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Nonenzymatic glycation of histones in vitro and in vivo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Purified histones in solution, purified nuclei, or whole endothelial cells in cell culture were used to study the reactivity of histones with various sugars. The sugar incubation of purified histones produced nonenzymatic glycation and formation of histone cross-links showing disappearance of individual histone molecules and appearance of dimers and polymers in SDS-PAGE. In solution, core histones react considerably faster with sugars as compared to H1 histones. In sugar-incubated nuclei where histones are nucleosomally organized, H1 histones, which are located at the periphery of the nucleosome, and H2A-H2B dimers, which are associated with the central H3(2)-H4(2) tetramer, are more reactive as compared to H3 and H4 histones, which are most protected from the glycation reaction. Our in vivo experiments using endothelial cells show that high concentrations of ribose are able to generate protein cross-links paralleled by apoptotic cell death. High concentrations of glucose or fructose do not increase histone glycation or cell death, even after 60 days of incubation of endothelial cells. In long-time glucose- or fructose-treated cells, under nondenaturing and nonreducing SDS-PAGE conditions part of the H3 histones shifted away from their normal location. Because it is known that the mitochondrial production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) increases after hyperglycaemia, we hypothesize that ROS could be responsible for the formation of a disulphide bridge between the side chain of the cysteine residues of H3 molecules.  相似文献   

Guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP) plays a significant role in the bioenergetics, metabolism, and signaling of cells; consequently, any modifications to the structure of the molecule can have profound effects on a cell's survival and function. Previous studies in our laboratory demonstrated that like proteins, purines, and pyrimidines can nonenzymatically react with sugars to generate advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) and that these AGEs can form in vitro under physiological conditions. The objective of this investigation was twofold. First, it was to evaluate the susceptibility of ATP, GTP, CTP, and TTP to nonenzymatic modification by D-glucose and DL-glyceraldehyde, and second to assess the effect of various factors such as temperature, pH and incubation time, and sugar concentration on the rate and extent of nucleotide triphosphate AGE formation. Of the four nucleotide triphosphates that were studied, only GTP was significantly reactive forming a heterogeneous group of compounds with DL-glyceraldehyde. D-Glucose exhibited no significant reactivity with any of the nucleotide triphosphates, a finding that was supported by UV and fluorescence spectroscopy. Capillary electrophoresis, high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry allowed for a thorough analysis of the glycated GTP products and demonstrated that the modification of GTP by dl-glyceraldehyde occurred via the classical Amadori pathway.  相似文献   

The deleterious effects of glycoxidation are dependent on the half-life of proteins. Collagen, the main component of extracellular matrices, is a long live protein and thus may be sensitive to the glycoxidation process. We incubated calf skin fibrous type I collagen in PBS at 37 degrees C with glucose. The fibrous type I collagen was solubilized and an increase in the amount of advanced glycation end products of the solubilized fraction was observed. As there was no bacterial contamination and no proteolytic activities in the incubation medium, the solubilization of fibrous type I collagen is probably due to the speculative production of the free radicals in our experimental conditions. To test this hypothesis, fibrous type I collagen was incubated in PBS with AAPH (2,2'azo-bis 2-aminodinopropane) a free radicals generator. AAPH induced a dramatic and dose dependent solubilization of fibrous type I collagen.  相似文献   

The course of glycation of calf skin fibrous type I collagen was monitored in vitro under physiological conditions during an 8-week incubation period in order to take into account the long half-life of this protein. The formation of glycated compounds was measured by determining fructosamine, pentosidine, and carboxymethyllysine content. The incubation conditions were as physiological as possible in sterile saline phosphate buffer, except glucose concentration. With incubation medium containing 200 mmol glucose, fibrous collagen underwent solubilization; in addition an increase in fructosamine, pentosidine, and carboxymethyllysine content in both solubilized and remaining insoluble collagen was noticed. There was a spontaneous, restricted, and time-dependent native glycated state of collagen; high concentration glucose enhanced the formation of glycated compounds and induced changes in solubility and glycoxidated products. The production of pentosidine during incubation without glucose should be considered as an event resulting from the initial fructosamine. Whereas the production of carboxymethyllysine during long-term incubation with glucose provided indirect proof of an additional oxidative process after early glycated product formation. These experimental observations provide insight into the in vivo context of advanced glycation end product formation in chronic hyperglycemia and aging.  相似文献   

