble proteins from fractionated rat liver chromatin showed that protein A24 and histones H1, H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 were present in fractions P1 and P2 and markedly diminished in relative amounts in fraction S2. Conversely, a spot designated Ub was found in fraction S2 along with an increased amount and number of non-histone proteins. The Ub spot was not found in chromatin fractions P1 and P2. Ub was identified as ubiquitin by migration on two-dimensional gels and after purification by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis by its methionine NH2-terminal amino acid and its amino acid composition.  相似文献   

Utilization of cholesterol-rich lipoproteins by perfused rat adrenals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study describes high density lipoprotein (HDL) uptake in the rat adrenal using a newly developed nonrecycling perfusion technique to control both the quality and quantity of the supplied lipoprotein. The aim of the study was to quantify a nonendocytic (alternative) pathway in the delivery of HDL-cholesterol. All experiments were conducted using an acute lipoprotein-deficient rat model (24 h 4-aminopyrazolo-[3, 4-d]-pyrimidine, 4-APP) in which circulating levels of cholesterol were reduced by one half, but various adrenal gland measurements of cholesterol metabolism were unchanged. Both rat HDL (rHDL) and affinity-purified human HDL3 (hHDL3) were used throughout the study. Microscopic autoradiographs (ARGs) indicate that both ligands bind avidly and exclusively to cells of the adrenal fasciculata and reticularis zones. Despite differences in binding affinity, both ligands deliver approximately the same total cholesterol to the cell interior as estimated by double-labeled residualizing tags on HDL (i.e., 125I-labeled dilactitol tyramine-[3H]cholesteryl linoleyl ether (DTT-CLE) HDL). The internalized cholesterol can account for much of the corticosterone produced during the 90-min time frame; however, only a small fraction of this cholesterol could have been provided via the endocytic pathway. Data obtained with the use of 125I-labeled DTT-[3H]CLE-HDL show that only 8.0% (or 0.7%) of corticosterone produced with rHDL (or hHDL3) could have come from cholesterol internalized as a component of intact HDL (i.e., via the endocytic pathway). These calculations strengthen the electron microscopy autoradiographic data that show that few exposed silver grains (representing the localization of the 125I-isotope) are found within the cell cytoplasm. Thus, despite differences in the uptake characteristics of the two ligands, most of the HDL-cholesterol internalized and used for corticosterone production during adrenal perfusion apparently comes from a pathway in which intact HDL are not internalized.  相似文献   

Isolated rat livers were perfused for 4 hours in a recirculating system containing washed rat erythrocytes. Biologically screened, radioiodinated low density lipoproteins (1.030 < d < 1.055 g/ml) were added to the perfusate with different amounts of whole serum to supply unlabeled rat low density lipoproteins. Apolipoprotein B contained 90% of the bound (131)I, other apolipoproteins contained 4%, and lipids contained the remainder. The fraction of apolipoprotein mass degraded during the perfusion was quantified by the linear increment of non-protein-bound radioiodine in the perfusate, corrected for the increment observed during recirculation of the perfusate in the absence of a liver. The fractional catabolic rate ranged from 0.3 to 1.7%/hr in seven experiments and was inversely related to the size of perfusate pool of low density apolipoprotein. The catabolic rate of low density apolipoprotein (fractional catabolic rate x pool size) in four livers, in which the concentration of rat low density lipoproteins was 50-100% of that present in intact rats, was 5.3 +/- 2.7 micro g hr(-1) (mean +/- SD). Similar results were obtained with human low density lipoproteins. These rates were compared with catabolic rates for the apoprotein of rat low density lipoproteins in intact animals. Fractional catabolic rate in vivo, obtained by multi-compartmental analysis of the disappearance curve of (131)I-labeled low density apolipoprotein from blood plasma, was 15.2 +/- 3.1% hr(-1) (mean +/- SD). Total catabolic rate in vivo (fractional catabolic rate x intravascular pool of low density apolipoprotein) was 76 +/- 14 micro g hr(-1) (mean +/- SD). The results suggest that only a small fraction of low density apolipoprotein mass in rats is degraded by the liver.  相似文献   