分别在酸性和碱性条件下通过氧化降解制备了两种黄原胶寡糖XG-H和XG-OH.红外光谱法对黄原胶寡糖的结构进行表征,凝胶渗透色谱法测定黄原胶寡糖的分子量,紫外可见分光光度法测定黄原胶寡糖的丙酮酸和还原糖含量,考察了两种黄原胶寡糖的抗氧化性能和非酶糖基化(NEG)的抑制作用.结果表明,XG-H和XG-OH都表现出一定的抗氧化能力且XG-OH强于XG-H; XG-OH促进5-羟甲基糠醛(非酶糖基化中间产物)的生成,但可显著抑制非酶糖基化荧光末端产物的生成.而XG-H表现出非酶糖基化促进作用.这可能与两种黄原胶寡糖的丙酮酸和还原糖含量有关.  相似文献   

Reactive amination of histone H1 by [U-14C]glucose was performed in the presence of sodium cyanoborohydride and was approximately proportional to the glucose concentration. Lysine was the principal amino acid substituted. Glycation also occurred in the absence of cyanoborohydride. Browning reactions of histones were monitored by ΔA325 whereby it was shown that glucose 6-phosphate was more reactive than glucose and that each of the histone fractions reacted with glucose 6-phosphate giving the browning reaction.  相似文献   

The IgG glycation level of 30 healthy subjects and 60 type 2 diabetic patients with different degrees of metabolic control was evaluated by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry, a technique allowing the determination of mass increase of the IgG molecule. When applied to the digested mixture obtained by the action of papain on the plasma protein fraction, the same method established the mass increase of Fab and Fc fragments of IgG; for the former, a higher mass increase was found, possibly explained by its high reactivity to glucose. Experimental results were confirmed by molecular modeling calculations. Results suggest that the immunodeficiency observed in diabetic patients may be due to the inhibition of molecular recognition between antibody and antigen as a result of a change in functionality of the modified Fab fragment of IgG.  相似文献   

Cartilage contains numerous noncollagenous proteins in its extracellular matrix, including proteoglycans. At least 40 such molecules have been identified, differing greatly in structure, distribution, and function. Some are present in only selected cartilages or cartilage zones, some vary in their presence with a person's development and age, and others are more universal in their expression. Some may not even be made by the chondrocytes, but may arise by absorption from the synovial fluid. In many cases, the molecules' function is unclear, but the importance of others is illustrated by their involvement in genetic disorders. This review provides a selective survey of these molecules and discusses their structure, function, and involvement in inherited and arthritic disorders.  相似文献   

Glycation of proteins and their subsequent structural and functional modifications have been ascribed to play a prominent role in the pathogenesis of several secondary complications of diabetes, such as cataract and retinopathy. In addition, it plays a role in the generalized ageing process as well. Investigations have been conducted to explore the possibility of preventing the above process by use of pyruvate and a-keto glutarate as representatives of physiologically compatible keto acids. The results demonstrate that both these compounds are effective in preventing the initial glycation reaction as well as the formation of AGE products. Both these compounds also inhibit the generation of high molecular weight aggregates associated with cataract formation. Mechanistically, the preventive effects appear to be due to (1) competitive inhibition of glycation by the keto acids and (2) the antioxidant (radical scavenging) properties of these compounds. The results are hence considered usefu l from the point of view of developing these and other keto acid derivatives as pharmacological agents useful in preventing glycation related protein changes and consequent tissue pathological manifestations.  相似文献   

Chondrodysplasia of gene knockout mice for aggrecan and link protein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The proteoglycan aggregate of the cartilage is composed of aggrecan, link protein, and hyaluronan and forms a unique gel-like moiety that provides resistance to compression in joints and a foundational cartilage structure critical for growth plate formation. Aggrecan, a large chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, is one of the major structural macromolecules in cartilage and binds both hyaluronan and link protein through its N-terminal domain G1. Link protein, a small glycoprotein, is homologous to the G1 domain of aggrecan. Mouse cartilage matrix deficiency (cmd) is caused by a functional null mutation of the aggrecan gene and is characterized by perinatal lethal dwarfism and craniofacial abnormalities. Link protein knockout mice show chondrodysplasia similar to but milder than cmd mice, suggesting a supporting role of link protein for the aggregate structure. Analysis of these mice revealed that the proteoglycan aggregate plays an important role in cartilage development and maintenance of cartilage tissue and may provide a clue to the identification of human genetic disorders caused by mutations in these genes. Published in 2003.  相似文献   

Aims: The actin filaments present in circulating leukocytes facilitate their passage through microvenules and capillaries by helping in their deformability. Decreased deformability of granulocytes is now known to cause occlusion of the retinal microcapillaries leading to hypoxia and the subsequent development of diabetic retinopathy. Structural and functional loss of proteins, due to non-enzymatic glycation and glycoxidation, has been reported to cause diabetic pathogenesis. As amino acids have been earlier reported to have antidiabetic properties, the present study involves the investigation of the susceptibility of the cytoskeletal actin to glycation and its mitigation by free amino acids. This study also involves quantifying F-actin in cultured mononuclear cells obtained from diabetic and normal healthy volunteers and on the effect of glucose and free amino acids on F-actin content. Methods: Commercial non-muscle actin and actin immuno-pre-cipitated from granulocytes obtained from (a) normal healthy human volunteers and (b) patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were subjected to glycation studies using [U] 14C glucose. The effect of free amino acids, as antiglycating agents, was determined using various concentrations of lysine, arginine, alanine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid. F-actin content in cultured mononuclear cells was estimated by flow cytometry using fluorescein isothiocynate (FITC)-Phalloidin. Results: Commercial actin at physiological conditions of pH and temperature was found to undergo non-enzymatic glycation. The extent of in vitro glycation was significantly low (P<0.001) in actin isolated from patients with type2 diabetes when compared to the non-diabetic group, suggesting an increased in vitro structural modification of actin in patients with diabetes. All the free amino acids tested were found to have varying degrees of antiglycating effect. The F-actin content in the intact mononuclear cells obtained from diabetic patients was found to be low when compared with normal healthy volunteers (P<0.001). Similarly the F-actin content was significantly low when the normal mononuclear cells were incubated with glucose. This effect was reversed upon the addition of free amino acids to the incubation mixture. Conclusions: Free amino acids can play a positive role in improving leukocyte deformability by mitigating cytoskeletal actin glycation and improving F-actin content.  相似文献   

HL is synthesized in hepatocytes and functions while bound to heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) in sinusoidal endothelial cells. The HL-mediated uptake of lipoprotein requires cell-surface HSPG. The present study tested whether HL plays a role in the production of HSPG. The production of HSPG in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells was determined by measuring the incorporation of (35)SO(4) into PGs. HL-producing HL-CHO cells showed approximately 30% more cellular PG than did wild-type (WT) cells. In contrast, PG production in cells producing a membrane-anchored HL-glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI) that was not bound to HSPG was virtually identical to that in WT cells. When purified HL was added to the WT- or HL-GPI cells, PG production increased significantly to a level similar to that of the HL-secreting cells, suggesting that the binding of HL to HSPG triggered the increased HSPG production. Heparin reduced PG production in HL-producing cells, confirming that PG production is stimulated only when HL is present as a ligand for HSPG. Real-time PCR and Northern blots demonstrated that PG production was significantly reduced in animals lacking HL. Together, these data suggest that the binding of HL to PG on the cell surface exerts a positive feedback on cellular PG production.  相似文献   

A study was made the influence exerted by non-enzymatic glycosylation (glycation) and oxidative destruction on structural and functional parameters of actin (free NH2-groups, advanced glycation end product and bityrosine cross-linking content, DNase inhibition by G-actin and myosin Mg(2+)-ATPase activation by F-actin). The functional properties of actin were shown to change under high molecular weight product formation and oxidative destruction: the extent of DNAase I inhibition decreases (from 70 to 40%) and the extent of myosin Mg(2+)-ATPase decreases (by 40%). Carnosine prevents actin oligomer formation and oxidative destruction which favours preservation of the protein functional properties.  相似文献   

Nonenzymatically glycated proteins are preferentially transported across the glomerular filtration barrier, and the glomerular mesangium in diabetes is bathed with serum containing increased concentrations of glycated albumin. We investigated effects of glycated albumin on mesangial cells, which are involved in diabetic nephropathy. [3H]-thymidine incorporation was significantly inhibited when murine mesangial cells were grown in culture media containing human serum that had been nonenzymatically glycated by incubation for 4 days with 28 mM glucose. This inhibition was reversed when monoclonal antibodies that selectively react with Amadori products of glycated albumin were added to the culture media. Purified glycated albumin containing Amadori adducts of the glycation reaction induced significant inhibition of thymidine incorporation and stimulation of Type IV collagen secretion compared with cells cultured in the presence of purified nonglycated albumin. These changes were prevented when monoclonal antibodies specifically reactive with fructosyl-lysine epitopes in glycated albumin were added to the cultures. The antibodies had no effect on growth or collagen production in the presence of nonglycated albumin. The results provide the first evidence directly implicating Amadori adducts in glycated albumin in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy, which is characterized by decreased cellularity in association with expansion of the mesangial matrix.  相似文献   