1. The uptake of 125I-labelled high density lipoproteins (HDL) in various organs of the rat was determined after an intravenous injection. The uptake of 125I-labelled polyvinylpyrrolidone in the same organs was determined in order to assess uptake by fluid endocytosis. The uptake/organ was highest for the liver. The adrenals showed the highest uptake/unit weight of the organs studied. The liver, the kidneys and the spleen showed comparable values for uptake/g of tissue. The uptake of 125I-labelled HDL exceeded by far that of 125I-labelled polyvinylpyrrolidone in the liver, the kidneys, the spleen and the adrenals, indicating that the uptake of 125I-labelled HDL was mediated by adsorptive endocytosis. 2. The in vivo uptake of 125I-labelled HDL was determined in purified hepatocytes and non-parenchymal cells prepared by collagenase perfusion of livers from animals after intravenous injections of 125I-labelled HDL. When expressed per cell, the hepatocytes and the non-parenchymal liver cells took up about the same amount of 125I-labelled HDL. 3. The in vitro uptake and degradation of 125I-labelled HDL in isolated rat hepatocytes was studied. The uptake at increasing concentrations of 125I-labelled HDL was saturable indicating uptake mediated through binding sites. 125I-labelled HDL were easily degraded by contaminating proteases from the perfusate. 4. Subcellular fractionation by isopycnic centrifugation indicated that the accumulation of 125I-labelled HDL did not take place in the lysosomes, but rather on the plasma membrane and possibly in the endosomes (phagosomes). 5. 125I-labelled HDL were internalized into the cells and degraded in the lysosomes. Leupetin and chloroquine, inhibitors of the lysosomal function effectively inhibited the formation of 125I-labelled acid-soluble radioactivity by the cells. Chloroquine, but not the protease inhibitor leupeptin, reduced the hydrolysis of the cholesteryl ester moiety of HDL.  相似文献   

Nascent high density lipoprotein (HDL) and nascent very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) were isolated from rat livers that had been perfused with [3H]glycerol to label the triglyceride. When injected into intact rats, the labeled HDL-triglyceride disappeared as rapidly as the VLDL-triglyceride, with only 10% of the injected label remaining in the plasma after 30 min. The protein moiety of nascent HDL was labeled with [35S]methionine in a similar fashion and the labeled nascent HDL was separated into nonretained (NR) and retained (R) fractions by heparin-Sepharose affinity chromatography. When injected into rats, 55% of the injected label in nascent fraction NR and 72% of that in nascent fraction R was recovered from plasma at 30 min, compared to only 10% of the triglyceride label from unfractionated nascent HDL, indicating dissociation of triglyceride and apolipoprotein clearance. The plasma decay curves for both triglyceride and protein were biexponential. By 5 min, 15% of the 35S label remaining in plasma represented apoE and apoC that had been transferred from nascent HDL fractions NR and R to the d less than 1.063 g/ml fraction of plasma. Plasma HDL was labeled in vivo with [35S]methionine, separated into fractions NR and R, and the clearance of the two plasma HDL fractions was compared with that of the corresponding nascent HDL fractions. Except for a faster rate of removal of the nascent HDL fractions during the first 5 min, the serum decay curves were very similar.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the rat, chylomicron remnants and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) remnants are taken up into the liver by high affinity processes and appear to undergo degradation by lysosomes. The relationship of this catabolic process to the known pathways of uptake and degradation of low density lipoproteins (LDL) and the involvement of nonparenchymal cells are addressed in these studies. We have utilized both light and electron microscopic radioautography to determine whether the pathway of intracellular transport and catabolism resembles that established for LDL in hepatocytes. Radioiodinated plasma VLDL remnants and lymph chylomicron remnants were injected into femoral veins of rats and the livers were fixed by perfusion 3 to 30 minutes later. Quantitative light microscopic radioautography showed little or no accumulation of grains over Kupffer cells. Electromicroscopic radioautography confirmed these observations and, in addition, demonstrated that very few grains were associated with endothelial cells. The processing of the remnant particles closely resembled that of LDL. Following an initial association of grains with the parenchymal cell plasma membrane, frequently in regions in close proximity to clathrin-coated endocytic pits, the grains were found in endocytic vesicles just beneath the plasma membrane. By 15 minutes the grains were found over multivesicular bodies located in the Golgi-lysosome region of the cell. Thirty minutes after injection, radioautographic grains began to be associated with secondary lysosomes. These data indicate no significant role for nonparenchymal cells in the internalization and subsequent degradation of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, and provide evidence that the processing of remnants as well as LDL follows the classical pathway of receptor-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