Glycation is chemical reaction by which sugar molecule bonds with a protein without the help of enzymes. This is often cause to many diseases and therefore the knowledge about glycation is very important. In this paper, we present iProtGly‐SS, a protein lysine glycation site identification method based on features extracted from sequence and secondary structural information. In the experiments, we found the best feature groups combination: Amino Acid Composition, Secondary Structure Motifs, and Polarity. We used support vector machine classifier to train our model and used an optimal set of features using a group based forward feature selection technique. On standard benchmark datasets, our method is able to significantly outperform existing methods for glycation prediction. A web server for iProtGly‐SS is implemented and publicly available to use: http://brl.uiu.ac.bd/iprotgly-ss/ .  相似文献   

The failure of cartilage mineralization in osteochondrotic cartilage may be due to an impaired proteoglycan production. Thein vitro production of proteoglycans was therefore studied in the joint cartilage of growing pigs, aged 9–18 weeks, after incubation of cartilage samples with35S-sulfate. Cartilage was obtained from different areas of the femoral condyles and samples from these areas were further divided into three layers, where the superficial layer contains articular cartilage and the basal layers consist of growth cartilage. There was no significant difference in the overall amount of35S-proteoglycans synthesized in different areas of the condyles. However, the total production of35S-proteoglycans per mg tissue was highest in the basal layer in all areas. This was not due to a larger number of cells; the superficial layer contained more DNA per mg tissue than the basal layer. Gel chromatography on Sepharose CL-2B of the cartilage extracts, which resulted in the separation of large proteoglycans (K av 0.4) from proteoglycans of small hydrodynamic size (K av 0.8), showed that the relative amount of large proteoglycans increased with the distance from the articular surface. Again, no difference in the relative amounts of large and small proteoglycans were found when cartilage from different areas were compared. Osteochondrotic cartilage was detected in the pigs aged 12–18 weeks. In areas where osteochondrotic cartilage were present, the total production of35S-proteoglycans was lowered and the relative amount of large proteoglycans was less than that found in the adjoining areas devoid of osteochondrotic lesions. The data available indicate that the higher relative amount of small proteoglycans in the osteochondrotic cartilage was partly caused by degradation of the large proteoglycans (aggrecan).  相似文献   

Bone elongation originates from cartilaginous discs (growth plates) at both ends of a growing bone. Here chondrocytes proliferate and subsequently enlarge (hypertrophy), laying down a matrix that serves as the scaffolding for subsequent bone matrix deposition. Because cartilage is generally avascular, all nutrients, oxygen, signaling molecules, and waste must be transported relatively long distances through the tissue for it to survive and function. Here we examine the transport properties of growth plate cartilage. Ex vivo, fluorescence photobleaching recovery methods are used in tissue explants. In vivo, multiphoton microscopy is used to image through an intact perichondrium and into the cartilage of anesthetized mice. Systemically introduced fluorescent tracers are monitored directly as they move from the vasculature into the cartilage. We demonstrate the existence of a relatively permissive region at the midplane of the growth plate, where chondrocytes transition from late proliferative to early hypertrophic stages and where paracrine communication is known to occur between chondrocytes and cells in the surrounding perichondrium. Transport in the living mouse is also significantly affected by fluid flow from the two chondro-osseus junctions, presumably resulting from a pressure difference between the bone vasculature and the cartilage.  相似文献   

Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) are formed over several weeks to months by non-enzymatic glycation and oxidation (“glycoxidation”) reactions between carbohydrate-derived carbonyl groups and protein amino groups, known as the Maillard reaction. Pentosidine is one of the best-characterized AGEs and is accepted as a satisfactory marker for glycoxidation in vivo. The present study was intended to measure pentosidine concentrations in umbilical cord blood from newborns with various gestational ages using our recently established high-performance liquid chromatography method [Tsukahara, H. et al. (2003) Pediatr. Res. 54, 419-424]. Our study demonstrates, for the first time, that pentosidine is detected in most of the umbilical blood samples. This study also shows that the umbilical blood concentrations of pentosidine are considerably lower than normal adult values, but that they increase with gestation progression and fetal growth. Umbilical pentosidine concentrations were significantly elevated in newborns of mothers with preeclampsia compared to those of mothers without preeclampsia. We conclude that accumulation of AGEs and oxidative stress occurs in fetal tissues and organs in utero at the early stage of human life and that their accumulation is augmented in the maternal preeclampsic condition.  相似文献   

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