A previously unrecognized lipoprotein of very high density was isolated from rat serum. During zonal ultracentrifugation of whole serum or of fractions from Sepharose 4B chromatography, a peak comigrating with a peak of cholesterol was found between the typical high density lipoproteins and the residual serum proteins. Centrifugation of chylomicrons, very low density lipoproteins, and high density lipoproteins, radio-iodinated in their lipid and protein moieties and mixed with serum, did not yield this peak. The pooled fractions contained about 85% protein. The remainder was lipid comprising cholesteryl esters, free cholesterol, triglycerides, phosphatidylcholine, and sphingomyelin. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed bands in the region of apolipoproteins E and C as the major components. The composition suggested a lipoprotein, and this was substantiated by electron microscopy which showed particles with a mean diameter of 150 A. Their average hydrated density was 1.23 g/ml and the apparent molecular weight was 1.35 X 10(6). These very high density lipoproteins are characterized by a rapid catabolism as compared to high density lipoproteins. Within 10 min, 84% and 70% of intravenously injected 125I-labeled very high density lipoproteins were removed from plasma of male and female rats, respectively, and did not appear to be converted to lipoproteins of a different density class. Ninety-five percent of the removed 125I was recovered in the liver and the radioactivity per gram of tissue was also highest for the liver. Accordingly, the rate of clearance of 125I-labeled very high density lipoproteins was markedly reduced in functionally eviscerated rats. Radioautography revealed that most of the silver grains representing very high density lipoproteins were associated with hepatocytes and only about 1% was found over v. Kupffer cells. Uptake and degradation by freshly isolated rat hepatocytes were mediated by a saturable and specific binding site. Composition and metabolic pathway are compatible with a function of very high density lipoproteins in the transport of protein and lipids to the liver.  相似文献   

Asialoglycophorin-containing liposomes and their contents (125I-labeled bovine serum albumin) were taken up by a perfused rat liver with subsequent digestion of their protein components. The uptake of these liposomes required Ca2+ as well as desialylation. The process was inhibited partially by asialofetuin and completely by further addition of asialoglycophorin to the perfusate.  相似文献   

A postembedding labeling technique was employed to visualize human native low density lipoproteins (LDL) during transcytosis in rat arterial endothelium. For this purpose human LDL was perfused through rat vasculature before fixation and processing for immunoelectron microscopy. The LDL particles were located on sections by anti-human apolipoprotein B-100 (LDL) antibodies and secondary antibodies or protein-A conjugated to 10-nm colloidal gold. LDL molecules were seen in plasmalemmal vesicles as well as in the subendothelial space. No colloidal gold was found in the intercellular junctions. Perfusion with reductively methylated LDL, which cannot bind to the LDL receptor, gave a similar labeling pattern, indicating that transcytosis of LDL via plasmalemmal vesicles is most likely receptor independent. Furthermore, the passage of LDL through intact vascular endothelium is a vesicular transport rather than an intercellular diffusion process.  相似文献   

Cultured rat hepatocytes obtained by liver perfusion with collagenase in the presence of soybean trypsin inhibitor were used to examine the role of high density lipoproteins (HDL) in supplying cholesterol to the hepatocyte for bile acid synthesis. Within 6 hr of adding HDL (d 1.07-1.21 g/ml) obtained from rat serum there was a significant stimulation of bile acid synthesis and secretion that reached 2-fold after 24 hr. The stimulation by HDL occurred at normal plasma concentrations (i.e., 500 micrograms/ml) and showed further stimulation in a dose-dependent manner reaching a maximum stimulation of 2- to 2.5-fold. The stimulation of bile acid synthesis was dependent on the cholesteryl ester content of the HDL. Several lines of evidence show that the HDL is taken up by a receptor-mediated process dependent on apoE. These include: 1) at the same concentration (500 micrograms/ml) apoE-poor HDL (not retained by heparin affinity chromatography of HDL isolated from the plasma of rats fasted for 72 hr stimulated bile acid synthesis by 48%, whereas apoE-rich HDL stimulated bile acid synthesis by 110%; 2) reductive methylation totally blocked the stimulation of bile acid synthesis by HDL; 3) HDLC, which contained apoE as its major protein component, also maximally stimulated bile acid synthesis; and 4) human HDL, which contained no detectable apoE, failed to stimulate bile acid synthesis. Additional studies showed that apoE-enriched HDL and HDLC both inhibited cholesterol synthesis (determined by the incorporation of 3H2O) and caused a net accumulation of cholesteryl esters in hepatocytes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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